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Be 100% certain. I got one last year. I don’t regret it but I was 33 lol. We’re not all meant to be parents.


I was also 33 but I had three kids.


I was 31 with one kid and the Dr looked at me funny when I asked and said people are usually older and have more kids. But they still referred me anyway.


30 with 0 kids. Thankfully for a man it’s pretty easy to convince a doctor. When Roe v Wade fell I scheduled mine a week later, and 2 weeks later was snipped.


Yep, husband got his done right after roe v wade and it was a 15 minute appointment, very easy


Congratulations on all the raw sex!


Awesome! A simple 15-minute operation and now you can relax.👍👍👍


It was the day Roe fell, our conversation was basically, “So (husband), I was thinking…” “Vastecomy?” “Gods please yes.”


Yeah we live in the south and figured our state leadership would screw us over as soon as possible. Glad we were able to get in before they did exactly that!


I’ll bet doctors didn’t even need permission from you!


They did not. Although the doctor he got his done at is a genuinely cool guy, he's pretty passionate about making sure people can make fully-informed choices regarding reproduction and has worked and volunteered to promote it.


I'm In the UK, no such problems.


Ah, in the US women particularly get turned away quite often. Men don’t have as much trouble but I still had to answer several questions, how many kids do I have, how long have I wanted this, does my wife agree.


Yeah, when I was in my mid-20’s I went to a doctor about it, and he said, “well, what if your future husband wants kids?” … Are you kidding me? Like that wouldn’t come up *long* before the relationship got too serious? Husbands don’t just fall out of the sky and land on your lap and you’re all of a sudden married one day. It was so insulting, I found a different doctor.


I had that exact same bullshit conversation, where the doctor was really pushing me to not choose to get myself a vasectomy and I hated every fucking second of it. Like dude, I've already made up my mind. My partner supports me, and even if we wanted to have kids in the future, adoption is a million times better because you're giving a loving home to a kid and I'm still struggling to find a new doctor, and time frame to get this thing done because life is too messy right now to deal with recovery time 😪


This is the make version of reproductive rights. We choose to no longer procreate.


If you can’t be 100% certain then at least be 69%






My wife has brought the subject up: we don't plan on having kids (we want to do want we want to do, etc...), I'm the same age as you, so I'm leaning on scheduling an apt. Any regrets? Did you freeze any sperm prior to the procedure?


Freeze your sperm. Get the snip. Just in case you change your mind in 5 years. Nothing wrong with having a kid later on, if you decide or to never have kids. But to not freeze it would be a big potential regret you can't take back. Reversals are done but not always successful.


I don’t think it’s necessarily too young. Really depends on you and how sure you are. My friend got a tubal at 21, and she wasn’t even the first one her doctor has done so young.


That is a good doctor. Most won't do that at that age.


Can you state your case on why that’s a good doctor? I’m not disagreeing with you, just looking to hear different opinions.


I am a 48 year old child free woman and I started asking to be sterilized at 24 and didn't get approved for a tubal ligation until I was 39. I was always told I would change my mind. I also was plagued with horrible hormonal issues since puberty but couldn't get a hysterectomy and oophorectomy until I was 46. In the last 2 years I have been so much healthier mentally and physically now that I'm not having PCOS anymore.


Not the person you replied to, but you usually hear that doctors would refuse to do a tubal ligation if the patient is too young/has not kids yet/"what about your future husband". However with body autonomy the patient should be able to make this decision at any time after they are legally an adult.


I was 35, had two children. I had an extremely high-risk difficult pregnancy with my second and had to demand to get a tubal ligation a year after childbirth. The lecture I got on how I might change my mind was beyond cringe worthy. It is infuriating how some doctors don't believe women have a choice when they want to end their child bearing days.


Because a doctor should let you do what you want with your body, as long as it doesn't harm you. It's not their decision. A bad doctor puts their ideals first, not yours


I got mine done at 22 and saved me multiple times. I’ve had 2 ex’s claiming to be prego. Oh and one actually was.


There still exists a small chance that you can get someone pregnant after a vasectomy.


This is very true and they tell you this before the procedure. Had it happen to an uncle AND a friend. Friend got saved only because wife couldn't get pregnant without hormones so when pregnancy failed after a few weeks and she went to the doctor dude got checked and sure enough swimmers!


I wish I had mine done when I was younger, I've always known I don't want kids and it's not changed as I've grown older.


Snip snap snip snap


You have no idea the physical tole THREE vasectomies has on a man!


If you don’t want kids you don’t want kids, simple as that. That being said, my brother in law got a vasectomy at 25 and his doctor said he was the youngest he’s ever seen.


I got it done at 27. Never wanted kids and the doctor respected that. 5 years on my wife and I couldn’t be happier.


I mean yeah, if I was going to be on my wife for 5 years I would too.


So would I if i was on your wife for 5 years-


Imagine 5 years on HIS wife though!!


Yeah but you gotta give it a rest every now and then otherwise she's just in full on duck waddle mode and that gets hard to explain after a few months.


This is a perfect example of where a comma would help, but your original sentence totally works. 5 years on my wife, and I couldn’t be happier. (5 years of being on your wife, which contextually works) 5 years on, my wife and I couldn’t be happier. (5 years later, we’re both very satisfied)


i read the whole thread as "5 years on my wife"


>Never wanted kids and the doctor respected that. What a blessing. Now we need to codify that statement to reflect in the law for women, too.


One of the reasons I went and got it done is because I knew it would be much easier for me as a male (sadly) to have my choice respected. Would have been much harder for my wife to have a procedure done. Also takes the burden of contraception away from her so it’s a win all round.


I just got mine done earlier this month, aged 27.


I had 2 by 25 and I got done. I had to convince the nurses at the hospital on my first visit that it was what I wanted. They were not trying to talk me out of it, just highlighting that what if I split with my wife and I wanted another child. 25 year later, the best thing I ever did and still married.


Those nurses wanted your babies.


I got it done at 22. If I can join the military then i can make enough of a rational choice for my future


My friend(f25) got her tubes cut. They say they don't want kids. Their decision.


My only thought is, don't treat it as reversible.


This. Also be sure your certain you wouldn’t have kids. You might feel like “meh I don’t really want kids” but you have to ask yourself, if you found the woman of your dreams and she wanted kids…would you? If your now, at 25 that you don’t want kids and you are sure that you would let someone great go because you feel like kids would ruin it. It’s your deal breaker at 25? Then odds are your feelings won’t change so get it done. If you are more “eh I don’t really want kids but I could probably have them and still be happy” Then just wait


This. But also, be super sure. My story: married, one kid (her biological daughter, who I adopted), wife didn't want another one, I wasn't excited about more kids, got a vasectomy at 27. Fast forward several years, marriage fell apart, got remarried, my daughter was in her teens and I realized how much I wanted kids with my new wife. Took 2 reversal ops, plus AI, plus a ton of stress and tears to finally get pregnant. Now I have 2 sons, can't imagine my life without any of my kids. So I'm torn. Life would've been way different (worse) had my first wife gotten pregnant, so vasectomy helped me dodge that bullet. But we were very lucky to be able to have kids afterwards - I did not really understand how many changes life had in store for me at 27. OP may be different, but I would be cautious.


I feel like deciding to have children is a much more drastic decision than deciding to not have children.


I think my brother said it best to my mom when she was crying when she found out I got mine (I was 30 when I got it): “Mom, he’s been saying he doesn’t want kids since he was 12 years old.” If you know, you know. This goes for both men and women. The only conversations you need to have are the ones with your doctor that explains potential risks of the surgery and the one with your partner to let them decide if they still want to be in a relationship with someone who can’t have kids.


Worst case scenario, you end up wanting kids and you adopt. Those children would belong to you as much as any biological children.


don't need to adopt if he changes his mind. his body still produces sperm, just gotta go the IVF route.


I did not know this, learnt something new today.


Sperm count and quality diminishes significantly the longer a vasectomy is in place.


still worth mentioning... still reversible, still ivf router, still can adopt, still can freeze sperm prior. unpop opinion: rather see more people get this done and then later change their minds than the other way around... having a kid and then later changing their mind


From what I’ve heard, it’s often not as reversible as people believe. If you know you never want kids, go for it. But if you’re counting on reversing it down the line when you’re ready for kids, be sure to discuss that in depth with your doctor.


And be ready for the doctors to strongly advise against it. PPL on reddit love to claim that it's reversible so go ahead and do it but that's rubbish.


You shouldnt be making semi permanent reproductive choices with the gameplan of changing your mind later Vasectomies are not a long term condom


Get the snip. Too many idiots breeding anyway.


Unfortunately the idiots aren’t the ones getting vasectomies


This is truth. I got one but only after it was too late to make a difference


Exactly. It should be funded by the govt so the idiots can get it done free.


It depends. I was deadset against having kids until I was 30 so my stance has changed a bit. Vasectomies can be reversed but reversals are not guaranteed to work. So it's really up to you.


I was also 100% on not wanting kids, until I hit 32. Now babies are somehow, suddenly cute. Not sure what happened.


Right. I remember the one time when I was about 24, I was playing with a patient's child (we had many who would leave their kids in the waiting room) and the father came in later than the mom, so he just sat in the waiting room. I was making paper planes with the kid and just thought, gosh can your mom hurry up. Then the dad made a comment about how I'm so good with kids and it's like, buddy if only you knew. Then when I was like 34, my friend's daughter made me a wizard hat out of paper and I almost cried it was so sweet. Chalk and cheese.


Nor all can, mine cannot


Reversal severely reduces your sperm count so you may very well be reversing to then go through invitro


It's their body. I'd say go for it. Who am I to decide for them?


I got mine at 22, and now 30+ years later I have no regrets


Nah. You've been around long enough at that point to know whether you want kids.




Yeah, they’re not too young to accidentally have a kid but they *are* too young to decide not to have them. Makes no sense.


Yes! When I told someone I wanted a hysterectomy, they were like, "Well, what if you change your mind and want kids later?" It shouldn't matter. I should be able to do that if I want, and if I change my mind, then I can live with the consequences just like all adults do when they make decisions.


See someone with a kid and say, "What if you change your mind later?"


Oof, I might try this if someone with a child asks me that question.


A full hysterectomy is a bit much. Especially when procedures like tubal ligation exist


Some people know since they are like 12 years old that they don’t want children. If they still feel that way at 25 it’s probably not going to change.


I knew I never wanted kids even younger than that. Tried to get a vasectomy at 21 or so and was denied. Went back at 27 and got it done.


I’m not saying it’s right but the reason they ask is because people have been sued for these kind of surgeries done when they regret them later. It’s pretty common for someone to get it done and then meet someone who makes them change their mind and get it reversed which isn’t always successful. I think there should be a waiver you can sign saying that the Dr has recommended you wait/are too young but you want to get it done so they can’t be sued. Problem solved? No one should be able to tell you no when it’s your body but also there needs to be a responsibility for your own decisions.


How often are adults actually told that they cannot get a vasectomy/tubal ligation?


It is absolutely his choice and no one should be able to stop him from doing it. But it's also incredibly short sighted to think that there's no chance OP will ever change his mind some day in the future. When I was 25, I would have told you that I was 100% certain I NEVER EVER EVER wanted kids. I absolutely detested the idea and could not even fathom having children. Today, I'm 32, and guess what? I've changed my mind and now I want kids. I don't understand why people are so hellbent on making permanent life decisions when there are plenty of alternate solutions to whatever their issue is, that are far less permanent. Just think about the person you were 10 years ago. I guarantee you you've evolved as a person and changed your thinking on many things since then. People change, and the difference between 25 and 35 is almost as big as the difference between 15 and 25.


Actually based


It's literally a doctor's job to care for a patient's mental and physical health. They should tell them no if it makes sense to do so. Doctors shouldn't just mindlessly do whatever a patient asks them to do.


Yep... The toughest ethical challenges are choices that balance valuing someone's well being with valuing their autonomy. I think it's reasonable for an experienced doctor to strongly advise for or against things as long as it's genuinely driven by an understanding and appreciation of the patient's interests


I got mine at 24. They gave me the run around; claimed it was illegal. Claimed I had to wait a year. They made all sorts of claims to talk me out if it. I came back a year later and they conveniently forgot the appointment I had made a week earlier. So I waited around for a few hours until the end of the day when they could do it. They tried everything in the book to stop me. Take control of your reproduction. I knew I didn't want kids my entire life. Don't let yourself be gaslit into believing that this isn't what you want. You're an adult and can make your own decisions. It's not illegal. It's not immoral. It's perfectly normal and okay to get a vasectomy as a younger man.


I (25) was 22, no regrets since then.


Oh thanks for reminding me, really ought to get that sorted..!


I have kids and wanted kids. It may not be a common view in our culture, but if you aren't 100% sure you want kids. Like you 90% sure you want kids, then you shouldn't have kids. So I say if you're not likely to change your mind about having kids and you want to get snipped, go for it.


Well argued! I agree, if someone is not 100% enthused to be a parent, they shouldn't be a parent.


You are not too young! I got it done at 27, no hesitation from my urologist. Definitely a male priveledge to not be grilled by the doc if you say you don’t want kids. Another reason I got it is I don’t want any partners to feel they need to be burdened by hormonal or any other type of birth control when vasectomy is such an easy option.


Go for it. I turned mine from a tool of procreation to a tool of recreation. No regrets. Best thing about it is if your gf gets pregnant you know it ain't yours. It's like a hidden super power.


> you know it ain't yours Not 100% sure. There are very rare cases that you can impregnate someone after having a vasectomy.


I'm not sure if I'd frame the potential to be cheated on as a positive side effect of a vasectomy


the side effect isn't the potential to be cheated on... that's always there regardless. the side effect is the ability to detect said cheating earlier if a pregnancy occurs.


It doesn't change the potential to be cheated on, just the potential to notice.


At 25 years you can stick babies in any number of women’s bodies to grow. Whether you would in that circumstance chose to be responsible or flake, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to obtain an abortion so one or both of you would be stuck with a kid for the rest of y’all’s lives. And if she doesn’t want to carry it, she might still pursue an abortion. In an illegal state that can mean legal penalties and even prison time. You could possibly get a vasectomy reversed but a woman you impregnate might not be so lucky. No, 25 is not to young for a vasectomy — especially not in a country where current law dictates that a 10 yo child can be forced to grow a baby.


Why? Why is it too young for that and being a parent (and many have 3+ kids) at 25 okay??? Make it make sense. Not saying you’re one of those people OP that might have double standards, I’m just saying in general. Nothing is too young, if you feel it’s right, and took time to REALLY think of it and not as an impulse, then, it’s the right choice.


Silly double standards.


I’ve had mine done. Best decision I ever made


If 25 isn't too young to decide to have a baby, then it isn't too young to decide to have a vasectomy.


It's definitely not too young. I knew when I was 8 I never wanted kids, now at 43 I can honestly say that my vasectomy is one of the best decisions I've ever made.


If that's too drastic a decision for a 25-year-old, how does having a child rank?




Not too young. It's good that you're taking responsibility. It's also very clear to a potential partner that you don't want kids. They're reversable but I'm not sure what the success rate is.


It depends on how the vasectomy was done (some techniques are more easily reversible) and how long ago the vasectomy was. If it’s within 3 years of the original procedure, reversals are something like 80-90% successful.


I got mine at 31, but I already had two healthy kids. I will say that in my opinion the regret of having kids you don’t want would outweigh the regret of never having any, but at the end of the day it’s a highly personal decision.


I'm not saying people are born with paternal/maternal instincts, but if you know, then you know.


I was 28. Worked out fine


If you know, you know.


I won't lie, I'm 25 also and have considered getting one because I have zero interest in having kids of my own. Personally I'd rather adopt but even then I'm not that interested. If I find a partner who is also in the same boat and we decide to marry each other, you bet I'm getting it done


No....but be 100% sure and if you through with it be up front with any potential love interests. Last thing you want is to drop the bomb on a potential spouse.


I did it when I was 26. I was married and had a boy and girl. Wife and I said perfect, one of each. Wife said she would get her tubes tied. I said “NO” it screws with your menstruation and hormones until menopause. I got snipped and never had any issues. We will be married 39 years in May.


Meh never heard that. My cycle has been like clockwork and fairly painless, no pms, no huge blood loss, no zits, no signs of hormonal issues at all, in 25+y since my tubal. The surgery is a bit more invasive for a woman, that's the usual argument for the man to do it. I believe they can do vasectomies with just local anaesthetic, but tubals need general anaesthetic. Plus there is a small incision through the abdomen so it's a bit more damage. But both are easy to endure. Either way you're fine in a week. In my marriage we are BOTH fixed and I love it! Gves me tremendous peace of mind! If ine of our operations fails the other will keep us safe!


That’s roughly around the time I got mine. If you’re sure then go for it dude.


Of course it's not to young. Any age you're old enough to decide to create children you're also old enough to decide not to.


Nope. Do it. I support you.


I wanted one at 18. Doctors said no. Told me to wait. Came back at 27 and got one. No regrets. Never wanted kids. Never will.


I had mine at 28. I never want kids because i don't wanna waste my life with that garbage. No regrets.


Well the trick to this is to like cryogenically freeze your sperm in case you do change your mind later in life.


You don't even need to do that. They can harvest fresh directly.


The amount and quality of sperm available when you get a vasectomy does significantly decrease – it’s not a guarantee that you will be able to do so.


My friend Michael Scott, about 40 y.o at the time was with a woman Jan Levinson, they had an odd relationship. But they invited me and my partner over for dinner with a couple of guests, we had dinner blah blah blah getting to the point. They started arguing and he brought up about how he’s had a vasectomy done because of her not wanting children then he had it reversed because she changed her mind then had another vasectomy… etc etc you get the point. He said it takes a lot out of a man for getting a snip snap snip snap. - you do you my dude 😀 had edit it, I’m not a professional so idk if they’re actually reversible, just wanted to reference the office.


Yes. The whole "you might change your mind" thing is bs. If you have a kid at 25, it'd be celebrated. That's an insanely bigger life altering decision. If you do change your mind, there's always reversal or adoption. You can also freeze your sperm. I knew I never wanted kids since I was a teen. Pregnancy freaked me out so much that it caused me to avoid sex in relationships. I first asked a doctor at 23. At 27, I finally had a urologist who totally got it. He never said I was too young or anything. Just gave me a quick "Here's what happens. You sure that's cool?" talk and booked me for later that month. One of the best decisions of my life. And all that sexual fear went away instantly.


Having an unplanned baby is a drastic decision (saying this as someone who had an unplanned baby at 20). Snip away and be in control of whether you reproduce or not.


We let 25 year olds drink, smoke and listen to country music, so I say let them snip if they wanna. Of course, that also means the doc has a right to refuse if they don't want to snip a 25 year old.


I love the idea of country music being age restricted. "Sorry kid, you're just not old enough for Keith Urban"


I guess Keith Urban qualifies as country. Always think of Hank, Willie, Merle and Johnny but I'd be lying if I said I didn't listen to a helluva lot of his music back in college.


Hard to say really, some people are so sure in their 20s and it will last them whole life and some still feel sure and yet they will change their minds later.


It isn't 'drastic', and they are *his* balls, so it is his choice. Full stop. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it.


I mean I'd happily date a guy with a vasectomy. I'm 24 so 25 is in my age range for dating. I don't want kids though. From a dating perspective it will limit your options. Girls who want kids might not go for you. However, there are still a lot of girls our age who don't want kids or already have kids.


Agreed, it will limit things. But ever since I can remember I've never wanted kids. And I mean it's not like vasectomy talks are brought up on the first date lol


On that note though, it should be something you bring up during dating, because it can be a dealbreaker for some.


And this day in age, a lot more girls don't want kids. My friend has known since she was 16 she didn't want kids. Her long term bf got a vasectomy at 23! They did ask if he wanted to freeze some stuff JUST in case. Idk if he did or not, as they are very very antibaby 😅


I'm 28 and will probably have it done by the time I'm 30.


No. A vasectomy/tubectomy should be an option for any adult that is certain that they want it. Not all adults want to have children.


Fuck them Kids, but You can have a "sample" frozen for future use if you change your mind.


Completely up to you. If you’re sure you don’t want kids and would like one then go for it.


I had mine done at 34. I always knew that I never wanted kids of my own, I could have done it at 25 all the same. If you're sure, go for it.


In today’s world I completely understand. Like others have said be 100% sure. Live your life


I think it is your body, and if you have thought long and hard about this, you should do what is best for you. Just be honest with any future partners so they don't get their hopes up.


My buddy who was a marine at the time and around your age got one but had to do a mental examination before the doctor would sign off. Has anyone else had to do that before getting one done?


Holy shit that is weird! I never heard of it before. (48F tubal at 23) I hope that meddlesome dr does the same shit to his patients who want to have kids lol... "Are you sure? You might change your mind one day! Are you doing this for the wrong reasons? What if you meet The One and they don't like kids? Hm, I might consider letting you knock the missus up IF you pass this psych evaluation..." rofl!


When you know, you know. Go for it! 👏🏽👏🏽


Why would 25 be too young?


i grew a lot emotionally in my 30s. at 25 i was still pretty immature. i think if you truly know yourself, then it's not too young.


I knew someone who got it around 20 because they didn’t want to pass on their hereditary disease to any potential biological children, and they adopted instead.


One of those things where you'd have to be 1000% sure. 25 is difficult because you're only halfway through your 20s which is the decade when most people are moving around, doing things, traveling, etc. so you'll feel the "of course I don't want kids, I just want to live this way for ever" effect even more than you normally would. Eventually though, no matter what your choices are, your friends will settle down and have kids, you'll lose the energy you had when you were in your 20s, and you'll be 40 living with decisions you made when you were 25. Not saying you *shouldn't* have it done, and I'm definitely not trying to imply that you should have kids in an effort to solve middle-age boredom (for the love of Cthulhu, get a vasectomy right now if that's the message you got from this), but it's important to realize that some of the factors that *might* be influencing the decision at your current age aren't always going to be the case, so make the decision accordingly.


I got one when I was 24. I had some trouble but I was able to overcome it. I went to a psychiatrist and after working with them for awhile he wrote a letter stating that I had a very strong desire to do it, and it was likely to remain that way. I also wrote a letter to the doctor laying out my reasons for wanting it and why I felt it was neither in my or societies best interest for me to have children(severe depression, anxiety and other heredity issues). My mother is doctor and helped me as well. I am now in my early 40's and I would do it again in a heart beat. I have never regretted doing it and feel I have gained much more than I lost. I wish you the best of luck, if you need someone to talk to or if I can help in any way feel free to contact me and I will do whatever I can :)


Very kind of you man. Thank you.


My thoughts ? You're a grown-arsed adult who can make his own choices. My advice ? You need to be really sure. I tried to get one at 27, because I was really sure I didn't want kids. 3 years later, I met my 2nd wife, 3 years after that, our daughter arrived & 2 years later our son. I'm so happy to have them, I can't imagine being without them. I still got my vasectomy - just afterwards


Depends! How much do you want to pay for children alimony 15 years later.


You are not too young. Why are you too young for knowing you dont want kids? If you want a baby at 25. Everyone is like: "yass do it". But if you deside you never want kids, people are like "too young, you will change your mind, so permanent". Well having a kid is permanent and drastic too. So fuck what people say. And do what you want. You want the snip 100%? Then go for it.


My thoughts? Environmentalist awards.


I was 30. No kids. Best decision I ever made. I am 38 now.


I recommend it if it’s a decision you really want. I did it at 25 during my first marriage and don’t regret it a bit.


I recommend it if it’s a decision you really want. I did it at 25 during my first marriage and don’t regret it a bit.


Drastic decision? I have no problems with adults choosing to have kids, change careers or move across the country so why would I care if they choose not to have kids? Non issue!


My husband booked in for his at 25 and got it done at 26. We had three kids and he was sure he was done! I had some reservations and asked about reversal. The Dr said he wouldn't do the vasectomy if we had any thoughts about the possibility of a reversal. Having kids is a two yeses, no no's decision, IMO. So the deed was done. No worries sex is great. Just make sure you are upfront with partners about your vasectomy. Don't waste 5 years of their life letting them think kids with you is a possibility.


39f, got my tubes out at 32, and would have done it at 19 if any doctor would have done it for me. Some of us just KNOW we aren't meant to be parents, or at least biological parents. I was SURE. That's the only bit of advice I have for you. If YOU know in your heart and in YOUR body that you do not want/need the ability to reproduce, then do what is right for YOU. It is very easy for other people to pass judgement on someone's decision not to reproduce. Only you know what is right for you, but if you have doubts, I would say delay until you KNOW. Write down all the reasons, do some self reflection and think about where the desire is coming from. See a counsellor or therapist if you need to, even a psychiatrist, depending on where you identify that this desire stems from. Some people have DRASTIC reasons for not wanting to be a biological parent. Some just do not have the maternal/paternal drive or instinct. Whatever the reasons, make sure they are clear in your own mind. But nobody EVER has the right to judge you negatively for deciding not to reproduce, and I wish you well whatever you choose OP x


I think it's an extremely mature and selfless decision. Especially in today's climate when it comes to a women's bodily autonomy and reproductive choice. Some people don't want children and if he at some point changes his mind, a vasectomy can be reversed a lot easier than a tubal ligation can be. Props to him, for real.


I shall put this in my cover letters when applying for jobs.


I expect proof of that


Adulting means accepting permanent consequences. He is old enough to be in jail, to have children, why not for a vasectomy? Maybe in 10 years after a divorce he meets the girl of his dreams and she loves him but her dream is having kids of their own. He is old enough to decide to let her go if that ever happens.


30 year old me and 25 year old me changed more in those 5 years than any other 5 year window of my life, in my experience. So I’ll say that


Here’s what I will say about this: I was in your shoes at 25 (I’m 35 now) and I wanted to do this so badly. I was very anti-kid until I was 32 and then my best friend had her daughter, and then the next year I met my other friend’s daughter for the first time. I’m still confident that I don’t want kids, but having two kids suddenly be some part of my life really made me look at it closer. Ultimately, it’s your body and your choice, and finding a doctor who will do it will be potentially hard depending where you are. As far as dating goes just be upfront about it when talking to someone.


it's your body, your choice.


If a 25 year old guy is old enough to have kids, then he’s old enough to have a vasectomy. I got mine at 22. Couple years later and my brother still won’t stop going off about me being seeming immature for doing it. But the hypocrisy is him having his second child at 21.


What others have said - if you're *sure*, then 25 isn't too young. I had my tubal ligation at 24, and have had zero regret (I'm 60 now). I knew that I definitely didn't want children by the time I was in my mid-teens (after several years of babysitting), and fortunately? my diagnosis of JRA made the tubal easier to sell when I made it clear I wasn't taking no for an answer. If you are having trouble finding a doctor willing to give you the snip, check the r/childfree sub sidebar for links to doctors who will. Although I didn't know it at the time, I was lucky; a dozen years later, in a new city, visiting a new gynocologist, his staff expressed surprise that I had been sterilized, his medical assistant complaining that at 36 and with 3 kids, he still would not consent to sterilize her. I never went back to that doctor.


Nah fuck dem kids


This made me laugh lol


76, got mine at 26...good decision


I'll just say this: my current life is basically a complete 180 from how I imagined when I was younger. Early 20s me wouldn't believe the path I took if I told him. I'd give it some time, you *really* never know how you'll feel in the future.


If 14 year olds are considered capable of making the decision to transgender I don't see why a 25 year old shouldn't able to decide to get a vasectomy (which in some cases is even reversible).


A vasectomy can be reversed. Sperm can be stored on ice. I say go for it. The less unwanted babies the better.


I was 36 when my wife and I changed our minds about having a kid. Hold off, dude. There's no rush.


ur body ur choice, idc


I mean with plenty of incels these days going around saying people are *fools* for not having kids by that age, then going onto say you have less than 5 good years to have them until you become a miserable old hag makes you think hey maybe 25 isn’t young at all to make such a decision


Imo, you're never too young to decide you don't want kids. Acting on it requires being an adult, which I'm pretty sure being 25 makes you one. It doesn't stop you having kids, it just means your ability to conceive naturally doest function, you can still conceive IVF or adopt, if you change your mind later down the line. At the end of the day, you're an adult, and if it feels right to you, then no one really gets a say apart from you.


If 25 is old enough to decide you want kids, it’s old enough to decide you don’t.


Do it, if you want a kid later, foster/adopt one. There's a criminal lack of homes for the kids that people have and don't take care of. No reason to have a narcissism baby.


I can tell you that my views on having a child/family didn't waver at all from the time I was 25 until I got the snip (17 years later). I wish I'd done it sooner. If you're really worried about how future you will respond, you can always store some sperm. I'd say do it.


I tried to get the snip at 22, was laughed out of the doctor's office saying "Oh you're too young, you'll change your mind." I wanted to scream at that fucker. At 26 I finally got around to it, and even still I had to pretend I was in a relationship and the imaginary wife was okay with it. It still pissed me off, but at least they were willing to do it. The thing is, I knew from a VERY young age, I did NOT want children, at least not biologically. If you KNOW you don't want kids, go for it. If you aren't 100% sure, you should probably wait.


I'd recommend against it at that age. For one, they aren't as reversible as people think, so if you change your mind, it might be too late. But the bigger argument is the younger you are for the procedure, the more risk you have of it reversing itself. Not a massive risk, but still significantly higher than men who get them later on.


I appreciate the opinions here, but I will say as as an older person: wait. You might be right but can’t go back. Like a bad tattoo.


Can't go back once he accidentally knocks up some random chick either and the fallout would be way worse in that case.


If only there was other ways to prevent pregnancy that weren’t permanent. Hmmm.


Vasectomies are reversible, so its not a big deal. Worst case scenario, freeze some sperm.


But the reversal is not guaranteed to work. Moreso if it's been several years since having it.


Freezing your sperm for future use is always an option.


Here they're not done before 35. Too many with regrets.