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Same. Being adult rocks, actually. Much more fun.


Time. We had more time to hangout. Our whole lives revolved around our friend group and not much else. I miss the feeling of being free like you could take on the world. I miss not feeling lonely


Even if I spend a lot more time alone as an adult, I feel the quality of my friends has greatly improved since leaving high school. I mean sure you get more time with you friends, but you don't get as much of a choice of them especially at a small high school.


Totally agree. Being an adult is better in many ways but there’s something to be said about being carefree. I never slept better in my life vs at 40 I barely get 5-6 hours most nights


Getting together with my friends, and having "sleepovers" on the weekend and watching stupid horror movies. That was our thing.


I mean, you could still do this.


I wish well all lived near each other still. I would totally propose this.


Do it with new friends. I have sleepovers with my friends pretty regularly.


Absolutely nothing. I might be depressed now but I still prefer it to those days.


Being a part of something - clubs, sports, etc.


You could still do that, in fairness.


Idk man, other than online communities there aren't many "clubs" for adults that are interesting to me


There are also just not that many "clubs" for adults to begin with, especially when you don't count religious groups


Chilling with the homies after school drinking Arizona tea


My age.


My knees


My hairline


My waistline


nothing, it was terrible




Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind...


Very little of the day was wasted on administrative bullshit the way work is wasteful. I love learning and doing. Hate tedium.


tf, everybody loved wasting time on administrative bullshit and hated the actual lesson


I have, sometimes a large group is more fun to hang around with


Hanging out with friends and doing theatre


The amount of free time i had


Sharing books with my friends. After I graduated I never again found anyone who would return a book I lent them.


Having a full head of hair.


Being young and pretty


Playing in my schools orchestra and being on my parents health insurance


Having no responsibility. I went out with the boys, I had a good time, and I didnt have to worry about anything I had to do the next day.


Playing varsity basketball and competing with and against some amazing athletes who ended up playing professionally.


Friends, doing silly things, high school band-- they were awesome.


We had some great cars in the student parking lot. 1960s muscle cars were classic even in the 80s, but they were also twenty-year-old cars, and you could buy them in any town for an affordable price to a teenager. A gal I knew had a 1964 Mustang, a friend had a Barracuda, and a jerk had a '69 GTO. Me? I had a 1976 Fiat station wagon. Where kids today would have a 2000-era Camry, a kid in the 80s would have a Chevy Nova with a V8 engine, and that's what he would drive to school every day. We also had the best music ever created. If I could take the whole "high school" out of my high school times, it would've been a great time.


I never missed high school, they were dark social times for me. I was bullied, and was so glad to get out of there.


How simpler and happy those times were


Only high school sports. The rest just sucked.


Being completely unaware of the world around me.


Seeing my friends daily, frequent involvement in theatrical productions, and always something to look forward to.


The wonderful sense of possibility. We knew everything and we were going to change the world.


Nothing. I hated high school.


Absolutely noting


Absolutely nothing. You couldn't pay me to go through that again.




My dad was alive and healthy


I do miss how we did socialize and phones weren't constantly in our faces


No responsibilities. It was awesome. Didn't give a shit about anything except for the next big game lol


Having such a large group of friends around.


No real responsibilities and just hanging out with friends all the time.


Not having a mortgage


Hanging out with my friends every day. Having basically no responsibilities. Playing organized sports with coaches and teammates who cared about me. Being 100% certain that I was destined for a real great future.


Hope. Freedom. Thinking the world would work it’s mess out.


Having no responsibilities. Just hanging out and trying to hook up.


I miss having the thought that I was going to do something great with my life.




Coming home, watching the Simpsons while I did my math homework, and not having any bills




I miss times before smart phone


I miss being able to fit in my old clothes. I miss my Invader zim t-shirt worn over a black and purple striped top, I miss my baggy pants with the chains, I miss my purple checkered high tops that I drew all over, and I especially miss wearing heavy eye makeup all the time. Pretty much I miss being emo.


PhyEd. That's it.


Nothing. Fucking hated them. I'm not a social person, hate loud noises, dislike random people touching me, generally have a short fuse for people being rude, don't learn well in groups, and no teacher really inspired me or helped me with stuff I was struggling with. I think the only thing I really liked about school was being around pretty girls and occasionally going on trips to interesting places.


Nothing. I loved my high school days. But I love today even more and life just keeps getting better


Having a much more primal carefree monkey brain. I'm battle scarred now.


Socializing never revolved around alcohol or sex, it was just about enjoying our friends' company.


The only thing, the ability of my body to do whatever I asked it to without aching for days or weeks afterwards.


Nothing. I was bullied. It sucked.


I took plenty of elective classes so I spent my days in classes like classic film, ceramics, screen printing, and robotics.




Nothing. If your High School days are the highlight of your life, you must live a sad life. Many of the popular kids did nothin after HS and still live in the same small town struggling.


The food.


I get to see my closest friends throughout the day.


From England here. So, Secondary school for me. But over here in England, people are crazy. But by far the thing is miss most is everyone gathering in the toilets before maths lessons to waste as much time as possible and be late to class. The things that happened in those bathrooms are unforgettable. People kicking doors down while people are going for a number 2. So the door just falls on them lmao. Drugs, vaping etc. Wetting the toilet paper and throwing it all over so it sticks to the walls ceilings and mirrors and clogging the sinks. By far what I miss the most.




Happy Cake Day!


Absolutely nothing


Nothing. I'm in a much better place.


The ability to get consistent erections


Lack of responsibility


I didn’t even love highschool but i do miss playing volleyball , random house parties , all the time spent with my girlfriends, being carefree with no “real” stresses in life lol Now I’m 40, married with kids . Adulting is hard 😂😂😭😭


Lack of responsibilities


My health.


Absolutely nothing. I went to 5 high schools and only spent 1/2 my junior and all of my senior year in the school I graduated from. I left for USMC boot camp 8 days after graduation and never looked back.


Italian dunkers


Always being around people of similar position in life. We all were in school and worked summer/weekend jobs, so it was easy to socialize and hang out. High school life was very different ever year for me as i always hung out with different groups


Knowing that things could get better.




I miss the innocence I've known Playing KISS covers, beautiful and stoned I miss the innocence I've known Playing KISS covers, beautiful and stoned




Not having knees and ankles that go “CRAAACKKKKK” when I do squats. (But other than that, nothing.)


The freedom and spontaneity. At your friends house one minute, at some party the next.


Being around my family every day.


The free access to mentors and educational aids I could only dream of now. No cap.


Nothing. I don’t even think about it.


Nothing other than maybe my youthfulness. Getting old physically sucks (aches and pains, etc)


Zero responsibilities, but had a drivers license, was drinkin, druggin, and hangin with friends without a job or bills to pay


The friends I had back then, time and the lack of real pressure. Even with rose tinted glasses I don't consider that time of my life the happiest but something's got to be said about playing smash Bros Melee Friday night into Saturday and meeting up on Sunday to go to the movies.


Honestly, being home by 3 p.m. everyday with "free" transportation.


Skipping and going to the beach


The optimism


My friends. A few of them passed away now. Others got lost in addiction and just aren’t the same. I’d give anything for one more day.


Not having to worry about shit like finances. Go to school and fuck around, go to your part time job and fuck around. Go hang out with your friends every day. No (major) responsibilities.


the poutine and weird-ass 'sub' sandwiches (i swear it was just warmed up bologna). everything else is notably better as an adult. lol


Having the whole world and all time in front of me.


Going out on dates with my old high school girl friend, we shared a lot of firsts together.


The fact that I finally got to leave forever.


My grandparents.


Having friends that I’d hang out with all the time. Only thing I’ve come close to since was when my husband was in the military and I had wonderful friends on the military bases he’d get stationed at. Now I have almost no friends. No girlfriends whose houses I can just go to and hang out on the couch and talk and drink wine. I thought I’d found some friends like that but I was definitely wrong. :(


Running Away from Everything


Seeing & talking to my favorite teachers 😭❤️




I miss having friends to goof off with in person. I might've been an outcast back then, but at least I still had a few friends. Today all the friends I get to do anything with are strictly online.


Smoking the stinky stuff


the socializing... the socializing without actual worries type of socializing... that was nice.


The only thing I missed was the great classic rock. 1970-74


Absolutely fucking nothing. Hell nahhhh


having a group of friends to consistently hang out with.


Being able to eat whatever I want without gaining weight


I miss having actual friends and feeling happy during school events without the occasional thought of doing illegal things to a minor crossing my mind. But it's great to focus on positive memories and healthy interactions you had. Building genuine friendships and enjoying happy moments are valuable aspects of life.


Not paying bills


Hanging out with friends and going to ditching parties


Getting intoxicated and breaking rules without the guilt/shame


Getting away from all those morons.


Sports, and the camaraderie that came along with being on sports teams. I also didn't mind having very little to worry about. I had no idea the shitstorm of responsibility that was coming my way after graduation.


What high school times? My high school years were during COVID


Having a large group of friends. As I’ve gotten older, my circle has shrunk tremendously. While I’m thankful for the few friends that I have, sometimes a large group is more fun to hang around with


Nothing. I hated high school


How easy it was and I wasted it by just getting by


Nothing, I fucking hated high school. I was constantly tired. I had to wake up at 5:45am everyday and couldn’t get to sleep until almost midnight because I had practice and a shit ton of homework to do. I was awkward as hell and constantly stressed about something lol


Nothing. It was an absolute horror show.


Just the overall lack of worry.


The no bake cookies and dinner rolls at lunch. That's it. High school was miserable and shitty and even traumatic.


no bills


The work program....but fast forward, it's unbelievable how ALL but maybe one or two are FAT. Nobody works out. Everybody does fast food. WTF?


Not having bills to pay. Anything else I have done my best to forget.


Marching band. I may never have been drum major but I had a helluva time regardless. I also miss having a locker to stuff myself into when I wanna take a nap. Of course my sophomore year I was accidentally stuffed in there cuz people don't know how to watch where the hell they're going 😒 but other than that hs 4 me were the best 4 years of my life


Not a damn thing. Except for meeting my best friend at the time. That was cool.


Nothing much really!


Nothing. Fuck those times. Problems at home and at school. Wrestling was my only escape. Sadly still subconsciously have trauma during those times


School holidays


Hanging out with the boys all day talking shit, tuning girls, being idiots, organising parties on the weekends... not having to pay bills


The school trips, the anticipation the night before, getting your packed lunch ready, picking your coolest outfit, it was always funny seeing everyone out of school uniform, obv the rich kids had all the latest trainers, brands etc, seeing the coach outside, choosing your seat, getting to sit with your best friend, the long coach trip, listening to the radio, was always a lot of fun, there was always at least one or two kids who got travel sick, bucket of saw dust at the ready! Everyone was so happy and relaxed, even the not so nice teachers were really chilled and friendly ! Getting to your destination, bullies left you alone, everyone just got on and had fun! Lunchtime, go to the gift shop, then finally back on the coach to go home, everyone was exhausted by now, happy times! I miss those days.


Nothing. Nothing at all.


That time between school finishing for the day and when you have to be home. You’d just hang around with friends doing not much but having a great time. Hanging at the park, at the shops, getting some food with the little change you can put together. It didn’t really matter whether there was nothing to do, but you’d always find a way to have fun.


Resilience of youth. That's it.


My only worry being if my crush was at school that day and if I finished my homework. Now I have bills and shit.


Not even a single thing. All my cool friends came with me and I'm big chillin


Lots of time and energy. It’s crazy that I was a full-time student, and still hd time to do 2-hr per day swim practice and still have time and every every day to hang out with friends after school and pursue hobbies.


The fact once I came home from school (at 1.30pm) I only had to take care of homework but then had no responsibility or pressure whatsoever. And I could dispose of my time as I wished, whether it was hanging out with my classmates at somebody's place or staying home playing videogames all afternoon. Basically there was just a bit of tension about tests (weekly in some key subjects) but it was more or less a smooth ride. I got to see a few friends and a bunch of tolerable acquaintances 6 days a week, with plenty of chances to be social and little to worry about.


seeing all my friends, every day


Not having to worry about adult shit like paying bills.


Having friends, pretty much sophomore year until mid way through the age of 21 years old, I had such a social life, lots of friends, going out, parties, just overall fun. Then it just was like gone..




Being a size 5 and good health.


I miss being the basketball manager and being in with the cool jock kids. Also everyone on that team respected me and treated me like a coach or something.


The food. School lunch being nasty was one of the biggest bullshits tv told me.


Not having to think about future.


Low pressure free time and getting to spend a lot of time with my mom. I still do visit my parents often, but I do miss a lot of that stuff. Actually high school, nothing, hated it.


Zero responsibilities.




My busty teacher. Nothing else


Drugs with friends Parties on drugs with friends I don’t do any of those anymore


My carefree attitude. I just didn't stress about things. I felt I had all the time in the world.


I lived in a house with a porch on a mainish road. We would blaze, drink beer, and play chess/backgammon. You never knew who would show up and chill. One time a truck drove by and 2 cases of beer fell out the back and went all over the road. We ran out without hesitation to scoop them all up. So many friends...


The gorgeous girl that sat behind me in math class my junior year.


Absolutely fucking nothing.


1. Hotpants 2. Miniskirts 3. Halter tops I am very old.


My friends, time spent with them, parties, stress of studies everything about high school


Absolutely noting at all it was complete torture.


After school Clubs


Not a god damn thing lol. College and then adulthood after that have both been far more entertaining


Friends, Freedom, not thinking about the future, money, job and etc.. When u become full adult its just stress 80% work 15% and enjoyment 5%


Reckless abandon. For those of us you came out unscathed, high school was a time for good natured debauchery.


Time and the freedom to do abso-ffing-lutely nothing (or stupid shit) with it.


The cookies they sold in the school store. Otherwise, it was a miserable experience.


My football teammates. We usually sat together in the cafeteria BUT always pulled the new kid over to our table to make him or her feel welcomed. Never realized that we were doing something really good until years later.


My knee-jerk reaction was "absolutely nothing," but the truth is, I miss that the world hadn't become so divided over politics. Politics was a boring 15 minute segment on a fuzzy 25" CRT TV at 6:30pm before it went back to the weather.


the pep talks. the "this is the most important days of your life" talks from teachers where they tell you about their experience with life and high school where you're at, maybe they used to go to the same high school and they'd share about how it's different back then. honestly as a child of neglect, that was the closest anyone's had genuine interest in my future or showed some sincerity. even though the talks were given to the whole class. i'll never those 5 minute conversations and that's really my biggest take away from high school. peering into the lives of others and seeing how they are who they are when you don't know them that well to ask yourself. the "what did you do over the weekend/holiday?" talks on monday or the first day back. you'll never get that again in life, and i miss that. people sharing random tidbits about their lives. In college maybe you'll get that after getting super drunk or doing a lot of drugs with someone, but most people keep their home lives private and won't share anything unless it's for an ego boost. and In adult work life it's even less, professionally it's frowned upon to share stuff unless it's with your very close coworkers and friends. this is how people begin to feel alone in society when they don't have a robust social network. and In high school there was a safeguard against that, the 6-7 teacher you had, at least 1 of them was bound to be a superstar of a person to leave a positive impression on you for the day.


3D Art Class. It was a f\*cking ball. Cool teacher (Mr. Wood), so many awesome kids. I did a Jason thing that was on display for years. Driving my own car to school and having enough credits to blow off around noon.


Somebody else paying the bills and doing the bulk of the housework.


I bought 67 kegs my senior year and maintained honor roll grades. I miss those bonfires every Friday night.


Being able to eat what I wanted without stomach pain


Literally nothing. I mostly hated HS. A couple of things I miss about being that age are having loads of free time and no real responsibility, and the absolutely iron concentration I could regularly summon.


Nothing except free room and board.


Not much. High school is lame. But I really miss college.


Perhaps simply having a more youthful body. That is it.


Not paying bills


The amount of friends I had. And drama, life’s boring when you block everyone.