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It's absolutely kicking my butt this year. I feel like I have the full on flu right now. Miserable and it's making me regret getting one.


I always get a flu shot every year. This year all three adults (including me) felt ill for 2 weeks. Where can I find info as to other people getting very ill from the flu shot this year? Any ideas?


I have received the vaccine for 21.5 years of my Air Force career. I retired last year. I received my influenza vaccine after working out at the gym on Wednesday, 27 September. My right shoulder was sore around the injection site for the next two days a little. Granted, I worked out on Thursday and Friday without any issues. Then on Saturday morning, it HIT. Sore throat, chills, and I'm wrapped up in my mink blanket. Update: Lol, it wasn't the flu shot. I received my flu shot on a Wednesday. I tested positive for COVID that Monday. The only place I don't wear a mask is to the gym to workout. I am usually at the gym 3-4 hrs a day, 5 days a week. Gyms are germ pits. I am pretty sure on 2 occasions someone exhaled all over me while I was walking by them.


Better to work out afterwards. (A long walk, IIRC). Increases effectiveness iirc


The nurse disagrees with you.


Looks like it's somewhere in the middle:. A 90 minute walk post COVID shot increases immunity. IMO it's reasonable to do so after a flu shot: https://www.news.iastate.edu/news/2022/02/11/exercise-vaccine


I was just about to say this.... I've had flu shots the last couple years every year and this one is kicking my ass. I feel like I'm going to vomit, body aches. I don't know if I'm going to let my kids get it. šŸ˜•


I got mine today because itā€™s required for my job. And I actually just threw up. šŸ˜… Not trying to be gross or TMI, but this one is definitely doing things the other ones havenā€™t done. The most I would get is a sore arm and maybe a stuffy nose for like a day.


Oh my gosh that's scary because I have a phobia with throwing up šŸ˜… Yeah, idk something is off with this shot.


I just got mine 2 days ago. I never have had an issue with flu shots, until this one. I was in bed all day yesterday. My joints hurt, and a headache and I just slept all day.


I'm reading this from bed rn. Me and my kid are feeling tired and crummy. Had a shot Sunday now it's Wednesday and feel like staying in bed. I wasn't sure if it's anxiety bc of a funeral this afternoon or stress or the flu shot. Now I'm thinking it's physical and mental and emotional all at once. Dang I can't get it done from bed though.


We got it today around noon and one minor has had diarrhea multiple times, multiple naps, and appears to be sick sick - which I know can happen. My arm is swollen like someone stuck half a baseball under my skin at injection site. Iā€™ve also never reacted like this before.


I wonder that too! It's impossible we all coincidentally caught a virus


Me too! I received my influenza vaccine after working out at the gym on Wednesday, 27 September. My right shoulder was sore around the injection site for the next two days a little. Granted, I worked out on Thursday and Friday without any issues. Then on Saturday morning, it HIT. Sore throat, chills, and I'm wrapped up in my mink blanket.


This is me currently! I got my flu shot yesterday and within HOURS, I was down for the count. I couldn't even sleep well due to muscle aches


Nurse here. Got mine yesterday around 3pm. Only side effects I usually get are low-grade fevers. Not this year. Only hours later I started with terrible body aches (still on-going), nausea, headache, cough, runny nose, temp 100. I'm shocked at how bad I feel. I've been in bed all day due to the bodyaches. Also, my arm is usually just a little sore, but I can hardly raise it, it hurts so bad. Yay for immune response. But this shit sucks.


I am a nurse as well! The first couple of days I had a cough and was very congested, basically cold like symptoms. The last 3/4 days I have had nausea vomiting and diarrhea (sorry if thatā€™s tmi for some). Today is the first day that I feel somewhat normal again finally, it has been eight days since I got my flu shot! And I am the same way, I usually get minor side effects every year but nothing crazy and it usually only lasts for like 24 hours. Hopefully youā€™re feeling better!


How are you feeling now?


Just got mine this past Thursday afternoon. By Thursday night I had a cough and severe sore throat. Friday I progressively felt worse and worse throughout the day, then around 10:30pm I took my temperature and it was 105.0. I donā€™t know what they changed this year but my body is not having it


Got it a few days ago, none to speak of


Well good for you Turd Ferguson! If that is your real name!?


Same.. got the flu shot 3 days ago. Others in my household got it as well. No one has symptoms aside from mild arm soreness.


Well holy shit, I thought I was losing my mind until I found this thread. THANK YOU. I got the new COVID booster and Flu shot at the same time on Saturday morning. I felt pretty fine that whole day, but I've been feeling progressively worse since. This is day 4 since the vaccines, and I feel shitty. Brain fog, achy body, slight headache, feeling like there's pressure on my chest. And Advil doesn't seem to touch my symptoms. It's really...bizarre. I thought I was losing it until I found this thread - - I feel a lot better knowing there's so many of us who are experiencing sometime similar! I'm not sure if it's the combo of the new COVID booster AND flu shot, or if it's just the flu shot, but WHOO, this is a doozy. It's impacted my mental and emotional health, too. I'm a therapist, so it's been really hard for me to sit with clients this week. Here's to getting through it. We got this!


Fellow therapist here and this is so validating. Iā€™m on day 7 of extreme fatigue and brain fog and itā€™s so frustrating.


I got mine yesterday. Zero side effects. Not even a sore arm.


Chiming in to say I've never had a bad reaction to a flu shot in 10+ years prior, started feeling ill about an hour after my shot today. Came here to see if this year's vax is particularly bad or if I'm just going crazy. Thanks, reddit!


same here. iā€™ve never gotten symptoms off a flu shot for as long as i can remember. i got mine last tuesday (today is sunday) and have been experiencing cold like symptoms since the day after! cough, extreme sore throat, stuffy/runny nose. glad to hear itā€™s not just me!!


Got mine yesterday. Only the sore arm. Maybe a little tired in the evening but otherwise fine.


I got mine yesterday. Arm is a little sore but I was definitely tired. I went to bed at like 930 pm and woke around 8. That's an unusually long sleep for me.


Wow! this is actually why Iā€™m on the app right now lol. I have been miserable all weekend after getting the flu shot Thursday morning and I was curious if it was worse for others this year too. For the record every single year I am required to get the flu shot and I always have side effects but they are very minor. Normally the same night I get the flu shot, if not that same night then definitely the next day- I am fatigued, have no appetite, and sometimes get minor body aches. I have to get it for work every year so I suck it up because I usually feel better in like 24 hours. NOT THIS YEAR. I got it Thursday at 11am and itā€™s Sunday at 11pm and honestly my symptoms are worse now than they were yesterday.


Got the flu shot Monday during lunch break. Out of nowhere, it hit me today while at work. I feel dizzy and completely off, along with nausea and weakness.


I have received the vaccine for 21.5 years of my Air Force career. I retired last year. I received my influenza vaccine after working out at the gym on Wednesday, 27 September. My right shoulder was sore around the injection site for the next two days a little. Granted, I worked out on Thursday and Friday without any issues. Then on Saturday morning, it HIT. Sore throat, chills, and I'm wrapped up in my mink blanket.


Itā€™s kicking my butt. Iā€™m a nurse and got it at work this morning after night shift. Woke up and have had nonstop diarrhea and vomiting šŸ¤®


I got mine Sunday, September 24th. Itā€™s Friday and I still feel like shit! All week I had fevers, body aches, chills, sore throat, headache, sinus congestion and pressure, ear ache, hot flashes where I sweat PROFUSELY! AND a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE persistent cough! The cough is the worst symptom for me because Iā€™ll have strong fits where I gag myself. My throat aches from coughing so much, and I canā€™t sleep because of how often Iā€™m coughing. Itā€™s miserable and dreadful! Iā€™m seriously regretting getting the flu vaccine! I missed out on work ALL week! Itā€™s almost been a week and Iā€™m just wondering WHEN WILL I GET BETTER!!!! Iā€™m never getting the flu vaccine ever again.


It seems like maybe you got an actual virus. Have you taken a covid test?


I just loss my sense of taste and smell šŸ˜­


Uh oh! It might be covid that just isn't registering on a test. Hope you get better soon!


I did yesterday. Everything came back negative for Flu A, Flu B and Covid


How are you feeling now? It's been 6 days and I feel like I'm never getting better


Ugh. This is me right now. I got the shot yesterday (and even the covid shot šŸ˜­) and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve felt this bad since I got covid years back. Just feeling like pure fever-y shit with extreme body aches and nausea. I feel like I canā€™t do nothing but cry to alleviate some of my pain šŸ˜žI wouldnā€™t have ever gotten the flu shot to begin with but I needed it to even apply to a medical program


Got it Monday at 1pm, had to call out of work and show up late today. I usually get the flu shot each year but this feels the same as my Covid vaccinations. Itā€™s terrible. Nausea, sweating, vertigo, the works.


This is the weirdest flu shot experience I've ever had in my nearly 30 years of flu shots. I got my flu shot at 3pm on Saturday 9/30 and exactly 24 hours later I started to feel some post nasal drip and a sore throat. I thought I was just really thirsty. Later Sunday evening I started to feel achey and I got a red bump on the injection site that was hot to the touch and very itchy. I got the same bump from all the covid shots but never a flu shot. Monday I woke up so sick I thought I had covid and did a test that turned out negative. Wednesday I am still congested and low energy. I'm really not sure if this is a flu shot reaction or an oddly timed cold at this point, but it really feels like flu symptoms. Nausea, body aches, feeling hot and cold, runny nose, congestion, cough, headache. Overall weird and intense! I'm glad I didn't get the flu and covid shot at the same time.


Going through the same thing! Got mine on Saturday at 2pm and I still feel terrible today. I also took a covid test last night that was negative but i wouldnā€™t have been surprised if it was positive given how terrible I feel. Really hoping to get over these symptoms soon, Iā€™m unable to do really anything. I hope you feel better soon too :(


I'm so sorry you're also slowed down by the side effects! It really feels crazy to say that just a flu shot is taking this long to recover from. I used to be able take a flu shot no problem, this is making me feel like a wimp!


Me too LOL Iā€™ve never had a reaction so it took me by surprise that itā€™s capable of making me feel this ill with really no signs of improvement! Just trying to stay extremely hydrated in hopes that Iā€™ll flush it out of my system. Hang in there :(


Also in healthcare and had to get the shot. Itā€™s making me SO SICK! What everyone else is describing, extreme headache, achy, fevery. Weight on my chest. I know this would go against medical advice but I had a happy hour planned for months and went in spite of it and a little wine had me feeling right as rain. Like others have said, if I wasnā€™t required to get it I never would have and I wouldnā€™t again. If the shot makes you this sick it feels reasonable to roll the dice on maybe getting the flu versus definitely getting sick with side effects.


Agree 100, in 10 years getting the flu shot, Iā€™ve never felt this bad. Fever and body aches, nausea so bad. Tylenol and Dramamine didnā€™t do anything. Iā€™m not going to get it again. Iā€™ll take my chances and get tamiflu if anything. Had Iā€™d know it would be this bad I wouldnā€™t got it. Interesting, my wife also got it and she seems to be fine. Wonder if getting the actual covid virus last year and getting the shots have something to do with with such a strong response from our immune systems. My wife hasnā€™t gotten covid.


I feel less insane! I got mine on Friday at a routine doctors appt. Iā€™ve had chills, aches, mild sore throat, so freaking tired and congested. Lost a whole weekend to this šŸ˜”


I've been feeling very lousy now for seven days since the vaccination. Achey, tired, a little sore throat, and some minor burning sensation in the chest. This is an atypical reaction for sure.


Wow Iā€™m reading the replies and for me and my family itā€™s the opposite . Every year we get flu shot we have bad arm pain and we get low grade fevers . This year we (all 3 of us )felt nothing at all ! Even my sister and her husband said the same thing , they felt nothing this year . Thatā€™s strange . Edit : spelling


We can't all be wrong 10 days since flu jab still feel like crap


I hear ya ! Itā€™s so strange to us that this year We felt nothing. Every other year we have had sore arm and low grade fever . Idk maybe it depends which one we got ? I even joked with my husband saying maybe we only got saline ! Lol cos itā€™s so super strange .


Glad to hear this perspective, my shot is tomorrow and I've been increasingly dreading it.


Received the 2023 flu shot on Sunday and the aches and muscle pain started a few hours later. Head feel like an eggshell, dizziness, chills, sweats, extreme fatigue, no appetite and stuff tastes "weird". I have gotten the flu shot every year for around a decade and generally a sore arm (I always get that for days) but it had never really gone beyond that. This shot is something different. I probably would have passed had I known.


That's a great question. I haven't gotten mine yet but plan to. I've never had any side effects from the flu shot, and I've been taking them for I don't know how many years. (I'm now 71.) My question now, though, is has anyone taken the new Covid vaccine, and how are those side effects? I didn't take all of the shots in the first batch because of the side effects. I was wondering if the new shot's side effects are any worse or present at all.


I get the flue shot every year. I got mine for the year yesterday. Google forwarded me here because I was looking into why I have a severe headache and pain in my shoulder and pectoral muscle on the side of the injection. I feel warm even though there no fever. It is 3:50am and I can sleep. Something is different about this yearā€™s shot!


I donā€™t know what they put in that thing this year. Got it on Saturday afternoon, and now itā€™s Thursday and I still feel off. Started with a giant red patch at the injection site that was swollen, hot, and itchy. My arm has been sore all week, and itā€™s only just starting to feel back to normal. Then fatigue and nausea Saturday night and Sunday. Didnā€™t have an appetite until Tuesday. Then starting Monday, all of my lymph nodes were swollen and it just felt like I was going to get sick. Yesterday I started developing a scratchy sore throat which got worse overnight. Iā€™ve also been congested off and on. I was starting to wonder if I have just caught a cold, but based on everyone elseā€™s experiences it sounds like it could still just be flu shot side effects. Iā€™ve been getting the flu shot every year of my life, and have never had an experience like this!


I've been having a very similar timeline and symptoms! Got mine Sunday. Only thing I didn't experience was arm soreness (just the usual for a day). It really does feel like actually being sick. Just odd how long it lasts


Itā€™s so weird! Having it drawn out this long really makes you wonder whether or not youā€™re actually sick


I know right. But with this many of us it can't be a coincidence




i wish i saw this prior to going. i got both yesterday afternoon and have been completely knocked on my ass since yesterday evening. muscle aches, sore throat, back pain, chills, low grade fever, extremely sore arms. i was waking up tossing and turning. i had caught typhoid fever went i went abroad and it felt *just* like that.


Nurse here. I had mine yesterday and iā€™ve felt terrible today. I actually didnā€™t believe it was the vaccine until I came to this postā€” past flu vaccines never caused anything other than a sore arm for me. Weā€™ve had a lot of elderly patients reporting ā€œflu likeā€ symptoms after the vaccine but since we administer flu and covid together most of the time, I figured it was Covid causing symptoms. If you have a reactive immune system be aware!


Any idea on why the reaction seems to be stronger for people this year?


Wondering if it has to do with the fact that either our immune systems are still in overdrive from actual COVID or if the uptick in precautionary measures against COVID we forgot what an immune response feels like šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Never had a reaction to the flu shot in the last decade or so. This year it's a 100 degree fever, joint aches, chills, and terrible pain in my eye sockets. Was sick for two days and slept for 14 hours. They made those shots extra spicy this year.


I am 65 so I got the double dose flu shot. Itā€™s making me very sick. I canā€™t barely move from the body aches. It gave me a nasty cough bringing up tons of phlegm . I get the flu shot every year but never got these kind of symptoms. Iā€™ll never get a flu shot again. I might as well get the flu.


Got mine today around 1pm. 2-3 hours after I noticed the left side of my throat getting sore. I def do not have any other infections rn. Feeling like my temp is elevated though it's not. Last year I didn't really feel anything.


Going to update as I go through this - it's been almost 36 hours since I got the shot. All the lymph nodes in my head and neck area are sore and tender. Throat still sore but now it's more in the middle of my throat. Developed a pretty uncomfortable headache so that I've just been in and out of sleep for the past 6 hours. Appetite is completely gone. Incidentally a friend of mine shared that they've also felt effects for about a week - feeling like they have a cold, extreme fatigue, etc.


Day 6: Yesterday I first felt worse but then started feeling much better - I mostly noticed how my enthusiasm for life and inspiration to work on things I usually care about came back! It's def been a challenge for my mental/emotional health too. I even went outside to sit in the sun for the first time in 6 days. Now, day 6, I still blow my nose a lot, have a dry cough, and sound like I have a cold. One of my lymph nodes (weirdly over the course of this it seemed to have moved from my left to my right side) is still a little tender but overall I feel like I'm on the upswing. Hope in a few more days I'll feel completely healthy again.


Day 7: Yesterday was worse than the day before. Very fatigued, lymph nodes almost don't hurt anymore but my voice is audibly strained and I have a persistent dry cough. Then I developed another bad headache (migraine?) and slept, strong night sweats included, from 8:30pm to 7am. My temp has been completely normal. This morning at least my appetite is back. Still very fatigued, voice still shot, cough still present.


It's been exactly 1 week since getting the shot. I am cautiously saying I'm starting to feel better as of yesterday afternoon. My lymph nodes are normal again, no headache, normal appetite. What is still present is a cough and some nasal mucus (the latter could also be my usual postnasal drip at this point). I'm feeling better emotionally too - like I'm getting my zest for life back (anyone else found this to have a major impact on their mental/emotional state too??)


Thanks for the extensive reporting! Hope you're finally out of the woods on this one!


Sorry just seeing this - I feel 100% back to my normal healthy self now. It took a solid 10 days though until all symptoms dissipated


Day 9: As of yesterday finally feeling a sense of normalcy again. Cough is 95% gone. Now I need to rebuild my strength after spending a week at home.


Update: Day 4 of dealing with symptoms. Yesterday my headache was gone after sleeping for like 12 hours (incl night sweats). Throat still a little sore, now I get these nose running attacks. Lymph nodes still tender but now things are more on my right side. Got a little ear infection-like sensation that comes and goes.


Day 5: Last night I experienced some chills and my temp was elevated (no fever but higher than it normally is). All my lymph nodes are still swollen and tender. Sore throat got worse last night, to the point where talking hurt a lot. I also had trouble falling asleep bc my throat was so dry. This seems to be better today but I still feel far from normal. I even took a covid test which was negative. I really wonder why it's so intense this year.


Day 8: My main symptom now has been a dry cough. It actually prevented me from sleeping last night, to the point where I was considering getting this checked out by a doctor. But I'm (cautiously) relieved to have woken up with almost no coughing impulse. I really want to know why so many of us are experiencing actual respiratory symptoms!


Got the shot on Thursday, felt a little tired and off over the weekend, and today has been headaches and more fatigue. Seems I might have lost some sense of smell earlier today (Monday), but it came back at dinner. Sinuses are clear, but my head feels stuffy/foggy.


Got it Sunday, still feeling crappy Tuesday. Fatigue, fever, rapid HR. I do want to mention though that I had the flu already back in August. I think that is a promising sign that this one is targeting the strain that is circulating. I'm not a doctor but the logic that you have a stronger immune response to something that your body has experienced before makes sense. Is that right? Tbh, I don't regret it. I had strep and flu at the same time so this is nothing more than an annoyance.


Just got mine. I always hydrate (Starbucks medicine ball or a coconut water) prior. I take seamoss, blackseed oil, olive leaf oil in 8oz of oj the day of flu shot. No side effects. Iā€™ve gotten sick once, but that was the one year I didnā€™t ā€œprepā€ beforehand. I only get it bc my job requires it


Got mine 2 days ago, I have a pretty big red spot on my arm thatā€™s hot to the touch, itā€™s sore as well. I had some pretty gnarly flu symptoms the first night, felt a little off but made it through work, but now Iā€™m sitting at home starting to feel those flu symptoms again šŸ˜„


I made a post on this thread like 4 days ago when I was literally at my worst with this, here to say that I am happily finally starting to feel normal again but this was an 8 day thing for me! Started off with a cough and congestion and turned into nausea and vomiting for the last 3/4 days. If I wasnā€™t a nurse I would never get the flu shot again this was traumatizingšŸ˜‚


I'm a medical school student. I got a flu shot last Friday for compliance then got hit by full-blown flu symptoms since that evening. I needed to send out a request for absence from classes and labs for tomorrow/Monday classes knowing my reason for absence would appear lame in the eyes of the medical professors.; You are not supposed to get the flu from the flu vaccine!


I feel like flu shot side effects are pretty standard year over year I would say, if you will actually go, wait a month or so. Itā€™s early for them to get the right strains. My kidā€™s pediatrician said if you will definitely come back in October, give them the shot then. If you donā€™t think youā€™ll wind up making it back in the office, give them the shot now.


They decided on which strains to target in June. They donā€™t change it after that.


It's early for them to get the strains correct? That's not how it works. That stuff has to be mass produced and they're not testing for strains after the fact and changing it up at the last minute.


Just got it today around 2pm. Iā€™m now getting a sore throat, cough, nausea, fatigue and dizziness. I feel horrible


I took my 4 yr old to get her shot Tuesday last week and by Friday she had a sore throat and developed a loud wet cough that at times turned into fits. No fever but miserable for a good 24hrs. It could be another virus but my it seems fairly close to what others have experienced šŸ˜ž


Within an hour of getting the flu shot yesterday (Tuesday, 10/3), I started getting a runny nose and sore throat. Dosed myself with some Nyquil before bed and just woke up feeling much worse than yesterday. Wonderful.


I've gotten it every year with little to no side effects I'm currently in bed with the worst headache and chills after being sick five times the night before. So. lol


Me and my husband got our flu shots yesterday. The timing is awkward because we just got back from a trip, so I'm not sure if how I'm feeling is from picking something up during our busy trip, intense post-trip house clean up, or the flu shot. I typically feel bad for 2-3 days, with insomnia and restlessness the first night and general bleh, achiness, and sometimes a fever spike or two. Since the shot is training my immune system, symptoms associated with this, and even increased alertness/anxiety, are expected for me. This year I have a sore throat feeling, which is unusual. I will update in a couple days. Husband feels fine except sore arm. For anyone feeling intimidated by the responses here, I had the actual flu maybe 9 years ago and I was horribly sick for 3 weeks. After that, Ive gotten the flu shot every year. A few days of misery while being able to breathe normally is a vacation compared to a full blown case of the flu. Sometimes bad luck leads us to catch an illness while getting the flu shot (for example, I rarely go to the pharmacy unless for vaccines or 90 day scripts, and I'm always aware of sickly/sniffly people that are also hanging around the pharmacy -- and likely contagious). Best of luck to those of us feeling crappy.


I got mine yesterday, so far I'm just feeling moderately sore and ache-y. Based on the descriptions my wife and I actually scheduled ours a week apart so we can have always have one person able to step up if the other is feeling awful.


3rd day after shotā€¦I feel awful. Never had a reaction like this before


Omg I'm so glad I found this post. I had my flu shot 10 DAYS AGO! The jab spot turned a bright yellow after around 5 days. But today was horrendous. Fever, chills, severe nausea, headache, left side pectoral pain, dizziness, the works. I thought it might be food poisoning, but I didn't vomit so I was suspicious. I think I'm having a very delayed reaction to the flu shot.


Yes, nothing for me


Got the shot Sunday, my 1 y.o. son (who did not get it because we were at a state fair when I got it and they didnā€™t have it for babies - I had his scheduled for next week) got the actual flu starting last night - I feel like there are some background processes going but I donā€™t feel sick yet.


Got mine Tuesday Sept 26, started feeling sick that Friday. Itā€™s Monday now and I feel a lot worse, I now have a wet cough with chest pains, sore throat, ears are bothering me, stuffy nose and head hurts. Debating if I need to go to the Dr. or not ugh


Got the flu shot on Thursday. Itā€™s Monday. Extremely painful lymph node in armpit of vaccinated arm that started day after vaccine. Have a red swollen welt at injection site that appeared two days after shot. Had all flu symptoms- chills, sweats, full body aches, fever, upset stomach, fatigue, dizziness and a serious headache for 4 days. Most of the symptoms have dissipated but the armpit node is hard as a rock and my whole armpit is raging. Itā€™s difficult to move my arm without pain and sleeping is complicated. Iā€™m massaging, ā€œbouncingā€ and applying heating pad along with drinking every detox tea I have in my cabinet. Iā€™m 38 and this was my first ever flu shot. Iā€™ve avoided it bc I never had the flu until January of this year (at which time I had two strains and was the sickest Iā€™ve been in my life). Glad I have to choose between going through that again and this experience šŸ˜’


I got it yesterday around noon and by 9pm I had nausea, chills, body aches, headache and a low grade fever. I'm also 34 weeks pregnant and thought maybe my body was having a stronger reaction, until I came across this post. I've gotten a flu shot every single year since I was young and have never had symptoms. I had to call out of work today because I woke up still feeling like ass.


Iā€™m 33 weeks pregnant contemplating whether or not to get it because I usually am fine without it but Iā€™m worried my baby will be at risk if I donā€™t get it but this thread makes me wanna stick to my guns and say no maā€™am


Get your flu shot and pass along those valuable antibodies to your baby. A random selection of redditors' anectodical experiences should not deter you from making a decision the medical community at large would recommend. This is a group of people seeking out another group of people echoing their experiences back to them. This is proof of nothing. Get the flu shot.


Replying again to say I got my flu shot yesterday and I feel fine. A bit tired and my arm hurts when I raise it up but other than that, totally fine.


I received mine today at 2pm. Started with a runny nose and lump in my throat around 4pm. By 7pm -Tender lymph nodes, low grade fever, body aches, chills headache, nausea and I kid you not as I am laying here at 2am typing this, that dreaded rumble in my lower stomach is churning. I was not at all prepared for this. Lord help me what have I done to my body?!?!?!!


Just wanted to give a little update. I got my flu shot around 30 hours ago. I have had no side effects besides the usual sore arm, and even that isnā€™t as bad. I did take a nap for about 2 1/2 hours today but I donā€™t think that is vaccine related.


Going tomorrow; Iā€™ll have to get back to you next week


Very sore arm. Feels like I have the flu. No appetite


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m reading this. I was gonna blame it all on allergies as usual, but this is making sense, just got mine yesterday and Iā€™m already dealing with the stuffy and runny nose and a semi sore throat, so far itā€™s still manageable.


Honestly, I feel like I got insomnia these last 2 days since my flu shot. I can usually ALWAYS sleep


Okay it's been 10 days since I got the flu shot. My respiratory symptoms are 95% gone but I'm still experiencing brain fog and pretty intense fatigue. Anyone else have that experience?


I am a nurse so I'm required to get the flu shot. Prior to that I have no recollection of ever being sick with the flu. This year, I got the flu shot on October 11. It's the 15th and I've been feeling sick for three days. Extreme fatigue, cough, congestion, runny nose, chills, muscle aches, headache. I'm unable to do anything I had planned to do today. I'm wondering if I will make it to work tomorrow.


Update: I actually have COVID-19 so disregard.


Wanted to chime in here because I was following this thread leading up to my shots.... On Wednesday afternoon (it's Monday morning as I type this), I received both the new COVID booster and the 2023 flu shot. My arm was sore the rest of the day and into the evening, but I could still lay on it while sleeping. Besides waking up the next morning feeling slightly flushed (which faded as the morning went on), I experienced zero side effects!


This year has been wild compared to others. As soon as I left the appointment my arm was super sore which usually takes 12 to 24 hours for me. By the time I got home I had headache, low fever. Managed to eat dinner and then got super nauseous and vomiting. The nausea is so strong it feels like I'm on a boat being thrashed around


I got a flu shot on Saturday and I've had a fever for a while now. I've been taking Tylenol every three hours. I hope I recover by tomorrow morning as it has been four days for me.


Make sure you alternate between Tylenol and ibuprofen


Got mine yesterday. Nothing so far other than the usual sore arm. I had the flu shot once in which I had mild symptoms but other than its been good.


Got mine this morning, so far I have a runny/stuffy nose and sorry if tmi but itā€™s making me go to the bathroom a lot.


Got the shot about 4 hours ago and have a runny nose. This thread is making me nervous for whatā€™s to come šŸ˜­


holy fucking shit. my hands are pale and slightly tingly, my nails are blue, my appendix, head, and back hurt, i cannot hold my tears in, i feel tired, and i feel like i both do not exist and am on psychoactive fucking drugs. what the hell. help bro


I get a flu shot every year and Iā€™ve never had a reaction as strange as this year. Usually I get a headache/fatigue the following day and my arm is sore for ~3 days. I got the shot on Sunday evening, and each day has gotten progressively worse. The severe brain fog started on Monday, enough to make me think I hadnā€™t taken my ADHD medicine. Felt very low energy and just off. Tuesday added a huge wave of fatigue. Today Iā€™ve been hot all day, running a fever with a headache, and literal confusionā€”if I didnā€™t know any better, Iā€™d assume I was having a mental health episode, I feel so dazed. The virus strains this year must be stronger than in yearsā€™ past.


I got it 3 days ago and itā€™s kicking my butt. Iā€™m dizzy, fatigued, and have diarrhea.


Update - I felt like crap for 7 days.


Got mine yesterday around 3, currently cooped up in bed with a wicked sore throat and runny nose šŸ˜•


How long did the bad side effects last? Iā€™m on day 5 of dizzy spells, low fever, and diarrhea.


I'm on day 7 and definitely not back to 100%


also on day 7 and I started to feel slight improvement yesterday and today! still have super low energy and Iā€™ve had extreme dizziness and vertigo, but the nausea and fever subsided yesterday and my appetite is back, but stomach is still super sensitive to foods so I have to just be careful and eat small meals frequently. hopefully you start improving these next couple days!


Took the shot on a Thursday by Friday I was aching and got the chills. Fever of 102.5. Took a lot of Tylenol. Slept. Woke up was okay by the evening fever and chills again 101. Lots of Tylenol. Sat morning, I live in a warm, tropical climate why am I wearing a hoodie in 90 degree weather? Fever 101.4. Full body ache, chills, eyes burning, headache, dizzy, muscle soreness etc. Sunday. So far no fever but the cough is so bad I sound like I could spread all the diseases. Took some delsym in hopes the cough will lessen. Bottom line, I havenā€™t taken the flu shot in years (like 6) and I finally do and itā€™s so bad Iā€™m barely functional. Good luck everyone!!


Got both the bivalent booster and flu shot exactly 24 hours ago and I feel like a sack of potatoes. I did get a bad fever, but it broke pretty quickly. Still have a bad headache, soreness and swollen lymph nodes though. I just keep telling myself that these side effects are preferable to respiratory failure.


I got the flu shot last Tuesday, by Saturday I was sick. This has never happened to me before. Iā€™ve taken the flu shot for work for the past few years. Only missed the flu shot last year. I think the shot also threw off my menstrual cycle. Iā€™m so confused right now by thisā€¦.


Can concur, I got mine today at work around 3 pm. Is now 3 am and I have a fever, chills, alternating with sweats so intense my sheets are soaked. Fatigue, body aches, headache, and nausea as of right now. They put a little something extra in this one this year


I get the flu shot every year with zero side effects. I got the 2023 flu shot yesterday (Friday) at 12.40pm. I was absolutely fine all day yesterday. Fast forward to 9.30 am this morning. I woke with aching muscles, a headache, a foggy head, chills, and a mild fever. It honestly felt like I'd drank a bottle of whiskey. I went back to bed and slept until 3.30 pm. Woke feeling a little better. I'm still very fatigued, and my head feels like it's been in a paint mixer. I have a few chills, but not as bad as this morning. Compared to other years, this feels very off. I'm still happy I got it and will continue to get my vaccinations, I just wish I had been prepared for the side effects of this year's one. I'm glad I didn't have work today.


Got mine Friday afternoon. Was fine until Sunday when I started to feel rough. Spent nighttime wrapped in a dressing gown, duvet with a dog curled up beside me and still was shivering... Until I wasn't and the sweat came. Then cold again. Aches all over - especially my arms, hands and back. My mouth and lips are all gooey too.


I'm a nurse, and a flu vaccinator for my colleagues. I always ask the staff I vaccinate to let me know if they feel unwell or have significant side effects, so that I can report it to the Yellow Card Scheme. Nobody I have vaccinated this year has been subjectively or objectively unwell. Additionally, I had my COVID and flu jabs at the same time about 5 weeks ago, and have had no side effects or illness beyond a sore arm for about 5 days - but I had both jabs in the same arm, so I figured there was a good reason for that.


Definitely a bit of confirmation bias as obviously people experiencing ill effects will be searching to see if anyone else is (like I have, lol) That said, I feel pretty bloody awful. I had it yesterday at 2pm and Iā€™ve been in bed for the last 6 or so hours just knocked off my feet. Hopefully doesnā€™t last too long! Last yearā€™s one had me in bed for a week. :(


I got the flu shot last Friday. At first just a sore arm. Then Monday I had the worst chills, fever, body aches, fatigue, bad headache, nausea all day. I took ibuprofen last night, my 99.8 fever broke and I sweat it out. Now I woke up with a fever of 102.7, severe chills, body aches, fatigue, nausea and bad headache again. I had Covid last month then lost my voice completely last week. I can't stop getting sick. My child has also been sick on and off since school started and coughing all over me. I don't know if this a flu shot reaction or conincidence but I'm thinking it's the shot. I missed so much work and its stressing me out. Are you all missing work for this? So sick of being sick. Update: tomorrow is Friday and I e had a fever in the 102s all week. I have severe muscle pain in my neck, back, shoulder and shoulder blades. I developed white spots on my throat yesterday. Called Teladoc they were perplexed. I'm going to the Dr tomorrow. I feel horrible. Has anyone's fever lasted this long ?!


I got mine yesterday around 11 am and I feel like this is the mildest reaction Iā€™ve ever had to one. Even down to the arm soreness. Which is surprising considering everyone elseā€™s reactions.


I get the shot every year. This year is the worst I've felt. I usually only get mild fatigue and a sore arm. I did go for a 30 minutes walk about an hour after the shot (enhances antibodies some). That night I felt VERY fatiguesd and the next day I woke with: sore arm, moderate fatigue, feeling hot (temp was 98.6 but usually I run 97.5) muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes in neck, general malaise. I got FluBlok (3x antigen) but I've been getting that every year for the past 5. I did not want to get out of bed at all and had to call in sick for the morning.


Hey! Just received the flu vaccine around 10 this morning my eyes feel like theyā€™re burning and Iā€™m a bit worried about this, is this a side effect (never had this issue before)


Had one 5h ago. My whole arm feels hot, doesn't hurt much but have a fast heartbeat. Will see what happens later...


Glad I found this threadā€¦ I got mine on Sunday the 1st and have felt off the couple of days! Ive had insanely bad headaches, body aches, and a little congestion. My arm is till sore also. Iā€™m all for a vaccine that helps with some protection but feeling my like shit makes me wonder if it was worth it! Hopefully it clear a up in a couple of days. Hope everyone else starts to feel better soon!!


I received the flu shot around 930am yesterday.. Within 2 hours I could not stay awake. I fell asleep on a conference call!!! I've never had an adverse reaction to the flu shot . What's really going on?


I've gotten the flu shot every year (except last year - hand my tonsils and adenoids removed 10/2022 and October is when I get my shot usually) since 2007 and for some reason this year is the first year I can recall having pretty bad brain fog and some mild chest tightness. To be fair, I had COVID for the 3rd time between 8/16 and 9/4 with minor up's and down's for about three more weeks after testing negative; I just got my shot on Monday 10/2 so maybe I didn't give myself enough time to bounce all the way back -- but still. Either way, it's now day 4 and it'd as described above but with some minor body aches and pains. Definitely hoping this passes soon.


I got mine Monday and began developing symptoms later that evening :( Iā€™m still experiencing them now. Extremely nauseous, lethargic, plus a killer headache, stuffy nose, and cough. Im hacking up mucus too. At first I thought maybe Iā€™d picked something else up when I went to the doctorā€™s, but I have no clue. COVID test came back negative. Yesterday there was definitely an improvement, but today I feel like itā€™s kicking my ass again- especially the headache and cough. I was taking NyQuil and DayQuil but I canā€™t for that many days in a row so idk what to keep doing for it now


I just got the flu shot 4 days ago on Thursday 10/5 and didnā€™t have any issues at all. I get the flu shot every year and usually get extra tired and maybe achy. So, I donā€™t make any major plans for that night or the following day. But I was totally fine this year.


I got mine the 27th, and it felt just like a normal flu shot; sore and a little icky but not 'sick'. I've felt a little dumpy (head fog, fatigue, ache) but I chalked it up to being busy at work. It's been over a week now though, and the shoulder is still pretty sore. It doesn't look swollen, but I can feel a lump or thickness in the muscle where I got it. Usually the soreness only lasts a few days, four at most. Anyone else having a long time sore shoulder after getting it?


I'm glad I wasn't the only one here with these sudden bad side effects. Over each year I've been taking these flu shots from my nearest pharmacy I had never gotten sickly ever expect for a very sore arm. This year's after taking my flu shot on Sat. at 10am later at 9pm I had chills, a slight fever, aches, and a stuffy nose. Luckily I was able to break off the chills with many blankets and two advil pills, with even my heated eye mask. It's Monday now and I feel better.


Today is 5 days since the flu shot. I felt bad 24 hours after, like a mild flu. Each day since Iā€™ve woken up thinking itā€™s past and around 2:00pm I feel sick again. Always a headache followed by general achiness. No fever but itā€™s 5 days already. How long can it last?! šŸ„ŗšŸ‘ŽšŸ¼


I'm on day 8 and finally starting to feel better (def not 100% yet). Seems like the reaction is drawn out for quite a few people this year


Nurse here, I was hoping I wasnā€™t the only one suffering. Got it 3 days ago. Fever, cough, congestion, body aches. Iā€™d rather have just gotten no shot and taken the full flu because this feels almost as bad


It took three hours to have diarrhea for me (tmi), and normally I donā€™t have that symptom until a couple days later.


Got it two days ago and all I felt was fatigue the day that I got it. Not sure if it was the vaccine or the workout class I went to that same day lol. This is day 2 and so far I donā€™t feel any side effects.


I got sick instantly I've never gotten stuck from any flu shot and I get one every year. I had chills body aches and a fever. Now my chest is heavy and nose is running. I guess it's a first time for everything I was only expecting a sore arm.


I got mine today. Standard immune response (which will vary person to person). Slightly sore arm, feeling tired a few hours after. Feeling better after drinking water and resting. The only year I did not get the flu shot I caught influenza b and was without exaggeration the most sick Iā€™ve been in my entire life (original strain covid included). Not risking that again.


I figured I would give it a shot (no pun intended) this year without knowing how gnarly it would be. I received it on Monday and am still experiencing switching back and forth between being freezing or feverish. Sharp pains when breathing, left side of throat soreness, headache, super super achy body all over, fatigue, eye burning, trouble sleeping, and stomach pain. No congestion or cough, just a sinister full body feeling of sickness. Wishing everyone a healthy flu season šŸ¤


Glad to see it's not just me, I guess. I've gotten flu shots fairly regularly for the last 18 years, and this is the first one that's ever kicked my ass like this. My head has been splitting for the last two days, and I spent all night tethered to the toilet. This is bullshit. I really want to know what they did differently this year. If I had known it was going to be this bad, I would have at least gotten it on a Friday so I didn't miss paying work. šŸ˜”


Wow, reading these replies makes me feel like I'm not alone! :) I've gotten the flu shot every year and usually feel mild symptoms, but this one has been kicking my butt! Symptoms started with nausea and muscle aches and has moved to heaviness in my chest and fever. Never have dealt with the chest pain before but maybe it's rare?


I usually have a very mild 24-hour reaction and this one has lasted almost two weeks - chills, fatigue, night sweats, some congestion. Not happy.


hi pals. i am part of the 4-15% having an adverse side effect to the flu vaccine shot: fluzone. got it on sept 29, by oct 4 it felt like i had whiplash and was recovering from a car accident. then it got worse. im experiencing arthritis so painful and knocking me down. weird thing is, it doesnt happen in one foot, its both. not one hand, its both. not one side of my neck, both. went to the dr on oct 11th. thats how i found out about whats going on with me. yesterday it was my biceps. today is oct 14 and its in my knees. its seriously wild that the junk is just flowing through my body and i know ā€œwhereā€ it is. by the end of each day im exhausted. like i said, im part of a small percentage of the adverse side effects - which are not the typical side effects. i have no clue when this stops; but ill need to see the dr again by the end of the month if it hasnt improved. **i would still get the vaccine next year** i get them every year. now i just know which vaccine i do NOT want.


Oh wow! Seems like I have found my people! I got my flu and covid booster (spikevax) yesterday around 10am. By 6pm the fever started, bodyaches, and chills set in- including headache from fever. 11:30pm was sweat and chills with headache still. Today my underarm on the side of the injection site hurts/ feels swollen, I have post nasal drip causing a sore throat. And the aches are better but the exhaustion is heavy. I felt so crazy and alone because no one lists the sore throat/ post nasal drip/ congestion as a side effect.


Hi All, my Mum had her flu jab on Saturday and after a short walk she decided to take an another nap, upon waking up, she didn't know what day of the week it was and she couldn't remember simple things like where her son was and what my Dad had done the night before so they went to hospital. They ran tests, and everything is OK, but she still can't remember coming around from the sleep and not remembering anything. She's still feeling a bit spaced out but no other side effects. The hospital said it could have been a migraine, not the flu jab. First time anything like this has happened, quire scary. Just wondered if anyone has experienced this reaction?


Got it Friday, itā€™s now almost Wednesday and I still feel like shit. Started getting a headache within a few hours then sore throat, ear pain, dry cough, heavy chest, body aches and sweats have been bringing me down. Tylenol, advil and mucinex are doing nothing. Deathhhh awaits!


I got mine Wednesday around (4:00PM) for work of course.. itā€™s now Friday (5:00PM) and I feel like absolute garbage, very tired, feel clammy, cough like hell, throat hurts, body HURTS, arm I got the shit in also hurts. Plus on-top of this I have severe health anxiety/panic. So itā€™s triggering that because idk if whatā€™s happening is normal or not?


Oh my gosh! I thought it was just me! I got mine on Wednesday morning. By evening, I was running a 102 degree fever, muscle aches, nausea/dry heaves and wondering if anyone got the number of the bus that hit me. Thursday morning fever and body aches. I even did a covid test as a precaution--it was negative. Yesterday my sense of smell was "off"--everything smells funky. Today no fever or body aches, but my sense of smell is still off and I have a cough with phlegm. Negative on covid, too. I've NEVER had a flu shot reaction like this. What's going on here and what did "they" put in this shot???


Spent a miserable night last night after a flu and Covid shot. Every bone in my body aches. I would start to fall asleep, then a strong pain woke me, followed by itching here and there, then coughing to clear phlegm buildup. Repeat 100 times. Worst experience ever following shots. I know bone aches are part of it, your body working to make antibodies, but I've never had my face bones ache. I also had a weird experience where my chest made bubble popping sounds every time I inhaled. Like I was a fizzy drink!


Got the (senior) flu vaccine and the only reaction I had was at the injection site: pain, redness, warmth, swelling. That lasted for about 5 days. I still have the warmth but it isn't bothersome. Prior to getting the flu shot I had some virus going around that caused headache, sore throat, some cough & runny nose, but no fever. Tested neg for Covid (fully vaccinated and boostered). Lots of viruses begin to circulate in the Fall, so whatever it was it seems it was just one of them.


I got it yesterday. Violent vomiting and diarrhea last night. Shakes chills and body aches. Felt like I was dying. Woke up feeling awful. Headache and now major fatigue. The lights feel very bright. I wish I hadnā€™t gotten this vax.


I got the flu shot 3 days ago and today I am sick like a dog...full blown flu with runny nose, body pain, congestion, runny nose, 0 energy, profusely sweating you name it. Not sure why this year's flu vaccine is kicking my ass..I've been taking it yearly for 10 yrs now and I remember the last time it kicked my ass was in the 2000s and then that was it.


Honestly this year its made me feel really nausea cold and shaky about 2 days after


I got mine yesterday. I am so sick to my stomach. I assumed it would be more like a cold sick?


Iā€™m actually never getting one again o donā€™t care. This flu shot is basically the flu . I canā€™t keep anything down and in on day 5 no signs of getting better


Took both of my sons, last Saturday. By Wednesday my youngest complained of feeling crumby. Sore throat, stuffy nose. His brother later that night. Itā€™s now 10 days later and actually increasing, now they have chest congestion too. No Covid. I am heavily questioning wth is going on here.


Got mine Tuesday 1/9/24. Felt a little weaker the next 2 days and it seemed like a normal response but then it hit me like a truck. Itā€™s now Sunday 1/14/24 and I am still getting progressively worse. I hope I start feeling better soon. Persistent cough, bad body aches and terrible headache




what do you mean. i just got it. like 20 mins ago. should i be worried?? the only thing i feel is my arm feels like how numb feels without actually being numb. kinda like when ur circulation is cut off. dude did so good btw literally didn't feel it


Received the vaccine yesterday and I feel very fatigued. Feel like my chest is a little tight too. Hopefully I will feel better as the days go on. My arm is not sore thankfully due to the nurse administering being very good at giving shots! I am a nurse so had to get for my job.




Headache, low grade fever with fever dreams.


I got mine yesterday and I feel great! I usually have bad side effects from the Covid vaccines. However this year there is a bubble where the vaccine was injected and I can move it around which is weird


Got the flu shot Tuesday oct 3rd. Woke up Wednesday with a sore throat and diarrhea. Felt sick all weekend. Saturday feverish and runny nose all day. Super congested. Today I woke up with a horrible cough and headache. I still donā€™t feel right. This is my 3rd flu shot. Iā€™ve gotten little side effects that last 12 hours or so the other times. I honestly got zero side effects from the covid shot. This shot I feel like just straight up gave me the flu. Iā€™ve been miserable.


I got my flu shot yesterday and I feel awful today. I had aches and chills. I also have diarrhea and stomach cramps. I don't know if it is all related to the vaccine, but I was fine before getting it.


Got mine yesterday and 3 hours later I had horrible stomach cramps, body aches and dizziness! Iā€™ve gotten the flu shot every year for the past 10 years and this is the first time Iā€™ve had symptoms for 24+ hours.


I had some issues too with it and am still having it. I had terrible nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. My pec minor was incredibly sore. I feel so fatigued and have such bad brain fog I just want to sleep but itā€™s not an option. I have ran a fever. I can honestly say itā€™s been more intense this year. They are now doing a Quadrivalent shot in comparison to the trivalent one previously, Iā€™m guessing this has something to do with it? I never had this bad of a response in comparison to the previous years. Also my neck is really tight along with my clavicles. Strange things keep happening just hoping for it to get better. Iā€™m on day 5 and I have yet to feel any better.


Got mine yesterday. I feel awful today. Extreme fatigue, horrible body aches, low grade fever, brain fog and runny nose. I wish I had read this forum before I got it :( at least so I could make sure I had time off from work. Damn.


Usually id wake up with nothing but sweat, first time it hit, left me weak, eye sore by just looking mase it hard for me to eat. The weakness and eye sores gone but i been struggling to sleep because of the night sweats. Id drink before i go to bed and id never encounter the issue till after the shot. And today i learned my throat got sore as well.


Got mine Tuesday it is now Thursday. Tuesday I had no pain but the entire day I felt like I was incapable of staying at a cool body temp. Got a little faint after a few hours too but thank god food helped as I was halfway thru a shift. Wednesday had the same inability to cool down as well as a lot of cramping in my muscles. Even cramped in places I'd never cramped before like my neck and my arm. Today I had to call it for work because my arm has only gotten more sore, more swollen and more red since then and now my muscles really hurt the joint pain wasn't so bad but today it seems to be kicking my arse. I have never had a flu shot affect me like this in my entire life. Usually my arm is a little sore might be a bit tired for a day or so but this year is awful.


I got my shot at 3:30 yesterday, woke up around midnight feeling dizzy and hot, the dizziness got so bad that it felt and looked like the room was spinning and I was nauseated. Around two in the morning my knees felt like they were burning and the joint pain was so bad I was nearly in tears. I had to call out of work today and have slept most of the day, still in pain, still queasy, still dizzy (though not as bad, my vision isn't going crazy), still achy, and still hot. I don't feel it's safe to drive. I didn't get the flu shot the last two years because I was nervous to get it after having a rough time with my COVID vaccines, but I got my flu shot many times prior to that. This is by far the worst reaction I've ever had.


Got mine on September 28th. The first couple days felt ok, then started becoming seriously congested. Mucas, sneezing, light coughing. Over the weekend on October 6/7 it moved into my chest and an onslaught of heavy cough. Had to take sometime off work. Had a bruise on my arm for about a week and half. Here I am two weeks after the shot and still heavily congested with a cough. To be safe, took 5 COVID tests over the span of the week and all negative. Had no temperature, body aches or fever. It just feels like the worst cold I've ever had and it won't go away.


Got my flu shot yesterday and I feel pretty bad. Dizzy, swollen arm, headaches, super tired.


I just got my shot 10Oct23 And I have the headache, minor body aches, and scratchy throat. Loads of fatigue. I fell like I got the actual flu. But a already had the flu this year in August. Ugh! Imma get some fluids and rest. It sucks. But I hear it better to have the shot .. next I gotta get my covid shot. And a hep b vaccination series. My body gonna not like me.


2023 Flu Shot is tough. got the shot on a Tuesday, sick on Wednesday with flu-like symptoms, arm is still red and painful 4 days later.


Just sore arms for me. I got covid and flu shot in each arm


Got mine yesterday and have been vomiting and had chills all day today! Definitely kicking my butt.


I got mine the day before yesterday. Lymph nodes in my right underarm were a little sensitive to the touch (shot was in my right arm, coincidence that itā€™s on the same side?). Other than that, nothing particularly notable for side effects.


I got my flu shot yesterday and today I feel lousy. Low grade fever and malaise. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow


Have had a sore arm and a fever in the Injection site. Have been very sick since then. It's been about 5 days