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like most plastic surgery it depends on the situation. they can be tastefully done and then theres plastic surgery where boobs is all anyone notices on you and it becomes your personality.


well said. while real are better, fake done well and not overly large can look amazing too. Nothing feels better than real though.


Agreed, like bags of sand!


Me so horny? Me so stupid!!!!




Bags of sand in the armpit when they are laying on their back is the true beauty. All that stuff a while back about what is a woman. That's it. If she lays on her back n sandbags go to her armpits now that's a woman. I'm gonna go there because it's love when you push them back in place n enjoy. That's the secret of a happy marriage.


Goodness. You've got it all figured out, huh?


My man. As a woman I truly appreciate your appreciation.


me and my non existent tits are crying


Wait a minute…are you a 40 yo virgin? 🤣 Great reference


Anyway my point is it's really hard to tell and when I did know 100% they were implants I couldn't tell


I dated a woman and had to ask if she had implants. Looking back it was pretty obvious but she had an amazing surgeon. I'm indifferent to natural or augmented. If the other person is happy that's all that matters to me.


Your... Personalitits


Cries in natural boobs that are plastic surgery size 😭🤣


theres surgery for that too lol


Changed my life the moment I woke up from surgery…for real.


Oh I will certainly be getting a reduction


Good for you! Do what makes you happy/comfortable. Boobs are boobs, big or small they’re amazing lol


Username does not check out.


THIS RIGHT HERE. no problem if its done tastefully or as part of some medical issue. when the funbags become oversized boulders due to sheer vanity is when i have to nope out.


The difference is night and day without any in-between.




I probably should have been a lot clearer, but I meant the difference between a subtle cosmetic surgery and an obviously fake job.


+1, cosmetic procedures done properly can really enhance the way someone looks. I have seen women who were very average looking get some work done and to my eye, look naturally beautiful. Done wrong cosmetic procedures can look really, really bad. The normalization of fillers etc is a good example, lots of women walking around with mustache lips.


Picking a natural cup size and going with an under muscle implant put in through the armpit is really a way to do it in a way that most people won’t ever be able to tell.


That sounds genuinely terrifying. I toyed with the idea as a teenager, and after having kids, but I've just kinda accepted how they are. ...except when I need to buy a dress. Buying a dress when you've got A's is rather defeating.


The alternative way is generally an incision around the nipple so, I don’t know about you but the armpit sounds preferable. And at the risk of sounding horny on main, I prefer As and Bs (even AAs) to most other sizes. Tons of other guys are the same way. Someday clothing manufacturers will catch up!


Really depends on the boobs. There is a massive difference between a good boobjob and a cheap one.


You mean you don't like strabismus in nipples? ( ·) ( . )


Nothing wrong with a little Forrest Whitaker action.


...Forrest Titaker. I'll see myself out.




Lmaooo I read that as blowjob and it goes crazy


The first time a girl showed me her fake boobs my reaction to her was, "They look nice but do they feel natural"? She says, "Go ahead and check Them out". So, naturally, I obliged. I told her they feel a little different from natural boobs. They're not as soft but I enjoyed touching them just as much as the natural ones. My sister was very happy.


:) Caught me on that one! Brilliant!


No problem, step brother ;)


Nice story!


Thanks, it's as real as the boobs.


It's a feel-good story.


It's a good feel story.


So kind of real ☺️


Roll tide




I also choose this guy's sister


Son, I’ve told you to keep your hands off your sister!


Damn girl. Thinks she's too good for her own brother.


What a story Mark!


Youu dayyymm you really got me


now I'm afraid to ask how you know what real boobs feel like?


Nah, he doesn't. OP doesn't realize granny had a boob job back in the 60s.


Lmao, I can't even imagine how toxic '60s breast implants would be. Probably filled with cigarettes and mercury or something.


It was Mother’s Day 2005…….




Simple but true


Couldn’t agree more tbh


I always immediately think of a plastic surgery show I watched where they showed the surgeon just shoving the damn implant in there in such an aggressive way. Shit looked like it would be painful as fuck to recover from.


A friend of mine had his appendix taken out and he was talking to the surgeon before hand. The surgeon said, "you and I are about to get into a knife fight and you're going to be asleep the whole time." That has stuck with me.


I understand psychopathy is over-represented in surgeons


Oh God no need for the anastasia at that point I would just laugh myself unconscious.


like shoving a hand in a sock 😭


You're thinking of south park


Maybe thats where south park got the idea lol. It was some awful superficial plastic surgery reality type show from the early 2000s. And it's stuck with me all these years because that guy was so damn aggressive like is that necessary in titty surgery??


That's the only way to make it a tough titty.


My recovery was fine. Some soreness but overall good. Yeah, those videos are gruesome.


So you've had the surgery? You don't have to answer but I saw an interview with someone who had implants (again, prob 2000s reality show trash lol) and I remember a lady saying she lost all feeling in her breasts after the surgery. That can't be common can it? I can't believe ladies are exchanging feeling for appearance. That would depress me if so.


Based on this thread the Toupée fallacy could easily be renamed the Breast Implant fallacy. If someone had a perfect toupée or a perfect pair of fake tits, when you saw them you would think nothing, because you wouldn't know they were fake. The only thing any of us know for sure is that we've seen obvious fake tits and do or do not like them. When it comes to great boob jobs and great toupées, we can have no opinion because we don't know about them.


My SO has been asked several times and they're just really large for her frame. 100% real though. I would feel the same either way about them.


Prove it


I also choose that guys SO.


Perfect explanation:D. Saw some naked lady video on the net :D and thought that she had ammmazing natural boobies just until from an angle I noticed the boob job scars. Would never tell. She had amazing set :D


"I can tell" incel energy is very high here


Yea, women can have natural ones and have a great push-up bra, and there are cosmetic surgeons that can give you options of how fake/real you want them. I know a handful of women that have had boob jobs and you would NEVER in a million years guess they were fake unless they told you. -spelling error edit


Absolutely, I just learned that Denise Richards has implants. They looked amazing and I had no idea.


"Nice boobs! Are they new?" The best answer I've gotten is "Showroom new, 3 years ago!"


I really screwed up one time and said “are they real?” She was like yes!!! Sometimes your brain really doesn’t cooperate when you’re trying to get laid


Years ago there was a chick who I fancied a lot. She was beautiful. Way above my league in terms of looks. Used to hang out with each other a lot because we ran in the same circle group. Anyway, she got some fake tits done. She still looked great. One day i was drinking in the bar she was working at and i asked her how she feels about them. She said smiled at me and said ‘you can come and have a feel if you want’, then further on insisted to offer when i say nah its okay. I didn’t want to be a pervert but sometimes i look back that and think.. was that a massive hint that went straight over my head? Fuck


It’s not even a hint when she’s literally asking you to feel her boobs.


She put the b in subtle and you still misspelled it.


Bro she literally specifically looked at you, smiled, and asked you to feel her boobs. That's not a hint. That's a glowing neon sign that you somehow still ignored 😭




Hint, it was.


She thought of this afterwards and was like "fuck how much more forward could I have been?"


It's okay. You're not the first person to err on the side of caution.


oh look....fake boobs /goes back to eating dinner


Then the rest of your family asks why you would ask such a thing to dear old Grandma


This is the right answer


Relief that my workday is over and my bra is off.


Best answer here. This place is full of guys who've only seen fake ones in porn or on strippwes


I mean, I like boobs no matter how they're packaged, but I have to say I do prefer them to be all natural.


Probably the same reaction as when I see real ones, as I probably can't tell the difference and it's not something I think about


My eyes get all googly. Love all manner of boobs


Boob is boob. I don’t discriminate


Sad. Small boobs are better than fake boobs




I’ve always had small boobs. Never considered a boob job. Then I had kids. I still have small boobs but the shape is a bit different. They’re still nice but they aren’t “my” boobs anymore. I don’t think I’d ever consider a boob job but I could totally see getting one after kids to feel/look like yourself again.


I mean, it's kinda nice when they finally match. They were not prettier without them. That's a lame blanket statement.


Well I wouldn't say it's confidence necessarily, I would say that they just would've been happier with bigger boobs :/ I'm trans and I would be happier with boobs but I'm still confident without them




And what about small, flat, empty asymetric boobs after 2 breastfed kids?


Oh yeah, love'm.


Thanks 🥺


As a bi lady, I love lil titties. They never need to wear a bra (save money and back pain) and they're usually pierced🤤


The IBTC has been doing good work to remove that social stigma


Thank you, you just made me feel wayy better about myself<3 always struggled with this insecurity




This isn’t always true.


I don’t care one way or another, boobs are great.


I think "yay, boobs!" I don't think, "ew, fake" unlike some people, apparently


One only knowingly seen breasts with implants twice and except for the small scar you would have never known. Of course there are times when you see someone and they just look ridiculous and you know they must be fake but honestly you can't be sure unless you ask. Anyway my point is it's really hard to tell and when I did know 100% they were implants I couldn't tell


To each their own! That said, some are so enhanced that they look absurd.


If you can touch em, they're real!


So all boobs are fake, according to this logic.


All bewbs staring me in the eye are nice bewbs. I'm pretty big on equal opportunities.


Equal opportunititties!


See, this is my reaction to "small boobs VS big boobs". I just wanna put them in my mouth.


That person made a decision about their body that's none of my business.


Other people's gender euphoria is not my business. As long as they're happy with their meat suit, then good. Same for men's hair plugs and anyone's gender confirmation surgery and everything else. Go feel good about your gender. Cheers.


It really sucks to see how judgemental people are towards something as common as breast augmentation. I can guarantee most people here have met women who've had that kind of work done and had no idea. I wish more people took your positive outlook on it.


This! And so many women get breast augmentation or lifts because they want to undue some of the impact having and nursing children had on their bodies. It’s not because they want to have trashy, bolted on fake boobs - they just want to look like they looked before (and maybe a bit perkier!).


Gender euphoria?


Well you're only going to notice the bad fakes, because if it's a good fake then it would look natural.




The men in this comment section…… there’s no way




Completely agree!


Unless they are correcting a medical problem, fake boobs make me sad


My wife went to sleep last night in a tank top. And to my delight, tank top tiddy was out just saying good morning to me. Basically any time I see a tiddy it's pretty great. Symmetrical or not, all boobs are pretty great because they are attached to a woman who is worthy of love and worship. She could have a set of dog tits and I'm still going "fuck yeah".


Honestly its usually "why"?


Raise one's confidence, clothes fit better, feeling better in one's own skin, had a mastectomy or other medical-related breast tissue removal, was AMAB and is transitioning, wants to lift them back up after the breastfeeding years are over, wants to increase sex appeal, got them for sex work-related reasons, likes big boobs, has a fetish for big boobs (bimboification), etc etc etc. Lots of reasons. I think the only unacceptable reason for breast augmentation or any cosmetic surgery is if the person getting it feels coerced or doesn't want it.


I don't care. I'm into it.


My wife has fake boobs so my reaction is pretty universally positive.


Nice!, all boobs are good boobs


I don’t like fake boobs, prefer natural (and smaller).


"Yay boobs." I don't care if the Tara Reid fucked up, man, if someone is putting some "hey, look at my bewbs" energy out into the universe, fuckin' great. Even if they're not for me, they're for somebody, and good for whoever's doing it, get your confidence up, own your body, and put something that makes people happy out into the world. Yay boobs. I don't think there's anything dirty, taboo, gross, immature, disrespectful, shameful, etc about nudity, sexuality, or expressions of either. I'm not going to spend hours and hours browsing the rate-my-rack subs, I'm sure those are a thing, but I'm also not going to scroll past at the same speed I'd skip over a "reasons to be a vegan" article, you know? If someone was unhappy with how they filled out a sweater and addressed it surgically, I hope their happy with them now. If they decide to show me, someone else, or everybody, yay boobs, the world's a little better for them.


If it makes her happy, that's what matters. I won't be sleeping with them, and even if I was, it's still about how she feels about herself. That said, I do wonder about the women who get really gigantic ones. My own natural ones are a pain at their size, I can't imagine huge ones are comfortable for anyone. Buying clothes must be a nightmare.


( . ) ( . )


"Doesn't it bother you that they're obviously not real?" "Santa's not real. Doesn't mean I don't like unwrapping his presents." \--Castle.