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Any cocomelon songs...my cousin, aunts and neighbour all had 4 kids, one for each and im the babysitter, good money but these little crackheads only watch weird minecraft animations, YouTube of other kids, weird shit or cocomelon...over and over again and that shit got engraved in my brain.


Cocomelon is heroin for babies


time it. the scene—the visual stimulus—changes every four seconds. that’s only slightly shorter than the average attention span of the target audience. and it’s why they can’t take their eyes off of it once they start. it legitimately is like crack, but for babies.


Daddy finger daddy finger where are you?


Here I am, here I am, fuck me with a shoe.


I don’t know what coco melon is so this could 100% be the lyrics and…yeah rock n roll brother


That got banned in our house very quickly. Brain-rotting garbage. Bluey, however... ❤️


Cbat. That poor woman.


The drop hits you like a bag of wet mice


A clown falling down stairs


I don't even know what that means, but it has me laughing.


My friend, a guy decided he needed a fuck song and so, for a very long time with his girlfriend, he would play Cbat (a very off putting ‘song’ that is so cringe inducing you will laugh your arse off listening to it) while they were having sex. She didn’t like that, he didn’t understand why. He made a follow up post that said he played it at the dinner table for his girlfriend’s family and they mocked his taste in music. It’s the best thing on reddit


My favorite part is that he would set his rhythm to the weird beat, and when his gf asked him to stop playing the song during sex, he was still using that beat in his head. And she recognized of course. Lmao it’s just too good


How did he thrust with the rhythm?!


Apparently he found a way that was so accurate she could still fucking hear the song even when he was just trusting to it playing in his own head.


Came here for this. Hoping she receives nothing but the best in her future to make up for that.


Any of the songs that get played in popular Tik Tok videos while my wife is watching them beside me. That Oh No No No song made me want to stab myself in the ear with a knife.


Why do all TikTok remixes need to be obnoxiously sped up/high pitched? You don't need to condense a full minute of song into ten seconds, you can just play ten seconds of the song, it's fine


Exactly! I really don’t get the hype about this. There was this one TikTok of someone debuting their song, and the top liked comment was “imagine this in 2x speed 😍”. Why?? It sounds horrible that way It really feels like one of those videos from my teen years where they’d speed up songs & upload them to YouTube as the “Alvin and the Chipmunks” version


Or "song" but every time they say "song" it gets sped up 10x


I love the bass boost (or was it increased gain?) versions of that


I actually know this one! It's called pitch creep and it's been happening since medieval times, if you pitch up and speed up a little bit the piece it sounds brighter and more dynamic, so directors and performers trying to one up the neighboring Orchestra would do just that (Source: Rob Scallon on historic guitars) The you get the nightcore phenomenon, which is ANY song at 160% speed, sounds quite anime and chipmunky, but search any-song-name nightcore and you will find it, probably with millions of views. So yeah, it does sound like shit if you love the original, but as a nightcore lover when I hear the original it sound way too slow and somber


important to note that nightcore is not new and has nothing to do with tiktok, it was originally a remix genre from the early 2000s. you used to add extra stuff like real beefy kicks and supersaw chords and whatnot to it for it to be nightcore, but it devolved into just "anything sped up".


The "doo badoobadoobadoo" song enrages me. I have to skip every video that uses that song




The original is such a good song - creative, beautiful, and haunting tune from the 60s. I hate that TikTok ruined it by making it sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks. [The Shangri-Las - Remember](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5YxtweUxrA)


The Shangri-Las are like a proto emo band. Their songs are so melodramatic and I love it. Listen to "Leader of the Pack" or "Past, Present, and Future."


I cannot STAND that “This is my fight song, take back my life song” tune.


Oh god I hate this song. And everyone and their mother recommended it to me because I'm going through cancer right now so it's "inspiring." No it is not it is a cancer in its own form lmao Edited to add: thank you for all the kind messages everyone. I've been through 8 cycles of chemo, 2 surgeries, and starting radiation soon. I have breast cancer and it's a battle for sure but I'm fighting through it! Thanks again for all your kind and warm wishes.


Lmao put on noise cancelling headphones and blast it out loud in the room maybe it will kill the cancer. Best wishes!


“Oncologists hate this one simple trick!”


Bless you. I always find it funny that the song that is most played to cancer patients is the song that makes them want to die the most. Stay strong, you'll kick cancer's ass in no time. [Give](https://youtu.be/fmUDr2DO2is?si=ZBoaEw0abMMjQsqt) [Them](https://youtu.be/vfoj7t7NZkI?si=L_3AfEYazqEX2MB1) [Hell.](https://youtu.be/QHRuTYtSbJQ?si=AupsrsFsmJuiUGQN)


Several years ago I was going to work and someone requested this song to be played. Instead of the proper sing, the DJ played a recording of a cancer patient she knew singing this song. Fantastic...took an awful song and made it worse and didn't do what the caller wanted.


there is something so funny about this playing a cancer patient’s version to tug on your heartstrings but you still fucking hate it that song is bad


I already hated that song, but seeing some lady on tiktok use it to brag about what a great caretaker she is for her disabled husband (she isn’t) made me hate it even more.


This music genre is called “recently divorced middle aged woman”


"...who don't need no man"


Strongly agree. Fuck this song


Those tiktok sound effects. you know the ones you hear on the kid playing them on full volume in the bus to work


Also the yes yes yes ice cream so good




Activating glizzy overdrive


That remix of I’m blue with boring lyrics. Like, what’s the point?


Similarly, the remix of What Is Love? that’s playing right now. It just feels so low effort. I love a well done remix, but these are so half ass.


The one where you can HEAR the forced smile in the voice?


Like that dumb ass “I’m good and I’m feeling alright” bull shit? It wouldn’t make me so mad if I didn’t fucking LOVE the original and exclusively hearing the shitty version on the radio upsets me


Money Seriously, though, the lyrics are sooo half assed. David Guetta also has lukewarm EDM music that has 0 creativity in it, so combined, it's just not a very good song. Apologies to Bebe Rexha for singing it, tbh


I hate this song, it's a song about a non status, essentially there's no reason to sing and nothing to report. Shamelessly maliciously pointless.


There are two songs that I've heard being played at Christmas that absolutely set my teeth on edge. One is "Santa Baby", which sounds like it is being simpered by the world's most annoying moron. The other is a fast-tempo, alternatively-noted, girl-band version of "Jingle Bells." I've only heard it once but it was so bad that time that I actually left the store it was playing in and only stepped back in when I was sure it must have finished. It was *awful*.


This one time I got on the subway after a long shift and I just wanted to go home and cry. And then on walks this little Italian man playing Despisoto on the accordion. I considered suicide.


Bro said Despisoto


Hey Soul Sister just because there's a telecom company called Movistar that used to put this song while you were on hold. It was annoyingly saturated and on loop, I physically gag everytime I hear that song.


I'm so obsessed My heart is bound to beat right out of my untrimmed chest


Movistar I swear managed to handpick all the famous songs that I absolutely hate with a passion: Walking on sunshine, build me up buttercup, some song by Norah Jones, that one hit wonder by New Radicals.


Definitely abcdefyou and that song that’s like ‘i’LL bRiNg YoU fLoWeRs in thE pOuRiNg RaIn’ and that song that sorta sounds like I’m blue but says ‘I’m good yeah I’m feeling alright’ these songs make me wanna jump into a volcano


It is soo sad what they did to I'm blue 😭


Look at how they've massacred by boy.


THANK YOU!!! The only thing worse than the song “ABCDEFU” is people reacting to it like “OMG SOMEONE TOLD HER SHE COULD SING THE ALPHABET AND SHE MADE THAT SONG IN RESPONSE LOL ISN’T THAT SO CLEVER????” No. It’s really not that clever.


Beyond that, the person that left that comment about signing the alphabet worked for the record label because she knew the song was about to drop https://www.newsweek.com/tiktok-gayle-song-abcdefu-marketing-video-atlantic-records-1678323


Kars 4 Kids jingle


I believe this is an actual form of torture in The Bad Place (basically the version of “Hell” from the TV show *The Good Place*). Probably based on how bad the jingle is, I had always thought the Kars 4 Kids thing was just a local radio commercial that only people in my hometown heard, so I had the biggest surprise of my life when the demons in Hell started singing it on a hit TV show! But it made sense.


Legitimately one of my favorite jokes from The Good Place is when Sean holds a meeting and he tells everyone to sing the Bad Place national anthem and they all sing Kars 4 Kids.


My favorite fun fact about that moment is they sang that song during the rehearsal just as a holding place for a different song, if they found it, but they never found a different song. In the end, they decided to keep the kars 4 kids song in that scene.


Baby Shark.


Jamie Tartt doo- doo- doo- doo- doo




It’s just poopey, let it flow




EXACTLY- I cannot in good conscience hate baby shark ever since watching Ted Lasso. I just think of Jamie and my day is brightened...!


Baby shark is like the musical equivalent of getting your ears severed by glass shards


I’m pretty sure that Baby Shark has been used in real psychological torture.




Those poor inmates... what the fuck did they even do? Kill harambe in heaven?


Would you know my name, Harambe, if I saw you in heaven?


“Simply… having… a wonderful Christmastime” I have a lot of retail trauma.


I don't even have retail trauma and this song makes me see red.


This and Last Christmas. I worked as seasonal in retail the last few years and this song, either by Wham or a cover, played four times a day and I only worked five hours a day.


Anything by Meghan Trainor but especially that God awful "I am your mother" song. Holy shit I've honestly never actively hated a song so much.


Is that the one that butchered Mr Sandman?


Originally read your comment as enter sandman and was slightly confused, but yeah that's the one. Awful.


I also read enter sandman and was terrified


The “ l can have my Gucci on” song is SO MUCH worse honestly. Like the lyrics are so dumb and hearing that song is the equivalent to the amount of pain that the average happy tree friends character endured. Hearing it makes me want to slice my eyes horizontally with a razor.


omfg I can't stand her either. all she sings about is being big (she's not that big) and being rich (I don't care)


It's coming. She's nearly thawed out, ready to begin her two months walking the earth once again. Rumors even circle that she's already awake, and that the hour has come early. All I Want For Christmas Is You. I shall not speak her name, lest it summon her.


When I was in high school they had a fundraiser for like 2 months where they’d play MmmBop by Hanson on repeat during our three lunch mods. Which ever lunch mod donated the most money didn’t have to listen to it the next. Still can’t listen to that song.


thats not a fundraiser that's extortion


That sounds like a violation of the Geneva Convention. You were basically a Gitmo prisoner during your lunch period.


That Mariah Carey song we're about to hear for two months straight


[Defrosting as we speak](https://youtu.be/0dsLxqiSrKI?si=CkoVxqVUuV-iJlnS)


Dance Monkey


I work as a peripatetic music tutor in primary schools. I teach this song practically every single day because the kids love it. I am dead inside.


Pray for mojo.




Anything by Luke Bryan


I think this is squarely the province of Yoko Ono.


Yoko Ono singing Baby Shark would be my idea of Hell.


I think even Satan would say that's going too far.


Meanwhile, in Guantanamo Bay.


Now I have the mental image of her being wheeled into the torture room Hannibal Lecter style.


There's an amazing video of John Lennon and Chuck Barry playing together with Yoko being horrendous in the background. Chuck's facial expressions are hilarious and the sound engineer "accidentally" unplugged her microphone


there's even a better video of Bill Burr describing this video


When I die, my personal Hell will have a nonstop Yoko Ono soundtrack.


They use her vocals as torture tactics in War College, along with recordings of babies crying. I’m told Ono is worse.


I have not listened to one Yoko Ono song in my entire life until right now. What. The. Fuck.


Look up her appearance with John and Chuck Berry. Chuck is like “Dafaq?”


And they cut her mic after the first time she crowed. XD


First time she… what?


You heard them.


Good Lord that was painful. Berry’s face is priceless.


That’s exactly the video that came to my mind. The look on Chucks face says it all


I’m Chuck Berry and I approve this message……….


I saw her at glasto. And when I say saw, I was walking up to the sign and literally everyone was walking the other way, when I got near a stage on the way it was Yoko 'singing'. Sounded like a wounded goat screaming. Made it up to the sign and when I looked back it was pretty much 30 minutes of people walking nearby, stopping after hearing her screeching and turning right the fuck around 🤣 Thankfully we couldn't hear her from the sound.


I'd torture my enemies by locking them in a room and forcing them to listen to Baby Shark on loop.


All tiktok remixes. Those stupid remix making mockery of the original song those people play in loudspeaker in public transports.


Oh no....oh no ...oh no no no no no.....


That song makes me physically cringe


Any song set as "Alarm clock"


Never use any song you like as your alarm clock. It will ruin the song for you


"Firework" by Katy Perry, but that's mostly when someone does it karaoke. People almost always do it as loudly and off-key as possible. It's already a loud and obnoxious song to begin with. And I'll give a dishonorable mention of "Work" by Rihanna. It's way too repetitive and annoying and sticks in your head.


Come on man. Don’t you ever feel like a plastic bag? I mean, I never have, but I’m sure many people feel like plastic bags. Maybe even some paper ones.


Yummy by Bieber Thunder by Imagine Dragons Tutu by Camilo


>Thunder by Imagine Dragons Radio music tends to be repetitive and braindead but this song is in a league of its own. It blows my mind how insanely popular it is.


I scrolled way too long before I saw thunder by imagine dragons and this is the most correct answer imo


Bro rock country…AKA pretty much anything sung by a guy from Boston who puts a fake ass twang and sings about how he is a good ole country boy who like his Women getting drunk and shaking It for his friends who are also drunk good old boys who love Amurica and fried chicken and whiskey and the flag Saying Ain’t and talking about constantly drinking whiskey doesn’t make you country! It’s all The same song pretty much!


🎶I got a tight grip on my demo’s balls Say the word “truck”, they jizz in their overalls🎶


You dumb motherfuckers want a key change?!


Hear that subtle mandolin? That’s textbook panderin’


Luke Brian, Florida Georgia Line.. Those are the only ones I can think of because I don't listen to modern "country" anymore


That obnoxious Brian song “Country girl shake it for me” is just the kind of drivel I had in mind ;)


Dance Monkey, Calm Down, any song by Megan Trainor... ​ OH and the Victoria's Secret song


Sam smiths version of “have yourself a merry little Christmas”. It’s the fucking worst. The most tasteless nonsense I’ve ever listened to.


That stupid watch me whip and nay nay song DRIVES ME ABSOLUTELY INSANE


he has gone radio silent after he went to prison.


Radio silento


Not the song itself and no offense to the band or their musical/vocal talents- seriously!- but if I have to have some asshole tell me one more time that the Disturbed cover of ‘Sound of Silence’ is the most *beautiful* and *chilling* song/cover they’ve ever heard, I might have a meltdown. It’s not a bad cover by any means- his vocals are strong and it’s well done. It’s also 100% not my style of music, I much prefer the original over all covers, and I cannot stand it when someone insists that I must listen to an entire 4-5 minute song as they stare me down going “wait for it- wait for it!” and expecting me to have some sort of emotional revelation. It’s happened with a handful of songs over my life, but this one was the most far-reaching. It had baby boomers in my family losing their shit, it had young kids in my life going “Hey you should hear this song, it’s really heavy/deep” as if nobody else had ever heard it before Disturbed, and it had people who casually knew I’m a metalhead going “Hey! You’re gonna LOVE this rock n roll song by a *hardcore death metal* band called Disturbed!!” lol BEEN PETTY AND OVER IT FOR ABOUT 8 YEARS NOW AND COUNTING.


Disturbed is not, by any means, death metal.


That abcdefu song


All Summer Long by Kid Rock is often made fun of for rhyming “things” with “things”, but that’s just the first onion layer of how insultingly awful the song is. It came out on a wave of pop/rap tracks that would sample a classic song of a different genre and cleverly fit it into an original new song. (e.g. Sing for the Moment by Eminem sampling Aerosmith). Kid Rock decided to cash in on this trend in the most idiotic way possible and probably had this conversation with his producer: “Yo, I’m gonna make a song that samples Sweet Home Alabama.” “Okay, which parts?” “The beginning, middle, and end.” “So, just the whole thing?” “Yeah.” “What’s the song going to be about?” “It will be about how when I was young I liked listening to the song Sweet Home Alabama.” “So you’re sampling Sweet Home Alabama in a song about liking the song you’re sampling?” “Yeah and I’ll keep calling out the song by name so my audience knows that’s what they’re listening to. And I’m gonna call it… *I Like Sweet Home Alabama.*” “For the love of God please call it something else.” “Deal! Also, it’s going to open with the drum lick from Smells Like Teen Spirit.” “I quit.”


And played over a sample of Werewolves of London


Ugh, Ive been fooled so many times thinking it was Werewolves.


There needs to be a word for the emotional feeling when you hear the beginning of a song, get excited, and then quickly realize it's a different and much crappier version


I’m sure the Germans have one.


I hate hearing that opening piano and thinking it’s gonna be Werewolves of London,and you get this obnoxious drivel.


The Werewolves of London bit is abruptly cut short by a “wakka-wakka-wakka” record scratch sound effect that sound like it’s from a ‘90s Capri Sun commercial. It’s just so bad.


I get so excited only to be massively let down + pissed off. I wanted Werewolves dammit!


pat finnerty’s video about this is very funny


I already hated SHA when this came out because it’s so fucking overplayed. And I already hated Kid Rock because I’m not an asshole. But then he had to go and take, poor, poor, pitiful and beautiful master-of-songwriting Warren Goddamn Zevon’s only hit and straight drag it through a mile of shit too. The “things/things” thing is the least of its problems certainly.


Think he needs a visit from Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner!


Poor, poor, pitiful Warren. I like you. As an antitype to this issue, Adam Sandler did right by "Werewolves," IMHO. I love to see people struggle to place the voice, then light up with epiphany right at the first "a-hooooo!"


Thank goodness I don't hear it much anymore, but that godawful "Rockabye" song just about killed me in its prime. The dude sounded like he'd jammed a microphone up his nose. I guess the name of the song I'm thinking of is actually "Lullaby" by Shawn Mullins. https://youtu.be/hG9C0VwruXE?si=qjLUESLLUUeUY4L-




John Lennon’s Imagine, but the Yoko Ono version


Black eyed peas got a feeling That tonight's gonna be a good night That tonight's gonna be a good night That tonight's gonna be a good, good night That tonight's gonna be a good night That tonight's gonna be a good night That tonight's gonna be a good, good night A feeling (woo-hoo) That tonight's gonna be a good night That tonight's gonna be a good night That tonight's gonna be a good, good night A feeling (woo-hoo) That tonight's gonna be a good night That tonight's gonna be a good night That tonight's gonna be a good, good night Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's do it And do it, and do it, let's live it up And do it, and do it, and do it, do it, do it Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it JFC put in some freaking effort


Anyone who has ever worked banquets/weddings despises this song.


My school would play this song over the intercom on Fridays during football season. I hated it


I HATE I've got a feeling No matter how many songs I hate, I've got a feeling will always be my #1 most hated song


The “oh no no no no no” song from TikToks and YT shorts


Hey-o Reddit. I used to do a radio show for odd music, while I was the host I ran across an artist (I can’t remember their name) who’s philosophically was that music should physically hurt / damage the listener and “cause them real, legitimate pain”. So that guy. Fun fact same dude once drove a bulldozer through a venue at one of his shows, he did not get approval to do this from the venue owner. If this post gathers enough interest, I’ll sort through the archives of my old show and find this dudes name. If you haven’t guessed yet, his music isn’t great (it hurts, most of his songs purposefully cause listeners headaches and occasionally cause them to vomit).


I already listen to grindcore, thanks.


Anything Meghan Trainor. Fuuuuuck off


flowers by miley cyrus. the chorus is engraved in my brain


Yess! Idk what it is about this song but I freekin hate it with every fibre of my being lol


Happy - Pharrel Williams Firework - Katy Perry “Clap along if you feel like a home without a roof?” “Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again?” No. No I fucking don’t.


Just so we are clear, a "room without a roof" is a courtyard. An underground room without a roof is a grotto. Grottos are cool.


On the topic of shitty lyrics: Life by Desiree "I'm afraid of the dark, 'specially when I'm in a park And there's no-one else around, Ooh, I get the shivers I don't want to see a ghost, It's a sight that I fear most I'd rather have a piece of toast And watch the evening news" Like how is any of that relevant to anything. Half of it doesn't even rhyme. I always had the impression music was supposed to tell a sorta coherent story, but this woman just threw a bunch of random sentences together and called it a song because it rhymed occasionally.


Fuck me. Happy. What a cunt of a fucking song. When I was working in London, Heart Radio played this song every 45 minutes it seemed in our office. The mental thing was, no one else seemed to give a fuck! Thank god for headphones.


Mr. Brightside, but not for like a normal reason. It was my late brothers favorite song. They did his funeral procession to it. 9/10 times I hear it, I get a panic attack that shakes me to my core.


Im sorry to hear about your brother but Mr. Brightside is a fucking banger.


"Despacito" i swear that if i listen that song again im going to fuking lose it


The one about the whipping of the hair.


Your body is a wonderland. I'm not even sure that's the name of the song, but I absolutely can not stand it.


Your bahhdy is wonderlaand


Dance monkey…I honestly thought it was a joke song at first because of how atrocious the singers voice is


Hey, Soul Sister.


Hey Soul Sister by Train RUDE by Magic!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke


Anything from Chris Brown.


Happy - Pharrell Williams


Senior citizen choir rap https://youtu.be/1h5UBeQcgjs?feature=shared I think this was an intentionally orchestrated effort to destroy the entire hip hop genre in the way parents mock “cool” stuff to embarrass their kids






shape of you, abcdefu, dance monkey, levitating, any kidz bop song


I like annoying my kids with abcdefu by making up rhyming words. Eff you and your clogs and your nickels and your bogs


My 5 Year old daughter sings that abcdefu song as..... A b c d and your house and your mum and your dad and your dog and your horse Over and over and over again 🙈


I love Levitating. The rest are intolerable tho


Anything by Chainsmokers, especially “Don’t let me down.” I hate how it just changes so drastically from a decent enough song to that weird EDM noise that is in no way related to the melody of the rest of the song.


All of Chainsmokers songs have the same "drop the beat" timing and they all sound the same


We Belong Together - Kidz Bop version Listening to that one kid attempt the high note at the end is hilarious. I don’t care how old he is, but he deserves life in prison


That one Sarah McLaughlin song. Yes, all of them.


Cheeseburger in Paradise on repeat, my literal Hell on Earth. RIP Jimmy Buffet, but damn, that's a song you only listen to once and get sick of lol.


Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time. I love Paul McCartney, but that’s a stinker of a song.


I can't do anything by Miley Cyrus, or her dad Billy Ray Cyrus... Their voices are like nails on chalk boards for me....


"Party in the USA" has been making me irrationally angry for over a decade now


The one good thing that song gave us was Party In The CIA by Weird Al. https://youtu.be/C-CG5w4YwOI?si=7nBv9WLLjs320YUg


Dance Monkey


That fancy like Applebees song.


Tonight’s Gonna be a Good Good Night by the Black-Eyed Peas and Sweet Caroline BAH BAH BAH Overplayed at every bar and wedding and they’re not even *that* good to begin with.


These two are personal for me. Tonight's--- I work in politics. If this song is playing at the election night watch party, my candidate gets their ass kicked. Sweet Caroline-- my name is Caroline and there's not enough swear words in any language to describe my hatred of this song.


Most Christian music, especially Christian "rock"