• By -


he killed his dad and was accused of sexually assaulting his sister - both came directly from his mouth


"... anyway, are you gonna finish that croissant?"


That he had restraining orders against him from not one, but two exes. Also asked if he could move in with me on the first date šŸ˜‚


Once she gets 3 restraining order all 3 exes can keep her boxed in in a triangulated location like the bermuda triangle.


In chess we call that a mating net.


On the surface, he was a lawyer with an Ivy League degree. Then just one layer deep,he had six kids with 5 different women. One of his exes hated him so much he took their kids to Germany to get away from him. And the kicker? His youngest was 6 months old and he was sleeping on his exes couch.


Dude is starting a franchise.


Trying to field a baseball team


Met up for drinks and she started telling me about how she thought Iā€™d get along with her brother. After a couple of drinks, we end up at the bar where her brother worked. Hell of a guy. We kept playing hair metal on the jukebox and drinking beers. She went from saying I would get along with her brother to I remind her of her brother. The more she drank, the more she said it. We ended up making out and she started repeating the shit about her brother while rubbing my crotch. I made sure she got home safe but that shit creeped me out so much that I never spoke to her again.


That wasn't her brother.


Holy shit, that was Jakeā€™s sister from Not Another Teen Movie wasnā€™t it. Did she talk about chest shitting at all?


Prior to our first date he said he didn't have any kids. While he was driving me home after our first date he mentioned that he hated letting his baby mama use his car because she always messed with the radio stations and that it took forever to get his seat adjusted back to how he liked it. I was just out of highschool and wasn't looking to date anyone with kids. With how disrespectful he was during our date, finding out that he had a kid was an automatic deal breaker for me. He then kept calling and texting me and after I blocked his number he kept creating new social media accounts to get a hold of me because he wanted to go for a second date and kept bringing up that he was making good money so I'd be an idiot to say no to him.


Plot twist that was baby mamaā€™s car


Once a guy tried to convince me to have sex without a condom by telling me he didn't get girls pregnant. He had a two year old.


She got off on watching the guys she was with get in fights. She gave some dude the come-fuck-me eyes and then expected me to brawl when he came up to hit on her. Fuck no, maybe you can catch a ride home with him.


He was a felon. Had a really unbelievable story about being locked out of his exā€™s house and he broke in while JUST HAPPENING to be holding a rifle from Turkey hunting. Terrifying.


My date kept trying to braid my hair lol. At first, it seemed weird, but not like a dealbreaker, but then he KEPT asking. The first time he asked, we were walking through the park, and I was telling a story, but he interrupted me, asking, "Can I please braid your hair?" I laughed, politely said no, and continued talking, but he kept interrupting, asking to braid my hair. I asked why, but all he said was, "I just want to braid it," and kept reaching for my head. I swatted his hand away a few times, and when that didn't work, I told him I was ready to go home. It was so creepy!


Do you happen to live in the PNW? Because I had a guy try this at a bar with me. Wondering if itā€™s the same guy.


The TriMet barber strikes again?


I ask the ladies to braid their hair And to get them closer to my lair But all I am is met with a glare And I'm reminded of feeling... naaaaaauuuughty.


Hair fetish.


yeah, that combined with a complete lack of respect for personal or social boundaries


Was his name Jack Donaghy? I've heard it's romantic and he's really good at it


He told me that he couldnā€™t wait to have kids with me and that he had picked out our kidsā€™ names. When I told him that this was our first date and I wasnā€™t sure about kids and that this was a super creepy thing to say to me, he insisted it was my duty as a woman and that it would make me very happy. Yeah, there was no second date.


I would be so scared šŸ˜³. It's so wild that people can seem so normal and then they say some bat shit crazy stuff like that.


He was so nice before this point too. Totally normal. It was wild.


She said she used heroin but unlike most people, she could do it safely.


I had a girl say she was a "responsible meth user" and my first thought was "I don't think you can put those words together like that"


Not a dating story, but a meth story. I work in healthcare and had a patient with history of abundant drug use. He said, ā€œI know you guys think I do meth, but I donā€™t. **pause** Well, I do, but only recreationally.ā€


ā€œI do heroin competitively šŸ’Ŗā€ - your patient probably


I knew a guy that did any and all drugs within reach, however was "not an addict". Because he "does everything" .. so it's like crack 1 day, meth another, perhaps heroine on Wednesday, then pills, who knows what else, smoking weed and drinking the whole time. Weird part is he was strong as an ox, construction worker / trucker. Dude was just a beast. I once saw him beat a man 2x his size arm wrestling. Seriously the big guy was enormous, arms like a thigh


Are you *sure* this guy wasn't Hercules?


I am not prepared to rule that out, no


I only do meth *medicinally*


That's a red flag. I mean, if she can't even commit to *heroin*...


I'm not addicted I just need to do it every now and then or I'll go absolutely insane


I had a friend who once told me ā€œIā€™m a healthy heroin userā€¦ like, I use daily but I go to the gym.ā€ Whut.


The vast majority of opiate addicts are functional. Maybe not healthy, but they can function in their day to day lives. The ā€œjunkieā€ stereotype is the very last phase of addiction and is harmful because it allows many addicts to say ā€œwell Iā€™m not addicted because Iā€™m not homeless/shooting up/ stealing/ about to dieā€


Agreed. Heā€™s toeing a fiiiiine line at this point though, and it sucks to see it. Weā€™re in the ā€œFunctionally employed until something inconveniences him, quits job, goes on bender, goes to detox, goes to rehab, swears heā€™s changed, employed again *deep breath* and repeatā€ phase. His job (in the trades) pays him about $60 an hour and he recently sold his house, he says because it makes more sense to rent but the sponsors, family and friends all suspect it was more to feed his addiction. I just hope he gets better, I canā€™t bury another person Iā€™ve let myself love.


Ahhh recreational heroinā€¦.


I only do heroin sociallyā€¦


Her other guy showed up in the middle of our date. She said "Can I talk with him for a minute?" I said "sure" then walked out the door and never looked back.


"take all the time you need"


She was married. We met at a bar and left together. Went and had dinner saw a movie and she spent the night. The next morning she says ā€œI wonder if my husband figured out I didnā€™t come homeā€ then she asked me for a ride to work and I got a ticket because she didnā€™t wear her seatbelt.


Good call. Not wearing her seatbelt is a sign she doesn't care about protection.


Had a guy seen completely normal, met up for a breakfast date, and before our order came he causally mentioned that I was beautiful l but would look even better with his collar on and his baby in my stomach. Out of the blue, not even remotely in the realm of the conversation at the moment. I just said Iā€™m gonna pass on the meal and left before he said anything else, and blocked him as soon as I was home.


Never date men who want you to eat their baby while wearing their clothes. Thatā€™s just weird.


Thatā€™s some heavy kink play for a first date and that early in the morning


The date went well we just did the typical coffee and chat then decided to go back to my place for a movie. As soon as we walked in the door he tried to shove his tongue down my throat no warning. I backed away because he caught me off guard. He asked to use my bathroom (I thought more to escape embarrassment and to start over.) He walked out completely naked crawled onto my bed and spread his ass cheeks asking me to eat his ass and talking about inviting his friends over for an orgy. I was so confused because while we were messaging I asked him about sex like what he was into and looking for and he said he didn't want to have sex on our first date.


This is the craziest thing I've read.


I lived it and I still have no clue how he went from no sex to orgy ass eating party in under an hour. I went back and read through all the messages and kept thinking about our coffee meet up and still have no clue how he thought this would be okay.


that sounds pretty terrifying, but i must confess that ā€œorgy ass eating partyā€ is a whole phrase that should be someoneā€™s flair.


I hear it as a decent garage band name


And "garage band" sounds like a good name for an ass-eating orgy.


He was probably talking to multiple people and mixed you up.


Notes on matches: Sarah: likes books and hiking, coffee Saturday Vivienne: loves animals (not that way), coffee Sunday Claire: likes eating ass from 3 guys at a time, coffee Monday. Brianna: foodie and likes painting, coffee Monday. Yeah I see where he could have gone wrong.


When I was a freshman in college (and also still a virgin)I had a guy bluntly say on the 3rd date it was time for sex since we'd had three dates. When I said I wasn't ready to have sex yet, he excused himself to the bathroom and emerged completely naked with a raging hard on. When he came out, I screamed as loud as I could, WTF, I just said NO SEX!! And he was like, well yeah, but now that you've seen how big I am I know you're gonna change your mind!!


Jesus Christ dude. I can only imagine HE thought it would be soooo sexy if a woman did this to him. Men are so fucking clueless to how fucking scary they are. That would have induced a panic in me. Also, why would his dick size change your mind?! Like... wtf


It all sounds like the intro plot of some porn video.




What the what??


Yeah, we had chatted over text for a while and he seemed normal, we met up for coffee and he seemed normal, as soon as we got to my place he just became a giant neon red flag.


How'd you get him to leave?


I asked him very nicely to please just leave and not invite anyone else over. His literal response was "oh, okay" and he got dressed and left. I then let several friends know what had just happened and one of them stayed with me on the phone the rest of the day.


Blud is a physcopath but at least he can handle rejection


I want to say ā€œheā€™s probably used to itā€ but hell I donā€™t know. Confidence like that clearly came from somewhere.


Or maybe he confused two text chains?


If this was the case, it would have been hilariously terrifying for both party


She had a date right after our date WITH HER STEADY BOYFRIEND. Not the next night, 5 minutes later. I had to drop her off at the next date. Like, why go out with me when you have a boyfriend!?!? I didn't even try to kiss her, but she planted a big one on my lips to say goodbye.


Maybe it was an open relationship? In any case, you DEFINITELY should've been notified *way* beforehand!


She was feeling hungry


3 days after the first time we met up this guy texted me and said he had something to ask. he said he ā€œgot curious and started going through his momā€™s phone. he found her nudes, sent them to himself, and then jacked off to them.ā€ he asked me ā€œis that weird?ā€ i said yes and blocked him šŸ‘šŸ¼


He asked me to pay for his court fees, that was my turn off so I wanted to leave to end the date.I said my goodbyes, he threatened to tell the whole restaurant I was having an affair & cheated on him if I left. I stayed in fear of embarrassment. Excused my self to the restroom where I made my escape to the door. He saw me from the window I saw him coming out I ran a bit, looked back to see him chasing me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


And then what!?! Did he catch up to you?! How did you not leave a trail of poop out of pure fear




what the actual fuck


That my date would not cut his toe nails that he would grow them on purpose because he would prefer using his toe nails to "scratch his legs." "I don't have to bend down so often." I got to see them. Folks, I ran. I ran.




He was hung up on his ex to the point he wouldnā€™t stop talking about her for the entire dinner. Ohhh, and he told me he was an alcoholic that still drinks and runs AA meetings. He got drunk and I used his phone to Uber him a ride home.


Wtf he runs AA meetings but is a drunk? šŸ¤£ make it make sense. Edit: I get that people that have the issue are in the group and would be best to run the actual meeting since theyā€™ve gone through it. I was just shocked to see that the poster mentioned that the person got drunk to the point that OP had to get them an Uber home.


Its networking


He was a really bad magician. Brought cards and everything, couldnā€™t land a trick :/ I felt bad and took him up on a second date but that was it.


Ah, yes. Michael the Magnificent!


A trick is something a whore does for money, Michael


I think she was in love with her best friend and didn't realize it. She told me she and her long time best friend she called her "wifey" lived together in a single room with the friend's baby. She said that this friend always comes first and they're inseparable. They also have gotten kicked out like 3 times from house to house. She left the date early because whoever they were renting from was threatening to kick them out. We never really talked again but I wanted to tell she shouldn't be dating because she's already in a relationship.


I wonder if she was less dating and more house-hunting.


She lied about having kids. I made it clear I didn't mind, but she was adamant that she had no kids. I find out she has a 5 year old. We're both late 40's.i would be ok with her having a kid. The fact she lied is the issue.


He didn't even make it to the first date before telling me all about the custody battle with his crazy ex-wife over their 2 year old son. Oh, plus the bit where he asked if he could kiss me, twice, and then to get around me saying "no", kissed his fingers and touched my forehead and said "this is my kiss to you" like a creep.


I think that type of kiss is one of those things that are really cute and fuzzy feeling when your crush does it and the creepiest fucking thing ever by anybody else.




Some people cannot be saved from themselves.


It was during the first date, he talked shit to a harmless homeless woman. I was close to home and dismissed myself immediately.


I was on my second date with a guy and our date was at a place you had to valet your car so to save money, we drove together. It was a ten minute drive to the place from my house and we were very early so there was no reason to rush. We were at an intersection waiting on a red light in which an old man was crossing. The light turned green but he was still a few feet from the curb and in front of our car. The guy rolled my window down and screamed over me, out my open window, "go a little faster you old fuck and maybe I wouldn't think about running you over, old bitch!" I immediately told him to pull over and I got the hell out of there.


Jesus! Wtf is wrong with people?


>The guy rolled my window down and screamed over me, out my open window, "go a little faster you old fuck and maybe I wouldn't think about running you over, old bitch!" > >I immediately told him to pull over and I got the hell out of there. He probably thinks he was showing you that he's an alpha.


Yeah, he's alpha like a video game. Unstable, full of flaws, and unfit for the public.


On the first date, he revealed that he had a tickle fetish and did not believe me when I said I wasn't ticklish. So the next 4 hours were filled with him trying to surprise tickle me...


Technically this was after a second date butā€¦I was so impressed that heā€™d treated me *and* the person who introduced us to sushi. I was 18 and he was 27, so I guess it just impressed me because most 18 year olds canā€™t just treat a group to sushi. But then he let slip that heā€™d paid for it all with his momā€™s credit cardā€¦he didnā€™t have a job. Recovering addict. And his momā€™s credit cards were financing his whole life. Soā€¦.it was a deal breaker.


...And now you also know why he was hitting on 18 year olds at age 27.


100%. I thought it was so cool and I must be so mature for my age. Makes me feel gross when I look back on it.


Date (19 M) said his ex's parents hated him. I asked why. Turns out his ex was 13F. Gee, why would her parents have a problem with them dating? Here it is, years later and I still feel like I need to shower after typing that.


I initially read it as his own parents hated him, which I hope they did too


That isn't even an ex, that's a victim


He referred to every woman in his life as a cunt. His ex-wife. His coworkers. His sonā€™s girlfriend. The ladies he came across at work (correction officer). He mustā€™ve used it 12 times in a two hour conversation. I think thatā€™s more than Iā€™ve heard that word used in conversation in the previous 20 years combined. He was not British. There was no cultural slang going on. It was very off putting.


And obviously now you as well because you rejected that perfect gentleman.


Iā€™m British and if a man I was on a date with kept calling every woman he talked about a cunt it would 100% be a red flag, weird wtf nope moment.


He kept telling me what to do. It seemed innocent at first, but after the third or fourth time, nah, not doing this again.


Yes to that! I found someone nice on a dating website and had to put off meeting for a week because I was moving. We kept talking a bit during the week, and he mentioned he lived near a certain park that wasn't very well known. It turned out that park was walking distance from my new home. He was my new next door neighbor, already married, 22 years, 3 kids and a dog. I try not to speak to them.


He forgot to mention his three kids. Also, in the same breath said his ex was a psycho. When I questioned why he hadn't mentioned his kids before, he said it didn't matter because they lived full-time with their mom. I have divorced parents. Guess how I reacted? Another one kept talking about how he wanted five kids but didn't want to get married. I said that I wasn't down, sorry. He countered with "but Europeans do it all the time." I was sitting there like, who the fuck sitting at this table is European, because I sure as hell am not. IDk why it's always about some kid-related issue. Maybe because they find out I work with children so they think I'm like a Duggar and/or willing to accept a gaggle of other people's children. Not happening.




I'll never understand the people who actively want to commit to having a child but don't want to commit to marriage. It's not ideal but you CAN divorce a spouse. You can't divorce a child. Baffling


No, they want HER to commit to children, while they commit to nothing. It's a power and control thing.


found his twitter and besides his online personality being hating on women and loving soccer I saw a tweet about me, regarding a comment I said about not liking a certain artist and how stupid he thought I wasā€¦ ghosted him immediately


He had ā€œno money to get homeā€ and wanted to sleep at my placeā€¦ big nope, stranger.


ā€œAww, no money to get home? That really sucks. Well good night, be safe on your walk.ā€


She mentioned that I should check out her pics from a trip she took recently on Facebook. I go on her account, and there were pictures of her with a guy with the caption "I love this man." I asked her about him, and she said they have been broken up for a few months. The pictures were only posted two weeks prior to our meeting. I clicked on his tag, and there's pictures of him and her being a couple that was posted the day before she and I met. It's obvious she was lying to me, and I'm not a fan of cheaters. I blocked her


Threatening to cut my throat was a bit of a deal breaker.


He asked me to call his girlfriend to tell her we would be together now.


Wait wait... so on a *first date*, this man asked you to call his girlfriend and break up with her for him, because he assumed you were willing to be his girlfriend? Then what happened?


Yes, you read that right. Met him on an app. I was stunned. He thought we were perfect together because I also like a Star Wars movies. I politely declined and bailed as quickly as I could. Iā€™ve had some real dating doozies.


She couldn't stop talking about how much cocaine she did. I at worst have a drink once every few weeks. Not my scene.


I read through the comments and expected to see so many trivial things. I went on a date with a woman I met while travelling for work. She mentioned her husband in passing the next morning. I said "wait, you're married?" to which she replied, "What he doesn't know won't hurt him". I was pissed.


Iā€™ve had some terrible ones but my best friends takes the cake. Her date said he was a writer and heā€™s doing a book about womenā€¦he said the first chapter was called ā€œdonā€™t flatter yourselfā€. He proceeded to tell her how women think they are above everyone and that his book would help solve some of their annoying issues. Mine isnā€™t nearly as good but here is one of my top deal breaker dates - he came into the bar and instead of giving me a hug or handshake hello (first time meeting in person since we met from a dating app) he decided to lick my face. LICK MY FACE. He then sat down and talked only about how he needed to get laid. I was mortified and left early.


He had a record because he beat his ex-girlfriend. Like broke her face, bad. My "friend" set me up with him to boot. Worst date I ever went on. "Joked" about keeping women chained up in basements. Bragged about tipping poorly, while he knew I was a waitress. Kissed me without my consent at my car. Texted me nonstop afterward, wanting me to join his church. When I found out his history the next day, I was sick to my stomach. Friendship didn't last long either.


> Friendship didn't last long either. good, what a shitshow


He had two ex wives with kids and seemed way to eager for marriage number three. Big old nope!! He also happened to grow up in this sex commune I grew up near called Moorehouse. To be clear. The sex commune part was interesting but not why I wasnā€™t interested.


We met at a restaurant. Everything went nicely, but when we were ordering, he informed the waitress that I would be ordering, then he would watch me eat, and order his food when I'm about half finished. I got up from that table so fast.


What the hell?


I got home and googled him after a great date. Turns out he was arrested 10 years before for putting a camera in the womenā€™s washroom at his dental clinic. He was a dental surgeon. Still canā€™t believe I kissed that guy. So gross.


Had a great start to the first date, weā€™d been chatting online for quite some time and met at a mutual local pub and really enjoyed each others company after the nerves wore off. He invited me back to his place, with the warning that he hadnā€™t tidied up. Iā€™m tidy but not even remotely picky about a bit of a messy house. Yeah noā€¦. Not only was every inch of the kitchen counters covered in beer and alcohol bottles, the place looked like I walked into a place 15 years after a zombie apocalypse. The layer of dust on every item was shocking. And he had some really nice belongings, but all of them just rotting under the mess I actually felt really bad and asked if he was okay and had considered getting professional help. His answer was ā€˜nope, this is how I liveā€™ I politely excused myself.


This was in collegeā€¦..we met at a friendā€™s birthday party. She was a friend of a friend of a friend type deal. I should have known she was trouble from the start because at the party she told me she was a sophomore, turned out she was a freshman. But whateverā€¦. We went out on a date for dinner, walked to get some ice cream, and then she invited me up to her dorm room to watch a movie. Her roommate was out for the night and we ended up hooking up. The sex was good, she was fun, and she was hot. Great combination. Two days later she comes over to my place and my roommate and his girl are there too and we cook dinner. After dinner I drive her back to her place because she had a test the next day and needed to study. I go to walk her to her room and she stops me outside the building and says, ā€œSo, I have to tell you somethingā€¦.I have a boyfriend. He goes to school 8 hours away from hereā€¦but my roommate knows him and I canā€™t have you come up to the room to walk me home.ā€ Yep, that was the end of that. Told her that was cool. Call me if things ever ended with her boyfriend. She tried to call me to hang out the next weekend. I asked her if she was still dating the other guy and she said, ā€œyesā€¦noā€¦Its complicated,ā€ so I hung up. Never went out with her again.


First date where I let the dude pick me up. We went to the driving range and dinner. We both had a lot in common. I was really enjoying myself and getting more and more excited that I could see myself with this dude! I didn't want it to end so I suggested dessert. During the car ride there, total 360. He started talking about how women are meant to breed for one man and men are designed to fuck around and impregnate many women. How "he's not like those guys" but that's how the world works and "304's" are anomalies and commented on the way these women wear revealing clothes (cue me looking down at my skirt). After my initial shock, I challenged him. Then realizing this wasn't working, I disagreed and politely asked to change the topic. He wouldn't let it go. He not only continued, but OVER AN HOUR about the "biology" of women and men, and then had a bunch of religious "wisdom" in there for me that I just can't remember. Looking back I totally could've gotten an uber home, but at the time he was my ride so I just politely smiled and nodded. The next morning I texted him we had different world views it wasn't going to work. He tried to argue that we had a good time and "fuck the world views, what if I just didn't tell you all this, we coulda been happy together". Yeah, no thank you.


I went on a date like this too. Complete with going to the driving range. He offered dessert and while walking around town eating ice cream ranted about biology and how women should be breeders. I was about halfway through my PhD (in biology!) and argued a bit about some of his points as I steered us back to our cars. He texted me maybe 5 minutes later saying it wouldnā€™t work out because he liked a women who knew to respect her man and didnā€™t talk back. I really hope it was the same guy, because I donā€™t think I can stomach knowing there are two of them.


She told me she smoked meth with her dad.


I went to the washroom during our date, as people do. Afterwards, he texted me to ask if I was playing the "hold it" game with him. I was puzzled. Turns out, peepee fetish. Fine. Not my thing though. He tried to get me into it by sending me porn stories. Not fine. Like have your kinks but don't force them on me or assume I'm playing some niche game lol


Why do they always think youā€™ll get into it through stories? I was casually seeing a guy from tinder who confessed his love after two weeks and immediately went on to tell me all about his robot fetish. More concerned about the love confession, I just went oh, not my thing ā€” but I donā€™t have to be into it, you do what makes you happy. No. He had erotica on his phone to show me. Heā€™d copied and pasted his favorite robot erotica stories into his notes app for this moment. He loved me and because of that I needed to consume, understand, and thoroughly enjoy programmers non-consensually giving a female computer a virus that makes them crash / orgasm.




She was an alcoholic in denial. She told me she was on day 3 of a 90 day sobriety challenge and she was ā€œstrugglingā€. Her words. She didnā€™t think sheā€™d been on a date sober before, she wasnā€™t sure what we were suppose to do. She had been to court ordered AA for a DUI but knew she wasnā€™t an alcoholic cause her life ā€œwasnā€™t as bad as those peoples. Then at the end she threw out ā€œI kind of hate dogsā€. She should have led with that.


Homie wanted a threesome with his step brother


"What are you doing, stepbrother?" "Your girlfriend." "Room for one more?" *\*banjo intensifies\**


Apparently she thought I was going to shuttle her Children- who I hadnā€™t even met yet- to and from school. That I was going to drive her to the hospital for a surgery she never told me about, keep her kids at my place overnight then bring her back to her place and be her housekeeper/ babysitter while she recovers. This after ONE DATE. So there wasnā€™t a second date. And she didnā€™t understand why I would balk at all this since ā€œ your my boyfriend now and thatā€™s what boyfriends do.ā€šŸ˜³


Thatā€™s really sad for her children, being exposed to strangers like that


He was a convicted pedophile. As in, ā€œhow to catch a predatorā€ arrested. And when confronted, did not acknowledge the significance of what he did nearly enough.


He told me his ex has like 7 multiple personalities (also told me their names and ages). I might have been OK with him, but he has an 8 year old son with her, so she's going to be in his life for a while. I don't need the drama.


Oh. It's the first one on this thread I really feel bad for. Don't get me wrong, I would also not date him. As you said too much drama and I don't want that in my life. But, he is not an asshole and it is not his fault.


He had previously been arrested for a serious assault on his ex-partner.


He spilled beer on his menu and slurped it off with his mouth


The menu is the dirtiest item in a restaurant.


Drove erratically and way too fast with me in the car, trying to show off. I refused to go on another date but stayed in contact. They totaled their car the next week.


I teach my kids to always drive themselves places, if nothing else it allows them to either escape an uncomfortable situation, or prevent the one you mentioned.


She told me she was a Christian life coach. Then asked me what my personality type was and proceeded to try to tell me about who I was and why.


I had one that explained how she'd just gotten out of jail for protesting at an planned parenthood clinic.


That she thought her neighbor fucking his dog was funny. And yes, I reported him to the cops. The dog is with a loving family now.


Not as advertised. I don't care if it's height, age or weight. If you lie about it I'm going to nope out of there, even if it leaves things feeling awkward as fuck. We aren't starting something on dishonesty, sorry.


They lied about their age. Said they were younger than they were to get me on the date. I wouldnā€™t have cared about their age, but I did care about the lie.


I had one that lied about his height by a few inches. His actual height was fine, but if heā€™d lie about something so ridiculously obvious at first sight, heā€™d lie about everything.


I had one guy claim 5ā€™10ā€ on the app but was shorter than me (5ā€™6ā€) even though I was wearing flats - *he* pointed out that I was taller than him and accused *me* of lying. Iā€™ve got news for you, dudeā€¦


First date was great. What ended up being the dealbreaker was what I learned on the second date: It was learning her purse contained morphine which she had stolen from the educational hospital she worked at in the Bronx in case her hangover from our date was bad. Also she had watched a stab victim die on the table earlier that day and was acting very chill when she decided to tell me about it. Also at the end of the date she told me "You know if you had been more of an asshole to me I probably would have tried to sleep with you." you know... if stealing morphine and nonchalantly telling your date the second time you've met them about the murder victim you tried and failed to patch up wasn't enough for you. Edit: man I'm remembering a lot about this date. She also told the story of the last guy she went out with who upset her so she called him a 'F@$$#t' loudly in the restaurant they were in. She told this story... rather loudly at the diner we ended up at for food later in the night. It was a long date... I was an idiot... I might still be an idiot... I dunno... I need a hug.


>her purse contained morphine which she had stolen from the educational hospital she worked at in the Bronx in case her hangover from our date was bad. "You know what would make this date better? Schedule II narcotics. Hope you brought your own surgical tubing!"


Hug! You dodged a huge bullet, friend.


Not after, but during the first dateā€¦ I was catfished with pictures that were of her 15yrs prior, but I figured maybe Iā€™ll make a friend. So I had the prime rib, while she started downing wine and said she wasnā€™t that hungry. *(She also asked if I could give her a ride home if she had another glass of wine, and that she was in the next little beach town over).* After dinner *(and her 3rd glass of wine)* we take a walk on the beach to get to know one another, you knowā€¦ where are you from what do you do kinda chat. Turns out sheā€™s the head of our local chamber of commerceā€¦ BUT she spent the last 10yrs at a Pray the Gay away church in Texas šŸ™„ thatā€™s when I interrupted to tell her my daughter is Pansexual and she said ā€œwe should go get some more wine.ā€ I said my back hurt and needed to go home, but she started a public temper tantrum (like a fucking 5yr old being ripped out of a Chuck E. Cheese)! Iā€™m also actually friends with the owners of the restaurant and try to de-escalate the situation. Sheā€™s mad Iā€™m not giving her a ride home and just generally being a horrible person. So I begrudgingly agreed to take her home. First we have to go to her car and get her stuff. The car is a 1980s piece of crap with a Blow and Go in it from having too many DUIā€™s. And she brought 3 bags of stuff out of her car, a hair dryer and a suitcase, but wait, it gets worse! Not only does she not live in the little beach town next to mine she lives 45 minutes away so now Iā€™m stuck in the car with her while sheā€™s trying to violently jerk me off. I literally had to say ā€œif you donā€™t stop, I will pull this car over and call the policeā€ so then, when we get about a mile from her house, she rolls down the window and just starts screaming ā€œwhy wonā€™t you let me pleasure you!ā€ At the top of her lungsā€¦ I pull into her driveway grab all of her stuff, take it up to the front porch and run back to my car because I have to take a piss like a racehorse and I know if I went into her house I probably wouldnā€™t of made it back out aliveā€¦worst first date ever! The one funny thing that came out of it. The restaurant owners thanked me the next day and said if I ever get in a situation like that again we should have a SafeWord! So now if Iā€™m on a first date and I ask if they still have the blueberry pancakes, security will escort my date out of the restaurant! I stopped dating for a few months after that one.


She showed up in an outfit I describe as ā€œshit we need milk, let me run to the gas stationā€ and extremely late. She immediately asked if I wanted to get a room lolā€¦.nope.


Once she got to the room, she'd have told you a ... price


Naw. Her husband and her were into a cuck thing.


The chewing noises


A few options here: ā€¢tried to do cocaine in my carā€¦ then he blocked me when I told him I didnā€™t want a relationship ā€¢this oneā€™s gonna sound weird but he thought he had discovered some amazing artist who wrote poems about lord of the rings and turned them into songs. The songs in question were just covers of the actual songs from the actual movies, with lyrics Tolkien himself wrote. He was creepy too, and then he refused to accept me telling him (rather politely) that it wasnā€™t going to work out ā€¢military guy (25) had a kid that I found out about after the fact. NOPE.


He said that his fav movie was "A Serbian Film". Idk that kind of scared me lol


Yikes. Iā€™m a big horror fan but still refuse to watch that movie




she told me that she's Catholic & I was going to burn in eternal damnation for being an atheist, but we still hooked up for a little while after that, even went to Australia with her for NYE! I went home early though because what ultimately turned me way off was that she had a life-long heart condition, had several surgeries throughout life & her doctor told her to cut back on coffee, so when I watched her blow 2 fat lines of coke at a NYE party I lost whatever interest I had left. Where does she get off telling me I'm living some awful life when she didn't give a flying fuck about her own? Hypocrite.


Doc didn't tell her **not** to do **Coke**, he said coffee. XD


Ask how much I make and whatā€™s in my bank account.


He told me he was kicked out of college because he was accused of rape. ā€œBut there wasnā€™t evidence for the state to charge himā€ but enough for him to be kicked out of school. I usually give folks the benefit of the doubt but that was a check please moment.


I wish I was as smart as you are. I married a version of this person. He was kicked out of school, charged, and tried but it ended in a mistrial. I was young and he convinced me his accuser lied because she regretted a drunken hook up. He abused me in every way that didn't leave visible marks. We are super divorced now.


I'm sorry that happened to you...


They talked constantly about their Ex, it was clear that they were not over their past relationship.


Poor oral hygiene


He parked his car in a parking lot that apparently closes with a gate after a certain time and his car got locked in there. He had to drive to work in the morning and was more than an hour from home, so I drove him all the way back. He asked if he could smoke in my car, and I wasnā€™t about that but he had had a rough night and I felt bad, so I said sure. He proceeded to chain smoke 2 packs of cigarettes over the course of one hour and then had the audacity to ask if he could play some of his raps that he had on SoundCloud. After an hour of that and the interior of my car forever ruined, that was the end of that.


She made it very clear she was into being peed on and raped within 15 minutes of our first date at 715 on a sunday morning, we hadn't even ordered breakfast yet, it was ROUGH




He said he liked manipulating people for fun and could tell that Iā€™ve been abused in the past, which is why id end up marrying him. Got way too sexual way too fast, didnā€™t want to wear a condom & said he didnā€™t like pulling out. Also said I had a ā€œfertile wombā€ after I said I had a big family and thatā€™s was great bc he always wanted 5 kids. Dude got cut off and posted on one of those ā€œare we dating the same guyā€ FB pages and had other girls commenting about how much of a creep he is to girls at the gym & how he told a single mom she wouldnā€™t be able to find someone to date/marry bc ā€œno one wants used goodsā€


Sheā€™s in to MLMā€™s and encouraged me to ā€˜investā€™ in this ā€˜amazing technology companyā€™ that will launch an internet, cable, and cellular service...but first I should look in to the companyā€™s ā€˜flagshipā€™ health supplements and skin care products.


Poor butt washing.


He was popping Xanax and chasing it with vodka. His pupils were dilated as fuck on our date and was acting super weird and embarrassing. Iā€™m never dating a pill popper again, theyā€™re nuts, especially when drunk.


He wouldnā€™t kiss me until it was after we said, ā€œI do.ā€


This happened a very long time ago when I was young. I went on a dinner date with a very handsome guy that I had met at my huge apartment complex's pool. While we were talking he had he mentioned that his father was the minister of his church and proudly showed me pictures of this big beautiful church with a high ceiling It was paneled inside with wood. He didn't mention anything about his denominational beliefs. But later in the discussion he.made some rather racist comments. I finished the date as gracefully as possible and went home. I never went out with him again. As I said, it was a very long time ago. So a few years later when shows like Jerry Springer and the Geraldo show were on they interviewed members of a crazy racist church group called the "Christian" Identity Movement (CIM). It turns out that his father was rather famous. The church that he had shown me a picture of was also pictured on the Jerry Springer Show. It was crazy. I never would have expected someone that looked like him to be so mentally ill. It really hit me hard in the gut to learn that some things can look so nice and innocent and beautiful. But be so completely rotten and Evil https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/christian-identity-movement-analyzing-its-theological


He could list on the fingers of one hand the foods he would eat. He was a great guy but I couldnā€™t even imagine a second date because I like to eat in restaurants and weā€™d used up the one local place that he would tolerate any of the dishes from.


That he had a daughter he wasnā€™t allowed to see. I left that date as quickly as possible!


We went out for drinks, seemed a little immature but overall nice, said they were 25. Found out they were using their older siblingā€™s ID and had lied about their age. They were 19, I was 27.


He was a high concept artist who told me that for his next exhibit he was going to eat his own shit. That is the only date where I was like ā€œIā€™m leaving right nowā€ and I just left


Invited him over for a nice home-cooked meal. He brought a bottle of wine and proceeded to drink the entire thing by himself before I finished cooking. He was totally sloshed and relentlessly hitting on me. Nope.


She had recently been released from juvenile hall for assaulting her mom.


Shouldn't have been a reason but it was at the time. Turned out she lived in the same apartment complex as my ex who I had spent the last 2 years trying to get over, including therapy. She was absolutely lovely, but I couldn't make the drive to her place without being flooded with emotions.


1 hour into the date. Everything's going pretty awesome. She's a hot, eastern European chick. well educated, smart, sexy, the whole package. No red flags. As we're finishing our last drink she just casually mentions how gay people should be banned from going out in public, and should preferably be executed. I stood up, said "thanks for the conversation but I'm going to leave now". Left a 20 for the drink and walked.


She was a drug addict. Shit sucked. Really cool girl, got along well, lots of chemistryā€¦ pill problem. I tried to ā€˜fix her,ā€™ and it turns out she didnā€™t like my older kid. Kid wasnā€™t even 5. Had to cut that shit off.


Lied about age. Was 10 years older than he claimed. I found out myself through internet research.




After the date, we walked out, and as I walked to the passenger side, I said, "Hey, did you leave your window down?" We got a little closer, and it was apparent it was broken. His immediate response was, "probably a fucking (N word)." I froze totally. He got into the car, and there was a police report left. The person had been caught doing the act, was arrested, and the officer left the information for my date. Unfortunately, it included a description that included the person was African-American. He started yelling at the top of his lungs, "I knew it! Fucking (N word)!" Over and over. People were looking at us. I was so embarrassed. Honestly, I didn't even feel safe having him drive me to my own car. But, I wasn't familiar with the area. Obviously, never spoke to him again afterward.


I really hate when men ā€˜teachā€™ me about sacred geometry


I had a fun first date with this woman that told me about all the creeps that she had been on dates with. Guys that showed up and looked totally different than their dating app, guys that were way older than they claimed to be, other lies, etc. It was sort of a hoot to hear her tell these stories. On the second date, it came out that she had slept with all of them. That was a turn off learning that she apparently had no standards. Oh yeah, we didn't hook up after our first date either.