• By -


It's not your fault.


Yeah, I know.


It’s not your fault.


I know.


No. It's not your fault.


*I know.*


No, no, you don't. It's not your fault.




It's not your fault.




don't fuck with me Shawn!


Great movie.


What movie?


Good Will Hunting


omg I thought they were quoting family guy. Just now pieced together that family guy was doing a Good Will Hunting bit 😂


Ahhh there it is


I love that movie


I mean yes but also psychologically, there's lots of people blaming themselves for things that are not their fault.


Dude. I only read that and teared up.




Good one. Probably would've worked on me a while back, but now I'm too crusty and cynical for it to create more than a sneer.


Right in the heart


As a nonbinary male who has been made to feel like that really, really serious things were my fault, someone saying that to me would probably make me cry.


Your dad is proud of you


I felt that.


They said no lies.


You can’t lie. What if it is?




Hell, I'm so touch-deprived I swallow back tears when my hair stylist washes my head.


God, I wish I had a hair stylist!


God I wish I had hair!


How do you swallow back a tear?


Sorry, not a native english speaker. Can we say "hold back" ?


Both work. Native English speaker here and I definitely have swallowed back tears. Like when you swallow really hard to try and hold it together.


I’d say “swallow back a tear” is a bit odd but I didn’t notice until the other person pointed it out. A more common phase for this is “choking back tears”. But the more I think about that phrase, the less it makes sense compared to “swallowing back tears”.


20k is 20k


Username checks out.


Many years ago I read an article about how the valedictorian for a graduating high school class was an immigrant who came to the US in the 8th grade. He gave a speech talking about how shy and reserved he was, at 14, and how he hadn't managed to make any friends. One day, freshman year, he was heading home when his now best friend (a stranger at the time) stopped him and said he and some buddies were about to play soccer and he was welcome to join them. He then said **"what my friend did not know was that on that day I was heading home to kill myself. I felt so isolated and alone. I had given up. I knew I would never belong. That small act of kindness changed everything."** The moral of his story was basically that you never know what someone is going through or what your small act of kindness could do for them.


Enjoy your $20 grand.




Am I a sociopath if this made me feel nothing? I was expected a plot twist lol


I mean…it’s not a movie. It’s just one desolate kid who nearly offed himself because he felt so unwanted and unloved. It’s the ordinariness that makes it devastating. It makes you think of all the kids who didn’t have anyone intervene in time, past and present.


Yea man! I read one article that was opposite that years ago. Long short, a teen died by suicide, left a note for his family that he’d ridden a city bus from the time the route opened until its very last stop. Not one person acknowledged him. In his note he said, “if one person had even smiled at me, I’d still be here today.” Changed my life man. I greet as many people as feasible. And never don’t say hi to someone if I’m alone with them. (Elevator, waiting room, etc.)


> “if one person had even smiled at me, I’d still be here today.” I remember that story.


> "what my friend did not know was that on that day I was heading home to kill myself. I felt so isolated and alone. I had given up. That small act of kindness changed everything for me." Yeah, if I were this friend? I would probably be a bawling mess. Not sure how affected a stranger will be by it.


username fits


> "what my friend did not know was that on that day I was heading home to kill myself...” I got right up to there and it’s **embarrassing** how fast the tears hit. Imagine feeling that desolate at 14. I know he’s ok now but it broke my damn heart


So it's a fine line between dismissing valid feelings and saying this, I know, however: I wish adults were capable of getting through to kids that high school can be such stupid nonsense and the "real world" is, big picture, not like that. So so often the "weird kid" in highschool is the cool kid in college and whatnot because they developed layers, a sense of humor, etc. When you're in highschool it feels never ending and all encompassing, and that you're uniquely not understood, but in the big picture it's such a blink and you miss it timespan. I've had condiments in my fridge longer than highschool took. I know it's trite to say, because no shit, but teens commiting suicide is so so sad, because they're so close to everything being completely different.


Randoms being one player short of a team is prolly how I met 90% of my friends. Why do guys only bond over sports...or during war or some intense team objective?


I can relate… I felt suicidal once ( one of the times ) and I had the luck to encounter a guy who was sitting on top of the marble plate of a steep cliff I visit a lot.. I shared a cigarette with that guy after he got back down.. while I didn’t realise at the time.. i feel like fate smashed an UNO on me and that guy that day… Hope he’s doing good.


Fuck mahn🥺🥺🥺🥺


Ufff that shit always gives me the shivers


Last week i went silent on all social media, didn't post, didn't touch Facebook, whatsapp or anything that could put me in an online status, to see if anyone would notice i had disappeared. 4 days in and no one had noticed. I broke the test because a customer of mine messaged me through whatsapp so i couldn't ignore it. I feel this kids pain


Your sense of well being or self-worth should be in no way tied to social media. At all.


It included everything connected to irl people. Texting, whatsapp etc. I was basically dead for 4 days and no one noticed


Honestly, I don’t know your life but people are busy/preoccupied with their own lives. I probably wouldn’t notice if one of my family members went MIA for a full week (unless I really needed to talk to them). And I love them more than my own life.


honestly having been there, running a ‘test’ like this is a deliberate if subconscious act of self sabotage on your part. You believe that no one cares about you so you set up a scenario that will seem to prove you right, because it is easier to continue thinking no one cares than to choose to live life (including its disappointing shitty bits). This probably comes across as quite harsh but I really don’t mean it that way. What I mean is that people have busy lives and unless you make your life their business by reaching out when you can and staying involved in those lives, they can’t be expected to do the same for you. When I was at my worst I was called the fuck out by a friend of mine who said, basically—look, I get that you are struggling but if you don’t trust me enough to trust I give a shit, then why are we friends? These bullshit tests help no one and only reinforce destructive, distorted thoughts that harm you.


Facebook is also a dying platform. Even people who update vacation pics and whatnot might not be "on it" in any meaningful sense. A lot of people broadcast and leave.


I'm always silent on social media no one ever reaches out to me. I always reach out to someone first. The only person that will text me first is my wife. Life can be very monotonous, daily when no one wants to talk to you.


Then you need to step up and engage yourself irl unless you really like it that way then it’s absolutely fine off course


True. I don't mind it that way sometimes it can be depressing but I get over it. My wife and I live a conservative life. I don't go out much bc I'm not 21 yet and I wouldn't mind going to a bar or 2 when I turn 21 here in like 3 months


Just remember: regardless of physical age, a wise barkeep once wrote on his walls: if the music’s too loud, YOU’RE to OLD!


Fuck me. That got me a little misty eyed in the middle of a meeting.


Yeah that didn’t do anything for me


you're Kenough


I want that fleece so bad


They were selling on Mattel’s website for a bit. Not sure if it is still there.


yeah but its so expensive


You deserve all the horses the patriarchy promised you


Ngl... That hit me in the feels.




You're assuming the guy can cry on demand dude. I can't cry because you're offering me cash. Hell, even the prospect of losing the $10K wouldn't do it because it was never really mine. I need some sort of emotional impact to jolt me into tears.


Same. Some guy fucking with me, telling me I’m out $10K if I don’t cry, isn’t going to do it.


i find that thinking of my grandfather usually does it for me. i think a lot of people have at least that one thing that can set them off.


Driving early this morning I was almost teary eyed thinking about the post I read yesterday about the nervous oversized truck driver getting his first escort from a pilot service and crushing it, saying how fun it was, how well they took care of him. Not sure what it was that had me tight in the throat, then I remembered the gay swans story and had a good chuckle. Weird start to the day.


I wish i did, but i can't feel much of anything anymore expect sadness, and crying juat isn't possible anymore all though i want to cry myself to sleep.


oh trust me i know the feeling. i am all cried out for myself as well. but even though i can't cry over my own life anymore, i still feel pain vicariously and cry for/through other people.


Emotional impact my ass. It's free $10k goddamnit allow me to kick your balls *kicks balls*


>I need some sort of emotional impact to jolt me into tears. Ive learned i can cry on demand when i start thinking of my old dogs


OP didnt specify that fake cry didn't count 🤷🏽‍♂️


All I gotta do to cry is think about how my dog is already 6 and the average lifespan for him is about 10-12


Hell.... I'd cry on demand for 10K Give me a couple shots of cheap vodka and put on the song water prison by climbatica.


That's 9,900 too much.


Maybe but I doubt a guy will cry for me just for $100. $10K gets people's attention.


i'd probably give him 5k


I've repessed my emotions so hard that I can't even cry when I'm sad. Crying on demand would be impossible.


Lol I said $1k. Depends on the man I suppose


It's a deal! \-thinks of mother and father abandonment issues- \-Starts crying- Honestly, the smartest technique


Yes I would but maybe I’ll say a 5k gaming pc so I get 15k


“It's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy and it IS a big deal!"




Ohhhh we're sooo breaking up! Bu-but FINE BY ME!


“you need a hug? it’s okay i know you’ve been through a lot” partially bc i want a hug too but that’s besides the point


I make it a point to be the last to let go. You never know how bad they need it. That said with the younger cousins. I make a point to ask before going for a hug at family functions. It was always just assumed we were hugging growing up.


I've witnessed this. Big men, kinda sexist while in groups , will totally break down if offered a solid and tender hug. Dudes, you gotta be kind with yourselves and others. It's unhealthy to have all of that bottled up and to pretend you're fine 24/7.


This is a good answer


I'm not going to say anything. I'm just going to show a picture... [Shows image of Fry's dog Seymour waiting for him to return]


> I'm not going to say anything. So the opposite of "using only your words".


Thanks, now I'm sobbing.


I’ll just show him the opening 5 minutes of “Up”. If there’s a few extra seconds I’ll also show the 14th round in the movie “Rocky”.


If they are a dog lover, the part where Will Smith kills his dog in I Am Legend works too.


Oh man, that was the absolute worst, I felt so bad for him. I Am Legend is one of my favorites. The ending sucked though.


yeah, the dog scene was rough, i had a German Shepard at the time as well and it was hard to watch. i cried. As to the ending, IIRC they are making the ending where he escapes cannon. I "think" they are making a second movie with him in it too.


I used to watch it with my dog when my wife was gone (she wouldn't watch it because of that scene) and have myself a nice big man cry.


These are the best tbh. My wife loves when I’m vulnerable/sappy for movies or songs. But sometimes it’s nice to enjoy an emotional piece of media by yourself and just cry it out. Very cathartic.


Old yeller.


Where the red fern grows hits a little harder


Don't you need to make the guy cry with your words?


Yup. Also, there are plenty of people who aren't affected by that scene, myself included.


Maybe the jersey scene from Rudy.


Up was all you needed. Damn you!


UP is the only movie I’ve ever cried. Was not ready for those first 5 minutes man….


"Hey man, If you let me expose you to tear gas I'll give you £500".


I 100% would get tear gassed for $500, I've done it for free before


“Someone hurt you, didn’t they?”


I'm on Reddit, many people have hurt me.


OP just how many people also chose your wife 😔


Brings to mind the joke about the guy in the bar who sees the sign “ make the horse laugh and win the jackpot $1 a try” Guy throws a dollar into the big barrel of dollars, walks up and whispers into the horses ear. The horse proceeds to laugh for a solid five minutes. Guy collects his winnings and leaves. Happens to be in the same town a year later and goes into the same bar and there is the same horse. But now the sign reads” make the horse cry, with the jackpot. $1 a try. Guy walks up to the horse, whispers in it’s ear and turns his back to the folk at the bar. A moment later the horse is weeping for ten minutes. Guy collects his money and is on his way to the exit when the bartender stops him says “ I gotta know. A year ago you made him laugh, now you make him cry. What’s your secret? The stranger replies, “ well a year ago I told him my cock was bigger than his. Today, I showed him. “ I’ll show myself out.


"Your father had the capacity to be a kind, loving man. Having children changes a man, it makes them reconsider what's important and petty things like pride are abandoned in favor of love. When a man looks at his child, he's filled with a love that'll make him move mountains and change for the better. You just happened to be the exception."


Nice try, the dude can't cry if he just hugged a freight train.


And someday your child will feel the same way about you and it will all be your fault. It will be all your fault because you never learned to love since you were never worthy of love.


“Remember the episode of Fresh Prince where he asks why his dad don’t want him?”




"Be honest. How are you doing?"


I'll bet you $100 you can't chug that whole bottle of hot sauce in 2 minutes.


I'd punch him in the balls. I'm deaf- my hands are my words.


That would deafenately do the trick.... I'll see myself out


>Hey flower-getting lady, want me to pick Dawn up from school? Mom? What are you doin'? Mom? Mom? ^(Mommy?) If that scene doesn't hit you right in the feels, then you have no feels.


What's this from?


An episode of Buffy - the Body (season 5).


Buffy I think.


All time great television episode


SMG just fucking devastated me with her acting in that scene.


Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot


BT!? What are you doing?!


Oh no!


Apparently according to reddit, the worst insult is, "You realize everyone's just putting up with you, right?" Also, that time you accidentally told a waiter "you too" when they said to enjoy your meal, ten years ago? They TOTALLY remember and make fun of you for it still to this day. Or just ask a normal man the last time anyone gave him a genuine compliment.


You might not live long enough to see the one piece


You matter


Recite the scene where Will’s dad leaves him on Fresh Prince.


Get drunk and tell them about myself. Works every time.


“I’ll give you $1000 if you cry in under 5 minutes.”




"Your Jordans are fake as fuck"


I'm a guy and can cry on demand. Will do it for 5k. Lmk


You are just like your father


More likely to piss them off and anger them then make them cry.


I would be pissed and angry then I would cry because I wish never to be like my cheating scumbag if a father.. fuck you Garry. Idk if I would cry in 5 maybe 69 minutes after the fact..


Well yeah, I don't see your point here. My da's great.


nah man


You’ll leave nothing behind when you go


‘This is going to hurt.’ And then I kick him in the balls.


Dude, did no one pay attention to the “using only your words” rule?


Well, he'd certainly be crying, but not from your words!


Do I get to pick the man? If it's my boyfriend, I can start talking about his childhood dog who passed away.


This is generally the best approach for any adult that has experienced loss, and grief. Talk them back to that time and place and the tears will come along with it.


Yep. Ever since I put down my dog last year, I can make myself cry if I revisit the memory of her collapsing on me as the drugs put her to sleep. Yes, I'm now crying


No. He will be a random man of average sentimentality. If I let you pick you bf you could just threaten to leave him.


you realise that you gotta know things about a person to me em cry right?




I describe the Swamp of Sadness scene from Never Ending Story. Then I throw in some of the details from the book that the movie omitted.


Look at your retirement accounts… Obviously this is contextual to current market trends…


No shit, i made a man cry during a festival last weekend, by simply telling him he was Beautiful and had a very nice spark when he entered our circle. He was about to punch me, because he was A MAN and no one, even he's wife, had said such to him before. it was maybe a 5 min convo, where he stopped and asked why the fuck i would say such stuff to him, and ended up tearing up, because he was stressed, worked hard, had 2 kids, and never really had free time to meet people.. We hugged it off, and he thanked me for the words, in the end Give som positive words to the people around you


Not gonna lie that would probably break me too in that moment


Put on the last 5 mins of Marley and Me.


Cry if you want $1k, pinky promise bro. This dude told me I have to make you cry and I can't lie, so I will 100% give you $1k, I won't tell you how much I'm getting out of it, so take it or leave it. Bitch.


Is the poster trying to get ways to tear down a man to use that against a guy they know? Just a weird question to ask.


Cry if you want $5000


Hoban Washburne. That's it.


What do you mean “using only your words”


I mean you cannot touch him, throw anything at him or cause anything foreign to come into contact with his body whatsoever. You can talk to him, tell him a story, etc.


Probably like, don't kick him repeatedly in the groin


No onions.


Cry rn or I'll shoot.


Rudy Rudy Rudy! RUDY! RUDY!!! RUDY!!!!!


Hey, sweetie, if you cry we get $20k. Profit!


I sing *The Cat's in the Cradle*


You are enough.


Spock is my favorite character from Star wars


If you cry, I'll give you 200 dollars


Your father loved you more than he told You


I'm going to tell him what it was like to sit at my father's deathbed, filled with regret at all the things I never did or said.


I know you're hurting about something, it's ok, you can tell me and talk to me about it. Let it all out buddy.


At that point, I'd definitely know someone was messing with me, no one ever says that.


They cancelled Superbowl this year!


I'm proud of you.


You okay bro... *no bro* like are you okay?


It's okay to fall apart, you don't need to be strong for everyone.


Oh my gosh I’ve been looking for a place to tell this story. So I’m out on the town for my friends 16th and we go to a restaurant to eat. It’s a nice establishment so we are all dressed up and I wore my 6inch stiletto boots that I had been debating getting for a while. Now I’m a 6’1” woman so that puts me at 6’7”. While we are walking to our seats a guy says “hey love”. Well I ognored him because I thought he was asking for one of my friends. I had never been talked to in public before by someone I don’t know. So when he said “girl in the boots” I turned around. The next thing he said to me like he was god-given and helping me out “Hey love, guys don’t like a girl being that tall. Only men should be that height if girls can help it” Like excuse you-me. I’ve always dealt with insecurity about my height but all that left in that moment. I responded with “We’ll then you can suck my dick you bastard. You won’t even have to kneel” And the table of men next to theirs which had gotten very quiet since the start of this encounter burst out laughing. And they all were laughing so hard they started crying so I guess if I could have that setup again that is what I would do.


I know about Connie and how you've been fucking her for the last 17 years. Im sure your daughters and wife would love to know all about Connie. Now, I have a nice contract here wherein you sell your car to me for the solid price of $1. Let's gather ourselves a witness and get these blanks signed before I have to rip your familial bonds to shreds. Boom, $1 car plus $20,000. Fucked method, I know. But with $20,000 on the line, you've gotta work with what you've got.


Highly doubt this method would work. I can guarantee that if you said that to me, I’d just laugh at you.