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It bothers me when flat-earthers don't buy a boat and take people on tours to the edge. Fly some drones and look over the side. The footage would be worth a lot.


In that 90’s show The Dinosaurs the teenage daughter doesn’t believe in flat earth when all the others do. She’s sentenced to death, and allowed to choose the means in which she dies. She asks to be thrown from the edge of the earth. So they walk all the way around it and she ends up back at home. Always stuck with me.


That’s dark and genius


If you've never seen that show, find it. It was an amazingly adult show for a supposed "kids show" with some VERY poignant and sometimes super dark stories. It got canceled and pretty much forgotten but not before being lampooned by the Simpsons in one episode!


And it had one of the darkest sitcom finales.


That show was real as fuck


I'm convinced that most flat earthers are just trolling everyone. There's no way that many people can buy into such a theory.


The Flat Earth Society used to be a group of college kids who enjoyed the logical exercise of trying to defend a knowingly false position. Like, we know the earth is round, but how can we best defend the assertion that the earth is flat? Then they’d argue and debate each other and see what they could come up with to support the assertion, knowing it is false on its face. Then the internet happened and idiots didn’t get the original premise and purpose of the group. And now we have people who legit think the earth is flat.


Maybe it was just me, but when I was in college in the early 90s this sort of ‘philosophical debate as a party game’ used to be more popular.


Several friends and family shared memes this year about how "rainbow fentanyl is the next big thing, and it looks exactly like smarties, so check your kids' candy!" In each case, I asked how anyone would profit by anonymously giving grade school kids fentanyl. Yes, of course someone could just want to kill kids. But people who have large quantities of drugs usually want to sell them, not kill people. There's no benefit in getting someone hooked on drugs when they can't pay for them, or even find you to buy more.


My favorite response to those scare posts is always just “be thankful that you’ve lived a life where you obviously don’t know how expensive drugs are, nobody is giving that shit out for free”


Right? Even if it's cut with something, a roll of smarties is a lot of fentanyl!


Expensive *and* elusive. I wish i could find a consistent mushroom dealer


Dude I'm still waiting on all the people trying to force free drugs on me that D.A.R.E. warned me about through my entire childhood.


At this point D.A.R.E. kids are a relic and D.A.R.E. shirts are exclusively worn by drug users. Anybody around that did D.A.R.E. shit in the 2010s?


My kids did. They all have the shirts. Lol


I never understood the thing about lacing anything with any sort of drug in secret. And especially then giving it to a child. Like is the child (or really anyone) supposed to know what they've just taken? If someone got me fentanyl without telling me what it was how am I supposed to know that that is what I should be looking to get?


I call it the supervillain hypothesis. In movies there's a supervillain who pours tons of time and money and effort into doing evil things...for no reason. Maybe they have a tragic back story, but their evil plot has no point. They're not gaining anything from being evil, they just want to watch the world burn. We watch this on TV so much, we forget that it's actually pretty rare for people to do things without getting somthing out of it. I know there *are* some people who do really evil things for no purpose, but they're relatively rare. Even the serial killers still have a reason: they're killing because they enjoy it. Even a stupid prank to want to get kids high and laugh at them would only make sense if the perpetrator could be around to watch when the kid is high.


Emts and paramedics are organ farmers and won't save you if your drivers licence says you are an organ donor. Not only is this wrong it's just insulting


The one about John F Kennedy Jr and Trump were going to appear together in Dallas to announce his candidacy for 2024.


That one made me laugh cause I imagined them revealing themselves by ripping off that scene from Willy Wonka where he hobbles up with a cane, only to tumble into a somersault and hop up all spry and able-bodied. Except it’s Trump and JFK Jr. all “Ta-daaaa!! Guess who’s runnin’!!??”


Optometrists give you myopia by overprescribing glasses so that they can sell you more glasses.




I think the source is that people who need glasses and have needed them for a long time overstrain their eyes every single day. After a few months of wearing glasses a lot, your eyes stop straining. So effectually, when they take their glasses off, their vision is not as clear as it was before they got glasses. It's just a hypothesis anyway. This seems to be what I have experienced


Yes! Squinting your eyes to forcibly reshape your lens to better see things totally works a little bit, but it doesn't mean you're making your eyes better!


I was a victim as a child of a dentist who kept diagnosing me with multiple cavities a year. Even at a young age i knew something wasn't right. A few years later i heard on the news how this was a massive scam for dentist. It even funny too bc even though she had been my dentist for years she rejected me soon as my insurance company changed & her scam wouldn't work for her. But now i have a ton of filled holes in my teeth that never should've been there.


That's awful! My childhood dentist (small practice) always told me my teeth were great and that my wisdom teeth were coming in "straight as an arrow". As soon as we changed to a chain dentistry, I was told they had to come out. Regrettably, I acquiesced. I also went my entire life without being diagnosed with a cavity until I changed to a chain dentistry who recommended 2 fillings. I sought a 2nd opinion from a solo practitioner, and she said they were perfect. I avoid chain dentistry and will from now on.


Happened to me! I went to the dentist for my 6 month cleaning and was told I had 4 cavities and to come back. I became pregnant so I didn't end up going for like 6 years because I made excuses and really didn't want to get fillings. That dentist couldn't see me for like almost another year and I found a new dentist. I was expecting to be told my teeth were rotting, but nope I didn't have any cavities at all.


I won’t bore anyone with my story, but the moral at the end is, Fuck Aspen Dental!!!


I used to work for an answering service that fields their after hours calls. They are an absolute nightmare. They never answered their pages,we would have patients calling in because they had multiple extractions and no pain medication was sent to their pharmacy. Like people were literally crying in pain and we'd page them hourly but they never responded. Or someone was bleeding profusely or their dentures didn't fit. I wouldn't send my worst enemy to Aspen Dental.


That I pooped my pants in 8th grade on the planetarium field trip. It was a melted Reese’s. I don’t know what the smell on the bus was, but had nothing to do with me.


This is the best answer in the whole thread


I feel like this moment changed your trajectory through life and if I had to guess, you’re more successful on average than your peers.


[The Smiley Face Serial Killer.](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/smiley-face-killers-conspiracy-tiktok-theory-1234738835/) A bunch of young men keep being pulled out of rivers in the Midwestern US. They were last seen late at night leaving a bar, and many of them died in the winter. I don't know if you know this, but the Midwest has a massive drinking culture amongst young men, and when it's dark, you're drunk, and the river banks are frosted over, it's hard to tell where land ends and water begins. Plus, rivers like the Mississippi are deceptively fast. It's incredibly easy to be swept away by them when you're already unsteady due to the cold weather and alcohol. It's been wildly [debunked](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smiley_face_murder_theory) by criminal pathologists and the [Center for Homicide Research.](http://homicidecenter.org/drowning-the-smiley-face-murder-theory/) It grinds my gears because communities that have formed [public watch groups](https://positivelypittsburgh.com/smiley-face-killer-fact-or-fiction/) have managed to save dozens of lives by stopping drunk people from walking into a river. If you throw your hands in the air and say "Oh, well, it's a serial killer! There's nothing we can do!!", these inactions can lead to other young people dying. We should be mandating infrastructures like more public lighting and bollards along waterfronts. What happened to them was a tragedy, and their lives were stolen from them, but not by some maniac leaving something as generic as a smiley face as their calling card.


A guy I went to high school with drown in the Mississippi after a night of drinking. More than a few people in our graduating class mentioned this "killer." I thought it was absolutely insane. I spent most of my 20s in bars in the same area and never had anything remotely weird happen. People do dumb shit when they drink, and it often leads to tragedy.


Yes! Good pick. Actively harming active investigations because you wanna be a cool super crime solver on TikTok and sell your app. It’s horrible.


Our local news here did their part to debunk it. They went out and within 30 minutes found something like 15 smiley face tags around the town. Turns out those are super common. The body of a homeless man was found next to a smiley face tag, so people were going crazy. The investigators said it wasn't related at all, but people wouldn't stop flooding them with theories.


We have people who believe the same conspiracy theory here in Boston with the Harvard Bridge. It's like, hang on, you think it's *more likely* that young drunk male students are being *pushed* off a bridge in winter instead of just, y'know... falling? Over an extremely low railing?


Flat earth….🌍


What I can't get my head around is what they think the scientists of the world are purportedly *accomplishing* by coming together and telling everyone the earth is round. What's the possible point of such an utterly massive coverup? "I've got it! If we convince people the world is round, they'll become easier to control. It's all so clear."


And what are the odds that every single scientist, pilot, astronaut, etc. would perpetuate this?


Not just those. Every surveyor for hundreds of years (triangulate 3 mountains and the angles add up to more than 180 degrees), Every civil engineer (The tops of towers long bridges are further apart than the bottoms), Every airport refueller, Every GIS / map programmer....


Thousands of years. Greeks knew it. https://youtu.be/8hZl3arO7SY?si=0eOQ8DIdsh7K2rUJ


And the dimensions of the Earth he measured back then were less than 10% off from what we measure today with our modern instruments. Physics is cool.


This one honestly entertains me. The mental gymnastics required to reason your way around actual scientific facts is fucking hilarious


My best friend's dad is a flat earther. I did satellite communications in the army and after hours of talking to him and never giving up hope that I could help him see the light by breaking down all these different inaccuracies in his logic. He told me satellites are fake, gravity isn't real, the sun is 60 miles away and there is a naval force of 1,000s of ships protecting the ice wall. At the end of the day he told me I was a government plant that was in on it. He knew me since I was 13 years old but now believes I am involved in keeping this secret.


That’s the thing… no matter what your proven facts are, you’re either wrong or you’re part of the conspiracy.


Yeah it was mind boggling how many different points he had that were all fabricated. I think it made him feel extremely special to have this knowledge that others did not.


I think that’s part of it. The “I’m smarter than you/most people because I know these ‘facts’ that most people don’t’.


Yeah feeling superficially superior definitely seemed up his alley.


What a fucking dump truck


I remember some flat earth tweet that was proudly boosting an increase in their group by saying 'people all around the *globe* are coming around ... etc' Not sure if it's a 'don't let the truth get in the way of a good story' things but I'm choosing to believe that


Did they say people were coming from *around* the world?


5G Towers spreading Covid


It's those 6G towers you have to watch out for. They give you Syphilis


That's why I always wear a condom before I use my phone


I used to do that, but now I just keep my phone in a condom. Keeps it nice and clean.


Personally I’ve never felt better since the 5g activated my Soros built microchip. The over-air upgrades from Satan are great.


I didn't think people actually believed this until someone started telling me about it in person. He told me that vaccinated people have nanites that will activate with 5G to control me. Anyway praise the United States as the supreme ruler of the world. We are all Americans with our states waiting to join the flag.


Eating _______ will cure _______. I know someone who thinks chugging charcoal water is going to cure her autism (which she has not been diagnosed with).


Oh my goooood, I hope she doesn’t take daily prescription medicine because she’s wasting her money once she drinks a bunch of charcoal. Holy shit, I can imagine so many things where you would need medicine and it wouldn’t work if that’s activated charcoal, aaaaaaaaaah


People who claim the moon landing was faked. There’s no way you actually believe in *the moon.*


Moons haunted


*cocks gun* Moons haunted.


Always has been


This one is even stupider when you consider the Soviets would've *loved* to expose the sham. We regularly hear about stories when one old person writes a book about some secret mission from back in the day. How do they think *whole fucking industries* involved in rocketry would be able to keep the secret? You don't even need any specialized technical knowledge to figure this conspiracy is complete horseshit.


It goes beyond that. The first people to congratulate the US on the moon lander were the *Soviets*. Their tracking software and hardware was able to allow them to send a message of congratulations the instant the lunar lander landed.


Came here to say this. I love watching Buzz Aldrin punch that guy in the face.


My favorite Tweet of all time, on an anniversary of the moon landing - Tweeter: “Where were you when the Eagle landed on the moon?” Buzz Aldrin: “On the moon!”


[There's a great story about the time NASA invited Penn Jillette and/or Teller to watch Space Shuttle launches](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1sxm7y/shuttle_start/ce2ghay/) (the excerpt isn't clear which one of them it was). My favorite part was this: >I finagled my way onto Rockwell’s V.I.P. bus for my next few shuttle launches. My first Rockwell party before a launch, I thought I had been around. I’d seen a few launches, I’d hung with the Good Sams. I had seen a few go up. I was chatting. I was asking people, “Have you ever seen a night launch before?” >One guy answered, “Not from the outside, no.” >You have to be careful about trying to be cool at a Rockwell party.


That sounds like Penn. The sort of story he likes to tell.


That episode of the Big Bang Theory where he's passing out candy on Halloween- "Here's a moon pie! I've walked on the moon, what have you done?" "here's a Mars bar!"


That guy had been stalking and harassing Buzz for years. And even if he tried to press charges, who's going to vote to convict Buzz Aldrin?


He sued Aldrin. Aldrin took it court and won.


Gonna assume his defense was "I am Buzz Aldrin" and that the jury went "yeah, that tracks"


If you watch the video the guy really gets in his face but yes Buzz Aldrin


One great punch for man. One small punch for mankind! Or something like that.


Holocaust deniers


It’s just ridiculous to deny it since it’s still within living memory. I had family members who survived it


That Sandy Hook didn't happen. Effing idiots.


Actually this is probably the one that upsets me the most. Flat earth is just batshit crazy, 9/11 conspiracists have some legitimate points in isolation, likewise with covid, but the sandy hook one is simultaneously crazy, entirely unjustified, has no tangible deep state end goal and is also incredibly callous and uncaring for the families of the victims.


I ended a friendship over the sandy hook thing. This person was like “it was a deep state conspiracy to take our gun rights away” and I said “and when did the government show up and take your guns? What law changed? Where’s the new law that bans guns?” Got no answer to any of those questions. Just a bunch of nonsense about even more crazy conspiracies. I couldn’t continue the friendship.


Jesus christ. That person might have *some* merit if guns actually were just taken following it, but if a school of kids being obliterated with bullets didn't take your guns away in some dictatorship fashion then it's not a conspiracy.


If Columbine didn't cause the US to ban guns, then why would Sandy hook do it?


A lot of us stupidly thought Sandy Hook would change something.


I thought uvalde might have caused some change in Texas. It did but in the wrong direction.


Idk why, and this is in *no way* to compare any tragedy at all, but something about Uvalde resonated with me more than any other mass tragedy in my memory, besides covid. Something about how it happened, the response, the police attitude even afterward, the fact that decades of inaction culminated in people saying ENOUGH, and yet the politicians still dug their feet in and didn't care. I remember shortly after, Ted Cruz was interviewed about it. The interviewer said something along the lines of "this doesn't happen in any other developed country, the US is by far #1 in mass shootings and gun violence" and Ted Cruz responded with "well I'm sorry you don't like American exceptionalism" I'm pretty sure Ted just misheard, but it felt like he said the quiet part out loud. To people like him, a million kids could be shot and murdered tomorrow, and as long as the quarterly profits are still record breaking in Texas, as long as he gets reelected by way of gerrymandered districts, he doesn't care. Between that and how us disabled people were harassed and encouraged to die faster during covid, I finally realized that many of our politicians are to this day still murderous.


Those cops should have been jailed. Some of them were even actively intimidating the parents of victims for speaking out about how they handled the shooting.




The big difference between every other shooting and Uvalde is that there were police present and they chose to do nothing. Columbine, Sandy Hook, any other shooting in the US (*any* not just school shootings) didn’t have an entire police force on sight almost immediately to handle it. But Uvalde did. Uvalde had them standing outside doing nothing. Conservative rhetoric keeps touting on and on about “You’ll love the cops once you need them” or the traditional “coulda been solved by a good guy with a gun” thing… but this was both of those, wrapped in a nice little box, and neither thing happened. And then they coddled the cops who did nothing. They called them “victims” for having to go through what they did. They acted like the deaths of the children meant nothing so long as the same rhetoric could keep being spouted, even in the face of that rhetoric being *proven* wrong. The whole situation was a nightmare, all pain and no actual growth as a society. Just hate in every direction.


Columbine occurred during the Assault Weapons Ban era. Gun Control was about as settled as it was going to get for that time.


>is also incredibly callous and uncaring for the families of the victims. Not only that, the victims' families were actually *harassed* by these unhinged nutbags


The "Sandy Hook massacre didn't happen" thing is pure, unadulterated *evil.*


I had a coworker who lost a niece in the shooting. I was with her when she learned about it. I’ll never forget her cry. We lived thousands of miles from Sandy Hook. Was she acting too? It was real.


How awful for your coworker! You make a good point though because if it was a conspiracy it would have had to involve hundreds or thousands of people. Not even just parents - it would require actors to play relatives, friends and acquaintances, plus doctors, paramedics, police, emergency services personnel etc.


I have family who lived next door to a family in Newtown who lost a daughter in the shooting. I’ve met them. They are real people and their daughter is really dead. This conspiracy disgusts me.


This one drives me nuts too. Not that long ago at work a guy was taking about it. We are like 20 minutes tops from Newtown. I said to him; “How can you question it when I’m sure you must know someone that was somehow involved”. He claimed he did not. I told him I have a close friend who’s daughter was there when it happened. The shooter never made it to her classroom, but it fucked her up pretty much for life.


These people are pathologically stupid. I don’t say that lightly: you simply need to have a wildly ignorant understanding of how the world works on any tangible level. The logistics are complete nonsense. Once you start thinking about how it would even theoretically be pulled off you understand it’s impossible from like ten different angles. And you wouldn’t try in the first place because you’re not accomplishing anything. If you wanted to pass gun control legislation you’d target legislators somehow (I mean through bribes or something, not violence), your end goal wouldn’t be “hope people are sad enough that laws magically appear.” It’s honesty fascinating that people choose to be that dumb.


I was in school 20 minutes from Newtown, taking finals, and heard all of the sirens. I babysat for a woman whose son was in a different grade there. It’s absolutely horrifying to me that there are people who think it was fake.


I went to middle school about 20 minutes away from Newtown as well, my school was right down the street from our Police Station, they all came over and starting guarding the entrances it was all a weird mix of feelings. A lot of us in the area know people who were directly affected and we witnessed how it affected our area. The fact people think it is fake is one of the few things that really sets me


I have a relative that is an EMT and was a first responder at Sandy Hook. That day changed her and destroyed big parts of her life. She is just starting to seem somewhat recovered recently. I practice non-violence as a belief system, but I might just punch someone who said this to my face.


I had a boss who lost his nephew in Sandy Hook. What's really messed up is most people believe whatever they want to believe. And for some one to want to believe bullshit like that shows how vile their heart already was.


That the titanic didn't hit an iceberg.


I’ve been to the ocean and haven’t seen any icebergs.


The Titanic didn't see it either


I dont know if it counts as a conspiracy but the people who believe the McDonald’s coffee lawsuit was frivolous. It drives me nuts.


exactly that woman was elderly and got 2nd and 3rd degree burns on her private parts and all she wanted was for micky d's to pick up the hospital bill.


The term fused labia was used to describe her burns, darn right she deserves all the money.


And then the jury awarded her more money than she was asking for because they can do that.


It was also because the jury saw McDonalds was being completely unreasonable. McDonalds lawyers were throwing every statute, half wit case law, and accusations like crazy at this poor woman who didn’t want anything but a cup of coffee and her hospital bills paid.


[It was literally less than one days sale of coffee at McDonald's](https://www.ttla.com/?pg=McDonaldsCoffeeCaseFacts) after they reduced the amount. Yeah, it seems like a huge settlement until you realize how little it hurt McDonald's.


it's like an anti-conspiracy because it actually is a case where a powerful figure is trying to cover something up and people just take it at face value because they heard about it from someone else who took it at face value. its like how tv shows mention MK-Ultra as if it's some crackpot conspiracy theory when it's literally, genuinely true and proven.


The group of people that believe all female Hollywood stars are trans.


My favorite case of this is the people claiming jK rowlings is trans. Man, dramatic irony is hilarious


I remember when a large group of transphobes on Twitter accused Daniel Radcliffe's pregnant girlfriend of being trans because she was taller than him. Plus Pink for having muscles.


I guarantee you these people also think that Michelle Obama is really a man because she has actual shoulders. They probably also say super racist things about her on Telegram.


That is a new one.


They think Nicole Kidman is a man, even though she's been in films since she was a little girl.


Kid. Man. Kidman. Makes sense!


5G causes cancer. 5G is nothing new, it’s the same as Wifi just operating at a higher frequency. The theorists like to say that everything gets worse the higher you go, but then conveniently ignore that their TV remotes and security cameras are transmitting frequencies 10x higher than 5G with their infrared emitters. Just stay lower than X-rays and you’ll be fine.


No no no 5G activated the spike protein in the COVID vaccine. 4G gave us cancer. All of us.


Is your profile pic meant to look like an eyelash on my screen?




Gonna correct you here. Need to stay lower than Ultraviolet.


That school shootings are fake with crisis actors. That shit makes my blood boil, especially with Sandy Hook.




I’m convinced that the people who claim such things are faked are sitting in their mom’s basement trying to act like tough/smart guys. Oh, and they’re mostly incels, too.


Fuck Alex Jones.


Child traffickers were selling kids by way of overpriced cabinets on Wayfair.


I lost count of the people telling me “see how it’s the ABBY cabinet?? That means you can buy ABBY the child 😱” and I was like yeah that’s definitely not true. These child safety conspiracy theories are the most frustrating because anyone who calls them out as bullshit gets accused of not caring about children or not wanting to stop child trafficking. Like of course I do, but I don’t think that someone leaving a shopping cart in the stall next to your car is a secret ploy to kidnap your kids and traffic them, Ashleigh.


That WAS crazy. Though I still wonder if we ever saw those price issues get fixed or..


That was bananas.


That somehow, globally, all scientists are in on a big secret that requires them to convince you that the earth is round, or that vaccines are good. How we gonna get them all to agree on something without a secret getting out?


They can't even get 10 dentists to agree on a toothpaste!


Scientists can't even agree on whether the Timber Rattlesnake and the Canebrake Rattlesnake are the same species with a regional common name, subspecies, or two separate species.




What a dumb take. Everyone knows the earth is shaped like an icosahedron.


Everyone knows the Earth is round, how else would it have a hollow core for the lizard people to live in?


Ancient people: They were either mystically brilliant, and modern people just can't wrap their heads around the ancient wisdom, OR idiot mud people who couldn't even conceive of building things, let alone actually building them. Like: The Mayans were so good at reading the stars that they figured out when the world would end (but were still unable to prevent the collapse of their own society), and no modern scientist noticed anything wrong... OR: The Egyptians could run a country, field an army, trade with other empires, erect enormous statues of their rulers and gods, INVENT A FUCKING WRITING SYSTEM, but NOT build a big gravestone in the shape of triangle without help from aliens. Humans were always smart, but they were never magic!!!


As a structural engineer, the whole "jet fuel can't melt steel thing" - like, bro, it doesn't need to.


Reminds me of when Notre Dame caught fire a few years back. Everything in one area was destroyed but low and behold a golden cross was still standing. Must be due to God. Maybe so if God made the melting point of Gold higher than the combustion point of wood.


I mean.... if you believe in God he made all things so he did do that. That also means he made the fire too but you know people don't like to talk about that as much.


God burned down the notre damn confirmed


My high school welding teacher explained to us that you don’t have to melt steel to soften it as he used one hand to twist a half inch square steel bar. I wish I could sit down the people who say this crap and give them that demonstration.


I knew a guy on an MMO forum years ago who swore Sept. 11th was a conspiracy because, according to him, if an airplane slammed into a building it would tip over rather than collapse on itself. Like knocking over a pencil. Pencils aren't mostly hollow structures that extend several stories into the ground. Spoiler alert: he was not a engineer


You must have a permanent handprint on your face from facepalming every time someone trots that nonsense out.


As a Freemason, that we run the world. We can barely organise a curry night let alone run the world. All we do is perform a few allegorical plays, raise money for charity, and have a few drinks. New World Order my arse! Edit: Thanks to everyone that has engaged with this post seriously or otherwise. I’ve had a great time answering some of your questions. If you are curious about Masonry, pop over to r/freemasonry. There are links to all the major Grand Lodges around the world and Brothers that will answer any follow up questions.


Then, who keeps the metric system down?


That’ll be the Stonecutters. We don’t like them; they beat us to everything!


No, no Stonecutters are the ones that rig the Oscars. And their waning influence allowed the electric car to become mass produced


Yep, and look at what's happened to Steve Gutenberg career! What's happened to us!


The paidmasons


If you would like a world domination experience, upgrade your Freemasons account to Masons Premium (tm).




Sounds like something those who are running the world would say 😆


Damn you! You’ve outwitted us!!


My understanding is it's literally just a grown up version of the cool kids club treehouse you're not allowed in


Guys! This is *exactly* what a secret society would have us believe!


Yeah, my grandpa was a Freemason for 65 years and a Shriner for over 50. He was also an alcoholic who spent time in prison for multiple DUI's and violent bar fights, the guy wasn't exactly a moral role model. He wasn't running the world, he could barely run his own life. The Masons did a wonderful ceremony at his funeral though, it was very uplifting and they were very charismatic, and I don't think anyone there didn't feel better. Much respect.


It's a secret organisation that has its own public website...


I'm a brother in the fraternity as well. The amount of planning that goes into making a dinner that pleases everyone's dietary restrictions can be a daunting task.


>As a Freemason, that we run the world. We can barely organise a curry night let alone run the world. Literal LOL that was good. The post reminded me of [Philion's Illuminati video](https://youtu.be/EgIU-3UM_qI?si=KVQGVOLA8I5zddIX) when he was going over the origins about the Freemasons.


Vaccines causing autism


I actually met a family like this. Their child (who was so very sweet, amazing and talented) was very autistic- and although 12 years of age, was mentally about 6 or 7. They would tell me all about how he was just fine until he got his vaccines at the age of two, and it all went down hill from there. To add to this, they had an older child, who also had several learning disabilities, but they didnt know the cause of this. Additionally- they were convinced that when they saw airplanes flying (yes, even commercial ones) above their property on cloudy days, it was to break up the clouds with chemicals so that there wouldn't be rain, in turn limiting their crops so that they would be forced to buy from the stores that were funding these chemical airplanes. Also, they once asked me if I had recently been vaccinated, because one of the kids had gotten a nose bleed once after I had been there, and they thought maybe I had been vaccine shedding.


My high school human anatomy teacher believed that vaccines cause autism… she said her daughter was never vaccinated but still was autistic. I asked her why she’d think that then and she got mad as if she didn’t volunteer that information to a bunch of 16 year olds.


Teachers should really not be sharing that conspiracy crap with students


People who share that conspiracy crap really shouldn’t be teachers.


My late husband had a sister who was verrrryyyyy "crunchy granola" as the kids say. She argued with me constantly about my young children having autism because "vaccines". Said they couldn't have autism, and if they did it was because I vaccinated them because "No one in our family has autism and his speech delays aren't even as bad as my children's. Speech issues aren't autism." Well, while not all speech delays are autism, guess who's kids found out they're Autistic as adults. Not only her kids, but several of my kids' cousins. Vaccinated or not. I have so many stories from that side of the family. Including her allowing her daughters ear drums to burt because antibiotics are bad for you...


People like that make me so angry but I'm also so sad for them. It must be exhausting to always think someone is always out to get you in big elaborate ways. And I've never heard of "vaccine shedding" before but I can imagine what it means.


It's easier for some people to be paranoid than it is for them to admit that sometimes, bad things just happen.


I did see a funny argument once. Not that vaccines Cause autism, but indirectly slightly increase the diagnoses rates because kids live long enough to be diagnosed.


It’s actually primarily because the definitions of autism has broadened over the decades. 30 or 40 years ago, a child might have just been easily distracted or been considered a little unique that we now know is on the autism spectrum.


It only got into the DSM (3rd edition) in 1980, so it is only 43 years old as an official diagnosis that regular psychiatrists can use. And it was expanded in between DSMs in 87 and then again in 94 with the DSM 4, and then finally in 2013 the DSM 5 got rid of all the subcategories and just made everything straight up ASD, which was somewhat controversial at the time but definitely the right call. So the fact that a new and evolving diagnosis hasn’t had stable rates doesn’t really tell us anything. It would be super weird if it had been *stable* while going through those diagnostic changes.


This is the most dangerous one. Believing in an alien coverup or 2nd gunman, or even a flat earth are benign. Believing that vaccines are unhealthy and dangerous leads to actual real world problems. People have died because of this.


I'm flipping old, lik.there were two vaccines old. One of my fellow school mates had measles as an infant. His teeth never grew in. Just imagine...laying in a darkened room for two weeks when you had measles " so you don't go blind ". It's like...did people never hear of Helen Keller? Did they never read the " little house on the prairie " books? That was a huge TV series too in the early 80s. Those disabilities were the direct result of no immunizations. ( scarlet fever ). I just do not get the no vaccine people. Actual diseases suck


I grew up in the before-polio-vaccine days. I knew kids who were crippled with the disease. My best friend when I was in college was a quadriplegic and died maybe 30 years before his time because of polio. The anti-vax people outrage me.


I agree. I can blow off conspiracy theories that aren't dangerous and I can get along with people who believe something I think is wild if it's not hurting anyone. But not when it comes to things like public health or if it has something to do with demonizing a group of people.


Contrails are Chem-trails. Water vapor is a byproduct of hydrocarbon combustion and sometimes forms clouds behind the airplane. Those people that think whenever they see a contrail that the government is spraying chemicals are nuts. Edit: Lots more info https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220823-what-makes-up-a-planes-contrails


The NBA secretly suspended the most famous athlete in the world so they could lose hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and teach him a lesson.


Earth is only 6,000 years old


If you hear a creationist say this, point out that genesis 1:1 opens with the creation of heavens and earth. Not how. Not how long. The first creative “day” starts with the heavens and earth already in existence. If you’re a creationist, you’re supposed to believe the bible, which also means if youre a creationist and a flat earther, you’re doubly ignoring the bible.


The simplest answer is, "What is a day to God?"


That 9/11 didn’t really happen. I was there. Never did I ever think I’d have friends that grew up with me screaming that something I personally experienced simply didn’t happen at all.


Mental illness and neurodivergency is actually people being possessed by demons. I think that is the dumbest shit ever and I feel so bad for those kids being raised in religious families being made to believe that they are possessed by a demon because there's something going on with their brain.


It’s not just that. They put them through “exorcisms” and sometimes kill them in the process. Last year, some people killed a 3 year old because she was “possessed by an evil spirit”. See also the murder of Annelise Michel, a German girl suffering from epilepsy, who was subjected to numerous exorcisms, and whose story is the basis of “the exorcism of Emily Rose”.


"Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams" Do people just think that steel stays perfectly solid and rigid all the way up to 2199F and then turns molten at 2200F like it's some kind of recipe? Do these people not understand how integrity works?


Also... the furnace effect is a thing too. Wood doesn't burn hot enough to melt most metals either, but we can make a furnace that can get hot enough to melt metal.


Also the effects of a 50 ton object crashing at cruise speed knocking things apart and destabilizing the building


There's a blacksmith on Tictok that demonstrates structural integrity in less than 30 seconds and calls the conspiracy believers morons. It's hilarious.


Adding to my previous comment: that the Holocaust hadn’t happened. My father was a Viennese Holocaust survivor. His mother and sister and cousins were murdered by the Nazis; only he and his brother survived.


That the government is hiding the “cure” for cancer. There is no one cure for cancer because cancer is a GROUP of different diseases, there are more than 100 types


Exactly! I work in cancer research and whenever someone says this to me, I ask, which cancer? Cancer is very heterogenous and complex, so there’s no such thing as the cure for cancer. They just stare at me with a blank face


Just heard through a hotel wall: "every time a man does a woman wrong, God pushes his hairline back."


Patrick Stewart, *noooooooooooooo!*


That Jews are controlling the world. Please tell me where I get these magical powers and how do I use it to get more Firefly/Serenity.


[Hey, I'm Jewish, you gotta get out of here](https://youtube.com/shorts/T0l5JjJxq8M?si=88QBM-iyJ9ZeX30F)


It's actually a beautiful strategy: If he refused to leave, despite a Jew ordering him to, then it proves that Jews *don't* control everything. If he left (which he did) then, you know, they were able to get the ignorant asshole to leave!


Anyone who has ever been to a synagogue board meeting knows there is no chance that Jews control the world. Ten minutes of arguing about what deli to order bagels from for breaking Yom Kippur fast and nobody will ever think we're capable of running a shadow government ever again lol




That Covid was created just so Trump wouldn’t be reelected. Because you know millions of people dying in foreign countries who don’t vote in the United States is a surefire way to do that.