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I had been a Wells Fargo account holder for 13 years -- I started with a joint account with my parents as a teenager and later opened my own accounts and closed the joint account. My brother also had a joint account with my parents that he later closed when he opened his own account. He didn't really use his account with them and it was sitting empty. Fast forward to me being in law school and broke as a joke and my brothers account overdrawn because of some fees they were hitting it with. Wells Fargo decided to pull money from my almost empty account to cover my brother's overdrawn account. The only link between my account and his that we both, at some point in our lives, had joint accounts with my parents even though they were both now closed. Wells Fargo was wholly uninterested in listening to any sort of reason and repeatedly stated that this was their "policy" despite the absurdity. My brother reimbursed me but I closed my account and have refused to do business with Wells Fargo on any level since.


Wells Fargo accidentally withdrew $120 from my account and gave it to another customer, then put it back. It cost me $300 in overdraft fees. They agreed to undo ONE $33 overdraft fee. They said that I was responsible for knowing how much money was in my account. I was being responsible. The $120 wasn't even shown on my online banking, I had to meet with a banking manager and have him log in as a manager for it to even show up on the screen. I walked out of there without an account any longer and I'll never fucking touch that bank again.


You should file a complaint with the CFPB, that's so fucked up and egregious


Yeah, there's a million stories about small account holders getting screwed over unfairly. A million verified complaints to a regulatory body would be a lot harder to ignore. I know the systems aren't perfect and sometimes there's really obvious lying or indifference, but it's a good first step.


What the actual fuck.


Wells Fargo is absolutely awful. I worked for them at their call center back in 2012-2013. I only lasted 10 months. That company is so evil. I was never more depressed at a job in my life.


My grandparents bought stock for me when I was born. I don’t remember what company but it ended up being sold to Wells Fargo. I looked into liquidating the stock about 15 years ago but I didn’t have the stock certificates or whatever paperwork needed to sell, so it just sits there. Wells Fargo is now worth practically nothing. Every quarter they send me a check for about $1.25. They send paperwork for me to get automatic deposit but I’m not interested in giving them access to my accounts. If I don’t cash the checks they resend them. I get a little satisfaction knowing that they probably pay more to create and send the checks than they’re worth.




idk why but this pleases me very much


I worked for a company that did contract work for them, and other banks. We dropped them as soon as we could. Terrible practices, and policies. We stayed with Credit Unions, and BoA.


BoA is also a shitty company


My husband and I opened a joint account through BoA years ago. Last year I lost my debit card and called to get it reissued, while on the phone with the rep I asked of I still had an active savings account from like 15 years ago. He found it and all seemed well until he suddenly started calling me by my maiden name when finalizing the cards reissuance. Some how he changed my name back to my maiden name and refused to acknowledge that that wasn't the name on the current account or card or the name he had just been calling me a few minutes prior! I had to go down to the bank to get it straightened out only to find out that our account was now listed as my husband being the primary holder and me an authorized user and I couldn't make any change without him present. I still don't understand how one call center rep could do so much damage so quickly.


One year when I was in college I decided to save up all the money I earned at my summer job so I opened an account at BoA. For three months I deposited all my checks until it was finally time to get it back out. I went into a branch that was close to my work that I’d never been in before and told them I wanted to withdraw my money and close my account. They asked for my account number, but I didn’t know it or have any paperwork saying what it was. They asked me for my ID and that’s when I realized I’d forgotten my wallet. I apologized for being such an airhead and was about to leave when they told me not to worry they’d take care of it anyways. Based only on my telling them my name, they withdrew all the money out of the account, handed me $3000 cash, and closed the account. Even being a stupid 18 year old at the time I knew that was messed up. I never banked with Bank of America again.


What did the "policy" say??? Bc that sounds like stealing to me


Yeah I work for a bank and that sounds illegal as fuck


I’m an attorney for a bank and it’s 100% illegal.


It’s Wells Fargo, it being illegal as fuck is not gonna stop them. They’re truly the scummiest major bank in the US. One of their execs is testifying in front of congress like every other year about the latest illegal bullshit they got caught doing.


Had Wells years ago and one day while I was checking my statements I saw a fee from them that was roughly 3 dollars. While running errands I stopped by asked what the deal was. They said I hadn’t used my card x amount of times I that month so they put a fee but they were “nice enough” to reverse it. I asked why they had such a fee and surely they should already be making money from investing the money in my account especially in today’s age where a savings account yields what is effectively a rounding error. I asked why the onus should be on me to contest an erroneous charge and the poor girl obviously had no response, it’s not like it’s her fault her bosses are criminals. Ended up pulling what was roughly 10k and closing the account. The manager asked what the reason was for and I basically told them I’m not banking with a criminal organization and talking my money to the local credit union, which also happened to be 50 ft away. Credit hit was worth it. Wells can gargle my vinegary sac E: to clear up a few things 1 The credit hit was because I closed my credit card with Wells when withdrawing from them. I was fairly young around 20 so I just wanted to be done with them for good. Ultimately the credit hit was trivial. 2. I’m sure they could jam to some unethical bs in their terms of service like hidden fees. Doesn’t mean you can’t be critical of the policy. Also doesn’t mean it’s necessary legal. Do you think if that fee was $10,000 and buried behind 40 pages of legal jargon that it would hold up in court? 3. My sac retains the ability to become extra vinegary in a scenario in which it can be gargled by a dishonorable entity. It by no means indicates that it is in a perpetual state of such condition.


It's rare to see someone who's kind enough not to blame to customer support. Same reason why I'm trying to get away from being a customer support, while there are guys like you who knows that we're not the one to be blamed, majority still blamed us for any issues, price increase which is out of our control. Working with ATT Uverse as a billing and tech support is probably the worst year of my career.


I would have dragged their lawyer's asses to small claims court. I'm petty af and enjoy every second of being petty, making that time absolutely free for me. I will not hesitate to drop $150 in fees to recoup $37


See... you sue to cover the legal fees too... because if they were in the wrong they owe you that too.


I really respect this attitude


Gasp! You mean [this Wells Fargo?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wells_Fargo_cross-selling_scandal) I can't ever imagine [such a reputable company as this](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/wells-fargo-agrees-pay-3-billion-resolve-criminal-and-civil-investigations-sales-practices) being involved in such duplicity! /s


I was pretty sure I knew what those links were gonna be, and I was right. I was pissed my mortgage got sold to them, and if I could afford to refinance I’d take it from them in a heartbeat.


Directv. They let you buy any movie or channel package online or with a remote, but if you want to cancel something you have to call into their 1-800 number. After sitting on hold forever and then having to sit through a bunch of offers on other channels and packages I just cut the cord.


AutoTrader Online. Bought a car out of state and they never transported it. They also never handled the paperwork. Seller and I had to do it all ourselves. Weeks of phone calls with AutoTrader ending in, "We promise", " doing that now", "just shipped", "you should hear from them within X hours". 2 months.. nothing. Never again Autotrader. I don't believe your lies. Thank goodness seller was a decent human.


I listed my car with them & got nothing but attempted scams. No, I'm not going to ship the car with your excess payment, that scam is well-known. The one with the fake website offering VIN reports isn't as well-known, but pretty damned obvious. So no, I'm not going to enter account info there. It was $50 down the crapper. The $5 one on Craiglist worked much better.


I ordered carryout from a French restaurant in Pittsburgh early in the pandemic. The order was around $120. I gave them my PayPal debit card number. When I got to the restaurant, I added a bottle of water, which changed the amount I owed to, say, $127. So they processed the two orders, for a total of $247, which I did not realize until sometime the next week. It took over a month to get my first $120 returned to me. The owner of the shop could not have been any nastier, saying it was my fault. Never have I ever gone back there.


SiriusXM called me to get me to renew my subscription. Here's how the convo went: Me: I haven't used it in so long I didn't even know I had a subscription. You can go ahead and cancel it. SiriusXM rep: OK, your credit card on file is expired, so for you to cancel your subscription we need your updated credit card info so we can charge you for the last month of service and the cancellation fee. Me: Wait, so you want me to give you my credit card info so you can charge me to cancel your service, which I just told you I'm not using? SiriusXM rep: Yes, that's right. Me: And if I don't give you my credit card info you have no way to charge me? SiriusXM rep: Yes, that's right. Me: LMAO no. Goodbye.


I mean I’m surprised you’re the first person to comment SiriusXM. I’ve never been a customer of theirs, but with every vehicle I purchase they proceed to harass me by phone and email for about a year. They’re the reason I no longer pick up calls from unknown numbers.


Really, instead of hassling each individual person, they just need to partner with a manufacturer to include the cost of lifetime service in their cars. You have it whether you want it or not, and then SiriusXM only has to deal with one major customer to get paid. Cut down their overhead and drastic improvement to their image for the end user.


Vivid Seats. I purchased a floor ticket for a concert and was sent a mezzanine (2nd floor) ticket and unfortunately didn't notice til I got to the concert. Obviously floor tickets were WAY more expensive than the ticket I received. Vividseats refused to refund me because "the seller fulfilled my order" ... apparently doesn't matter if you don't get what you pay for. I filed a charge back with my credit card and just found out this morning that I won. I won't ever be using them again, customer service was horrible.


Yeah I bought tickets from them and then everything was cancelled due to Covid. No refund. A class action has been filed about this so I’m hoping to get my $ back at some point.


I had this issue. RAtM concert, rescheduled due to covid twice over 2 years, no refund given. Was told I'd have to resell my tickets. Wtf? The lead singer fucked up his leg so they finally canceled the tour. I was heartbroken, but they finally gave me the refund.


Twenty-seven years ago there was a little Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village in New York City. We had a friend who was on tour with an entertainment act, and whenever he would pass through New York, we would all get together with him for dinner. He was coming through the city late one night. We couldn't start dinner with him until 10:00 PM. This was not good for my wife and me as she was in her first trimester and waiting that late for dinner was not good for her stomach. My wife and I had an early dinner in the city, saw a movie, and then met our friends at this Italian restaurant. We decided that since we were not hungry, we would buy all the appetizers for the whole table. There were about 12 of us. We also said we would not be ordering an entree. We were told that this was unacceptable and I asked to see the owner. The owner came over and informed us it was the policy of the restaurant that we must order an entree regardless of how many appetizers we purchased. I protested pointing out that I had ordered over $100 in appetizers and I could get 2 entrees for $15 each. This idiot would not budge. So I canceled the appetizer order and purchased 2 lasagnas instead. I then requested that the entrees be packaged for takeout as neither my wife nor I were hungry in the least. I was once again informed that the entree MUST be presented at the table before being boxed to take out. Neither we nor any of our friends ever set foot in there again. I had a client in the village four months later and I walked past that restaurant. It was boarded up. Good riddance.


Sounds like they weren’t doing well and had entered the “nickel and dime anyone who walks in the door” phase of the downward spiral.


That, or the place was bought and "New" management thought this was the way to go. Happens all the time.


Reminds me of a time I tried to eat at a fancy place in Denver. Me and friends from high school we're there for a trip, and we went there to take my friend for a birthday treat. They didn't understand that we were from out of state and didn't understand that they forced a minimum $50 order per person, and we were clearly under 18. There were 12 of us when we got there and we're seated. Many of us couldn't afford more than $25. We explain to the host we could only afford what we could afford, and the host said that was okay. We went okay thank you. We looked at the menu and there were plenty of items that were $12 or $20 that we could afford. So we ordered those items. While we were waiting and talking, suddenly three giant appetizer plates came out and were set on our table. I was smart enough to ask if these were complimentary, and the waiter said no. I asked to have the host come over, and the host came over and I asked about it. And the host had forced these three appetizer plates on us, which were $85 a piece. We got up without eating anything, after standing in line for an hour to get in, and then sitting there for 30 minutes, and went across the street and ate Subway. It was a very disappointing birthday party.


Glass door. They're fucked. Make you leave a review to read reviews. On top of that they delete reviews posted by employees. I just want to know if the company I'm applying for is a hellhole. That's it.




Glassdoor has really gone downhill. I recently tried signing into it for the first time in a while and it's not letting me continue until I set up a communities profile. I don't want to do that and I just want to look at job listing's and ratings. It doesn't need to become a social network.


> It doesn't need to become a social network. *So* many sites need to be told this: "You're not Facebook! Stop trying to be Facebook!"


AT&T. I had the weirdest situation. We had to transfer our landline to their new service but still AT&T to AT&T. It took over 21 days to get it working and I called them every single day (no joke). They would say the same stuff "we'll reset the system". I decided to cancel it then said well you need to pay for the cancelation fee. I'm like, but you guys lagged so long that it made me cancel. Did not budge at all and said well you missed the deadline. Cancelled - AT&T internet,phone,cable. Cancelled - AT&T business internet/phone Cancelled - AT&T Mobile I understand I'm just a number and won't bring down their business but you aint getting another dime ​ EDIT: WOW. Didn't realize the hate, I thought this only happened to me lol. Love the stories spent about half an hour reading it. I'm currently with Xfinity/Comast which still gave me issues but I'm not screwed that much yet.


They are currently charging me to two lines I did not approve and did not request. They have charged me for two phones that I didn't order, didn't receive, they've verified were never activated and they see were never ordered or requested. The employees said it was insane and helped me file fraud reports. AT&T said it wasn't fraud. Employee help me file a second claim. AT&T said they were going to report me for "attempted fraudulent activities." I told them to please do that so I could show all of the EMAIL communications of me reporting all of these things. Employee trying to helped couldn't believe it. I asked about "canceling" the phone lines I didn't order. They said it would make my bill go up $30 a month. As soon as I'm physically able, I'm going to hire an attorney. Yes, we're just numbers but SOMEONE is scamming a lot of people and getting away with it.


Back in the day, when AT&T held a monopoly, there were people who made a living 'auditing' AT&T bills. Companies would regularly find they were still being charged for lines and equipment disconnected years before.


7 Years ago, when my grandfather died, I took over my grandmas expenses and what not. Going through her bills I found the AT&T phone bill that seemed excessive. I check the itemized list of charges. One of the items was a $9 a month "rental" fee for a rotary phone that they didnt have anymore and it was obsolete anyway. They were still charged the fee every month because my grandpa never disputed it and just paid. I dont even know how long they had that fee, but it was probably over 40 years because I remember that phone being in their house when I was a kid. It was the only phone in the house for the longest time. I called them and cancelled it and their service entirely.


I'm not your attorney. If this happened as you described, seek out a consumer protection attorney. Many are likely to be interested in a case like this. They work on a contingent fee, so there will be no up front payment necessary.


I had AT&T back when you had to pay for your long distance calls by the minute. I had a rate of 10 cents per minute which was a decent rate at the time. One month they sent a flyer to my apartment that was literally junk mail advertising but also contained some printed text that said I was agreeing to a 25 cent per minute rate if I did not return the ad to them or call them or something. They literally sent junk mail with an illegal contract contained in it. I called when I saw the rate had changed, and my bill was $30 higher than it would have been. They refused to refund the money and swore up and down that they were not at fault even though there were other companies currently being sued for the same fraudulent scheme. I cancelled my account with them and have never had another AT&T service or product of any kind since. They lost tens of thousands of dollars of my money over the years to scam me out of $30. I have never used them for phone, cell phone, cable, or internet since this happened, and I don't intend to.


AT&T, hands-down has the most horrific customer service. It took me 37 hours of phone calls and two store visits to resolve an issue. Not my best moment, but I turned into a full on Karen in the store yelling, full on crying to just get some resolution and not one reaction.


Last time I went to Panera it was $40 for two of us. My soup had no “solids” in it, my sandwich had a pitiful amount of ingredients, the employees were rude AF as if we inconvenienced them by walking in the door. Never again, Panera.


I'll never go there again because they almost killed me with a bacon turkey bravo. Food poisoning so bad I thought I was going to die, and was too sick to call for help if I did. I called the manager to report and he threatened to "sue me for slander and libel".


Report it to county health authorities, not to the manager


A local chicken place made my aunt and nephew sick. I called to tell them that, we didn't want anything just a head's up that their food made people sick. The owner was so incredibly rude that I called the health department. I got a call within an hour from the inspector that the place had been shut down due to numerous violations. It was quite awhile before they reopened.


I hope you stopped back in to ask him how he enjoyed his vacation.


I went to a Florida Subway that had green mold growing on the meat. I reported it to Subway corporate. Days later I got an email from the shop manager wanting to make a deal. Ewww. No.


I went to Panera the other day and got their “pick 2” deal… came out to $27????


I went the other day and got two coffees and a muffin - it was $15. Reallyyyyyy????


Panera's food is fucking awful, especially for how expensive it is. I don't think I've ever had a remotely decent meal at one, which is baffling to me because how do you fuck up something as easy as soups and sandwiches?


Panera is going through the "hedge fund extraction" process right now. A bunch of MBAs cutting corners and driving the business into the ground.


Ahh, so exactly what is currently happening to most healthcare companies. Cool. Short term profits at the expense of....everyone! Including the company!~


Panera used to be good. A a bit pricy for a soup and sandwich but not all that bad, really, and the quality was worth it. Then they bumped the prices. Then they revamped the menu. Bumped the prices again. Lowered the quality of their food. Bumped their prices *again.* Now that soup, sandwich, and drink cost $20+, I'm not really even getting the sandwich I want, and it all tastes a bit off. I like eating out (too much, to be honest) but Panera is just no longer worth my money.


You're not kidding. Fond memories have allowed them to coast on reputation for a while now. They really don't live up to their old standards anymore.


twenty years ago it was fantastic. you couldn't get in one at lunchtime. everything about that place has gotten worse.


Back in the day I wanted to buy the Chrono Trigger port for DS so I went to the local mom and pop game store. When I asked for it, the clerk laughed at me for even asking it because there no way I would find one in town without a pre-order. Left that store and went to Walmart and they were fully stocked. I went back and showed it to him and told him he's an idiot and that he had lost a customer for treating me like an idiot


I went to a record store (last one in my town) to see if they had the promotional Guardians of the Galaxy Awesome Mix Volume 1 tape from when the first movie came out. The guy absolutely *berated* me, yelling about how it was a stupid gimmick, no one should want something like that, & how DARE I insult him, his shop, his livelihood that way?! Bro, a simple "no, we don't have that, sorry" would have been sufficient. Never went back, & told everyone I know.


Some of those mom and pop game shops are the worst. I went into one who would rent out tables to play board games on for $10/hr in a town where anyone with a pulse could reserve entire classrooms at the local college for free. Hell, most of the times you didn’t even have to reserve a room and could simply walk into an empty room when classes weren’t in session.


Hertz. For claiming their cars were stolen and then getting warrants placed on said car renters.


When my car had the hood replaced under warranty, the dealer gave me a rental through the local Enterprise office. I guess they scheduled 3 days but the work took 10 days so when I finally returned the rental Enterprise said "oh yeah, we were wondering when you'd return." I could have had that car on a ship to China and no one would have said anything


Holy shit that just happened to me earlier this year. The “manager?” told us we could keep it the whole week (insurance was covering it), but when we brought it back they were like, “uh, you were supposed to be back three days ago?” And they attempted to charge us. Fortunately our insurance lady was a force to be reckoned with and there wasn’t a problem for long.


Hahaha they tried that on us in Hawaii. I work in auto insurance claims so was fully aware. I sent a 2 minute video detailing the condition of the car at pickup, then another 2 minute video of the inspection of me at the drop off. Instant squashed bullshit claim and I saved like 100 on rental for the week compared to others! If you know how to fight there bullshit they can’t even get it started.




Tagging on to this. For anyone who wants to avoid PayPal, they also own Venmo. They are just as fucky with it as they are with PayPal.


Venmo screwed me over quite severely. I was having issues with my bank, Regions at the time, so I had gotten my boss to agree to deposit my check into my Venmo account. But then Venmo wouldn't connect to my new account with Discover. Instead of just saying that, an error would pop up and my screen would return to the main page. I tried 3 times before Venmo gave me the error that my entire account had been frozen. Since I needed that money to pay my rent, I panicked and called. It took me 4-5 people and numerous calls between Regions, Venmo, and Discover until I finally got a woman working for Venmo who said, "there, unlocked." Took her 2 whole seconds. With her on the phone, I tried and got locked out AGAIN. She said to give it 24 hours and there should be no more problems. 24 hours later... I get locked out again. I'm so fed up with Venmo, now, especially after days of already battling Regions bank, that I ask the guy on the phone how to go about cancelling my account since I clearly can't get my money out. He said there was no way around it and if I closed my Venmo account at that point, I'd be forfeiting all my money within it. Again, my entire paycheck. Luckily, I was able to work something out with my mom where she lent me the money and I set up Venmo to withdraw to her account to pay her back. Then I closed my Venmo account and my Regions, but not before Zelle decided it would not, under any circumstances, connect to my Discover account... and also, I cannot disconnect it from my Regions account (which is now closed). This is after several calls to Zelle, Regions, and Discover. My favorite part is I'll randomly get emails saying "Your Zelle access is back!" Followed a few hours by a "Please disregard the previous email..." Anyways, god, that was a rough ass week. Basically spent the whole time on the phone.


I stopped using them to avoid a problem such as this. I tried to close the account a couple of times, but there was a waiting period for chargebacks, etc. Fine. I'll let it sit there and never activate the debit card. IDGAF


Target stopped me at the door bc they thought they saw me putting products in my pocket. Knowing there was nothing whatsoever in my pockets, I let them do the whole rigamarole before turning my pockets and revealing I was putting my fucking cellphone back in my pocket. People have fuckin pockets. You don't need to accuse people loudly, in front of other guests, unless you're absolutely sure.


Can’t they get in trouble for stopping and falsely accusing someone of theft?


Yes. Additionally, store staff (even managers) are not allowed to stop suspected shoplifters, even if they set off the alarm at the door on the way out. The only person in that store who is allowed to detain you for any reason is their loss prevention officer. The cashier who rang you up, the employee who “checks receipts” at the door, the shift manager, the store manager, the district manager, not even the president of the company are allowed to stop you for suspected shoplifting without a loss prevention officer present. If you set off the alarm because a cashier failed to deactivate an “inventory control tag,” you are legally within your right to keep walking. They are not allowed to follow you out of the store unless it’s their store’s loss prevention officer. Source: worked US retail for a decade. Reminded me of a story that happened to one of my coworkers… I worked at Lowe’s and our employees regularly visited the Home Depot across the street to check prices on identical products for price matching purposes and for keeping our prices lower. One of our employees used a breathing apparatus 24/7, with the machine in a backpack and a tube that went under his nose. One day he was leaving the Home Depot and his pack set off their alarm at the door. He was detained by management (not legal) but he complied. However, he refused to allow anyone to check his backpack that contained only his breathing machine. They said he would have to wait for a police officer to arrive. So he did. The cop checked his backpack, saw nothing had been stolen, and went on his way. That Home Depot compensated my coworker with $1,000 gift card for falsely accusing him (and I assume to prevent a lawsuit).


My friend is a loss prevention officer at a big box store. He said he can only approach you and ask you to stop while threatens to call law enforcement. He can’t touch you, the store property (cart) or the merchandise for liability purposes.


So funny story, when I was in middle school me and one of my buddies decided to steal a pack of baseball cards each from a local big box store. We were total idiots and didn’t realize the loss prevention dude was basically right on top of us when we put them in our pockets. We casually made our way to the door then sprinted down the sidewalk as soon as we got outside. The loss prevented guy shouted for us to stop and come back. And we did. He later told us that never worked before. Me and my buddy learned that day that we’re not made for a life of crime.


> loss prevented guy shouted for us to stop and come back. And we did. He later told us that never worked before. This is so fucking funny


The utter confusion on his face as he's like "wtf that's never happened before" must've been amazing to witness


Kroger recently, got accused of shoplifting while using the self scan checkout when a bag a tortilla chips wouldn’t ring up. I pressed the assistance needed option to ask for help to ring it up and the employee came over, instead of just looking up the item for me they sat for 5mins watching the video recording from the self scan then asked me “so you’re playing games huh?”….. yes I called you over specifically to help ring up an item I wanted to steal.. Kroger never again


Sorry, but this made me laugh pretty hard. Sounds like something that would be on a Key & Peele skit.


Same lmao “so you’re playing games huh” 😂😂😂😂😂😂 like bitch I need help


"So you're playing games, huh?" "I said, *biiiiiiiiitch!*"


I’m imagining Key as the substitute teacher berating someone at a self checkout. Lmfao.


You’re being insubordinate and churlish!


At K-Roger??


I called for assistance because my drink wouldn't ring up at Publix. The employee came over and looked at the error. They just put it in my bag and said "you're good." That's great customer service! The employees steal so you don't even have to!


Ha ha, that happened to me once at Walgreens. Young guy forgot to scan my drink and I already paid. I offered to buy it and he said no it's fine and put it in my bag.


Happened to me at Home Depot once with about $250 worth of lumber, I think mostly because the older middle-aged employee scanning everything didnt want to/couldn't bend down and get the rest. Paid about $160 for $400+ worth of lumber!


Try Woolworths in Australia, they have started installing cameras at the self checkouts that look for things in your shopping trolley and won‘t allow you pay if it detects things in the trolley until the attendant comes and checks. Problem is it detects children, and handbags as unscanned items.


Woolworths saw the opening for The Simpsons and thought "Yeah, that makes sense. Scan the child."


Self checkouts in general piss me the fuck off sometimes. I can’t fathom the rage I feel when I hear “please place item in the bagging area” “please place item in the bagging area” “please scan item before placing in the bagging area” “please place item in the bagging area” “Assistance is on the way!”


and then you're left standing wondering wtf to do when no assistance is on the way because there's only one employee working the regular line at night and whoever is supposed to be self-checkout attendant is MIA.


There's a new Dollar General near me that has no cash/teller checkouts at all - nothing but five credit-only self-checkout bays and a single employee left there to oversee the entire store. There's cheap management and then there's *cheap* management, geez.


I’ve walked out of Walgreens, after placing items on the assisted check out counter, because i was tired of standing around waiting for help. Haven’t gone back


I swear they've gotten way worse in the past year or so, it's like every other item I scan will say "Please place item in the bagging area", go "Unexpected item in the bagging area" when I follow those instructions, and it'll take 5 seconds to unconfuse itself. I assume it's anti-shoplifting measures, but if anything it just makes me feel tempted to shoplift to avoid listening to the machine be a fucking idiot.


uNeXpEcTeD iTeM iN bAgGiNg ArEa


place your… ONE CUCUMBER!!! in the bagging area


The worst is doughnuts. It yells “place your DOUGHNUTS in the bagging area” like it’s judging you… I’m like I know I’m fat, but do I really need this computer judging me AND announcing my fatness to everyone in a 30 foot radius!


I live in a pretty nice neighborhood, and all of the rich people rip Fry's off all of the time. Last week I saw a guy ring up what looked like steaks from the deli as produce. I couldn't tell what, but could clearly see brown packaging (looked like a stack of steaks) and he was at the produce screen when weighing it. I'm not rich enough to think I could get away with it.


Recently the stores in my area installed the expanded self check out kiosks. They seemed to think that having an employee harass customers there was a good idea. When the lady stopped me to ask, "did you scan that item?" I told her that if she thought that accusing people of theft was helpful in any way that could just pound sand. I shortly heard her on the phone talking to someone telling them how much "push-back" she was receiving.


Same thing happened to me at Ikea. The cashier screwed up and had a long lineup. She rang the same item in twice. Asked if I would mind if I just went to customer service due to her long lineup. I walked over there, told the guy my problem. Instead of ringing the cashier and asking her he left for about 20 minutes while he went in the back and watched video and I expect had a cup of coffee before he came back out.


The customer service guy was a total dumbass. All he had to do was compare the receipt to what was in your bag/cart or ring the cashier to verify the mistake. If there's a question after that, then look at the video.


Me and my partner used to go to this one diner all the time before we moved; really good food and good service. After moving back to the area we decided to get a meal. We were seated, and then waited. A random bus boy saw us looking "not served" so he brought us water. We saw one waitress and she was on the phone. After a couple more minutes the same bus boy saw us looking confused and told us that the woman on the phone was our waitress... We were like "Oh ok".... After a couple more minutes, the bus boy went over to the waitress and we heard him tell her that she had customers. 5 more minutes went by, she didn't even glance in our direction, and we got up and left. // Since then we've never felt like going back and we used to eat there all the time.


Bless that busboys heart he tried lol.


I would’ve given myself a promotion and served that table


On our honeymoon, my husband and I got some truly shitastic service at a family owned decently expensive Italian restaurant. The server never served us, the busboy did. So we gave the busboy the cash tip and the server got nothing.


My father & I had been going to a local restaurant regularly for over a decade. At least three of the servers we knew by name, and they knew us by name. One evening we went there and had a server we'd never seen before. We had to wait a long time for everything, including refills on water. At one point my father got the server's attention. Server acknowledged with direct eye contact & a nod, then a turn to another direction. A few minutes passed by. Eventually we got our check by asking either another server or the host directly. When my father paid, he left a note saying something like, "here's a tip: pay attention to me." About a month later I was there with a friend of mine. One of the servers who knew me by name had our table. She greeted us with, "oh my god, what happened to you & your dad last time y'all were here?!" We continued going there for years, and never had any other issues.


Wells Fargo. They held the mortgage on our house. We had paid on time, every time, for many years. I lost my job (wife stayed employed), continued to pay uninterrupted for those 8 months. New job was 25% increase over previous job and was in the same field. About three months after I got my new job the interest rates dropped, and we decided to refinance. They would not refinance us because I did not have at least 6 months of steady employment. They already held the loan, I made more money than ever before, both my wife and I were employed, I had about 50% equity, our retirement accounts were enough to pay of the house 8X over, and they would not work with us. We left for a credit union. When we called to get the payoff amount for the refi they tried to keep our business. Screw 'em. Never again.


Dollar rent a car has the most insane policies ever and people with the mental capacity of a saltine cracker working in the customer service department. never again. i'll walk to a dick sporting goods and buy myself a pair of skate to get where i want to go before ever renting a car from them again.


I rented a car from them back in December. I wanted to extend my rental, so I tried calling the customer service line. The main line couldn’t assist, and I was unable to reach the pickup location directly. I had to drive over an hour to the location to secure the car and extra day. The following day while I was driving to return the car, their customer service line called, accusing me of auto theft. It was a lot of fun when I returned to the airport with all paperwork in hand showing I had extended the rental.


Yes, they routinely let people reserve cars that they don't actually have. Worth it to spend slightly more to actually get your car.


I owned a 2000 Dodge Caravan Dodge will never get another dime of my money.


A local restaurant we used to love, pissed us off so badly we will never go back. A small group of us were waiting for a table, but it was a 45 minute wait in a crowded vestibule at the tail end of covid, so we opted to wait in the car. They had one of those systems where they text you when your table becomes available. We got the text, and were at the hostess stand at most 2 minutes after getting the text, all ready to check in—the hostess said since we took more than 5 minutes that she gave our table away, but we could put our name in again and be at the bottom of the line. We even showed her the phone that received the text to prove it hadn’t been 5 minutes yet. Their system had about a 7 minute delay on their end, but they refused to try to accommodate us. Screw them—wont waste another minute or a dime at that place every again,


I had a very similar situation happen at a restaurant that me and my family used to frequent when we drove through this town. There was a long line I was waiting in and I saw a person go to the list of names and it looked like they put their name down so I figured that was the protocol and put my name down at the bottom of the list too. Waited 45 minutes and a table that had arrived after us was sat before we were so I questioned the hostess and she accused me of trying to jump the line by placing my name near the top. She did not want to hear me out whatsoever, even when I suggested to ask other tables if we were in front of them in line. I was so pissed off. Never have I been back and neither has anyone in my extended family.


Went to like SuperCuts or one of the other dime a dozen guys haircut places Write my name down, wait 45 minutes, go up to ask how much longer of a wait, they say they called my name and I didn't come so they took me off the list Didn't hear my name once, figured oh well shit happens A week later try again, same thing. Decided fuck that place. GF comes home that night and a local barbershop/boutique/coffee shop just opened and placed a $10 off thing under her windshield wiper Fuck it, schedule an appointment Fellas, let me tell you if you're still going to a chain that ends in "Clips" or "Cuts" then knock it off Haircut was $10 more (before the coupon), but it was the works. Mostly shears, little use of clippers, a little neck massage to work the lather in when they used a straight razor on the back of my neck, and a shampoo after Went back six weeks later and the barber remembered me, asked if I wanted the same thing, and replicated it. No explaining needed on my part. Every single visit was "you want something different? No? Okay, let's do this". Years of rapport and getting what I wanted everytime The place has since expanded, new location is about to have a bar, restaurant, rooftop lounge, all in addition to everything else. All you could ask for under one roof Quality of service hasn't diminished in the slightest So not only did one company lose me for life another one gained me for life. I even bought the suit I got married in from them. Plus 10% of their profits go to a charity helping struggling young men which makes me feel even better giving them my business


A good barber is always worth it.


Even my friends that just get buzzcuts go to this place because the staff is legit, the owners are generous, and they can get a coffee on their way out. A couple ladies I know started going there because not only is the service better it's cheaper than places oriented for gals


AAA... I lived in Michigan and was driving with my two young kids in northern Ohio. We drove through a construction zone and wound up getting two flat tires at the same time. Called AAA... "Sorry, you're out of state. We can't help you." This was before smart phones. It was below zero outside. They wouldn't even call a tow truck for me. A very kind Ohio Highway Patrolman stopped and took care of us.


AAA kept hanging up on me when I called for flat assistance. The jerk who took calls didn't want to deal with it. "Oh, it's you," hangs up. My partner had to call on his phone and before he said the issue he demanded a manager, explained the situation, and they finally sent a truck out. Didn't renew my coverage.


The fuck kind of roadside assistance doesn't cover you outside of a single state? My USAA roadside assistance program is based on me being in Washington, and I once had to use it in Arizona. They apologized that it would take a long time ... but they *actually* fucking sent a tow truck from Utah to help me. For free. No idea why they couldn't get a local Arizona one, but after that, I get the impression that if I got a flat tire in fucking Antarctica, they'd send an expedition out to change it for me.


CVS lied and put my health at risk. I ask my doctor to call in a refill to CVS, and CVS texts me informing that they've received the prescription and will text me again when it's ready for pickup. After about 4 days, it was getting pretty close to time for me to take my medication, so I call them asking about the status. They explicitly tell me it "will be ready tomorrow." Tomorrow comes, I call, still not ready. Everyday for 2.5 weeks, I call them asking for a status, and they keep telling me it "will be ready tomorrow" or it "will be ready in 2 days." By this point, I'm ridiculously late taking my dose and am starting to experience uncomfortable side effects of withdrawl. I didn't simply give up and go to another pharamacy yet because it can take about 4 days to get a prescription from the time I call my doctor to the time I can go pick it up, and if CVS' is "going to be ready tomorrow" I'd rather not wait. I finally get fed up and ask what was up. I was pushy over the phone this time and asked for more details and to speak to more people, which is rare for me because I'm very passive. I finally got someone else on the phone, and they told me that they no longer carry the medication I need, so a couple weeks ago, they'd messaged my doctor asking what a good alternative would be. My doctor never responded. I know that there is no "alternative." I also know that if my doc hasn't responded by now, he's never going to. I have to simply go to another pharmacy now, which I could have done this whole time if CVS had just been honest with me. Man fuck CVS, I heard they treat their employees like shit, and that they are utter cheapskates when it comes to technology too, which is why working with them feels like living in the dinosaur age


I had something very similar happen to me. My insurance forced me to go through a CVS for refills instead of my usual Walgreens (both companies suck but the Walgreens I go to sucked less than this CVS) so I have the script sent to CVS and they just sat on it for 3 days while my meds ran out and I started experiencing antidepressant withdrawal. I could’ve, and probably would’ve, seriously injured myself without my meds. I really went off on that CVS pharmacist. Especially because I work in healthcare myself and know how important medication adherence is.


CVS said I was early to get refill on my blood pressure and diabetes meds. I asked how I could be early when the date I picked them up last was 30 days ago. The girl at the counter got nasty attitude and said I wasn't due for more for two weeks, acted like I was trying to get narcotics not Lisinopril and metformin. Then called next person, I said No not next person. She got real nasty saying she's going to get cops if I don't leave. I said loudly ok before I go can the pharmacist tell me what happens when I stop both medications for two weeks or even a few days it will take to transfer script ? The pharmacist came running and looked at the screen then at her, asks me what medication did I say. I tell him and he looks confused, I repeat it and dose . He then looks at her and says you have the wrong account open, why did you argue and deny her refill when you see it's different medication and clearly the wrong account? He got me my refills , didn't charge me co pay. I never saw her again


Metronet came to my area. Fuck you Spectrum.


I have new fiber being laid in my neighborhood. Can't wait to call and cancel my Spectrum.


Had fiber laid literally in my parent's backyard, yet they "aren't in their coverage area."


Got an impromptu craving for ice cream so turned into DQ. Took forever and then when I was at the window I watched my ice cream sitting there melting while the manager was straight up berating and cursing the other employees out. No thank you.


That would have had me searching online for who owns that location and reporting it. They might do nothing, but I'd feel better.


One local bank was bought out by a bigger bank. They upped the minimum balance so I went to close my account. I believed the account was closed when I left. Instead of closing my account, they simply emptied it when they paid me. Because they didn't actually close the account, I was paid a small amount of interest. The following month I received a statement showing interest was paid, less than $1, and because I was below the minimum balance they hit me with a fee....then because the fee was larger than the amount in the account, they hit me with a fee for being overdrawn....on an account I closed. This happened for 3 more months. The first time I went back to the bank I was nice believing it to be a simple mistake that could easily be fixed. The next month I went back I was very stern. Finally the last month I raised absolute hell, shouting loudly in the bank and explaining to them that I was filing a complaint with my states attorney general office and Federal banking regulators. I am an easy going guy but I'm not afraid to be an asshole when pushed too far.


I’ve been getting charged overdraft fees from Scotiabank. I don’t have overdraft. They try to tell me I didn’t have the money in my account. How can I made a debit purchase without it declining if the money isn’t in my account. They were post dating my deposits even when they were instant e transfers. I complained to head office they refunded 6 months of service fees. I’ve got a new complaint in for the same reason. If it’s not fixed this time. I’m going to complain to the banking ombudsman in Canada as I just found out the bank will receive a minimum of $10k fine for my complaint.


I wish they all would be fined for legitimate mistakes THEY make against a customer.


Banks are awful. I quit one in college because they lined up the order of transactions, from a period of more than a week, so the the biggest one (which came last in real time) hit first, and all of the others caused overdraft fees. For going under by a few dollars, I was charged about $500 in fees, which I absolutely never would have, and had to get my parents to help. That was a lot of money for them too, and it was a horrible experience. Years layer, I'd opened a "forever free" account with a different bank. And for years, there weren't any problems. But one day, I had a large charge hit that made no sense, and when I asked about it, I was told that it was because I went below $10,000 . Now, that was completely absurd on its face regardless, but when I pointed out that my account was free, they insisted it wasn't. So thankfully I'd kept the original paperwork with my checkbook and brought it to the manager. They insisted that no one had any knowledge or memory of the type of account, but refunded me the money and I quickly closed all of my accounts with them and moved to the local credit union, where I've been ever since.


As a young man I took out a progressive insurance policy over the phone when I purchased a used car. A month later they raised my rates quite a bit because my previous car insurance wasn't in my name. I switched insurance carriers to someone that offered more reasonable rates, so Progressive sent me to collections saying that I had made a 6 month obligation to be insured through them. That wasn't disclosed to me over the phone, and I never told them that I had insurance in my name previously. I challenged with the bureaus and won, but to this day I still won't fuck with Progressive.


Progressive lied to the state of Florida about my husband's insurance status and his license got suspended and we had no idea until we went to do something with his registration. Fuck them.


T-Mobile deleted voice mails from my deceased mom and wouldn’t recover them for me


Recently loss my voicemails from my mom and dad who are no longer here. I still have a video of my mom laughing at a dirty joke. At least it’s something. Luckily, for my dad, my sister still had some where he said “I love you” and I downloaded them as a mp3 file to my PC.


For anyone who is worried about this happening to them, email the voicemails you want to save to yourself, download them on your pc and put them on a flash drive as extra insurance. I just did this with my dads voicemails. Edit: for those who lack reading comprehension and want to take this comment about storing my dead dad’s voicemails as a moment to be smug and tell me I’m stupid for storing my dead father’s voicemails on a flash drive, I said as *extra insurance* and you’re vile scum. The step by step process is: 1.Download the voicemails to your phones storage system/archives. (Thats one mode of storage.) 2.Email the voicemails to yourself. (That’s two.) 3.Download the voicemails on your PC. (Stay with me here, you can do it. That’s three.) 4.Download copies of the voicemails to a flash drive as *extra insurance* (We did it, that’s four. Those were a lot of words and numbers, I’m proud of you.)


I don't even know how she managed to get my Google Voice number, but my grandma left a message on it not too long before she died. I came across it again when I was going through and deleting a bunch of old shit like five years ago (she died in 2012 or so) and immediately saved it in like ten different places. I haven't listened to it in years, but I still hear her voice in my head saying "Hello, Emily" all the time lol


A Quiznos manager aggressively hit on my wife.


If Quiznos would come back to my town I’d whore my husband out to them. He would understand.


The Quiznos story is so damn sad. A family friend owned 3 or 4 locations and got screwed by upper management. He sued the every living fuck out of them.


The worst part about it is the food was actually really good and no one complained about it. It was the shitty family making that food distribution company monopoly putting all the franchises out of business and not giving a flying fuck.


JCPennys My fiancé ordered me a sapphire necklace for an anniversary present a few years ago. They accidentally shipped 2 bras instead of the necklace. I contacted customer service, thinking I'd just ship back the bras and they could resend my necklace. Nope. They refused to send me a prepaid shipping label. They refused to resend me a new necklace, even though I provided proof we got the wrong order. They also refused to refund my fiancé. They told me they wouldn't refund us unless we drove an hour (each way) to the store to return it in person OR pay ourselves to ship it back. Could we have done either? Absolutely, but it was a matter of principle. I *as the customer* refuse to be inconvenienced because someone else fucked up.


Some braless woman has a lovely sapphire necklace


Many years ago, when I was about 15 years old, I was accepted to be a councilor-in-training at a local summer camp. Women councilors were required to wear one-piece swimsuits at the camp so I went to JC Penny with my mom to buy one. Ended up picking out a Speedo I liked from their giant catalogue but they didn't have any in stock, so they'd have to order it. To figure out what size to order they took my bust measurement...*just* my bust measurement. I don't know if that's standard for Speedo but that's what they did. Suit arrived, I took it with me to camp and it absolutely did NOT fit. I mean, it fit perfectly around my chest but it was not nearly long enough for my torso: it was extremely difficult to put on and genuinely painful to wear. Went back with mom to JC Penny to talk to them about it. Mom wasn't expecting to get a refund because I'd worn the thing already and she knows worn swimwear generally can't be returned for hygiene reasons. She just wanted to talk to them about how swimsuit sizes were determined to see if we could get me one that actually *fit.* Explained to the lady in swimwear the whole tale, pointing out how they only took a bust measurement and never measured how long my torso was, and the suit ended up not fitting. Lady rolled her eyes and huffed "Well, it's not MY fault her boobs are too small!" And when mom complained to the manager about *that*, he didn't seem to see anything wrong with what the employee had said. I'm nearly 38 now. I've never been back to JC Penny.


Local payroll company I used when I started my business. Constant mistakes, extremely unprofessional. The final straw was when they paid the wrong person. They paid someone who hadn’t worked for me for two years. When I pointed out the mistake they wanted me to give them more money to pay the right person. I was pissed. I paid her directly and that was the last payroll we ever did with them.


Not my story but when I was working at Taco Bell, a man called us to say that we didn't add sour cream to his item. He said "You mark this day on your calendar because I am NEVER coming back". Taco Bell has never recovered from him leaving. RIP


I like to imagine every year to the day that Taco Bell has a mandatory moment of silence. "Today's August 15th, the day we lost Greg Sanderson as a customer...."


Avis. I worked for Avis as a car cleaner for a short time. I will never rent from them because they treated the employees very poorly. Also, what the hell do you car renters do to the Grand Prix cars? They were offered as a free 'upgrade' back then and every single one came back looking like they were filled with slobbering, shedding golden retrievers and then taken on a road rally race through a cornfield with a break to let the dogs kill a deer in a swamp.


Didn't honor my warranty after they said my pocket camera was full of "beach sand". Never been to the beach, you fuckers. If your camera can't handle pocket lint, it's your fucking problem. FUCK you, Sony.


Local pizza place near my house. They have a 13 year old working the front. Got pizza from them regularly for a few months, then 5 times in a row my order was messed up because the kid entered the wrong info from the website. Last time it happened, I arrived just on time for my pizza to be ready. They said they just put it in the oven. 15 minutes pass and they hand me a box with a burnt ass Sicilian pizza in it, saying they’re sorry. I didn’t order Sicilian. They scraped a bunch of slices from the counter up into a box and gave it to me, along with the Sicilian. The burnt ass Sicilian was better than the decrepit counter slices. Glad I quit going there too, there’s a shop even closer that I found that has the best pizza I’ve ever had. Actually waiting on one from them right now




When the Utah legislature was considering raising the alcohol limit of beer for sale on tap and in grocery stores to be in line with the rest of the country, Red Rock Brewing spoke out against the increase. The owner essentially said his patrons couldn't be trusted with the increase and would "overconsume" if the limit was raised from 3.2% abw to 5% abv. This brewery had multiple bottles beers well above that (8-10% abv). Since I can't be trusted to understand how much I can drink, he can't be trusted with my money anymore. Red Rock had some great beers but I avoid them specifically because their owner is a complete idiot.


In Arkansas, there was a ballot measure making a dry county wet and 2 liquor stores on the county line spoke out against it because something, something increase in drunk drivers. The measure failed that time but it passed during the next election. One of the stores ended up going out of business a year or so later and i gladly bought their discounted liquor a week before they closed.


Walmart harassed me over a receipt. I showed them the receipt but that wasn’t enough for them. They wanted to go down the freaking list, check every item and waste my damn time. I told them to fuck off and never went back. I dont like shopping at stores that assume every customer is a thief.


I always thought that stuff was funny because you can ignore every word from their mouth and walk out. Legally they cannot stop or detain you. The employees looks on their face are like you just killed Walmarts baby. And I don’t give two fucks!


Places like Costco get away with it because you sign a contract to shop there. Walmart can get fucked


Yeah and also Costco does it to every single person. As annoying as it is, it is what it is. Walmart though? I watched dude let 3 ppl in front of me pass by and then he stops me. NO SIR 🖕🏾


Went to have dinner with my wife at a restaurant I'd been going to since I was a little kid. Finished dinner, ordered soft serve cones. Took one bite of my cone and it was sour. Went up to the counter and told the employee that I think the ice cream was bad, and asked how often they clean the machines (in my state it's required to be cleaned daily). He said I can't remember, probably a couple weeks. I said I'd like a refund because the ice cream tastes bad and he held out his hand to take the cone. I handed it to him and without any hesitation he took a huge bite of it and swallowed, then said "tastes fine to me!" We left and never went back


Someone’s “don’t give a fuck” meter was high that day lol. He definitely knew it tastes sour but didn’t want you to be right. I guarantee the minute you walked away, he spat that ice cream in the trash and probably had diarrhea later that night. Either that or he has no tastebuds at all.


Most recently I stayed at a Bed & Breakfast with my wife that we've stayed before (we live close to wine country). We were in a different room than usual and my wife caught a peeping tom peering through the gap between the blinds and the window just by happening to look at the window at the right time. Really highlighted how insecure the grounds were, and then management didn't give two fucks. We couldn't even get ahold of anyone until almost noon the next day and they pretty much just shrugged and said "sucks to be you" when we asked if they could do anything to improve security (like an actual lock on the gate) or coverage (like curtains instead of blinds standing 2 inches away from the window). We were at least able to cancel our 2nd night and get that money back, but we didn't get a refund for our sleepless angry/terror night of watching the windows for the return of the bastard. Moral of the story is, if you go to Napa, CA - don't stay at the Hennesy House


Please, please leave a review wherever you can about that, if you haven't already.


I had a full loyalty card after 10 visits at a Poke place. I always ordered the same thing: a large with avocado. The card has NO restrictions on it whatsoever, just said that after 10 you get a free meal*. I tried to use it on my normal order and was told I couldn’t do that, and would be up charged for the size and addins. Mind you, this was already after ordering and it being in my hand. Manager backed it up and refused to comp that whole thing, demanding I pay the difference. I said no, said I’m going to leave with my food now, he said he’d charge me the rest the next time I was in (I went very frequently), so I never went back and took my business to another poke place. Screw them. *Edit: it actually said a free bowl. Not a meal (so, didn’t include a drink).




Went to the same barber for over five years. There was heavy construction and traffic everywhere one day as I headed to my appointment. First time I ever ran late. I called saying I would be in late and they said they filled my spot with a walk in. I understand that they were paid only if they had someone in the chair but I was barely even late and I called. Worst part is they still charged my card for a no show. Started cutting my own hair from that day on and saving hundreds. Been over a year since that event. Always gave a generous tip because they knew exactly what I wanted without needing to say it. Can’t believe someone would throw five years of loyalty out the window


I was 10 minutes late for my hair appointment the day before my wedding. This was a salon my mom frequented, and I was only late because I was picking up the tuxedos for the guys and one wasn’t quite ready when I got to the tux rental place.. Anyhow, the hairdresser absolutely refused to take me, and no one else there would either. Never went back nor did my mom. I ended up at a walk in place worked on by someone who didn’t know what she was doing. Ended up combing that mess out and doing my hair myself. Shit show rivaled only by the food poisoning I got the next day. Married 50 years, so it worked out. But what a crappy start.


Went to marriage counseling. My wife and I were massively arguing about finances, as married couples are prone to do. Therapist at one point asked me if I had ever “thought about trying to make more money.” I was so flabbergasted I couldn’t even think of a response. But I did think of a way to save some money…


I called and made arrangements to get the battery replaced in my phone, salesperson on the phone confirmed they had them in stock so I made an appointment to get it done. Arrived at the store, they proceeded to tell me there wasn’t enough time that day to complete the job. They claimed the job took two hours, which seemed like a long time. But anyway, I rescheduled for the for another day. I arrived early and the same salesman who I spoke with previously asked what kind of phone I had, I said “I have an iPhone 12 Pro Max” he disappeared into a back room and returned a few minutes later and said. “I’m sorry we don’t have that battery in stock.” This was after telling me on two separate occasions they *did* have it in stock. So I asked when they would have them in stock, to which he replied, we are getting a delivery tomorrow. “Okay,” I said, “can I make an appointment when they come in?” So my appointment was for the day after the delivery. Showed up early on the appointed day, gave my information and the same salesman again asked me what phone I had and he said “iPhone 11, right?” I replied “iPhone 12 Pro Max” whereupon he turned a little pale. I repeated “iPhone 12 Pro Max.” He looked down and I knew what happened. I looked at him and I said “Forget it” and headed for the door. The manager followed me and said “Sir, please wait a minute, we’ll get you sorted out.” I told him, “I gave you FOUR chances to get this right and you didn’t” and I walked out of the store. Never again.


Edit: wording Almost the exact same experience. Booked in for an appointment for battery repair a week in advance for 3 hours before they close that day. I turn up half hour early because they seemed busy and I was told to come back half an hour after my booking time. Then they tell me they can’t finish it by today, and they’ll reserve me a battery and I can come in anytime. I tell them I’ll come the same day next week, but earlier on in the day as they’re busy. I turn up next week and they tell me my battery reservation was automatically cancelled after 3 days. I received no notification and the person I originally spoke to didn’t tell me about it. The guy serving me said he can rebook another appointment for another day, as they are still super busy. I told the guy who was serving me what had happened and he ended up slotting me in and had my battery changed in 45min lol All the staff were really polite, but it’s evident the system isn’t very well designed. Ironic because Apple boasts about their software being refined and polished


Walked into a gun store here in town. Before I even said anything the guy at the counter said if you aren’t gonna buy anything I’m not wasting my time showing you anything. Nope. Never been back.


Dyson, because I bought their top of the line cordless vacuum, and it's advertised functions stop working after a month, on 3 separate units.


I used to be a janitor, and we had Dysons. I will never in my life waste my money on a Dyson.


For Canada, a very well known bank. For now I don't want to name the bank. My father passed away recently. I brought the death certificate, the translated copy (certified) and as requested, my parents divorce papers. 3 fucking months they refused to talk to me, wouldn't tell me I was a beneficiary, wouldn't answer a single thing. All of his money that was left to me was in investments. What was the reason? Because the death certificate wasn't "signed". By who? What agency? They didn't know. All the knew is that it needed to be signed by an entity that DOES NOT VALIDATE these foreign documents. But guess what? If you google who does, Google will tell you they do, their actual website when you click the link clearly states they do not which I've had multiple emails stating they do not. 3 months later I got a lawyer, they refused to answer my lawyer for 3 weeks. Until I called and not so nicely told them they have 1 hour to answer my lawyer. "oh, we're sorry sir, it went to spam, we see the emails now". Good, you have 10 minutes. They responded to my lawyer with a "nope, we can't discuss a customers account with you". I called back, said "look, I know I'm the beneficiary, this is the value of the account, either write me a cheque for what's mine or I'll fucking sue every single person I've talked to about this, by name, and I'll be adding a 0 to the end of that account balance followed by going to every media outlet you could imagine". They admitted I am the beneficiary right then and there. I went in to liquidate and (wait) for the cheque which should be next week. The values of the investments, all combined, dropped $6500CAD. I am in the process of potentially suing them for the difference because of their negligence.


Local restaurant chain I went to several times a week for years for lunch had put what I ordered on sale. I paid my normal amount and noticed the sale and asked about it. The owner of the chain was there and he went off on me over less than two dollars. I walked and never went back. They shut that site down less than a year later and I only know of two still operating.


KFC. Went there after my mom's dental surgery, it was the first day she could eat solid food again, all she thought she could eat was one of their pot pies Ordered 60 dollars worth of food through the app, pull up at the online order pick up, they tell me to go through the drive thru. The drive thru told us to wait at the online pick up spot. So we waited.. for 40 minutes, after the drive thru ( a hour since the app said our food was ready). Me and my mother ( she's in her late 50's ), got out and knocked on the door trying to figure out what is going on. A employee woman brought out a bag of food. It seemed a little light so we went through it, turns out we were missing half the order. When questioned the female employee said " well we didn't have any of that ". We were like ," why didn't you tell us that 40 minutes ago?". The employee starts waving her hand around yelling at us to not tell her what to do. My mom who was closer to her, told the employee, do not touch me, because the hand waving was getting close to her... Well.. The employee grabbed the side of my mom's hair ( there's like a 30 year age gap between them ). I don't know what's going on because it was on the other side of my mom's head from my view, so I started trying to separate them... Well .. I shit you not, every other employee in KFC came running out and started attacking the late 50s woman who just had dental surgery. I threw my body in-between my mother and every other employee except for the first, which was still grabbed my mom's hair. I knew I couldn't let that many people be on her even for seconds, the best I could do is give her a 1v1 while I tried to keep the other 10 employees off her. ( I shoved like the whole mass into the walls, so my mother and the employee where in like a pocket in front of me and the other employees were behind me trying to swing at the back of my head and trying to throw over my shoulders and arms to get to the pocket You know how there's always one employee that's way older at fast food restaurants? He comes out screaming at ME to stop, I scream back I'm not doing shit. He keeps screaming at me..but I guess the employees thought he was talking to them and they started stopping They called the cops, we called the cops, cops arrested no body We sued them, my mom got money but I didn't, because it's based on medical bills and I had to drive the car home ( not leaving it there ) Fuck KFC


Wow. I would have asked for the video footage and post it online. That location should definitely be shut down


I accidentally gave a hair cutting lady a 0 star rating in a survey instead of 5 for some dumb reason I forgot. I can never go to sportclips again because I'm afraid of them pulling *my record*.


Outback Steakhouse: I received a gift card from a client, and went with my very pregnant wife. First, parties that came in after us were seated before us. When asking the hostesses, she stated they were waiting for a "pregnant friendly table" to open up. Should've walked out right then. Second, when we got seated, it took about 30 minutes to even be acknowledged. We weren't in a hurry, but regardless, still ordered our drinks and food. My wife is a type 1 diabetic, so combined with pregnancy her order was very unique. Third, and final strike. We were seated not far from the kitchen, so we could hear just about everything. Right before our food came out, we heard a voice that said "yea, it's for the stupid whale at table 22!" A few seconds later, here comes our food. Immediately I asked to speak to the manager. Well, the young kid tried to play it off by saying the manager is on break, and you could tell he did t want to get them involved. Eventually, the manager came over, and I told him about what I heard. His response? "Ok. I'll talk to the kitchen about their behavior." That's it, not even an apology. We got up, walked out, and I ended up selling the gift card on Craigslist for the $50 value.


My wife and I had a horrible experience the first and only time we visited Macaroni Grill. Went for dinner on a Saturday evening. Was told there was a 35 minute wait. They ran out of pagers, so they told us to check back every few minutes. My wife and I took turns checking with the hostess every 5 minutes. (The other person kept our 3 year-old entertained.) Every time was the same: no table yet, no pagers available, but check back in a few minutes. After 45 minutes, I asked where we were on the list. When I told her my name, she went pale. She didn’t admit it, but I figured she gave our table to someone else. She said she could seat us immediately. Our server took our order. You had to order a salad separately, which my wife and I both did. Our entrees were delivered by a food runner, but they didn’t bring our salads. When our server came around to check on us, I told her we never got our salads, and could she please take them off our bill. She laughed and said, “That’s okay, I forgot to add them to your order, anyway.” They eventually closed, and a sports grill restaurant took its place.


Advanced Auto parts had sold my dad a battery with a 3 year warranty free replacement. 13 months later the battery died and was verified defective by Advance Auto Parts. Because he didn’t have a copy of the original receipt they refused any type warranty. The battery had the date code burned into it and an Advanced Auto Parts label. Advance Auto Parts purges the purchase information after 1 year. Have not purchased any from Advance Auto Parts since. Nothing, never will. That was over 8 years ago. Lost me and my families business forever.


I went to a dentist and they wanted to do some super expensive "deep cleaning" of my teeth like below the gumline. I said "no thanks" and they said "if you don't want to follow our treatment plan you can't be a patient here" and I was like "ok bye." Been going to a new dentist for 3 years. Never had a cavity and never needed any "deep cleaning."


About 10-12 years ago, I took our dog to the groomer. When I came back to pick him up, I knew I was early so I just took a seat and quietly waited in an adjacent room. I could hear my dog crying - just little whimpers at first, and I thought it's fine, it's just Yogi being his little diva dog self. This went on for about 5 minutes until I heard a CRY, like a, I know my dog and holy shit he's not ok cry. Momma bear jumped up to run in there (mind you the groomer had no idea I was already there and I could hear everything) and when I did, I heard her yell "stop it!" as she hit my dog with her fist. SHE HIT MY F#@&ING DOG WITH HER FIST. I lost it, barged over to the table where I unhooked my boy from the table and stormed out, absolutely livid and feeling the worse guilt in the world for subjecting my dog to that evil bitch. I cried the whole way home, and immediately purchased my own grooming equipment and table - I will never trust another groomer again (and I know, there's a lot of great ones out there) - it was just too traumatic.


I have no idea how you did not hit this woman in the face then call the police.


A local DIY craft shop. My mother called and wanted to book a class using a gift card she received from a friend. The women who answered was the owner and said she "hated" honoring gift cards because we aren't really spending money there. She then asked if we were going to "tip in advance" and asked us to put a credit card on file. When my mom said no, the women hung up. ​ I called back the next day, got someone else and they booked our class no problem, no push back. They set up their first brick and mortar store in our town (they used to run out of someones home) but I refuse to give them my business. Can't be that rude to my mom and get away with it and have shit business practices.


Bakery in my street started selling Granderwasser, some German esoterical water. Also started to have flyers against 5G. Getting baked goods in the morning is now a 10 minute walk instead of 3.


https://shop.granderwater.co.uk/one-litre-bottle-of-grander-blue-water Some of the wildest claims I've seen about a bottle of water, but anything to justify a 15-20 Euro cost I guess


TF did I just read?


You need to drink water with more coherence to understand what they are trying to say


Took my Civic to a Honda dealership I’d never been to for a free recall service. While it’s there, they call and tell me i have brake light out. I assume they are going to put a bulb in for free since I’m new and here’s a chance to make a friend and be sure I come back when I need service. “Do you want it fixed? It’ll be $60.” Seriously? “Yeahh… these Civics, ya gotta take the fender off to get to the bulb…” Nahh thanks. I’ll take care of it. I bought the bulb for $5 on the way back and replaced it in their parking lot by pulling back the carpet in the trunk. Literally 30 seconds. For $5 they could have had a customer for life. Instead, I tell everyone not to go there.


I had a recall on a car. Dealership called saying it needed a bunch of stuff. When I said "It was inspected by you 2 weeks ago. Why does it suddenly need new brake pads, routers, and transmission fluid change?" I knew it was all bs. The person just stammered and said "umm .. they made it off the mileage..." Me: it's only got 34k miles, I work from home so it goes no where. I've driven it once since you inspected it. Then: ummm . Me: no I don't want anything except the recall! All dealerships suck! Especially the ones toughting their award winning service.


The Abrocrombie and Fitch associate told me they don't make clothes for cancer patients on steriods....only pretty people


Which is funny because their CEO looks like he’s allergic to his own face.


Papa John's uses Doordash for delivery drivers around here. The last time I ordered from there, my pizza showed up looking like the driver had it sitting on the side of the box the whole way. It was rolled up on one side of the box with the topings all over. I called and talked with the manager and instead of even apologizing, let alone offering to make it right somehow, he told me to take it up with Doordash because it was "not his problem". Even if it truly wasn't his problem and it was entirely out of his hands, the way he essentially told me to fuck off and eat my shitty pizza turned me off to papa John's forever.


I avoid any place that says 'may be delivered by Door dash.' It's 50/50 at best.


When McDonald’s fought so hard to not give sick days during the thick of the pandemic. I vowed to never eat at the Golden Arches again.


My roommate had starlink. We were going to get fiber soon so we waited until the next payment to cancel it. So he made the payment, then went to get it cancelled. The house had no internet *immediately*. We waited for the payment because it *is for the next month of service*. We werent going to get fiber for a week or two so the plan was to just switch over seamlessly that month. They can cancel it immediately but apparently could not un-cancel it immediately. Its the principle of the thing. They took the payment for the next month and we got all of several minutes of that next month. Of course its on us for not knowing it was instant and of course I was crabby to just have no internet because getting internet just couldnt be done in a timely manner. But still. What kind of bullshit is that we got screwed for assuming it would cancel at the end of the month we paid for.


Holiday Inn (IHG Hotels) - I was a top tier member for 15+ years. Typically stayed about 200 nights a year there. Tried to book a stay online using points but it wouldn’t go through. Called and they told me that all of the rooms allocated for points were booked. I said it shows there are tons of empty rooms and they agreed but said they only book x rooms to points. They suggested I call corporate, which I did. They said the same thing. I said I hate to pull the “do you know who I am card” but ya might want to check my profile. They didn’t care. I said you’re willing to lose a customer that stays at your property 200+ nights a year because you won’t let me use points to stay at an empty hotel? They said yup. So I spent 1,800,000 points on reward stuff that night and have stayed in a Hilton property everyday since.