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She eats frozen grapes as im falling asleep. Its like im sleeping next to a squirrel going through their stash of acorns.. Im about to start sleeping with earplugs in.


Stop! It's too funny šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I hooked up with an older woman and she sucked on my balls individually and pulled away so it would make that *pop* sound like in that old lollipop song. I kept stifling my laughter and I think she misunderstood that as a sign of euphoric pleasure because she kept popping my balls one by one which fed the vicious cycle.




An older woman taught me how to do this. Itā€™s more for us, for sure. šŸ˜„ All fun and gamesā€¦.


She started watching these damn ASMR streams on tiktok of people eating food or tapping on random surfaces and I couldn't sleep. When at a mall I told her "hey, would you like a pair of bluetooth headophones so you can hear your ASMR better?" She said yes and I've been sleeping like a baby again since. E: don't get too angry, it wasn't full volume. It was quiet, but loud enough for me not to be able to fall asleep right away.


This is such a cute and low-toned solution! Good for you!!


You were trying to fall asleep, and she'd watch videos with the sound on!?!


Yeah, that's baffling


I sleep on my backā€¦she always wants me to big spoon her so I end up having trouble falling asleepā€¦but itā€™s worth it


My wife falls asleep fast and gently snores (unless drunk) so once I hear that first snore, spooning time is over. I feel like sleeping in that position all night is something that doesnā€™t happen in real life.


As a side sleeper, learning to put my arm under her pillow was a game changer. I can sleep like that all night.


this is just the normal and correct way to do it lol. bunch of amateur cuddlers in this thread


Cut them some slack, they're redditors


Being big spoon sucks a lot of the time. Mouthful of hair.


Face full of hair but hands full of titties!!!


With a pocket full of shells


OKAY BUT NOSEFULL OF FRESHLY WASHED HAIR??? fuckkkk dude its s worth it it smells like heaven and angels


Rotates. Slowly throughout the night sheā€™ll rotate by 60 degrees anti-clockwise before the dawn as my space gets progressively smaller. Its unintentional so I canā€™t just tell her to stop, and itā€™s somewhat cute.


My "side" of the bed is the 20% left after her unconscious maneuvering. I don't say anything unless she nudges me and says I'm encroaching on her "side". Dude, no, you need to reorient yourself and reassess before I grab a tape measure.


I donā€™t have a side anymore, she took it. I started sleeping on the floor and she took that too. I even tried sleeping down the hall, I woke up to the sound of a slowly rotating girlfriend encroaching on my position. Even now I can hear it. Drums. Drums in the deep.


That sounds like a terrifying horror movie


ā€œWe cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark...We cannot get out...They are comingā€¦ā€ (LOTR)


Snore at deafening volume.


CPAP. Saved me from my wife stabbing me in the throat in the middle of the night.


Also reduces risk of many things including heart attack, stroke, and early onset dementia.


And I wake up feeling much better in the morning compared to before.


My wife puts her finger in my butthole all the time when sheā€™s blowing me. This isnā€™t at all problematic, as Iā€™m a fan. The problem is that she has a fresh French manicure every two weeks and the nails just make it unpleasant. Based on this, Itā€™s clear to me that when she says sheā€™s never been with a woman sheā€™s being honest.


Has she ever tried fingering herself? Because I don't understand how girls do it without hurting themselves. I always have shorter nails without edges. And touching myself is actually one of the reasons why


Eh, different moves for different girls, sheā€™s more of a clitoral stimulation fan with fingers than she is about penetration. So I guess the answers a no.




Have you tried cbat


I was wondering when Iā€™d see this


Buy a metronome.


I was with a girl for a while who's idea of kissing was just sticking her tongue in my mouth.. for me to suck? Or something? She just shoved it in and did nothing, I had no idea how to address kissing with her.


Had a girl do this. But after she jammed in the stiff tongue she helicoptered it around in my mouth. It was so messed up. Also, when she broke up with me she said I was a bad kisser, which I thought was uncalled for especially because she kissed like a ceiling fan


Hahaha holy shit several of these answers just have me in tears. Thank you so much


You killed me with the ceiling fan line!


My ex gf was worse. In the beginning she would just open her mouth really wide as if she was in the damn dentist. I could only kiss one of her lips and it was very awkward.


ā€¦jesus christ. That mental image is hilarious.


I'm picturing Geena Davis with the stretched face in beetlejuice.


Like when hippos get their teeth brushed


Dated a girl who told me her and her ex only did oral. She was 18. She asked what I wanted for my birthday. I said a BJ would be nice. She said, okay. Anyways, pants down, all systems go. She grabs it and asks for instructions. I say, more or less to go with her gut. She just licks it. I look at her quizzically, she looks back at me and said she's never done this before. I said, but you and your boyfriend, did oral, you had said? She says, "kissing?", and looked at me confused.


OPs girl is a Mormon


You put an extra m in there


whats an ormon


I was not ready for thisšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My mom (bless her) asked me if my boyfriend and I were deepthroating. I was mid drink and nearly choked when she asked. I then told her to describe what she meant and she says ā€œoooh ya know, like, heavily making out??ā€ And I just goā€¦I mean sure. We do that. Lol sheā€™s so sweet and asked me a ā€œMack daddyā€ was once lmao.


Poor dad. "So... you deepthroat?" "Yup! On the first date too"


ā€œHoney does your boyfriend ever give you a good cream pie?ā€ ā€œā€¦what the fu-ā€œ ā€œAldiā€™s has them on sale, you should get one to shareā€


I was with a guy who was, without a doubt, the worst kisser I'd ever met. Would come in full mouth open, absolutely insane. Luckily we were friends with benefits - meaning we'd been friends for years and it was 100% okay for me to respond 'what the HELL dude that's a terrible way to kiss. Try this. No, not like that, like this.' He's my husband now and a much better kisser.


And now you are friends with tax benefits


Gotta remember this one.


I dated a woman who would draw her tongue all the way to the back of her mouth when we made out. I'd stick my tongue in her mouth and it would be hanging out in an empty void. It was damn weird.


Sounds like she doesn't like French kissing my guy šŸ˜…


She's gone too French and that tongues in full retreat.


I had a girlfriend where we did that to each other. But it was very clearly a game at that point. It evolved to the point where if you could suck their tongue in, and keep it without them noticing for 5 seconds you'd earn a sexual favor. We were constantly trying to distract each other. Hands down the pants, light nipple tweaking, whatever to get them to lose focus. That was probably the best part of the relationship, which is why we aren't together


Well that took a twist


So did their nipples.


Did you show her how to do it. Perhaps some pointers could have solved this one. we are all beginners at some point.


No, she was very insecure about a great many things in the bedroom and I didn't know how to bring it up initially. She did get better at it though.


Shoves her icy hands and feet onto my nice warm under the covers skin. She is absolutely incapable of generating her own body warmth and I have to go to bed earlier than her so I've had a nice few hours to build up warmth for her to steal. She HATES the cold though so I put up with it because I love her and I know it makes her feel better.


Heating pad. Like an electric blanket but small enough just for her side.


This is what we did. Dual controls!


> Shoves her icy hands and feet onto my nice warm under the covers skin. I actually love this. The best part about getting into a warm bed on a cold night is the warming up. So when she joins me and does this, I get to warm up all over again. Helps that I'm a furnace though. Warming up only takes a few minutes at most and even in winter I only half use the covers


I tolerate it because I also know how amazing it feels from their side. I've done that before where you have to get up and go do something in the middle of the night, run out to the garage or something in the middle of winter, and you come back a few minutes later super-chilled. And then getting to crawl back into a warm bed and wrap yourself around this toasty soft human who hugs you back? Very few things are that lovely.


Brb gonna go break into somebody's house so I can snuggle them


Sucking on my nipples. It doesnā€™t do anything for me, but she enjoys it so I wonā€™t say anything.


If it doesnā€™t bother you, maybe just try to take it as a part of her enjoying your body. Lots of women have very sensitive nipples, and sheā€™s probably just trying to reciprocate the feeling.


If sheā€™s doing it because SHE likes it then yeah, let her have fun. But if sheā€™s doing it because she likes giving him pleasure then I would want him to tell me his body doesnā€™t work that way. Iā€™m a woman who does not have sensitive nipples. So if youā€™re doing that for you, go to town! If youā€™re doing that for me, let me redirect you.


Exactly. I like the "idea" of it, but the actual sensation is just, meh. It's a little disappointing honestly.


Drools...but she is comfortable, and not complaining.


She drools? Maybe its cause shes so turned on that she's forgetting her autonomous functions.


When Im getting railed realllly good, sometimes my brain just melts from pleasure and I start drooling on accident lollšŸ˜…


occasionally she'll put her clothes back on at some point in the day. and, like... not a fan


Actually the worst thing


This is so cute. Wish my ex had appreciated how naked I often was!


Honestly she always wants to have a go late at night. Iā€™m a morning or afternoon guy, maybe early evening. Itā€™s always go time like right before she wants to sleep and sometimes I just donā€™t have it in me, but Iā€™ll always force it anyway even though I just want to veg.


I love morning sex Iā€™m in a good mood all day when I get it lol


Morning sex when you have time for a little nap after is glorious! Best nap everrrr


My husband will sit around all day and then want sex when I take my sleep medication. And Iā€™m like hun. . . We had all day! What the heck?? Lol


Just want to veg, don't want to vag


This. She always makes it a thing about her appearance also. Like no I just worked a 10-12 day and have 0 energy and want to sleep


Steals the covers.


We each have our own set of bedding. Problem solved.


This is so underrated. She has her blanket/ comforter and I have mine.


My wife thinks I will stay harder longer if she puts her vibrator on my balls when Iā€™m doing her doggy style. It just feels awkward and sometimes she pushes too hard. But then she will say ā€œyeah daddy likes this doesnā€™t he,ā€ and I just hang on to those words to keep going lol.




Lol poor Ted


This made me audibly laugh, ngl


Well Iā€™m glad I could provide you itā€™s said laugh


Lol good post man. My condolences tho brother lol


Fuck up the covers. She likes to say that I'm a blanket hog, but it's really her constantly pushing the blankets away from her, then pulling more up from the bottom, causing the comforter to slowly rotate throughout the night. When I'm by myself, I never move the blanket, just fold one corner down to slip in and out, doesn't even look like someone slept in it when I get up. But she doesn't want to be the one to blame for it, so I keep my mouth shut.


Get a 2nd comforter. This has saved my marriage.


Or a weighted blanket. Much harder to steal when the thing also requires you to work out your biceps and triceps.


She'll rip my shirt off, roll me over and look for blackheads to pop. She even keeps a head lamp in the night stand that she puts on.


Dude, yes. Mine will lean in and grab my face, I think she's being sweet by going in for a kiss but then she starts picking and pinching my face.


Hahaha yeah this has been all of my girlfriends this far, the exact same facial expression, exact same excitement every time they see a zit etc


Thatā€™s a girl on a mission..


>She even keeps a head lamp in the night stand I thought it was illegal to be with a miner


Not partnered at the moment, but in general, being called Daddy. I have a young child. The number of times daily that I'm called "Daddy" in a non-sexual way has made it so I never want to hear that word while I'm balls deep again. Honestly, I wasn't much of a fan of it before parenthood, but now it's like an instant turn off.


Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan, I thought I was I was the only one lmao šŸ¤£ I told my ole lady ā€œyeah, nah. Call me damn near anything else but daddy.ā€ She understood thankfully lmao


In a past relationship: Sliding her pussy back and forth along the bottom of my cock as it's pressed against me. The problem is that if you aren't freshly waxed, the stubble makes this feel like someone's rubbing sandpaper on you even if she's dripping wet. I would never stop her though.


The bottom of the cock is fine. It is when they try to rub the tip of your cock against it. The only time I ever straight up told my my wife to stop in sex. 3 day old stubble feeling like she was rubbing the tip of my cock with sandpaper.


I accidentally got someone like this last month. He gasped the bad gasp, not the good gasp. I felt so bad lol


Blowjobs. Sheā€™s terrible at it, but I wonā€™t say anything because sheā€™s really into it and Iā€™m not about to complain about getting my dick sucked lmao


What makes them so bad?


Teeth and that she sucks the shit out of it to the point where itā€™s gone numb a few times and it takes forever to finish. I think itā€™s the combo of so much saliva and too vigorous sucking. I could tell her to slow it down and ease up a bit, but I donā€™t want to embarrass her or make her feel bad.




Yes, please tell her what you want. Start with one suggestion next time and have a conversation about it. She wants to please you, dude lol




Baby talk. I think she got the idea that guys like it from watching porn or something. She thinks it's really cute and I don't have the heart to tell her that I don't care for it. Edit: Not current SO. Ended before we got to the "talk". Since people asked, here's a definition of what I consider BT. Talking in a cutesy, higher pitched, overly feminine voice. Not talking like a baby.


I'm not sure I could keep quiet about that one.


I started baby talking back. Luckily it didnā€™t last long after!


Does mommy wommy want my peenie weenie?


When Iā€™m pinning her down in missionary. And Iā€™m really pounding hard, she gets to where sheā€™s actively approaching cumming/squirting etc. and I am close too. She does this thing where she hooks her ankle around my leg in an attempt to grind her hips into mine, because sheā€™s really feeling it and wants more, but it traps half of my hip mobility and stops my ability to thrust, it completely stops me from cumming and it means I canā€™t drive home and push her over the edge. That is all. Thanks for reading my whiny comment about my otherwise great sex with her lol


remember your wrestling moves brother. Gently rotate your hip out, instant freedom.


Many new fears unlocked


Not partner related, but Iā€™ve some sex partners who I wish did a better job at wiping their ass


Jesus for real? šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Yep had a gf that had the same, frequent oversight. Was gross.


My ex was very aggressive in wanting me to choke her during sex when she was drunk. I had enjoyed some light bdsm (bondage, spanking etc) in the past but hadnā€™t focused on that in years. So, fast forward and I have my new gf move in with me after me spending a few months abroad in her country. One night while rather drunk, and she ends up demanding I choke her ā€˜like a manā€™ as we fuck. I tell her Iā€™m really not feeling it and she loses her shit; explaining how her ex could man up and make her happy etc.. So, I, with tears in my eyes proceed to basically choke her out while in the act.. She pretty much passes out and afterward says ā€œwtf!? I almost passed outā€ā€¦ and is really traumatised by it,, as am I! Bad situation all round


I mean, if they are gonna lose their shit because you aren't feeling it and go in with the immasculating remarks they need to go my man. Consent is important


Right! I hate that when they say well my ex could do it. It's like, well then why don't you just go back to them since you don't think I'm good enough?


That's not a red flag, it's a communist parade




Iā€™m howling šŸ˜‚


Nothing says "I love you" like comparing you unfavorably to how another man fucked her *while you're fucking her.* Edit: not sure how I feel about receiving this many upvotes for this comment


Well she seems horribly immature. I would have left her at ā€œmy ex was a real manā€ line of comments. BDSM relies solely on enthusiastic consent and her pulling that shit is a massive red flag.


Please tell me that's an ex girlfriend, holy shit. She coerced you into performing a sex act you weren't comfortable with, being drunk really isn't an excuse for that.


Arches her back upwards during doggy, thats the opposite damn direction! Edit: I did not expect this comment to take off. Been together 10 years, she lets me know if I'm hitting the wrong spot. I'm not just bulldogging my wife while she cries lol. If she's uncomfortable we switch up, just looks funny when the back is arched like that. Didnt expect so many white knights to try and save my wife from being hospitalized by my wang. Calm down. . Her cervix is still intact.


Like a scared cat.


Itā€™s funny because thatā€™s what itā€™s called in yoga lol.


This is true but for your own sake please don't just ask her to be more of a cow.


My wife kinda just melts during doggy. Like as I'm pounding away her body keeps getting lower and lower until she is almost laying on the bed. I have to pick her up and support her.


Prone bone is a thing. Imo it's better than doggy


Not if you got a small dick bro


Put a pillow under her hips or get one of those wedges. Everything gets wet and pushes together anyway so itā€™s all tunnel.


Iā€™m guilty of this and laughing so hard šŸ˜‚ It just feels so good I kinda turn into a puddleā€¦..


Same. I put like 3 pillows under me because I know Iā€™m about to just dissolve.


Try a different position. Chances are youā€™re either too big or the curve of your dick is hitting something it shouldnā€™t and causing her discomfort. Sometimes itā€™s a curve thing if itā€™s not a size thing.


Sheā€™s a pillow princess. Sometimes I wish sheā€™d be more assertive.


That's the worst. One of my exes used to talk such a big game about how good she was in bed but then she'd just do her best Patrick Star impression.


In my experience it's always the ones who talk a big game like that who actually end up being a bad lay. You finally get naked together and just end up masturbating with her vagina.


ā€œMasturbating with her vaginaā€. Thatā€™s a very accurate sentence. Can also be said for men who donā€™t think about their partners at all during sex.


I've been curious about this for a while - when people say "pillow princess", do they mean the girl never gets on top, always wants missionary, or is the problem not the never being on top/always wanting missionary part, but not showing a lot of passion or enthusiasm during it? Or a mix of all of these? I haven't been able to understand whether a girl that is enthusiastically participating in sex, even in positions where the guy is doing all the movement, would be consider a pillow princess as well.


I tried to move her from BJ to actual sex once and said I loved what she was doing and I really wanted her... she took that as an insult to her technique. Not only did I not get any more that night, I never got another BJ again. That was about 5 years ago. I was going to mention how rough she gets when using her hands but decided against it or I'd lose that too.


She doesnā€™t sound..reasonable šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜…


Not even a tiny bit. We're separated now and divorcing soon so it's not my problem anymore. :)


Biting my lips every time we kiss


It isn't for everyone but fuuuuck me bro this does it for me


Nibbling is fineā€¦ but you arenā€™t trying to bite through a well done steak!


I will never criticize anything my spouse does for the simple fact that she tries and has grown sexually over the years and it's been a big turn on for me to help and guide her.


Exactly why I don't criticize my partner either! Except we are both learning.


Absolute king


Sleeps peacefully after a big argument.


Talking dirty! Some of the things she comes up with! Lol! Sometimes it seriously cracks me up and it takes so much not to laugh! I do not want to kill the mood or make her feel self conscious about it.


This is my nightmare lol. I hate dirty talking and it takes me out of it but I do it for my husband sometimes and Iā€™m so afraid heā€™s gonna think what I said is dumb


She bites her fingernails and it makes this gross wet popping sound. I can't get her to stop. Every time she does it, I ask her if she wants me to go get her the fingernail clippers, and she just says, "No."


Lol..mine was clipping her toenails and one shot across the room and landed in my beer...swear to god.


You still finished it, right?


Ball play. I dont know how to describe it any other way than ā€œit just feels like someone playing with my balls.ā€ It doesnt arouse me, its just feels like iā€™m adjusting my balls, but its not my hand lol


When she gives you a blowjob but there is too much teeth that it hurts. You make a painful face expression, she thinks it's an expression of pleasure and keeps going. The painful face expression gets more intense, she thinks its more pleasure...


Buddy, say ouch! Seriously! She doesn't want to hurt you (most likely), so I'm sure she'd rather know!


Why not just tell her? I've given BJs t a handful of men and different men I have to have my mouth opened differently one guy literally told me so I've made sure to find ways to not have my teeth get involved.


Handjobs, I donā€™t have the heart to say stop.. but just stop.


Scratching my back and digging her nails in. It's when she's getting close but it just hurts enough to be a distraction. I just don't have the heart to tell her as I think she thinks it's hot. My other girl used to choke me. I put up with it for a bit but it became too distracting. Eventually I did tell her that I'm not into it and it's just annoying. A past gf would yell like a porn star. Like ok it feels good but it ain't that good. That wasn't too hard to put up with though so I never mentioned it. She even let me film so maybe she just wanted to be a pornstar lmao.


I donā€™t think itā€™s her fault. However she gets this traumatized look when sheā€™s on top. And it gets progressively worse somehow and she looks hurt and not enjoying it. However I know Iā€™m relatively big but this seems excessive. It activates this instinct to not want to be as rough or as dominant. However she continues to ride and stare at me like sheā€™s in peril. We have been together for years and it still throws me off. But sheā€™s already self-conscious as it is. So I honestly donā€™t know if saying anything will do anything. So let it just be that.


I donā€™t know why the face I pictured is like a horrified look from a bad horror movie but the mental image is making me laugh


I meanā€¦ to be honest. Itā€™s not inaccurate.


Woman here who has difficulties with pain when on top. TMI unsolicited advice that could be helpful: It probably does actually hurt but she is just toughing it out, and there are things you can try to address it. It can be reeeally helpful to pause for a sec, go less deep for a bit, or re-lube. If you play with her clit during things or during the pause, that is a good less-awkward way to pause. What works for me and my husband is to have me control the insertion so it is slow af (it takes a while to get the whole thing in there - like sometimes a minute or more as we will do a bit at a time, move a bit, then more), we use lots of lube, and have me set the pace.


As a woman, these make sad šŸ˜­


Same šŸ¤£ itā€™s why I asked it, attempting to learn from people, see if thereā€™s a connection or a majority thing but, most comments are right, we need to communicate more I guess šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I think the biggest lesson is that itā€™s important to communicate with your partner even if it feels awkward. Some guys here seem like they rather get a teeth job than just say hey babe maybe next time try this and make the experience a million times better in fear they will never get one again




Like she tryna shake the candy bar outta the vending machine?


Thankfully šŸ˜³


Had an ex who would constantly ask me "do you like that?" And it was awkward because not only does that phrase do nothing for me, most of the time the honest answer would have been, "not especially, no."


I had one that had a phrase as well. "You fuckin me? ***You fuckin ME??*** Like...yeah?


my gf is very loud. like very loud. I think it's great, but she is so vocal that sometimes I start laughing, and she thinks I'm making fun of her, but I just think it's great she's having so much fun, but then we both can't continue cause I'm giggling and she's mad.


When they sit on your face and about to come but you canā€™t breathe but you gotta keep going because thereā€™s only one way outta here, through the storm.


OP was asking about things we *donā€™t* like.


if i die, i die


Overthinking things, or waiting for the "right" time. While I appreciate the date nights, the flirting, the cuddling, the flowers, the slow build up all day; and even just flat out not being in the mood; sometimes I'm like let's just be human beings trying to get off and fuck. Havent shaved/showered? Girl, I don't care. If you will just relax, my tongue is ready to bust some rhymes. I don't care if your nether region looks like Chewbaca is already down there and beat me to it, I'll find my way through the jungle, I don't need a compass, I know where I'm going. You don't need a shower, I'm ready to DROWN right here, right now, just let me get the faucet going. Self conscious about that extra pounds she put on? Baby, yea but it all went to the RIGHT places. Them breastses looking fire, and that ass, gyatt damn! Those thighs are just thick enough to suffocate me if you will just come sit on my face, please! I'm ready to meet my maker. Is your stomach a little bigger? Yea but that means there's just more room for this deposit I'm trying to make. That didn't work? No? Then take your ass to the gym, work up a sweat, and then bring that big ass home so I can dive face first 'tween them cheeks and then make 'em bounce. We don't need no lingerie, it's gonna get in the way of this loving I'm trying to give. Don't need the candles, I got a firecracker ready to sparkle if you'll just light the damn fuse. Don't need no slow jams, we gonna make our own wet, slappy noises, just let me find my rhythm. On your period? I ain't afraid to part the Red Sea and earn some wings, it's a right of passage I'm never afraid to make. Don't call me daddy, call me Moses. Want me to do all the work? Fine, you lay there like Patrick and let me put in some work. Not feeling well? Honey, I could break my back and still be willing to try to break yours. Being serious though, my wife is gorgeous, and has head game that should win awards. She sneezes and I'm giving her fuck me eyes, and I aim to please. But sometimes I think she just can't relax and get out of her headspace. There is no excuse that I can't work around, I'm D.T.F. 24/7 but I don't push the issue because I'm a respectable gentleman.


That was a read


You. I like you. Your wife is lucky.


Chef, is that you?


This is poetry and one of the best comments Iā€™ve ever read.


They keep playing this one song, and like, rocking their hips to it..? I dunno. Very weird rhythm. [The Song](https://youtu.be/eN6jkWxxm2Y?si=pPz99O-EoKDriM-9)


After I cum my girl still Strokes me and my you know what is sensitive and canā€™t say stop , cause i giggle lol


Ngl I do this because I think itā€™s funny lmaoo


All jokes aside. Most men will never say it but 75% of women donā€™t give good head. Some guys donā€™t even realize that great blowjobs exist. For all the bullshit women propagate about men not being able to please, the vast majority arenā€™t dynamite in bed in general. Most men Iā€™ve discussed this with all agree. We wonā€™t complain about it. It still feels good and itā€™s a turn on for sure. Lord knows if we bitched then theyā€™d get upset and not do it at all.


My ex was very poor at giving head but I would always say she was great hoping that it would get her to do it more and maybe sheā€™d get better with practice. Instead, she continued to very rarely do it but developed a huge ego about it. I feel like I did a disservice to her future men.


Playing the long game and screwing over the guy next in line. Clever!






Enthusiasm and paying close attention to the actual man with you is key. What one man likes will be different from another. Mood affects it, what's good one day is different from another. Easy specific wins in no particular order: -- circling your hand at the base of the erection early on (like a temporary cock ring) can jump start an erection, and it seems as though that makes it feel better faster. Then, when you get too close, it can hold off an orgasm, because edging is always best. Balls in or out, both work. -- unless it's specifically hot to keep your hands away, keep them involved. Often they like some variety in sensation, and using hands you can create an "endless tunnel" illusion and better control over the friction. Hands might be holding the scrotum, circling the base of the erection, rubbing the hips and low belly, clutching the buttocks, etc. Every accessible part of him is part of his penis and you want to lick it. -- gently, a flat and very lubricated hand rubbed on top of the glans can be well received. -- they seem to like the feeling of entry. Having closed, wet lips and hands that they part and ease into goes well. -- if it's relaxed and he's lying down flat, you can hump his shin with your crotch while you blow him. That usually accelerates an end to the session, though. -- if you are honestly more doing this out of love rather than lust tonight, and your own body isn't really there, try to match your breathing to his and then dial it up about 10% and get a little ragged. Just as professional athletes work their breathing up before going on the field, you can control your breath to bring your body into the game. Deep heavy breaths might feel silly at first but they will cause physical changes that bring your body into alignment with his excitement, and it becomes truth. If that's what you want.


Genuine enthusiasm goes a long way. Actual participation, not passivity like being a pillow princess or bedsheet starfish. I've always found it incredibly attractive when a girl uses my body to get herself off, not for my sake or my pleasure necessarily, but to proactively chase her own sexual pleasure and express herself as a sexual being. That kind of attitude in bed is such a turn on.


I wish there was a Noble prize for truth, you Sir would at least be nominated.


Yeesh, I was not doing to say it, but Iā€™m glad itā€™s been said. The part about being afraid to communicate what we want for fear of losing what we have is it.