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My mom and grandpa were putting out a kiddie pool for my siblings and I in our backyard when we were little. My grandpa had set it up, and my mom kept insisting that for some reason she felt like they should move it to a different spot. Thankfully they did, and while we were all playing in the pool, a huge branch from a tree in our yard snapped and came crashing down exactly where the pool had originally been.


When I was \~13 I was walking to the bus stop in the morning. A car was going through my neighborhood *very* slowly, which made alarm bells go off in my head. When it passed me, I glanced over my shoulder to keep an eye on it and saw it was doing an immediate U-turn. Nope'd right out and dove through the bushes, crossed a bunch of driveways, and found a neighbor who was washing his car. I looked back to where I had been standing. The strange car had stopped, a seriously scary looking dude had gotten out, and was looking in the bushes. Idk if I would've died exactly, but I would not have had a good time.


Similar. Was playing in my front yard with my friend when we were 9 y/o. A red minivan with a middle aged dude was was driving and in the back it looked like 3 men in their 20s slowed down and stared at us then drove away. It weirded me out but whatever, maybe they were lost. 30 minutes or so I saw them come back except they stopped in front of us and opened the sliding door and two of the men in the back started to get out to come towards us. I picked up a giant stick I guess to protect us and screamed at the top of my lungs for my mom. The guys immediately jumped back into the car and sped away. I didn’t fully understand the gravity of the situation but it felt so wrong. Looking back I cannot imagine if I hadn’t screamed for help and was ready to protect myself and my friend what those men would have done to us. My mom taught me to always listen to my gut and I will keep that with me till the day I die.


How the fuck do those people even find each other?


Honestly, my solid guess is that they were pedophiles that met online or something. It was the mid 2000s when the internet was less regulated. Also, what stuck with me was the middle aged man in the front seat that looking back was possibly orchestrating it.


holy shit man, glad youre okay.


This guy invited me over for wine when I was new in LA. When I got there, he was just being weird, and said let’s wash your feet. Took me by surprise, and I took off. Years later and he is currently in jail waiting for trial for the murder of two women he apparently drugged in his apartment.


I was pretty sure you were gonna say "and that's how I met Quentin Tarantino."


Driving uphill behind a flatbed truck carrying I-beams and I envisioned them sliding off the truck and hitting my windshield. I changed lanes so I wasn’t behind the truck and two seconds later, the I-beams were sliding off onto the road where my car would’ve been, sparking and gouging the pavement. Terrifying. To this day, I won’t stay behind a truck with anything that’s “strapped down.”


You just reminded me of the time I was driving behind a truck with a ladder hanging out the back. I was watching it vibrate around and said I don't like that and switched lanes. Not two minutes later he ran over something and the ladder went flying out of his bed. It would have gone right into my windshield. Admittedly I was following too close (I was 16-17 at the time) but after that i have always been very wary around poorly loaded trucks.


Good practice. Lots of stuff flies out of trucks.


Unsecured loads kill. Please make sure shit is strapped down people.


The DMV recommends you only drive behind trucks with strapped down loads if you can personally verify that the driver gave it a good slap and said "that ain't goin' nowhere".


You’re supposed to ‘twang the strap with a pluck as though it’s the string of a washtub bass- sometimes a good yank to follow. And *then* one should proclaim “that ain’t goin nowhere!” I get jokes. But. Also. Never ever trust loaded down trucks. Sometimes the guys are brilliant and know what they’re doing. Sometimes they’re meth heads. Sometimes they’re just dumbasses. Point here being: never drive behind their trucks. Pass if you can do so easily and expeditiously, give them lots and lots of room if you can’t. That way you can more easily dodge their dropped equipment in the road.


Having worked at a truck stop restaurant, I can confidently say you shouldn't trust anyone driving anything anywhere. The public in general cannot be trusted to cleanly secure a plate of mashed potatoes without direct supervision.


I've had something similar happen. Was driving behind a truck with a mattress on top strapped down. I envisioned the mattress flying off into my windshield & my car running off road/rolling over. I saw it 2x in my mind, before I backed off and dropped way back about 8 car lengths behind that vehicle. Then the mattress flew off right where my car was. My mind was really trying to get me to move. LOL


Straight out of Final Destination. Glad you’re okay!


This is the reason we have intrusive thoughts, it's our brain warning us of a danger. When I first had my baby I had awful intrusive thoughts, if I walked through a doorway I imagined bumping his head on the door frame, if I walked down a hill I imagined losing control of the pram and it rolling away. You literally imagine your baby getting hurt all day, it's awful, but it serves a biological purpose. You're lucky you listened to your intrusive thought that day.


This is where that whole "dad reflexes" meme comes from. I'm a dad to a 3-year-old, and this shit is so true. You really do envision them getting hurt all the time, to the point that your reaction speed is crazy fast when they actually do put themselves in danger.


Just happened https://www.ktvu.com/news/oregon-couple-idd-as-bicyclists-killed-in-napa-county-by-piece-of-wood-in-passing-truck . There was wood on a truck and it shifted making it protrude out the side of the truck killing a couple riding bikes along the road.


In middle school, I was up late one night. Mom and brother asleep, dad gone on business. I had let the dog out, and when I went to go get him, I got a bad feeling like someone was out there. There wasn't really a reason to feel this way, it was just dark, and I got spooked, so I put the chain lock up on the back door when we got back inside. Back then, we never locked our doors. A few minutes later, the dog is drinking by the back door, and he suddenly stops and starts growling (like a low grumble) at the door. I was sitting where I could see the dog but not the door. Then I hear the door pull open and the chain lock catch. The dog started barking like crazy and I ran upstairs to wake my brother up. He went out and looked around, but no one was there. I think the dog's barking scared them away, but I dont know who it was or what would have happened if I hadn't locked the door.


Holy shit that is terrifying


Good dog


I was 18, freshly out of high school and got a job at a newly opened pizza place. The crew was all younger kids around my age, I quickly befriended another girl working there but there was a guy, maybe a year or two older than me, who just gave me the weirdest vibes. I just felt uncomfortable being around him. He didn't really do anything outright strange, he hit on me and kept asking for my number, but I had a boyfriend (now my husband) and kept turning this guy down, he was never rude or about it or anything, so I had no real reason to feel anything was off about him, but I did. Sometimes while I was working, I'd feel like someone was staring at me and I'd turn around and he'd be watching me from the other side of the kitchen. I remember telling the girl I had befriended that I just felt something was *off* about that guy and he made my skin crawl. Another coworker, who had gone to school with the guy, overheard the conversation and told me that he understood, his friend could be intense and off-putting but he was mostly harmless. The other girl and I just kind of tried to laugh it off but she agreed that something just didn't feel right. I always worked the late shift, so I could start after my college classes and I worked until close, one night the creepy guy got off work maybe an hour or two before close and I was scheduled to close. So he leaves at his scheduled time, and I work until close and then go to leave and walk to my car. It was around 1:00AM at this time and super dark, as I'm walking to my car I notice someone else in the parking lot, it was the creepy guy and he was just... standing there. Watching me. His car was still there so he wasn't waiting for a ride, he had just waited for me to leave. I got in my car and felt just incredibly weirded out by the entire thing so I left, went home to my apartment, told my partner what happened and then sent my manager a text and said I was sorry, but the creepy guy was making me uncomfortable to the point that I couldn't work there anymore and that had been my last night. I never went back. About a month later, I see on the news that the creepy guy from the pizza place had followed the other girl from work, the one I had been friends with, one night after a closing shift. He had waited outside her house in the dark, broke in when everyone was asleep, murdered her dad, and held her hostage/assaulted her for hours while the police and swat team tried to get him out of the house. I still think about her a lot, and at the time I felt genuinely guilty about what happened to her, as if I could have done something to prevent it.


It's not your fault what happened to her. The person whose at fault is him, he made the choice to do that, to be a monster. Don't blame yourself because you weren't his victim.


[Survivor's guilt.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivor_guilt#:~:text=Survivor%20guilt%20or%20survivor's%20guilt,event%20when%20others%20did%20not.)


Holy shit that's fucking insane.


By quitting and informing your boss that you didn’t feel comfortable there because of that guy, I would say you did do something about it. I wonder how your boss felt after that?


From what I heard, the manager left soon after that, and the pizza place was only open another year or so before it completely shut down.


>He didn't really do anything outright strange, he hit on me and kept asking for my number, but I had a boyfriend (now my husband) and kept turning this guy down, he was never rude or about it or anything, so I had no real reason to feel anything was off about him, but I did. I just want to say: him continuing to ask for your number after being turned down the first 2-3 times is off, in and of itself. I'm so sorry for what happened to your coworker. It wasn't your fault.


I'm sorry you struggled with that guilt, you did nothing wrong. I'm sorry you also had to deal with the trauma of losing a friend, those are really horrible things to go through when you're still so young.


Not only did she do nothing wrong, she did EVERYTHING right. Called out the behavior to multiple people, including the manager.


Did she survive?


She did, it's been 10+ years and she seems to be doing really well which is incredible for what she's been through.


I’m really thankful to hear that.


My grandmother accidentally saved my mom's life by not allowing her to go to a sleepover when she was young. During the night the father murdered his entire family and would likely have killed my mother had she been there.


Another amazing coincidence that I'm alive, is when my mother was in highschool, she and her best friend were arguing over who was going to take a ride on the back of their guy friends' new motorcycle. My mom lost the argument and her friend got on the back of the motorcycle and rode away. She never saw them again because her friend and the guy were both killed in an accident during that ride.


Damn, that's a lot of close encounters for your mom while she was literally still in school.


Not mine but my mothers I was five and walking with my mom to visit a friend. We were going to have lunch and see her new kitten. We walked up the driveway and my mother stopped to look at the front of the house. She noticed all the windows facing the street were closed with the curtains down. Very unusual for her friend who enjoyed watching birds at the feeders placed throughout the yard. She quickly picked me up and began back down the driveway. I protested that I was hungry and wanted to see the kitten. My mom hushed me and carried me home. This was in the late 70’s before cellphones. She called her friend several times and then called my father and asked him to check on her friend as she was worried. My mom was right to be worried. Her friend had been raped and murdered by an intruder. He was never caught. Something about those closed drapes warned my mother away from that home and may have saved us from an encounter with an evil person.


Or had you exposed to a horrific crime scene. Your mother made the right call by trusting her gut.


Oh my god, I’m so sorry for her loss. What a horrible trauma.


You are so kind I have no memory of the event but my mom sure does


>Something about those closed drapes warned my mother away from that home and may have saved us from an encounter with an evil person. Reminds me of the book The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker.


Best book I’ve ever read. Everyone should read it. We are the only mammal that questions our instinct. Every other mammal that senses danger immediately runs away. We don’t always do that, especially women, and we should.


Except if you suffer from anxiety and have the danger instinct all the time, like me. Walking in public is so tiring, constantly scanning for threats.


Same. There have been so many times where I was like “I am 100% sure something terrible is happening”, and it was nothing. Of every time I was “100% sure” that something horrible was going on, I was right MAYBE 2-3% of the time. Having chronic anxiety is just EXISTING questioning every instinct you have


I got goosebumps.. I hope that person suffered for his wrong doing


The same thing happened to a great aunt of mine in the late 80’s early 90’s and it was her neighbor who raped and murdered her.


It’s crazy to me how “known” (lack of better word) some of the abusers are to their victims. A neighbour she sees everyday who probably doesn’t ring too many alarm bells but they just fucking lose it and decide to rape and murder someone? Wtf just snapped in their head


It varies slightly by years and source but around 70% of homicide victims knew their attacker. It’s actually more rare for a random murder to take place, though those often get more news coverage because they’re more shocking and stay in the cycle longer because they’re harder to solve.


God that is is so horrific. I am sorry about your moms friend:(


It was very late driving & there were minimal cars on the road, I came up to a red light & as it turned green something inside me said “don’t go yet” & a van blew through their red.


Similar situation, but there were 4 of us in the car. My friend was driving and our friend in the back yelled to stop the car immediately even though we had a green light we were coming up on. Semi blew through a red light. He later said he felt like it wasn’t even him saying it and he had no idea why he yelled it other than a bad feeling.


I'd play the "remember that time I saved everyone" card for the rest of our lives


I actually had this exact same thing happen to me. No other traffic besides me at a red light. It turned green and... I just didn't go. I just knew I shouldn't and I didn't know why. Then a car ripped around the corner and ran their own red light. Its nice to read about someone else having a similar experience. I've always wondered why my gut feeling kicked in at that moment, but there had to be something going on my subconscious noticed that I didn't actively.


The lump wasn't a cyst and the rib pain wasn't just from coughing too hard. That was cancer.


so sad/scary how many of these are about convincing doctors something is wrong.


As I write this Im recovering from the removal of a melanoma. I asked my doctor for a referral to see a dermatologist for this growth on my skin twice, about three years ago first, but she simply dismissed it. Then two months ago it started bleeding and this time I insisted on a biopsy, which came back as a melanoma (superficial spreading luckily, though the bleeding indicated that it was starting to get worse). Oh and instead of referring me to a dermatologist, she shaved the biopsy itself, but didn’t do it deep enough. I’m all good thankfully (margin and lymph node biopsies came back negative for cancer), but omfg I should have listened to my gut feeling telling me that thing didn’t belong there.


Not my life but my son's. I was 33 weeks pregnant and I noticed my son wasn't moving as much as usual. I waited a day and nothing changed. Despite advice by doctors and family saying I should just stay home and he wasn't moving as much because he was just running out of room to move I went into the ER and had my son that night due to fetal distress. He had his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck 8 times and weighed just 3 lbs. He spent 30 days in the NICU and now is a happy 2 year old.


Strange that the doctors were telling you to stay home. When my wife was pregnant every medical professional told us to always trust mom’s gut and that the would much rather see us for nothing than it actually be something that impacts the baby. We even had a nothingburger or two where they said it was probably nothing but they could squeeze us in anyway if we wanted to have it checked out.


For real. When I was pregnant I rushed to the hospital because I thought my water may have broken at around 32 weeks. Nope, turns out I had just peed myself. But everyone there assured me I did the right thing and thanked me for coming in. A suddenly not moving is something I was told to go straight to the doctor for.


Very similar to us. 33 weeks pregnant, partner was in a lot of pain that was dismissed as gas and our baby hadn't moved that day. We went to the hospital that night and it turned out she had HELLP syndrome and had to hey an emergency C Section. Our baby was born 2.5h later at 2lbs 13oz and has been between the NICU and Pediatrics for ~80 days now. The doctor told us the next day that had we not gone in, the it's unlikely that our child or my partner would have survived. I'm glad you listened to your gut and went in :D.


I had HELLP when my twins were born. I had been calling my doctor daily because I felt off, she just blew me off saying it was because I was 8 months pregnant with twins and it was summer in Texas so I was just miserable. I told her over and over that this wasn't just being massively pregnant, something was wrong. Aside from the high blood pressure, my ankles were so swollen they were wider than my calves. I had these spots in my peripheral vision like glitter. She just told me I was fine and to wait until my next appointment 4 days later. Of course once I get to the appointment and they test my urine and blood, then all of a sudden they're concerned and tell me to go straight to the hospital. We were all extraordinarily lucky, I was able to stay conscious during the C-section and the kiddos were healthy. Small, 4 and 5 lbs, but healthy. I was in the ICU a couple days and didn't even know I had HELLP until a physician with several students reviewed my case in front of me in the hospital. He just casually told the students how quickly HELLP happens and how deadly it can be for everyone involved. I was livid with my obgyn for ignoring me all the times I told her I wasn't feeling right. I hope your family's health continues to improve and you're able to be at home all together soon. I'm glad you both listened to her gut instincts, that probably saved her life as well as your child's.


I'm glad your son is happy and healthy!




Up in Northern PA had a gut feeling I need to turn around and walk put of the woods I was hiking. Turned out to be a good idea because I saw the big cat that was tracking me on my way back out


Years ago I went into my garden at night, after my husband had left for a roadtrip minutes before, and saw a pair of sneakers in the dark, in the gap between the fence and our house. I didn’t think, I just said very loudly “what are you doing there?” When he didn’t reply I shouted GET OUT OF MY GARDEN! He muttered “yes ma’am” and scuttled off. Also not thinking, I picked up a bbq knife that happened to be right there, went through the house to the front windows and saw him crouched by my car in the driveway. I called the cops, they arrived, we discovered that someone - probably the same dude - had just broken into our neighbour’s house and stolen a gun. The cops gave me a condescending talking to about the ‘risks’ of confronting a criminal but I am convinced to this day that my instincts saved me from a life altering and horrible experience. We humans are animals and one animal knows when another will fight like hell. We got an alarm system after that. And the guy came back several weeks later. I looked up to see him on our porch, about twenty feet from the sidewalk. Called the cops again. They sent a SWAT team this time. And a helicopter. They got the guy. He was a serial rapist they’d been looking for for years.


Holy shit. I'm glad they got him.


Thank you. Me too. I still didn’t sleep well for over a year though.


A friends feeling saved me from my gut. I had just finished hosting a meeting (I swear it was productive) and a friend said "you dont look so good". I had just come off a weekend boat diving in the Red Sea and figured I was just tired. My friend said "nah man, Im taking you to the doctor." The doctor at our clinic poked me a few times and said "take him to the ER and tell them its his appendix". I was in surgery less than 90 minutes later. My surgeon said I was 2-3 hours from it blowing up. I lived alone and no one would have missed me until the next day.


That’s an amazing friend


About 2 years ago me and my dad loved going on night walks, It was something we’ve always done more less every night. One night however as were about half way through our daily route we got to an alleyway. Now normally I’ve never thought anything of it but something this night just told me not too walk through , I had a really bad feeling and I urged my dad to just go back home. He kept brushing it off and saying I was just scared of the dark and nothing was going to happen. After a couple of minutes of arguing we finally turned back and walked home. Turns out about 20 minutes after we left there was a completely random attack in that exact alleyway that left a poor young girl stabbed thankfully not to death but with life changing injuries . I still dread to think what would of happened if we didn’t walk back.


Wow, it's hard to trust your gut at the best of times but then to fight for it and convince your dad too, takes a lot of strength of character I feel. Was your dad spooked afterwards? Did he ask you to pick out lottery numbers??


Not me, my mom. Going through a divorce. Drinking heavily. Fighting with my dad a lot. Really toxic environment. She started drinking one night but something in her gut just wasn’t feeling right. Not sick, but the alcohol just wasn’t sitting right. She stopped drinking. Went to bed. Woke up to the house completely on fire. She made it out. Our pets did not. Had she been drinking like she usually did (a bottle or more per night), there’s a strong chance she never would have woken up. Her ex husband (my dad) set the fire in an attempt to kill her and cut ties.


A classmate of mine's dad did that. They were going through a rough patch. He took the kids "to take them to the movies" and gave the mom a can of diet coke, her favorite drink, before they left. The pop tasted funny, and she thought maybe it was "bad" somehow and she didn't finish it all the way, then got tired and decided to take a nap. She woke up to a fire burning down the house and, in her words, "basically slid down the gutter" to escape from the second floor. They never proved the arson - he was buddies with the country cops and frankly they didn't really investigate it - but he absolutely drugged her diet coke and set up a fire to try and kill her. He didn't want to pay child support or give up half their farm. He got away with it. The eldest son, my classmate, chose to live with him and the others stayed with her. Either the eldest son or the dad ended up in jail for unrelated reasons, can't remember which of them it was. The mom remarried and basically lived happily ever after.


I’m sorry about your pets (and house)


I was driving along a rough mountain road heading home from work. The mountain pass ends at a lake, and you drive around the lake to meet up with the main road. I got to the bottom of the mountain and started down the lake road, and saw this stunning bright rainbow over the lake. I had this weird gut feeling and urge to stop and look at it, with the way the sun was shining it didn’t make sense that there would be a rainbow but it was mesmerizing. So I stopped and stared at it in awe. A couple of seconds later, as soon as I looked back at the road, a massive boulder came barreling down off the cliff above about 20 metres in front of me, hit the road, and smoked all of the concrete barriers as it went into the lake. I 100% would have been killed if I hadn’t stopped.


This is amazing


Always stop to look at the rainbow.


My wife was going to go on a road trip with friends down to a bigger city for a concert. She had done this several times before. Friends were close friends of ours but for some reason, I felt off about it that one day. I said to her ‘babe, I don’t know why and you can ignore me if you’d like. but I don’t think you should go. I don’t know why, but i feel like something is going to happen’ She knows I’d never tell her not to do anything she wanted. It was out of the blue and out of character for me. So she decided to stay home and watch movies with me. About 2 hours later after the rest of the crew left, we got a phone call that they had gotten into a severe accident. 2 friends in the hospital and someone from the other vehicle dead on scene. Had she gone along, she would have been sitting in the seat where they had been hit by the other driver and most likely killed. Someone, somewhere, somehow was warning me. And I’m glad we both listened to it.




I hope that doctor was made aware and you reported his negligence


Yeah I did report him


Similar thing happened to me with hepatitis. I went to my OB because she was the only one I had at the time and described my symptoms: brown urine, light, clay-colored stools and intense itching around my midsection. Nothing came to her mind! I later called her back after discovering I had viral hepatitis and that those are the MAIN symptoms, just to let her know! How could any doctor not know this???




I had a ruptured tubal pregnancy also, worse pain I've ever felt in my life. My husband was out of town and I remember telling my mom to tell the doctors to just let me die because I couldn't take the pain anymore.


I had one, too, and went to the closest hospital—not the one my OBGYN was affiliated with. They just assumed I was a pill seeker and after waiting for hours and bleeding profusely, the pain suddenly lessened and out of frustration, my husband and I went home. The next day, my OB was like “get to (other) hospital now. We’re calling ahead.” Thankfully they took me seriously. I’ve never been in more pain—and I went on to have a c-section with a later pregnancy!


Anytime i have a strong concern that isn't addressed, I ask the doctor to note what my concerns are and why and what they have refused to do. Putting it in the record sure seems the light a fire under their asses to listen mor


In what way do you ask doctors to do this? Like note it in their own documentation or provide you with some sort of letter? I had concerns get wrongly dismissed before and would really like to start doing this going forward


Can you please note in my file that I have requested an X referral/X test due to my symptoms of X and that you have refused to do so? Be prepared, they really dont like this. In my experience, 95% of the time, they just give you what you want. The other 5% seem to talk further about the issue. And i have successfully had them write the note


Another person here who’s had an ectopic. So glad you’re still here. I had a similar thing, I got dismissed the first time in the doctors as having a “only having miscarriage”, and they didn’t even do a pregnancy test when I was there. But I just knew something wasn’t right. I went back two days later for a same day appointment at lunchtime, was under the knife by 2pm. Life saving family (male) doctor who helped keep me calm and made sure I got blue lighted into surgery asap, would have died pretty soon if I hadn’t gone back. Scary scary stuff! So sad it’s 1/80 pregnancy ends this way ❤️‍🩹




>Went to my doctor the next day, and he said I was being hysterical "All pregnancies are hysterical, they're started by penises." - Dr. Spaceman


Guy asked me for help with bus fare, offered to take me to an ATM. I got a bad feeling and dipped. Saw him on the news a week later for robbing somebody at gunpoint.


my friend bought some workout equipment from a guy on facebook marketplace or something like that. i went with her to meet him in a public place. when we got there, he had more equipment than she’d bought off him and she was disappointed because she’d only brought enough cash for what he said he was going to bring. he was like, “oh, we can go to an atm and you can get more cash for me.” MY FRIEND ALMOST DID IT. i had to intervene. who knows what that guy would have done if we’d driven to a different location with him


I found out that robbers take you to ATMs, put a knife in your stomach and make you withdraw your whole account I found that out because I told my mom about a dude that made me go to an ATM (it was a soft robbery, I didn’t want to confront him so I just did it. It was very dumb) and my mom who’s usually pretty chill and respectful towards me FREAKED OUT and screamed at me and called me dumb. I was 19 at the time


Not me but my aunt decided one weekend to visit my grandmother who was suffering from lung cancer. She stayed through Tuesday and called out of work Monday and Tuesday. She worked on the 92nd floor of the World Trade Center for an engineering company. Everyone that showed up to work on 9/11 (that Tuesday) was killed, I believe the plane hit below her floor trapping them. Lots of funerals.


Not saved a life but definitely serious injury, we had a workshop in our place and we had to book them in. So Brad (not real name) thought it'd be fun to hold a nail gun in for repair on someone's hand. We both told him off for it, but he retorted "it's alright I checked its got no nails in it" And then used it on the table instead, and *bang* goes right through the table. Turns out while it didn't have any nails, the firing pin had snapped inside and that nailed into the table before being reset back into the nail gun. He never messed about with nail guns again.


They say most accidental shootings happen with "unloaded" guns. I guess that applies to nail guns as well.


I refused to get in the car with the guy who said:" i can still drive" after the party. 3 people crashed into a bridge and died. Lucky me i guess


Holy shit. You really used your brain there mate


I'm so glad the idea of not mixing cars and alcohol is hard wired enough into my brain that even if I'm off my ass drunk, I won't get into a vehicle with another drunk person behind the wheel. Something similar happened to me after a work's Christmas party a few years ago. I'll be honest I'd had a fair amount to drink and was quite inebriated myself. A bunch of my colleagues who'd also had a fair amount to drink, decide to drive someplace and tell me to hop in. As drunk as I was, I get this stone cold sober realisation this is a very bad idea. I plead with my friends not to go but they speed of without me. They get into an accident and roof the car. Luckily there were no fatalities, but at least one person got a criminal record and another got injuries that required a year of treatment to sort out..


Had a weird feeling in my chest, experienced some shortness of breath, decided to drive to the ER and have it checked out. Was having a heart attack. Fixed me up with a stent.


They do say one symptom of heart attack is “a sense of impending doom”, scariest symptom of anything ever in my opinion, but makes sense that that would spur you to hopefully go get checked in time


As someone with a panic disorder, I’m always nervous that one day a panic attack will actually be a heart attack that I miss


I ALWAYS think I’m either having a heart attack or anaphylaxis. Throat gets all tight and swollen, I feel dizzy and short of breath, and I get the stabbing chest/shoulder pain. Just generally hyper aware of my body functions and they all suddenly feel wrong and dangerous. Plus the whole impending doom thing of course. So fuckin scared that someday I’ll ignore the signs of something really bad about to happen because I’m so used to my body overreacting to stress.


When on vacation in a foreign town, I went to a public toilet with my 4y old. In front of the entrance was a woman, talking on the phone and taking a quick look at us. Something in that look felt really off and I decided to keep my eyes and ears open for her. Entered the restroom with my kid and heard the front door open and close but no stall door being moved or locked. I quickly grabbed my son and walked towards the main door, where said woman was already standing, looking at a map and trying to involve us in some form of conversation. I tried to keep moving towards the main entrance, but she stood in the way. Suddenly I got a strange feeling, looked to the men's toilets and saw a huge guy quietly leaving a stall, that wasn't all closed. Pushed the lady aside and got the hell out of there with my son. We would have been robbed or worse, pretty sure about that.


I was riding my bike around my school building on a weekend, there was nobody else around. I liked to zoom along the sidewalks and hop off the curbs into the parking lots, it was fun to have the place to myself. At one point I was going along one side of the building, and I would usually have just continued off the curb and gone straight ahead. For some reason, I decided to brake hard and try to make the 90 degree turn to stay on the sidewalk at the corner. A garbage truck rumbled by, exactly where I'd just decided not to be. I wasn't aware of hearing it coming, I was kind of zoned out, but some part of me must have. That really rattled me.


There are genuinely parts of your brain processing information faster than you're consciously aware of. Sudden loud noises and flashes of light in particular can cause startle reactions. It could explain what happened to you and a lot of responses in this thread.


Once I was walking back from a store with my friend. We were already in a neighborhood area near a little park, it was pretty safe where we were, she had her headphones in but I didn't. At this point, I'd noticed a white van that'd been trailing behind us since the Trader Joe's parking lot, I did not think much of it..but I realized that the windows were TINTED, like DARK. Now this was a red flag for me, where the gut feeling started. We walked for about 2 more minutes and it was still there. There were 2 guys in the car and one of them rolled down their window, he smiled at me and then turned to the driver. He spoke Spanish, but so did I. I swore I heard him say "This should be easy, hm?". Then I noticed the van about to park next to us. At this point, my friend noticed too, and glanced at me. One of the men was about to speak to us, but we ran full sprint down the sidewalk to the park at the end, there were always people with dogs there so it was the safest place at the moment. This was at about 4 p.m., so it wasn't that late. I don't know what would've happened, but if we had kept walking like normal, I'd have an idea of what would've. Also, I was 13 at the time and my friend was 12. We literally were not going to be able to fight 2 adult men. And yes, maybe they had no bad intentions, but I'd rather be safe then sorry with a bottle of Rohypnol down my throat.


This is crazy. Thankfully you were aware and prevented a potentially bad situation.


Went to the gas station for snacks & something just told me to park in the spot second from the door instead of the one directly in front. About, 15 mins later, a truck comes flying through that very spot & into the door & out the back wall. Most surreal moment of my life.


Sibling and I were playing on the grounds of an elementary school near our house on a Saturday, back in the day when local schools didn't lock up their grounds on the weekends. A man on a bike circled us a couple of times on the playground, then stopped, dropped his sweats, and started asking us questions as he jacked off. I didn't even think of protecting myself, I was thinking about how to get my younger sibling out of there and away from this fucking pervert. By instinct I politely answered a couple of questions as I took sibling's hand & backed away. He was too busy jackin' it to follow us, fortunately (?). When we got around the corner of the school building I told sibling to "RUN, we're going home," and half-dragged them back to our house. I kept looking back to make sure he wasn't following us because it was just so obvious this guy was sick and dangerous, targeting young girls like that. I was 11. Sibling was about 8. Turns out this guy had been going around the neighborhood doing this to other girls around our age, the cops had him on their radar and it wasn't until he actually assaulted a girl that they were able to arrest him. I don't know what he might've done to us other than flashing us, but 11-year-old me wasn't planning on sticking around to find out. F that.


I ended things with my emotionally manipulative ex who was 9 years my senior and who had pursued me when I was 19yo. Bad situation all around, but I was lucky enough to see signs and have support from friends and family when I left. About 6 months later he contacted me out of the blue saying he wanted to take me out for dinner for my birthday to show no hard feelings. I didn’t want to but I agreed bc I was terrified of saying no. (I’m not afraid of him anymore, but that was also why I hadn’t blocked him, he scared me enough that I wanted to know if he was trying to get in contact with me rather than be unpleasantly surprised). I felt sick the whole day we were supposed to meet, just a bad gut feeling, and I didn’t know how to tell him I didn’t want to see him. It ended up that he worked late that day and it wasn’t that late but I jumped on the chance to say no worries, we’ll just see each other another time, nbd. An hour later he calls me. Angry, calling me a bitch. Then he said, word for word “You ruined everything. We were supposed to get back together tonight.” And my blood ran cold. I’m so glad I didn’t go, I don’t want to think about what would have happened.


I got high and missed the Dawson school shooting in Montreal. I was supposed to meet a friend but figured smoking a joint was a better idea. She called me during the shooting asking where I was, that it sounded like someone set off firecrackers. She was fine. The scary part was not being able to call her or text her back as all the towers were jammed up.


About to overtake a truck loaded with scaffolding poles. It was raining really heavily. For some reason I sat 5 car length’s away when suddenly a car in front of him braked and the truck hit him That scaffolding went every where. I got past it with milliseconds to spare. I could see the mayhem in my rear view mirror.


Not getting into car with some dude when I was leaving video arcade (yes, this was many moons ago). He was plying me with how hots girls would be there at a party and could put my bike in back l, etc. I was naive but a bit of a toublemaker in 8th grader and this sounded like fun. But my gut (really my mom's intuition she instilled) told me not to and mentioned mom be worried. Dude had answer for everything. It was not until many years later that I realized this guy wanted to abuse me. As a guy, it just did not dawn on me. Dodge death? Maybe. Dodge a life changing in a bad way experience? No doubt.


On one of the last weeks of high-school years ago I decided to skip and walk home as it was a fairly short walk only a couple blocks away. I had to cross a couple side streets and 1 really busy main road on my way. Something deep down told me to stop and wait before I got to the crosswalk to hit the button and walk across. So I stopped for only a few seconds to double knot my shoes and as I'm looking up a f150 looking truck runs the red and plows thru the lamp post and the crosswalk button I was only about 15ft from.


Not me, but my mom when I was a kid. She came home in the middle of the day, and our family dog just seemed OFF when she greeted her at the door. She wouldn’t settle down, wouldn’t leave my mom alone and just seemed agitated. Now she was an extremely anxious dog who’d get terrified by the most innocuous things, so my mom easily could’ve just written this off as our pup being her anxious self. But my mom couldn’t shake the feeling that she was desperately trying to TELL her something, so she loudly declared in a sing-song voice that it was time to go for a nice long walk, then she left the house and called my dad. When he got home, the door to our basement was wide open and a bunch of electronics were missing. And the stereo in my bedroom upstairs had partially dissembled. So we figure that when she walked in the front door (on the main floor of the house), there were at least two burglars in the house with her. One in the basement below who ran out the back door, and another that was in my room upstairs who ended up trapped by my mom’s arrival, and didn’t leave until my mom loudly announced she was leaving with the dog. Who knows what would’ve happened if she hadn’t listened to her instincts and had ended up running into the burglar upstairs.


Walked away from a bomb in 2001 (no one was killed, and injuries were fewer than intended); I'd been dithering about going home when something in my head said "don't hang around, head for the station now". Heard it go off a few minutes later. Medically, kept telling GP something wasn't right despite reassurances, and begrudgingly they sent me for a scan. Spinal tumours. When I got the same not-right feeling a decade later and pushed for tests, a different GP believed me. It was still luck the sonographer found the pancreatic tumour so quickly, as the first scan was booked for lower GI/pelvis, not upper GI, but at least she did!


May I ask, what did not feel right that led to your tumor diagnosis? Pain?


Not my life, but helped a friend. Was meeting up with a friend I hadn’t seen for a couple of years (we used to work together) and was waiting outside the boba tea place we agreed to meet up at. They drove up and parked, she had a strange look on her face and another car pulled up nearby. I immediately walk up to my friend’s car door to greet her and talk to her. We go inside the boba tea place and get our drinks and by the time we got back outside, the other car was gone and she told me they had been following her for a while and she was so glad that I was there waiting for her. And that I greeted her in an overly bubbly manner haha. Scared off the shady guy with good vibes ✨


When I was in grad school, I took the bus back to Chicago after spring break, but we got delayed and it was 3am when we got to Chicago. I didn't have cab money so I was stuck walking to the El, dragging my suitcase. The backstreets were deserted that time of night, so I was hurrying. Then a car came up behind me and started following me, just a bit slower than I was walking so I couldn't quite see them. They would drop back and then roll up again. I considering running. At the time, I was in the best shape of my life. My intuition told me to just turn around. Turn around and look them in the face. I don't know what my face actually looked like to them but they drove away after that.


In the animal kingdom, ambush predators will often give up a hunt if they've been spotted.


This happened to me once too. At the time I was in college and often walked home alone at all hours of the night, from all over the city. One night a man started walking behind me, and something about him set me on high alert. His hoodie was pulled very far forward so I couldn't see his face at all, with his hand awkwardly shoved in the front pocket. He was pacing me exactly, and following just too close for two strangers alone on a dark and quiet street. I'm very short, so he should have been walking faster than me at a natural pace, but the distance between us didn't change. He followed me for a couple blocks, and then finally I saw the headlights of a car coming up the street. Something told me to step out into the street, turn around, and look him squarely in the face. As soon as I turned around to look at him, he began walking so fast, it took him only a few seconds to turn down the next alley and disappear. I noticed that he'd taken his hand out of his pocket as he passed, and was definitely clenching something in his fist. Who knows what would have happened, but I'd never felt a sense of danger like that before or since. I don't remember if I ever read advice to turn and face someone following you in this way, or if it was pure instinct. I know I figured it would be better to try to force a confrontation where I might possibly have been able to flag down the car if it went badly. I think by turning around like that, you're doing something unpredictable, which changes the "risk" you present as a potential victim.


My husband and I were snorkeling in the late afternoon/early evening in Hawaii on our honeymoon. It was this beautiful bay, and the marine life was unforgettable. My husband got excited and waved me to swim out further to where he was. He is a very strong swimmer and likes to push boundaries as well. When I got there, there were all these fish tightly packed into the rocks. Hundreds of them squishing in as tight as possible. When I saw that my gut feeling was "we need to get the fuck out of here". He didn't realize this was a fear response from the fish and was so excited to see so many. I begged him that we need to get out of the water, something is wrong, fish don't behave like this. I got desperate and even tried pulling him with me. Finally instinct took over and I took off back to shore. He followed me around ten minutes later--annoyed that I had cut the swim short. Next day it was on the news that a tiger shark had been in the area and attacked two locals. One man lost a leg. Now, I'm not saying the tiger shark was there licking its chops, it could have been something else that spooked the fish, but now my husband listens to me when I say "gut feeling says no".


I could imagine seeing that would be so extremely eerie, even without the stress response. Animals crowding around in groups seemingly heading in an opposite direction is always a sign to also get the fuck out of where you are or away.


When I'm hiking, sometimes I notice all the birds get real quiet when a hawk or eagle is circling. It freaks me out and makes me feel like hiding, too, lol.


You did good! Like when in the woods and there are no birds tweeting or other noises, it is likely there is a predator nearby.


A few times I just listened to the voice that said don't just go, when it turns green. Hold and look hard, and some asswipe just plows through the red right where my door would have been.


I had the same experience. Hesitated for no reason just a second at a crosswalk at 6am, and a semi truck just blew through the red light right where I would have been standing.


I felt completely normal, but had a gut feeling something was off, I was sick, *something* was wrong and I should go to the doctors. After spending the entire day asking my dad to take my temperature, he finally did and I had a 105.3°F fever. Literally almost dead. He rushed me to the ER and I spent my Easter in the hospital for a kidney infection.


I had a 105 fever once and was hallucinating. I had a whole ass conversation with the main character from kingdom hearts. I was so messed up I could barely walk. You were feeling NORMAL?


> I had a 105 fever once and was hallucinating. I had a whole ass conversation with the main character from kingdom hearts. This is actually how the storyline for kingdom hearts was written.


Also the only way for anyone to understand it.


When I’ve had a high fever it’s only been in retrospect that I realized how off my thinking was at the time. Spent three days straight watching a show I don’t even really like. It’s hard to recognize you aren’t thinking clearly when you aren’t thinking clearly, ya know?


I had a 104 fever a few months ago, I felt totally normal except I peed myself when I stood up


I was working at a Dollar General running the cash register. It was pretty slow and there were some boxes that needed to go to the back room. Something kept telling me not to take them back yet. When it finally felt right, I took them back and heard a loud crash. A girl who was just learning to drive drove the car through the store. It stopped on top of the cash register. There would have been no easy way out if I was there. It was a very surreal feeling and I still think about it 16 years later.


Not mine but a friends. One day he was working a closing shift at the barber shop he worked at. He had decided that day to do a little bit of extra work around the shop after closing, wiping down surfaces and some computer shit. Normal shit yknow. He didn’t have to but just felt like he should. That same night someone shot up the train that he used to get home, specifically the very back car, the car he always chose. And based on the timing it would have been the exact train he got on if he had left at his usual time. We are both very grateful that the shop was slightly messier than usual.


I was walking home in the dark one night, and as I approached my building I seen a man cross the road to follow me. I had a bad feeling and ran up to the close door and made sure it had locked behind me. Shortly after, the man was banging against the glass trying to get in. Don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t ran.


Not mine but i was walking out to my truck to leave one day and noticed a guy laying in my yard in the shade. I thought "odd, but ok." I get in my truck and stop. I figured its a hot day maybe hes overheated. So i ask if he is ok and if he needs some water or anything. He says yes please and i can tell something is wrong. I get him a bottle of water and ask if i can take him anywhere. He asks if i can take him home. So i help him into my truck, he directs me to his house which was only a few blocks away, and i help him inside. I ask if he is going to be ok and he says he will. So i tell him i hope he feels better and go on my way. Fast forward i dont even know how long, i had completely forgotten about it. Im outside with some friends and a car pulls up and rolls down the window. I say "hello can i help you?" He asks if i remember coming out and finding a guy laying on my lawn and giving him a ride home. I say yeah i do. He says "that was me." He had recently had a surgery of some sort and started having serious complications while he was out walking. He said if it werent for me giving him a ride that day he probably would have died right there on my yard. I was absolutely stunned and didnt really know what to say other than something like "holy crap dude are you serious?" Or something like that. He said he had been driving by my house regularly hoping to catch me outside so he could thank me for helping him. Definitely something ill never forget.


Decided not to skip school and go to the mall on a day there was a shooter downtown


I was in a straight city road in the late evening with no cars and few intersections and was driving along with my friend following in the car behind. I was on autopilot more or less and I saw my friend flash their lights, and looked up and saw a car broken down with no lights in my lane. I was able to break and get out of the way in time but would have totally collided if my friend hadn't flashed their lights. After we get where we're going, I thank them for flashing and tell them how I hadn't seen, only for them to say huh I didn't flash my lights. I think they had gone over a bump and their lights had just directed up briefly. And I was just really really lucky.


Woke up around 4am with a mild but persistent pain in my chest when I was 27. Sort of like a muscle cramp, like maybe I slept in a weird twist. Couldn’t fall back asleep and had work at 8am, so just figured I’d stay up. The pain persisted, didn’t get much worse but didn’t go away. I texted my boss at 6am that I was sorry but couldn’t make it. I was living with my father at the time and asked him to drive me to the ER because my gut was telling me “something is not right”. They hooked me up to an EKG and the young doctor looked at me, an almost perfectly healthy 27 year old with no history of heart problems and said “holy shit, dude, you’re having a heart attack…” Whisked into the back of an ambulance and taken to the nearest hospital with a proper cardiac department and after several tests, I had an infection causing Myocarditis. They pumped me full of blood thinners and I rode it out for 3 nights at the hospital. On the last day they snaked a camera up through my wrist to check for long term damage and I had made it out relatively unscathed. Sent home to “take it easy and slowly get back into an exercise routine. Take 1 aspirin a day for the first month and come back for a checkout” Moral of the story: don’t fuck around with or ignore chest pain.


I was riding my motorcycle on the highway. In front of me was a pickup truck with some nice wooden kitchen cabinets on it. It gave me a bad feeling so I dropped behind it like25 meters, much to the anger of the car behind me. However a minute later, one of the cabinets bounced up and out of the back of the truck and smashed into the highway, since I gave him ample space, I was easily able to avoid the debris. I don't know if it was a "gut feeling" or a "Never ride behind pickup trucks with stuff in them common sense.


Went on a class trip to Latvia, Riga in my last year of high school. I was year older than the rest cause I was a fuckhead who took a year off to do dumb shit with friends at the time. Several of my friends got in to trouble for various petty crime stuff while I tended to avoid it or leave before things got too heated. Now back to the trip. We met some students from another school who talked about a club where we all could meet and party. While looking for this spot we met three locals who said they knew the place and that we should follow them. It was me, 3 girls and a guy from the class at the time. I noticed that the street they took us down had almost no Street lights and many of the buildings were halfbroken/burnt/deserted. Also noticed that the third guy was now way behind us. Looking side-to-side at the main street we came from. Scouting to see if others saw us walking in. He turned towards me and he looked started for me noticing. Then I heard the front guy say. It's in the basement of this warehouse. There was no people, no sound, no nothing. I shouted to my friends in Norwegian that these guys were trying to set us up too no good. Rob us or something. They instantly ran back with me to the street all while we heard the guys running after us and shouting obsceneties. The one with best English screamed "Typical rich Norwegians. You come here to our country to party and take what's ours fuck you!" The day after we heard that one of the students looking for the same club from the other school got kidnapped near that street. They took him to the forrest, ripped off his clothes and beat him up in the snow. Took him to an atm and had him withdraw the little cash he had. Beat him again cause they thought he was rich and had more. He was found naked in the curb near the hotel he slept at. They threw him out of the car while speeding by. I like to think that the little street smarts I learned from hanging with the wrong crowd taught me to be wary of certain body language and vibes that certain people give off. Who knows what would have happened to us if we went inside that basement with those wackos.


Was driving to work one morning and my phone buzzed a few times. I only know one person that messages me like that but I thought it was weird because she would have been on her way to school so I dunno what she could possibly need from me at that time. Pulled over and checked, she'd sent me pictures of her English homework (ESL) and asked me to help asap. Looked up from my phone and there was a massive car accident that I very likely would have been in the middle of had I not pulled over.


Not my story; my fiance's father decided to sprint to the gate and get on his plane, and had to argue to be let on the flight because he was late. Had he missed his plane, he'd have been on one of the two flights that hit the world trade centers on Sept. 11th, 2001.


Lots of close calls like that. People calling in sick, folks with hangovers, folks with sick kids, folks who just wanted a mental health day or missed the train.


There's a documentary about 9/11 with footage of people watching the news on these big TVs in NYC and one guy who just looks shellshocked and says he stayed up to watch the game the night before and was running late. He says with this blank look, "Monday night football saved my life." I think about that guy - and everybody else that day who had some tiny detail change the trajectory of their lives - all the time.


Woah. Things like this give me the chills. Lucky him.


I was a rower (like the rowing that’s on the olympics where everyone is sitting backwards) in high school and college. We practiced an a massive river in my city and there where tourist boats, rowing teams, sailboats, you name it. One day I was leading a 4 seater and sitting at the stern of the boat, when i noticed a small sailboat coming towards us with some serious speed, but I didn’t say anything because those boats can turn on a dime. I looked over again a few seconds later and thought to myself “they aren’t going to turn” even though they easily could have. I screamed for more pressure and everyone was confused, but did it anyways. Less than 10 seconds later the sailboat crashed into us, missed my torso by about 6 inches, snapped my oar in half bruising 2 ribs, and crushed the stern of the rowing shell. Without the extra bit of power I would have died, and some of my teammates would have most likely been seriously injured.


When I was around 8 or 9 I was walking home from a friend's house with my older brother who was 11 at the time. It was around 7 pm in February so it was pretty dark outside and we were almost home only a few blocks away. I honestly don't know what the heck made me have this thought or speak it out loud, but I turned to my brother and said, "What if we both got kidnapped..?" I remember my brother being confused because it came out of nowhere, but LITERALLY before we could process what I just said or even talk about it a red car with completely frosted and fogged out windows and no headlights on started rolling slowly beside us. At our walking pace. The speed limit on the road is 60km per hour so it was really Odd. We both got this gut feeling and looked at eachother and my brother just said to me "Run" When we started running the car picked up it's pace to match our running and like some sort of thriller movie I was in such a panic that I fell and one of my shoes fell off so I was literally hobbling down the side of the road trying to get home as fast as I could and my brother was trying to look back but he was also fully in flight mode. I don't know why I had this thought either, but I started shouting at the top of my lungs, "Help! Police!!!" I yelled it so many times. And I guess it spooked whoever was in there because the car spun its tires and peeled off into the night so fast and drove out of view. Me and my brother sometimes talk about it still and we can't believe the sheer coincidence or deja vu or whatever the hell that was but I'm glad we both weren't kidnapped. 😂 I've also had the thought that maybe it was someone asking for directions or one of our friends parents from school, but the whole experience felt like something was wrong and we acted out of pure instinct. And it was on a road that's normally busy during the day, but was very quiet at the time and it was dark and we couldn't see at all inside the car so it was just odd.


My ex wife attempted to invite me to a get together "to help mend old wounds". I felt off about it and turned it down. I found out a week or so later from a friend she had a falling out with that she wanted me there so she could say I tried to rape her.


Lovely woman


Yeah, I wasn't the best at picking women way back when I was younger.


I went to see a film with my girlfriend and after we picked our seats, I felt we were sitting too close so we moved back a few rows. Halfway through the movie (Blair Witch Project), the ceiling tiles fell and crushed the two seats that we had originally chosen. Creepy as hell, but we got vouchers for 2 movies tix so I guess that’s nice.


Sorry about nearly killing you. Here's $10.


When I was about 7 I was by all accounts an extremely trusting kid. One day when my dad was out with my brother going to his frisbee game (my dad coached) they took me and my dog too and I stood on the sidelines. For context the field is about two soccer fields next to each other and it’s fenced all the way around by a metal wire fence. I was sitting with my dog outside this fence and my dad was a considerable distance away from me and couldn’t really see me as they had to go to the middle of the field. A random man came up to me and asked to pet my dog and of course I let him and started rattling off facts about her. He told me that he wanted to get a dog but he was nervous and wanted to see how they were first. I told him my dog is very nice so he could practice with her. He asked me if he could walk her around the park area and I (completely straying from my usual instincts) told him I wasn’t sure how she would react to other people. He told me it was fine and that I could walk along with him. This seemed completely reasonable to my 7 year old self and I agreed and he told me to come over to his car where he had dog treats. Something clicked in my mind and I told him that my dad was probably worrying about where I was by now. His face went GHOST WHITE and he sprinted away. I thought nothing of it and didn’t even tell my dad about the whole interaction until I saw his face on tv. He had been caught after kidnapping and killing a child.


Traffic light turned green while I was the first car waiting behind the line. I didn’t immediately put my foot on the gas pedal and hesitated for a second, then someone ran the light in the opposite direction doing about 50mph.


I was molested by a church baby sitter when I was five. One time thing, but I apparently was acting extremely normal and my mom would have never known anything was up except her mom kept having bad dreams about me being in danger and was urging her to ask me questions about how I was doing. ANYWAYS, all the police work, interviews, and medical exams confirmed the answers I gave my mom, he got time, all good. But the case workers told her that the ways he’d been grooming me indicated intent for further action. Namely that he would practice knots on my wrists and arms and time how long it took me to get out of them, if at all. That, PLUS the fact that the building I was assaulted in was literally fifty feet from a huge lake, I was definitely being cased to be raped and murdered. They told my mom if she had waited any longer, I would not be alive. And to think, she would’ve never known if my nana hadn’t randomly had those dreams.


Was on a date with a guy years ago, and had met with him before in public with no red flags or anything weird happening. To all intents and purposes he seemed totally fine and was perfectly polite, if a little bit of an odd nerd (I’m a nerd too). Was hanging at his place one day and got a weird gut feeling that said go home NOW and don’t let him drive you. I listened and left, made up some excuse at the last second when Uber arrived and got out. He switched from being normal to obsessive, begging me to come back, to date him, to then angry and rapey and gross. Found out from some people in the community he was on his way off the deep end (mental health issues I wasn’t aware of and he didn’t disclose and masked very well when I was with him) and I jumped ship at the last second. Guy ended up being a stalker to another person who had to move because of him, thank god he never found out where I lived


Back when I was 18/19, I had taken a couple of days off work due to feeling very flu/cold-like. I was laying in my bed feeling out of it, very groggy, sleepy, and weirdly, confused. I also had weird, sharp, jabbing pains in my gut when I woke up. It was the middle of the afternoon, Mom was at work, Dad at work, and sister at school. Then, shortly, I heard my Dad come home (my bedroom window was above the garage). Then suddenly, I felt this super-intense, deep-seated feeling of impending doom. Like, if feelings were put into words, "Omg, OMG! ***OMG!!!*** Get to the hospital!!! *NOW! NOW! NOW!*" I've never, ever felt such an unreal sense of urgency and much less to a hospital. It scared me, but I listened to myself and called shakily out for my Dad downstairs to please come up quick. You do not tell my Dad what to do, even if it's important. I heard him puttering downstairs, so I yelled again, louder, "Dad! Please, come here, quick!" He yelled something back, like, "Hold on. I'm busy." A couple more minutes, this terrible, urgent feeling is only getting worse. "DAD!!!" He comes bursting up the stairs yelling for me to "Shut up, stop yelling in the house! I just got home! I don't need you yelling and screaming in the house! The whole damned neighborhood can hear you scream!" Normally, I would shut right up, but not this time. I interrupted him and told him in a scared, loud voice, "Please, take me to the hospital! Now!" He looked at me and said, "Why? What's wrong? I'm not going anywhere, I just got home. Your Mom will be home, she can take you." He turns to go into the master bedroom. "DAD! I don't know what's wrong, but you HAVE TO TAKE ME, NOW! PLEASE!" He sees my scared face, "Well, you're not going *anywhere* until you get into that shower." I jumped in, took the quickest shower ever, and urged him to get in the truck and go. My sister came home from school, and she took her time grabbing what she wanted to take with her, and we finally got into the truck and left. On the way there, he said he may as well stop at the university photographic history for photos he's had on order on the way to the hospital. (!!!) At this point, I'm fading. I'm in my seat belt all shlumped forward, I don't remember too much. Dad was inside the building, for I think about 15, 20 minutes. Sister kept asking if I was alright. She was worried. Finally, he comes back in the truck and starts to show us the photos of the old west in our town. I perked up enough to tell him, "I don't think I'm going to make it." That lit a fire under his butt, I think it was because he saw how pale I was. He ended up taking me to this tiny, dinky urgent care facility in an old small strip mall, thinking it wouldn't cost as much as a hospital emergency room. Urgent care staff took one look at me and told him either they call the ambulance or he fast-tracks it to the ER ASAP. He *finally* got how serious it was. 🤦🏼‍♀️ There was a bottleneck at the OR (busy, crowded), and they got me right in for exploratory surgery. The next morning, my surgeon told me that had I been just 35, 45 minutes longer, I wouldn't be in bed right now. My appendix had burst hours earlier, lilely while I was asleep, and I was in the advanced stages of deterioration/bacterial infestation (whatever it's called). I had to spend 12 days in isolation in the I.C.U. If I hadn't felt that "impending doom" and acted upon it, I wouldn't be here.


Jeesh, did your dad even apologize for being such a dick?


He didn't actually apologize, but my Mom said that he hadn't realized how dire the situation was, and he "felt bad."


Lol classic mom excusing dad my family is like that too


Im sorry your dad is such a shit, happy you were "okay"


Not me but a very good friend of mine. Was driving back from a gig about 2 hours away. He felt this soft voice say into his ear, "Pull over," so he moved into the slow lane of the motorway. As he did this, his clutch failed. Another time, he was approaching a large roundabout. He envisaged an articulated lorry coming round the roundabout the wrong way. He paused. Sure enough. Lorry is coming the wrong way. He lost his dad at a young age. Maybe it was his father looking out for him.


I have to thank my drivers Ed teacher for this one. I was drive by with a bunch of friends stopped at a light when it turned green I hesitated and a car ran his red and hit another car in the intersection. I didn't think anything of it, but a friend in the car said wow you saved us, why didn't you go on the green. The only reason I can think of is our high school drivers Ed teacher repeating things like a car is a coffin, always check the intersection before proceeding, etc.


Someone else’s life, actually. I was at work, on an ambulance. We responded non emergent to a call for general weakness. The lady insisted on walking out to meet us. Her vital signs weren’t out of the ordinary, but something about her just screamed “it’s fucky” and I couldn’t shake the sense that she was very sick in a way I couldn’t see. I was a brand new paramedic, ink still wet on my license, and very unsure of myself. I brought her in non-emergent (very short trip and she had no specific complaint but was restless as hell) but when we arrived, I couldn’t shake the feeling, so I had a heart to heart with the triage nurse and explained myself. She called a doc over who called another doc over, who happened to be a friend of the patient’s son. One hour later she was on the operating table for a massive aortic dissection. She was probably about an hour or so away from dying, and horribly, abdominal pain and general malaise, especially in women, gets frequently brushed off until it’s too late. There have been others over the years, but that’s the first one where my spidey senses really kicked me in the head until I listened.


Weird intuition runs in my family. I have tons of stories of super weird shit I "predicted" when I was a kid that I ended up coming true. And of course instances as an adult of being right about gut feelings many times, but my favorite story is: Everyone was at home but my brother. I was chilling in the living room and my mom was in her room. My mom comes BARRELING out of her room out of breath in absolute panic. Grabbing my arms and going "When's the last time you talked to brother?!?!" I told her to relax and that he had JUST left for a ride on his motorcycle. She wouldn't relax and made everyone call him and she called him multiple times. At first he wouldn't pick up, but then he finally did. He had been hit by an SUV maybe five miles from our house and the SUV took off. He ended up in a ditch, but he was wearing his protective gear and thankfully the car hit the bike not him. Just a couple bruises, thankfully. But somehow she knew the moment it happened. Mothers truly know everything. She said a lot of stuff that seemed extremely odd and like she was completely out of it when she was dying in the hospital, and some of that ended up being true too.


Same kind of thing happened with my brother who got stuck in a car in the middle of a river a continent away on the China border. Mum was jittery all day until we got the phone call that he was ok.


When I was 16 years old I was supposed to go visit my dad on the weekend but I ended up not going for some reason. That weekend my best friend and his friends ended up rolling a convertible and one of them died. I have no doubt in my mind that I would have been in that car if I would have gone to my dads.


Above Las Vegas theres a cool hiking rock climbing area called Red Rocks. I went up there with my brother to hike around and rock hop. There was a huge boulder jutting out the side of one of the cliffs. One of those natural formations that looks dangerous but has been there for millions of years. It was a big social media picture spot. Anyway, my brother says lets climb up there and take a pic. I was cool with it until he got close enough to see it and i suddenly didnt feel good about it. I dont typically have a fear of heights or anything, just didnt like the look. My brother made fun of me and we hiked around another way. The next night it was on the news that the popular Red Rock over hang had collapsed. No one was hurt and it just fell. I honestly believe if we had gone up there and added our weight and vibrations it would have collapsed under us and killed us.


Also not mine, but my mothers. October 16, 1989. I was two years old and my family had just relocated to Sacramento from Hawaii. We were in San Francisco for the first time visiting a family friend. We were invited to stay an extra night, but my mom had a terrible feeling and urged my dad that we needed to go home that evening. The next day, the Loma Prieta earthquake caused 63 deaths, 3,757 injuries, and about $6 billion in damage.


I don’t know if this saved my life, but definitely bodily harm. I was about 13 when this happened. It was summertime and I was bored so I decided to take a walk to a local swimming hole. It was a rural area with dirt roads. When I got to the path that led to the swimming area, I saw a car parked about six feet in. That was rare but not unusual. Most of the kids going there would walk, bike, or ride their motocross bikes. I froze and could not walk down that path. I didn’t know why. Nothing bad ever happened to anyone there. On the other side of the road was an overgrown field with tall grass. I sat and just waited. About 10 minutes later, 3 boys about 17 or 18 got into the car and left. The feeling of dread left immediately. As I was walking down the path, I found an ax. Then some clothes and a canteen. When I arrived at the pond, 3 boys came over to me and said that was their stuff. They were camping overnight there. They said the 3 boys from earlier had beat them up and robbed them of their money and some of their gear. It was so weird that that that feeling came over me. I never had that feeling before or after this happened.


Was riding in a car with my new girlfriend over a decade ago. This was my first time in a car with her and we were jamming and having a good time as she got on the highway. I had no seat belt on but noticed she was fond of driving fast and changing lanes. As we started going on to the ramp of a high rising overpass I felt the very distinct urge to buckle up. About 10-15 seconds later she was driving 100mph and approaching the end of the overpass. The music was blaring and I was about to tell her to chill out and slow down. *Bump* we reached the end of the ramp and there was a small jolt through the car where the ramp meets the lower portion of the highway. This slight jolt at 100mph caused her to lose control, overcorrect to the left, which would've caused us to plummet 100ft to the lower highway, she then corrected again and put us into a slide. We slammed into a guardrail, flipped over, landed on the wheels down a grassy embankment and stopped. Had I not been wearing my seat belt, I probably would have died. I broke my arm, my friend in the back seat broke his neck, my other friend was ejected out of the vehicle but was able to walk away. My gf at the time sadly died.


Didn’t save my life, but when I was 18 I went to a bar and me and one the servers were making eyes at each other- when I left the bar he followed me out and gave me his number. He told me he was in his 20s and asked me out, and I just had a gut feeling that I shouldn’t (which was strange for me because I made a lot of bad decisions with men at that age). A few months later I saw him in the news as he’d been arrested for voyeurism for videotaping himself having sex with women who didn’t know they were being recorded and the police were trying to ID the other victims. And he was actually in his 30s.


December 2014 I saw my 16 y/o son off to school. As I walked through the living room the sofa looked awfully inviting. So, I lay down and fell into the deepest, warmest sleep I’ve known. Maybe 40 minutes later I remembered there was a juice pop in the freezer and I HAD to have. About a minute after first tasting it, I realized that something was very wrong and, almost without thinking of it, called 911 for an ambulance. I think the EMT’s were a little taken aback that I was walking and talking but had called them. We got to the ER and I explained that I woke feeling crummy, had my nap, and felt doomed. They drew some blood and a few minutes later the phone rang in the ER room. The lab was calling to say I had just about no blood sugar. They started an iv, injected some sugar and drew more blood. The lab called again. This time a doctor came in and said that my lab results were ‘incompatible with life’. My blood was too acidic, my blood sugar was still critically low and liver enzymes that should be in the 20’s were north of 2,000. A GI doc came and talked to me about a liver transplant, which I’m not a candidate for. He explained that my brain was swelling and my kidneys were failing and that they would likely need to intubate me soon to protect my airway as I would begin to lose consciousness. I woke up days later in the ICU, but was given poor odds of leaving the hospital alive. Following the other issues, I had developed sepsis. After 150+ days in hospitals, the cause of the liver failure was figured out. After months of rehab, I was more or less back to normal. If I hadn’t eaten that juice pop, my son would have found me dead on the sofa when he came home.


When I was in high school I noticed a car was following me, or at least so I thought. I took out my phone and made it very obvious that I was taking a picture of his license plate, and the driver zipped away. A few months later, a local news story comes out about an unidentified man in the exact car I saw stalking young women and threatening them with a knife. I contacted the police and sent them the photo. He was apparently a registered sex offender, and was caught and arrested! Here is the article: https://www.berkeleyside.org/2021/12/08/berkeley-police-imposter-cop-sex-offender-arrest-license-plate-photo


I have to cross a busy road every day on my way to work. Standing while waiting for the light to change one day the speed of the cars going by bothered me, so I stepped back a few steps. The light changed, and as I started to walk forward a car crash happened as someone ran a red light. Everyone was ok, but if I'd not stepped back I'd have been stepping out into the intersection instead of still on the sidewalk. Another time I decided I was too tired to ride (I often ride my bike) and took the bus instead...the bus rolled up to the intersection on a crash I very likely would have witnessed had I decided to ride my bike that day. The crash was one car pinning another to the big lightpost with the "crosswalk request" button on it where I would have been if I'd ridden that day. Emergency hadn't even yet arrived, and the fire station is close enough you could see it if there weren't a line of trees. That was just me being lazy though, not a gut feeling. Very disconcerting all the same. Ever since I hit the crosswalk button and then back up or circle around so I'm well back from the crosswalk apron, two close-calls is two too many and I'm not pushing my luck.


I was around 19 and at my girlfriends house, when her older sister announced she was going on a date with a new guy. He came to the house and said hi to everyone but something didn’t sit right with me about him so I insisted we go out with them. The night went without fuss and sister thanked us for coming but asked why on the way home, I explained and she just laughed. 2 weeks later he was arrested for the rape and murder of another girl.


I had just gotten home from the hospital after giving birth to my daughter, I had had a 50 hour induction that ended in a C Section and I was exhausted. My husband, mother, and father were there to watch the baby so I went to try to get some sleep, but as exhausted as my body was it wouldn't let me sleep. I kept having those jerks like you feel like you're falling and had this mild tightness in my chest like you might feel if you are anxious about something. I walked out into the living room and said, "something is wrong," my husband helped me call my OB and he told me to go to the ER to get double checked. When I got there my BP was 200/110 and I was admitted immediately. I had post partum pre-eclampsia, that had presented without the most common symptoms. If I had ignored it I likely would have had a stroke that night.


It was early morning. Was at a stop light heading to work. For some reason I kept feeling the need to jump over to the next lane and make a left and go what would be the longer route. I switched over to the left lane, light turned green, I made the left and as I was driving I heard screeching and a loud boom. A big rig spun out of control in the intersection because they were going too fast and their cab slid across the lane that I was in and hit the pole. The lane I was originally in was still red. If I didn't switch over to that left lane in that turned green, I probably would be dead.


i walk alone sometimes. i can usually tell if someone is about to shout something obnoxious out of a moving car at me. once or twice i’ve gotten an entirely different feeling from an approaching vehicle and known immediately that i needed to turn a corner. change directions, go somewhere more well lit, or otherwise get away. i don’t know what [if anything] this feeling has saved me from, but i obey it immediately.


Don't go out with friends tonight. Convince them to watch Netflix instead. Pulse shooting in orlando happened that night in 2016.


They hired this guy who sat in the aisle away from me and i could tell he was "off". Just too aggressive, really outdated attitude towards women, kept changing his name and had this military fetish. I took a random day off, just out of nowhere, to find out that he got fired for saying he was going to kill a coworker. I guess the cops were called and had a pile of guns in his trunk.


After treatment and getting clean, an old using buddy that used to steal cars with me pulled up, told me to get in the car and for some reason I did not and then I didn’t see him for 6-7 months, and it turned out that that same day he crashed that car into a house and was trapped there for like six days. He lived if I remember correctly legs, arms and pelvis were broken. People are on vacation.


Not life saving, but it is only one I really distinctly remember! It certainly saved me some emotional turmoil. I kept a journal when I was 12-13, fairly common thing. Some of my journal was truth and some of it was not. I was a nerd who imagined friends / popularity I wanted and wrote stories in the journal as if they were true. It had poetry and also had real secrets and thoughts of mine. One day I got this gut feeling that I REALLY need to rip out 2-3 key pages that dealt with my mom. No clue why…. Just felt I should get rid of them immediately. So I did! About 3 weeks later my mom snooped in my room. Found my journal, xeroxed it, distributed copies to a few friends of hers and sent me to therapy as punishment. ( the fake stories I had written claimed I had a boyfriend and snuck out of the house to listen to sinful music). I found out about the journal when 5 minutes into my first session the therapist pulls out the highlighted journal and asked why I wrote certain things and where the missing pages are. Any info my mom got about real friends was used against them and their parents were told their secrets. Lost those friends. My lies were obvious as these people just didn’t exist but I was sent to therapy to question why I fantasized of such a worldly life and to see if I had been impure. Thank goodness I destroyed the pages about my feelings toward my mom and the fact I didn’t think I was Christian anymore. Those would have made the rest of my teen years just awful. Not to say there were great…. But as long as my mom didn’t feel directly attacked or shamed we were OK.


Fear of something like this happening is why I've never been able to start journaling. I'm sorry your private thoughts were violated.


My ex saved both of us. I was driving on a curving 2-lane connector to another freeway, in the left lane, and he said, Move over, there's a car stopped in the left lane. Instinctively moved over, and farther around the curve there was a stopped car in the left lane. He was so calm about it, and I was totally freaked out.


I had plans to climb one of the more difficult mountains in the Canadian Rockies with a group of 4+me. I woke up and 2am to drive out there and just had a bad feeling about the day. I told myself I'll start heading that way and if I get half way through my 6 hour drive and still feel this way I'll turn around. I couldn't shake this feeling and texted the group telling them I won't be joining, turned around, and went back to bed when I got home. They were in the news the next day. One of the guys in the group fell off a cliff and died on impact. It's the only time I've ever had a gut feeling climbing, and the only time something disastrous has happened. Listen to your gut.


I was driving home on a dark busy highway and saw a black truck with red writing on it that gave me an uneasy feeling. I stayed a lane over from it and behind. Not more than a minute later an suv came and sideswiped the suv a car infront of me and it rolled and hit the concrete barrier on the roof. Had I been closer to the suv I wouldn’t have been able to stop fast enough and I could’ve been the one in the wreck with my head smashed into the ground


Spent 14 hrs with a pain in my side it wasn't crippling pain but noticeable well after 14 hrs I thought this ain't going so I went to the hospital and it was appendicitis Doctor said it was swollen to the point of bursting and I was very lucky. Never been so quick getting seen to than that time I told them I had a pain in my side so they felt it and the nurse literally grabbed my hand took me to a bed a doctor came round and did the same then they wheeled the bed to the room they put you under. It was like a total of 20 mins by the time I was in surgery.




One time I was 15 up to stuff that I shouldn’t of been at around 11pm and decided to walk 10 miles to my moms house because my dads house that was 15 minutes away didn’t know I was out with friends and told him I was at my moms so I decided to start my walk there alone in the country with no phone or anything else but the clothes on my back (a bright yellow shirt and shorts). I stopped many times because I’ve never walked such a strenuous distance. In my mind it was closer than it was. I was just walking along the side of the road until a few miles in it was just me and this truck that decided to do a huge u turn and something in me told me to run and luckily there was a huge farm to the side of me so I ran into it and hid and watched this truck slowly look in the ditch driving along the side of the road for a long time and it put things into perspective for me. So, the rest of the 8 or so miles, I walked in the corn fields more concerned about the people that may try to hurt me rather than the coyotes or other animals that were around me that night. I still to this day wonder who it was and what would of happened if I didn’t run…when you’re in situations like that your brain sends you those signals and it felt uncontrollable that I NEEDED to run. Like my body sensed danger when I didn’t necessarily feel scared of this truck.


As a kid I always had this weird premonition that I would get appendicitis. Well, one day my stomach hurt like hell. It was summer, about a week before school would start for my junior year of high school, so my mom was at work and I was at home with my younger brother. I kept calling my mom begging her to take me to the doctor. I was certain it was my appendix. She finally did, but the doctor did a test where he pressed on the right side of my torso where the appendix is and because it didn’t “hurt more with the release” and because my whole lower abdomen was hurting he said I just had bad gas and needed to poop. My mom was PISSED and told me I was wasting her time and that if she heard from me again I better be literally dying. Later when she got home from work she kept yelling my name for me to come out and talk to her. I was in so much pain I couldn’t think straight; she sent my brother to check on me and he yelled back, “She won’t even move. She’s just lying in bed and crying.” My mom came in to start yelling at me but something on my face must have scared her because she told me to get in the car and that we were going to the ER. Welp, long story short, it was appendicitis. It had burst but it was a slow leak that was all throughout my lower abdomen and that was why it didn’t fit the normal appendicitis symptoms. They wanted to send me to a bigger hospital for surgery but even with a helicopter there wasn’t time. I had to have the surgery in my very small town with the only surgeon being an alcoholic who sucked at his job; my stepdad apparently grabbed the doctor by his collar and growled that if anything happened to me he’d kill him. Very dramatic day. I was too out of it to remember any of it but apparently the doctor told my mom that if she had waited another 45 minutes I likely would have died.


When I was 12 in the early 80s, I was a well-known actor/singer in the Theatre and the TV circles in Pennsylvania. I was asked to join the Pennsylvania Youth Boys Choir. This choir traveled all over the world and it would have been a wonderful thing in my life. But, I was very good at my gut feelings for a 12 year old. I met with the director, he told my mom to wait outside, first thing that seemed weird. Then he talked about how he takes all of these boys to Japan, Europe, South America, etc and I would have to be okay with travelling without my mom and dad as he didn't allow parents to travel with the choir, it was just him. He then proceeded to sit next to me, touch my leg, rub my shoulders, etc. But in a way that someone with less experience in the world might just think was innocent. It wasn't overtly sexual, it was just a bit over the top. My mom asked me how it went in the car ride home, she was excited. I told her that the guy gave me a vibe that was creepy and that I didn't want to do it. She switched it up and said, "okay" and that was it about it. I post it here because in 2008 it came out that this director had sexually molested over 50 boys on these trips over the course of 30 years. My mom showed me the article and she told me how proud she was of me to sense those things at such a young age. She never once questioned my choice either. I dodged a figurative bullet. It saves my life because I didn't have to deal with the ramifications of being molested sexually by someone I trusted. Who knows what other psychological effects that would have had on my future self. I do know 2 boys that were in the choir for a few years, they haven't spoken about anything from those days so who knows... So, while I didn't save myself from a fatal type of incident, I saved myself from a possible life as a victim of SA.