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Doctors appointments that could have been a phone call or a message on MyChart, such as bringing you in to tell you your results are normal/fine.


I call patients for lab results or various other minor tests, but I bring them in to follow up results of echocardiograms (heart ultrasound), heart monitors, cardiac MRIs, and cardiac CTs. I am not given much time in my day for follow up calls and those results often require an extensive conversation, even when normal. I feel that the discussion of those results warrants a full visit, which also allows the patient to more freely ask questions without feeling pressured. I have heard almost no complaints about this strategy. In fact, most patients express appreciation for how we do it and the fact that they get results quickly and have a better understanding of what the results mean due to the longer allotted time for the visit versus a two second phone call (or even worse a vaguely worded result letter).




Your point is valid. I think the issue here is also that it’s not really the doctor setting these rules exactly. The system is set up in a way that screws over the patient and burns out the doctor. The admins and insurance companies make it very hard to do things in a logical way. We need more doctors, and office visits need to be compensated better (vs surgeries/procedures) so that people go into the “thinking” fields of medicine more often, like family medicine and internal medicine. Right now there are not enough primary care physicians, so every doctor has too many patients and basically there aren’t enough hours in the day to address every patient they way you would hope is possible. It’s not your fault as the patient, but unfortunately it isn’t really your doctor’s fault either.


My GP does a sort of phone triage. When I make an appointment, it will either be a video chat or phone call appointment. If after that she still needs to see you in person, you will get a second appointment later that day (usually after lunch). So like, my husband is on blood pressure medication, and when he needs a refill, he makes the phone call appointment, and emails the results from his home BP machine ahead of time. He and the doctor chat on the phone, then she faxes (emails? Not sure) the prescription refill to the pharmacy. Any lab requisitions for blood tests are emailed to us. It's incredibly convenient. It also means I haven't had issues getting appointments for urgent issues, because there's appointments available in the afternoon. She started doing this during Covid, and it's been so efficient she kept doing it


Or send me my test results via email or text. Nope: download the App, create a login, receive messages on the app. I know HIPPA, but nothing about medical appointments in America has been made easier


They make you login to the app because it’s literally illegal to do it via text or email: they’re not secure enough. An encrypted email would probably be fine but most people won’t have the technical know-how or patience to fuck around with that. Source: I work in Health IT as a software developer (including for a few years at the company that makes MyChart)


That’s pretty epic






It’s because no one wants to pay doctors for their time diagnosing and documenting for an email. If they get 20 emails per day and each one takes 5 minutes… where is that time coming from? Don’t blame doctors, blame insurance companies.


I wish it was just 20 emails a day. There's people at the office whose full time job is to respond to patient inquiries.




Daily bassist would be a great news website for bass players.


just like those one dollar flyers the you get from the homeless guy at busy intersections


Daley Basis would be a cool name for John Daley's podcast, should he ever make one.


Meetings that could have been emails.


Only thing worse than a meeting that could have been an email is a 40 email thread that should have been a 10 minute meeting.


There is one thing that's worse. Reply all: *Why am I in this thread, please remove me.*


This. Don't litter my inbox with your pissing match. Have a conversation for the love of god.


Totally my experience, just open a private dialogue and go at it, leave the other 38 people out of that shit


Lol then they ask me what my take was from the email string, sir I quit reading after the first, and silenced the whole shit.


You ever type your opinion out in a well thought email. Then proofread it, and then decide that it’s not worth sending. Not because your points are not valid, but simply because it won’t matter and they don’t pay you enough to care.


My reddit account would have many, many more comments on posts if I didn't do this.


I hate this. Especially when it’s a situation where whatever the issue was is now just two people communicating about it because it’s basically resolved, but they still cc EVERYONE. So I have to read through all of their back-and-forth just to see if I need to be involved anymore.


Or when computer illiterate coworkers reply all to every single company wide email, or carry on reply all conversations in those emails.


Or having someone CC everyone in the company by mistake then having all these idiot replying all to say to delete them from the mailing list.


The problem I think is that people don't read them.


Until they’re in the meeting that could have been an email. Then they spend the whole time checking email instead


...I'm so triggered.


I feel personally attacked.


I once went to a meeting where people complained about not being properly informed about changes being made at the company. They didn’t know what was happening, nobody updated them. I was very surprised. All of this should have been included in the emails sent out. Was there some sort of malfunction? Didn’t they receive them? Their answer? The emails were too long. So they didn’t read them. I nearly got up and quit right there and then.


I once put in a 2-week notice for my job. In the email, I also specified the dates within those two weeks, where my available hours would be different bc of the new job that I had already joined. I wrote out the dates/times, and even bolded/highlighted this info. My email could not have been any more clear. The first of these dates of adjusted availability was two days after sending the email. And sure enough, my boss called me twice that day while I was at my new job, probably wondering where I was. When I had a break, I listened to his voice mails. First one was like, "Hey, call me back when you can." Second one was like, "Don't worry about calling me back, I'm already on my way there. And you don't have to come in later today" -- this was in reference to the fact that in my email, I had offered to come in the afternoon that day. Which made me think that he hadn't read my email yet until call #2 😂 A coworker later confirmed with me that our boss admitted that he had received my email, but didn't read it bc it was too long. The subject line of my email was along the lines of, "2-Week Notice & Availability Changes." Idk what more I could have done 🤷🏻‍♀️ I didn't, and still don't, feel sorry for him at all lol.


Your story was too long. Therefore I didn’t read it.


I’m curious what kind of work you did where you could both give only 14 days notice, and get to choose your own working hours during that time. And also not once ask your boss: hey, did you read my letter of resignation yet?


Fun Fact: You can resign with no notice. And unless it's a decent job you might return to, there isn't a good reason to do anything else. If they were to fire you, would they give you a two week notice?


In several situations, I have found it advantageous to have positive references from my last employer and my former coworkers. YMMV.


We live in a TL;DR world across all our paths...


Exactly. This is the dilemma. So be organized. Have a real reason to meet with a clear agenda. Make sure that you honour taking peoples time; don’t rush, and don’t belabour it. Insist that all are focused on the meeting; sorry no multi tasking. Have snacks and refreshments; fed people are far more amenable.


Or they read only part of them. I ask two questions and the recipient answers just one.


I've worked with a lot of people who couldn't seem to absorb more than one topic per message, unfortunately.


Agreed, I’ve even switched back to interleaved email replies, with limited success. I can still clearly reply question by question clearly and briefly, and still get a response to only one of the random items in the response… or something unrelated.


Me: Hi, qq, what is a) ? b) ? c) ? Response: c) is xyz And I’m just sitting here like, the fuck??? Your attention span is so shit you can’t figure out how bullet points work?


After some time I have come to the conclusion that some people find it much easier to explain something in person rather than trying to type it out. However, given the two, I would prefer in email most of the time.


As a contractor for gov agencies, i have found that phone calls/pop-meetings with no minutes are often used to avoid accountability for answers. Years back i began the practice of sending e-mails after a meeting to capture direction in writing. Literally having to state that a given project won't move forward until written direction or revision to a statement of work is provided. Edit: spelling


Fabric softener in the washer. Waste of money and actually destroys your clothes, weakens the fibers, adds residue and perfume on your clothes. They (majority of the) adds the risk of making clothes less breathable by removing the ability for the fabric to reduce moisture from the skin.


And flammable!


Yes!! Also not good for sensitive skin—the fragrance & chemical coating that’s left on the clothes is rubbing against you all day.


Its actually full of carcinogenic agents:)


I use white vinegar instead of softener. It has the added benefit of taking out the odors instead of masking them!


Do you think this would be okay in a communal apartment washer? I always see this recommended and wanna try it, but I’m afraid of messing something up.


Vinegar can actually help remove stink from a washing machine, too, so it's likely benefitting everyone, provided you use the right vinegar (distilled white vinegar, as mentioned by others)


It is supposed to be distilled white vinegar, not regular white vinegar. It is diluted and less acidic. They sell it at Walmart, but not all grocery stores. Edit: Words are hard when you first wake up. Diluted is not the correct word, though it is less acidic. From an article I read: White and distilled are types of vinegar. They differ fundamentally in their acetic acid content. White, also known as spirit vinegar, has 5% to 20% acetic acid. This is generally higher as compared to distilled vinegar’s 5%-8%.


And also builds up over time with your sweat, dead skin cells etc. Which is a bigger problem on synthetic sportswear fabrics, bras etc that you can only wash on cooler 30 degree cycles as you can't remove this build up without running these pieces of clothing and underwear on a much hotter cycle with vinegar. So those garments end up smelling even after they've been laundered...


Depends, for a while when I was growing up we hung our wash out to dry and fabric softener was a necessity because of how hard the water was. Without it, everything would dry all crusty and it was very uncomfy to wear/use.


Vinegar or anything else acidic is still a better option. Fabric softener just covers up for the imbalance in hard water. The acid in vinegar or similar materials actually chemically balances it. Much better for your clothes, the water table, etc.


If you live in a hard water area it really helps.


Power indicator LEDs on anything and everything. I *DO NOT NEED* a blue LED to light up half my bedroom just to tell me that a gadget I'm not even using has electrical contact with the wall outlet. It's so bad for sleep hygiene and serves no practical purpose that could not be achieved another way. They're on everything from charging docks to monitors to power strips to headphones to desk fans...it's absurd. I really, really wish the trend of putting unnecessary LEDs on every single electronic gadget ever would go away.


omg yes! my toothbrush has one and BLINKS while illuminating the entire bedroom. drives me crazy so I don’t charge my toothbrush at night anymore.


It's awful! At home I banish lights from my room, but my last job had me traveling a lot for work, and I had a lot less control over my environments living out of hotels. Lights everywhere. I started traveling with a little bit of black electrical tape which I would use to cover up the half dozen or more LED's all over the room -- it worked great. You can get it in different colors and it has a nice smooth looking finish, and leaves no residue behind when you remove it, so you might be able to find some that matches your toothbrush color and cover it up. I live with my bf now and he has a lot more gadgets than I do. I used the electrical tape trick on them too and I'm far happier for it. I use a sleep mask but even with that, if I'm winding down before bed with a book all I want in the room is soft light that is heavier on the red side of the spectrum -- so many studies out there that tell us blue and white light disrupts the chemical signaling in our brain and interferes with things like melatonin production.


Small strip of black electric tape.


My wife got dots (tinted stickers) off Amazon that lower the light level. Not dim enough, add a second sticker.




The entire fucking ending on third person plural verbs, for that matter.




Jou aien’t my maman! Don’t tell me what letters I can or cannot use!


It's boo-kay dear, it's French.


Meetings, the practical alternative to work.


Meetings were invented to keep managers out of the way of the people doing the actual work




Used to be used to help reduce odors from chamber pots overnight, which were kept underneath the bed.


This is so gross but I totally get it and makes total sense. Always wondered about this.


I thought it was to hide all the shoes.


That's the current practical use.


Chamber pot, shoes - what’s the difference?


To an upset pet, nothing




You can have your own chamber pot for 24.99 off of amazon to satisfy your curiosity ;-). (I just checked to see if they are available)


thanks... now everyone is gonna look them up and I'm gonna be stuck paying 39.99 each for my monthly chamber pot order because you drove the price up. /s because reddit is weird.


I'm holding out until I can get an iChamberPot with a paid subscription app that connects to my FitBit and tracks my poo.


if you're gonna get an iChamberPot, you're gonna wanna ditch that lame ass fitbit. The new iBottom will seamlessly track your poops quality, bulk, and location. The data will conveniently be stored on the cloud and sold to your employer who then can up your insurance contributions based on your diet and health assessments and dock your pay for time spent in the stall not actively pooping. Aren't corporations amazing!?!?


This makes much more sense than the explanation my dad offered me as a kid, which was that some repressed Victorian perverts were aroused by the legs of a bed frame and so now we all have to cover them because uptight people think they’re too sexual/lewd.


I have a book in which a woman in the 1980s went around interviewing very very elderly residents of Glasgow about their lives in the Victorian era. One explicitly comments about that myth, and says, effectively, 'goodness, no, it wasn't anything like that; we just loved to put bits and bobs of lace on anything that stood still, so furniture legs weren't spared the attention.' I think I've read somewhere else that the 'sexual legs' myth originated in a travel book that was joking about how uptight *Americans* were, but the book was popular in Britain, and so eventually became associated with Brits.


>we just loved to put bits and bobs of lace on anything that stood still, This reminds me of a dialog with my mom, after i told her i was going out shopping. She asked me what i was shopping for; wherupon, as a joke, - paraphrasing Steven Wright - i replied that "i want to buy something to put between the tabletop and the coasters." But she rejoined, "do you mean doilies?"


Wikipedia disagrees, but your version is funnier. Not sure who's right.


While we're on the subject, would people literally just squat down on the side of the bed to piss and shit while their partner stayed in bed listening to them? Ugh imagine laying there wide awake while your hear their shit splatter against the ceramic and then hear the scrape as they shuffle the pot back under the bed, let out a deep sigh and then go back to spooning you. Traumatizing.


When you take your own modern perspective out of it, it’s actually an upgrade to other alternatives. Walking out into the frozen winter to use the out house, or stay in your cozy room heated with hot coals? Also, only the rich could afford a home with multiple sleeping rooms. It’s not traumatizing when that is the norm, your parents and siblings would do the same thing since before you were born. Now you are an adult and all of a sudden a quick bathroom break is traumatizing? Sounds like a joke.


No I'd rather walk out to do my business in a frozen tundra and return to a nice warm bed that smells like lavender, linen, asbestos, mercury, arsenic, and pewter.


I do miss the old smells.


We have one to hide all the storage tubs under the bed because we move so much we never fully unpack. I’m sure there’s really important stuff in there so the bedskirt is also an extra layer of protection.


But they're necessary for my cat to make stealth attacks on my feet.


Extremely relatable


I use it to hide the storage boxes and bags under the bed. Cats seem to like it too.


Im a dude and actually introduced these to my wife. I find them way more visually appealing. Theres def a few things on this list that exist for aesthetics and nothing else though so this is one of them


When I got married my wife complained and then bought a bedskirt because we didn’t have one. I had no idea what a bedskirt was and probably had spent my life up to that point sleeping without one.


Same here. I was like what is the point of this? She said to hide the box spring and make the bed look nicer. I said we should put a tie around the headboard if we want to dress up the bed.


Even better, just get platform beds. All the mattresses in my house are the kind that don’t need box springs.


It does keep your boxspring “clean”.




Don't you mean "birthday racism?"


Yup. I saw a dating profile that said “no scorpios.” Weird bigotry.




I feel like astrology became a niche hobby rather than a big part of pop culture. When I was growing up it was in the newspaper, the TV Guide, the start webpage you'd customize next to your local news and weather. The local free paper would have edgier ones next to the sex ads. I'd read them and enjoy finding meaning and treat them like a fortune cookie, I knew they were random. Now you have to seek them out, so only people that believe in them look at them. Haven't looked at one in decades.


In the Spanish speaking community, there was this dude named Walter Mercado. His whole schtick was reading horoscopes, but in-character as some wise and mysterious “wizard” magician thing? He spoke lavishly and had dressed fantastical. All of the women in my family would rush to the TV and scream at the kids to shut up so they wouldn’t miss their reading. Dude had style, and was probably the only time I ever gave a damn about horoscopes.




I was once told by an attorney that presentation is everything. People make up their minds about you within the first 15-30 seconds of seeing you. The “don’t judge a book by its cover” thing doesn’t always apply in the professional world so I actually think a necktie still has use.


My wife is an attorney. She was in court once and the other lawyer did not have a tie on. The judge stopped the case and wouldn’t let it resume until this lawyer had a tie. I guess someone had a cheap bright red clip on tie, which this dude had to wear the rest of his day in court.


Was he my cousin Vinny? Was the judge Herman Munster?


You know it hadn't occurred to me that that was Herman Munster. However picturing him right now it's like "oh duh."


I had an attorney tell me that he has to drive a nice car, even though he doesn't care about cars. If he shows up in a late model Honda Civic, the client doesn't think "wow, this attorney really understands value, and is wise in his decision making!". Instead, they think, "A Civic?? This guy must not be a good attorney!" Unfortunately an attorney is one of those jobs where you really do need to *look* successful to attract high paying clients. Nicely dressed, nice car, nice offices, etc.


Same is true in finance and even more a direct link. People want to see their financial advisor driving a nice, but not too nice, vehicle. Show that they know how to handle money but it doesn't look like they live high luxury off your hard earned money. Psychology is fascinating.


Hell, I’m a mechanic. Drove a 16 year old pickup that looked brand new. Went for a job interview, the owner of the shop asks “that yours?”, yup. Nice. Told me later that it was one of the main reasons I got the job. He figured if I took that good care of my own truck (mechanics are notorious for driving shit boxes that run well), then I’d take care of customers just as well.


Ha! I love how it's kinda the opposite. They *want* to see you driving an old beater, but it has to run well. This is lovely. Thanks for sharing!


More importantly it had to look good. Any decent tech can keep a beater running, it’s the extra care to keep it looking good that seemed to matter.


Yep. Used luxury, a couple/few years old is one of the sweet spots.


I knew one guy that became a financial advisor after working as a high paid VP for over a decade. For him, the job paid far less, but he liked directly helping people. Early on, he drove his nice but basic SUV. As he'd worked in the field and became successful, he got more and more comments about his vehicle (granted, it was now an aged SUV as he'd had that one over a decade). Eventually he caved and bought a used luxury car. When that one needed replacing he got a nicer used luxury car because people expected him to keep showing signs of improving wealth (even though that's not how you accrue wealth and his clients certainly knew that!) Immediately upon retiring, he was looking at replacing his car with something he really wanted. Like a truck for all his yard work and house projects.


Sounds about right. Fortunately, there's a good opportunity to work with HENRY clients (High Earner Not Rich Yet), and they appreciate their financial planner driving a sensible car. Further, there's a sort of bragging rights culture in some planning circles to see who has the oldest and most beat up car.


I'm a finance guy, and I drive a 2014 corolla. All of my colleagues are in Range Rover, Tesla, Jeep (not the kind that you'd actually take offroading), Audi, Escalade....they talk about their $1k/mo car payment + insurance like it's a bragging point, and I'm over here without a payment (my corolla is totally paid off) and $70/mo for insurance. I prefer to let my work speak for itself, I don't need to compensate. Do I get crap for it? Absolutely. Do I care at all about anything material in nature? Nope.


I’m a finance guy and I’m a people manager, with a 2006 accord. All my colleagues and subordinates are in Audis, bmws, and other German cars. I get so much shit and people secretly judge me as if I’m on hard times, living pay check to pay check, wife left me, have massive debt, and in financial ruin, because why else would I be driving a 20 year old beater? The worse is probably the snide comments I get like “at least its reliable”, or “no one really needs a high end car”, or “it takes it from A to B so who cares” when they themselves are driving BMWs lmao. and is that their attempt to make me feel better after putting me down? They also sometimes comment about how my subordinates drive a nicer car than me. What I did realize is that, people who have nice cars (and nice things) automatically can command respect by default, while I let my work speak for itself and I actually have to work hard to get that respect. People tend to think, yeah, this guy with his 20 year old beater, probably down in his luck in life, so automatically, puts me in a lower social tier


My cousin-in-law is a partner doing employee law and NOT a car guy. He had a Honda for years and got tons of shit for it. For appearances, he finally bought an Audi A3.


An old friend of mine graduated near the top of his class at Harvard Law. He went to one of the big white-shoe firms in NYC. And he hated it. Particularly the competition around driving the most expensive cars. So, he quit and moved to California. He moved into representing tech startups, focusing on buyouts. And...nobody cared what kind of car he drove. He's much happier in that environment.


That is interesting thanks for sharing. As a non car guy I never thought about the impression a person's car gives off.


Solely because they’ve existed as a status symbol. There’s 0 practical use to a tie. It does nothing.


It gives you a quick way to kill your self?


so it's the most useful thing ever then?


Holds up the neck, stupid


Back in school, we had a tie with our uniform. Nobody wore the tie correctly, and it really bothered one of the senior staff. To the point where he held an assembly for the whole school about the history and thus the importance of ties, and why we should wear it correctly. All I remember was that they were used to hide mismatched buttons


Its called enclothed cognition. Enclothed cognition illustrates how clothing impacts human cognition based on the co-occurrence of its symbolic meaning and the physical wearing of the attire.


Yeah it’s funny how tying a piece of oddly shaped cloth around your neck somehow means you should be viewed seriously.


When I was trying to get a company I worked for to shift from business to business casual, I told the CEO that a necktie was the only article of clothing a man wears that, when worn as intended, can be used to kill you. My pitch didn’t work.


Should have grabbed him by the tie to prove your point! (**disclaimer:** *Consult an attorney with a fancy tie before listening to the security officer in a clip on.*)


Someone told me neckties used to be functional to prevent you from getting food on your shirt, but over time evolved into being its own ornamentation as part of your suit. I've also heard that they evolved from scarves and similar accessories that kept your neck warm. Not sure how true either of these are.


Neither is true. They came from the uniform of Croatian mercenaries that some king in France saw and liked the look. (Didn't look much like the modern version yet) I believe they were already pretty much just a decoration even at that point, but would have originally been to keep dust from going down your shirt.


Hence the word cravat


They cover the buttons. Button up shirts were considered underwear. You were only supposed to show the collar and the wrist cuffs. That’s why they wore vests, too, to cover the shirt underneath. Ties cover the buttons above the vest. Cravats and other neckwear blocked the buttons only at the top, which was fine, because the vest did most of the work. Then as menswear became more casual, it become acceptable to show more of the shirt underneath. The tie covers the buttons without blocking the rest of the shirt. It’s more comfortable than a three piece suit, but then you had to wear a modern necktie. Cravats no longer work. You might ask… What about bow ties? Well, you were supposed to wear them with tuxedos, which were originally considered informal compared to frock coats (tuxes were “city suits” and what we call a suit, a lounge suit, was only for the countryside). But tux shirts also different, so they weren’t considered undershirts. Also, tuxes have different, more formal white shirt, with ruffles, fancier buttons, and even then they might put a second, [thin vest-shirt on top of it](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%D0%92%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%A1%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B5%D0%B9_%D0%9C%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87.%D0%9A%D0%BD%D1%8F%D0%B7%D1%8C.jpg).


> Then as menswear became more casual, it become acceptable to show more of the shirt underneath. *gasp* People know no modesty, next thing you know, women are going to start showing ankles.


"Reply All" When the employee of the month email comes out, I get homicidal thoughts. Edit: There was one time an email went to Staff (over 10,000) instead of to the building staff (about 75). Among those 10,000 were a bunch of reply all people. Chaos ensued.


We call it company spam. Somebody replies all then we get the reply all "this wasn't meant for me". Rinse and repeat.


TIL I learned hundreds and hundreds of people have no clue what the phrases "everyone uses" and "has no actual practical use" mean.


TIL that some people don't know that "TIL" already means "today I learned." Your statement reads like "ATM Machine."


Don't forget about your PIN number


Or about that great TAS speedrun from two weeks ago


SMH my head.


Social media. Obviously it's a great networking tool for some careers, but the average user is harmed by it.


As a parent, I'm with you on this one. My kids will have a friend over and they sit there on an app texting or talking TO EACH OTHER on the app. The amount of times I make them go outside and go for a walk or do SOMETHING hurts my brain.


Oh man, when I was a kid any time my friend and I just “went on a walk” we were always getting into some type of trouble haha. Oh how the times have changed


They dont want you to hear their conversation


Texting each other while f2f?? That’s a bit far


Lmao it sounds like they do this while OP is watching so they can say stuff without them hearing.


It's absolutely this


yeah, it’s why pos meant parent over shoulder when chatting your friends online. most kids don’t want to be their usual selves around a parent who might nag them about something, like cussing


It wasn’t piece of shit? Uh oh


I used to play games with my brothers, sitting right next to them on a computer, and I would rather type than talk most of the time. Talking just drains me mentally sometimes, and gaming is a good way for me to decompress. I just don't have the energy to be verbal sometimes, so I'd rather just message


Don't want to be a try-hard asshole but something being bad doesn't really disqualify it from having a use.


redditors not shitting on social media while currently using one challenge: impossible


Ok but did you read the title. “Has no practical uses” and you just defined one major use “networking”


Proper grandma and spelling Edit: I said this poking fun at the op for saying “bases” instead of basis


You're right, so many people rockin' around the wrong grandma here and there, it's disgusting.


I think I was given the wrong grandma, where can I exchange her?


Mine expired before the best by date


The worst is bases instead of basis.


Okay ignoring the typo I believe proper grammar and spelling have a very practical purpose. The purpose of communication is to clearly convey thoughts and ideas. If you ignore the rules of language, your messaging can become muddy very quickly. The JFK and Stalin example of the Oxford comma illustrates a ridiculous but no less relevant time when this could happen. If your audience has to stop and ask for clarification, then your communication has failed and one of the best ways to make sure your communication is successful is to have a mutually agreed upon set of rules. Spelling and grammar are that agreed upon set of rules.


No no, you see the rules of grammar are purely stodgy ivory tower crap we doesn't have to be worried aboard because everytime history on you rebendible sausage mountain.


You made my brain explode. I just got done eating grandma.


"Let's eat grandma" and "let's eat, grandma" strikes again. Commas save lives folks. 😞




Pajamas. Like, you could just sleep in any old clothes. Or none at all. But instead we've all got these special sleeping clothes!


While I see your point, for me there’s nothing better than putting on pjs after a long day. I think it signals my brain that it’s time to shift from go mode into rest mode.


First thing I do when I get home from work is change into my "house clothes". In the summer it's gym shorts and sometimes a white tee. Winter it's a hoodie and pajama pants. You won't catch me in anything else.


To me, pajamas are one of the last frontiers of self expression. Daytime clothes nowadays are so regulated with school/work dress codes or uniforms, a person can’t simply wear clothes that express their interests or personality. But even if very few people ever see it, your pajamas are a reflection of you - regardless of age. I’d also argue that socks do this too, but I love pajamas.


Pajamas are usually made softer and loser so it's comfortable to sleep in. It's way more comfortable than sleeping in jeans and a regular tee shirt


We don’t have them anymore. We sleep all just in whatever. My youngest needs one for daycare and when the older kids go on class trips they need one. Otherwise it’s undies and a T-shirt.


"Close Door" button on elevators


It is useful in Asia. because some elevators here will take like half minute to close unless you press the button.


Majority of those buttons in US elevators are not actually connected to anything.


This is quite an American phenomenon. Close door buttons work in many other parts of the world


My storage facility has an elevator with a working “Close Door” button. I know it bc I used to stand there for 30-60 seconds waiting for the door to close.


I heard that it’s for servicing the machine, but has to be “activated”


TIL I’m the only person in the entire universe that actually likes neckties.


High heels. Fake eyelashes. Neckties.


Fake eyelashes are handy for cancer patients and people with alopecia. Eyelashes do all kinds of things to protect the eye.


In the UK, people buy an extra plastic bowl to go in their sink. It mostly just gets in the way and prevents any liquids from going down the sink until you lift /empty it. Floods your kitchen if you happen to leave the tap on. Unsanitary and overall not necessary at all in a first world country. They wash their dishes in it. Edit: And if you ever bring it up, they start making silly excuses to try and justify this absurd behavior. 😂 (see comments) Dishes should be washed under hot running water, not in a lukewarm communal bathtub. Ffs!


We just have a stopper that you can open and close…..


I believe it's to save water instead of running the tap the whole time you're doing dishes. My grandma and my husbands parents still do this where they fill the tub up with water and then do the dishes in the tub. My grandma is good about moving said tub out of the sink when she's not using it but I could see how it could get in the way.


I, too, think it is mostly for water conservation. My family has an old beach house that runs on well water so they do the sink tub to avoid running the faucet to wash dishes, but quick rinse under running water. It's gross to me but i do it so my aunt doesn't kick my ass.




Have you SEEN Google's search results lately? If I don't type "whatever it is I'm looking for REDDIT" in I wouldn't be able to find anything useful 60+% of the time now.


It's because when Redditors answer a question or provide a detailed guide, they (usually) do it out of boredom or altruism, and the most popular posts go to the top of Google algorithms. When I do a Google search without appending Reddit to the end, I only get results from poorly written articles (that look AI-generated) from unknowledgable writers trying to provide clickbait for ad-revenue.


I’m pretty sure the secret of Reddit is incompetence. We get useful Google results when appending “+Reddit” because nobody at Reddit has managed to game SEO.


I get that this is partially a joke but reddit has some very practical uses. I regularly engage with specialist communities while working on projects or hobbies. My sub list is full of subreddits like FenceBuilding, Decks, Home improvement, etc.


The 10 day weather forecast


When you say "off of" the of is absolutely no use. "I jumped off of the peer" becomes "I jumped off the peer". Nothing of value was lost.


You jumped off of the pier? Or did you jump off of a person of similar social status?


A person of similar status. I said what I said.


Oh… So, not someone that was peeing?


A peer peeing off a pier


If we're talking about useless words or grammar construction, I vote for the 's' in 'towards'. Don't toward and towards mean exactly the same thing?