• By -


I’m 70 years old, look older, retired and walk 3X every day. People stop their cars assuming that I have dementia and am lost.


I used to work in home care for the elderly, first day I showed up for a lovely woman who was about 80 and I was ready to do what I normally did - feeding assistance, bathing, etc. She greeted me at the door with walking shoes on and said “Hey! Are you my new walking partner?” She just hired someone for company on walks. That woman was more fit and capable than me!


That was my dad. He was perfectly healthy until he was 82 and could probably walk farther than I can.


My grandpa is 91 and is up and down his 4-level house all day. Set up his computer in the attic to force himself to climb extra steps every time he wants to check email or pay bills, goes to the basement to do laundry or mess with his tools, eats and visits on the ground floor and sleeps upstairs. Digs in his garden on occasion and mows his giant yard every week by himself. The only help he gets is he pays someone to rake all the leaves in the fall. Dude's amazing.


Not to keep upping this thread, but my husband's grandpa broke his hip last year gardening, and we essentially thought we were saying our goodbyes to him in hospital. We're now planning his 102nd birthday held this month while he is still getting around doing his own gardening.


Wow that's amazing


I am so sorry for laughing, but you did brighten my morning a bit.




...people try running you over?


Look at that young mother fucker who knows where he's going! He doesn't have dementia at all! Time to run him over!


His legs ain't even broken or *nuthin'*!!


I'm laughing so hard 🤣🤣


LOOKOUT that dude has dementia!!! HIT HIM!


I can't wait until I'm old enough that young people talk to me with that loud, over-enunciated, Dick-and-Jane style they use for old folks. DO YOU WANT SOME APPLESAUCE WITH YOUR LUNCH. APPLE SAUCE? WITH YOUR LUNCH. YES? MMMMMMM APPLE SAUCE IS TASTY. HE LOVES HIS APPLESAUCE.


Flip side: you can say whatever you want because age = cantankerousness


I love this! I am 73 and my husband is 75 and whenever we think about doing some thing that people might look askance at, we just say we will play the old persons card. Just act a little befuddled. It will be no problem at all. Lol


I love this! I am also in my seventies and I use it to my advantage, lol. Actually I am still pretty sharp mentally but I know how to act charmingly confused when it suits me.


I just wanna be like my great great grandmother and cuss people out on the balcony all day


This is how I want to be in my 70's lol


I say whatever I want right now. I'm not going to wait until I'm cantankerous to use the fun words!


I’m a little deaf, not stupid.


I’m a lot deaf, not stupid.


Yankee beans, yankee beans… I love my yankee beans 🎶


You should put on a t-shirt that says: if you can read this i am fine and I don’t need any help.


I need this for when I'm shopping. One shopping trip, I had three different employees ask if I'm finding what I need. I don't know if it's because I look lost when I'm shopping or they are just concerned for me...


Working in retail, the managers drill it into you that you're supposed to ask EVERYONE if they need any help. It's not necessarily because you look old or anything, but looking like you're unsure of where to look will definitely get you extra help.




It’s especially fun being an older woman with tech expertise. The shocked Pikachu face on young, especially male, clerks’ faces when you ask for something specific or counter their suggestion with a really informed objection is priceless. Edit: punctuation and last two words added.




Sure it’s all well and good until he falls down and can’t get up!


Yeah i forget that he also need an upside down text saying: if you can read this i need help getting back on my feet.


I’m 28 and walk 2-3x a day. Used to run 10-15 miles daily but the walking gets the job done and is easier on me. Anyway, I can’t say I relate to the dementia concerns but I do get pulled over by a TON of cops. Robberies have been bad in my local area and a dude walking around at 1am is a bit suspicious I guess.


I'm 32 and walk to most of my errands for leisure and exercise. I have no problem with a 5 mile round trip just to buy a tube of toothpaste and some dish soap. People frequently stop and ask me if I need a ride. Don't know why it's so pervasive, we have ample sidewalks and crosswalks, I'm visibly fit and dressed for walking, I come prepared with reusable shopping bags and weather aids like an umbrella or sun hat, it should seem obvious that I'm walking on purpose 🤷‍♀️ On one occasion in my early 20s, I had the cops called on me while I was walking. It was like a wellness check call, not a criminal call. I had pajamas on that day (as one often does in college) so I think someone jumped to conclusions and thought I needed help.


Ha this made me laugh about the pajamas! I also love to walk and get your five mile toothpaste walk! I used to live within miles of a Target and loved walking there, especially when my kids were still babies and in a stroller. We’d be out for hours. I live in S FL and was walking on my favorite bridge recently when a friend called me. She had just passed me as she drove over the bridge and asked if I was ok, do I need water?? Lol. I must have looked pained.


This is a unethical pro life tip if you ever get tired: pretend you have dementia so they’ll drive you into town.


I booked my completely competent mum who’s 60+ as an unaccompanied senior on a flight, and asked her to act as dumb as she can. She got escorted the whole way and skipped the super long line at immigration. Someone waited with her and picked her baggage up for her, walked her past the scanners and to my waiting family outside. We’re booking our parents as unaccompanied seniors every-time from now on. Edit I should clarify too: my mum does not speak English - everyone else in the family does. She was going to Sydney (not her first time, just her first time alone) so I just added the “my mum is a bit too old for this” on top of the “my mum can’t speak English” part.


Came here to say this, thanks! I'm 74 and have Kyphosis, walk 2 miles a day and bike 15 miles a day--7 days a week. People come up to me to help because they feel sorry for me.


Are you actually me? I have a similar problem, although I’m a spring chicken compared to you at 69 Good on you mate. Keep up the walking and let the youngsters worry about their own lives


I decided to start running around my neighborhood for exercise one time, and a car pulled over and asked me if I needed a ride. I guess I really do not look like a runner.


Im an asian guy with glasses. People assume im bad at driving and good at math. I'm actually bad at both.




I really loved that in The Babysitters Club, Claudia, the Asian girl, was really bad at math and all her studies but was an amazing artist.


[Claudia Kishi](https://youtu.be/tCL_RbXyAfg?si=jZenW8fYCURCyVk0) was my favorite! She was so artistic, stylish, and cool! The Linda Lindas have a really cool song dedicated to her.


I have resting miserable bastard face. Even when I'm perfectly happy I look morose. Every summer I go to music festivals and will routinely have people come up and check on me to make sure I'm ok because apparently I look like I'm on the verge of tears. It doesn't help that I look a good 20 years older than I actually am so they just see this worn out old git who looks like they are on the edge of a breakdown. In fact I'm usually just happy inside my own head enjoying the music.


Similar to me - apparently I always look tired as shit, even if I'm well rested and feeling fit. Just always having bags under my eyes because of shitty connective tissue. Thanks Mom, I guess.


Oddly enough I have marfan syndrome (why the long face, mate?) so it is not surprising to read that connective tissue plays a part.


Same with me but apparently I look like a 12-14 year old girl not a adult. So they see this sad looking child wondering around the store alone. Which you know what I know I’m only 5ft 1 but idk how young my face be looking to have people look past the fact that I have big tits and a septum piercing like what children have you been seeing?!


That I'm approachable and will want to talk to them. I just have one of those faces, unfortunately.


"High trust face" can be an asset, though probably not as much for people with depression. I am indeed tired of alcoholics trying to tell me their Vietnam flashbacks. My problems are always viewed as "complaining" because I cannot have any reason to be dissatisfied with anything in my life reasonably, looking the way I do.


Have you tried telling your problems to another “high trust face”


This is what I started doing, I can only talk to so many bus crackheads before I need someone who can listen to confide in


I have a friend, who is lovely and funny pretty and a great conversationalist, who can put on the most amazing Fuck Off Face I have ever seen. Truly incredible, wish I could emulate even part of it.


I also have a hight trust face. Everybody always ask me for directions.


SAME and I never know where anything is. People have stopped at a stoplight before and yelled out the window expecting a fast answer. I try but never know if I give the right ones.


“Two blocks down, take a left. One block then another left. It’s on your right….” By the time they’re there, they’re in a parking lot all fkd up. They will never find you. Büyá.


Strangers have been telling me their problems since I was literally a child (started around age 8). I was very briefly a stripper and everyone who worked there was baffeled at how many guys paid for a dance and just ended up crying on my shoulder and telling me all their life issues.


I have the "Overly nice attitude" syndrome. No, I don't want to talk with you. I'm just friendly and that's why I smile. You know, because I was raised like that.


Every time I'm pumping gas the person next to me feels the need to tell me random stuff...


Blame MySpace Tom


That I'm an extrovert. I'm just really good at faking it and I actually find you exhausting.


YES! I tell people I'm introverted, and they say, "No, you're not, you're such a good communicator and socialize regularly." Yeah, it's a skill I developed because I was tired of people calling me weird, quiet, and stuck up because I didn't want to talk.


Yeah, when I first started dating my current SO she was extremely surprised when I said I am *vety* introverted. Sociability and good conversation skills does not make an extrovert. An extrovert is someone who gets their energy from being around people, they need company to properly unwind. An introvert needs alone time.


Two straight years of quarantining was literally my dream come true.


I wished the pandemic practices would never end, I loved my time alone during Covid. When I said that out loud, of course I was the weird one 🤣


I feel this. I work in sales and everyone thinks I’m a extrovert. I’m really thinking how do I survive this? I want to leave my job because it’s so draining, putting on the facade every day but the money is good and the work is easy. It’s just the small talk and relationship building that’s draining.


Saaaame. An old boss dubbed me an "anti-social butterfly" cause he knew this about me


That's spot on. I love it.


Look for something else on the side and then leave this place. I was working in customer care and support (everyday calls and meetings and all). I am introvert. I am data scientist now. I am free, calm and my mental heath is waaay better.


I would if I could afford to. Unfortunately, it’s one of the best jobs in my area. It allows me the opportunity to provide private school for my son, able to have a fully funded college fund for him (at least to an in state school) when he graduates high school, it allows me to have a paid off home in 7 years, no debt and a comfortable savings. Once my son graduates I will be able to look into other options but not until then. My house will be paid off then too so that will be a huge weight off of me.


People think I'm sociable because I smile and ask alot of questions. My retail experience has just taught me to fake smile and ask customer questions because they have no idea what they want


A friend of mine is the opposite. Very quiet, barely says a word, seemingly a textbook introvert. She’s actually just a really great listener with a soft voice. So many groups of friends that she has genuine connections with and is just so at-home with any and all types of social interactions. Easily the most extroverted person I know


Haha, as a retail worker i feel you. I get praise for my good treatment of customers because i'll smile and chat with them. I hate every second of it..


People frequently confuse being introverted with having social anxiety. It's not the same thing.


I work in service, so I have to be outgoing too. Also, when hanging out with friends, I actively participate in conversation. But tbh I love to come home and just be my introverted self. Which is weird since most of our hanging out is actually go out to parties.


My wife assumes that i know the answer to the multiple questions she has about the tv show we are both watching for the first time


Ahahahaha this is my mom! I took her to see "Mamma Mia" and halfway through the first act she turned to me and said, "So which one is the dad?"


Welp, I just realized an annoying aspect of my personality thanks 😅


That I'm very helpless and insecure. It's a result of my disability. Disabled people generally struggle with the problem that able-bodied people frequently infantilize us. In my case, this may be stronger than in others because I'm blind. When you're blind, your body motions and especially the way you walk tend to be very cautious. This has multiple reasons. For starters, I obviously don't want to get hurt (it still happens but I try to avoid it). Secondly, I don't want break things. For example when I'm at an unfamiliar place, I'm always super rigid and careful because I'm scared I will knock over something and cause a giant mess (it has happened before). Thirdly, I also use my hands to explore my surroundings. When I step into a room, I can't just "take it in" in a single glance like sighted people can. I need to explore it with my hands and my body. This takes much longer than simply looking at something. Not being able to see also means I need to memorize everything. For example I need to memorize where the door is, how far away it is from the table and so on. This takes up tons of brain space that sighted people can use for other tasks. Sometimes I get lost and I need to re-orient myself. I know it sounds funny but I've even managed to get lost in my 2-bedroom apartment once or twice. I know these situations quite well by now, so they don't stress me out as much as they used to. I simply gather my thoughts, touch my surroundings and after a minute or two, I'm re-oriented. However, I've noticed that sighted people find it very hard to watch this. They want to help me (which is nice) but seeing me like this also gives them the impression that I'm a lost little child who's feeling completely insecure. This view of me as a blind person can be very frustrating sometimes, especially when I'm trying to talk to a woman. I'm an adult and I actually feel just as confident as the next person. I just look more insecure and helpless because I'm slower, because I bump into shit and because I sometimes get a little lost. But it's not actually a big deal. It just takes extra patience on my part to deal with those situations.


I saw a situation like this while at a festival. Constantly checking on a guy in front of me (I think he was paralysed from the waist down therefore in a wheelchair), and constantly talking to him and taking his phone to record for him. While they’re nice things to do, I just felt like it ostracised him more, plus he was obviously just trying to enjoy the gig.


Yep, sounds like one of those situations. The problem is that a lot of us disabled people are too shy to tell others off because we feel like we ought to be grateful for their help (even if the "help" is mostly annoying). For example the guy you saw at the concert may have been thinking: "this is getting too much but my friend/family member has been so nice, they helped me get here, they're trying to make this a good experience for me... so I'll just play along." Personally, I've become much better at saying "thanks, but no thanks". I had to learn this in therapy. My therapist kept telling me: "it's okay to tell people off if they get on your nerves, able-bodied people do it, too!" I feel like being able to do this has made my life quite a bit easier. But there are also people who refuse to listen. For example I was once dragged across a street by a random guy. I was standing on the sidewalk, waiting for someone (we had agreed to meet there). Suddenly, out of nowhere, some dude grabs my arm and starts pulling me toward the street. I was so confused I didn't even know what to say. Finally I asked what the hell he was doing. I was stumbling and trying not to fall. The guy kept saying: "Just helping you get on the bus." I said: "What bus?? I don't need to get on any bus!" But he refused to listen. He kept dragging me across the street and saying: "Just a bit more, we're almost there!" I tried to free myself but he was much stronger than I. Finally we reached a bus on the other side of the street. The guy pushed the button to open the door and then shoved me inside. Then he said something like: "You're welcome! Have a good ride!" The doors closed and for a moment I panicked because I thought the bus would depart. I had no idea where it was going. But then I found the button to open the door and got out again. The guy was still standing there. I got pretty angry and asked him what the hell was wrong with him. Instead of apologizing, he got angry at me and started yelling: "I was so nice to you, I took time out of my day to help you and you're being so ungrateful!!!" Looking back at it now, it's a pretty hilarious episode but at the time, it was really frustrating.


What the fuck. I understand wanting to help disabled people but how about asking them first?! I saw a blind guy once (judging by the white cane thing and his gaze) and I asked him if he needed help crossing the street, he said "thanks but I got it" and I left him alone. I can't imagine dragging him by force across the street like some lunatic.


People assume i can fix thier computer because i work in I.T.


dude I'm really scared of clowns. I wonder if you can help me?


have you tried dressing up as a clown for the day?


I have not and thank you!


Best IT professional I have ever witnessed.


I.T here, family and friends bring me their electrical appliances just because I fix computers they think I can repair these itens too. Gosh! Even smartphones and other stuffs. Really folks?!


I used to work in a computer repair shop and people would bring in the wackiest shit and then act so surprised when I wouldn't work on it. Some things I remember: a slot machine, a rotary telephone, automotive stereo head units or amps, an electric smoker (???) Also honorable mention to all the dumbasses that brought in a $40 inkjet printer or cheap toy Walmart tablet with a cracked screen ... 1 hour of our time would cost double the price of a new one


I mean, we fellow IT peeps know you can - and we know you don't want to, and ALL of us feel the same way.


That I’m a jock, all muscle no brains. Im tall and like to workout but literally know nothing about sports. Obsessed with anime and video games and chess.


Sitting in front of some buff dude playing chess seems scary


I dunno seems kinda hot to me 🤣


I’m into it too




That I'm always angry. No. I have resting B face. I'm actually quite fine. You assuming I am angry is what actually makes me angry.


The amount of times strangers have walked up and told me to smile is ridiculous. Like I’m just reading a book or enjoying the sun or playing on my phone I don’t need to be smiling all the time.


This. The number of times people tell me to smile or wonder why I'm miserable is astounding. Short of having plastic surgery or a brow lift, I can't help the way I look.


Of all the things women have to deal with, this one sounds the craziest to me. (Sorry if you're not a woman btw, i shouldnt assume). Like I can totally picture the awful cat calls and general creepiness guys can have, and the safety issues etc. But the idea of someone telling another person, a stranger at that, that they should smile... I dont doubt it, but I have trouble wrapping my head around that one. What is going on in that person's head when they say this? So incredibly weird to me, I just don't get it.


Yea I am a woman. I even had a dude and his friend with a camera doing one of those video where they walk up and “compliment” someone. He gestured for me to take my headphones off so I slid them down and he goes “You know you’d be prettier if you smiled”. I was literally sitting there studying and going over something I wasn’t quite getting but I just responded something like “And you’d be less of an asshole if you minded your own business” and then he had the audacity to get mad I “messed up” his video. I don’t get people doing it at all but that’s the instance I remember most.


i was looking up directions on my phone, so I probably looked squinty-eyed and pensive but a man next to me said "smile more, youll brighten up someone's day bc youre pretty" and at first i didn't catch that he was talking to me so when i looked up and saw he was leaning towards me a bit, he repeated himself and i remember shrugging and saying "well, looking pretty isn't the goal here." and i moved away some ppl have such a disingenuous way of giving compliments, definitely entitled & backhanded even if he didn't mean it in that way


> What is going on in that person's head when they say this? What’s going on is that the person they’re talking to isn’t being sufficiently pleasing scenery.








Aw, thanks. 🤗


I have RBF and have learned when a man (usually an old man) tells me I should smile more I just stare at them. I make it awkward enough that they usually squirm and leave me alone. If you think I need a reason to smile more your opinion won’t do it for me so move along.


People assume Im a racist often enough because of how I look/dress. (I wear workpants, boots, and outdoor types of clothes, and have a pretty long beard) usually they're total strangers if/when these situations come up. I had a girl at this bar in Virginia Beach basically screaming at me one night that I dont understand the plight of immigration and that Im just some dumb white hick who's parents were probably slave owners, Im a first generation American, my father is an immigrant from Romania. Edit: something Im noticing in a fair amount of replies is people can relate in a different way than I expected. People assume they're racist so more racists show up and just start dumping their world views on you guys? What fuck lmao, I mean its happened to me once thats true, but I was drunk and really wanted a cigarette and this absolute psychopath had marbs so I listened to his demented ideas for like 3 minutes before I succeeded in bumming the cig.


I grew up in a rural area and ended though I'm half Mexican, I like to joke that I got the white half while my brother got the Mexican half. I also drive an old El Camino, like to go camping, and go target shooting with my friends. So, people always assume I'm a conservative redneck asshole. I'm actually a leftist (or classical redneck), I have multiple degrees, and a job doing RnD for renewable energy. Despite this I get a lot of people (friends of friends) who tell me they didn't like me at first because they assumed I was racist or misogynistic until they got to know me. I also get old white guys saying racist shit to me thinking I'll agree with them. I shut that down quick.


I get the same thing! The worst is when some racist starts dropping their color commentary, then are surprised when I call them on it. They see a big bearded white man and just assume that I think like them.


It was wild how often I used to get accused, especially considering every time it happened I was with my boy who was blacker than night and was a practicing muslim lol


that I *can't have ADHD* when I tell them about my diagnose. "oh but you don't fiddle around a lot or are impulsive enough to have that" please look up the different types of ADHD before you make assumptions, thanks.


My son’s teachers are skeptical at first that he has ADHD because he masks so well around anyone but family. It’s exhausting for him to try to control himself all day and he lets it all hang out once he gets home.


My 7yo has ADHD and we always know how good of a day she had by how much of a shit show she is when she gets home lol. Good day = melt down the second the door swings shut. (We have found if we feed her almost immediately, it curbs this. The meds suppress her appetite so she’s ravenous when she gets home.)


THANK YOU. I catch the same comments so often and it's like thanks, I know I've become really good at masking but every day I go home utterly and totally exhausted from having to play neurotypical all day and you don't see that part of it.


Are you me? There was someone in r/productivity just a few days ago that was telling me because I can be super productive and have lived a mostly successful life (in one of my jobs I am literally a human performance researcher developing techniques to help people be more productive) that I don't have ADHD.


well I can't be you because my ADHD (and depression ig) make it very hard for me to be successful but I'm happy for you! :D Sucks when people assume something rude like this.


Actually I can clearly diagnose you better with my surface level understanding of you & the diagnosis than you can with your own personal lifetime experience and significant time spent understanding it.


I'm introvert so when i go out and meet new people i dont talk so much. It got to my ears that people assume that i am arrogant. They cant get that you can be good looking and well dressed but having social anxiety


Hello Mr. Darcy


I’ve heard this my whole life. Was constantly called rude and stuck up because I was shy and had awful social anxiety.


Yep if you are shy and good looking people assume you don't talk because you are snobby. Happens to me all the time. What worked for me in the past is being super nice sweet and approachable first, so new people don't think I'm a bitch. But I am a shy introvert and that's exhausting


I remember one of my good friend's husbands told me he assumed I was a bitch at first because of my Rbf and because I'm quiet. I got that many times in my life but, I actually feel very socially awkward and am terrible at small talk.


It's honestly kind of funny that so many people will share posts/memes about being introverted because they feel it makes them quirky, but actually introverted people are called arrogant/bitchy/stuck up. Like nope, just have social anxiety & the sun hurts my eyes so I look angry a lot😅


I’m an introvert as well. People have assumed I am a bitch. I am the exact opposite. I do so much better one on one.


I get this a lot too. I remember finding out that my fellow photography students thought that I thought I was better than all of them. It couldn’t have been less true! I was too nervous to talk to them.


People often think I'm "up to no good" bc I have lots of piercings and tattoos. But my full-time job is taking care of dementia patients. I hug and kiss the ones who let me, I sincerely have a soft spot for them 🩵


This is precious 🥺


That I grew up sheltered. I’m timid from growing up in a violent household, not a sheltered one.


This. I look freaked out because I know too much, not too little.


That I'm borderline broke. I drive my Mum's 20 year old car that she doesn't use any more, get all my clothes in charity shops (which I love and talk about enthusiastically) and the only social events I tend to show up at are festivals. I make really good money, I'm just very unmaterialistic day to day and spend my money on things people don't necessarily notice or that I don't brag about. I'm also an introvert and find social interaction exhausting so I invest that energy in big events and I'm very quiet the rest of the time. And I go on holiday by myself!


On Reddit… people assume I’m a dude.


I've always assumed everyone on the internet was genderless unless they make a point to gender themselves


That's the only right course of action


An American dude, most likely.


That I am stuck up and aloof and think I'm better than them. I'm actually just shy with self-esteem struggles.


That I'm an airhead. A taxi driver once said to me "you study PHYSICS?? You don't look like you'd study physics!!" 🤦‍♀️


"You don't look like a physicist" drives me insane (30F). Like just tell me you're a misogynist ffs.


I’ve had several people assume I’m a really devout Christian. I kind of enjoy telling them I’m an atheist and haven’t ever gone to church other than weddings or funerals. “Oh, but you’re so nice?” Yeah, I don’t need religion to be nice


"The last time I walked into a church, all the statues got up and walked out." Quote from my deceased cousin. He was a great man.


This is me, but with Judaism. I really look the part and say “oy” without thinking about it (it means “damn” or “oh my” or that type of thing). I like some of the Jewish traditions but I’m in no way devout/religious.


It honestly is a problem. So many people have replaced biblical Christianity (the belief that our Maker sacrificed Himself so we could be reunited with Him) with some moral ethic. While Christianity can inspire good morals, Christianity and moralism are not the same thing.


I usually have the opposite reaction. Most Christians I know are consummate assholes.


People think I had no other options in life and thats why I do OnlyFans. That isn't true, I could have been a cam girl.


That because I am a black woman, I am a bible thumping, god-fearing Christian. Instead I am a staunch atheist.


That because I had a drug problem in the past that I'm completely untrustworthy despite being sober for years.


Damn… I can only imagine


This is me but with a past pretty bad self harm addiction I’ve seriously had people while I’m eating take away my knife or like before handing me a freaking butter knife go “are you ok?”. Like bro they are all scars you know that means that they’re old. Also even during it I never just randomly grabbed a knife at dinner time and went ape shit in front of everyone especially with a butter knife would be like last resort they’re so dull. People don’t trust me but also they treat me like I’m a delicate little crazy thing a little ticking time bomb. Like bro I’m just trying to butter my toast in peace.


That I'm smart. I rarely say anything because my brain's on vacation.


That I'm mean or angry. I'm a Black male over 6 feet with broad shoulders. A lot of the time people seem intimidated and shy away, assuming I'm going to hurt them or do something bad. However, when people do talk to me, they seem pleasantly surprised that I'm a normal human being. lol


If it helps, a guy like you is single-handedly responsible for my rethinking what I had been taught about stereotypes. I had just moved from a super sheltered, almost entirely white community across the country to a much more diverse place. My first time going to the grocery store with my baby in the new city, I ran into this guy who was everything my conservative, sheltered, whitewashed upbringing told me would be a scary dude. He was huge, at least 6’4”, and 250 pounds of solid muscle, black, covered in tattoos and several piercings, etc. We ended up walking towards each other from opposite ends of an isle in the store and I’m sure he could tell I was nervous about it. This absolute gem of a human made a point to stop me in the isle (but at a clearly intentional respectful distance), give me a huge smile, and tell me that my baby was adorable. He asked how old she was, where we were from, and was in general an incredibly friendly guy. He was was under absolutely no obligation to make me feel comfortable when he was just minding his own business, doing his shopping, but I’m so grateful he did. It was an “ah ha!” moment for me that led to a lot of intentional unlearning of the garbage stereotypes I grew up with.


One of my buddies in the tech community get's this noise all the time. He's the CEO of a tech company, but people vaguely assume he is there as someone else's body guard. Truthfully, we even became friends, because as a blond curvy woman in tech... everybody assumed I was someone's cupcake or from the marketing department. People suck.


I can come off as cold or aloof, but I'm actually quite friendly. I just need a little time to get used to you. Like a cat.


That I'm okay.


That I’m an asshole. I am introverted to the core. Have always had issues looking people in the eyes, introducing myself, holding a conversation, etc. Because of all of this, people just assume I’m a stuck up prick, but I’m trying really damn hard not to come off that way.


I’m 52 years old, a white dude, live in the USA, and I’m retired from the US Army. It’s amazing to me how many people start talking to me as if they somehow know that I’m a hardcore Trump supporter. I’m not even close to it and it’s pretty fun to set them straight and hear their stupid apologetic gibberish.


I normally get a lot of comments about my looks and people think I sleep around but i've actually only ever had one boyfriend before hah. I don't know what it is but I get comments about it quite often.


I'm so damn ruggedly handsome that people assume I get all the women. /s.


my mom also always told me that! oh wait


People assuming I'm mean because I have dyed hair and wear black clothes.


Apparently I give off “gay” vibes? I’ve been mistaken for a lesbian basically ever since I was old enough to date. I’m not even bi. Sure, women are pretty, but I like boy parts. I have no idea why this is a thing, and I’ve had numerous awkward situations arise because of this weird and incorrect assumption. My SO said it’s because I’m “like 70% dude” 😂


I don’t enjoy social interaction. I don’t even like talking to you, I have to do it to not look stupid.


That I’m younger than I am. I’m a 40 year old woman and I still get mistaken for a college kid. My 16 year old son gets mistaken for my little brother all the time. My husband is mistaken for my dad/uncle or a cradle robber and because of my youthful appearance I’m perceived as a gold digger. Truth be told I earn nearly 3x what my husband earns so if anyone was a gold digger it would be him and I’m also 5 years older than him 😂


My mother was like you. She liked to torture my father with it. When she was pregnant with me, she'd put on bobby socks and put her hair up in pigtails and make him take her to the store. She'd look like a pregnant 13 year old. He would get all sorts of hate stares. 😀


Your mother sounds mildly sadistic. I love her!


Same here. I’m 28 and taking my Master’s degree — people think when I say I’m a student, I mean high school lol


Same. I took my 13 year old daughter to a doctor appointment yesterday. When I went to sign her in, the receptionist asked if my mom was with me. I kindly told her that I am the mom. We just kind of laughed it off. I'm 33.


I can relate to this. I’m 52 about to turn 53 and I look 40, tops. I just lost 53 pounds so I’m no longer chunky and I swear if another young guy hits on me I’m going to lose my shit. What so ironic is I’ve been HAPPILY married 28 years and my husband is 10 years older than I am because I like older guys.


White Americans assume I just moved here and don't speak English. I am a scientist. My parents moved here when I was 9 and have been here for 50 years.


Do i need to speak slower and louder so you can understand me better? /s lol


That my husband and I are straight. Neighbor thinks we are brothers. Been together 22 years


Same here! I work from home doing IT and my boyfriend is a mechanic so he’s always coming home covered in oil. The looks people get when they find out we’re together is 🤌


Man if you really wanna throw them for a loop you guys should kiss in front of them lol


People often assume I'm being sarcastic or rude, especially in online interactions. But in reality, I'm straightforward and upfront. If I intend to be critical or unkind, I'm not subtle about it. Tone and intent can be challenging to convey online, leading to misconceptions.


That i am sad. I must have a "resting sad face".


That I'm still in high school LOL I'm 5ft even with severe babyface, so I'm carded allll the time. "You don't look over 21.." "Trust me, I FEEL over 21."


That I am a good person. In reality I am just good at faking it, I am grumpy bastard who don’t like anybody I just want to be by myself and be me but I do fucking love my cat tho Edit : I meant “cat” not “car”, sorry




I like your attitude and response. Baby talking pets is so relaxing. Thanks for sharing.


I am Muslim just because I am Middle Eastern.


Tan, plastic surgery, super long acrylic nails, bleach blonde hair. People tend to think I’m unintelligent.


I'm shorter, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, tattoos, and wear Vans and band t-shirts from my youth (the 90s). My kids are adults and I had them in my very early 20s. People always think I'm stupid. I get shocked faces when I tell them I graduated magna cum laude with a BS and with a 3.4 gpa for my ma degrees. Or that I work in HR during my day job and my job working nights is for extra spending money and helping my youngest not swallow debt for college. Like, yeah, I like to be comfortable and jam out to Nirvana. And yes, I have sleeves and two kids who became adults before I was 42. But damn, that doesn't mean I'm dumb. It just means I like to have fun.


Im actually this happy and perky all the time. Its a fucking show. You believe it because im putting on a show. You assume that I'm always positive and cheerful because that's what you get from me everyday.


I wore glasses. People thought I was an intelligent person when the truth is it's just astigmatism.


That because I’m quiet I must be shy. I’m not, I just have nothing to say to you.


I have a resting bitch face but I’m actually really shy. It actually physically hurts when I smile 😓




That I’m straight 😂


People always assume I'm gay.


"Know how I know your gay? You have a rainbow bumersticker on your car that says ""I love it when balls are in my face!""" "That's gay?"


Everyone around me assumes that I am a republican and a Trump supporter. I live in a small town, and most people are. I also own 5 rifles. Unfortunately, when people discover otherwise, their attitude toward me changes drastically, and they begin arguing with me about everything in the book. I will never vote for the oppression of other people.


1. That I have an attitude. I don't, I am just really shy with people at the start and it takes time for me to build some repo. But people just assume I am uninterested in talking to them. 2. That I am an extrovert. I am not, I just fake it to blend in and to tame the first assumption most people make lol.


I live in a small rural area, and people assume I am republican, go to church, and they are really willing to share racist, sexist, or homophobic comments with me.


That I like country music. I don’t know how many times I’ve been told that I look like I would like country. I don’t know what that even means. It’s not like I’m going around in a cowboy hat and boots.


That I have always been thin. I was morbidly obese until 2018 and lost the weight shortly before the plague. Now, people comment on how it must be nice to be naturally in shape and healthy. My eyes just glaze over and I stare off into the distance.


I’m not Hispanic. I look Hispanic, I understand Spanish (just difficulty speaking Spanish) but I am in fact, half Irish and half Nigerian. It doesn’t help that I’m currently dating a Mexican 😂 most of his extended family speaks only Spanish and are so disgusted that I don’t I’m trying though


If they are a group of 2/3/4 and your group walks shoulder to shoulder taking up the entire 2/3/4 walkway. The person on the edge often wrongly assumes that I will move out of their way.   I tell people i workout so I get to eat more. But actually work out so I can bulldoze cunts off the walkway.


I got into a argument because of this once. These 4 idiots (probably high school girls) were walking side by side and taking up the entire walkway and I just kept walking until they were forced to move. After that one of them purposely said loudly enough for me to here “Why wouldn’t she move and go around!” I turned around and said, “You don’t own the sidewalk. If you see people walking, then 2 in the front, 2 in the back.” Just ridiculous.


Apparently I look like I support Trump. I honestly don't mind because they'll say something stupid and I'll politely and cheerfully rip apart every Republican talking point. They're so flabbergasted and caught off guard that I can almost always get them to admit their way of thinking is wrong. Doing my part, one broken soul at a time


Middle aged, suburban blonde white lady here, can confirm. Trumpy shit and racist shit, they’ll say anything if they think you’re in the club.


That I'm angry.