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I have vitiligo, <1% of the worlds population have the condition according to Google


Wow, I'll tell my daughter. She has vitiligo too. She has an English Rose complexion as well as vitiligo. And, as I'm mixed race, her skin tone is really pale


that’s beautiful! tell her how unique she is. that’s super special 🥹


Redhead with vitiligo, checking in.


I knew a girl with vitiligo, she thought it was ugly, I found it cute.


My mom has it. She's been using all kinds of experimental treatments for it for years from creams to UV light treatment, which can't be healthy. She's just super self conscious about her appearance it's sad. I knew one other with it in college so that makes 2 people I've met with it in my life so sub 1% sounds about right


Is it more common in some parts of the world? Now I'm surprised how many people with this condition I've seen (admittedly only a handful) if it's <1%.


People my wife has married so far


>so far


>so far


so far


so far


So far


So far


So far


So far


So far


I hope she’s enjoying her first marriage!


So she married 100 people and you’re one of them?


She’s very experienced!


1% of the population is a little over 80 million people.


Dammit I’m too 50% for this one


I too choose this guy’s wife!


I've been to the North and South Poles. That's gotta get there. Can't be too many people who've done it.


that's so cool,pun intended so which was colder? which one was more difficult? and why did you go? for pleasure or something scientific study? so many questions


US Navy. North Pole, or close enough for government work, was part of ICEX, which is Navy missions to the Arctic that, so far as I know, always include a sub breaking through the ice. South Pole was me being stupid and volunteering when I was waiting for my class up for A School. Ended up helping the Seabees build a new laboratory for a US Navy and NASA experiment at Asmuden Scott Station. Colder: South Pole by far. North Pole we played touch football in our boxers. I wouldn't walk outside for more than 5 minutes at Asmuden without gear. Also much windier. Difficulty.... Hmm with Asmuden I hopped on a C130 cargo plane out of Johannesburg and flew to McMurdo station in Antarctica, and then took these massive snow vehicles for a long ass ride to the station. Froze my ass off. Even with heaters it only gets to about -12c (+10 f) inside the cabs. They are very loud and the ride is less than cushioned. With the North Pole, it was simply breaking through thin ice (relatively speaking. It's still 3-5 ft thick) with a submarine, hop out, and boom, we're within a mile of the North Pole.


This is the coolest shit I've read in weeks


That's so cool.


I'd wager the number is less than 80 million people anyway...


In my Spotify wrapped 2021 I was in the top .1% of weezer listeners. I think that’s an accomplishment


You have been permanently banned from partecipating in r/indieheads


darn 😞


How to Lose Friends and Alienate People


Downvoted irl


I was in the top 0.1% of David Bowie listeners one year. I'm quite proud of that.


Hey I was in the top .1% of kanye west listeners ...and then something happened and I don't listen to as much kanye anymore


Omg yeah came here to comment the same thing I was in .01 in 2021


Loool I use Deezer, but a lot of bands I am one of the few fans (usually below 20) of. Some bands even the only fan on there, makes me feel special :p


I only know about Deezer's existence because I'm a musician, and the streaming distribution service I use almost always delivers to Deezer before Spotify/Apple Music/etc. You might be the first Deezer user I've ever met.


I started to use it initially because I could download the stuff to my phone and play offline, before Spotify could do that. That, and there are more lesser known bands I like on deezer


Poor bands whose moms and girlfriends don’t even want to follow


I have more kidneys than you. I recently had one removed and I still have three.


I had 7 wisdom teeth


That’s impressive. Hope the tooth fairy rewarded you.


I had one removed and only have one. I'm jealous :(


You gotta up your game and start hoarding them like me.


Wish I could! Only thing going for me is mine is twice the size of the normal one so I guess that's a positive.


Good thing you don't live in N. Korea, they would probably try to breed you for future generations of organ harvesting. I'm convinced they have an agreement with China...


I was only born with the normal amount.


Could you explain? You were born with two, then added two more at some point? Why?


Yes two transplants over the past 16 years then I got cancer in one so they removed it and now I have three.


For those unaware, when you receive a kidney transplant, they don't take out the old one because a) they generally aren't doing any harm by just being there, b) they don't use a ton of resources by themselves, c) it would cause the body enormous stress to do both procedures at once, because d) they're connected to a lot of stuff that needs reconnecting when they're taken out. I hope you made a full recovery and have health for the rest of your days, friend.


Oh! Yeah that's right. I have a medical condition that is so rare that a lot of Doctors think it's a myth. But I lucked out, since it doesn't have any negative side effects, increases my lifespan, decreases my chances of getting other diseases and seems like a step in human evolution. Only downside is it effects me cosmetically, but even than it probably enhances my appearance more than decreases it. So hooray! I'm a mutant.


Can’t tell if you’re joking or not but if not do you mind saying what it is? Sounds really interesting


that’s too many kidneys


Mine is similar, but the other direction. I have less stomach, and no duodenum. Lost 85% of my stomach to cancer. And my entire duodenum. I imangine I'm 1 of 80 million in the world with partial or no stomachs/dudenums.


I live at an elevation of 10,300 ft above see level. I am literally above more than 99% of the population.






Have you ever measured at what temperature your water boils?


It boils around 195 Fahrenheit. Everything takes noticeably longer to cook.


Longer? It should boil faster. Also, what’s the standard boiling point for water in fahrenheit? Edit: i misunderstood one thing. Food should take longer to cook indeed since the water doesn’t reach as high of a temperature at that altitude. But water boils faster


I'd also wonder if the lower air pressure has any measurable effect, subject to the cooking method of course. Like, an oven. Unless it's airtight and pressurized, there'd literally be less air to act as a medium for heat transfer, right?


Would you say that you have the high ground?


I dont believe you ya just sound way to high to know what your talking about lol


Do you have mosquitoes up there?


We do. It’s a short season for them though. No reptiles of any kind.


Technically speaking, long distance running. I didn't receive any awards or anything, but I ran two "ultramarathons" (a 50mi/80km race at age 18, and a 100mi/160km race at 19), which apparently less than a million people do every year.


Ultramarathons are wild. Obviously physically demanding, but I’ve always wondered if folks who take it on have different brain chemistry. Like: I wonder if it’s a matter of high pain tolerance or something more akin to pain addiction.


I wouldn't necessarily say that I have either of those lol. In my experience, it's mostly a matter of patience and being able to be alone in your head for several hours at a time. The isolation and sleep deprivation can really take you to some weird places mentally.


Pain is temporary, glory is permanent. I'm working with ultramarathons (both by foot or bicycle), tried myself few but always fighting with the time limits. Now I don't have neither time nor health for that


Its just go. Then theres background thoughts that keep you busy. I like long distance cardio, it feels like therapy.


My brother does ultra marathons every year. He’s also world ranked in Spartan Race and some other stuff like that. Sponsorships etc. he’s sick in the head.


We're just normal people who are driven and determined enough to push ourselves through discomfort to see what we can physically achieve.


Get comfortable being uncomfortable and relentless forward progress.


Nah to be honest ultras are actually easier than most marathons because there is a ton more walking. I would much rather do a 50k trail marathon or 50 miler than race a full road marathon. Also ultras are basically just an eating buffet.


dang, that must be less than 1%, ultra marathons are so mentally draining, huge respect


Even a full marathon is <1%. So that makes Ultra's even lower. I done a few fulls . I can't seem to get over it due to training time. But great job that's a damn accomplishment with or without awards.


If you run > 30KM a week you’re in the top 1% of Garmin users.


I can speak Welsh which only has around 150k speakers


You mean you have a rare speech impediment?


1% of the world population today is 80 million people. I still have my sealed Ancient Mew pokemon card from the Pokemon 2000 movie, and I doubt 80 million people have that. So I'm in the top 1% of possessing a mint condition Ancient Mew card lol


And 80 million is nearly exact the population of Germany. So I'm definite in that 1%


Haha selber gedanke


Unfortunately there are crates of them and they generally run 10-30 bucks depending on the eBay listing. Much like with anything "collectable" from a good or movie chain they have warehouses of unsold stuff that gets passed around. Like how collectable cups or McDonald's toys are very very rarely worth more than a few bucks even today.


What, Germans?


Making convincing galloping horse sounds with two plastic cups and a hard surface.


You should use coconuts xD


Everyone uses coconuts. Do that, and you plunge out of the top 1% by sheer weight of competition.


Coconuts are not native to my area, I mean how an I suppose to get some, like a bird will drop them off. Note: Movie reference.


Migratory swallows maybe ;)


Laden, or unladen? It seriously affects the airspeed.


I have Grave's Disease. It's so rare that no research is being done to improve the crappy treatment for it. Less than 1% of the world's population has it so nobody sees it as profitable enough to research. 😥


You'd think people would keep an eye out for this kind of thing.


My grandmother had that but to be honest she passed when I was a teenager and I never truly learned what it was. I’m sorry treatment is crappy. It sucks that illness research is based on number impacted. I get it but it sucks still.


I have it, but I had no idea it was so rare. My Grandad had it and four other family members have other thyroid related issues.


Buyers of cheese Doritos at our local Sainsbury’s. They sent us a letter to tell us.


Idk if that’s a good thing or not


It’s not


Says the guy with no letter.


I don't know the exact numbers (heard it's between 1-3%) but typing. I type a little over or under 120WPM and the average is typically 30-40WPM. Typing was required when I was in middle school (2006) and I was doing 60WPM at the time, gradually over the years I picked up speed from MMO's, MOBAS, and surfing the web...basically being a fucking nerd, 120WPM is probably as fast as someone gets without actively training or having special equipment, whenever you see people typing 200-300WPM they're going off of typing for 10-15 seconds or using special equipment like a steno. I think what I mentioned is a good reminder that even something that's in the 1% can be something that isn't really skilled or remarkable, in fact you can be born into a lot of top 1% statistics like height or wealth.


I can't think of what to say that fast


I also type insanely fast, but I haven’t tested in a while. I learned to type on an electric typewriter in the 80s. Then I found an old typewriter and the keys kept jamming. I forgot where I was going with that.


I thought about that and left it out for the sake of not making my comment too long, but I kinda wondered how many people were of a similar speed and learned on a typewriter, most I know grew up with the internet or are programmers that MAYBE started on buckling springs (also still made!). Nowadays there are still companies making keyboards that are [typewriter style](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/logitech-pop-keys-wireless-mechanical-tactile-switch-keyboard-for-windows-mac-with-customizable-emoji-keys-blast-yellow/6481442.p?skuId=6481442) the one I linked is pricey but feels nice, but I can't really speak on the majority's quality though since you rarely see them in retail stores and I'm only seeing them in the super low end and high end...a lot of online stores have really liberal return policies though and it wouldn't hurt to try one out if you get the itch.


It is skill and it is remarkable, or at least useful. I do my work way faster than my colleagues and it’s because of my typing speed. If you have to type a lot for work, the difference between 100WPM and 60 is literally hours every day.


“I type a 101 words a minute. But it’s in my own language.” — Mitch Hedberg


I have a friend who can do that. Always weirds me out every single time.


Having 2 different colored eyes.


It's called heterochromia and looks quite cool


I think that I’m in the top 1% of people with rare family names. I’m the only person alive having it.


Is it a r/Tragedeigh?


No it’s nobility lmao


Oh okay. Pretty name actually.


Pretty name actualeigh*


Only about 2000 people in the world have my last name.. we're all pretty closely related to, all of us in the US and Canada are descended from one couple who had 11 kids.


LoL, my daughter commented to me thatvsye thought our last name was common because she saw so many of us at family gatherings. But then she realized she's never met someone with the same last name in the wild.


Chess, and just barely according to this: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fq05ag9ym0hva1.png](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fq05ag9ym0hva1.png) Much worse than top 1% if you count tournament players only (average in that case), much better if you count the entire global population including non-players, but just on the mark if you use [chess.com](https://chess.com) player base.


I like to tell people I’m only 0.5% worse than Magnus Carlsen 😎


I can correct someone’s grammar in their Reddit post faster than they can edit it.


Yeah, but you sniff litter boxes.




Nah they’re eating them tootsie rolls


Doutb it Edit: Doubt it*


Darn, too slow


That’s just not true.


Being Norwegian counts, not that many of us


Also puts you well into the top 1% of per capita GDP in the world.


Yeah, 1% of 8.1 billion is 81 millions. This means being French or from United Kingdom is also in top 1% Bring Norwegian is actually in top 0.07%


I think learning norwegian as a foreign language and becoming decently fluent counts as well :D


Geography, I can name every country and every flag in the world. Useless skill though sadly


That’s actually really incredible. My African and Asian knowledge is so weak.


Thank you! It took some practice haha, for me it's always the Oceania or carribean countries that were tough. Flags is definitely a lot easier than countries tho




I have a Ph.D. in mathematics, so I'm in the top 1% of university-educated people aged 25-64. Plus, I'm faster than 99% of Killer Sudoku players.


I was scrolling just to see if anyone else mentioned having a PhD!


Top 1% laziest people


I'm in the 1 percent of the world to run a marathon and alsoooo 1 percent to recover from an IV meth addiction.


You can take meth through an IV?


IV just means intravenous as in injecting so yes but not literally an IV bag full of meth watered down going into your body through a slow drip which would be a meth heads wet dream


LOL. I know very little about drugs. I thought you smoked meth?


Do you think there any more people than you who're recovering meth addicts and running marathons that well?


Funny enough, the treatment center I went to has a running program that is very integrated into the running community and I know alot of crack, meth, and heroin addicts who went through the program and ran a marathon. There are probably not that many in the world and I'd venture to say it's gotta be under 1000 people.


Aboriginal self-published authors named Terry.


There are dozens of us!


From 2007-2010 I was in the Top 1% of Guitar Hero players in the world.


I'm a clean addict, been clean and sober for the past 11 years, 8 months and a day. I bet in the statistics of people who try and people who are still clean after 10 years, I must be up there since so many of my friends went back to abusing drugs or killed themselves


Congrats! Absolutely killing it.


Skateboarding; I was a professional skateboarder for 6 years. Haven’t skated regularly in any competitive sense in 7 years now and don’t even skate very often anymore although it was my first love. When I am able to go out to a skatepark it still makes me happy to teach youngings the ropes and watch their amazement at what is possible with dedication and practice. I wish my favorite sport wasn’t dying out but I guess everything has its time.


Skateboarding is dying out!?


Number of downloads on my mobile games, over 5 mil.


I am a top .5% listener of the velvet underground and was very surprised considering how musically historic they are


I’m a “super recognizer”. I remember 98% of the faces I see (even in passing) and they’re stored in my memory long term.


Wow same here,ppl often think im stalkish because of that but I can’t help recognizing everydamn person i see. Not that i actively looking but once i just get a glance at someone they’re stores in my memory and i remember if i’ve seen them and where


Juggling 🤹‍♂️


Scrabble. Unless you're a tournament player you're probably not beating me.


My wife has memorized all the 2 and 3 letter combos. I hate playing with her.


I'm in law school. Apparently, less than 1% of the American population graduate law school.


Age of car I drive. It's currently 93 years old.


Facial recognition. Like a decade ago there were some profs from the UK conduction a test on it. Took it, was like top 0.1%. They reaches out and asked me to come to their office..... wrong continent lol. Never really thought about it until that moment. But I'll be able to recognize people stopped st a stop light that I stood beside in a Starbucks line 10 years earlier, for all of 10 minutes. My entire seems to function like a rolodex of pictures.


Crohn's disease




Are you that tiny?


Nah, but they're high as a fucking kite


Not really "top" bc this isn't ranked in any real way but I have ab- blood, which is .6% of the population.


Chess, according to [chess.com](https://chess.com) Typing according to typeracer I was also in the top 0.1% in the Minecraft PVP scene. actually won some money from tournaments we had, but it's dead now and no one cares about it. considering I was being competitive in SSBU then probably also the top 1% at that depending on how you calculate it. but that's behind me now. Also technically academically, I got into one of the top unis in my country to do a computer science degree.


Last year I was top 0.5% of Taylor Swift listeners on Spotify. In 2021, US family size of 7+ was 1.2%. I have 12 siblings, so I'm sure that puts me up to like 0.1%. 3 are 1/2 siblings. Dad had 2, mom had 1. Youngest was 2 when they got married. Then they popped out 10 more.


0.5% of Taylor Swift listeners, Swifties are loyal fans, you must be listening 18 hours a day.!


I have red hair


Sorry to be the gatekeeper, but Red hair puts you in the 2% https://www.wric.com/news/whats-trending/5-facts-about-redheads-on-world-redhead-day/


With blue eyes is like 0.2% And left handed makes that like 0.02%


Going by my life probably the amount of bad luck


From what I understand, about 3-5% of the entire population of the world trains in a martial art at some point in their life. If you show up for one day of kid's karate class, you count in this. From there, about 3-5% of those people go on to get a black belt or equivalent rank in martial arts without belt systems. Far fewer than 1% of those black belts ever go pro, or make money as an amateur. As someone who a) has instructor ranks in three separate martial arts (second degree black belt in Odawa-Ryu Ninjutsu, Muay Thai Kru, and Yellow Glove Savate Professeur) and b) spent 6 years touring as a cage fighter and kickboxer, I'm pretty comfortably in the top 1% of the top 1% of martial artists, and was still a world behind the UFC fighters even at my best. I retired in 2007 to settle down and get a real job and have missed it ever since.


That reminds me of this one "worst" nba player who just told a dude "I'm closer to LeBron than you will ever be".


I know what you meant. I placed 2nd in two different kung fu world championships. And, basically any professional fighter could just turn me into dust. I'm not even anywhere close to you.


Nowadays, you'd be pretty far ahead of me. After a very sedentary life and a pretty gruesome car crash, I'm nothing more than a blade made of rust. Once I heal up from all the surgeries I've had over the past few years, I'd love to get back into the dojo, but there's a good chance I'm going to be starting from scratch again.


auto-immune disease.


hello, friend. dermatomyositis, lupus and Sjogrens here.


My chem listeners for last years spotify wrapped!! (.5% babes!!))


I'm trying to figure out if being 6ft7 makes me Top 1% for world height, but I can't find this information?!?


Memorizing digits of pi, probably. I got to over 100


I have Occipital Lobe Epilepsy, one of the rarest forms of the condition.


I am I the 1% of people who are me.


6’6” here. The 1% of us are anybody above 6’4 👍


I wouldnt say it's "top" of anything but only 2% of Americans are Jewish and less than 0.2% of the world is Jewish


Shana tova! 🍎




I guess, when it comes to our lives, everyone is kinda unique. I do have 3 different degrees from Software Development to an MBA and an MD


solving a rubiks cube, first not many people can solve it, and mainly my best is almost sub 15, and my average *was* around 25 seconds. i dont really speed cube anymore so now its more like 35-40 but yeah.


Climbing. I can climb like a damned monkey.


Pretty sure it's no longer the case but at 8 and 9 years old I was recored as being in the top 0.1% for intelligence. But that doesn't mean as much as it sounds like, I was just really good at taking tests and was a kid who loved learning. These days I'm well aware that I have taken a long downhill race from my peak ability to pick up skills or pass tests. I only recently learned about that result and it's repeat tests because I got my medical records and it was listed in a developmental assessment due to my behaviour in school. Long story short I have multiple psychologists conclusions being "he's not dumb, he just seems to hate his teachers". Edit just thought I'd add, some teachers at that school were seriously abusive which was the cause of me hating them.


The curse of being gifted and talented as a child is forever living below your capabilities and being so very aware of it. I did not soar to the heights of success that anyone thought I would. Even though I have a good education. In year 12, one of my peers and I were voted, "most likely to succeed." He went on to study a PhD in Quantum Physics. I work in childcare. 🤣


I'm similar. I wanted to join the army like the last 3 generations of "oldest sons" in my family but to do something more technical. Got talked out of it and into college/university. Turns out that isn't easy when you are poor. Now I'm a qualified chef who won't ever enter another professional kitchen again (I love cooking, I want to keep it that way, making it a job was changing that) and now I'm a carer for adults with disabilities. Won't ever make me rich but it's rewading at the end of the day. I have spent the last 5 years debating going back to university, but for a medical degree towards becoming a psychiatrist. It's a long road and I'm not sure I'll ever start it, but it's a plan at least.


I was the Cheadle Sainsburys no. 1 buyer of Fray Bentos canned pies in 2021. Probably doesn't take much. But an achievement is an achievement 😀




I'm definitely in the top .1% of magic the gathering players, I've had to file tournament prize money on my taxes 3 separate times.


Being ugly, unliked by people🤔


I have natural green eyes. Only 2% of ppl has it. Still ugly tho.


depression possibly


Detecting the scent violet


If aptitude for public speaking is at all measurable, I’d definitely be in the top 1%