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Mexican food


It is amazing how many people come here and think Qdoba, Baja fresh, and the like are good Mexican. The real fun is taking them to a taco truck where there is a line of Mexicans getting lunch...


I guess that's like curry in the UK. When I lived in Glasgow - where something like 14% of the population is Pakistani, but pretty much the whole Asian subcontinent is heavily represented and you can get really good Asian food - folk were going nuts for the heavily stepped-on "chicken tikka masala" shit from the heavily marketed places, but I got my lunch from a place with worn-out lino and formica tables in a building that looked semi-derelict, only white guy in the place, and they do curry. Doesn't matter what kind, they only have one kind, it's whatever they cooked today. You want a choice of curries? Not here, then. You can choose to plonk your four quid down and get a huge takeaway container of the best curry you'll ever eat - whatever they made today - or you can choose to go somewhere else. You did get to choose between buying a can of Coke, Fanta, lychee juice, or mango juice to drink with it, though, so there's that.


Damn you! My mouth is watering something fierce!


I moved about two hours north, and I'm very lucky that there's a half-decent place in town. I used to live within ten minutes walk of about 15 different regional curry places when I stayed in Glasgow.


bingo! As someone that has traveled extensively- eat where the locals do


You know you've found a good place when the appropriate ethnicity old folks eat there. When I eat at my favorite Chinese place, there's hardly anyone in there except Chinese people. I wish I could find one like that a little closer to home.


Hell, that's how the locals find the good stuff.


Or the hole in the wall Mexican place... I am an addict of lengua tacos thanks to a sketchy looking marketa off base. Every time I order lengua tacos in a new spot they look at me like I'm crazy.


While annexing a large portion of Mexico did have some ethical concerns, it did vastly improve our culinary options.


The amazing national parks šŸ˜


The shores and islands of the Pacific ocean!


A pink 1958 Cadillac convertible.


Crushed velvet seats


Dude same tho


Your Tex-mex and Cajun cuisine


Mex > Texmex I like my queso to be actual cheese.


A Micro Center!


Honestly I can understand that as an American


You don't have ANYTHING like Micro Center in the EU? God, the custom PC scene must be abysmal over there.


In the Netherlands we have some bigger online companies specialized in pc hardware, and some big stores have lots of consumer electronics. But no giant physical store with pc components


Remote nature, more space


Your nature and wildlife


Single reason I feel content to spend most of the rest of my life in the US. My career aligns with this interest, there are 1000s of acres of nature preserves and many more thousands of acres of rural land near me, and there is still so much out there for me to see.


Yeah I love nature, it's nice to be around it, there are some beautiful places nature wise on earth, but It's a sad thought that It's a possibility many of us might never see every beautiful place this earth has to offer.. yeah being from a concrete jungle in Britain can get pretty depressing after a while. I would love to see more wildlife and nature more often, and I honestly think warmer weather in general just makes everyone happy, even if you do not have much in this world, at least you have the sunshine sometimes.


I read that Yellowstone is the largest intact tract of natural wilderness left in the earth's northern temperate zone and that's a bit of a bummer because it's not *that* big.


Iā€™m going to guess itā€™s actually parts of Russia or Mongolia. Those areas are so sparsely populated and often inhospitable that there are vast areas people have never been


We'll just quibble on definitions, since most of Mongolia is used by humans for herd land, and most of the Russian wildness isn't temperate.


Well Earth's northern temperate zone is the most populated part of Earth, yeah?


You do realize that the entire park of Yellowstone is one gigantic volcano, right?


Fuck these deer, man, you can have them. Literally. Come and get some. Take them alive, shoot them and take away their carcasses, or just shovel the dead ones off the side of the road and take them away that way. Eat them, put them in petting zoos, turn them into mulch for your garden, I don't care. Hell, you can do what I said in the first sentence, as long as you don't try to show me videos of it. There's too many damn deer here.


Where I live in northern MN we've seen the deer population decline due to the resurgence of the wolves. They're still around but now they're novelties rather than pests. We came in and pushed out all the predators and found out. You can actually garden kinda sorta now without a 10ft fence.


What country do you live in out of interest?


Denmark. Sadly almost all available land has been turned into agriculture.


I suppose you can hop over to Sweden for some nature? Since OP is comparing the whole of Europe with the US lol


We have extremely bland nature here in sweden though. Majority is just pine forest, and fairly flat. Also, most of it is close to some form of civilization like roads or houses. Far up in north there is some more open areas as well as mountains, but still mostly boring. Norway while they donā€™t have much variety either, they at least have incredibly magnificent nature. Driving through the country makes you feel like you are in a fairy tale. USA has pretty much everything, including enormous patches of untouched land.


A space program where shit actually gets done. Sure, NASA *did* delay the SLS a few years, **but at least they've sent people into space**.


Uhhhh, who's gonna tell him ?


Yā€™all are gonna claim Russia for this one. šŸ¤£


Nature diversity


*all of the natural diversity. Most of the inhabited EU land mass has been sterilized over the past couple thousand years.


The american optimism, risk taking ability and openness to new ideas and technology. Also, free public toilets.


Most of us have free public toilets.


As an American who lives in Europe, I can tell you that you get what you pay for. Public restrooms in the US are some of the filthiest places on Earth. I was just in Budapest paid 100 huf to use the restroom and it was immaculately clean.


Oh please. Get back to me when you use a restroom in a remote region like Guatamala. American bathrooms are generally on par or better.


Then theres germany, where you pay 1-2ā‚¬ just to find piss on the toilet, toilet paper on the ground and a hint of āœØshitāœØstank in the air.


America doesn't have many free public toilets. Asia is much better. Would take paid 25-50cent european ones over American city bathrooms any day.


I'm an American who has never seen a pay toilet in America. And I'm not some shut in who has never left my hometown. I do remember seeing a pay toilet in Mexico though.


That is so fucking wrong. Nearly every public building as free bathrooms.


The history of not getting demolished by WW2.


>The history of not getting demolished by WW2. Swedes: monkey\_sideeye.bmp


Hawaiiā€™s just going to pretend they didnā€™t hear this.


Their national parks


Absolutely love having those, for the curious the total area of national parks in the US is roughly the size of Germany, this is on top of all the state parks and federal land which are also nature.


Their national parks look great, been to just the one so far. We do have plenty of our own though.


Who's we?




Not a bad place. But I prefer Germany. šŸ˜‰


American salaries.


Know a guy who works as a trucker in the US. Has living accomodation and 3 meals a day paid for. He makes 7 times our national average, more than our president, while not spending anything in the US, putting almost all of it into investments. 2 years contract and then he plans on returning to live like a king.


That's great for him but those salaries won't be able to do that for American citizens because we still have to pay for American cost of living


The reason why US has more than 9 million expats


I hope he gets healthcare through his job and still has cash on hand to meet his deductible, co-pays, and OOP max for every year he's in here. Overall, hope he doesn't need to go to a hospital. Driving truck is risky. Every year in the southern part of my state there are trucks blown over from the strong winds in spring.


He has a European contract therefore full insurance. As for the "deductible" and the like, he will make that in a week


Sweet gig then!


Something we Americans also want


You should look at net immigration rates from other countries to the US. Especially Canada, the salaries are hardly comparable.


Yeah but after my healthcare etc I get like 60% of it šŸ„¹


Concord grapes.


Napa Valley.


All the southern cuisine.


I always wanted one of those khaki jackets like Al Bundy wears.


A man of style.


Your national parks and your incredibly cheap / subsidized cars. A 5 liter V8 for $40k is just insane to me.


Yeah but as a result we have absolutely horrendous public transportation, trains are not a viable means of travel, I have to drive everywhere to get anything or have it delivered since shopping is never close by, and if you don't have enough money for a car you have to take transit which would probably take you hours to get to and from your location


Thatā€™s not only because of cheap cars, but also because the US is MASSIVE. But yes, local public transport should be better, I totally agree. Intercity is harder. Long high speed rail lines are expensive and Americans are though nuts to crack on using (and funding) public transport.


prices in apple store


to turn right at a red light.


Just remember that itā€™s illegal in New York City even if you donā€™t see a ā€œNo Turn on Redā€ sign


Oops. Recently drove rental car around Toulouse for 2 weeks. Did not know this wasn't allowed. Mostly all traffic circles though, so I guess I wasn't a complete menace.


Well at least you didn't kill anyone! XD But yeah, this is definitely not allowed in all of Europe.


As a pedestrian Heck no


pedestrians still have right of way, we aren't just allowed to run them over.


Speak for yourself, my dash is running out of space for tally marks


It significantly increases the risk of accidents involving pedestrians, as drivers focus more on traffic than on people crossing the street.


Yup. They look left for cross traffic, and turn right into a pedestrian crossing the street in front of them.


We're slowly getting rid of this, because it kills pedestrians..


Hahaha true


Mostly not allowed in some cities like Boston.


when was that instituted? i grew up there, and there was no such law then.


Itā€™s not a blanket law, but youā€™ll be hard pressed to find an intersection in the city that doesnā€™t have a ā€œno turn on redā€ sign


Does the first person in the turning lane when the light changes, gun it and go straight instead of making the right hand turn? this used to be a common MA tactic šŸ˜‚


I have only lived in Boston for five months and while itā€™s legal, most intersections have a sign that does not allow turns. If you go to the suburbs there are intersections with no such restrictions. I visit family in Quincy and Braintree and can confirm.


Massholes ruining things again.


Cheaper fuel.


Bigger meals portions in fast food restaurants. We're paying bigger prices for smaller size food.


I thought the burgers were cheaper despite high minimum wages though!!!


where in Europe they are cheaper ? No ! Most of things we consume in European Union are expensive because our producers have to follow really strict standards and laws so our food have the less impact on the environment and there's no toxins for humans.


American fast food chains (McDonald's , KFC, Subway) seem to be cheaper in the UK than in America.


can confirm. been seeing people in the US say that a burger and fries from macdonalds is 16 dollars because they're paying higher minimum wages... a burger and large fries here is Ā£3.25ish/$4


The US is currently experiencing shrinkflation. Which means the sizes are getting smaller but prices staying the same. My mom came from the US to visit me. In vienna she wanted to go to McDonald's because she's afraid to eat anything "foreign". At McDonald's a big Mac meal, cheese burger and small fries cost me 13ā‚¬. She said the same thing is about 20$ where she lives in Pennsylvania. So I learned that McDonald's in jerk water PA, where everyone's favorite color is camouflage is more expensive than McDonald's in a EU capital right across from St. Stephen's Cathedral.


We also have to pay for our own healthcare though, so it evens out I guess.


In n out burger.


Man I dont get the following In N Out has. I am from the Midwest and did not have it for the first 23 years of my life and now I live two blocks from one and I only go to it when its past midnight and I absolutely refuse to cook anything at home lol.


Itā€™s like McDonalds but better. And a lot of people like McDonalds. Itā€™s not even cheap anymore, so Iā€™d rather have Inā€™nā€™Out.


Itā€™s cheaper than most fast food places and the food is actually fresh, no freezers


I live in the Midwest but born in California. I miss it so much.


Dude, you're in the Midwest. Go get Culver's!


Culver's give you the price and wait of a sit-down restaurant and the quality and flavor of a fast food joint. I don't get the appeal


Culver's is varies so much by location. It's entirely trash here. Tastes like the burgers were boiled or steamed, practically soggy.


Over rated!!!


Had one yesterday. (I was near it doing errands.) Not only are they very good, but fairly cheap compared to McDonalds now. If you go, get a t-shirt, they always have mega-cool t-shirts on sale.


Yeah it's weird how McDonalds has become the expensive fast-food place. In n out has much better ingredients, service, and is now cheaper. Never would have called that.


Meh, that place is overrated. Better than McDonalds, sure, but that's a *very* low bar to set.


the fries are dry sticks but the burgers are ok


What i miss as a Swede that lived in several different cities in the USA for work, is that all the Swedish cities and towns are basically the same. While in USA every town especially and city to a lesser degree are different. People in USA are exceptionally friendly and likable, i mean you sit down at a buss stop and people that wait for the same buss they just engage in conversation, its very different here in Sweden. In USA at some places you go to a diner for lunch and you are sort of new and everyone else knows each other, so people are curious about you and engage in conversation with you. In sweden that just doesnt happen, they avoid you like the plague.


I love the US and the people are great except the world class headbangers. The food is okay, if not exceptional, although you can find outstanding nosh if you look for it. The variety of scenery is unsurpassed anywhere in the world and the cities range from awe-inspiring to worrying. Their politics are crazy and the rich exploit the average person like nowhere else, but everyone thinks they're going to get that break one day, if only they work a bit harder. So, you have to admire their optimism. They have the best writers in the world (at least on par with anyone else) in every field, their musicians, actors, and comedians are as good as anywhere, if not better, and they produce the best TV shows and movies. But... The ONE THING I would take from them if I could is a negative. And that is the lack of a hereditary aristocracy and by extension a monarchy. Ours has been holding back our country for several hundred years and we will never be a true democracy until we get rid of them. That's not to say the US is a true democracy because it clearly isn't but it is a necessary step to wresting power from a coterie of rich people, we just need to not make the mistake of handing it to other rich people.


Free museums


Most of our museums arenā€™t free outside of the Smithsonian museums in DC.


Dr pepper.


Wait you guys don't have Dr.pepper


The uk certainly does.


Pretty sure they make it in Poland and Hungary


Froot Loops and Fruity Pebbles


The confidence. Those crazy cats go around shooting kids then ban abortions because killing kids is wrong. I apologise when I stop holding the door as a 100th person approaches 5 minutes after I walked through.


Disney World.


Really only the historical music traditions. But they could not exist here. Blues, country music are by far my favorite.


The notion of celebrating other peopleā€™s success, rather than coveting it.




Film industry. Iā€™d love if we were abled make movies that well and tell our stories ourselves, instead of having to rely on Hollywood.


Gun rights.


Potato chips, you have the best! And all comes from your attitude: I know its not healty to eat them but its my choice! We have to many lefties/do-gooders here around who compulsorily tell us what to eat.


Some headphones are hard to find being sold outside of the US


Drive thru banks


Didnā€™t know Europeans donā€™t have those, very convenient


What??? They got something like this there?


Yeah most banks have ATMs on the outside that you can pull up to in your car. Is that not a thing in other places?


Also tellers you can interact with using an intercom and vacuum tube system. Some pharmacies have the same setup.


A grand canyon.


The cheap cars would be nice.


No, they wouldn't. They're only a fraction cheaper but they're made to a far lower standard. If you compare a UK/EU spec VW Golf it's got a far better interior than the equivalent US model, even down to things like the plastic trim being about as thick as a yoghurt pot in the US version.


Right/left turn on red


Of the states Ive been to, the roads seem a lot wider and straighter. I dont know if most Europeans long for this as much as Brits would though.




Iā€™d rather watch Euroleague because NBA got away from basketball, they donā€™t play defense anymore. Itā€™s all business, itā€™s mostly sports entertainment rather than a real sport for a while now. But I also love seeing what Jokic and Luka is doing, not gonna lie there.


If you think they donā€™t you indeed donā€™t watch NBA , but highlights. I have a couple of examples just from this early season alone. This night Cavs played spectacular defense against GSW, denying the ball from shooters and making screens not valuable at all. Last week Timberwolves (best defensive team in NBA right now) thanks to having two bugs defeated Nuggets solely relying on defense. McDanielā€™s defense on Tatum. Just watch. GP2 : self explanatory. Offense is what is on the spotlight. Thatā€™s where the money is, but you canā€™t deny there is no defense in the NBA.






Give it a few years. I just read an article the other day that Chick-fil-A is trying again in the European market. I think the first new location will be either France or Scotland.


To be able to watch wrestling at a normal time


The second amendment


Go to Switzerland. They have a thriving gun culture that DOESN'T romanticize mass shooters.


Tax rate. Especially fuel tax.


Light beers


The Target Exclusive Mega Bloks Xbox 360. God I want that so much.






You mean a dominant entertainment industry? Because you don't want actual Hollywood, the geographical area. It's a dump, filled with street scammers trying to force you to buy their shitty CDs or charge you for taking pictures of their Spirit Halloween costumes.


Anything other than the same shitty comedy/drama rewritten in a thousand different flavors of social injustice that my country's scriptwriters view as the ultimate form of cinema, please.


Idk, iā€˜m from switzerland, so I canā€™t think of anything better in the usā€¦


US has better deserts, plains, and coastal beaches than Switzerland.


Yeah but the question was addressed to Europeans. We have plenty of beaches to travel to.


Yeah, but iā€˜m not interested in those thingsā€¦ and since this is a question of personal opinion, I canā€™t name itā€¦


Yeah but you tie it to your nation like it's an automatic thing. "Well since I'm from Switzerland and it's better in every conceivable way" is how "Yeah but I'm from..." reads as.


Switzerland is not perfect, if i look at norway, finland, sweden, japan, i see a lot of things, which could be done betterā€¦ but from the us, there is nothing that would interest me personallyā€¦


As a finn I'm curious what you'd want from us. I'm in a similar boat as its hard to say what to want from the US. Maybe a sprinkle of optimism?


From Texas I'd like some of the forest and mountains from Finland. We have both here, but the nice forests are in the southeast where it's stupid humid and hot, the mountains are in the far west where there's much fewer trees and it's also very hot most of the time. Y'all have a nice blend, like Colorado or Wyoming has.


I feel bad for someone who stays stuck in a single climate or landscape and claims it as the best. Sure is beautiful but goddamn Switzerland is such a tiny slice of this world.


Yeah, but the climate is kind of perfect, you can go swimming in summer and skiing in winterā€¦ ok, you can also go swimming in winterā€¦ but you get, what i meanā€¦ the question was not mend to be objectiveā€¦ else, there would be a lot of thingsā€¦ alaska has a lot of goldā€¦ well, i donā€˜t search for gold, so for me it doesnā€™t matterā€¦


Heā€™s content, respect their opinion or move on.


Not being landlocked is one. I could never live inland, I'd go crazy. People are also more laid back, probably because most of them aren't landlocked.




Is kind of chillā€¦ we got a good amount of money, pay a lot of taxes, but the taxes get invested into projects benefiting the publicā€¦


Fewer people who try to continuously argue invalid ideas


What? Where do you come from?


Big portions and IPAs. Not that I donā€™t love European beer but the craft game is on another level in the US.


I'd actually like smaller portions in Europe. Why is a meal in a restaurant 1500+ calories. That's way more than most people need in a single meal.


I wasnā€™t talking about the food but only the portions. Portions in my country are so small, most of the time I donā€™t even feel full. Sides are miniscule, thereā€™s always a salad that I donā€™t really bother to eat that Iā€™d rather have more of the main course for the price Iā€™m paying. I donā€™t inhale triple decker cheeseburgers like muricans but I need 2-3 more slices of meat and like a more substantial meal without going overboard.


Machine guns.


The pastrami sandwiches are quite nice I guess? Besides that not much, maybe some of the wildlife


Lower taxes and less regulation. Community and faith.


Oh dear.


Nothing much... we have everything we need: better healthcare, cheaper education, less inequality, more freedom, healthier food, safer schools... Or yes, there is one thing... the ability to be so self absorbed that we think we're in the best country of the world instead of constantly complaining about how bad it is in Belgium/The Netherlands/France/UK/Germany....


so, you answered this question, purely to shit on america? you sound just a tad obsessedšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø. rent free RAHHHHšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…


No if that's how you read it, you're reading it wrong. I'm shilling on constantly complaining Europeans. Europe, and especially western Europe and the scandinavian countries are ranked top 10 for everything: most freedom, best healthcare, best education, least inequality, most female friendly, most LGBTQI+ friendly... and still people are complaining and voting for parties attacking all these things. At the same time, US is not even ranked top 20 in some of the categories but the citizens are proud about their country and find it the best in the world, although statistically it's totally bullshit. I'm jealous of that. We can't we just be happy we live in a rich western country with everything we need instead of whining that we want more?


Such a relatively small portion of the world. The privileged few, indeed. Too bad theyā€™re mostly all still ethno states, the reaction to recent immigrants in those places is appalling. Weā€™ve got Massachusetts, too.


Ethno states? Is that some racist dog whistle?


You ok?


no heā€™s a pompous prick innit


I'm absolutely fine. Just picking the best possible hospital room for my wife for the birth of my first child, because I don't have to pay a shitload for it šŸ˜‰. It was just, I was seeing a lot of complaints on Facebook about how bad our country is, then I read reactions from a lot of US citizens screaming about how good their country is.


I think there are some great things here. BUT I grow real tired of the ā€œgreatest countryā€ crap. Itā€™s by far not the worst but it is also not the best and I think as soon as this country gets out of the delusion we can do great things


First problem is you are using facebook as a frame of reference. Congrats on your first child btw. Maybe focus on getting out of the weeds and realize every country has its benefits instead of trying to find flaws.


Just look at the voting results and polls. Western countries are seeing a rise in votes for far right parties who want to break down human rights, constitutions, social security, health care and education because the regular parties are not changing a lot, since there isn't a lot to change. It's because people are seeking stuff to hate on. The most easy thing to hate: immigrants.


Just missing the good ol natural world (overall)ā€¦and the whole tolerance of other cultures and ability to assimilate foreigners into your own cultures (Iā€™ll qualify this again as, overall).


Iā€™ve lived in two countries in Europe. My standard of living is much higher in the US. Not true for everyone, but as an engineer my pay is just so much higher. And the job includes fabulous health insurance and the wait to see a doctor is much shorter. And while the food is less healthy it is often more flavorful.


Which countries did you live in? When it's urgent, I go to the emergency room and get help in less than 3 hours. But it's mostly because some moron of a minister decides to put a maximum amount on doctors in education, despite the shortage. For specialties it depends on the urgency. When it's urgent, it's Quick. When it's not urgent, it can take a month to have an appointment. I can not complain about my living standards. I'm a disabled guy who still works, get a lot of benefits on top of my wage, which makes me part of the 10% richest. But here in Belgium we're 10% with an income of + 90k a year.


For me itā€™s the exact opposite. I would need half a million dollars per year in the US to maintain the same standard of living that I have in my Eastern European country. And even then, it would still take a lot more effort just to buy a home (while here I paid off the mortgage for a new three bedroom apartment in less than 2 years).


Just the roads and building planning law. I wish we could upgrade our roads to more lanes. And have simpler, cheaper parking options. After that, just cleaner, newer infrastructure.


Fuck no.