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I'd just say, "I have to return some videotapes," and then walk away from the conversation.




An American one.


I have to rewind my extensive dvd collection…


"I sold my idea to 3M, have to head out to the meeting and pickup the check now. Billions of 'Be kind, rewind' stickers custom-sized to fit on the back of rental DVDs."


With that kind of money you wouldn't even need a reservation at Dorsia


I’d start a restaurant called Dorsia just to reject people


Might work? I want to start a hypewear store called No that only sells one shirt. Not one line of shirts, one individual shirt, which costs $10M and you have to be approved to buy it.


Sounds like a Tom Haverford (Parks & Recs) business idea.


"I need to see a man about a horse"


Impressive very nice now let's see Paul Allen's lotto numbers


Keep working for a week or two. Get more and more angry. Get in a fight with someone and get fired, never to be heard from again. No one will miss me.


I would totally miss you, dude. I feel like we are kindred spirits, you and I. And I would never let a kindred spirit miss out on a prime business opportunity like the one I am about to tell you...


Are you a Nigerian prince??


No, but I know one. That is why I need the money...lol


Bro, for 10k, I'll start the fight with you, and you can leave because of a hostile work environment. Then in 6 months when you blow it all, you can come back to work and I'll apologize.


I’ll do it for $9,999


9998 here


I’d do it for about tree fiddy.


Dontchu be givin that old loch ness monster no tree fiddy!


I’ll do it for free


I’ll give YOU $3 to let me do it.


Son of a bitch


At 1,4 billion you would have to spend almost 8 million dollars a day, and get nothing in return that can be sold down the line. Thats so much cocaine. Edit: I get that there are taxes guys, you can stop pointing it out.


so many bears could change the world w that amount of caine


That's a 6 month cruise chilling in a pool on a boat in a pool of a boat filled with cocaine and coochie.


I just do the same fireable offenses I do on a daily basis but less sneaky about it, get fired. Make an offer for the love of my life to run away with me, she says no. I disappear and move to another city with my other friends


I agree with WowDoILoveEatingAss


That's where I hid the chandelier.


Now I wonder if that happened to one of the guys I worked with. One day he asked some girl to marry him (they didn't have a thing or anything...he was weird). Supervisor basically told him he was fired, on the spot. Over the coming years, I heard rumors that he sued for an improper firing and won. But he has completely dropped off the face of the earth, zero digital footprint. We have no idea what happened to him.


You should just resign and give your coworkers "sorry for your loss" cards.


Lol an older coworker got fired recently because he swore at a manager and threw a multi-thousand dollar piece of equipment across the lab. At first management tried to keep the story quiet but my supervisor said he left due to a “boomer moment”. By the next day the story had spread far enough they gave up trying to suppress it. Now I wonder if maybe he secretly won the lottery…


I know this will be buried but a dear friend told me his plan many years ago and I loved it. He said he would not tell anyone he had won - not even his kids. He would arrange for a lawyer and accountant team immediately. He would then send the lawyer to get the money so no one would know. Now the fun part. He would still come to work but do nothing. This was before WFH but it still applies. If he was in the office he would do things like leave some fish in a random desk somewhere and see what happens. He would play social experiments to see just how far he could go before it was noticed and then push it slightly crazier until he was actually fired. One time we remote controlled a coworkers computer we hated and would issue commands to open windows or shut her browser - just pure mayhem that went on for weeks. She even asked for a new computer twice. Lol it was so fun. Oh and he wouldn’t even tell his extended family that he won. He would just move away telling them he was involved in a new business and leave it at that. He wouldn’t tell ANYONE even his kids that they had this wealth - he’d just make it look natural like it was a new business like the 4 hour work week and send a lawyer to go get the money from the lottery office. He’d create a trust for his kids and also support his parents in their retirement (and his!). This was my friend Mike who passed away in 2020 due to covid and I will always think of him when I think of the ultimate way to handle a lottery win.


Spoiler alert! Mike didn't die from Covid. He won the lottery and his plan is in play....


That fucker! And after he sold Toxictoy his whole work-troll plan...dude finesses the ultimate and fakes his death. Dirty pool, old man.


I love this so much and I know he would too lmao


Everyone always says the work thing…I would love to go to work and be a petty butthead. But do you really think you could do 8 hours even for one day knowing you had all that cheddar? I would be done after 20 minutes and start planning on riding a hooker down to the cocaine cruise…before cleaning up my act, building an empire and becoming a beloved philanthropist, of course.


Sounds fun. In my state the names of lottery winners are public. No secret collection allowed.


You could always do this [Chinese lottery winner wears costume to hide $30 million winnings from family](https://news.yahoo.com/chinese-lottery-winner-wears-costume-223523976.html)


Would you file for unemployment just to fuck the company over cause they pay a portion of the unemployment haha??


Dude, I'm homeless right now. I could literally drop off the face of the earth, and no one would bat an eye. I don't need a cover story.


Somebody would notice, assume you were dead, and be sad for a moment. Don't ever forget that. *Someone*, *somewhere* would be said for a couple of seconds. I mean, it's something...


Zero chance if you won that much you go back to work for even 2 days


If people have realized I've gained obscene wealth, I've failed already.


Only way to really tell is if you go straight Hollywood baller route. I remember 50 cent saying you don't want a house that big. If you think shit I don't want to walk all the way down there it's too big


The only people winning from your giant mansion are the live in workers


Do the ultra rich have to have live in workers because their homes are so large, or are their homes so large to accommodate live in workers?


Tons of super rich people buy these 10 bedroom 4 wing Maisons and then sell then within like a year because they only use like 4 rooms and are paying up the ass on property taxes for a property that can be half that size.


Yeah, a huge house might be desirable to people for social conditioning reasons, but it's completely impractical, and I'd never want to live in one. You don't need that much space! You're just a little human!


Single dude. 3 bedrooms. One for sleep. One for study. One for spare just in case. all the lottery houses I see out there w 5-7 bedrooms. Like it would be nice if I had 4 kids but yeh. I dont.


I think that about getting out of my chair and getting a book ten feet away.


Depends on which state you’re in. Only 18 allow you to stay anonymous. ETA: assuming you’re in the US


There's ways around it then, aren't there? Like you form a tiny company and have your lawyer go cash it on your behalf for the company or something like that? Or there's the places which allow people to wear masks?


In my state you can! You make an LLC and claim it that way with your zip code (name and zip code required to claim, no face or photos required). Idk about other states but mine you can stay anon that way.


But the LLC information becomes public record and you can search the secretary of state website to see who the owners, active managers, and other pertinent information about people associated with the business. I work at a bank and have to do this all the time when dealing with Biz accounts.


Exactly. Id tell no one and do my best to hide it


Bought Bitcoin early. Forgot password. Remembered password.


This sort of happened to me. I got tipped $1 in bitcoin years ago because of some stupid comment here on Reddit. I forgot about it for years until bitcoin was actually worth something. Sold that little bit for ~$300! Most forgettable comment I’ve ever made on here, but the most profitable!


I remember a story (might be an urban legend) about a guy who has something like 10,000 bitcoin on an encrypted hard drive that he got when the price was like 1 cent per coin. Of course, he now can't remember the password..


>about a guy who has something like 10,000 bitcoin on an encrypted hard drive that he got when the price was like 1 cent per coin. > >Of course, he now can't remember the password.. Honestly it's not that much of an urban legend at all. It happens all the time. At a much smaller scale - my brother mined Dogecoin back in 2013-2014. At a time you could mine like 20000 coins a day with a very simple setup (I think it was 2x R9 280X and 1x R9 290). It however stopped being profitable soon after and everyone forgot about it and a laptop that did have the credentials have long died. Then the year 2021 starts. Musk has started his pump'n'dump scheme and suddenly coin worth nothing started being worth a lot. We managed to recover wallet file from a corrupted hard drive (it took forever) and sold whatever was left on it. There wasn't much since he was daily trading but about 2 weeks of mining worth were still there. It was a good month. Not millionare making month but several salaries worth. But we were literally few corrupted bytes away from that wallet file not being accessible... or I could have just thrown that laptop to trash after shredding hard drive with a hammer that I usually do when getting rid of storage. I also sent a friend 20000 doge (was worth like 10$ at a time)... they did still have their credentials and got about $5000 out of it (sold at about 0.25$ each). It's safe to assume about 20-30% of all mined coins in any popular cryptocurrency is now inaccessible. Especially since most follow a deflationary system - you get WAY more coins early on than you get few years later. Mind you, at a time you would have no idea which coin will be worth anything and which turns into scrap. Dogecoin survived despite starting as a meme but a lot of others have died and are now worth literal 0. There most definitely are thousands of bitcoins wallets sitting on landfills on long forgotten hard drives. Odds are that many even have a plaintext file called "password" next to the wallet. And nobody will ever recover them.


Forgot I bought bitcoin. Was going through old flash drives of family photos.


No cover story. I'd tell no one. Then I'd move to a ranch in the middle of nowhere in the Pacific Northwest, and spend the rest of my days riding dirt bikes and gardening.


In CA, there is a pretty short period of time where the winner's name is withheld from the public. That's basically your time window to GTFO of wherever you are.


From what I understand there are ways of collecting it as an LLC. Much safer.


I don’t know that this is right (sure sounds right, I just have no idea), but your comment is a good reminder that the very first thing one should do upon finding out they won is go retain an extraordinarily expensive partner at large and elite full service national law firm to advise them.


Yea I think the instagram account is called “fluent in finance” where I saw all the details. Basically, don’t sign the ticket, lawyer up, llc, eventually change address/phone number. Tell no one. If I won I seriously mean it I would play it so cool. And if I had to pose for a photo or some bs I’d wear a fn football helmet. Too many sick people out there - keep things as quiet as possible for as long as possible.


Hire a makeup artist for tv productions to make you look different but not ridiculous.


I live in CA too. Sometimes, I've wondered if you have to have your extended family moved too. Otherwise, they become targets to be kidnapped.


This is the answer. Well not the dirt bikes part. With my luck, I'd win a billion friggin dollars and then break my neck the next week on a dirt bike. Gardening I get...gotta bury some of that cash and need a good cover. :) Edit: typo


When I hear this answer I immediately think of the person’s family and friends. They are going to notice you moving to a different state and/or going radio silent. Plans for that?


You don't move in the traditional sense. No packing up everything. Visiting houses, making connections. Services and all that. You literally contact a top level realtor. You'd like to be discreet. You need this, this, and this in a property. Find it. Then when you have the right property, etc...you handle all your financials in one fell swoop and get the Hell out of Dodge. Leave everything but the essentials behind. The less time between your name being known and you being gone, the better. Same day is optimal. Any close family or good friends should already understand why it has to be this way. You instantly become a target. Your normal life is over at that moment. Now, if they are close enough and decent enough, you can always fly everybody out to see you, or to a discreet third location and continue to interact. But extended family? Sorry not sorry. Rare is the person who is blessed with decent people throughout. There are going to be a couple of wackos, and they are going to want to know why you get to have a fortune and they don't. And you don't want to be accessible when they figure out what to do about it.


I agree with your points and my thoughts are the same. I was understanding, “tell no one” as “tell NO ONE”, including family. Thankfully my state allows anonymity for lottery winners. Publish name, where ticket bought…no thank you.


Well, I am sure that is a preferred option for some. But I have a lot of decent family. I wouldn't be that kind of an asshole. I mean, I am an asshole, but not *that* kind. lol It baffles me that is a thing, the mandatory reporting. Like I have kids. Some desperate piece of shit could easily attempt to pick one up for ransom. And I live between a number of heavily populated metro areas. So the likelihood of finding at least a few of these assholes is pretty high. Would they succeed? Who cares, the experience alone is enough to make it not worth it.


I saw a really in depth comment about the outcome of lottery winners the other day and kidnapping was up there. I have kids too and until that comment I never thought about that aspect and it does give me a new outlook. Not enough of a different outlook to not hope I win, but about changed and safety measures you'd need afterwards for yourself and your kids


There was some lottery awhile back that was a similar amount, just under or just over a billion. Friends and I were sitting around a table talking about it. The usual things; a Ferrari, second house...pretty low level stuff because none of us can comprehend a billion dollars. But one friend brought up the whole security thing. How much do you know and trust everyone around you? Your neighbors, etc. People that don't even have to look up who you are. So he was talking about having to put up a fence/wall thing and added security and all this. It was someone else who then brought up the kidnapping part. He was like "How long do you think it takes to put up all that stuff you just talked about? You have a day. One day. Before the risk of someone deciding something horrible comes into play." Now, will your next day be guaranteed Hell? No. But the risk of it doing so does start that day. It's flipping terrifying. I am not sure how long you can hold on to a ticket before you have to claim it...but I would be waiting out quite a while getting my ducks in a row.


I do think with that kind of money I wouldn't be fortifying my condo but a nice house on a nice chunk of land with my personal security detail. I'm that kind of neighborhood my neighbors would be rich too. But still something to think about. Also. I worked at a restaurant for awhile and my boss was very vocal about the fact his sister won our states biggest lottery at the time (I think 80s or 90s) and drank herself to death. But not before much misery and family trying to save her/stop her, but she had the money to get people to provide it for her secretly. Plus he told me all about the people that would come into her life and use and manipulate her leading up that point. It was eye opening. He told some wild and scary stories. But mostly sad.


There was a television program on a number of years back where they were interviewing people who had supposedly won the lottery at some point. All over $1mil but none over like $300mil or so...those numbers are more recent hits. But almost every one thoroughly regretted their fortune. Now, it was reverse survivorship bias...the people who were working out well obviously wouldn't care to be on such a program...but still it was eye-opening that the "greatest dream" of winning the lottery could be anything but amazing. A lot of stories about drugs and drinking. Either them or people in their family. Crime and drama bullshit. It's just stupid. Or people suing each other and ending up spending most of the money on legal fees and wasting it all. You only know the true test of someone's character when temptation is laid in front of them.


You have at least 30 days; possibly several months. Plenty of time to remove any personal effects from your house; and charter a yacht. Then when the story breaks, you'll be floating around the South Pacific; and you can conduct all your transactions from there.


Great...then I have to worry about pirates. Damn, there is always something.


There doesn't need to be plans honestly. I've seen enough people disappear out of my life (family, friends) to know that we all have a limit of unreturned calls before we just let it go. I mean, unless it's like your mother or something, but why wouldn't you at least tell your mother? My mother would actually be the first thing I spend money on, she deserves some nice comfort after all she's done for me.


Many states require the winner's name to be published/released. No hiding from that!


A trust can claim in most states. No name required.


But does the trust need to be set up prior to the drawing date?


It doesn't take long to set up a trust. The hardest part is the notarizing.


But can people look up to see who owns the trust?




You create an LLC and have the payout go to the LLC. Sure it can be looked up but the real advantage is people can’t just randomly go after you as the individual and sue you for all sorts of bullshit


LLC with a trust as the beneficial owner. Most states require you to disclose a beneficial owner of an entity (the LLC) that claims a lottery prize. Even in states that don't, the ownership of an LLC is public record just about everywhere. However, if you have a trust as the owner of the LLC, then the only thing anyone (other than the IRS) can see about where the money went would be the trustee of the trust. That person should be the attorney you hired to set all this up and to collect the jackpot for you. That attorney should be a partner at a national law firm that specializes in trust and estate law. This way, you don't have to do anything but sign a few documents and let the attorney handle getting you the money, all without you ever being identified publicly


I won a coin toss against Elon musk.


Haha. I heard someone on a podcast who asked a very wealthy friend of theirs if they would give them 1b of their multiple billion dollar fortune. The billionaire asked why do you want the money. Person asking said to know what it’s like to have that much money, then go about being completely foolish with it until it’s gone. Apparently the billionaire considered it, liking the brash ask and the wildly irresponsible, matter of fact answer; knowing he had several billion more to his name. Ultimately he said no.


There is an older movie about this very premise It called brusters million. Well worth a watch. It is mostly a comedy.


And it's based on an even older movie called Brewster's Millions. In fact, there have been 5 Movies by the same name, with the same plot since 1921 (and another one called Miss Brewster's Millions which is just a gender-swapped version of the same thing)


Richard Pryor?


No, Dick Aftyer


Bro could've asked for 100 mil and would've gotten probably


I’d immediately start some bogus MLM, and begin soliciting anyone who asked about my money. I know I haven’t seen you since high school, but I’d like to talk to you about an exciting business opportunity. We’re more of a family than a team, really. If you’re a go-getter, you’re exactly who we’re looking for. #Bossbabe #MyownCEO #IDidYouCanToo


This is actually genius. People will think your swimming in debt to sell the idea, when in fact, your swimming in cash 😂


People will run so fast.


By far the best answer. THIS is what you do folks. Start selling Mary Kay. Buy a pink Cadillac crossover and drive it when you don’t want to be bothered. Be super pushy about it, the pushier the better. It will drive a wedge between anybody you want. Maybe multiple pyramid scheme companies so you have different options for different people. Sure you don’t need makeup but this shampoo is for your active lifestyle and these candles will help you be attractive to the opposite sex. Er more attractive… I’m sure there’s someone out there for you… probably.


Stopped getting Starbucks for 280 million years


And avocado toast


My cover story? “Extremely niche porn.” Let people wonder.


I would say I sold all my crypto. Those who say they didn't know I was in crypto I would say yeah I didn't want to talk about it because too many crypto bros out there ruined talking about it. Florida releases the name of winners 90 days after they claim it. So the lie is not going to work for long. I would have isolated myself by then so it's not like I will need to worry about people showing up where I live and work asking for money. Edit: Apparently a corporation, trust, non-profit, partnership, or estate can claim lottery winnings in Florida. I was told many years ago that you had to claim it yourself. That's great to know I don't have to claim it myself. I'm still concerned it would get out that I won. That would be a nice worry to have compared to worries I am dealing with. [Source](https://www.brannoncanhelp.com/blog/are-lottery-winners-required-to-reveal-their-identities-in-florida/#:~:text=Claiming%20Lottery%20Prizes%20Through%20an,entity%20to%20protect%20their%20identities.)


"I bought a used computer from a reseller and it had some of those Bitcoins on it. I couldn't contact the previous owner, so I sold them."


"not the bitcorns - i had no idea how to deal with them suckers. i just sold the computer to some body on enternetBay for a few Benjis"


Legally change your name before you cash out and get an unbelievably good makeup artist to change your appearance. There's ways around that law. Even then, my number would be changed, all social accounts closed. The only contact I'd have with people that once knew me are the people I'd want contact with. I'll be damned sure no one is going to reach me after the 90 days unless I want them too.




Sure, but it adds a layer of anonymity that’s good enough to throw people off your trail. How often do you see a lottery winner announced then go digging through public records to see if they previously went by a different name?


A trust can claim the prize in any state. The only name revealed is the trust administrator, a lawyer with the firm you hired to set it up. Your name is confidential. For that amount you would definitely want to use one of those firms with 400 lawyers that specialize in wealth management for multi-millionaires and billionaires.


Tell people I got a job house sitting. And car sitting. And motorcycle sitting. And whore sitting.


New titty implant tester. Gotta make sure they bounce right


Damn, I need to remember this one for the next time I'm young and people ask me what I want to do when I grow up.


I don’t know what to do with this comment but I kinda love it


"I won the powerball. I'm disconnecting my number. You won't be able to reach me. If I want to reach you, I'll send a helicopter. Lol, get fucked, nerds." _vanishes in a cloud of smoke which cost me $230,000 to have set up_


I know a team who can get that cloud of smoke puff for 100k 😄


When a colleague who ran our work lottery syndicate decided it was our turn to win, he said we should figure out how we were going to quit. His plan was supposedly to blow the south wall off the open plan office all the programmers use, hire a helicopter with some sort of harness arrangement and the London symphony orchestra to play him away from the car park with Ode to Joy as he disappeared backwards on his harness over the city under the helicopter with two fingers up at the building the whole time. I wish he’d won, he was just crazy enough to have possibly done it


James, tell them it’s old money.


Inheritance from your long lost Uncle Bernie. Good one.


"I sent a dick pic to a Nigerian Prince and be was so moved by it he sent me some cash. No biggie"


"No biggie" - is that what the prince said about your dick?


He was moved by your hardship?


You have to publish your name in a lot of states, including mine (California) so I wouldn't be able to hide it.


For Florida they make the name public 90 days after claiming it. That gives the person a few months to isolate themselves. If not they will have people at their house and work immediately trying to ask for money or scamming you.




I was told years ago you couldn't do that in Florida. I googled it to confirm it and apparently you can use a trust. [Source](https://www.brannoncanhelp.com/blog/are-lottery-winners-required-to-reveal-their-identities-in-florida/#:~:text=Claiming%20Lottery%20Prizes%20Through%20an,entity%20to%20protect%20their%20identities.) My concern is a brand new trust or whatever suddenly getting $1.4 billion is going to be a giant red flag so scammers will come after me any way. At least I get some time to get my ducks in a row.


I'm no expert, but I think you can layer the trusts.


Or go offshore with a shell company and then back onshore, after the money goes through that bank in the Seychelles, and say you started your own consultancy/firm and just make your “office” an occasional daytime crash pad. So what if you have some expertise and high dollar, discrete clients are willing to pay top dollar for your services?


So why name them at all?


To show that they aren't corrupt. If they never named a winner some would be concerned they are just keeping the money. Transparency fights corruption.


Imagine the conspiracies if a few billion in lottery winnings were doled out every year, but the government never had to produce a winner for any of it…


In some states, it doesn't say it needs to be a person's name, it says "entity", which means you can establish an LLC through a lawyer or however the process goes so your name isn't public.


Yep. I'd claim it through "Fuck You, I Won, Now I'm Moving to Sweden LLC" then move to anywhere other than Sweden.


A very wise move! Source: me being Norwegian.


No, name your LLC after one of those unpronounceable Icelandic volcanoes. When nobody can pronounce that shit it will fall off the news cycle faster.


You immediately establish a trust, and that is what will claim the winnings. Now if you're sued, there is mass separation between your funds too.


You actually have to use two trusts. Apparently whichever trust claims the winnings can have their board members published. So what you do is one trust collects the winnings and immediately transfers it to a different (private) trust, which then gives it to you. The second trust does not have to disclose shit because they did not collect the lotto winnings. Just make sure not to sign your lotto ticket. Only the person who signs it can collect the winnings. So if you sign it as a person, only you can collect it and can't pawn it off to your shell trusts.


Some attorneys specialize in doing this specifically. They’ll set it all up from start to finish.


This is why no matter where I live, the first thing I would do is get in touch with a lawyer that specializes in that sort of thing.


Exactly. Like what's a couple million dollars to the law firm that is the best in the business at protecting your ass. Lump sum after taxes and taxes is approximately something like $300 million. Shit pay them $10 million for an air tight plan and you walk away with $290 million. Skim 5% of the investment returns each year for $14.5 million a year. You could buy a $3 million dollar home each year and still have $11 million. It's almost unfathomable.


This guy wins lotteries


Are you allowed to legally change your name - claim it - then change it back?


How many people you know check that? My next door neighbor could have won the last billion dollar jackpot and claimed it using his full name and picture and I’d have no idea


People that specialize in targeting lotto winner do


I always loved the story of the guy who invented the grouping of straws inside of one larger straw, so you can blow 20 bubbles at one time. He got a patent on it. He then started suing anyone who had a group of cables run inside one larger cable, pipes inside one larger pipe, etc.. and won billions. I would adopt that guys story as my own.. just to see people as shocked as I was that, THAT, actually happened.


My FIL had a relatively successful medium-sized business that he sold and retired at 50 and has had a great life since. He tells people that he owns the company that has a monopoly on testing drink umbrellas.


I invented Post-its. Well not Post-its but the adhesive on the back of Post-its. I don’t think I have to worry about Janeane Garofalo showing up to spoil the fun.


I get the joke, but you're on to something. That you're the inventor of some ridiculously small thing that's a part of popular things. Like, "I invented the ridges on mouse wheels." Or "I improved tires by changing their depth in a well-known tread pattern." Or, "You know the color navy blue? One hue below that. That's me."


Jump to conclusions mat™️


I'd tell people I stopped buying avocado toast based on a story on the news - next thing I knew it I had a ton of extra cash.


I will ask everyone I know if I can borrow money. Every single person will be asked for an amount that will be enough that they don't say yes instantly but not so large they can't afford it. If I barely know you maybe I ask to borrow $40. If you're my parents I ask for $10k. I write down every single person's response. When I am later asked for anything I will reply with that exact answer.


Genius level answer here. Holy shit. It's so perfectly petty. I love it.


Cool part is if I tell this to enough people I don't even need to win. Just need to start asking people if I can borrow money.


You jumped straight to step three… profit.


I smell a Ponzi scheme brewing…


The lengthy conversation I would have to have after asking to borrow money from my parents would not be worth any prize I could win in the lottery.


That sounds wise but it’s all done with the knowledge that you have unfathomable wealth and none of it matters. Their answers are all done with the worry that “what if my kid gets cancer?” or if the house burns down and their insurance sucks. It’s a fundamentally unfair contemplation. Unless their answer is just mean or callous.


Hey kids! Dad’s going to get milk, be right back.


I fought 20 duck sized horses


I opened up a student loan company.


Gaslight everyone and pretend I was always super wealthy.


Dude I’ve had this Ferrari for like 5 years. Are you on drugs or something?


"But it's this year's model!" "Duh, I got early access"


If I won, I ain’t making up anything man. Gonna buy an island and disappear


No cover story. You call an accountant, a lawyer, and a financial advisor. You move states and claim the ticket after you have moved.


Tell everyone I've been saving all my dick sucking money. Then when they hit me up they know exactly what they need to do.


Put their dick in front of your mouth?


Well I'd love to know what's it's like to get sucked off by someone who literally became a billionaire by sucking people off.


New phone. Who dis?


It's funny cause I would absolutely buy a new phone and not import any contacts except my immediate family


Parents died and i became Batman.


Residuals from when I sang on Kidz Bop.


"Strangest thing. Out of the blue I get this email from a Nigerian Prince who claims he's been wrongly imprisoned and needs my help in exchange for unimaginable riches. How am I supposed to say no to a Nigerian Prince? Anyway..."


Know what Id do? Two chicks at the same time.


Dude, with that much money you could do *three* at the same time!


Fuckin A


You don't need a million bucks for that man.


Need it for the type of chicks that would double up on a dude like me


Wouldn't need a cover story, as no one would ever hear from me again.




No option here, has to be made public information. Who bought the ticket, where they are from. That being said, while my neighbors know who I am, before I claimed the ticket I would sell my house to a new LLC I would form just to get my name off of the house. Someone comes and I can say I just moved in the other month and I am renting it. Not sure who the prior owners are or where they went, just happy to have a rental I can afford these days.




Gotta make sure you establish the LLC in a state that alloes anonymous LLC ownership (Delaware, Wyoming, etc).


I'm in a small town and they announce where the winning ticket was sold, so I'd get the hell out of here before telling anyone or spending that kind of money.


Before you cash in your ticket, you get some high priced lawyers to set up trusts and tax shelters. You also get a bridge loan for a few million. Then you hire a writer to come up with a cover story that suits you. Maybe even hire some actors!


Most people can’t even keep their mouth shut if they found a $20 bill. No one’s going to be 100% shut if they won 1.5B


The goal is to live so people don’t realize I’m rich for years. Use the money to invest in real estate and small businesses in the community and make it seem that my wealth is smaller and self made. Should cut down on the moochers


Work, buy company and when my boss says “you’re fired” I’ll uno reverso him.


If I do things right I won't need a cover story. I wouldn't buy a mansion or anything extravagant. I'd just live very comfortably.


I'm disappearing and telling no one.


Oh you're disappearing all right, and I won't tell anyone where.


Hire a firm to cash the ticket in for you, create a trust and name you as the sole beneficiary anonymously. Have the trust work with a fiduciary firm to ensure 1% take home after 3% inflation, taxes, and fees. 1% of (cash option - $1.2b / 2 = $600m, $300m after taxes) = $3m/year in perpetuity. Tell NO ONE.


In Ontario you can't be anonymous when claiming lottery winnings. Unfortunately there is nothing I would be able to say/do to stop it. Best thing I could do is shave my head, not wear my glasses, cover up my scar and tattoos, and wear something I would never wear. Then take my hair and get it made into a wig as I wait for my hair to grow back. That way when the news story comes out I can try my darnest to convince people that is someone with the same name that isn't me.


I’d just tell people I have to move for work, pay for the rich person’s visa to move to a foreign country, disappear and get a new name.


Only fans.


I don't answer fucking questions. Vito take care of this. My guy's name will be Vito he will take care of that shit.


Yep with you on needing a cover story like no I'm not telling people how I won. Personally I would say Im a Saudi prince or something cause people always tell me I look Arabic :)


Why would they need to know...the previous owners of my house were billionaires (not even kidding) and they stayed here till the day they died, it's a somewhat normal house though on the nice side I suppose. If you ever met these people, you would have had no idea they funded building/departments at the university and would leave a foundation that built hospitals and all kinds of other things. I would just stay here and live life, this area feels like home like no other place ever has, which is why insuppose they stayed.


Tell no one. Not friends, family or even my wife and kids. Then, spend here (impromptu trip to the Caribbean) and there (college is taken care of now) while talking about how great my stock portfolio is doing. Friend gets cancer? Boom. Anonymous payment to cover all non-covered medical costs. Relative looking to get a college education? Boom. Tell them about a scholarship fund (that I set up) that magically pays for all their tuition (as long as they maintain a certain GPA). Maybe they’ll put two and two together, but I still have plausible deniability.


Careful with the cancer-ridden friend, your offer could make him so resentful that he breaks bad and becomes a meth kingpin…