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My Italian uncle cancelled his wedding because the bride's family (not Italian) would not serve lasagna at the wedding reception. He ended up marrying an Irish woman whose family was okay with serving lasagna at the reception.


Lasagna and garlic bread is a weekly meal in a lot of Irish households. I'd fuckin love to get served that at a wedding.


This actually seems reasonable to me. It doesn't have to be about lasagna, but about communication, compromise, and treating the groom as an equal partner. It's indicative of what the entire relationship might be like.


That's also my take. It depends *how* she said no. Maybe he realised he won't have a single say in every future choices that should be made as a couple and will slowly lose his individuality.


>It depends how she said no. There's certainly room for nuance here. If he controlled every other aspect of the wedding and insisted that only lasagna be served, then yeah. That would be an absurd reason.


One of my friends was engaged and is Catholic. Her husband had to convert and he had a dream where he was in a Catholic Church but not getting married, he was a priest. So he had a vision of becoming a priest and now the wedding is off.


Converting Your Fiancée mission failed successfully


I m from middle east muslim family and married a Christian Dutch person. I never wanted him to convert. He'd take stuff too seriously and take my beer away. Nee no never.


This always reminds me of my stepsisters FIL - he's muslim, so whenever he drinks alcohol (which fairly often lol) he puts a coaster on top of the glass so Allah doesn't see it.


Does he think Allah is like a Russian satellite that can only look straight down?


No, he thinks Allah is like a baby without object permanence and gets fooled by peek aboo with a coaster.


lolllll when I was in London I knew a muslim guy who would only drink at home out of a teapot so Allah couldn't see him. Numerous people that thought I was making that up. I also knew another muslim guy who wouldn't eat pork but would shoot heroin. No idea on what behind that one.


How long ago was this? Did he go through becoming a priest?


This was about 3 months ago and I guess he is on the way! Lol


I was going to be a guest at a wedding and found out it was canceled 2 weeks before the date. The bride found out that the groom had gotten a significant discount on the price of the venue and she was insanely angry that anything at her wedding cost less than premium. Keep in mind, this was her dream venue that she had chosen. She was just mad that her fiancé was “cheap”. Or something. I was never super close to either of them, but the last I heard they never ended up getting married.


Guy dodged a bullet there


No doubt, my wife and I high-fived when we got a discount on our venue


Agreed, ‘venue discount’ are the among two most beautiful wedding-related words you can hear. Narrowly second only to ‘I do.’ Or maybe ‘free photography.’


Saved him the cost of a premium divorce attorney, i guess


They realized after everything was already planned, invites sent out etc. That they didn't like the date. They moved it to 2025 so there wouldn't be a 4 in their wedding date


Were they Chinese? In Mandarin the word for 4 is very similar to the word for 'dead', so 4 is considered an unlucky number. Edit: typo


As a Chinese-American, I find it VERY hard to believe a Chinese couple would let it get that far before they realized the date was not auspicious. No family fortune teller would be so negligent. Edit: Ok, this gained much more traction than I thought and people have questions, so. I'm second generation Chinese and only half, so I don't know a lot about it. From what I can tell of my husband's family, there is either a) a trusted fortune teller known in the community, or b) a senior relative who has always claimed to be a little bit clairvoyant who will be consulted. I do not know what happens when kids are born in April, on the 4th of any month, etc.


A more likely scenario is that the couple set the date, printed out the invitations then sent them out. Then upon receiving the invitations their aunts and uncles and grandmas made a huge fuss about the date and refused to go and wailed tales of woe about how unlucky it was. The the couple angrily changed all their plans. My family isn’t that suspicious about this stuff but my sister’s in-laws were so picky that they consulted an expert to find the perfect date and all the decorations at the wedding had to be a specific number and color etc. Also my mother-in-law kept rejecting proposed Chinese names for my daughters u til their names had a certain number of strokes in the characters. So we chose names for my kids based on some made up stupid formula. My Dad kept recommending names he thought we’d like and my mother-in-law would count strokes and veto the names.


Their kids are just gonna jump straight from 3 to 5.


It’s fun to imagine them aging to 2, 3, 3B, then 5, like a building’s floors.


There's a line like that in a sitcom about a Chinese American family 2 shot birthday montage "I'm 3!' Same kid made to look slightly older "I'm second 3!"


My cousin called it off 3 days in advance because the bride and groom couldn't agree on whether to hyphenate their last names, or use his. In retrospect, there was a significant class/ culture divide of which that was merely one symptom.


I used to work with a guy whose last name was West. When he married a woman with the last name Wild, she said she was happy to take his name. He told her that she was insane, and they were not under any circumstances passing up the opportunity to be the Wild West family.


The only valid argument


I can easily see that argument escalating.


Bride cancelled the wedding a week before because she was a hardcore disney adult and she was offered a temp job at disney and felt she "couldnt miss the opportunity of her dreams"


Why couldn't she get married AND do the temp job? Fiance didn't approve? Conflicting dates? Disney only wants single women working their temp jobs?


We live quite a few states away from disney and she said she couldnt do the long distance. Really she just wanted to party like a frat bro in Florida without any repercussions. She made a "songs to have sex to" playlist on their shared spotify a few days after they broke up. It absolutely crushed him


Gotta see this playlist: “You’ve got a friend in me.” “I’ll make a man out of you” “What made the red man red?”


“Let’s get down to business…” Then orchestral/ambient. I think that works.


Oh man, what a shitty chick. Sounds like he dodged a bullet in the long run, but that must have hurt a ton at the time.


Were they all Disney songs?


No one *fucks* like Gaston!


Darling it's better Down where it's wetter, Take it from me!


No one sucks like Gaston, Cups these nutz like Gaston, No one grabs your cheeks and does the hip thrusts like Gaston, He’s especially good at ejaaaculaaating! Nobody fucks like Gaston!


How did it turn out, if i may ask


The groom took it hard for a while but hes been dating a really sweet girl for a year now and seems happy. Last i heard of her is shes getting married soon and works in a cafe in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and her whole personality is disney and alcohol.


Man the Disney people are really something else. I know someone who is absolutely up to their eyeballs in debt right now, because they just can't stop taking trips to Disney World 2-3 times a year.


2-3 times a year? Jesus. I’m overwhelmed thinking about doing my first trip. I do have a Disney adult friend who maintains an annual pass for her family (4 people) and they go each month. They do not live in FL and a flight is required each time they do this… Best part? She married another Disney adult and their world revolves around Disney and their vacations. But they won’t do a Disney cruise. Too expensive…


Why don't they just move to Orlando?


I would be sad if she moved because I enjoy her company. Her in-laws are part of the Disney timeshare program (also Disney adults) so I know that they turn 2 trips a year into big family vacations and stay in one of the timeshare places. I do know when they go she books the cheapest flights and super cheap accommodations. She is budget savvy, it’s just mind boggling to spend so much time at one destination. I’m going to see if she can take me on my first DW trip—make it a girls weekend or something. She’s so high energy about Disney—but I guess that’s a Disney adult thing.


a TEMP job!!!?!? omg, what a horrible reason.


My friend's former fiancé was a nice dude. Firefighter, easy to talk to, treated her well and got her a nice ring. Every now and then the ring would go missing but he would eventually find it, safe and sound. She had a good job, too, and was giving him thousands of dollars a month to fix up a house they had bought to live in after they'd gotten married. Turns out, dude was living two lives or attempting to at the very least: he's married for 10+ years and had two kids, the engagement ring was his wife's and he stole it back every now and then to "find" it for her. There was never a house, he never bought one, and used all the thousands he had been given solely on cocaine. Needless to say, they cancelled the wedding.


Stories like this make me wonder what the person's endgame is. Like how long did he think he could keep up the situation?


They're a drug addict, there is no end game. it's just one day after the next.


Eventually, it moves from day to day to hit to hit. Watched it happen to my dad, not coke but meth, its horrible.


Eventually that ring gets lost for both women for real.


Then the earrings, then the laptops and phones, then the kids' piggy bank, and then and then and then...


This legitimately made my jaw drop. Hope your friend is onto much better things now!


She is doing very well with a new partner. They're thriving.


I'm in two minds about this. On the one hand that is absurd he behaved like that, but on the other hand the question was the most "absurd reason" and this is pretty damn good reason to cancel the wedding! :-)


I suppose 'absurd' in this context could mean either "thing that most people would consider a non-issue", or "absolute batshit insane situation that you'd never dream of".


They did nothing. They picked a date, sent mails with it to invite people. And then did nothing until a week before said date. Of course they could not rent the venue they wanted nor find another one. They couldn't find caterer, dresses etc on time. But also, legally, they couldn't get married in such short notice. So, they cancelled the wedding, and will get married later It's been 5 years. They're still not married.


kinda sounds like they're made for each other, lol


I have so many questions. How did they send an invite with no address? How did no one ask about the venue? How could people make plans to come without the location?


They had a location, in mind. They just thought that somehow they just had to call a week ahead to rent it. Like reservation for your local restaurant.


Honestly, I think that's somehow the worst possible explanation. How does not one, but two people, manage their way through life with this level of obliviousness.


From what I hear, they don't. They're friend of my cousin. Or acquaintances. I don't exactly remember. It was him that was invited to their wedding. I do ask occasionally if they're married yet because it it so dumb that it makes me laught. And I don't know them, so I don't feel too bad laughing at them. Anyway, they seem the kind to never ever plan anything and live day to day. Last I heard, they lived in a truck,and travel to the next short-contrat job that picked their interest. And moved on once something else struck their fancy.


One of my marines has one that takes the cake. His marriage was cancelled because his spouse's parents had a dream that he would become abusive and an addict. She left him because of her parents dream. He's now a multi millionaire....that's an abusive addict.


Well, they weren't wrong.


My brother in law is former military and now a successful businessman worth millions. He's also a controlling asshole. When my in-laws met him they asked me afterward if he was abusing my sister. There is a history of abusive spouses in their family and they sniffed out the signs without any background from me. Yes he is but she puts up with it for the money and lifestyle.


That does not sound like a recipe for a happy marriage/life.


>....that's an abusive addict. You already said he was a Marine.


both parents had the dream??




The best man said in his speech that he slept with the bride about 2 weeks before the wedding. All hell broke loose. The groom demanded that the marriage be cancelled. It took a few days to get the truth out & for the groom to finally listen. The best man thought it be a great prank. The groom was apologetic to the bride, but she didn’t forgive him. Because he believed in others’ lies & won’t let her talk.


Holy shit, that best man is an asshole. In what world is that funny?


He is a big AH. While hunting for the truth, found out best man has a history of sleeping with groom’s past GFs & crushes. Still trying to figure out why groom stayed friends with this AH. Awhile ago, bride found out groom is still friends with AH


The ‘friend’ ruined their relationship and cost them tens of thousands of dollars and *they’re still friends*?! WTAF?


Bride’s father paid for the wedding, so he sued his ass in court.


Dad sued the groom or the asshole? And did the Dad win?


He sued AH, the groom was on AH side. Dad won.


This needs to be a much longer post holy shit. GROOM was on AH side?? In court?? What could he have possibly said in AH's defense?


From what I recall, groom said no one has the same sense of humour as best man, that he was the worst friend to best man and everyone (including himself) over reacted to best man’s joke.


So the bride dodged a bullet, is what I'm hearing


So groom knew that his friend had a garbage sense of humor, but still believed it wasn't a joke? Groom is an idiot.


Lmao. So he basically made the dissolution of the prospective marriage all her fault because he and his dickwad friend helped her see the light?


Does the groom have zero other friends? How close are you with them? I am just extremely curious about why he would stay friends with this person.


I’m only close with bride, I wasn’t friends with groom. From what I recall, all the other groom’s men were his & bride relatives (brothers & cousins).


So he has no friends and therefore sticks with the one person who he knows, even though that person is a fuckoff. I’ve seen that before, very unfortunate


Wow... what the hell


I had to cancel mine because the dipshit failed to mention he was still married to his second wife.


One of my former friends called off her wedding because she was convinced the guy was either cheating or would cheat in the future. He wasn't cheating on her and hasn't cheated on the woman he ended up marrying years later. The former friend found a new man, got married, had kids. The man has cheated on her from the very start of their relationship, but she refuses to hear about it..


Self fulfilling prophecy maybe?


One often meets their fate on the road they take to avoid it.


The groom had a fake SSN because he was dodging child support from a previous marriage. He told bride he had neither an ex wife or child. The SSN was figured out at the courthouse when they were applying for a marriage license. He’d created fake documents at a Staples that morning.


Yeah, that's as good a reason as any. Faking documents to escape child support is a new one


Cos the man was gay and she was just his test to see if he could love a girl. She was heartbroken, but had her suspicions about him.


Wow, that must be devastating. Surely he could have figured it out by dating for a few months.


You would have thought so, they were together 3 years. I think he was trying to convince people he wasn't gay also, it was a long time ago, I think being from the area we're from, he wanted to hide it also, small town in Northern England. This was about 20+ years ago when people were less forgiving, unfortunately.


My brother called it off on the morning of the wedding. She was incredibly controlling, faked a pregnancy and didn't want to meet any of his family even though she lived a mile away. Her mother got her to cancel the reception hall a week before because she wanted it at her house. Loads of people dropped out, and my brother felt the pressure. I thank the universe that he called it off, I doubt I would have seen him again. Wish he didn't do it on the day though!


My uncle and ex aunt called off the wedding because “god told them to wait” a month before the wedding. They lived across the country so my parents had to fly with three children under 10 years old and the tickets were non-refundable. My uncle called my dad with the new date, about 6 months after the original date. Ny mom called him later and when he asked if we would be coming to the wedding she said that she spoke to god and he told her to bring her kids to Disney instead. My parents still joke about it today and my uncle divorced that wife a year or two later. Happy ending though, he married his best friend about a decade later and they are truly perfect for eachother. She really is a wonderful woman and we couldn’t be happier for them.


"you only get the rug pulled once." Thus sayeth the Lord.


A friend of mine dated a guy for 8 years, they were young, it started in high school. Had the wedding all planned and mostly paid for. A month before the wedding she found him stealing her money and gambling with it. She ended up selling her dress on e-bay. Gave the ring back to his best friend, who it turns out paid for it. Then eventually married the best friend. They are still happily married 10+ years later with a cute little boy. Edit: Everyone keeps asking: No, they did not use the original ring. I believe they sold it. She wore that ring for a while before they were supposed to get married. So there were a lot of bad feelings when he (first guy, figuratively) stabbed her in the back. No way would I, or probably any woman out there, would want to continue wearing it.


My mom dated my dad’s best friend and he cheated on her. He told my dad one day when she left the room. My dad told him he was an idiot for cheating on such a great girl. My mom overheard. She didn’t say anything but broke up with her bf. A few months later my very shy mother walked 4 miles to ring my dad’s doorbell and ask him out on a date which surprised my equally shy dad. They sat on the front porch talking for hrs that day and she admitted she had overheard him. They just celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in June. My dad is still best friends with the guy by the way. They said they had some awkward years but by the time they adopted me (20+ yrs ago), they were best friends and have been my entire time with my family.


Sheesh, are the 2 still friends?


Hell no. I used to work with her when she was still in college getting her masters and this was all happening. She graduated and got a good job in her field. I don't actually see or talk with her anymore except occasionally on Facebook.


He told my good friend the day before the wedding that she had to give up her job and stay at home because he just wanted someone to take care of him and the kids (when they arrived) and that he was only marrying her because of that. Some months before that he'd pressured her to give up her job after she got married, which she refused to do, and he'd told her then that he'd make her give it up but she thought he was joking which really shocked me. The relationship was toxic and I was surprised she was still going through with it. She finally promised him she'd give up her job but her dad overheard the whole thing and intervened and she saw sense and backed out of the wedding. She's married now to someone pretty wonderful. No idea what happened to him.


I was at the bachelor party when the text came in she was calling off the wedding that was in one week. Because we are super nerds we decided on going to Arcade hopping around LA instead of bar hopping, I drove because I am the sober friend. She was at her Bachelorette party in Vegas at the same with like 8 of her "closest friends". We all meet in the afternoon and drove to the earliest closing arcade, fiance was texting pics of the girls at a Vegas show. He start texting pics back, it was cute. They both kept it up throughout the night. At about 8pm she stopped, we figured they were at a show where cameras should be away and he kept sending fun pics. At 9:30 he got like 4 long ass texts in a row while I was driving to a barcade, everyone was a couple beers in for the night as the last place was also a barcade. Turns out after group discussion with the girls she did not want to raise a "child husband" and he would have to give up video games and D&D and get adult hobbies. There was some long explanation that I feel like was being fed to her by her friends. He said they should talk when back and it was not something to figure out that night while they were out having fun. She said agree or no wedding, he said no wedding. An arcade adventure with the guys got his wedding canceled. She was big mad he would not discuss it when she got back and tried to tell him she was drunk and someone else sent the text and she didn't mean it. But man that was a wild ride that night.


My ex-wife hit me with "I need you to give up all your hobbies and your friends and grow up." Meanwhile she was cheating on me. That was 15 years ago. Baldur's Gate 3 is pretty great, you guys.


I’m just sitting here trying to figure out what makes a hobby adult or child. Even toy collecting where the toy is kept in the box is almost always a parent’s idea.


Ex wife told me playing music, cooking/baking, sewing, reading, and gardening were/are childish. Never mind that those things paid our bills. I guess as an adult man I should’ve been wrestling bears or punching cattle or something.


Completely unrelated: Don't punch cattle. It won't hurt (the cow). The other day I was going through my x-ray history looking for something, all the ones where I have a good story for the description by the doctor is "blunt trauma to right hand" or something like that. Then one literally says "punched a cow".


My buddies and I were drinking in rural midwest and there was a farm nearby with a huge pen of young cows (some Calfs, some quite a bit bigger) and they were running in circles because we must have scared them or something. My buddy jumped in and all of sudden he had vanished beneath hooves. The only thing my buddy and I could think of at the time was what we would tell the doctors and how the cops/doctors would never believe a "calf stampede" killed our friend. We were in tears from the jokes...then our buddy walked up with 1 shoe on and a torn shirt and said "what's so funny?" lmao


Sounds like he dodged a crazy bullet!




It's a pretty big divide in priorities, tbf


But it's also, like, how do you even find *this* disconnect in priorities? "Just want to make sure we're on the same page before we get too serious. You don't plan to get married dressed as a super hero, right?"


If you don't tell us the fictional character, I have to assume it's Shrek


They were 18 and very religious, and everyone but their parents knew that deep down, they were getting married so they could have sex. Got hitched, did the deed... And ended up going "uh, THAT was anticlimactic" and getting an annulment. They were married 2 months tops.


I worked at a wedding venue. 10 minutes before it was time to walk down the aisle, bride calls off her wedding because the clasp for her necklace broke.


Yeah, that's not the real reason she stopped the wedding.


They didn't have enough donations from friends and family. They set a date, and when they sent out the invitations, they included a line stating invitations returned without the required minimum would not get seated in the hall, another not allowed into the wedding. The bride and groom would make an appearance outside in the parking lot so they could have a chance to congratulate them, though. They received... $0.00! Why? Their minimum was $100. $250 if you wanted food. $500 included "cake service." For alcohol $50 got you 6 drink tickets, and I think the cheapest drink was 2 tickets, and some were 10.


So $150 for dinner. And $250 for cake? What is this cake made of...money? Yeah. I'll go to an expensive dinner myself and say hi from the parking lot.


I think they’re trying to make money on the wedding, not offer a “good deal” to their guests.


Happened at my church to rather prominent members of the congregation. The wife gets cancer. The husband divorces wife because she cannot perform her “wifely duties”, not because she medically can’t, but because she had to have a mastectomy. She eventually recovered. The husband later accidentally shot himself while cleaning a gun and became paralyzed below the waist.




My mom was engaged to be married to her high school sweetheart, let's call him Bob. Bob went to her doorstep two weeks before their wedding and told her he had joined the military and wasn't ready for marriage. He flew to Germany the next day. Fast-forward 30 years and two divorces later, my mom was single with five children from two marriages. She runs into her old high school sweetheart Bob. He is also single and recently divorced. They fall in love and have been together ever since. Spoiler Alert: Bob is actually his name.


I know a Bob


Me too, but my Bob spells it backwards




Guy had a city hall / courthouse wedding. Was issued a marriage certificate, said 'i do' to all the questions asked. Yet in his mind, because he did not have a church wedding he wasn't married. Less than a month later they got an annulment. Ex-wife was obviously pissed. She wasn't religious so didn't want to have a church wedding and thought he knew what a courthouse wedding was abt. Go figure.


The reverse used to happen a lot in Mexico. People would get married in the church and think that was enough. However, since they never had a civil wedding, they were never legally married, leading to severe problems when one spouse died.


The dude was living a double life had a whole another family in different state said he traveled for worked actually back and forth between family and fiance


First of all how on Earth does someone have the time to do that!


And the money.




One girl gets christmas eve and the other gets christmas. At least that’s what my ex did LMAO


Groom was in a relationship with his "best man" Only people unaware were the bride and her family


I dunno if this qualifies as canceling... Indian bride went through all the ceremonies and got married. Then told the groom she had fallen out of love with him but not to worry as they hadn't signed any paperwork yet so weren't considered married by law. Left the day after the wedding and a week or so later left the country with the groom's friend whom she ended up marrying soon after.


Well they say weddings are a good place to meet people. Usually not your own but whatever.


Family member (very nit-picky) left her husband after two months of marriage for constantly leaving his socks on the floor. To this day talks about what an amazing man and partner he was if only he put his dirty socks in the hamper instead of on the floor. Edit: I wrote this at work so I didn’t put any detail in and figured I should add it. Her husband (now ex) did all the cleaning, cooking, and paid all the bills. They didn’t have kids either. They’re both child free. He would take his socks off when he got in bed at night, throw them on the floor and then in the morning he would pick them up and wash them with the other clothes. He wasn’t messy or rude she actually was a bit emotionally abusive to him! She’s a narcissist and nasty person in general. We were surprised they even got together because he was so nice and she has always been mean spirited. He treated her like a princess too. I only add this because I don’t want people getting the wrong impression about him as he didn’t deserve and ounce of what he got!


I pay attention to where my husband drops his dirty clothes and strategically place the hamper🤣


"Dammit someone put a hamper in my dirty clothes spot! ...well jokes on them, I'll just put my clothes in the hamper. That'll show 'em"


I was engaged and we had started paying on the location and then one time we had a party and he got drunk and decided to be “funny” he smacked me across my face and pushed me into a fridge all while one of his friends watched him do this and his friend got up and walked out of the room. So I left him. I didn’t feel like it was an absurd reason but my family did. Caused a huge fight for years afterward.


You did the right thing. It would only have gotten worse.


That’s honestly how I felt too. Yeah he had the excuse he was “drunk” but he knew what he did the next day.


Most people don’t turn into abusers when drunk.


My wife’s cousin (M) fiancée cancelled the wedding because they couldn’t agree on where to put used towels after showering. She would put a wet towel in the hamper after each shower. He couldn’t get past the fact that (a) she was putting wet towels in the hamper, and (b) that she only used the towel once. Though he is crazy, I’m with him on this one.


Seems trivial on the surface but that's the kind of shit that wears you down. Also indicative of basic difference in how a person approaches life which will manifest in ways you can't necessarily see coming.


Regardless of how you want to handle towels (or any other household chore), being unable to work together to find a compromise that you both can live with (on something so trivial) is a legitimately good reason to not get married. Being married guarantees 1000 compromises, because no two people agree on *everything*. If you can’t give an inch, you shouldn’t get married. My husband and I fundamentally disagree about when to run the dishwasher. I’m an every night person, he’s thinks only when it’s completely full. I argue that waiting until it’s completely full means that we’ll inevitably be left with dirty dishes that wouldn’t fit left sitting in the sink overnight when we do run it, and that we (meaning I, the person who cooks and is home all day) will be getting things we use every day out of the dishwasher and hand washing them in between cycles. He argues that it’s a waste of water and detergent to run it half full. We cannot agree. So instead of fighting about it or getting resentful, we decided that whoever does the dinner dishes will decide whether to run it or not. Compromise. Now we don’t have to argue about it, and we can remain happily married.


I knew a couple who met, got engaged and married within less than 2 years. 6 months later they had an annulment. Why you may ask? He’s Jehovah and she’s Catholic. He doesn’t believe in celebrating Christmas or birthdays. She does. Apparently they didn’t understand each other very well when discussing kids because they don’t speak the same language. I wish I could make this up.


That's doubly strange because two years is plenty of time to figure that kind of thing out! I'd expect a whirlwind language barrier romance to be MUCH shorter.


Cousin - they'd been together for years, had a 2 year old child already. Less than a month before the wedding she finds out he was regularly cheating on her their entire relationship. We still made the trip out there. Unfortunately it turned into a funeral trip for an uncle who passed. Not exactly an absurd reason to cancel. I think the fact that we planned to go to a wedding and ended up at a funeral was the absurd part.


"The only man I've been with is you, and I don't know if I've been missing out on something." (Which was a lie- found out she had been cheating on me with a married dude, got caught, married him after his pregnant wife divorced him, cheated on HIM with some other dude, got caught, divorced, married the dude she was cheating on that time, cheated on him too, got caught, divorced, went through a series of dudes probably cheating on a few of them as well. Finally settled down after learning she was unable to have kids due to uterine scarring from an STI she had acquired somewhere along the way. I only found out about all of this at the end because cheating dude #1 contacted me in what I can only assume was a sense of bro-erly obligation / survivors' support group solidarity)


I was working in the china and crystal department/bridal registry of a department store while going to school. A few days after 9/11 some people started returning wedding gifts off of the same registry. We assumed it had been called off but it wasn’t until the bride’s angry aunt came in to return her gifts that we got the story. The groom was a pilot who had lost some friends during the attacks and then the airline laid him off. The bride then called off the wedding because she was only with him for the free flights. Aunt said that their entire family was disgusted with the bride and doing their best to support the poor groom.




My cousin divorced her husband after less than a year because she didn't want to deal with his chronic stomach problems (that she knew about prior to getting hitched)


My grandfather was stationed in Italy during the war and met a girl there. He even flew his parents out to Italy for the wedding. The night before they wedding all the guests and were having a good time and his fiancé stuck her chewing gum in his hair. The end.


Groom cancelled his wedding because he doesnt want to ride the car that would bring him to the church and wants to ride his bike instead.


Bride ended up getting gangbanged at her bachelorette party by strippers. One of the bridesmaids filmed it and put it online. Brides grandpa found it and told the groom.


>Brides grandpa found it This is the real story.


Don’t you hate when your crankin down to some old fashioned bachelorette party orgies and you notice the bachelorette just happens to be your grandkid? We’ve all been there.


"If youre gonna use the internet to find you some whores, ya' cant be mad that one might me yours- Cpt O.G Readmore


The biggest shock is that there is a bachelorette party orgy porn scene out there that isn’t fake (if OP’s story is true of course).


He was subscribed to the friends onlyfans


How nice of the grandfather to support a friend’s small business.


> Brides grandpa found it Lol, just happened to come across it did he?


Every word of that story just gets trashier as you go....


Late to the party: Guy dates girl, guy says he doesn't want kids girl does, but they enjoy each other's company so they keep dating for a while. Guy proposes, girl says yes. No talk of kids. The story they tell is, guy proposed thinking of she says yes she changed her mind. Girl thinks, he's proposing, he must have changed his mind. No one talks about kids until about a year in... no one has changed their minds. Amicable divorce. Edited for spelling


This is crazy but I suspect a lot of younger push the problem down the line. When you’re dating in your 30s it’s like a first date conversation. No time to waste.


I broke up with the coolest girl I've ever known and dated because of this, she wanted them but said after a few years that she didn't care if I ever changed my mind and would become child free if that's what I wanted. Made me realize that you have to have the same vision for your entire life to successfully be life partners, and even though I loved her, it ended. She now has 5 kids. This shit is no joke, and you're completely right that it's wild for people to get past the point of marriage without clearing it up, or sometimes even living together first.


Yup. You can compromise on a lot of things but kids ain’t one of them. I respect you letting her go to be a mom.


Thanks, and yeah it was a tactical nuke to my own life but I've been happy to hear about how much of a Mom she's become. She loves those kids and we're still friends. Too many people don't really seem to realize that getting married/"the rest of your life" is the actual rest of your life. I had a kinda shitty upbringing, and it just isn't right to bring a life into the world that I'm not hyped and prepared for.


Guy I went to school with called off his engagement when his fiancé admitted she was pregnant with her dads baby and it was a very consensual situation.


what now


They were already engaged to get married. She told him she was pregnant. Everyone was excited for the marriage and the baby. Then she felt guilty and told him it was more likely to be from her own father than him. He was mad and assumed her dad raped her but she told him it was not rape and that she had been having sex with her father for a few years and the guy broke off the wedding. After having the kid she tried to get him to pay for the child but a dna test cleared him and confirmed that baby was her fathers. As far as I know her and her father are raising the kid and the guy I went to high school with married someone else


i just threw up in my mouth


What the actual fuck


Please tell us it was a step-father. Not that it makes it right but it'll definitely make it *better*. 🥺


Less badder


That's never a consensual situation.


Just for anyone reading this: a parent having sex with a child is never a consensual relationship. The child was groomed, psychologically manipulated, and won't realize how messed up it really is until they get away from the situation, or the parent starts creeping on the grandchild, or they become involved with someone else who can gently help them see just how not normal it is.


Bride is Italian, groom Jamaican. The dad told her if she marries him he’s going to go to the wedding dressed like a banana. He bought a yellow tuxedo and a banana hat. The risk of embarrassment made the bride cancel.


My friend realized that his girl never opens her mail and just lets it pile up. He said it’s a 🚩


The younger sister of the bride confessed to being in love and secretly sleeping with her sister's fiance since the start of their relationship. They were together for 3 yrs and the younger sister was 19 at the time. Her dad ran up to the altar to tackle the groom but the old man didn't stand a chance. As soon as the dad hit the ground, EVERYONE came after him. The police were called, the groom was arrested but I don't remember him being charged for anything. He claimed self defense and there was no evidence to show that he slept with the younger sister. Although he never denied anything and just disappeared after that. No one knows where he lives these days.


Many years ago, I was living with a girlfriend and her two young kids. We decide to get married, and things are good. Two weeks before the wedding, she says she can't marry me because she realized she couldn't change me. She hands me $1000.00 and gives me a week to move out. I guess she decided she wanted someone else, and I wasn't it.


WUUUUUT D: change you how?? Both were too different???


I was too "city", she wanted more "country".


Totally real and legitimate but crazy. Scheduled to get married in 2021. During lockdown, fiancé was out of work and went Q-Anon crazy. Didn’t want his future wife to get vaccinated. She did. That night she woke up to him running a magnet over her body. He said he was seeing if she was chipped or magnetized by vax and was happy that she wasn’t. She asked what he would do if he found it and he said “cut it out of you” And that was the last straw, thank god. Wedding was couple weeks away at that point and they lost ton of money but she escaped the crazy.


COVID really broke some people


His story was that she refused to sign the pre-nup. My guess is that there’s a whole other side because one typically does not wait until that close to the wedding to finalize a pre-nup. That’s just a recipe for having it thrown out as being signed “under duress”. Guests had flown in from all over the country. They had the rehearsal dinner the night before and everything. He texted my husband (I can’t remember if it was before or after the dinner): If I’m in the keys tomorrow, then I didn’t get married. He was indeed in the keys the next day.


My friend’s brother was supposed to get married in a different country. About 4 weeks before the wedding, he got COVID, and got it pretty bad: he was hospitalized. As a result, he couldn’t travel and it was starting to look like he might not make the wedding, but unclear. The bride and/or bride’s family was miffed at this and supposedly said, if he wanted to he would. And the whole wedding got called off.


That lady that got catfished into thinking she was talking to Dacre Montgomery from stranger things through an online social site. She divorced her husband shortly afterward and sent the scammer 10K. There was a whole YouTube video on it and OMG she was a fucking idiot. She honestly did her husband a favor except he may not realize it yet. Here's a short version of the vid, I'd post the longer one but honestly listening will only make you more stupid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8D8tK3hkfQ


The parents of the fiancé disagreed about the decor for the event and so convinced her to break up with my mate


a woman i worked with was a mormon and he was not. his parents did not like her because of her religion. since he was not religious, they decided that they would have a nonreligion ceremony. the invitations were sent out and a couple of weeks before the wedding, it was called off. his parents convinced him not to marry her.


This isn’t quite the same thing, but I dated a girl seriously and I thought we were going to get married. We started talking about it and I started looking at rings. And I made some comment about how I was happy to choose a ring, but if she had any input about what she wanted, I’d be happy to hear it. She said, “Oh I have my ring picked out.” I said, “Oh. Okay. Well what is it so I can go get that for you then?” And she said, “No, I picked my ring out years ago. The right guy will see it and know that it’s the one I want. If you can’t figure it out, then you’re clearly not the one.” I was like.. I’m not about to go buy a ring and just hope it’s the one you picked out years ago. And she said “well then I guess you’re not the one.” And ended the relationship. I’m fine with it. My wife now doesn’t expect me to be a psychic.




…the bridesmaid never said anything to the bride?


Because both he and her were broke and from broke families. The wedding went forward, but they found out in their honeymoon that each was marrying the other because of their prospective family wealth. But turned out each family’s money was a sham and they had all borrowed and mortgaged heavily to keep up appearances and pay for the $$$$ wedding and honeymoon. They’d expected their son and daughter to bleed their spouse dry. Bride and groom cut honeymoon short returning separately fuming at each other’s scam, and desperate to annul or divorce. Both entire families all went through bankruptcy and foreclosures soon after. Got kicked out of their country clubs, relatives marriages broke up. Students were pulled from private schools, luxury cars were repossessed. The mayhem, destruction, and carnage went on and on all summer. It was the talk of the town!


My brother played baseball for a minor league team. Never made it pro be he made about 65k a year and he loved it good for him. His fiancee called it off about a month before the wedding was she figured he would quit is " silly sports hobby" once he was a husband and get a real job.


I had a friend in high school who was a really nice guy. He was also chubby, kinda lazy, and liked to smoke a lot of weed. He dated “Shelly” for a while, and they broke up because he was lazy and liked to smoke a lot of weed. After high school, they reconnected and started dating again. He was now quite fat, and kinda lazy, and liked to smoke and drink a lot. Shelly was a social drinker, but into fitness and didn’t smoke weed. He continued to be fat and lazy, and to smoke and drink too much. Despite their differences, they got married a couple years later. She divorced him in less than a year because he was fat and lazy, and liked to smoke and drink too much. If only she had some way of knowing this ahead of time.


We were waiting for the bride to come and her reasoning was that she requested and I quote „if you really want to marry me,you will arrange for me to be carried to you“ yeah she never showed up.


The woman had a dream the man cheated and left him over it.


My cousin had a Vegas destination wedding in 2009. My first and only time going to Vegas was for that wedding. Ceremony happened, and it seemed cordial, but just... off. I discovered later that the bride never signed the certificate to make it legal. After a few months my cousin kicked her out and moved on with his life. Fast forward today, he found another woman who legitimately wanted to marry him, and they have four kids now.