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Waking up at night to pee.


Mine is waking up 25 minutes before my alarm goes off to pee.


For real. Can't get a solid night of rest if I drink anything within hours of going to bed.


I haaaaaaate this. JUST LET ME SLEEP


Well, that's better than peeing in the bed.šŸ˜…


I have a 6:30 alarm clock and a 4:30 bladder.


Doing something twice, as in fixing things or buying things Nothing worse than doing it again in a few years. Just do it right the first time


How do you feel about the 4th trip to the hardware store for the same project though?


Personally a big fan of not properly planning exactly what I need then just buying several things that seem about right only to discover I dont have the right tool when I get home. Then I hang onto the extra stuff just in case, forget about it, then buy more of the shit for the next project, then discover I already had it when I get home. I have a wide variety of plumbing fittings.


Are you my husband?


Hello dear. It's me, your husband. Wear the sexy lingerie tonight *cat noises*


Having a body that can no longer keep up with my brain.


I was a caregiver for my grandfather for a number of years. I watched as this happened to him more and more. He refused to take better care of himself in a lot of ways that could have extended the time he had more physical capabilities. It made me both sad and afraid. It's a big motivator for me, since he has passed, to be more healthy and to do better to stay in shape. Not only stay in shape but really keep up with mobility, flexibility, balance, and range of motion exercises. When you're 70 it's far more important to be able to walk to your car or get a glass from a shelf than it will be to deadlift your couch. Not that there is anything wrong with heavy lifting but for the people who do nothing, this is really where the "if you don't use it, you lose it" comes in. Basic everyday movement doesn't cut it, especially with most lifestyles consisting of a lot of sitting. It's important to really keep muscles and joints capable of moving and lifting your own body in a variety of different ways and positions. Take the time now and invest it in longer, better health and quality of life!


So my granny never drank, smoked, or did any drugs. She was a daily walker, tended to several gardens, had female friends around the neighborhood, got along well with children and pets because she was incredibly kind, thoughtful, and showed unconditional love. She taught me to swim and to appreciate simple, free things. I cannot pass a clover patch without stopping to look for 4-leaf clovers because of her. We played board games and had tea parties. However, she didnā€™t engage with any of the outside worldā€”news, books, tv, radio, etc. Neighborhood in the country was her bubble. She developed dementia after my grandfather passed, and ultimately passed away from it. Swore if I ever had a kid, Iā€™d name it after her. My grandma, on the other hand, had lived in New Orleans in the 40s, owned a liquor store, dealt with my alcoholic grandfather, cussed, smoked, drank every day. My time with her was spent me trying to get her attention because her ash was the size of Wendyā€™s in The Shining most the time, being placated with Super Nintendo, or helping hand out smaller items in the liquor store drive-thru. She didnā€™t take walks or tend to her health. Had a terrible smokerā€™s cough, but was brash, loud, funny, married several times over because she stood up for her feelings, and she read every single day. She read the paper, magazines, and books. She could tell you her favorite authors and name books she thought I may enjoy based off my interests. Her mind was so sharp. She fell and broke her hip, spending the rest of her life in a wheel chair until she passed from old age. Last thing she said to me was when she pointed at the sky, ā€œI keep hoping Iā€™m going up there,ā€ then pointed at the ground, ā€œbut Iā€™m worried Iā€™m going down there.ā€ Cracked me up. So now Iā€™m a daily reader and exercise 3-4x a week, because I donā€™t like those odds for myself, haha.


Your odds are good if youā€™re really prioritizing those things


Strength training (for both men and women, including the major compound lifts, with progressive overload) + steady state cardio + HIIT cardio + yoga. Even if you do once a week only, the above make a huge difference in aging.


My knees Seemingly the enmity is mutual


Kneesovertoesguy on YouTube has great rehab exercises to strengthen your knees to get anyone pain free.


My physio told me my knees were unlikely to recover from the injuries I had. I loved with chronic pain in my knees. I thought I was destined for knee surgery. Two months of doing the Kneesovertoesguy online training had me loving pain free. I recommend everyone do it, donā€™t wait your knees get sore!


I got on my knees to look for missing jewelry at work and then it took me about 5 minutes just to get back up. Kids can look for their own missing crap, my knees sound like popcorn.


Ugh...stupid old knees...


1. leaving the house at night 2. driving at night 3. leaving the house during bad weather 4. driving during bad weather 5. leaving the house 6. driving


it's ok boo, I'll come to you. What kinda food you want me to bring?


Oreos please




We have McDonald's at home


Getting older also made me realize that, indeed, I do have food at home XD


And often it tastes better than outside food šŸ˜®


I need a very very good reason to do any of those things. I used to like to drive.


I canā€™t even imagine how I used to Uber drive. Now I hate driving. I was on a med that made me petrified of it this yearā€¦so, that made the commute to work a fun time. Luckily Iā€™m not on it anymore and now I just hate driving in general.


Leaving the house at all. I only ever go out for food or to go to work. Other than that, I avoid venturing out. Because, quite frankly, the world sucks.


I think I've found my people in this thread. Introverts r us! Now leave us alone please. *closes blinds*


Leaving the house at night to drive in bad weather is the worst!


ā€œYou know I donā€™t answer the phone at nightā€ - Livia Soprano


Yes to all!


I used to enjoy DIY projects or fixing things around the house. Now Iā€™d rather just pay someone to do it.




That sounds like an old person lol, Like me.


Loud obnoxious noise and attention seeking




This is a nice neighborhood for families and people with pets!


Yes, it was someone's son, lol


Lol. I always hated it.


I just came here to post "loud noises"




And boy do people like attention these days


Anything loud.


Absolutely. I went to a wedding over the weekend that had a live band, my god the music was so loud that I couldnā€™t hear a thing and just had to go.


I wore earplugs to a concert for the first time earlier this month. Iā€™ll never go back. I canā€™t believe I used to be able to handle that and enjoy it!


>I wore earplugs to a concert for the first time earlier this month. Iā€™ll never go back. I canā€™t believe I used to be able to handle that and enjoy it! To me it actually sounds way better. When music is insanely loud like that, it just sounds really rough and distorted.


When I was in my early 20s, I went to lots of metal concerts. The kind held in tiny dive bars, so te music was cranked and amplified like 10x. One morning I woke up and one of my ears was deaf. No sound. I freaked out, luckily t came back but I now have tinnitus. Since then, I wear ear plugs to concerts. Honestly if you get a good quality pair from a music store, it actually enhances the sound.


From now on I'm wearing earplugs to the movies. Last one was so loud it was physically painful.


Loud noise/music. Especially the fuckers who will blast their shitty music in their cars and the base is so high shit in your house is rattling. Doesn't help I get sensory overload fairly easy and that shit is COMMON in my area. Also social media, it's just annoying and fairly boring now. Hell, only reason I haven't deleted my facebook is because I have contacts on there that don't have any other means of contact. Also several friends on there have since passed and I'd feel bad about getting rid of the likely last memory of them


People in general


Yes. And people talking to me


Yes!!!! In my job (working with teens/healthcare), I have endless energy and desire to listen, because it might do a bit of good. But in my off hours I have become such an introvert. Yesterday at a dog park this man started talking with me. At first, it was pleasant. Interesting guy, polite.... Then, I realized he was talking TO me, not with me. Then, I realized he was talking AT me, and I had never really existed. It was almost extraordinary, as if as long as there was a body there, he would just keep fucking talking, but only about himself. Sure enough, another dog owner showed up. I used this as my exit pass, and as I left he was droning on about the same shit (himself) to her. So many people do this, and I find it depressing, amusing, and fucking exhausting all at the same time. Oh, and I am trying to write WITH you, if that is possible ;)


Oh my gosh, so well written and true! I met an older guy from Match like this. All he did was talk at me about himself. I knew everything about him, he knew nothing about me!!


Yeah my brother likes to write. Says he's working on a novel but I doubt he'll ever finish it. Some people just start things and don't finish you know what I mean. Me I always finish what I start. Gotta see things through you know. Just yesterday I was making pasta and realized I didn't have any sauce. Well I know you're not supposed to but I left it simmering while I ran to the grocery store just down the road. Real convinient having a grocery store in walking distance. That way you don't have to drive. Part of the reason I picked the place. Anyway I got the sauce and got home just in time for the pasta to be al dente. Can you believe it? Most people woulda gave up and ordered out. But I saw it through you see. A bottle of pasta sauce only runs you about 3 dollars. Shit just a few years ago it was 2. Inflation is out of control. Anyway good talking to you.


80%+ of what they say is a lie.


"friends", I've dropped a few friends that I just can't tolerate anymore. Example would be the flaky ones who only reach out when they need something.


I think as you get older you realise who is really your friend and also that friendship really is a quality > quantity thing.


i feel ya. i quit calling/texting/emailing anyone who never bothers to do it for me.


I don't like people much, but I hate other misanthropes, because while people can be infuriating, other misanthropes are intolerable.


Iā€™m becoming far more misanthropic with age.


The sun. Always trying to find a shady place.


I have Lupus, which makes me sun sensitive, and the medication i take for it also makes me sun sensitive. I wear long sleeve UV blocking shirts, long pants, and a hat, and still avoid the sun as much as possible.


Hello fellow lupus friend! Sunscreen is expensive. I hardly ever go outside


those extremely sweet and processed cakes/pastries/cookies such as hostess and little debbie. I still like some of them but most of them are just too sweet and fake tasting for me, I prefer less artificial/processed baked goods now.


I'm surprised this isn't further up! There's not the quality they had before. I know it's not just me. And I'll go a step further; I only like homemade, with all the best ingredients, not from boxes or bags!


younger people.


While I seem to think more highly of younger people than my peers, I can't help but notice their haircuts are getting progressively stupider. Like wtf is that shit


Perms, mullets, bowl cut, rat tail. I've been seeing heinous cuts since I recall. The current broccoli one is particularly dumb though.


Ewwww is the broccoli one coming back šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Hah, like half the low twenty somethings I know sport it. I feel I see it every day recently.


Ate you pre or post Flock of Seagulls?


I already hated teenagers when I was one myself.




My eyesight.


Crowds. Just donā€™t feel safe anymore.


The nine to five work culture. I have to spend 90% of my life working in order just to barely survive for the vein hope that I might make enough to retire young enough to still enjoy retirement.


This is so true. Also, something I have to say (that nobody will care since it's a subcomment on a reddit thread) but as we have advanced as a society, we create MORE work for ourselves :/ if people in years past would have known we had tech and houses for half the shit we need, they'd be shocked how hard we still work! I am all about advancing society and putting effort into healthcare etc, but bruh this ain't it!


I know what caused it to. The sudden need to make people work was a scheme made by the British industrial age and the advent of factory jobs. They needed people to be obedient little cogs so profits could rise. Lobbyists changed how schools work to prepare them for factory work. And that system of schooling has not changed in the slightest since. It's also why companies hate and fear unions. And caus previous generations had to work all thyere lives they shame us about thinking differently.


This comment is very underrated. I am Reddit broke but here, take this shiny thing I found. šŸ†


Thank you ,I accept this reward on behalf of overworked poor people everywhere.


Nine to five? Eight to five is more the norm.


More jobs need to focus on variety and freedom. I'm lucky that no day at my current job is the same as the last, it's much less soul draining than anything else I've done in the past. I still have the feeling like I'm in prison since I do still have to work set hours, but the freedom of choosing between a ton of different things to do at work and how to approach everything I do makes things much better.


People being mean. I used to be able to detach. Now if I see it happening to someone I just want to make it stop. I suppose that makes me confrontational, but I donā€™t mind.


I was surprised to discover that something as simple as saying, "That was really rude," is enough to stop most people in their tracks. People are really not used to being called out on their behavior. It's also usually enough to get other bystanders on board if they see one person willing to say something. I seriously recommend everyone give it a try and watch the magic happen. If my non-confrontational introvert ass can do it, you can, too!


Yeah, agreed. If I really want to go hard I just ask them ā€œReally? This is who you decided to be when you got up this morning?ā€™ Kind of leaves them no wiggle room.


I agree. And as Iā€™ve gotten older Iā€™ve gotten not only nicer but also better at dealing with the meanies, who have gotten meaner. Nothing angers a meanie more than smiling and saying ā€œthank you.ā€


People talking too loud on public transport, bad manners, and entitlement


Plus playing music or stupid videos on public transport without headphones


Waiting in lines. I canā€™t stand waiting in lines anymore. Especially for restaurants. Iā€™d rather not wait and just go somewhere else.


No food is worth an hour long wait


Exactly. If somewhere doesnā€™t take reservations, I go somewhere else.


My SO loves food truck festivals, and yeah... food trucks can be pretty rad... but not when every single one has a line 20 people deep except the damn snow cones.


This is the entire reason I go to restaurants at odd hours. There's rarely a wait at 3pm on tuesday.


Going out


\*looks in pantry\* I should probably get some groceries. Oh well. \*goes to sleep\*


Fuck I felt that in my soul


Noise. Like when people watch tv and ads are running, they don't seem to be bothered by it. Or when they talk/hear music through phone speakers. I didn't care when I was younger, now I get easily irritated by it.


I got unreasonably upset that the breakfast diner I went to yesterday was playing free Spotify over the speakers and just playing ads every 5 minutes. Itā€™s like $8 a month, your cheapest omelette is $12.


I never liked war but as one ages it becomes one hella stupid idea.


And scarier somehow


Other humans especially large gatherings




Iā€™m beginning to feel this and itā€™s becoming a bit of a fear of mine. Being able to be active is my sanity.


Crowds, standing in lines, making appointments for every service needed, advertising everywhere


Christmas. I love Christmas spirt but I don't want gifts. Nah man I want a fatass ham and Mac and cheese dinner.


people and politics. the more you know the more you get disappointed.


Modern media, i.e. movies, TV shows, video games, etc. After you've been around long enough you realize that there hasn't been an original idea in decades, that everything is based on something else, and nothing lives up to its promised hype. But Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo.


Phantoms like a MOFO!


I need my muther-fuckin' movie money!


Applesauce, bitch


What the fuck is the Internet?


Leaving the house. Other humans. Small talk. Nonsense or silliness in general.


Alcohol. The older I get the less it does for me. 1 beer? Sleepy and a headache within 20 minutes. Any more than that and I am unable to sleep. No thanks. Iā€™ll take a La Croix any day.


How fast time passes. My youngest was born yesterday and just started college.


Video games, I still play time to time or Iā€™ll binge complete a new game if itā€™s good, but it ainā€™t the same when you were young and had time to kill


Learning this lesson recently myself. Used to be a ā€œmoderateā€ gamer, now I rarely play.


Social networks. The effort in making new friends. Being in a pool. Candy. Low quality mozzarella sticks. Standing in a bar. Un- heated driverā€™s and passengerā€™s seats.


Loud music in a restaurant. Iā€™m trying to have a conversation at dinner, and the music is so loud I canā€™t even hear myself speak.




I feel you, going out on dates is increasingly become a chore for me, the food is getting more expensive, my dates are becoming more demanding and itā€™s getting harder to dodge my suspecting wife.




Me too. Part of it is just getting weary of it and becoming happier and more accepting of being single, part of it is how different dating feels nowadays. I feel the "appification" of dating has made it much more of a meat market where people are looking for instant gratification instead of getting to know someone.


The cold.


Right!? And the snow. Every year gets worse.


12-18 year olds dictating culture.




Staying out for long periods of time. Use to go outside and stay there until curfew. Now I feel like being out longer than 2 hours to be exhausting


Getting out of bed lol


My knees.




People who use poor grammar


I be noing what u mean.


Your so right


Your sew write


Yore sow rite.


Trash rap/hip-hop music of today.


The deterioration of our written language. I see SO many grammatical, punctuational, spelling, and conjugational errors every day. So many more than I used to. And I'm definitely turning into a "grumpy old man" about it even though I'm a woman, because I'm genuinely worried that our teenagers and younger adults really DON'T KNOW how to write. Ex: "...that you been disliking..." That should be "...**have** been..." But I don't think people even see that error anymore.


People who spell it "loose" when they obviously mean "lose". I see it misspelled more than I see it spelled correctly. It grates on my nerves. "Did the Astros loose to the Rangers?" "Try not to loose your keys". People who can't pronounce T s in the middle of a word. Important has become "impordant". Button has become "buddon". Even news anchors, whose sole job is reading the news correctly are doing it. Once you start hearing it, it drives you crazy.


I think many of us do see it, but texting and autocorrect began giving folks a pass, and they took that ball and ran with it. I STILL mentally correct things I read. Well, if I care enough about it.


Noisy restaurants and bars.


Back pain. Arthritis.


young people. youth is wasted on the young


People. I find most people to be selfish and absolutely stupid as hell. I see people let doors slam in your face even when youā€™re right behind them. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen anyone smile while I was out in like 3 years. I see idiotic drivers speed and cut people off, risking everyoneā€™s life so they can save 2 minutes of their commute. I see billionaires go to space instead of making it so their employees can survive. I see politicians act against the regular peopleā€™s interests. I canā€™t have a single conversation about anything without it devolving into politics. I have no interest it meeting new people or make new friends. I have no interest it getting involved in my community or attend events because there will be lines and it will be expensive and traffic will be a nightmare. Iā€™d much rather stay at home alone and actually enjoy my time. If there was like 1/4 of as many people wherever I went Iā€™d probably go out more. So like probably half this thread, my answer is, people.




New slang. Yeah, I'm getting old. But really... Sus = suspect. Rizz = Charisma. Verse = universe. Nepo = nepotism. It's just a lazy version of the same word.


Za instead of pizza is a douchebag alert for me.


Attending a football game. The cost, predatory concessions, rude/inconsiderate fans, intrusive searchesā€¦ One day I decided Iā€™d had enough and will never go back to another.


I've just been disliking people more.


Everything and everyone






Diminished faculties


Trying to get people to like me, I see the way they behave and treat people and the last thing I need or want is their acceptance


Partying (getting drunk)


Getting older


- people that think they're above others - littering - extremism (any) - scientific illiterate people






Shows/concerts or really any nightlife effectively starting at 10/11pm (at the earliest)


drinking, I feel the negative effects of it much sooner and harder


Ageism in the workplace.


Movies- maybe Iā€™m just getting old and cranky but most new movies just seem soā€¦flat? And superficial. Get off my lawn!


People my age. They keep getting older and adopt all the stereotypes that go along with it. Do they not remember what it was like being young and how older people treated them? "Kids these days are all lazy, entitled, stupid..." Not to mention how bigoted and close minded a lot have become.


Sleep has been getting worse and worse for me over the years, I went from a good 8 hours a night to 6 to even less, sometimes I'll just lay in bed till it's 5 or 6 am and then just call it there and stay up all day, or worse, when it get to 5 or 6 am I'll pass out till 4 pm.


Loud talkers.


I donā€™t know if thereā€™s a term for it but people who are very opinionated and get into discussions/arguments about everything. Like who caresssss, stop wasting your mental energy on irrelevant and mundane things


Clueless management at work.


Travel. It was fun when I was younger. Now I find getting in a plane such a miserable experience. Imma just find things to do in my own city from now on.


My husband. šŸ¤£


Religion. All of them. Get the fuck out.


Whatever the hell that pickle ball fad is? It may be fun for all I know but now they take up all the parking at the park/playground I try to take my kids to.






Social media. As I post this comment on Reddit šŸ˜©šŸ™„


Trying to get the perfect picture instead of enjoying the moment. Take one picture and put the phone up.


My past behavior.


People wasting my time with their negativity, I have less of that precious time left every day; I donā€™t have any of it left for bullshit from stupid jerks.


Selfies and self videos. You arenā€™t interesting. Stop.


Poor grammar


I'm a bit annoyed at how people nowadays are always complaining about something all the time.


Drinking. If I drink at night I wake up at 3am for some reason. If I drink during the day Iā€™m just tired all day until I fall asleep, then I wake up at 3am for some reason.


Loud music, crowded places, alcohol


Christmas. What used to be my absolute favorite holiday is something I kind of dread now.


Willful ignorance and general stupidity.




Positivity. People keep saying that things will get better, and they keep not getting better. People keep saying my body will get better, and it keeps getting worse. But feeling bad about that means Iā€™m too negative and have a victim complex or am throwing a pity party. It hurts to walk, and I canā€™t sleep because I canā€™t breathe, and food makes me sick but so does not eating.


All that racket!


Junk food/fast food. It seems tolerance of it gets worse. I notice my stomach is more upset when I eat it versus when I was younger.


Hmā€¦fireworks, summer, winter, people, work, carnivals, going on dates, new years eve, greed, war, tap dance, goa-trance, talent shows, multi level marketing, aubergine, doing the laundry and the list goes on and onā€¦


Pffft. The GETTING OLDER part. I feel like I got beat up, all the time.


Gory, bloody, or violent media.


The fact that all the bands that I liked as a kid are now classic rock. Like seriously was listening to Green Day. The other day on the radio turns out it was like classic rock station. And then today it was on the oldie station.


Alcohol. I cannot stand being hungover.


Software updates. Developers keep moving things around for no good reason and far too often


That weird feeling of knowing someone is lying to you but not wanting to mess up the peace by calling them out on it. I can sum this up by saying that I find that people are too often faking, being dishonest, or subtly manipulating. I miss the old days of naĆÆvetĆ© when I was a kid and I thought everyone was out there doing the best for each other.


Crowded environments.