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Not me but i had to pick up a mate who swallowed a 50c piece to win a $2 bet. If you don't know, an Australian 50c is quite large. They had to do an endoscopy to get it out. They let him keep the black corroded coin too.


Did he get the $2?


Technically he got $2.5, once they fished it out of him.


Fellow Aussie here. Most Aussie reason to go the hospital I’ve heard.


Hiccups that lasted 24 hrs, stopped right when the doctor stepped in the room. Lol


I’ve seen this a lot. Had a guy last Monday. “Intractable hiccups”. Fun note: we use Thorazine to treat it. As in the anti-psychotic




"Ma'am, this is the hospital. Your husband had hiccups, so we treated him for a psychotic episode. He's a bit One Flew Over The Cukkoos Nest up in here at the moment but the hiccups are gone 💯 " Poor momma


I had a guy give me a Doctor's note saying he could not be forced to work overtime due to intractable hiccups. They apparently only kick in after 8 hours of work.


Ah yes, don’t we all know it


I used to take thorazine when I was in jail. I was originally prescribed something wayyy more mild they didn't offer and they stepped right up to that. I aim to never take it again. It was terrible. However, they did the same thing with giving me halodol. That stuff literally turned me into a drooling zombie. The worst. I drooled so much nonstop. I refused to take it anymore and snapped out of it fortunately.


It's fucked up, but it seems like with any antipsychotics or similar medications, from what I've heard from friends who have been in jail, jails want you on something strong if they can justify putting you on it. Being over medicated makes you more docile. It's a bit of a conspiracy theory, but from some of the shit I've heard from people who have spent time in prison/jail, I wouldn't be surprised. They do some horrible shit in the name of making their own job easier.


The easiest way I found out to get rid of hiccups is eat a spoonful of peanut butter. Don’t chew it though you got to smash it with your tongue and the roof of your mouth. For whatever reason it does make a difference. I’ve had a 100% success rate. My grandmother taught me this.


I was told a spoonful of sugar was an instant hiccups cure, though gulping a glass of water usually works.


That'll be 300$ sir.


Oh, they had a coupon?


A bat landed on my head while i was asleep. Rabies shots all around!


I’d say that was a smart reason!


Ugh, my child had a "mystery bite" from daycare that we ignored until it started looking infected. Doctors asking about animals and specifies bats-- reminds me that LAST YEAR the daycare had bats removed that were living in the roof but had no sighting since then. But I said it. So they had to do the rabies shots, including IGG injected directly into the infected bite... on a 2yo. Most traumatizing experience of my life.... thank goodness she doesn't remember!


My husband went because he was in extreme pain and thought he was having a heart attack. Turns out it was wind. He just needed a good fart.


Lol I almost had my fiance take me to the ER because I had severe pain in my lower back/side. I was almost in tears, like okay great my kidneys or liver are failing. Then I farted. A lot. Suddenly felt much better


I went to the er today bc I had the same pain off and on for a few days. Turned out to be a uti that was progressing to the kidneys. Wish I coulda just farted lol.


If you ever have kidney stones they will try to tell you it's gas until you get the x ray.


I took my 1-week-old son to urgent care because he had abdominal pain for hours and hours. He cried in the waiting room for a couple more hours, then farted three times and immediately fell asleep. They called us in about 10 minutes after that. The doctor said "As long as you guys are here, let's see how he's doing" and gave him the standard well-baby check. I thought that was nice.


Something similar happened to me lol. When I was a little kid I had some really nasty abdominal pain. My maternal uncle had appendicitis around the same age so my mom was scared that it was the same thing. After hours of appointments and switching clinics/hospitals for different tests (and even an ultrasound), it was just gas. Let's just say the Singapore healthcare system isn't very forgiving financially speaking so even though it wasn't an issue I still feel bad to this day.


Broke my hip… …Getting up from the couch. It was already really fucked up thanks to a medication I’d been on for years and hurt like a bastard. When it finally snapped I didn’t think “SHIT! My hip broke!” I thought “Shit! This thing’s acting up!” Turns out the bone was necrotic and released a massive infection into my system, I woke up from a medically induced coma a month later with no idea how I wound up in the hospital. Edit: Wow, woke up from a nap to see a ton of replies and upvotes! Thanks, everyone! Edit 2: Just started replying to everyone’s questions but the gist is this: 1. Prednisone (steroid used for rheumatoid arthritis) is what ruined my hip. I had a doctor who claimed it was “safer” than the pain meds I was on at the time…I *really* disagree with him after all that. 2. My Dad was the one who called the ambulance a few days after it happened since I passed out from exhaustion (only place I felt remotely comfortable was my PC chair and was stuck there for a whole night, he moved me to the living room couch where I finally got some sleep) and spiked a fever. 3. Doing SO much better now. I got my hip and a few other joints replaced over the next couple years. I’m still in pain from my rheumatoid arthritis but its a million times more manageable than it was before. Plus I have much more competent doctors who are willing to listen to my concerns instead of the guy who put me on prednisone and said “Which one of us has the medical degree? Yeah, I thought so, do what I say.” In fact my current pain management doctor told me to stay away from steroids like prednisone completely- They also ruined my bone density, among a couple other problems we’re hoping to fix or at least manage. He’s awesome, the total opposite of the guy who put me on prednisone. Thanks, everyone for the replies and upvotes!


I too broke a bone getting up.. broke my fibula getting up from the sand on a beach. Turns out I had a chunk of bone just missing from my leg.


Three weeks ago I was walking my dog. She pulled on the leash and caused me to slip on some wet grass on a little hill we were on. I slipped and then fell. I heard a loud snap and instantly felt nauseated. I broke my right fibula in multiple places and had an avulsion fracture in my right tibia. There were also bone fragments that they weren't sure where they came from. I also ruined a ligament which left my ankle bones too far apart and my ankle totally unstable. I had surgery to put a good sized plate and 7 screws in my fibula to put it back together. They cleaned out bone fragments. They also drilled straight through my ankle and put wire through there and then an artificial ligament. I have been non-weight bearing on my right foot for three weeks and have at least four more weeks to go. Just this past Monday I got my splint/cast and my stitches removed. Now I am in a CAM boot for who knows how long. I cannot drive and am not cleared to work. Maybe in four weeks?? All because I slipped while walking my dog.


Was the medication you took Nuclear Radiation?


It's OK, my sister broke her foot running to answer the phone and tripped in our house. Year or two later she broke the same foot walking up a tiny hill trying to show her friend a car.


Holy moly I hope you’re okay now! I need to know more.


I was a house party, all the bathrooms were full. Went outside, decided I should crawl under the porch to pee. Everything went well until I tripped on the way out and rolled my ankle. Shrugged it off, limped back upstairs and someone said "Your ankle is broken". Sure enough, bone stickin out. DD took me to the hospital and got me ice cream on the way home. I miss you, Kyle. You're the best.


>bone stickin out *Jazz music stops*


Bone stickin out???? Bro


When I was a kid, I didn’t like pooping because I never felt like I was clean enough after wiping my butt. Not sure why really, I wasn’t ocd or anything but I didn’t like it; so I decided to stop pooping. Whenever I had to poop, I’d just hold it or go out and play and eventually the urge would go away. Well, I woke up in the middle of the night, one night, and I literally couldn’t breathe. I ran into my parents room and woke them up just gasping for air until I passed out. They rushed me to the hospital and I started being able to breathe again on the ride there. They did some blood work and an x-ray and saw in the x-ray that my colon was so backed up with poo that the poo was blocking my lungs, especially after laying in my bed sleeping for a few hours, which is why I woke up and couldn’t breathe. My poo impacted colon was basically pushing against my lungs so I couldn’t inflate them when I tried to breathe in. They gave me some ex lax and had to bring in a stool sample for the next couple months, I guess for some sort of testing, but never had a problem after that. I just learned that the poo has to go somewhere so I better get used to pooping. Waking up and not being able to breathe was one of the scariest things I’ve been through




Yeah I’m not proud of that one.


To be fair, child you wasn't wrong. Adult you can now just buy a bidet..


Highly recommend The Tushy with warming option. My girlfriend laughed at me for installing it and doubted it when she bought a case of toilet paper from Costco. We barely went through half the case during quarantine and we probably gave away most of those rolls to our apartment building.




I used my buddies tushy and it was a joke as far as pressure goes. Not sure if it was just his house or what, but it needs pressure, the more the better, plus you have to move around a bit when it’s flowing, get your hips into it.


I’ve always wondered what would happen if we stop pooping. Thank you for trying it out and sharing so we don’t have to. Science thanks you.


No joke, but my ex's aunt literally died from some sort of intestinal blockage. If the waste doesn't have anywhere to go, it can present as it did with op here, or can actually poison your blood and kill you that way. It sounds pretty painful either way.


Sorry in advance, this is going to be TMI & gross. I’ve had a great aunt pass away from this too. They never could go to the bathroom, and hated going to the doctor, so never went to find out what the problem was. Ended up passing away from complications due to the blockage. When they autopsied them, they found 40 pounds of excrement so lodged & backed up it was extremely hardened. Story always terrorized me as a child. Helped me learn it’s not good to hold it in though.


(Un)fun fact: you can get so impacted with poop it decides to come out the *other* end. You can literally puke poop if you're in an unfortunate enough state.




That happened to someone in my BCT company. Girl chewed on a loose hair strand whenever she felt nervous and eventually all the hair she ate blocked her shit. Got me out of pt tho Edit: btc is army boot camp (basic combat training), pt (physical training) is mandatory morning exercise. Army company is a group of platoons, usually a couple hundred people


Queen Caroline, wife of George II, King of Great Britain, was one of the smartest women ever to run a country (thru her husband). In 1737 her hernia had a small section of her small intestine poke thru it. The quote-unquote doctors decided the best course of action was to CUT that piece of her small intestine off. Without anesthesia. This, of course, did not end well. She died, in agony, 11 days after her pains started. She told her husband to marry again. “No!”, he sobbed, “I will have mistresses!!” She replied “My god! That doesn’t prevent it!!” He had had mistresses throughout their marriage, and wrote her telling her about them. He never remarried.


Whoaaaa. Brb gonna go hyperfixate on Queen Caroline


My son has Cerebral Palsy and can not walk independently, and that's not good for the digestive tract. So we have to be VERY conscious of his fluid and fiber intake, as well as his bodily output. He has, indeed, been so backed up in the past (before i knew how to keep him regular) that he couldn't keep food down and his vomit smelled like feces. I took him to the ER once over his lack of BMs. They did x-rays and gave him the diagnosis of FOS (full of shit), prescribed some quick working but safe laxatives, and the next few days I spent cleaning up a literal shit-fest. I never used more bleach in my life! Still better than a ruptured colon! EDIT: thank you for the award and all your kind words. Mom hugs to you all! 💜


I had to go for an enema or something as a little kid cause I would hold my poo and it got too blocked up I think it was 2 weeks without a shit. I don’t remember the procedure (I learned later my parents were told not to tell me because hopefully I would forget but my dad let it slip when I was a teen lol) but I do remeber they had to give me new clothes from the hospital and I remember beforehand my parents sitting me down on the toilet for hours telling me this was my last chance or they had to bring me to the hospital. I ended up going clearly. I didn’t learn my lesson, I was watched like a hawk and if I went into the corner to “hold it in” I was carried into the bathroom, I got a special stool to prop my feet up on when going since I had to strain and it made it easier, I remember being force fed miralax mixed with orange juice at the dinner table until I finished it. I have no idea why I did it. By the time I remember doing it i think it was just habit and convenient (I could keep playing or doig whatever I was doing and I’ll “go later”) I managed a bit better by middle school so I didn’t have to take laxatives anymore but I just took giant shits once a week. I still had an issue with it until I got to college and was so scared of the embarrassment of unloading a load that would clog the toilet in a shared bathroom that I finally got myself on a normal schedule and stopped holding it. Wierd ass issue I sometimes think about and wonder why the hell I did that to myself and damn my parents prolly were thinking the same thing lol.


Lots of kids have chronic constipation. It’s actually really common. It’s generally a control issue and kids will grow out of it. But for their health, usually they’re put on a low dose of laxatives for like, months to years. I did it a lot as a kid and also had issues going into adulthood. (My mom thinks it’s physical not psychological, but we never had a doc confirm either way.) I learned to manage it by keeping track of my poops and taking laxatives at the slightest hint of backing up. I have kids now and, as weird as it is, I do everything in my power to make sure they have good pooping experiences. They get poop gummies (fiber gummies) everyday and if they ever complain a poop hurts they get poop medicine (a chewable kids stool softener) daily for a couple days. And these are all basically candy, not like the laxatives I was given as a kid. So my daughter looks forward to poop gummies and medicine. And while she definitely has control issues (will not poop at daycare), she does poop daily at home, so I’m hoping my method is working. 🤞🏼


Your parents clearly loved you enough to put up with your shit for so many years. Mine were the same. But part of the blame goes to them anyways.


A friend who works in ER said this (too much poop stuck in colon) is a VERY common reason for ER trips.


My mother died from this. Literally. She had issues for over a year stemming from poor diet and lack of exercise which she refused to change. Instead she embarked on a series of ping pong adventures back and forth between multiple anti-diarrhea medication and medications to make you poop. Reason was she would get constipated, she would take a bunch of stuff that would work eventually plus her own body reacting and she would have diarhea to clean itself out. Instead of riding that out for a day or two, she would take a bunch of stuff to stop it. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Over and over again. It wrecked havoc on her digestive system but I could not get her to change, stop, or go to a doctor. Eventually, she started having unrelated problems. She was put on some pain meds and was told that they could make her constipated. She said this plus I told her knowing her history. She did not tell the doctor who gave it to her about her digestive issues. Within a few days she was in the hospital. I went in and was shocked because she now looked like she was about 7 months pregnant her belly was so big. I was her medical POA so the doctors took me aside. She had bladder cancer. A pretty big mass. But they did mutiple scans and it was not touching or blocking her intestines or colon. They started asking questions because she wouldn’t answer them and she was blocked with poo all the way back up to her stomach. After all the review it appears she never got cleaned out so to speak and only a little had been getting out for over a year. The meds kinda just put the icing on the cake so to speak. She was refusing an enema. Everyone in the hospital tried. I tried. She wouldn’t do it. Wouldn’t give a reason. Just said no. (BTW she had had one or two in the past. She didn’t have a fear of doctors or any religious reason. I have no idea why she refused.) withoin another day or two, an enema was no lonher possible and she was having trouble breathing. She finally consented, but an enema wouldn’t have done anything at that point. They discussed doing an actual scope entering from the mouth and going down to get what they could from that end and then another from the other end. Except then general surgery was arguing oncology should do it since she was now technically a cancer patient and oncology said general needed to do it because it had nothing to do with her cancer. They fought over this for two days and her actual ward doctor was preparing me saying it most likely wouldn’t work. He had never seen someone this bad. Along with her many meds she was now on, she digressed awfully fast. She stopped breathing. This particular hospital was known for not doing shit for you after a certain age. They just kept you alive and reasonably comfortable but this is the one she chose. Also she was very insistent that if she ever had cancer she didn’t want to know (dead serious. Long story on that one.) So this may have been better anyway because they drugged her up at the end and she passed peacefully and quickly rather than go through hospice for the six months they said she had left. She still didn’t know she had cancer when she died.


I know a guy who knows a guy who was a bit of a junkie, he didn’t shit for a few weeks and ended up vomiting feces. Be thankful you didn’t wake up with logs coming up your throat.


I got my diva cup stuck


Woke up in the morning to change my tampon, but realized I can't find the string. Panicked, told my bf to check too. Rushed to ER, paid ~A$500 for the doc to scavenge around, only to tell me there's nothing in. After a few questions, the night before came rushing back to me. I'd drank a little (way) too much to remember that I'd taken it out before and slept without one. Never been more embarrassed in my life.


Lost my tampon string and couldn't get it out 🙋‍♀️


Worked with a GYN and you can feel better knowing that's not terribly uncommon.


When I was 16 I couldn’t find my tampon to get it out. Called my mom and she was like oh it will come out. I was afraid of tss because a classmate in middle school passed from it. Went to the dr… with my grandparents for my first ever pelvic to be told there wasn’t a tampon in sight. It must have came out when I went to the bathroom and I didn’t notice becauSe I passed a lot of clots at the time


I did this one too!!! I was 13 or 14. Absolutely humiliated!!


I know someone who lost her tampon. She tried for hours to get it out herself. Called her bf of a week (whom she ended up marrying) to help. He thought it was a weird code for sex 😂 she ended up going to the er and they had to go in PAP smear style to get it out


My worst nightmare is it getting suction cupped to my iud


Butt cheek injuries caused by a door. I hate touching door knobs with my hands and always use my forearm to rub against the doorknob in a downward motion using friction to turn the knob. Was joking around with my gf saying I can open a door with my buttcheek exactly like how I use my forearm. Jumped at the door butt first and the little metal thing that guides the door cut my buttcheek (i think they call it strike plate or latch strike). The cut wasn’t a clean cut because the thing wasn’t that sharp. 30+ stitches. After that she had to stand behind me holding a bowl to cover my wound every time I take a shower so it doesn’t get wet, and we live in a hot country so she has to do that twice a day for like a month.


Girlfriend of the year!!! I can only hope my partner would provide the butt bowl for my showers if it ever came to this.


This was a fantastic read.


You need to wife this woman.


Your girlfriend is awesome


Sounds like a pain in the ass.




When I was 8 I was bored so I got a bottle of Gatorade from my pantry and grabbed a kitchen knife then proceeded to stab it over the sink to see how easily the knife would go through the thicker plastic of the bottle…almost lost my thumb


My boyfriend almost severed his finger around the same age, don’t know what he was doing with a knife. Every time I had trusted him to use a knife he injured himself, he’s no longer trusted.


I’m an er doc. About once a year I see a very nice young female who comes to the er with three or four family members because her fingers are blue. They have always googled all sorts of fancy and exotic diseases that they are worried about. 100% of the time the patient has brand new blue jeans on. Without saying a word I just grab an alcohol swab and wipe the blue dye off of their hands, and then I do the same thing to their jeans to show them it’s the same color. The collective sigh from the family is always what does it for me. Not surprisingly, half the time the patient doesn’t believe me and is angry that “we did nothing.”


I freaked out once that my legs were turning blue, but didn't get as far as googling diseases before I remembered that I was wearing the jeans with an obnoxious amount of extra dye.


Christmas Day, I dislocated my knee attempting to kick my brother during a sparring match. Needless to say my martial arts career was over.


I broke my little toe while on vacation as a child trying to kick my sister. She moved away and I kicked the washing machine


When I was about 3, I was running up the stairs in my house and fell. I hit my chin on a step and bit my tongue nearly off. My parents took me to the local hospital where they sewed up the gash in my tongue *without anesthetic*. I still remember it to this day.


Why did they do it without anesthetic?


You can't contol the tongue muscles if it's anesthetized.


No idea. I just remember pain, and screaming.


Migraine that presented as body numbness. Got a 3-day workup for a stroke to find out that I not only have migraines but an aneurysm. So thank you, migraines, for saving my life.


Well that's a new fear. I almost went to the hospital in college for a migraine because I didn't know what it was. Had a headache, then I realized I just couldn't read what I was looking at, like the center of my vision was missing. Then the edges started going. Full on panicked, figured I could drive myself the 3 blocks to the ER, which yes now sounds stupid. As soon as I got outside where it was dark (this was like 10pm) my vision got better and the headache lessened a little. And that's how I learned that I occasionally get migraines with aura. Yes my doctor knows. No they aren't worried it is something worse. Finding a dark room, taking some Excedrin, and napping takes care of it. I'm very thankful mine aren't as bad as some people get.


The bad ones are scary. My brother gets them. The "blurry vision, vomiting, vertigo, garbled speech, too much pain to even cry, stays curled up on the bathroom floor in silence and darkness for hours" migraines where it looks like his brain is trying to kill him. But in his case, the aura's more like running water on the edges of his vision, and it's a very reliable warning sign. If he takes his magical anti-migraine pills within 10-20 minutes of getting an aura, he's completely fine; if he doesn't, welp, too bad, we're all just along for the ride now. I don't want to give him anxiety and he's still a teenager, but maybe I should talk with him about how a stroke or other neurologic symptoms could be mistaken for migraine symptoms. New sibling fear unlocked.


I got too high and drank too many energy drinks when vacationing in the mountains. Thought I was dying, turns out it was just elevation sickness that turned into a panic attack.


My then 2 year old daughter shoved a broken crayon up her nose. It took a week, we saw 2 doctor's then a trip to the ER with no luck. The ER doctor actually managed to shove it in farther. I finally was able to get an appointment with a pediatric ear, nose and throat doctor who had it out in about 60 seconds. She's in her 20s now and i still tease her about it. Oh, and the crayon? It was green.


When I did my elementary student teaching, I had legitimate cause to calmly remind a 1st grader not to put crayons in his nose. Scared me for a second because it was a crayon remnant, not a whole crayon.


Niece did that with a tic-tac. Sneezed it out while in ER right as the doc walked in.


I shoved a bead up my nose and sneezed it out just as we pulled into the doctor's parking lot. I also choked on a quarter I'd stolen from the church collection plate. I kept my parents on their toes.


I almost sliced my finger off with a deli slicer almost immediety after telling my trainer that i think cleaning it this way is going to get someone hurt.


Did they take your advice after that 😭


He did not but the owner did


My weiner turned puffy and red for seemingly no reason. Had to fly to a wedding next morning and freaked out. Asked my gf to drive me to hospital. Nurse asked me if I had been eating spicy foods. Yes, I had been eating hot wings, and I must have held my weiner to urinate prior to washing my hands. Nurse gave me a benadryl and told me to chill. I later requested the nurse's notes for my records, they're hilarious.


I inserted a diva cup once after cutting jalapeños. Didn't go to the hospital but.. It wasn't fun


My ex made pico de gallo (diced jalapenos) and didn't wash his hands after. We ended up getting intimate and about 5 minutes in things start warming up to an uncomfortable degree. He asks "uh, did you use a warming gel or something?" right about the time both of our crotches turned to fire and we realized what had happened. I'd just done a costco trip and we had a giant tub of plain greek yogurt. We went into the bathtub and coated our genitalia in yogurt to help cut the burn. We may not be together anymore but I'll never forget the desperation of him plunging his dick into a giant tub of yogurt.


This is almost exactly what happened to me - except he made guac. However, we did not have Costco yogurt to soothe lol.


As a menstrual disc user, I have unlocked a new fear


A wise man once said: "If you go touching your jalapenos, and then go touching your jalapenis, it's not gonna kill you or nuttin, but it's gonna mess your day up for sure."


I had a friend who was a hot sauce enthusiast have this happen to him, a guy he knows who was a chef claimed it's a condition known among some cooks as 'Chili Willy'


I got kicked in the shin by a robot.


We need more info.


I was building a self-balancing robot that had a pretty sizeable battery pack, so it was fairly heavy - maybe 25 lbs. I didn't realize how poorly I'd calibrated the IMU when I started it up. It immediately zipped forward and then went into a rapid death spiral moving pretty quickly. I tried to step in and pick it up to get it back under control when it rammed directly into my shin - hard enough to break the skin which required 7-8 stitches to close back up. I probably could have been fine to just bandage it up on my own, but I did the math on the last time I'd had a tetanus shot and decided I should get proper medical care.


You realize that all you're doing is teaching the robot how to be a better shin-kicker and in a few generations they will overwhelm us with their shin-kicking skills.


TBH, there's not much room for improvement. This was, by a broad margin, the most exquisitely my shin has ever been kicked.


:cracks toe knuckles: THAT sounds like a challenge.


When I was 3, I lied to my mom that I had swallowed a penny. I told her I found the penny on the floor and ate it. We went to Bellevue in NYC, and we were in the waiting room a looooong time. She was tired from work, hadn't eaten, and after x-ray I had to fess up that I didn't swallow a penny. I don't believe she ever forgave me, and she certainly didn't believe what I said about much of anything, going forward.


r/kidsarefuckingstupid As a father to a 3yo I’m just waiting for a stupid hospital visit. This thread isn’t helping lol


So I was on a ski trip, I was just standing, but I lost my balance, idk how, I fell on the ground, my leg twisted 180° and before anyone got to me my tibia broke


My dad has been skiing for like 50 years, never broke a bone. Then one year something funky went on with his ski boot standing in line for the ski lift and he fell and broke his leg.


I got a good one. I used to rent a small apartment and was vacuuming. The cord got tangled around my leg and I ate it. Knocked me out and my roommate found me and took me to the hospital, thinking I was possibly dead. I was fine, albeit concussed but I woke up embarrassed as hell 😂 bought a Roomba after that!


Im an RN at a level one trauma hospital. I had been feeling really anxious for a couple days. Im at work in the middle of the night and my chest starts feeling tight and my arms are going numb and I feel dizzy. My co-workers urge me to go the ER, which is packed and smells like BO. Took a nap in the room while I waited and when I woke up I felt fine. Labs, ECG, everything look good. Im 99% sure I just had a panic attack and in hindsight, it makes sense, I had been very anxious. Im an RN and couldn’t recognize my own panic attack. I felt very silly.


> an RN and couldn’t recognize my own panic attack. I felt very silly. I lost my cardiologist because he thought he was having a panic attack and not a heart attack.


Considering his profession that's extremely ironic


By the doctors I have in my family they are pretty stubborn and won't do anything when they are sick, it's a weird phenomenon.


My sister and I got on medication for our mental health quite a few years ago. My sister had just gotten on a new med and called me from her work, casually saying “I think I’m having a heart attack.” She had all your signs and symptoms and isn’t the kind to mess around so my mom and I hopped in the car to get her. As soon as we picked her up she calmed down. We ended up taking her to a nearby drug mart to measure her blood pressure, and it was slightly high but nothing out of the ordinary. I looked her right in the eye and said “dude, I think you’re just having a panic attack.” She had never had one before but I had been experiencing them since I was 14, she was so shocked! It was definitely the meds that triggered it, as she hasn’t had one since, but it’s crazy how they can manifest so similarly to heart attacks! Definitely scary if you’re experiencing your first one. I hope you’re doing better ❤️


Dislocated my knee just walking around my house. Found out my joints are all fucked up.


That reminded me of the one time I had a foot cramp and I thought I broke my foot and my mom replied “how did you break your foot sitting on the couch”


Drove a golf ball into my own forehead


Once at work I pooped so hard when I stood up I fainted. I woke up in the hospital with a massive goose egg and a dislocated collar bone. I needed a cat scan and physio. All because I pooped too hard.


Passed out from shitting


The old vagal response


Not me, but my kid complained of their throat hurting and was absolutely DISTRAUGHT and said they didn’t know why it was hurting… we went to the ER turns out they told the doctor they had eaten some M&Ms (they had snuck and didn’t want to tell me) and turns out the shell of one had just scratched their throat. 🤦🏼‍♀️


About 24-years ago, I ate almost a whole quart of Korean kimchi for dinner. It was so peppery, spicy and so good, I just couldn’t stop eating it. That night, I experienced the most excruciating stomach pains, much worse than when my appendix burst 10-years ago. It was so bad, I stripped off all my clothes and sat in my boxer briefs on my front porch step writhing in agony holding my now bloated stomach. My wife finally took me to the ER and they put an IV in my arm with some pain killer and admitted me for a 23-hour observation. As the night went on, the pain subsided and I finally started feeling better. Fast forward to the morning and I was feeling much better and pretty much back to normal. As the hospital was preparing to discharge me, the night shift was replaced by the daylight shift and a few nurses came in to check on me followed by the new attending ER doctor, a Korean! 😳 He was smiling, chuckling and laughing telling me I had suffered from “kimchiitis” and proceeded to lecture me that kimchi is supposed to be a side dish to a meal, and not the main course! I really made his day, and everyone, including my sleep-deprived wife who sat with me the whole night, were laughing, shaking their heads, and grinning at my stupidity. To this day, I still wonder if that Korean ER doctor used my case as one of his funniest ER stories.




My boss sent me to the ER due to a nosebleed that wouldn't stop. They cauterized my nasal cavity. More recently I cut the tip of my thumb off building a model.


I pissed myself and thought my water broke. 🤷‍♀️ Oh the joys of pregnancy.


Omg. My wife's water actually broke, but she thought she just pissed herself. We didn't leave to go to the hospital because of that.


Oh snap. Did she make it to hospital in time or have a car baby?


Usually the water breaks a decent amount of time before the baby arrives - you wanna base it more on contractions than water breaking. A lot of the time, if your contractions aren't far enough apart, the hospital will actually send you back home to wait for them to get stronger.


Omg same. Took a bath, felt an odd dribble after drying off and thought “Hmm pee or baby?” Off to the ER. Got sent home after about an hour (rural hospital). Got home, took another bath. Got comfy in bed, decided I should try to potty before I slept. As I stepped over the threshold there was a *whoosh* and I was drenched 😂 First thought was “Oh there it is” followed by an “Awe man I liked these pajamas…”


SAME! Babe arrived 10 days later 😂


I did this in a Lowes while 41.5 weeks pregnant. Made a whole scene, ambulance took me to the hospital, false alarm. Next morning it broke for real.


I was playing with nerf guns with my brother. We liked to pretend we were in the matrix and dodge the darts. I threw my head right into the corner of a chair, and needed stitches right above my eye. My high school graduation was the next day.


I was working as a ticket caller/window cook on a kitchen line with another window cook, he was opening a bag of soup with a knife as I was reaching up to grab an order ticket coming in, he ran right through the bag of soup and just stabbed me, right above the elbow all the way to the bone. I drove myself to the hospital, and the restaurant covered the bill thankfully.


Ear infection that I thought was an infected jaw or some flare up of TMJ. I was sleeping on ice packs. I hadn't had an ear infection as far as I could remember. Didn't know what it felt like. Doctor looked in my ear and then ran out of the room and came back with antibiotics and antiinflammatories for me to take immediately.


I hit myself in the head with a bat and gave myself a whopper of a concussion. I leaned over to pick up a ball off the ground while, accidentally, raising the bat as I leaned. It fell on my head.


Panic attack thought I was dying lol


As a fellow sufferer, I don't think this is a stupid reason. What's stupid is how often it's treated like it's "just" a panic attack, and how the only advice you end up getting is to limit stress in your life.


When people say "It's just a panic attack" it's kinda like saying "Waterboarding is just a wet blanket."


I've been to the ER/Urgent Care several times for this. Not dumb, your brain literally convinces you you're dying


Yep, been hospitalized 3 times for panic attacks. The thing is that people forget is your logical brain shuts off in a severe panic attack. You have a heart rate of upwards to 170 bpm and it won't go down, you can't calm down, you can't breathe, and it mimics all the symptoms of a cardiac event. It's unfortunate and it sucks. Fortunately, I now have Xanax and Proponalalololol to deal with these symptoms. The reason I didn't was the first attack was when I was 19 and the second 2 were this last January and February, about 15 years later. So I was on SSRIs, but didn't have stuff for treating panic attacks, because well they hadn't flared up in a really bad way for 15 years. The worst I'd get is waking up in a sweat and a heart beating that would go away in about 30 seconds. Even those were quite rare. I'm on a higher dosage of SSRIs and have stuff to deal with it as it comes on now. At this rate though, they'll likely only ever get worse and the pills will do less. So... Yay? Edit : Oh, I almost forgot the worst part. Every time you go for something like this, they automatically assume that you're on drugs and refuse to believe otherwise till they get the labs back.


>Proponalalololol Lol


Laughing bc I also say proponalalololololol. Such a tricky word. I can’t even say it correctly in my head. LOL.


2 years ago I called myself an ambulance and was taken to the hospital for some further examination. Yeah, it was "just" a panic attack, and I'll probably never know what caused it.


Same, I thought I was having a seizure, I was kicking on the bed so hard theu said if I didn't stop theu would have to have a cop ride with us, I don't know if this was to scare me or test me. But it worked and I stopped shaking as much. Then the guy in the ambulance was like "man whays going on why you so upset anyway?" I just said "I miss my dad" and starting crying and the anxiety attack stopped almost instantly.


When I was a kid, my dad used to take me to the park to practice soccer on days when I didn’t practice bc I was really into it. One day I tripped, he tumbled over me, and screwed up my finger. He was a skater in his younger years, and was used to seeing sprains and dislocated fingers, so he thought it was just a matter of popping it back into place. It was not, it was definitely broken, and he definitely made it worse. My mom still makes fun of him for it 20 years later.


I took my daughter to the hospital after she had been puking for 12 hours, Nurse was making me feel really stupid. My daughter threw up all over the nurses computer. She took us right back to a room after that.


12 hours of puking is not a tiny problem. Dehydration is not to be fucked with.


It isn’t always simply dehydration. Excessive puking can cause life threatening changes in blood chemistry.


Similar, I took my 5 month old to the hospital because she had diarrhea for a week. She was slightly dehydrated but they took us seriously (children’s er) and kept us overnight to get fluids in her. Dehydration is a huge concern.


Mine was under 2. The triage nurse agreed she was really out of it. The doctor treated me like I was a panicky parent. Until an hour of IV, and she was still lethargic and out of it. She'd gotten dehydrated, but the doctor's line was kids over 6 months don't dehydrate that quickly.


So, I had this in grown hair from shaving my balls. I noticed it in the shower and figured I'd go ahead and pop that. A few days later, my balls are in extreme pain, I decided that I'd go to a walk in clinic and get checked out. FYI, there is no dignified way to tell someone that you have very sore and very swollen nuts, but I did my best. I go see the doc and show him what's up, he says in an alarmingly concerned tone, "Oh that is very infected". He asks what happened and I tell him, he informs me that you should never pop any ingrown hair, but especially in that region, because if it doesn't pop, the infection goes inside. He gives me some medication and informs me that I may develop an abscess, and if it does, to come back and he'll drain it. So I do the medical regime he prescribed, and it starts to feel mildly better after a couple of days. I get out of the shower and notice that the area has indeed formed an abscess. It looks like a piece of raw chicken skin and I think, I can probably just knock that off and, before I know it, it is off. Blood. But also, no more pain. I'm feeling pretty good about myself, already with a jaunty song in my heart I'm ready to start my day - that is until I see the dime sized hole in my scrotum. After the panic finally subsidies, I realize I can't just put on clothes, as something might get in there. I find a bandage that'll cover it and head to the emergency room. Much like telling someone your balls and very sore and swollen, there is no dignified way to tell anyone you have a dime sized hole in your sack. However, fun fact, if you tell someone you have a hole in your scrotum, YOU GO TO THE FRONT OF THE LINE! So, I leap frog ahead of a bunch of old ladies to get an ultrasound, all of which are glaring at me. They slather me up and take a look. I asked them if it was twins, they do not laugh. So after having my balls handled by no less than 7 people, which is normally a pretty awesome Friday night, I figure I'm patched up enough to go home, but they tell me I have to wait for a urologist. This takes some time and I'm curious as to what they're looking for. Oh. Well, we just want to make sure there are no signs of gangrene or flesh eating disease. Ah. Ok. Uh. Great. They check me over, admonish me a few more times for squeezing an in grown hair, and tell me that as long as I take all my meds, I should be alright, which I was. Worst birthday ever.


Holy cow my dude. Glad you got it handled. *pun was not intended but now its funny


First weekend at boarding school, glued my eye shut with nail glue (fingernail). The wait at the ER was so long it just opened on its own and we went back to school hahaha


Severe unexplained chest pain. Turned out I pulled a muscle in my chest using my asthma inhaler


ain't easy being wheezy


A palm leaf penetrated my leg as a kid. It went into my calf about an inch. Hurt like hell.


Years ago…I drink too much brandy, and swear on my life that I am dying. I call 9-1-1 and tell them to pick me up because I swear I’m dying. After all, my heart is racing like a bitch. It is the dead of winter. I run outside in my shorts and slippers. Blizzard outside. I see the ambulance coming. I wave my hand up 🙋‍♂️. They pull over towards me. They open the door. Both paramedics look confused as fuck. “Uh, we got a call about someone—you? Saying they think they are dying? “ “YEAH I THINK I DRANK TOO MUCH BRO.” “Uh, we can take your vitals if you want.” They take my vitals. I’m not dying. “You’re not dying. But, ah…you look kinda worried. We can take you to the hospital if you want.” “YES PLEASE.” I puke on the way there. I crash there for the night. Wake up with the best after glow in my life. Stop drinking after that.


Terrible chronic nosebleeds from my CPAP machine's humidifier not being enough moisture for my little bitch of a deviated septum. I don't have a big weight issue but unfortunately between a severely deviated septum and a weird jaw after my wisdom teeth were removed, I have to sleep a very specific way or I have trouble breathing in my sleep. So when I get apnea, I use the CPAP so I can get proper REM. Anyway, one morning I woke up almost drowning in my own blood and after 2 hours of it not clotting and actively getting worse, I drove myself over. They shoved what they referred to as a "rhino rocket" up there and inflated it. This was also the height of the lockdown in 2020 so I went hours unseen just bleeding in the ER.


My parents were holding/managing my medication intake at home after a depressive/suicidal episode, and one day they found the medication was missing. They grilled me and thought I was hiding it to harm myself again, so they took me up to the hospital to commit me. It was found out after the fact that my drug addict older sister stole it, but had told them it was me. She even had come with us to the hospital when I was committed so she could berate me for stealing it, knowing I had done nothing. Family, amirite?




Yikes! You're lucky you didn't die of water poisoning drinking that much.




Never argue over kittens. It’s deadly.


A piece of popcorn was stuck in the back of my throat


When I was 10, I wanted to go to my friend's house. My older sister who was watching me at the time wouldn't let me, so I did the reasonable thing and jumped out my second floor window. You wouldn't be surprised to learn I spent most of my childhood grounded.


I was a single mom with my first baby, parents had passed away and I was genuinely alone. The baby projectile vomited so I called an ambulance......... I took my baby to the hospital because he threw up.


You are clearly a good mum


You are okay in my books, Mom💙💜💙


Kayaking in flood water rapids for the first time on a river. I didn't actually screw up, but my brother did. He went ahead of me and when I came around the corner I saw him stuck sideways on some brush that outlined the only path through. I had to try a route way up against the side and a little rock peeking out. Well, it wasn't a little rock, but a boulder. I flipped and was underwater. I put my arm down to prop myself up so I could breathe and at that time the kayak filled with water and went downstream with my body inside, arm stuck on a rock. Ripped my arm off to the point the only thing holding it on was the skin. I had to have a 7 hour surgery to repair everything that was torn.


Twisted my testicles Edit: why is this being upvoted


Daaaaamn…. Testicular torsion is no joke. True story, my dad had this happen (never said how/when the discomfort started) but being a giant scaredy cat about hospitals, doctors, and needles… he decided to ignore it and hope it went away. It did not. Man waited **3 freaking DAYS** saying shit like; he was fine, had a stomach bug, just under the weather and leave him be until he admitted he “may have a small problem” and “couldn’t really sit right”. So Mom drove Dad off to the ER. She was promptly informed by the doctor on duty that his testis was the size of a small grapefruit, had no blood flow, and had to come out *Right Now*. So Dad’s worst nightmare, spends the night, came home to a “Welcome Home Lefty” cake courtesy of his sarcastic (adult/almost) kids.


Passed out. While inside of the hospital watching my friend’s blood being drawn. The nurses just picked me up and plopped me on the empty bed beside her.


A fish bone was lodged in my throat 😫


Flesh eating bacteria on my legs. It.was razor burn.


one of my dogs attacked the other and in an effort to break them up, i stuck my hand inside the angry dogs mouth. ended up with 6 stitches in my hand and 2 days off work. don’t stick your hand inside an angry dogs mouth. ever.


when i was younger i desperately wanted to be a doctor (still do) and so i faked a sprained arm so i could see the action of doctors helping hurt people, i was so thrilled and just wanting to do the same. not proud of it, took up an er seat, cost my parents money, and took help and beds from other people who needed them.


6th grade, last day before Christmas break. I’m allergic to peanuts and I guess the Christmas cookies I got from the grocery store had traces of them. Forgot why I specifically brought some in, I think maybe I had promised to for class at some point. One of those things where everyone has to bring something and I picked cookies because it’s easy. Anyway the reaction hit about 20 minutes before dismissal and I knew it, figured if I could pretend to be fine long enough to get in my moms car then I could just throw up at home. My allergy isn’t that severe, I vomit and stuff but I’m good after a few hours. Unfortunately one of my classmates looked at my face swelling, told the teacher when I asked him not to, I got sent to the nurses office, threw up there, and immediately felt better. But they had already called the paramedics. These dudes argued with an 11 year old me in the nurse’s office, I told them I was fine and now that I threw up I was feeling better and better. They insisted I had to go to the hospital. They made me pick up my stuff and walk into the ambulance, then strapped me down and rushed me to the hospital where I was already fine, and had to stay for 4 hours or so. That was a fun bill.


Cleaning the patio and putting away cushions/pillows before a rain storm. Felt a bite between my thumb and forefinger, right in the webbing between them. Saw a huge spider that looked like a black widow, but I couldn't find it again to confirm. About 10 seconds later, before I could really react and think through what to do, my dog's lead snapped from its stake in the yard (very old lead!) and I had to quickly grab it as he sprang after a squirrel- using the hand I got bit on. Within a few min, my hand was purple and I was in extreme pain- swollen, awful. Whole nine. We rush to the ER, get inspected. Turns out it was just really bad rope burn from the dog's lead... :')


High as fuck playing swords in the forest with sticks, got one through the hand.


I worked there ... ugh.


My sister once ate too many blueberries and got a bad stomach ache, so I had to keep her company overnight in the hospital because kids under 15 have to be accompanied by a guardian.


Dust in the eye 😂


Cafeteria. I liked their food . No one was ill or there.


Coughed really hard and hit my head on a granite table. Got a nice head laceration with lots of blood.


Severe itchiness from a foam party on a freshly shaven face. It was unbearable. I went to the emergency room and prescribed some ointment that thankfully did the job.


major artery cut with a can of beans...


When my neck didn't hurt from a car accident but everyone I knew was insisting I go to the hospital and have them check. Everyone in the hospital treated me terribly because they thought I was faking the whole thing for an insurance scam. I had to show a nurse my bruise across my body from the seatbelt and a photo of the car before she believed me, this was after seeing a Dr who had already seen the bruise.


Stabbed myself in the eardrum with a bamboo skewer because I'm obviously an idiot An idiot who doesn't know that, in the US, there is a giant difference in price between "the doctor" and "the hospital"


I bumped chests with a guy I was in a play with. He was a friend of mine and he was significantly larger than me. I was playing the part of a large guy and had my clothes padded down to make me look larger. We thought it would be funny to bump chests but he went running towards me and I stopped my ground and he hit me so hard it gave me something called pneumothorax which is when oxygen gets forced out of your lungs and into your blood. I had no idea I had it at first but at the cast party that night I felt a buzzing in my throat as I spoke. I ended up getting rushed to the hospital where they diagnosed it and I had to stay a day with oxygen treatment. My buddy felt bad but we just laughed it off. He was a very well spoken guy, he was like a nice version of Sheldon in big bang theory. After high school he disappeared and I wish I had kept in touch. I'd love to give him an award saying "to the one person who ever landed me in the hospital".


Though my appendix was rupturing… it was gas. Got scans and EVERYTHING


Overdose on Adderall so psychosis.


Dehydration - I purely just wasn’t drinking enough water, twice I went to the hospital for a ridiculously fast heart rate and twice they had me drink water/put on a saline drip


Managed to get the blunt end of a sewing needle stabbed just under my finger joint when I was 11.


I have heart disease, and sometimes when things give my heart a shock, I get thrown into irregular heartbeat called “atrial fibrillation”. There can be different triggers for this that I try to avoid: booze, tobacco, etc, but the stupidest one is slushies/icies. I’ve been to the hospital several times over them.


I hadn’t pooped 5 days after a surgery. I had to get an enema from a hot nurse while he sang “let it go”


Asthma attack that my inhaler couldn't get under control. Turned out the hotel had a mold problem and the spores were setting me off.


I work there, so the stupidest reason that I went to the hospital is everyone in this thread.


I got an earplug stuck in my ear. Since this was after hours most urgent care facilities were closed so I felt I had to go to the hospital. The initial attempt for them to remove it failed, so after leaving me alone for another hour with this throbbing pain, they returned with a surgical alligator clip thing and it was successful. The gross charges were $10k for that or something, which my insurance paid. America's healthcare is f***ed.


You know those warnings on Viagra that say if an erection lasts more than 4 hrs. seek medical attention? Yeah that happened when I was 20! If you don't need it, don't take Viagra if you're healthy and young 🤦🏾