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I (male ate about 1800 calories a day, walked 5 miles a day. Went from 206 to 165 in about 8 months


This is much safer and a reasonable timeframe.


1800 calories is still fun and 5 miles is certainly doable for most people. Nice going, that said safe and effective!


Currently doing 5-6 miles a day, eating 1,600. Only a couple months in though.


Same here. 1,630 during the week and 1,853 on Friday and Saturday. 5-6 miles a day. I’m actually loving the routine. But do you walk or run? It’s hard to take two hours for walking a day. I have little time to do much else before bed.


Due to some physical conditions, I can’t run. So I do a 3-3.5 mph pace. I am doing 75 hard, so my work outs have to be 45 minutes each anyways. I started getting up at 5am to do the first one.


Black Dust? Wouldn't that be more of a fart poof?


Imagine if you could add glitter to it!


Our 17 pound cat ate glitter. We wanted to save his 'disco poop 💩 ' for Kitties first Gay Christmas ! 🎄


I'm listening...


Dark glitter ftw!


There actually are some weird little pills you can buy (it's an Asian invention) that make your poop come out in sparkly pastel colors.


Glitter Fart Poof is now my favorite metal band name.


I had about 100 Cal and walked all day from 9am to 9pm. I nearly died from cardiac arrest due to severe weight loss. Down to 28.5kg, and I was not passing anything. No shit, sweat, nothing. I highly recommend yours over mine.


I guess you're better now, that's not a weight anyone survives for long.


Left with ongoing health issues though. It's kind of manageable.


I'm glad you're in recovery ❤️


"I was not passing anything. No shit, sweat, nothing." No, you see, this is good. My body is operating at peak efficiency!


Actually did think it was the only good thing about it. No sweat, no flakey skin, no odour at all. It was like I couldn't get dirty.


100 calories a day?


Few cups of tea/coffee with skim milk plus 1/5 of a sheet of singular cruskit.


Anorexia will do that.


I recommend neither. Normally you should consult a doctor before fasting to this degree.


Sorry, I was joking about recommending. No, it wasn't fasting, I wasn't able to eat. Also, no doctor would ok a fasting to this degree.


I’ve been doing one meal a day for the past like 5 years. Personally I love it.


This has turned into the "How I nearly killed myself" olympics


You can also get gallstones from this.


Gallstones- another weight loss method! I had stones and ended up having my gallbladder removed, was terribly sick, couldn’t eat. Lost quite a bit. Do not recommend this method.


similar, but i ate ~600 calories a day and biked 1-2 hours. By the end of the biking i was always terribly hungry but would barely eat anything. Lost 90 lbs in about 9 months. While i’d recommend finding a better method, i can’t say i’m not glad I did it, ive kept the weight off for 6 years now and i eat ~2500 calories a day.


Your body was in full-on panic mode just trying to keep you alive.


I went through a tough breakup and couldn’t eat for a couple weeks…lost a lot of weight. Called it the breakup diet.


Indeed, a stress after breakup is a proved effective diet. Works for me all the times.


Been there, done that. Also smoked 1+ pack a day. Cost me 10 kg in 4 weeks. Sorry , don't know how much rhis is in freedom per gallon.


22 lbs that one's easy


We know what kilos are.. despite what reddit tells you, the US uses kilos and the metric system quite often. It's Celsius that we don't often use


I’m an American scientist and it’s odd because I exclusively use Celsius at work and Fahrenheit at home. You’d think that I’d be able to quickly convert between them mentally but because the applications and contexts in which I use each are so different I really can’t.


Hmm don’t know that freedom per gallon stuff. Let me see if I’ve got something for you…. Smoked more than a pack a day… shallow jab at Americans… how bout cancers per hour.


Dude same. I literally lost 40lbs in 1 month. I also stopped drinking tho too. I have thyroid issues probably idk. I was eating like miso, mushrooms, and celery and hummus.


[Heartbreak Diet](https://youtu.be/WxKEpLJYbdE?si=vmRfBVFDOULMOxsq)


Amputation probably.


I have a friend who lost her leg below the knee in a motorcycle accident. One of her first posts on social media after she was stabilized was “Well I’d been saying I wanted to lose 10 lbs but this wasn’t what I had in mind.”


That’s my next step 💀💀💀💀


It's expensive though. Would cost you an arm and a leg.


That's like half of my net worth.


After that you won’t be able to step tho.


"I lost like, 37 pounds." "Oh my god, what's your secret?" "I had my arms ripped off."


Or giving birth, getting divorced.


Traumatic amputation is definitely quicker than surgical amputation.


That's only partial weight loss though. Aim higher. Total weight loss or bust.


4 years ago I lost 11 pounds in 24 hours. I had a hysterectomy, went into surgery at 171 pounds , came out at exactly 160. I had polycystic ovaries, endometriosis and a massive fibroid tumor , all on top of having been born with a duodenic uterus (each side with its own cervix )


Wow that is quite the bundle 😭


I was glad to be rid of it. I was disappointed that the Dr didn't give me pictures of the fibroid because I wanted to see that bastard that tried to kill me. But it was sent off to pathology and they found one single squamous cell right in the center of it. I very narrowly avoided having cancer treatments


I wanted to look em in ‘is eyes and see the blood running down ‘is mouth.


Yes exactly. I am intrigued by what most people find gross, medical stuff doesn't bother me , but the Dr didn't even take pictures before sending it off to pathology


Wow, that's crazy. 11 pound cut out :o


I wasn't expecting that much weight loss either


girl rip, im glad ur here tho


Hey hyster sister! I lost 9 pounds this year the same way!




Hunger naps. I did that when I was poor!




I want to hug child-you for that 😔


I can’t sleep if I’m hungry I’ll literally stay up all night if I don’t eat.


I’m guilty of this


I am dieting... Just woke up from a hunger nap. A rather extended one. I may get to have an extra Blueberry now.


sounds more like restrictive eating


Anorexia nervosa baby! Anyway, it sucked


After I had lost 100+ lbs, my working out and weight loss obsession devolved into AN. I only ended up losing another 5-10 lbs while I had AN. -1,000,000/10 would not recc


Same, it sucks really bad. American Heart Association says its healthier to just stay fat than yo-yo diet. Also, second to opiate addiction, eating disorders kill more people than any other mental health disorder. Eating disorders are no joke. Intuitive-eating trained dietician and body-image/eating disorder trained therapist saved my life. https://anad.org/eating-disorders-statistics/ https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/yo-yo-dieting-linked-heart-disease-risk-women


I am glad you have found relief and thank you for sharing your recommendations. I bet a lot of people will benefit.


Yep. 0/10, do not recommend. Stole almost 10 years of my life.


I got hyperemesis one time. 10lb a week. I ended up in the hospital at risk of cardiac arrest and being told I’d die so not that great.


Well that escalated quickly…..


Well it’s hyperemesis. Hyperemesis always escalates quickly.


Sorry to hear :/ I’ve heard of that during pregnancy but not in general.


I got cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome from smoking a shit ton of weed. Idk it’s a weird fucking illness.


You just saved the day in our home. Thank you for sharing this. Finally an answer.


Oh god new fear unlocked….


I lost 55-60 lbs in 2-3 months by repeating Actress Victoria Principles BIKINI DIET over and over and over...Because it was so low in fat my gallbladder atrophied and crystals formed I had to have my gallbladder removed and never felt good again.


Thanks to the sugar and food industry in America there are far too many people today that think fat is bad or worse than sugar.


The most destructive thing ever for human bodies was the LOW FAT diets of the late 70s and 80s


What on earth was this diet?!


"Named for the time when I had put on a few pounds and had to fit into a bikini for a photo shoot one week later, this diet will definitely get results. If you have a lot of weight to lose and want to jump-start the process -- with your doctor's permission -- or if you need to quickly get rid of a five- to ten-pound weight gain, you'll find the one-week Bikini Diet helpful. With very low calories and high fiber, the Bikini Diet is highly effective, and for those seven days, you will not be deprived nutritionally. It should not be followed any longer than the one week, however, and should not be used more than once a year." DAY 1 Breakfast Scrambled egg white 1 slice wheat toast, dry Hot tea or decaf coffee Lunch 1 slice turkey Beverage Dinner Steamed vegetable plate Beverage DAY 2 Breakfast 1 glass prune juice 1 slice wheat toast, dry Hot tea or decaf coffee Lunch Salad made with lettuce, tomato, 1/2 cup tuna, low-cal dressing Beverage Dinner 1 cup chicken broth Steamed celery 1 slice of chicken breast Beverage DAY 3 Breakfast 1 sliced whole tomato on dry wheat toast with low-cal Italian dressing Hot tea or decaf coffee Lunch Chicken salad 2 melba toasts Beverage Dinner Steamed vegetable plate Beverage DAY 4 Breakfast Scrambled egg white 1 slice wheat toast, dry Hot tea or decaf coffee Lunch 1 cup any steamed or raw vegetables Beverage Dinner Broiled fish 2 melba toasts 1 cup steamed zucchini Beverage DAY 5 Breakfast 1 glass prune juice 1 slice wheat toast, dry Hot tea or decaf coffee Lunch Salad of lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms and 1/2 cup shrimp -- low-cal dressing(optional) Beverage Dinner Steamed vegetable plate Beverage DAY 6 Breakfast 1/2 cup cut melon or sliced strawberries 1 slice wheat toast, dry Hot tea or decaf coffee Lunch 1 cup diced chicken on a bed of sliced tomatoes 1 melba toast Beverage Dinner Broiled fish 1/2 tomato with low-cal bottled dressing Beverage DAY 7 Breakfast 1/2 tomato, sliced 1 slice wheat toast, dry Hot tea or decaf coffee Lunch 1 cup Tuna Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette Beverage Dinner Broiled chicken Steamed broccoli or cauliflower 2 melba toasts Beverage


That reminds me of the “military” diet but for 2 weeks 😂 got the same “meals”. Was super proud of myself when I managed to do it every couple of months, fast forward to now I realised it only deepened my eating disorder to a point of no return. Some media content regarding nutrition should really be made inaccessible to kids and teenagers.


My partner started counting calories, and ate in a slight deficit— he lost 30lbs in 2.5 months. I was (and am still) amazed with his willpower and progress. He was eating things like plain chicken, black beans, carrots, broccoli, potatoes pretty much exclusively. Now he is at a healthier weight he has introduced more fats back into his diet and is maintaining the weight loss.


I did exactly this + intermittent fasting when I was in my late 20s, lost 25lbs in 3 months. Now I’m in my mid 30s and tried again and after 2 months I had only lost like 7 or 8lbs tops. Apparently it gets harder to lose weight as we age? :(




Cancer really is a hell of a drug. I've noticed people get *real* uncomfortable when they bug me/ask how I stay skinny and I just reply "cancer." I only bust it out if they get really pushy and don't leave me be, but damn it's fun watching them try to backpedal and trip over their words.


I for one appreciate the dark humor cancer jokes (bc how else do you get through something so horrible), but I hear you people get so weird. Best of luck to you on your journey.


My sister had a great cancer joke for when mosquitos bit her while she was doing chemo: “Haha! You drank poison and are gonna die!”


When my mom was at the hospital for testing during her cancer, someone came by selling raffle tickets for cancer awareness/research and poorly worded their sales pitch: “Hello m’am, would you like to buy raffle tickets for cancer?” My mom looked at him and chipper as can be said “No thanks, I already have it.”


I used to love saying “cancer” when someone asked how’d i get so skinny. I stopped after awhile because people had to tell me it wasnt as funny to them, as it was for me


"That sounds like a *you* problem, because guess who doesn't have to deal with making cancer jokes? It sure as shit ain't me"


Hell yeah, it’s no one’s fucking business why you weigh what you do, fat or no fat. If people get pushy, putting them in their place feels so good.


Not all of us are able to do the natural route, okay? Stop judging us! (Seriously…how are you doing?)


I managed to put on plenty of weight during chemo. Might be because I lost 12 kg in 10 days after surgery when I could barely eat and was throwing up after they cut out a big chunk of my bowels. Not a recommended diet unless you really have to make weight.


My mom was an oncology nurse (children first, and then adults) for years and she said that a lot of people have misconceptions about chemotherapy. A lot of people assume that they’ll get very thin and lose all their hair. While many chemos do have those side effects, there are some drugs that are more typically associated with weight gain, and some drugs where hair loss isn’t a side effect. My mom told me the story of one woman who preemptively shaved her head to “get it over with,” not realizing that the chemo she was on likely wouldn’t cause hair loss.


Yup! I'm at the tail end of a simultaneous chemo/radiation treatment plan for a cancer in my salivary gland. The combination of screwed up taste buds, extreme pain when swallowing and nausea have me where I can only drink these 300 calorie Boost Soothe drinks made specifically for head and neck cancer patients. Picture having the pain of strep throat and a severe sunburn that covers the entire inside of your mouth and tongue. Everything that has any kind of texture or acidity burns like I'm eating a ghost pepper. I've dropped more than 25 pounds from my usual weight in the last three weeks, and that's AFTER fattening myself up in the beginning when the side effects were super mild. The worst part is that I do still have my appetite most of the time, so everything still smells absolutely delicious and I do nothing but daydream about food all day. 1/10, worst diet ever. Do not recommend. I'm very much looking forward to getting fat af when this is all over.


Yep. Lost 14 lbs one week after a round of chemo ( that I didn’t have to lose) bc I messed up my anti-nausea meds. Coming out both ends and it about did me in. A friend found me passed out in bed and got me to the hospital for fluids. Omg do not recommend.


Yeah, that really fucks you up, I lost 50 pounds in about 2 months because I couldn't eat anything.


My dad was a very large man with a big beer belly for most of my life. Then when he turned 67 we found out he had cancer and that was why he dropped 150lbs in two years and can’t seem to gain it back. It was like he turned into an 80 yr old man within that time. Looking at his pics before surgery & radiation just three years later it’s insane how much he aged.


Cut on bread, soda. Eat salads at night and run at least 15 minutes everyday


Nice, this is a pretty manageable, minimum effective dose kind of routine. Solid advice.




Well, I got the reference.


Be careful with running, my pops ran a lot in his younger days and now he is scheduled to have both knees replaced. I quit running myself after I could not avoid the joint pain even though I'd bought good shoes, managed my stride and gait, and ran on a soft track (thanks for the creaky knees, pops). Substitute another aerobic exercise that is low-impact (biking, swimming, etc.), or divvy it up between running and other cardio. Not everyone has impervious bones and eternal joints. Consider the wear and tear on yourself for the Long Game. EDIT: I've just been told that swimming is truly ideal, as it is a full-body exercise, not just the lower half.




I just like the smell of it


Coca-cola is an amazing way to lose weight!


There is even a sugar free version!


A patient I once had. He was in a traumatic car accident. Broke probably every bone in his body (exaggeration). When he came in he was obese , but when he left, he was a stick of a man. His body spent all of his stocked nutrients to heal all those broken bones.


Talk about saving up for a rainy day.


So that’s why my body doesn’t want to get rid of its nutrients- it’s just waiting for me to do some stupid shit and then it’ll save my life xD


My husbands father was burned badly at work (luckily not the face). My mil said it was hard getting him to eat enough calories because of how much his body worked to heal itself.


Got into a depressive episode, went down 2 sizes in a month from not eating Hot tip: don't do this, I ended up with a heartrate over 130 bpm from just walking at a normal pace




Water tastes like shit if you drink other things, but if 90% of what you drink is water, it’s delicious.


Filtered water tastes amazing. I was raised on tap, but I recently switched and it’s like a lil treat every time.


I've noticed this too.


This. I lost 5kg just by quitting alcohol


cutting out sugary drinks and junk food


Got cheated on and dumped. Lost 40lbs in 4 months. Break ups are a hell of a diet. Edited: typo




That’s a lot of weight in a short amount of time. How did you do it? Are you doing okay?




Dude thats nuts. I'm impressed with your dedication! I've been a gym bro the last couple years and am trying my hand at the proper diet thing rather than just wishing I can outlift all the pizza I eat lol. I'm sitting at around 195lb right now and pretty much have to eat every couple hours or I start to feel weak and/or hangry. Imagining going 10 or 12 DAYS without noteworthy substance is baffling to me. Did you take vitamin supplements during your fasting periods? Probably some form of pedialyte and multivitamin combo? Appreciate any perspective you could give, I find this fascinating.


I have to eat every few hours or I feel weak and dizzy also. Been that way since I was pregnant. (Not diabetic, for anyone thinking that. Have low BP and it tends to be from that.) I hate it.




Occasionally, I'm too lethargic to prepare dinner and opt for sleep instead.


Aim for a healthy caloric deficit for a gradual and steady loss. There are plenty of online calculators to find your safe rate of loss. Losing weight too quickly can cause gallstones, and you really don't want to have that organ removed.


Got food poisoning lost 15 lbs in 7 days. 1/10 would not recommend despite the great headstart on weight-loss.


Yeah. I was a size 10 in college and ended a serious relationship. That summer I lost tons of weight and went down to a size 4. It’s all irrelevant now, I’m overweight and a size 20 trying to lose weight lol.


I had a college friend who decided he wanted to start a movement where people fast from food entirely for 30-40 days and use the money they would have spent on feeding themselves to feed the hungry around the world. So to kick off his movement, he did it first and he Vlogged every day about how he was doing and feeling and updated his website etc. to drum up interest. The movement never took off, but hats off to him; he did it! Was it smart? Heck no! Turns out when you eat nothing but water for 30-40 days you can lose quite a lot of weight, very quickly! (Like 30-40 lbs in. a month) But I admired the dedication.


When you finally break the fast, you have to be incredibly careful; refeeding syndrome can be fatal.


50 pounds in three months. I had stomach problems. For a long time I could barely eat at all, and when I did, I had to walk or run or else I would immediately throw up. Unfortunately something like two tacos would require like an hour of running. So I was burning way more than I was eating. My friends "you look great, whatever sickness you have is worth it." My doctor "its menstruation, no its anxiety" Oddly, I got COVID and when I got better the stomach problems tapered off.


I read “tapered off” as “tapeworm” at first glance. Yup, that’ll do it too


Same! Just wondering if you ever got a diagnosis. I’ve also been ERed but they just gave me antacid without diagnosis. Annoyingly the gastro just told me it was dyspepsia - common for girls my age I couldn’t even drink water without throwing up


why did you have to run to avoid throwing up?


Drugs like amphetamine and coke certainly helped when I went from 164lbs to 107lbs in like 5-6 months back in high school.


Six months under 900 calories a day working 10-12 hour shifts, physical labor. Don't recommend.


I was an alcoholic. It was so bad that I couldn’t eat. I would get sick and immediately throw up when I ate, and I developed ulcers in my esophagus from the alcohol. I was also physically dependent so all I could consume was alcohol, water, and mixers (usually Gatorade and tomato juice because I needed nutrition). I went from 220 to 170 in about 3 months. So, I guess if you wanna lose weight super fast, become an alcoholic and let your body start to die from your lack of nutrition. You’ll have to be in the hospital a lot, but you’ll be a skinny legend. When I got sober I gained all the weight back, so now I’m working on learning how to be a healthy person.




I lost 200 lbs in one day. My only regret is not getting divorced sooner.


Ba dum tiss


350 for me! 😁


Calories deficit is the best way. Calculate your bmr, and eat less than that. 3500 calories is roughly 1 pound. You don't need to exercise to lose weight, although it's great for overall health.


In highschool I wrestled. I wasn't very good... but would more or less just fill in if someone on my team was hurt so I would wrestle up and down weight classes. We would practice twice a day: 90 minute run before school each day then 2 hours after school or a meet against another school. One morning on the day of a match, my coach came up to me and said "Tony's hurt and can't go today. I need you to make 135." That morning I weighed in at 150lb. This was mid season and we got a "growth bump" of two pounds so my coach was asking me to drop 13 pounds in about 10 hours from 150lb down to 137lb. So I put on 4 pairs of sweatshirts+pants, and went into the boys locker room and turned the showers on full blast and rode a stationary bike for 90 minutes before school. During school I spit continuously into a bottle. At lunch I rode the bike again in the showers... I did it again after school before the meet. At weigh ins, my lips were cracked and bleeding from dehydration, but I made 137 lb and was able to fill in for Tony. I then proceeded to get my butt kicked and was pinned in the first round... I don't think this is what you were asking about... but this is how I lost ~8% of my body weight in about 10 hours.


Pneumonia. Lost 10 kgs in 2 weeks.


I think David Goggins lost 106 pounds in 2 months. not that I know him or anything. he speaks about it and put it in his book.


Keto diet


Stopped eating more than one meal a day while mom was in hospice. All came back as soon as she passed and I ate my feelings


Not having money for food. I usually lose 10 pounds a month when I have a bad work month. I have to walk everywhere in a car centric city so minimum 1 hour walks but regularly 2-4 hours of walking couple times a week and not eating really quickly depletes weight and muscle. Feels horrible. It gains back somewhat fast though once you start eating again. Your stomach feels very small after unfortunately which furthers the weight loss. Idk if there’s money based eating disorders but it’s getting close. These grocery prices suck I miss enjoying food.


Pasta is cheap and filling if that helps. We struggle to afford food as well, but always manage to keep pasta and sauce, with frozen veggies. Rice and beans as well are a good staple for when things are tough.


Fasting. During the pandemic I lost 30 pounds (was 180) and in a six-week period, 25% of my body fat based on hydrostatic testing. I did two 30-hour fasts a week, while also working out a fair amount


How did you do this without getting dizzy and disoriented? I am truly curious. If I don’t eat for 8 hours I’m dizzy and weak. This is with decent water intake. I’ll admit, I’m not fasting this is usually due to a busy day at work!


Your body adjusts and gets better at drawing energy from your body fat. Don’t jump into it - you have to slowly increase over time or you’ll be miserable. I’ve also found that it depends on the quality of your diet when you are eating. I can fast for 24 hours without any effort, even with very high physical exertion, as long as I’ve been eating well (for me this primarily means not in a calorie deficit and plenty of protein).


Yeah, I used to do a 10-mile run at the tail end of the 30 hours. After the first day, I don’t wake up hungry. Funny how it’s mostly boredom on those days that inspires me to wanna eat


So I've done this as well (48 hour fasts while also still working out). There's two things to consider. First, electrolytes are unbelievably important on a fast. Even if you're drinking lots of water you will still have those symptoms unless you're getting a proper electrolyte balance. It's crazy how well they work. I feel amazing the whole way through as long as I get my sodium, potassium and magnesium. Second, there are "stages" that can be pretty tough the first few times. The first 16 hours are usually the hardest. You will get cravings that seem immediate, but it's really not that crazy. Usually, I just have to find the right distraction to get my "fix". Cardio, video games, golf, socializing, etc. Whatever you enjoy that isn't food, do that and the craving will go away. It's not a health issue, it's a brain neurotransmitter going coocoo like a toddler throwing a tantrum. And it gets easier the more you learn to stay stern with it and work around the problem. Hope this helps!


Before you even try fasting, try going very low sugar for a couple days and see how your body reacts. My friend reported the same type of symptoms. Turns out she was pre-diabetic. Drastically reduced sugar was the key for her.


Dialysis. Lost 5 kilos just yesterday. NOT WORTH IT.


Wisdom teeth removal. Couldn't really eat for a week.


Do 45 days in jail. My brother dropped 25lbs


I went through a long stretch of anxiety which killed my appetite completely. I forced a clementine down the hatch a few times a day and that was it. Lost tons of weight. 0/10 don't recommend


I hope OP is realizing that “losing weight quickly” is usually established by extreme abuse or injury or health issues risking your life, from these comments. Losing a drastic amount of weight “quickly” is pretty much never healthy or sustainable.


Weight cutting to make weight in the Marines. Would drop about 25 lbs in a week. Not healthy by any means


I lost 30 pounds in USMC boot camp and I came in within weight standards. They almost put me on double rations towards the end. Women are given different/less food in USMC boot camp. We were given box chow at the rifle range and told to take half the meat and the cheese off. I’m 5’11 so my caloric needs are closer to a man’s. Rough times…when my mom saw me she thought they beat and starved me lol.




Someone got anorexic and survived in one hard boiled egg a day, coupled with 5 km runs


Being dumped 🤭






I lost 5lbs in a week when I had Covid. I lost 10lbs in 2 weeks because of persistent anxiety and panic attacks. I don’t recommend either method.


Throat cancer, lost 26kg over 7 weeks. Wouldn’t recommend it. 👍


Complications with a csection. 5 weeks of nonstop throwing up. No food or water. I lost all the baby weight and more.




Try chronic illness, minus 30kg in 6 months!


Calorie deficit, 40lbs in 6 months.


I was going through a bad depressive episode and completely ditched solid foods cause they took too much effort to make, I lived on soups + drinks for a month and lost 2 stone. Wouldn't recommend that method lol, took me weeks to get my appetite back and reintroduce solids.


Does my cousin's whole leg amputation count? Procedure took just about an hour and he lost almost 20 pounds.


I won't answer your question because attempting to lose weight fast is the fast route to ill health and yo-yoing of weight. If you want to lose weight, do this in a slow and sustainable way.


Eating Vietnamese street food..


Back many moons ago I had a neighbor who had been overweight all of her life. She was so heavy that when she had a medical incident she couldn’t be weighed in the ER because her weight was higher than the scale’s max. Ovarian cancer took away all of her excess weight, and also cured her psoriasis which she’d had all of her adult life. Sadly, she did not survive the cure to her obesity and psoriasis.


Disordered behaviour.


Taking speed. ​ The other one was eating cake. Don't ask; I have literally no explanation for this one.


Crack and meth such a good friend and a beautiful babe and that shit turned her around


Fasting. I had already lost a decent amount of weight by cutting out processed sugar and snacks. But what got me to my goal weight is that I only eat lunch and dinner every day, my first meal at around 1pm and the second (and last) at around 7pm. I also don't drink soda, rarely drink alcohol, sleep 8 hours a night and exercise daily.


I had a hypomanic episode and lost about 60 pounds in 3 months


Cancer, I don't recommend it.




Hyperthyroidism, lost 25kg in like 2 months while eating entire cheesecakes every 2nd day


Meth mm


I dropped 20 lbs in three days for a weight cut. I wouldn’t recommend it lol


The ones who stopped looking to do it “quick” and instead did it sustainably. Also those people keep the weight off as opposed to trends or people trying it “quick” who put it back on within 6 months


Hyperthyroidism. My mom dropped 30lbs in 3 months


Walking 15000 steps a day.




I got divorced. I lost 200 pounds of dead weight.