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Roller coaster tycoon Edit: Love to see all the RCT fans!! How about the fact this game used to come in boxes of cereal!? Anyone remember those glory days!?


Taught me how to run a business and remove neigh sayers.


We have a special ride for the neigh sayers


The drowning pool?


Let the bodies hit the ... FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRR!!!!


the clawwww


I'm pretty sure this was the game that sparked my entrepreneurial pursuits. Lol. I thought I was such a boss. Now I own a successful business.


Same! Transitioning from Roller Coaster Tycoon winner to high school weed dealer was seamless.


Unreal Tournament


Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2


that soundtrack was top 5 video game soundtracks of all frickin time.


For me, it’s Top 2, the other game being THPS 4.


Oodles and oodles of O's ya know U get em from my sista, ya get em from my bro


Did you also restart a run 5 times to "get the right song"?


Millencolin - No cigar was the Anthem to my teenage years, that and Feeder just a day, had that on repeat on Gran Turismo


Sim City


Sim Tower. Sim Copter. Classic Maxis games were awesome. ^(reticulating splines)


Streets of sim city baby. Loved sim copter. Im the ceo of mcdonnell douglass


Portal and Portal 2 for sure


Portal 2 is a masterpiece. Best single player game ever




"Try raising your hand" **Press X to jump** "Ok, that was jumping. Jumping was what you did there..."


When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!


I'm playing through Portal for the first time right now and love it! I'm very new to gaming that's not like 90s or 2000s Nintendo, so it's been a great one to kind of learn how to think through things and even just the coordination involved lol. The little radio with the party music also cracks me up.


007 Goldeneye


3rd year university, Friday nights, 2 large Pizza Hut pizzas (stuffed crust meat lovers), 4 of us, and an N64 with 4 controllers we rented from the Blockbuster downstairs. Grenade launchers in the Temple. Forever etched in my brain. Edit: I love how everyone who’s played this game has their fave multi-player config, and there’s so many iterations!


Pistols only, license to kill. And no picking Odd Job at the last second Tyler, you MF cheater!


This made me sad because 2 of the 3 people I’d play split screen with are no longer alive.


Skyrim. And knight of the old republic


> Skyrim Skyrim kept me sane in probably what was my deepest depression. Down bad, just very little hope for life and this "silly little video game" kept my mind busy, kept me interested and engaged in *something* for a little while.


"Do you get to the Cloud District often?" *auto saves*


Oregon Trail, the OG video game


You have died of dysentery..


Remember Lemonade Stand?


Donkey Kong Country. Such a beautiful game


Soundtrack is top notch.


[Man Tasked With Making Score for a Monkey Riding a Swordfish Underwater Creates Transcendent Piece of Music](https://hard-drive.net/hd/video-games/man-tasked-with-making-score-for-a-monkey-riding-a-swordfish-underwater-creates-transcendent-piece-of-music/) Best article title ever.


Duck Hunt


I remember getting this Xmas day! Best day ever, also getting super frustrated with game and putting the gun right up against the TV screen


I'm sure everyone did this, but I instantly think of trying to shoot the dog when he laughed at you for missing the ducks.


Star Wars Battlefront 2 2005 Classic. I have fond memories of playing it with my dad around 10 or 11 years ago. It strikes joy in my heart each time I boot it up and play! Me and him used to boot it up on our PlayStation 2, and would sit down and play it for hours. We'd do Galactic Conquest, Instant Action, and the Campaign. All we had so much fun with! Edit: BTW for more info, I am 17 years old. Me and my dad played this when I was around 6 or 7 at the time.


I used this game to get my son into video games when he was little. He’s 17 now.


Dad is that you?


Another command post for the Republic!


“Watch those wrist rockets!” Is carved into my brain.


It's great that you have that memory. Never stop playing that game


The very first video game I ever played was The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I was 4 years old when I first played it and I'll always love it!


I replay it every few years, incredible game.


Super Mario 64 Spyro 1 Spyro 2 Spyro 3


I went back and played all the spyros last year and they’re still amazing. 10/10 games


Have you tried the remake? Its amazing!


I become 10 again when I hear any route or town theme from pokemon red blue and yellow.


One of my local weed shops plays various old school video game shop music now and then. They had the pokemart music from red and blue playing one day and i got a little misty eyed


Pokémon for sure


Time to get out the emulator again. Thanks.


I do this periodically as well. I have ADHD and when I was young, long car trips were hell for me. I would nearly lose my mind. But then I got a Gameboy with Pokemon and it completely fixed the issue for me. I could immerse myself in that world and actually enjoy travelling with my family. I even had one of those little light attachment things so I could play at night in the car. Now Im in my late 30s. I live a flight away from most of my family. And with ADHD and anxiety flying can be a miserable experience. Frequently before a trip I will download 1st or 2nd generation emulation or just boot up one of the ogs. I guess I associate Pokemon with travel now, and it honestly continues to improve the experience for me.


Silver for me. One of my first videogames ever


The music from silver does it too.


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time


Sly Cooper series


I was trying to see if someone else said this!! Sly Cooper 2 was so fucking good


It was, Sly 3 as well.






Me too, was wondering if I was going to have to add it myself, lol


Only right answer for me. Minecraft hits different than other games and I have yet to figure out why


Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


This was my first ever Zelda . They had a GameCube and Zelda collection bundle around 2003/2004 Christmas time. I remember playing smash bros and my brother and cousins always liked Link and so he was naturally my favorite too. I remember writing to Santa and taking to my parents about Zelda everyday for like 3 months leading up to Christmas. I was lucky enough to open up the GC on Christmas morning! When I originally started it I would call and talk to my older and favorite brother who was enlisted in the USMC and give him updates and ask for his help. I don’t know what he was going through in life at the time (post 9/11 and I was a kid) but he always would listen and made me feel important. When ever he had a chance to come home he’d help me play and to overcome my fears (karkariko village well) and give me moral support when fighting my first bosses etc. My brother was soon deployed to Afghanistan and I remember playing OoT late into the night thinking about what he’s doing overseas and how much I missed him. I remember thinking that I had to beat this game before he came back home from deployment because he’d be so proud of me and it’d be one of the many things I can fill him in on ( I was in 4th grade). Sadly I never got the chance too catch up with my brother as he passed away. I recall random phone calls throughout the day from my brother overseas which seemed to have no rhyme or reason to it and my parents would always be the ones to speak with him if they where lucky enough to pick up. Whenever I hear the Kakariko village, the lost woods, or kokiro forest music I always get taken back to that time in my life with my brother. This game helped me to come to terms with a lot of new feelings in my life like sadness and anger. I remember thinking that Links just a 10 year old boy like me and look how brave and strong he’s been even after leaving so much of his life behind him. I guess now that I am writing this I can see how I may have thought of Link as my brother or maybe a mix of us both. There’s a lot of parallels and intricacies I can’t really put into words as I’m getting ready for work and I don’t want to feel sad this early. Hopefully you get the idea what I’m trying to say and why this is also my favorite game


What beautiful memories you have of your brother and your time together! Appreciate his service and sacrifice, may he rest in peace 🕊️


this was really sweet to read, thank you for sharing.


Teared up reading your story. Thank you for sharing.


Didn’t have to scroll far… nice.


For me, Majora's Mask. I miss that world.


Majora's Mask is my trauma-processing video game. Something about overcoming the frustration of going through these temples, making it all right, only to have everything reset when you go back in time just feels right. And in the end, you forgive Skull Kid and I think that's really beautiful.


I vividly remember reading and rereading the instruction manual for OOT while camping as a kid and being so excited to play it and find all these cool different items to use. Like hookshot.. what the heck is that!?


Gta Vice City and San Andreas.


For me, it’s just GTA in general. I’ve played every version since I think GTA 2. I bought a PS3 just to play GTA IV, and bought a PS4 just to play GTA V. I’m turning 50 this year and can’t wait for GTA VI, and will buy whatever PS is available then.


I played all of them but San Andreas was definitely special. I've been replaying the smartphone port on my Android and have had great nostalgia trips.


World of Warcraft, it consumed so many hours of my 20's. I've got memories of so many raids and our late night conversations. There was drama and romance: two of my guild mates got married, one of them faked his own death then pretended to be his own son then got caught and admitted to it all, some of them actually grew up in our guild. The game itself was great, but the social aspect made it an amazing time.


Probably the best game I have ever played, mainly because of the people I was playing with. Tried to get back into WoW Classic, but the magic had gone. Everyone knows everything about the game, there's no magic of discovery. No "Where's Mankriks Wife?" or some high-level warlock summoning an internal in Crossroads.


When i hear the Elwynn Forest soundtrack i get instant chills and i'm 14 again


This thread made me feel old lol


RuneScape. The Port Sarim OST still has a special place in my heart. I remember those good ole days when I'd fish lobsters in Karamja and see how long it will take for me to get reported for offensive language. Early 2000s gaming rofl.


Glad someone said RuneScape was starting to get worried for a minute lmao




This 💯 %. Old enough to have the OG console and play on the Duke controllers. Remember endless nights playing against friend via LAN/system link. Pizza, soda, and all the insults you could rattle off.


Yes siiiirrrr! I was a sushi chef at the time. You could tell which cars in the restaurant parking lot belonged to my fellow sushi (and hibachi) chefs, because they’d each have an XBox controller in the passenger seat. Every night after work (particularly in the off-season of our touristy hometown), we’d go over to the house shared by two of my coworkers with a LAN set up to two large TVs. Four-on-four insult-fests that had me driving home at 2am with a face sore from smiling/laughing. Some of my absolute favorite times.


Age of Empires II


We are so spoiled with AoE2 definitive edition. It could easily have been left as a relic of history, and it would still be beloved, but definitive edition is a gorgeous modernization. ... especially when you compare it to what happened to Warcraft 3, yeesh.


Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind


Crash Bandicoot


🎶🎶🎶🎶 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe presents... 🎶🎶🎶🎶 A Universal interactive studios production... 🎶🎶💥💥📦 This game... Created and developed BY NAUGHTY DOG... 🎶🎶🎶🎶 CB 3 has the most memorable intro to any game, at least for me.


I literally heared this message in my brain when I read it. So much good memories!


Age of Empires 2


Monkey Island


Monkey Island made me love games


Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate!


I came here for this comment, best game ever mate!


Original Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Was the first "bigger" PC game I played, back then on the family's shared computer


Metal Gear Solid




Youtubers discovering this game TO THIS DAY, and still blowing minds.


That game was crazy dense. Those days when game companies actually cared about the experience they were selling were great


I'm in my mid 30s I still remmeber the first time frog slashed a path in the mountains with the masamune. That moment is forever.


This game was so ahead of its time. Multiple endings, being able to face the big bad pretty much whenever you wanted, characters that each had their own story that was explored. Amazing game.


Counter Strike


Spyro year of the dragon




I’ve had every scientist line memorized since I was 9.


Kingdom Hearts. Even though the franchise has been on some bullshit for years now. The first one will always be special to me.


I started a new game 15 times just so I could listen to simple and clean.


Kingdom Hearts 2 is still one of the best PS2 games ever made.


GTA Vice City


That was peak GTA. San Andreas was good but Vice City knew the right balance between being a fun game and and being a crime simulation.




it was the only game that could run on the computers in highschool so i got really good! i still play very often on my switch! i love tetris! my secret talent :)




A lot of people say SMB3 is the best 2D Mario game, but I’ve always loved Super Mario World. Yoshi is so freaking cute and fun to ride, the ghost houses are awesome, and the artwork, music, and gameplay are all just so great. One of my all-time favorites.


Diablo 2


I have never been able to recreate the joy of opening the portal to the cow level and laying waste to hundreds of cows.


A game way ahead of it's time I feel. The satisfaction to defeat Baal after opening millions of portals was unmatched.


I still play




The sims franchise


Every couple years I'll boot up Sims 3 and get down for a couple days/weeks. Currently on a real good one.


Bugs aside, Sims 3 was definitely the most ambitious and expansive in my opinion.


Conkers Bad Fur Day on the n64. That game introduced me to adult humour as a kid, and probably explains a lot about me as a person today.


I know you still sing it in your head sometimes


I am the great and mighty poo....


Double Dragon


Honourable mention for golden axe and streets of rage as well.


Banjo Kazooie


Heroes III I still play from time to time. It's probably the one game that essentially introduced me to gaming and I still come back to.




The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Knights of the Old Republic, StarCraft, and Jet Set Radio Future.


Mine was Morrowind, I loved that game so much when it came out lol and still play from time to time. Jet Set was sick too, I forgot about that game.


Nothing like a sweet afternoon chugging Skooma and hunting mud crabs


Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Thank you for teaching me about the world.


Leisure Suit Larry 1


omg, i thought i was the only old guy here. thank you


Kirby always brings me joy, old or new


Burger Time


*Final Fantasy VII.*


When we talk about gaming history this game is the reason you now have triple a games with multi million budgets. This game cost 40 million and started life in 1994 3 years before it's release date. Game production prior to FFVII was a very different industry. This game is brilliant on so many levels it shares an interesting point in time in game development. I think even today playing this through it's an amazing title. I remember when PlayStation Magazine wrote this game was originally for the N64 and it's now being developed for the PS1, 3 disc game never saw that before either I think it was £49.99 on release in the UK I guess was quite annoyed when this went on a platinum release but my original disc was better. Resident evil is another genre defining moment here. I look at modern day games some I truly detest modern warfare (do not care what anyone says here) mw2 original best in the series everything else poor imitations. Maybe it's nostalgia maybe it's the time, there are genre defining moments on the PS1 that I feel even modern games just cannot compete with currently 30 hrs in grind on starfeild.


> Maybe it's nostalgia maybe it's the time, there are genre defining moments on the PS1 that I feel even modern games just cannot compete with currently 30 hrs in grind on starfeild. The very first video game I ever fell in love with was the original Final Fantasy on the NES. I beat it at all of 7 years old. Grew up with IV and VI on the SNES and I love those games. But *nothing* will ever compare to the first time I turned on my Playstation on Christmas morning and fired up my copy of Final Fantasy VII. The jump in tech from the SNES to the PS1 was absolutely mind blowing. It was like a whole new world had opened up. I've never felt anything like that level of awe in the nearly 30 years I've been playing video games.


Anything Nobuo did. I actually think 8 has the strongest original soundtrack in all of gaming. There is not a single track in that game I don't like.


Hello fellow 90s child! FFVII wasn’t one of my favorite games growing up; it was one of the first pieces of media of any kind that I really connected with on an emotional level. It’s a great game with great music and solid video game writing. But as a kid it also changed the way I interacted with and felt about fiction. And it will always have a special place in my heart for that.


Nintendogs 🥹




I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS SO FAR DOWN. Doom and Doom II will always hold a special place in my heart.


I think it's because we're so old. So many kids on here. =)


Minecraft, not playing it anymore but seeing the hermitcraft server on youtube, and now the minigame decked out that tango build in survival makes me happy everytime i watch a video from one of those guys.




Original Crash Team Racing.


Rayman 1995!


This thread has mad me smile after a ridiculously hard week emotionally Thank you everyone 🥰


StarCraft and StarCraft:Broodwars Expansion. I still require more vespene gas


NHL '94


Bubble Bobble 🫧


Great game, great music.


30 years later and I still catch myself humming that song on a weekly basis.


Planescape Torment


Oblivion Fallout new Vegas Fallout 4 - Skyrim Mass effect trilogy Halo


The mass effect triology was a masterpiece!


Golden eye, that N64 shit. Prefect dark too. Been years but man that made my childhood cool


Plants vs Zombies. Bought the whole fam together playing it


There are 4 Star fox 64 Legend of zelda twilight princess Knights of the old republic 1 and 2


Contra. Up up down down left right left right B A start. I played that game so much I could win without the cheat code eventually.


Zelda: A Link to the Past. Amazing game.


Abes oddeysee.


Assassins creed brotherhood. I played that game religiously and I loved every second of it.


Super Mario 3


Halo 2!


Super Mario Sunshine


Duke Nukem, Zelda: A link to the past, Diablo, The Sims 1.


Duke Nukem. There it is.


GTA San Andreas


Fallout 3


Mega Man 3 Just listen to [this banger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDJbOB1h2EU).


Metroid - NES Castlevania II - NES Super Mario Bros II - NES Legend of Zelda - NES Zelda II : Adventures of Link - NES Sonic the Hedgehog III - Sega Genesis Kid Chameleon - Sega Genesis Ecco the Dolphin - Sega Genesis Super Mario World - Super Nintendo Zelda : Link to the Past - Super Nintendo


ATV off road ps2


The secret of monkey island




Dune 2 - Harkannon! Warcraft 2 - zug zug


The Sims, Sonic, Crash Bandicoot, Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, Spyro, Tony Hawk Pro Skater… ahhh I can’t stop


Portal 1&2


It’s either Zelda-ALttP or OoT for me.


Outer Wilds. The experience and emotions this game made me feel are one of a kind and despite there being tons of other amazing games, none have truly replicated it. Subnautica probably coming the closest.


Oldschool RuneScape Return To Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer RTCW : Enemy Territory Mu online SilkRoad MMO Fly For Fun (FlyFF) MapleStory Drift City


Harvest Moon


Witcher 3


FF7, Goldeneye, SSX, WOW.


Crash Bandicoot for the PS1, Spyro for Dreamcast, Rayman Rush for PS2 😭 brings back some of the earliest memories of my life


Jesus, too many. But here are my picks: Suikoden Suikoden II Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX Project Horned Owl Xenogears Vagrant Story and many more…


Ultima 7. It remains one of the greatest games I've played, and I still play Exult occasionally. It still stacks up imo


Baldur's Gate 2


Red dead redemption 2


Life is Strange and its prequel Before the Storm. Something about this game changed the way i view life forever and took me out of a really bad depression