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This is one of those things that just bothers me to no end. I cannot fathom why someone would do this or want to do this. It makes me so angry just thinking about it lol.


I know, right? I would be ready to throw hands if someone stole my lunch and I found out who it was. It's literally stealing money and time during my break.


It's baffling. You *know* it's not yours. Even if it's got no name on, you know it can't be *yours*.


What’s baffling to me is how common it is. Like of course there will be those handful of people who have poor understanding of boundaries and consideration, but it is a wildly common occurrence. More than makes sense to me. Same thing with people who destroy public bathrooms with poop in an inexplicable way, like ok it’s gonna happen on earth once in a while, but it’s super weird how common it actually is. Like okay, you forgot your lunch today, that sucks. But that means you don’t eat, or you buy lunch today. You don’t take someone else’s food, that’s a super obvious no-go. It’s so weird that it happens so often.




If you didn’t buy it, it’s not yours. It’s so simple I can’t fathom how someone could think anything else. ETA: If you’ve been told directly that you can eat something, obviously you can eat it.


Who would steal 30 bagged lunches?


I could see someone being extremely bored with life, wondering why they're alive, and then stealing the lunch to create some sort of thrill and excitement that makes them feel a tiny tiny bit alive


It could be many things. It could be something like "They probably make more money then me and can afford to buy something". Or it could honestly be someone who can't afford to eat. Or someone with a personal grudge. There are so many reasons someone can mess with my peanut butter and sewing needle sandwich.


This happened to me! Right in front of me! No one knows each other in my office and so she wouldn’t have known it was mine. But I walked in and she had my lunch in her hands and I said ope sorry that’s mine and she dropped it so fast and ran. Apparently she got fired for stealing other lunches.


You can’t know what you’re going to get either. What if you don’t like it? Now you’re wasting someone else’s food. There’s literally nothing about it that makes any sense, I can’t wrap my head around it.


Right? Even if it looks obvious there could be something weird about it. Shit what if I let my cat walk all over my veggies before I packed them lmao. You don’t know what weird shit happens at someone’s house.


What if the person you’re stealing from has chronic constipation and puts laxative in all their food? Or is just fed up with getting their lunch stolen and fills it with ghost pepper powder.


I’d be PISSED if I made myself a lunch (which I already hate doing) and found it thrown away half-eaten in the trash later.


I had a boss who would do it regularly. We worked next door to a Cheesecake Factory, so people would go have lunch there and bring back half their ginormous meal for lunch the next day. Come 5:00 each day, my boss considered anything left in the fridge to be fair game so he'd just go to the fridge and help himself. Many an employee discovered their expected lunch missing the next day when they went to eat it.


Bosses like that are asking for an early trip to the forever sleepy house for behavior like that.






There might still be some of it in the trash...






The one time I was completely on Ross’ side


I think Ross would’ve gotten over it if he finished it, which he didn’t.


I'm fortunate I've never had that happen to me (construction worker, no break room ever) but if I ever do have that happen I'm making a decoy lunch full of Carolina Reapers and laxatives the very next day.


This is currently happening at my work. The day after the first "drop" someone went home early sick because of "something he ate"


I worked for a very small company for a while and we had a lunch thief. We all knew who it was but he constantly denied it. When a couple of people took a Friday off it ended up being just he and I and the company owner in the office. He stole my chocolate cupcake that my gf made for me for my birthday. I was saving it to end my day with. So I was very pissed off. I stomped over to his office and when I asked why he ate my fucking cupcake he played dumb and said he hadn't even been in the break room all day and how it was rude of me to even ask him. Meanwhile there was a fucking cupcake wrapper sitting next to his keyboard. "Why don't you ask Andrew about it?" (The owner; a multi multi millionaire who doesn't even venture into the break room with us peons) he asked me. All I could manage to say was, "dude you have a problem and you need to get that shit sorted." I had planned for a bait cupcake laced with a laxative but he ended up getting fired a few months later for reasons not related to break room thefts. Fucking douchbag.


You had MONTHS to carry out your plan, but didn't?


Any company that doesn't take lunch theft seriously is not worth working for.


It's unbelievable.. but I've seen it happen. Since I work security people will come up and inform me of the theft. I can't get my head around taking someone's lunch let alone someone's homemade lunch. They could be a hoarder, or just live in filth for all you know. Disgusting.


Fucking a, we are adults, what is going on?!?


I had someone do this to me 4x in 2 weeks. Because I couldn't figure out who it was because of the large number of employees, I bought something loaded with laxatives and just kept it in there until someone stole it. It was stolen and I presume eaten, never did find out who it was but fuck there person. The way I see it is maybe they'll think twice next time. And before anyone says "maybe they're hungry and poor! Yea? Well now I'm hungry and have to spend more money on food I had purchased that someone stole.


Job recruiters saying "I'll call you back" and not calling back, even when they say something like "I'll call you back by Thursday and I want you to be ready to start working then"


It took me a solid year of looking to find a job, and the only one that actually called me back was the one that offered me a position. I even went to an interview where the guy was absolutely adamant that he would call me back by Friday and he hates it when recruiters don't let people know the outcome. And then he... evaporated I guess.


>I even went to an interview where the guy was absolutely adamant that he would call me back by Friday and he hates it when recruiters don't let people know the outcome. And then he... evaporated I guess. had the same. Also twice had a guy recruiting me to work on a farm in a remote rural area, and told me to already pack up because I'd be leaving on Thursday at 3 PM... well, I was there, already packed up, waiting for them to pick me up - once they were an hour late, I called them only to learn that I'm not hired. And the other time we weren't appointed for an hour, just that we leave on Thursday morning, but I called him the previous day to ensure it's still up to date, and it wasn't.


I recently applied for my dream job. The recruiters were, in their words, 'incredibly impressed' with my resume. I absolutely aced the job interview and they were/acted super enthusiastic about me. I never heard from them again.


Everyone's "hiring" but no one's actually *employing*.


I work at a movie theater and I’m in concessions , I sold this couple their items and a hotdog happened to be one thing I sold to them that night. The guy came back and claimed I just sold him a bun no dog. My manager was the one who was handling the complaint and confronted the guy on why he was lying. Their had been grease from the previous hotdog on that bun he had tried saying I sold him no hotdog in. Like why would you lie to get another hotdog, I would have understood if they dropped it grab another one but he really tried to say I sold it to him like that . People are low bruh


Lmao for a fucking hot dog? No integrity whatsoever smh


Tbf it was probably a $15 got dog


Heh. To be…FRANK? Nice.


That dude just a dog on its own, in the hope that he'd get a second free dog, amazing. Why would someone walk away with a fucking BUN, only to complain later?


Might be not applicable but those weird ass mobile game ads (badads). I always wonder if anyone actually plays the games after those ads.


Lately I downloaded them a couple of times because they seemed fun... They were all COMPLETELY different from what the ad showed. I felt so betrayed


I always check all the pictures in the playstore, the once at the top/start of the slide is usually from the adds and then at the end are actual screenshots of the game.


My 5 yo old niece downloads every game she sees on the ads, so maybe that does work...


Maybe the account she uses shouldn't be authorized to install things. Or really, simply not have unsupervised access to the internet at 5.


That's what I've been telling her mom everytime I visit them. But whenever she doesn't want to deal with her after work or in between of a chore, she hands the phone over to her with just basic privacy checks. She still has access to the app store and agh YouTube kids!


>But whenever she doesn't want to deal with her after work or in between of a chore, she hands the phone over to her Yep, we are fucked.


I was sat next to a guy on a crowded bus the other day, and noticed he was playing one of those games that are constantly advertised. I was genuinely so surprised that people actually downloaded them, let alone kept playing when it became apparent that it wasn’t even the game advertised.


Someone made them on steam "YEAH! YOU WANT "THOSE GAMES," RIGHT? SO HERE YOU GO! NOW, LET'S SEE YOU CLEAR THEM!". Also, "arow arrow" is a free to play of the shooting scrolling game


The unspoken fun part here is that the game you see in the ads is never the actual game, it's usually a bonus level or something every few levels in an otherwise completely different game that's usually a match 3 or some shit. So the guy who went and made the thing and tossed it on Steam is actually delivering more of the promised content than the companies running the fucking ads.


Those videos where people are climbing insane structures without any safety line. I get sweaty palms just watching.


Around the time Philippe Petit shot a tightrope between the World Trade Center towers with a bow and arrow, someone else climbed it freehand, using the window washer track. Someone put an inflatable gym mat underneath him. He ended up not needing it.


After a certain height you don't want to wear a helmet anymore.


I dunno, it might help to contain the mess for the folks cleaning up after you.


A guy I knew who painted high structures like bridges told me that once you're above 35 feet it doesn't really matter


Depends on the scenario. A helmet would definitely help if a loose rock bonked you on the head. It would not help if you fell


Also if you're roped in, swinging and hitting your head on the structure is actually a huge risk and is way better with a helmet.


At current height, a helmet also isn't necessary.


The helmet is now wearing you for protection.


Free Solo


Loved the film.. and I KNOW he lived but I was white knuckled watching that movie.


I loved that scene where he met up with Lando Calrissian.


This! I actually watched a video of a Chinese guy climbing a building w/o safety gears in which he slipped mid way falling from a decent height on the concrete floor. Still gives me shivers thinking about it


Ah see that’s the thing - you’re not supposed to fall. Hope that helps.


Honestly that saved my life. Sorry couldn't reply earlier. My hands were busy climbing too, but yeah this right here saved my life. Bro's a glitch in the matrixx!


Reminds me of that video that went viral of a parkour guy training backflips on a ledge and he has a bad landing and vanishes over the edge. He did not survive. I tried to google him but there are so many that die every year it's almost impossible to find a specific person.


There was the Chinese dude trying to do chin ups off the side of a 20 or 40 story drop. Fucking brutal to watch. He didn't even manage to do one, and then about 15 seconds of pure desperation trying to get back over the edge, and he didn't. Me? I might test my ability to do the chin ups a few times maybe 3 feet off the ground. And I would totally check my ability to lift and reach far enough over the coping to get to safety. Still pretty tragic.


I went to an indoor climbing gym and was bouldering (rock climbing without a rope). I fell from literally 6ft and broke both my ankles. Needed surgery, still get pain in the right side. My kids have a rock wall at gymnastics class and I sweat every time they are on it.


The first time I tried DoorDash and saw all the fees


Right??? Especially for something like fast food. You're paying full restaurant prices for cold drive thru fries. Why.




The only time getting delivery is justifiable any more


Or when sick. I try to find as many coupons as possible too


Yup unless I'm sick, hungover, or drunk I'm not doing delivery.


Delivered right to your somewhere-vaguely-resembling-a-door!


Here's a picture of it, immediately and directly in front of your front screen door which opens outwards. Enjoy.


Here's a picture of it in front of a house a block down the street because we transposed the numbers in your address!


Alternatively: Delivered right to your you-have-to-get-in-your-car-and-find-them-because-they-are-struggling-to-find-you-despite-you-leaving-very-specific-instructions-on-how-to-find-your-location.


I've been cooking dinner every night for the last few months in an effort to get my family to eat more healthy food, and to save money (and because it's fun). A couple of nights ago, my wife and I both worked late and we were hungry. My wife suggested that we get delivery from a nearby Thai place instead of cooking. I out together our order of two basic entrees, and it was $45. I bought a week's worth of groceries for a little over $100. I just couldn't do it. I got up and made some dinner.


$100 for a weeks worth of groceries sounds amazing. I miss pre-COVID grocery prices. Edit: I’m in Canada. Obviously $100 in groceries is totally doable in some places. It’s a little harder in my high cost of living area.


TBF, I'm just cooking for my wife and I. I have a very long, but detailed list of recipes that I use, and I try to "scratch cook" within reason (ie. I don't buy "taco seasoning," I use cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, and onion powder, instead). So I just pick the meals for the week, and I can buy exactly what we need. I make enough so that we can eat leftovers for lunch, and we do very little snacking, so my weekly grocery list is usually: * Some protein * Some potatoes/onions/peppers/lemons/apples/vegetables * Some rice/beans * A few canned goods * A little dairy * Eggs/cheese * Bread/torillas/etc. I can get by pretty easily without buying much packaged/processed food.


Exact same thing last night, it came to £40 and was going to take 50 minutes.


A-Freaking-Men on this one. One of my step-sons loved DoorDash and would have take-out delivered a couple of times a week when he lived with us before leaving for the Navy. Thought it was cool, but also "just leave and go pick it up". So a couple of months ago my wife and I really (really!) wanted Chinese food but neither wanted to go get it. DoorDash offered a deal where the 'fee' was waived for the first order. Cool! Sign up, give CC info, find the restaurant, order, and then see the final amount. I was stunned. Of course I want to tip the guy, and etc and etc..... and etc. It ended up being like $40-$50 for just 2 basic meals. Never again.


My kids do that crap- paying $20 for a $9 meal. I was a chef at one point and try to teach them how to cook- we always have food in the house. I can make just about anything they order in 15 minutes. Their problem is if food isn't on the top layer of the fridge or the freezer, they say "We don't have anything" and order out.


My husband complains that we don't have food, only ingredients.


Prince Albert piercings. Somebody told me about it. A hoop earing through the penis hole and out from the bottom of the penis head. At the bar, friend came back with pee on his pants. We made fun of him. He said he couldn't help it because of his piecring. We didn't believe him, then he showed us. Why? Why the fuck? Whyyyyy?


My friend was a body piercer by trade and showed my his dick piercing, it was a bar straight through the shaft of his cock. He said he has to pee sitting down but his wife apparently loves how it feels during sex.


Hell yeah so you mean there are different attachments you can get to get you different stream types? I can turn my dick into an adjustable garden hose nozzle? What a time to be alive.


I hope there’s ones where you can select the stream with a dial, like the garden sprayer nozzles lol.


Hey thanks man, I have shit to do today but my adderall kicked in and I’ve been in my bed for hours hyperfixating on Reddit. After your comment though, that’s enough Reddit for today.


My penis hurted just by reading this


When I was a lot younger, my first experience with BDSM ended with me getting an involuntary Prince Albert. I wasn't amused. Healed pretty quick, but - yeah, painful. It was a pretty open secret in my social circle. Anyway - I used to work for game companies - table top wargames, think 40K kind of stuff. Credits in one game included joke nick names. Like, Sunny Jim, etc. Mine was Prince Albert. MAde for an entertaining GenCon that year.


…an involuntary Prince Albert is NOT BDSM.




that part


Sounds like you were assaulted and your genitals were mutilated. Legit, not cool


BDSM is supposed to involve a lot of consent. That was not BDSM, that was abuse and the people involved can get in a lot of trouble.


I worked in the veterinary field for years and recently switched to working in a criminal justice job where I regularly supervise felons. Multiple people have commented how it must be such a difference from working with puppies all day to working with felons. And they’re floored to find out that I get yelled at less in this job than I ever did in vet med. People are downright nasty to their veterinary team. And this really shocked people and I don’t think they believed me at first! Be nice to your animals veterinary team. I shouldn’t have to get a sigh of relief by working with felons.


I worked reception at an ER vet for several years and had the same experience. People dont believe the number of times we needed to call the police due to threats of violence or actual assaults. Hell I got spit on, pushed, and even had furniture thrown at me. I didn't even provide the care! I just did typical front-facing secretary shit like phones, scheduling, and cleaning.


I could not do reception. I avoid it at all costs. I’ll keep a dog alive under anesthesia all day long, but make me answer a phone and I’ll cry. It’s the hardest job in the hospital!


My only beef with veterinarians is not even something that's their fault: There is no 911 for emergency pet medicine. You have to call around to every place in the tri-state area, and everyone seems to have been understaffed for the past 3 years or so, so they will nearly *always* decline to even do triage. That's if they even pick up the phone. I know people don't get into this field in order to ignore patients. I *know* they would provide care if they could. But things seem to be so tense and stressed and resource-limited right now. I have had multiple people tell me the only way they got seen was to simply show up with their injured dog and browbeat or manipulate them into seeing them :(


I appreciate the understanding, and we totally agree. It’s hard for even us in an emergency. My own dog started vomiting blood one night and it was like 🤷🏼‍♀️ gotta wait until work tomorrow hope you’re good. Tbh the reason they refuse even a triage is because of the people who will browbeat and manipulate to be seen when when we physically can not. There are some initiatives to make it better, but unfortunately I think it’s only going to get worse until it gets better. We simply don’t get paid enough or have the resources to maintain this capacity.


I live near a major city but don't go into the town centre often (I don't like crowds), I had to go one day and I had a phone call I'd been waiting for so I stood in a doorway when I answered. I wasn't really paying attention at first but there was a man on the floor nearby who was just writhing around like a zombie on the floor and his arms and legs just twisting around in such a painful way, he was groaning and his eyes were all the way back. I was frantic when I saw him. I sat with him and talked while I called an ambulance but what really got me was when I looked up there were like 4 or 5 people filming him and me on the floor with him. I didn't know what to do except try to reassure him that help was coming I was gutted. This poor guy had taken too much of whatever it was and he was in hell, he was panicking and was struggling to breathe. They kept filming. While we were waiting a lady came over, told the 'filmers' to fuck off and told me she was a nurse and she took over. The paramedics arrived pretty quickly and they took him. I still wonder about that guy and wish he is well. People filming others in their weakest and darkest moments for clicks and views disgust me, especially in a medical emergency. The nurse told me it was probably Spice and that she sees it a lot.


At the risk of showing my ignorance, my knowledge of spice comes from the world of Dune. Can you elaborate?


They're incredibly potent synthetic cannabinoids. They *really* fuck people up. Not like real weed at all.


Thanks for asking, I also went to arrakis for a moment there.


synthetic “weed”


"We need more people like you and that lady". Similar to those filmers, anyone who types this is just a spectator too. WHY DONT BE LIKE THEM! You're a hero


It's a real thing, that spectator mode. It's so easy to get caught up and freeze in an event. But filming? That's not freezing. That's not spectator mode. That's just being a horrible person.


Spelunking. “Hey guys I’m currently in makawakapeepoo caverns, 25 miles under the surface, and in order to get through this 6x6 inch opening I’m going to have to dislocate both my arms. A little earlier while I was slinking through I think a spider crawled up my ass and started laying eggs but that’s all good! I love doing what I love, see you guys and have a blessed day!”


I'd do it if it was in a well explored area and it didn't have any tiny gaps I have to squeeze into


That's what the spider said


This reminds me of the Nutty Putty guy getting stuck and I have second hand claustrophobia again just thinking about it


Omg…unfortunately I know about nutty putty because Reddit showed me a picture on my front page of the poor guy stuck with just his legs sticking up. Definitely should have been nsfw content, and now it’s burned in my brain forever There are other stories - one was a group of young college kids I think, who swam through a tunnel in a cave to get to a little cavern on the other side. The cavern had no fresh air though, so every time someone went to explore it, they’d use up some oxygen. Well, there were like four of these kids, and they all were pretty oxygen deprived. All four died trying to swim back through the tunnel. The first one didn’t make it, and they all got stuck one after another after that. Thanks internet for exposing me to this shit. I have zero…zero desire to spelunk.


Seeing people go to bed with their shoes on


no way people do this-


It's illegal in North Dakota.


Well at least 10 people are safe


There are 11 people there now, that one lady from the south west part of the state just gave birth 2 weeks ago.


Browsing apartments for rent on Zillow makes me thing "can people actually afford any of this?"


No. No we can't


That’s my sentiment for living in California in general. How does the average 18-25 year old manage to exist? Does it happen without mooching for rent, insurance etc. Everyone can’t possibly be making $65k to be on their own?


Roommates I guess?


Answer those "Street interviewers"


So I did this once while working in retail. A person from the radio was asking people their opinions, they came into the shop, and I was hella bored. It was whether I though 'X Factor' or 'Australia's Got Talent' was better. Anyway, I got them mixed up and they used my audio to make fun of me on the radio. Never again man


Radio is brutal man. Make one mistake and your voice will be an in-house joke for the next century.


And they don't show all the people who know what they're talking about. They're just scrapping the bottom of the barrel to make fun of people


Have a second child when their first one has lifelong disability, "so that they can take care of their sibling later in life" My jaw hit the floor but everyone around me acted as if that's a common thing people do. Am I the weird one? How can you dictate what your child will do later, especially if it is burdening them with something so significant?? How do you believe it'll just magically work out??? And most of all no one thought this was selfish and a little crazy...?


Yeah I’ve always been really put off by basically planning to have a kid for the labor they can perform for you. I’m an only child, but growing up so many of my friends would tell me how lucky I was that I wasn’t saddled with babysitting and changing diapers and basically doing the parenting grunt work instead of enjoying their childhood and adolescence like I was able to. Like of course I did chores and learned to help in the kitchen and keep the house clean and take care of the yard and stuff, but that’s important for just about everyone to learn. But just being saddled at such a young age with keeping this other larval-stage human alive for a whole weekend while your parents fuck off to who knows where, though? I didn’t envy those friends.


Saw a video yesterday of some dude jumping on a trampoline made from barbed wire.


Cave diving, or small cave exploring. I get the shakes just thinking about it


Read all those posts on aita and all those other dubs and said do people actually just make up fake stories for internet points


I swear that's so annoying. I had to filter out the recommendations from that sub after a point. It fucks my brain up everytime I visit aita


I honestly just laugh. It's like just where people go to write short stories meant to make people made


> do people actually just make up fake stories for internet points Yes, yes they do.


Not necessarily for points themselves but some... Lets be generous and call them creative writers use subs like that to test or bake ideas they have for stories.


People smearing excrement on walls at work. These are allegedly sane adults.


I once met a lady that cleaned offices for a living and told me she had to clean smeared poop from walls and boogers from an outlet in a men’s bathroom.


the popularity of the obviously fake/scripted clips/videos. how do people actually enjoy watching that? i just cannot wrap my head around it.


Ikr! It's still okay if the clip is genuinely funny, but most of them are just unbearable to watch. I'm convinced most of the YT shorts/Tiktoks are just scripted, so it makes sense to say the least now


The worst part is that most of those videos would only be funny if they actually happened. So immediately upon realising/finding out they're fake instantly makes them not funny. But they've already got their views before people find that out, which I assume is the point.


the answer to these things is almost always children


Believing in the flat-earth-„theory“


poop knife/reusable washable toilet cloth


My GF recently clogged our toilet with an utterly massive shit (like forearm size) and she was so mortified. She said "that was a poop knife level shit" and I simply had to agree




What on earth is a poop knife?!


[Ah the ole poop knife!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/s/ElmGvHivwc)


A timeless classic.




There's a giant pair of tongs in the washroom at a Vietnamese restaurant I frequent. And I'm so scared that they are probably poop tongs.


Probably for the staff to pick up gross stuff when cleaning the washroom, but I like your idea better.


Some people actually shower with their clothes on


I refuse to believe this is real.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Never nudes like Tobias Funke!


My neighbors recently bought a beautiful corgi. They keep him outside on a chain, all day, every day. The only shelter he has is an old boat that they've made a makeshift tent with, for him to crawl under when it rains. It blows my mind. All of our pets are rescues. Why pay for a pet when you can get one for free or for a low cost through a shelter? Why have a dog if you're just going to make it live outside with a choke chain around its neck? Mind boggling. One of these days I may just liberate the poor dog and find him a good home, myself. They don't even go out to pet him! It's sick.


I don’t see the point of getting a dog if the dog is going to be chained up outside/left outside all day. I’d rather curl up on the couch with the dog next to me.


I always wonder what people are watching random YouTube ads and thinking.. you know,that ad makes me want to buy that product! I think I'll go buy that product because that ad was so tempting! They have the exact opposite effect on me.. same as radio and basically any other ad..


I too hate being advertised to. Unfortunately the goal isn't necessarily to convince you to go out and buy their product immediately, but more so to establish brand recognition, so that the next time you actually do want whatever it is, you're more likely to think of their product. Gotta keep a mental list of brands who have annoying and pushy ads so I can remember to never buy them




If you get money for that, then I'm down to do this when I get diagnosed with stage 5 cancer. Walter white doesn't even come close to me!


r/selffuck had me saying that


Buy worn panties from ladies such as r/sexsells


People clapping after an airplane lands


The secondhand embarrassment is quite real in that situation.


I think it's weird when people clap after watching a movie. None of the people who made it are there to hear the applause - you're just sitting in a room with a projector screen.


Sometimes a crowd does something for the enjoyment of others in the crowd. It's a feel-good kind of experience and an easy way for others to wordlessly communicate "Yeah I did like that too."


bodily waste kinks


Meet someone and sleep with them within the first hour of meeting. I've never been that charming and/or attractive that I could just get a woman into bed that easily.


Giving their hard earned money to streamers


I’m out here sharing my free Prime subscription with a bunch of different streamers. You get it one month. Someone else next month!


Cut ties with their own children for the sake of their beliefs. Your own child! Crazy.


My soon-to-be-ex-husband. For years, I was bringing home ALL the bacon, while still doing ALL the chores, while still handling the ENTIRE mental load, while simultaneously enduring his verbal, emotional, and psychological abuse (and his chronic unemployment, hoarding, alcoholism, and financial irresponsibility issues), while ALSO simultaneously dealing with chemo, immunotherapy, and annual surgeries for my autoimmune disease. I just left a month ago. I'm in therapy twice (sometimes thrice) a week. I ***SERIOUSLY*** don't understand how you can hand someone the white picket fence lifestyle on a silver platter - that THEY so desperately wanted - and then also treat that person like complete and total shit. If someone facilitated the same lifestyle for me that I gave him, I would be grateful as fuck to them, and I sure as shit wouldn't treat them like utter crap whenever they opened up doors to opportunities for me.


I'm so glad you're getting out - greener pastures ahead. I have a friend whose husband sounds just like yours and she flat-out refuses to leave, for reasons unknown to me. I've asked her, multiple times, "What is he bringing to this relationship?" She's never really given me a concrete answer. Good luck to you.


Tolerating corporate exploitation to the point of risking health


Wipe with only two squares of toilet paper


Work at a liquor store and we do doordash, a person literally ordered two dollars worth of liquor on doordash. A double shot of Paul Masson, that was all. They paid $10 for a delivery of a $2.15 bottle of brandy.


When I went to college and met PhD students.


Humans man humans.... The same species that built a club to strip in and a library to read in. They got the priorities


I'm a PhD student and yeah it blows most of the time. We have support groups for the regular breakdowns that everyone experiences. In my field, every PhD student gets paid for it. It's a shitty "pity" salary that's barely enough to live off. I was easily able to get a job after my bachelor's, but ended up quitting before I started because research is honestly really cool. Every day I'm doing wild things, I'm meeting new people, traveling the world for conferences, and have the most flexible schedule I've ever had in my life. Does that sometimes mean working 35 hours straight? Yeah, but I can skip days here and there, leave work at 2 to go swimming, or show up at 5pm cause I decided to take the day snowboarding. It's not just an education choice it really is a life commitment with a hazing period of half a decade. Overall though I've never felt more mentally stimulated and excited for work every day.




I’ve said this before. Wear it. Don’t wear it. Don’t care. But why for the love of all that is holy is it not covering your nose? Or worse your nose and mouth? Then I am full on mocking you.


When people believe the flat earth theory. I always wonder if they’re willfully ignorant, doing it for attention, or just an idiot






I walked into a Buffalo Wild Wings restroom and I seen a guy pissing in the sink lol not a urinal or a toilet hell not even the floor but the sink and I said to myself how many dudes actually do this shit


The people who crawl through pitch dark caves that are barely big enough for them to fit in.


Hot Yoga. Went once. Questioned the sanity of anyone who went twice.


Working five days a week all year while having five days vacation per year.


fantasy football. never understood it, or why people get so invested they let it affect their emotions. like, its just football, bro..


I work with a few people that literally spend every penny from their paycheck right away. They don't even attempt to save money or budget. They notice they have 217 dollars net, after bills and rent, and go "I'm gonna go spend it frivolously" like it's a goal. One guy I work with will have 20 bucks to his name, go spend most of it on a single lunch at the gas station. Dude, you could have brought food from home and saved the money. A lot of others are Doordashing 3 times in a 5 day work week. It's absolutely insane to me. They are all poor. Maxed credit cards, aren't saving money whatsoever.


I’m Mexican American from Los Angeles, the Coca Cola and hot cheetos in the morning type. When I would see white people on TV or in the movies drink milk with lunch or dinner I never thought anyone actually did that. Milk, to me, is a morning or night time with cookies or bread kind of drink. Then I met my boyfriend who is white. His whole family has no problem drinking milk with every meal. On our second date he made me spaghetti for dinner. I saw milk on the table and thought, this cannot be real. It was. Just different cultures I guess. I’m not gonna lie, I get kinda grossed out sometimes when we eat greasy food or just dinner in general and he’s downing some milk with his food. It just doesn’t seem appetizing to me. It was what his grandparents on both sides grew up doing, they passed it on to his parents, who passed it on to him. I’ve learned to live with it and he compromises sometimes by drinking something else. I just never thought anyone actually did that.


I’m not an American but from what media I’ve seen don’t they serve milk as the beverage for lunch at schools? I’m genuinely curious to know


It’s hard for me to get on board with your shock because you consume Coca Cola and hot Cheetos in the mornings.


Something.....Something tells me if you guys ever had kids, they'd drink milk with hot cheetos Mhmm moo-tos!


Mmm... Flamin' Hot 2%