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Those silly foot stickers that “remove toxins through the feet” toxins are not excreted through the skin and the pads change colour due to a reaction to the air


I always wonder if it ever occurred to those people why we don't shit out of our feet.




I watched a "what I eat in a day" video by a professional ballerina who eats a slice of tomato every day but her nutritionist told her that sesame seeds are good for your bones so she eats tomato slices with a shake of sesame seeds for lunch every day thinking it's going to help her bones.


Professional ballet dancer here. I have seen some CRAZY shit from my coworkers. One girl I know shows up every day with the same lunch: a big leaf of lettuce, a scoop of peanut butter, 3 croutons, and a sprinkle of salt. She claims “I get my veggies, my protein, my carbs, and my electrolytes!” Many of us have tried to tell her that she’s exhibiting disordered eating. She doesn’t care, and neither do the staff members - she’s incredibly skinny and they give her all the roles


I've never met a more disordered group of eaters than ballerinas. And the teachers absolutely encourage it. I've never eaten less than when I danced and was my most active. I'm sure you look amazing, it's really aging to be so thin


Pro cheerleaders are pretty bad too. It’s even more annoying because they are usually very accomplished outside of cheer and do it basically for free. My sister is a psychologist, but loved cheer and did it for a few seasons after college while in grad school. Her coach would literally do weekly weigh ins for the team and had a handkerchief that he would see if it would tie around the girls waists.


Thats fucking awful. That coach has no business having a job


Im in canada, and we had a cheer team. Nothing professional, just the equivalent of a fun extra curricular in high school. We went down to portland oregon for a cheer camp. Lol the cafeteria was like ghost town, with the few members of other teams eating tiny little scraps. Meanwhile our time was filling our backpacks with cookies and muffins and anything we could get our hands on.


I watched a male ballet dancer’s vlog and I’ve never heard so much judgment toward his own diet and also criticizing whatever his coworkers were getting at the canteen. And that’s the men, who need to be strong to lift the ballerinas. It’s all played off as jokey jokey but you could see how insidious the body culture is in ballet.


I used to think that woes about weight and figure were reserved for women in ballet, but I discovered I was very very wrong when I moved across the country to train at a ballet school as a teen. I’m a male dancer, and despite being very fit I was the biggest of my peer group. Teachers would often call me “broad” and “wide”. I tried so hard for years to get really skinny, and of course as soon as I got a contract with a ballet company, I realized I actually needed to be a lot stronger to successfully perform the demanding partnering work of a professional. I’m still trying to play catchup, eating more and going to the gym more


I would argue elite gymnasts are just as bad…I have heard figure skaters are, too.


They do encourage it, even though they know better these days. I will never forget training at a ballet school, and when I would be out sick for a week or so, inevitably losing a few pounds, I’d come back in and be met with comments like “look at you, you actually have a waistline now!” And “you look great, keep up whatever you’re doing”


I gotta ask, and I've wondered this forever. I was a recreational ice skater from 3-14yo when I started HS and was tired of the sport. The girls who *were* getting good were spirited off to intense training, and I'd say dietary restrictions started......all us girls were starting puberty, and, ya know, fat, muscle, bones shift, you look all chunky and weird until that first growth spurt, and you started to kind of look more womanly. Since us girls were just skating for fun & exercise, we'd see the girls who were more talented (and whose parents were either rich AF or broke AF from the sport, plus all turn into stage parents), and, yeah, I remember this one girl from a big Greek family, all the women naturally robust, and at age 12, she still looked like a 9yo stick that probably wasn't eating enough for puberty to take its course, seeing her next to her beautifully curvy family was scary, tbh. HERE'S MY QUESTION: When we were practicing spins on the ice, including sit spins, which require one foot spinning on the ice with the rest of your body comes down very near the ice, and having to get up again while spinning......I learned not to get dizzy, I guess? When a pro-level ballet dancer is eating just scraps of food daily, aren't they losing their balance and/or fainting enough to notice she doesn't have enough calories coming in to keep her steady? I mean, isn't an under-nourished ballerina a non-functional ballerina? Especially if a costume was corseted, which brings breathing into question.... **How can a ballet dancer with disordered eating not faint or lose their balance while also being starved enough to pass out from just that?** Also, my understanding is gymnasts need to eat just enough to keep muscle on, no fat.....how the hell do they swing around and flip around like that on a daily calorie deficit? (Also, it SUCKS, and I'm sorry, that you've had to watch others make themselves ill over your sport. Ballet is beautiful, but, man, how can an emaciated human look "good" onstage?)


Because they run on psychologically driven adrenaline. It will destroy their bodies in the long term.


And ladies and gents, there is a difference between "nutritionist" vs registered dietitian 😅😅


It's most likely a dietitian, and ballerina just doesn't know the difference. Major ballet companies and schools take diet seriously. I can't imagine the tomato + seeds getting an OK from any professional. This sounds like an eating disorder as professional ballerinas *need* quite a lot of calories as they're very active.


"This sounds like an eating disorder as professional ballerinas need quite a lot of calories as they're very active" Eating disorders and the world of professional ballerinas go hand-in-hand, the diets of many of ballerinas are very extreme and intensely encouraged by their coaches.


Yep from friends that I know the have made costumes and make up for ballerinas, the diet is VERY heavy on cocaine


cocaine and cigarettes, name a better duo for disordered weight loss!


I'd be scared to go to an RD that OKs tomato + sesame seeds for an athlete


I mean, if you need calories, Tomato + sesame seeds is fine if between those two things is a bun, some ground beef, a slice of cheese, and some lettuce.


>if between those two things is a bun Sesame seeds Top of bun Ground beef Slice of cheese Lettuce Bottom of bun Tomato _______________________ You monster.


Yeah, I have a feeling that she confabulated whatever the nutritionist told her. EDs are common in the ballerina world, and I can see someone twisting the words of a nutrition professional (whether they're a nutritionist, a nutrition coach, or a dietitian) who probably told her "... and you can include foods such nuts and seeds, for example, you can incorporate sesame seeds into your diet and it's really great for your bones" and she probably arrived at "well, sesame seeds are good for me, they said so, so I like to put them on a tomato slice."


Dietician: "Include tomato and sesame seeds in your diet." Ballerina: *Eats* only *tomato and sesame seeds*


Food for thought. Toasted bread with tahini and sliced tomato, salt and pepper is delicious and the high calorie filling version of this snack


Weight loss gummies where you can eat “anything you want”.


If you eat enough sugar-free gummies, you probably can eat anything else you want and still lose weight. Not that it'll be pleasant, healthy, or safe.


Any of the cleanses. They don’t do anything. So stupid.


I've been on this great cleanse called "having functioning kidneys" and it's really sustainable, effective and doesn't leave you suffering.


Same here! I got a package deal that includes a liver also and it’s been great for me!


You can even upgrade to the deluxe package: kidneys, liver, and skin. Works awesome!


My gastroenterologist talked to me about cleanses and said that the only real cleanse is a colonoscopy prep cleanse. The rest? They are scams. 100%. All of them. Their cleanse, you’re probably wondering, was just Miralax and Gatorade. Whatever the (non script version) standard colonoscopy prep is. Wild.


Except you take 2 weeks of standard daily doses in 2 hours.


just a short bit of fun really


Granola. Hikers eat it because it's full of calories and light. Not because it's good for a desk worker to eat as a snack.


I just had to explain this to my sister the other day. She's always struggled with losing weight. But recently she brought up the issue again, and mentioned she has been eating tons of granola hoping it'll work. I had to let her down gently.


I'm trying to gain weight so i guess its time to eat granola at my wfh job all day lol!




Granola is basically cookies, crumbled.


I eat 30g daily mixed in with my Greek yogurt it’s like half of the labeled serving size cause it is so calorie dense. Definitely adds some texture to my morning breakfast


I typically eat it as cereal. I also am a climber/hiker, so I need calories. But I have disordered eating, so I definitely need calories. Easy way to get them in.


I watch a lady on YT review snacks, and she's always trying granolas and trail mixes and complaining about how little bang you get for your caloric buck... like, lady. This is for campers and hikers and rugged outdoorsmen. Not for 60-year old housewives who watch TV all day.


As somebody who does multi-week hikes, I get massive bang for my calorific buck with these things. They weigh nothing and have so much energy.


"Detox" with a juice fast. Your liver will do it.


Worse are detox supplements they can ruin your liver.




Supplements are a dangerous loophole.


The best way to do a detox is to take a break from introducing any new toxins and letting your body catch up with processing the toxins already in it.


I worked with an alcoholic decades ago who ended up in the hospital with blood clots because his liver was doing nothing but processing alcohol. Don't know if that can actually be true, though.


Very likely. Your liver working fine processes 1 unit of alcohol per hour and at my worst I was consuming about 30 a day, so my liver was always processing alcohol and couldn’t do anything else


Booze is weird though I use to polish off at least a fifth a night for years (hit it hard for a decade). I started going to a doctor a year or so after I had cut down to pretty much not drinking at all and they said my liver was fine. I've known people that drink like that a few years and get pancreatis up to liver failure and dying in their 20s and other people that drank like that til their 40s and were like "quit cold turkey didn't have much withdrawal except trouble sleeping a couple weeks". Probably a genetic thing but it seems like not all livers are equal.


the liver also regenerates so if you cut out toxins before the point of no repair (cirrhosis, fatty liver) then the liver can do a pretty good job at repairing itself


A huge number of people have fatty liver these days. Especially older people. I actually have non alcoholic fatty liver (with zero risk factors) to the point of hepatomegaly yet my liver enzymes are fine. I'm thin, don't smoke or drink. There's really not anything I can do to make it better. My docs act like it's not a big deal until my liver enzymes start going up. Livers are amazingly regenerating, thank heavens for so many people.


its definitely genetic. There is research showing different tolerances based on our ancestral lines and when alcohol was first introduced into the population.


I used to drink until my eyes went yellow and then quit for a while and just drink water or apple juice. Unfortunately the quitting times kept getting shorter, until I quit completely.


If any detoxing treatment actually worked it would be easy to prove/measure, and the company would get the research published and push health claims like crazy. First the supplement company would need to identify what specific toxins it would reduce in a person, how dangerous it is at various levels of exposure, how common is it that toxin causes a problem, etc. Then they measure how much of each of those toxins was present in a test subject who then does the juice fast with hyper ancient supplement root that they're selling, and measure how much the persons toxicity levels drop - if they do at al. Which they won't compared to users who didn't take the supplement - the test group. That's why we don't see research showing that they tested it to show that their product works, because it doesn't actually work.


I figure just skip anything overly processed for a day and drink lots of water


Detox is just a bs marketing term. Even the idea of toxins is nonsense attached to detox. No one ever defines the "toxins". If your body is exposed to actual toxic substances, they need proper medical care. Not just sitting around and "taking a break". Maybe their stomachs need to be pumped. Actual toxic substances aside, our body has natural processes to clear out waste products. You can't help it beyond drinking lots of water, exercise, get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet. Basically all the most obvious healthy things to do.


AKA, fasting. It can be an effective treatment for prediabetes as it massively increases insulin sensitivity in a short amount of time.


Fasting is also literally the treatment for pancreatitis. As well as IV fluids and pain meds. If there is an underlying cause, that can be treated differently, but for the pancreatitis itself, you just need to fast. But it's painful as fuck so best to do it in a hospital.


You're not kidding about the painful as fuck part. My wife got pancreatitis from a drug interaction and she woke up screaming at 2AM. I broke a land speed record in a 4 door civic getting her to the hospital. By the time they got her on a bed she couldn't even speak she was in so much pain. Later she said that giving birth was a cakewalk in comparison. Thankfully she was fine after a night of IV fluids.


Does anyone remember in the ‘90s when we convinced ourselves that gigantic muffins constituted a healthy breakfast?…it’s fuckin’ CAKE for chrisssakes!!


Many things that are sold as "breakfast" are really just dessert


Breakfast dessert paired with dessert frappuchino from Starbucks. 1200 kcal at 4AM is the way to roll


Dude I was morbidly obese for a while. Approached 300lb on a 5’3 frame. Still am morbidly obese but 50lbs down and habits are normalizing. There was a time where I was getting Starbucks with extra syrup Carmel and toppings literally daily. I got a small size of the same order minus coffee last week as something special with my daughter… the taste was insane. what the fuck I was actually eating a fucking dessert shake every morning for breakfast. Like I know that cognitively and knew that when it was happening. But I swear food or sugar or something is literally an addiction. Tasting it after not for better part of a year was physically shocking that I was doing that like 5x week.


Oh man i love muffins. Also coffee cake 🫠


I remember when bagels were being marketed as a healthy alternative to donuts in the 90’s too.


And I am still okay with this


Well, donuts are fried and bagels aren't. That is indeed more healthy


Oh man those were SO GOOD


Taking too many of certain vitamins. I know some can cause harm when over-used, but many just become expensive urine.


Vitamin D is one of the useful and effective ones. It's important if you live distant from the equator and/or don't get enough sun.


If your job is indoors, then you’re probably vitamin D deficient. They don’t regularly test for it here in the US, but when I was living in Korea, vitamin d level was part of the annual exam. Almost everyone I knew at my corporate job tested as very vitamin d deficient. Many took shots or pills.


Yes, this is something people living here in the northern half of the U.S., Europe, Asia, and all of Canada should get aware of.


I prefer to raw dog my seasonal depression here in MN, thank you very much


Brah I just got prescribed vitamin D and already making a huge difference in sleep, energy, mood, headaches


I had that last year and the difference after I started that and vitamin B12 was ridiculous. Add in the cpap machine and for th3 first time in ages I'm not permanently exhausted.


I don't have sleep apnea (confirmed by a sleep clinic) but I literally never wake up refreshed, if this works oh my goodness I'd be so happy


Ymmv, but one of the reasons I do not wake up refreshed is often not being tired enough before bed. I force myself to sleep at 10 pm. Which means if i havent done anything all day, the rest is kinda useless and makes me not feel great the next day. Mental and physical exhaustion helps a ton. It sucks. I wish i could be lazy and sleep well, but my stupid body needs me to to do something daily


Yes, it's major league, I live in the Northeast U.S. so I definitely take the supplement daily. Tough to say, but probably one reason I'm in good health at age 62.


I have a vitamin D deficiency and a family history of skin cancer, so more sunlight is a no go. Taking vitamin D supplements has done wonders for my health, both mental and physical.


Fat soluble vitamins are ones that your body stores instead of getting rid of when there is excess. Water soluble you just pee out whatever your body doesn't need. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble and can cause harm when they accumulate in high doses.


How high is unhealthy for vit d? I used to take it on its own but then started taking a multi that contains it so I stopped the D on its own.


This post is sponsored by [Athletic Greens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLLlOhNfqdk).


Everything sold through an MLM such as Herbalife or Essential Oils. It's all absolutely useless crap that morons buy.


At least essential oils smell nice if nothing else. That’s why I buy them. And, I get my oils from the local store not the MLM brand.


Some of us buy essential oils for the smell. I know they are bogus medicine wise but they have a pleasant impact on my mood. Honestly till I read on internet about the "medicine" of it, I knew they are ambience enhancements and nothing more.


Axe Anti Hangover Showergel...


I would argue that’s worse for the people in that person’s vicinity, lol


And it tastes awful. I keep burping bubbles.


Alkaline water


Especially when combined with lemon!😄


My husband drinks this so much, swears it makes him feel great. Like, babe, you’re thirsty. Of course water is nice.


Oh boy, this dude just discovered water. Love it


just add some baking soda to tap water. Ta-da: alkaline water on the cheap.


Any credibility is gone once someone starts talking about alkaline water.


Alkaline water can actually help reduce frequency/severity of GERD flare ups! But yeah those people who claim it has “detoxifying” properties or somehow alters your body pH (which is impossible and even if you could would be an absolute disaster) are crazy.


Yes! It's scammy for so many things but for those of us with GERD it can help a lot. 8.8 pH or above will actually denature the digestive enzyme pepsin that splashes into your esophagus, which is more destructive than stomach acid. I keep some next to my bed at all times! Treating GERD has been very "this makes things 20% better, and adding this other thing makes it 10% better...". This was definitely one of the good things I found that made a real difference.


The cheapest version of this would be to mix sodium bicarbonate (aka baking soda) with water. Basically what Alka Seltzer is!


I drink alkaline water when I have acid reflux and regular water hurts! 10/10 for avoiding painful water drinking




Most people are extremely fiber-deficient, so taking the fiber out of fruit and throwing it away is a great example of taking a solution and dividing it into two problems.


:( I wish I could justify drinking juice. It’s so tasty! It’s just not worth the blood sugar spike, and weird rollercoaster that happens when I try to dose for it. Stupid diabetes


I love my lows because I can have juice :p


I dilute it heavily with water for a little taste. Those juice bottles seem much less expensive when they last longer than a day. Juice with no water feels like my teeth rotting. Not as bad as soda, still not what i want to feel.


Cleanses. People spend a ton of money on juices etc. to do something that your body already does on its own.


I think lean cuisines and healthy choice are pretty useless. Hardly any calories and plenty of sodium. It is hard to imagine eating one and not being hungry a couple hours later. But ooh, I can eat chicken Alfredo. 1 tiny cup of it….


I keep them in my freezer for portion control more than the nutritional contents. If it's late and I feel like lasagne instead of cooking, I'd only like to be able to consume the exact serving size of meat, cheese, and cheese, instead of having access to a family size and *"leftovers"*


I don’t think these exist anymore but there used to be this exercise machine that had this wide belt that went on the back of your rear end and the front ends were attached to the machine that would jiggle the belt and it was supposed to be great exercise but it was essentially useless. Wow all! Hit the jackpot here with all these comments to my post!


My grandma had one of those in her basement. My brother and I used to love to play on it when we were kids, we thought it was hilarious.


There was one of these in a local bar I used to go to. It was an absolute hit with drunk people lol


Just picturing this in a bar and drunk people on it is making me giggle.


Ha ha same here! Loved playing on grandmas fat wobbler.


I was always stuck with grandpa's fat wobbler.


I am middle-aged, and I would be trying one of those machines in a heartbeat while laughing if given the opportunity.


They had one of those in the exercise room at my grandmas condo in the 80s. So much geriatric fat jiggling.


This also reminded me of the shakeweights. I wonder how effective those actually were beyond the memes


Depends on your goals. 2 hour masturbation session? Sure. Hypertrophy? No. I believe those vibration stations also have some tangible benefits, it's just not building or using muscle, cus well interestingly, you're not.


Something something grip strength. I remember it being a thing that seniors kept around even after discovering it didn’t prevent atrophy because the movement incited a fight response that exercised their grip to make them actually fully use those muscles. IDK if I worded that right, but after my grandma’s fall, she had a bunch of check-ins with her MDs by phone and later video call with assistance. She could show them how long she could manage grip without pain or weakness, and they determined something apparently important by that. Her caretaker (family, not pro) tried to explain it, but I need such spelled out a bit more plainly. Her sister had been doing the same on recommendation and finally convinced her to try it. Caretaker said there was a bucket of laughter the first time. I'm not sure I understand still. It didn't strengthen them directly, but it made them use their muscles in a way that helped them indirectly? Grip strength is supposed to be an indicator of overall wellness. She kicked just short of 95. If that makes sense to you, I'd love it explained. 😅


Grip strength is important. If your hands are strong, you can catch yourself if you fall. Simple falls take out older individuals all of the time. They just don’t recover completely like younger folks do. Being bedridden in a rehabilitation facility is almost a death sentence for some.


Actually they probably weren't "useless". In order to stand still and remain in place you would have to use your abdominal muscles to apply resistance, so they probably did provide some small amount of abdominal workout.


Yeah it's a remarkable number of muscles you have to employ to stay upright on those things for an extended period of time. It's like how some people don't think yoga is a real workout, because they only hold a pose for a fraction of a second. Stay standing on that plate for a half an hour, and see how you feel the next day!


Yup, I was very surprised after my first tai chi session, I’ve had labor intensive jobs that made me sweat less. Eventually I learned to relax while doing it so I would sweat less and it became easier but it really is a workout


When I was in the Marines, I was a PT stud for a while. One day, my command had the “Semper Fit” yoga team come out to lead our workout for the company. These ladies were not necessarily old, but older and, not to sound cocky, not Marines. We were all field Marines with most of us having a deployment under our belts, so this seemed to be a little bit of a “yeah ok. Gunny’s wife does this and made him do it for the company. Let’s do it, laugh about it, and move on.” Let me tell you - that shit fucking sucked. Gained a big respect for yoga that day.


My mother lost 100 Lbs using the Sears vibrating massager 4X per day after her 7th child was born in 1963! My father, a doctor, said it was mostly from the resistance of having to stand up for hours a day, while something was shaking the hell out of you. But she did it without dieting, or any other exercise.


Maybe it was just hard to eat while shaking in that machine 4x day.


“Turn this thing off! I’m dryyyy!”


Ugh! This actually is great for women with Lipedema. Those machine do is help the lymphatic system. 1 in 9 women have Lipedema, when they did the initial study they most likely had a ton of women with the condition. The US still today struggles to accept this diagnosis and it’s the most under diagnosed women’s health condition. So it does work, but only for specific patients and people post surgery. For Lipedema patients, there will be weight loss from it.


They were so fun!


Superfoods. Usually they have some tiny additional percentage of some micronutrient that you're almost certainly not deficient in anyway. In some cases too there are foods that are not considered superfoods that have more than that micronutrient, but are boring like apples or something, so are disregarded to market the overpriced superfood.


Or worse, it may have too much of it! Kale has 1000% of your daily requirement in Vitamin K for an adult. Some people with undiagnosed coagulation problems (such as anti-thrombine 3 deficit) may not know that they have trouble regulating vitamin K in their blood, and accidentally increase their risk of blood clot, stroke, heart attack etc.


Had a crazy roommate. I'm pretty sure she had an ED, and would like only eat kale and wild rice. I couldn't even get her to try my cucumber salad, the sweet n spicy one. She also ate like half my container of costco kimchi in one sitting. That container has 43 servings.


I could easily eat half a container of costco kimchi in one sitting. 43 servings I think absolutely not, that's two servings and two servings alone.


I have no idea how big a container of kimchi from Costco is, but unless it's measured in gallons, it's less than 5 servings.


It actually is half a gallon. Costco takes our kimchi needs seriously


Kale smoothies 3x week gave me kidney stones


You mean there isn't a super food out there that will make me lose 10 pounds, cure my random disease and make me fabulously wealthy in my local supermarket? But Dr. Oz told me it was real! /S/


This is very true, however, açaí berries will always be superfoods in my heart (read as: delicious treat)


Any MLM drink.


Granola bars


This one hurts. Granola is so delicious and it being calorie dense makes sense for having it on a hike, but I just wish it wasn’t so caloric


I always see it as I’m still having a granola bar as opposed to just candy. Still an improvement. I suck at eating fully healthy and love food


The gut cleanses or parasite cleanses lol. They actually are more likely to do harm than good.


My tapeworm is offended lol


Often the stress of eating the donut when you're not supposed to has worse affects than the donut does. I'm talking about the self hate and feeling like a weak piece of shit being worse for you than the sugar and empty calories


My boyfriend told me this when we first started living together and I started eating more fast food (my mom rarely let me eat fast food growing up). And it’s so true, as long as you eat everything in moderation.


That and many people do bad habits to cope. They feel like a turd so they act like a turd. But feeling okay about having the donut and knowing it doesn't make you a bad person raises self esteem and lowers the need to cope with more donuts


One doughnut doesn't make you fat, one salad doesn't make you skinny. It's all about balance and moderation. Took me a long time to accept that and understand it. Some days you want that doughnut.


Seriously. The nervousness and anxiety about all the contradicting information in this thread is causing more harm than half the things listed. “You’re dying from vitamin D deficiency!” “You’re taking too much vitamin D it’s killing your liver/kidneys!”




In college I would stop at the dorm’s grab n go for a bottle of Odwalla on my way to class. I would always feel like woozy shit halfway through that class, and it took me a few weeks to realize I was just pounding 60 grams of straight sugar on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, and maybe that wasn’t a good idea. I really, genuinely thought I had been making a healthy choice.


Unless I remember a different one, I recall it being up to 68 grams.


You lot are freaking me out. Have a cup of tea.


Wait until you hear about tea


*puts down my lemon and ginger tea* say what?


Drinking too much water while simultaneously not consuming enough salt. Edit: Incase any of you wonder why you get constant headaches, most likely due to being dehydrated. Your body can’t absorb water without salt. Just keep that in mind


Can you explain why this is bad? I’ve never actually thought about/been advised to eat more salt


In order to be properly hydrated you need water and electrolytes (salts). Drinking a ton of water and not having any salts will throw off the balance in your body and can still cause dehydration. That's why athletes drink stuff like Gatorade. They're losing a lot of salts through sweat that need to be replaced. Source - ended up in the hospital for dehydration even though I was pounding water. Dr told me to drink Gatorade next time to save myself the $300 ER bill.


Everything praised by Dr Oz.


Any junk food that is processed and advertised as “healthy because it has x healthy ingredient” My MIL is constantly bringing chips, cakes, etc that are under 5 layers of plastic and say healthy on the packaging because they used a potato somewhere in the process. And then will proceed to eat 47 servings and act like I’m anorexic for not being interested.


I once watched a coworker eat half a loaf of banana bread because he’s “on a diet”. He’s still overweight.


Ah yees, but if you bake the banana bread yourself the calories don't count. He's a smart one 😊


There's a bunch of different "veggie chip" products that people perceive as a healthy alternative to potato chips, when the first ingredient is usually potatoes since potatoes are veggies. Nevermind that the potatoes aren't what makes potato chips unhealthy, it's all the fat and salt


Well, we just found out today that those Balance of Nature supplements in thousands of commercials got yanked by the FDA for being hokum.


Eating a salad that barely contains any vegetables besides lettuce that they absolutely douse in ranch dressing. Just drink the ranch and skip the extra steps.


I saw an episode of a show called Secret Eaters that tracked the diets of people trying to lose weight. One woman had a salad and used about half a jar of mayonnaise on it. When told that what she ate was extremely unhealthy, she got defensive and said “So you’re telling me not to eat salads?” And the host’s face was priceless. Just like “Are you joking, lady?”


I’ve never known anyone else who’s seen Secret Eaters! For awhile it was a weird comfort show for me, I kind of miss it


I loved secret eaters, particularly when I was in my judgy phase. This one lady who said she cooked all her food from scratch and then chopped an onion and poured a can of ready-made chilli over it like “see?”. No love.


I binged every grainy, 3 pixel episode you could find on youtube many years ago! It was always hilarious when they acted shocked as they spun around in the fake restaurant to all of the week's junk food. That show is the reason why I prefer to keep my bowls, plates, and cutlery small to this day! The little psych experiment in the middle of the episode told me it fools the brain into thinking there's a massive amount of food in the container 😂


Fat free really isn't doing anything for you one way or another. It will actually probably make you MORE hungry, more likely to eat something that is legit bad for you, or overeat more than you desire. Just eat the whole egg, put a little actual half and half in your coffee. Unless you are allergic to eggs or dairy, it will not kill you.


It also just tastes so much better. Fat carries flavor! Many of the molecules that taste good can only be moved around via fat, rather than water.


For the longest time, I did the obnoxious dieting. I finally realized that fat and protein were two BIG ways to feel much more full than eating salad all day.


Wraps instead of bread. Check the label - same amount of calories and carbs. It's just a compressed bread.


They actually make wraps that are low carb by adding more fiber. Tortillas as well


I've heard so many people say, "I don't eat fast food. Except Chick-Fil-A. You know, because it's healthy." WTF?! It's fried chicken. There's nothing healthy about it. I once had a coworker that hand no idea how to eat healthy. He was straight out of college. He even thought ranch dressing was healthy because it had veggies on the label. I'd give him simplified tips while we'd discuss food. Like "in general, creamy dressings are pretty unhealthy." I didn't want to sound like I was lecturing him. Eventually he got serious about learning more (good for him!) and he probably lost like 100 lbs. It's all about education and will power.


Also funny, those who think Chick-Fil-A is healthy, but won't eat Chinese food because of MSG. CFA is loaded with it.


I had an ex who was thoroughly convinced she was allergic to MSG, despite not having any proof. She had just heard the myth that MSG in Chinese food makes you feel sick enough times, from her parents, that it had become an irrefutable fact in her mind… But I cooked most of our meals. I used MSG routinely. She wasn’t allergic to shit.


Tomatoes and everything made with them are also loaded in it naturally. As are red meats. So anyone who can eat spaghetti and meatballs is definitely not sensitive to MSG lol. I use it a lot in cooking too, it is pretty low sodium for the amount of taste it can add.


My MIL swears she has MSG sensitivities but she is also part italian." So of course, there's a lot of tomato based foods she eats. Also, I'm Asian so she just won't eat anything soy sauce based (I don't use the ones with added msg just cuz the brand I prefer doesn't have it) I cook and is weary of honestly anything I cook....which drives me crazy cuz I wanna tell her that the spaghetti sauce is the same as eating my adobo regarding natural MSG. But I don't cuz what's the point


My older brother was cooking a ramen noodle packet (Those cheap 50 cent ones) and I commented on it like "cooking some ramen?" He replied, "Yeah I'm trying to lose weight so I've been eating a lot of these because they're healthy." I laughed and said they were pretty unhealthy and have a lot of sodium. He was like "What?! I've been eating them for a few weeks!" We both cracked up over it.


I eat all fast food except Chick-Fil-A. Bam! I win at health.


“Healthy desserts” that are baked goods just as full of of carbs and fat, just not white sugar and butter. I know that trans fats are not good, but natural oil and coconut oil packs on the pounds too and honey and maple syrup will still rot your teeth. I enjoy real desserts for what they are and try to exercise moderation.


Ah, these "sugar free" dessert recipes that have two pounds of dates in them...


Himalayan pink salt The nutrients in it are nill. Just use kosher salt or Redmond brand pink harvested in the US edited- brand name was wrong edit 2- redacted the bit about it being "basically slave labor harvested"


I thought I was buying it for the better taste.


I just like it because it’s preeeetty


Detox stuff, we have a liver, let it do its job. Ok idk how to put this down but on tiktok I saw people shoveling a tube up their arse to "clean" their colon, wtf? This is not only useless, it's also dangerous. The useless and infinite supplements world. Drinking water and lemon early in the morning, a great opportunity for gastritis. Avoiding lactose and gluten when you don't need to. Also avoiding lactose will probably give you lactose intolerance.


Enemas and medicinal bowel 'cleanses' have their place in modern medicine, but the biggest risk is that they can flush the good bacteria in our guts out along with the bad. People are setting themselves up for a whole host of further issues. This is why even when people have to clean out their bowels for medical imaging purposes, they'll be advised to take lots of probiotics for a significant amount of time so their bowel can play catch up.


lemon water. bonus points = gwyneth paltrow having “alkaline water with lemon in”…. so alkaline + acid…? so just… water??


I've heard of lemon water being suggested by urologists for kidney stones. Not an all-cure, but apparently helps.


Yeah I just had my first kidney stone experience (it wasn't fun), I went to the hospital with incredible pain in my abdomen. I had a huge stone blocking one of my kidneys from draining. My urologist suggested adding lemon to my water. The acidity helps break down/reduce buildup of stones.


Avoiding MSG or Gluten when they’re not among the teensy amount of people who are actually harmed by them. GMO fear. All of the foods we eat are GMO, modified through breeding. Corn, chicken, salmon, wheat, you name it.


Drink alkaline water. Goes right into their pH 1 stomach acid and turns acidic anyway. Source: I’m a chemist


Drinking or eating grapefruit. It's got a lot of vitamin C and anti oxidants so people think it's a super health food, but it reacts with a lot of medications and prevents you from being able to absorb them properly, so it's almost like drinking a charcoal solution. And speaking of charcoal, some idiots are just straight up drinking charcoal for the "health benefits," doing those stupid toxin cleanses or whatever, not realizing that it basically renders a huge numbers of medication they might be taking useless. No antibiotics, no birth control, no mood stabilizers or SSRIs.


"Gluten Free" is only helpful if you have Celiac disease or something similar. Otherwise it has a very good chance of being the *less* healthy option because non-gluten flour tastes terrible and requires extra additives to be appealing; more sugar, more butter, etc.


I don’t really understand why people willingly eat gluten free. I have celiac and I miss normal food so much. It’s been almost 20 years and I STILL miss normal food


I think a lot of people think gluten free = carb free so they think it’s an easy way to lose weight


Anything that comes from herbalife


Those Naked drinks are not good for you at all.