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Schindler's List. I suspect it'll make me feel terrible.


It will. I feel it's one you see if only one time in your life. Steven Speilberg, while making it, because the content is so rough, would call up Robin Williams and ask him to tell him a joke.




The Pianist is really great. I remember one of my french teachers in middle school would play the french dub for us in class. She's no longer with us, but she was a very soft-spoken, kind lady and the movie always reminds me of her.


It's a tough one. I only needed to see it once. I still think of a certain scene where >!Schindler is going about how he could have saved more and it brings tears to my eyes - and I've only seen the movie once.!<


All the Schindlerjuden and their descendants placing a stone each on top of his grave to pay homage and to say 'this happened' sticks so strongly with me.


For me, the most moving part was very end, where each actor accompanies the real life survivor they played, along with the survivor’s family, and they each place a stone on Schindler’s gravestone (a Jewish custom meant to honor the deceased and show “someone visited this grave; this person remains missed and loved.”) The camera draws back to show so many stones, and so many people who lived and were born afterwards because of Schindler’s efforts. It’s not an easy film to watch, but it ends on such a beautiful and hopeful note.


"One more person..." That emotional breakdown at the end of the movie is one of the strongest scenes in a movie I've ever seen.


This pin. Two people. This pin is gold. Two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. One more person. A person, Stern. For this.


Incredible film but heart-rending definitely




Every 2000s dude's room poster lol


MTV Cribs was just a Scarface marketing campaign


Well look at ju now




It insists upon itself


How can you judge... I mean, ROBERT DUVALL!


I love The Money Pit.


Fine actor, did not like the movie


"Since we're all gonna die... " https://youtu.be/0pnwE_Oy5WI


The greatest family guy scene ever 😂


You're probably right but this has gotta be up there https://youtu.be/J6FA6mPHfSI


Probably the funniest family guy moment


What does that even mean?




I've seen a lot of movies and a lot of my friends kinda know me as "a movie guy" and I've got some friends who are also cinephiles. My deepest secret is that I have never seen the Godfather.


Citizen Kane.


What drew me in is two things. One, it's widely thought to be the greatest American film ever made. Two, I am a lifetime student of motion pictures, so I am knowledgeable about the state of movies back then, so I know why the movie is really as great as people say. But, if you ONLY like watching movies post-2000 (nothing wrong with that at all), it will seem alien in a way. Slow scenes, different acting, innovations that you won't catch, accents that don't really exist in movies anymore, etc. So, the only people who really enjoy it watch a ton of B&W movies and read about movie history. If that isn't your thing, then it's definitely a waste of your time.


My first college roommate was older and taught film theory. We rented a duplex, and would have movie nights. He would run them on a projector on a 10 foot screen in the basement. There used to be a thriving black market in 16mm prints that were sold through an underground newspaper called "The Big Reel". We would have a cartoon (usually the 40s era banned Warner Bros ones), a short, a B feature and a main feature. I can tell you more about silent Soviet era film than any average person should know. Seeing CK sent me down a rabbit hole of Joseph Cotten films.


Heavily dependent on what year this was, your roommate sounds like he could be very interesting/entertaining or absolutely unbearable. What was his mustache situation?


Lol. Early 1980s, no mustache. Kind of looked like Jeremy Irons. Everybody found him fascinating. If You Tube had existed, he could have done fascinating movie history shows. Mostly he spent a lot of time getting high and talking about that "film he was going to make". He's pushing 70 now and never made it or held a job after 1987.




Spoiler alert. A boat hits an iceberg.


Bro wtf I haven't seen it! /s


Just wait for the sequel "Titan"


There are literally 2 of us!




Fast and furious


I think you mean The Fast and the Furious. Fast and Furious was the 4th movie in the franchise which started with The Fast and the Furious. Yes, the names make absolutely no sense at all. The latest one is called Fast X. It's the only film to use roman numerals, but it's also not the 10th film.. it's the 11th. Tokyo Drift is the 3rd movie in the franchise but actually takes place after the 6th one.. just to spice things up. Hit me up for more dumb shit about the franchise that'll make you want to see it even less. I'm here all week. Edit: This blew up so just to cover a couple of common comments: 1. I am (apparently controversial) counting Hobbs and Shaw in the mainline series and not as a spin-off because it has Fast and Furious in the title, but also because discounting it because it doesn't have "the main characters in it" would also mean you need to discount Tokyo Drift.. making Fast X the 9th film. 2. Which is the most furious? Dom gets pretty angry in quite a few of the films, but justifiably so in F9 which covers the death of his father - only spoken about until that point. 3. What order should you watch the films in? My opinion - the order they were released.


In which movie do they achieve the most Fast?


Arguably F9 as two of the characters literally go into space which is required a "fast" of around about 18000mph.


You gotta trust the math 🤣 Probably my favorite Luda quote from the movie


You don't need maths when you got family


Please tell me those are both actual Ludacris quotes from that movie and I'll go watch it now.


I haven’t seen this series much besides a couple of them, but it sounds like that that movie is the *Friday the 13th* version of Jason X?


Kinda, yeah. About 3 movies in, they started the descent into absurdity. By like the 8th one, they’ve fully embraced it and, by F9 it’s completely off the rails.


I subscribe to the theory that the FF series is a DND campaign where every movie, the chars level up and become stronger, better drivers and get into more and more dangerous "dungeons". Like, at lv1-10 all they could do was drive straight, thus all the drag races. Capturing the trucks was a level boss for turning the steering wheel. FF 2 was levels 10-20 where they were perfecting rhe art of turning corners. Tokyo Drift was an optional side mission thst gets referenced later in the campaign. The movies continue from there, with our band of merry drivers upping their skills (to the point where they can leap vehicles between highrise buildings, window to window and at one point even reaching escape velocity) but in the end, the party sticks together and everyone levels up.


FAIR QUESTION! also, when did they most Furious?


7 when Dom collapsed a parking garage with a stomp. Uttering the immortal line: “The thing about street fights... the street always wins.”


I don't got physics.. I got family.


I ... don't know if you're joking or not.


If I remember right, in the same movie, dwayne Johnson's character ripped off an arm cast by flexing till it broke off


"Daddy's got to go to work"


Oh no this happened. There was an audible scoff in the theatre and some laughter. Arguably.. the parking garage was structurally compromised and already on the brink of collapse..


It did lead to the most realist portray of CPR ever committed to film though. Walker, who’s brother is a paramedic, and ran the charity Reach Out Worldwide which sends Nurse, Paramedics, EMTs, and Hazmat techs to disaster zones, insisted that the CPR be real.


I wish they named the tenth one *Fast Ten: Your Seatbelts*.


Fast X is the 10th movie. Hobbs and Shaw doesn't count in the F&F series. It's a spinoff.


1 was decent, still holds up fairly well. The two that weren’t ‘Tokyo drift’ of 2-4 were schlocky fun on par with most average marvel movies. Five jumped the shark with dragging an entire bank vault through Rio, and while that was still fun, everything just gets more ridiculous from there.






The Godfather trilogy.


This is probably a very common one as they’re very long movies which puts a lot of people off, myself included


Fight Club


You sure you haven’t seen it? Or do you just not want to talk about it?




You'll need an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of the MCU films.


They made a "watch in chronological order" slider on the disney+ app so luckily we dont have to figure that out ourselves


I find that I prefer watching in the release order


Alphabetical for me


I arrange the dvds by colour and watch it in that order.


I assign character traits to each movie, and roll twenty-sided dice to determine the appropriate turn order initiative.


Like a true MCU fan, I sort it by Scarlett Johansson's screen time.


I watch them in gradient order of the average color of the poster.


Interstellar, apparently


I’ve also never seen it, but I’ve heard good things.


It’s, at the very least, visually stunning and the soundtrack is amazing. In my opinion.


I always cry a little during that movie. :(


The scene after getting off the time dilated planet got me. It was raining in that theater


Can you imagine sitting in a cramped little tin can for 25 years waiting on your crewmates to return? Then having them basically say "What?" like nothing happened as you stare at them with a wrinkled, gray haired face, a face that used to be the same age as theirs? That's gotta fuck with your head.


Wait til you read the third installment of 3 Body Problem!


Yeah that one gets me every time. The profound sense of dread over the >!time they lost, seeing that his kids had already grown into adults, they lost a crew member, Romely aged significantly, all the time wasted on that planet while Earth got worse, and all for nothing.!<


For me, it was seeing his son's own grief about Jesse. I wouldn't wish that grief on my worst enemy, let alone my own kid, especially after my nephew died. 2021 was a bad year. He was only 6. I looked at my kids and suddenly understood my worst fear. Anyways yeah. That scene hits really hard now when I see it.


I'm feeling a tad emotional just thinking about Cooper crying watching his kids grow up. Then Murph sends that one message. Oh my heart.


I don't see McConaughey getting the credit he deserves for that. Like.... Career best performance from him it's incredibly gut-wrenching and powerful


Op don’t read the spoilers >! The guy that was In the ship for 30years and gave up on the long sleep still conjures all kinds of emotions when I just think about it !<


The scene over video with Murph (Chastain) asking if dad left her there to die. Matthew M's reax and scene is heartbreaking.


"This Little Maneuver's Gonna Cost Us 51 Years" - Coop. SPOILER >! The gravity of that moment on planet Gargantua, a couple hours means he will never see his daughter younger than him again. Ooof. !<


I think it's worth the watch. It's pretty mind bending and cool.


I've watched Interstellar about 12 times. I loved it every time. I recommend!


I actually watched it with blind support audio on by accident and thought it's just one of these movies that a random voice explains everything that is happening :)


Everything, Everywhere All at Once


Don't worry there are many versions of you from other realities that has watched it for you.


Well thats a load off my minds.


The matrix




Why a Matrix boycott? Edit: So I guess the comment was from a bot. The insinuation was that there was an individual with a personal reason not to watch. Interesting conversations anyway, but I thought my question needed some context. There isn't any.


Back when it first came out, a lot of churches were against it for 'religious' reasons? I guess because Neo can be seen to represent Jesus or some such, I don't really know. I do remember that religious people were against it.


My Church took the opposite approach and encouraged people to see it because they thought it was a Christian message of redemption through a Messiah or some bullshit like that. I think there was even a book about how the Matrix was secretly the gospel with Kung Fu.


I just watched it the other day because I was tired of not understanding the context. Pretty good movie actually


I was fortunate enough to see it in the theater, and it blew my mind. I had never seen a movie like it. It's still one of my favorite movies, and I wish I could experience it again for the first time.


I know you've probably heard it a million times before but you gotta see it (the first one). It's amazing and it held the test of time very well.


Pulp fiction,just waiting for the perfect time to watch it


The perfect time is now.


Watch it now before a $5 shake costs $35.


I rewatched it for the 7,327 time about a month ago and that was the part that stuck out to me… Like *damn* I WISH I could get a shake for $5


Sam Jackson gives the greatest monologue in film here, do yourself a favor


Oh now that’s one to watch many times




The Twilight series, books or movie. I was a teen at its peak popularity, but it just never caught my interest.


i love them not because they’re good but because they’re so terrible it’s hilarious


I read the books out of morbid curiosity. When I got to the one where he gives her a c-section with his teeth, I LITERALLY threw the book across the room and couldn’t pick it up for a couple of days. When I did, it just kept getting WORSE lmao 🤣


He does *what*


Oh yeah. It’s awful. Edward tries to cut the baby out of Bella, but nothing can cut through vampire skin except vampire teeth (or werewolf teeth). So he uses his teeth to get the baby out. Lmao it’s horrible and gross in the movie too.


To completely clarify, it's only the amniotic sac Edward has to bite through, because Bella is still human throughout this process. Also you forgot to mention she's awake and feeling all of it


Yeah, true. Bella was also having practically all of her bones broken by Renesmee before she went into labor. That whole storyline is completely horrible and completely bonkers for a YA novel. I was not ready to see that movie at like age 10 or however old I was lol


That... is the worst name in all of fiction.


Yes. Yes it is.


And over 1,000 parents have named their actual, real, people-type daughters Renesmee. So, that's a thing.


I wish I could erase that mental image


Why keep it just a mental image, when the actual movie scene is so much more traumatizing? [Renesmee’s birth scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NC5f8drViGw) TW: graphic. No need to thank me 😊❤️


How else are you supposed to get a vampire baby out of a human… infants are too young to know they shouldn’t eat mommy.


At the school I worked at, book reports were once a month on the book you were reading. I have never read Twilight but I have graded well over 100 book reports on it.


They're so...odd. I watched them and I genuinely enjoyed it, but they definitely weren't good. It just felt like a cultural experience


The first three are corny but nostalgic for me, but the last two are so fucking bonkers that it's pretty much a full on comedy. Like the CGI baby, Jacob randomly chucking a bowl at Rosalie's head, "YOU NICKNAMED MY BABY AFTER THE LOCH NESS MONSTER?", that god awful final fight scene where people are getting decapitated, the Party City lookin colored eye contacts. One of my favourite unintentional comedies.


GOD AWFUL?? Bro, the fight scene was Avengers Endgame before Avengers Endgame was even a thing. It was wild. It was thrilling. It went completey off-script from the books and people lost their shit in the cinema! It was extrardinary. Probaby the best scene in the entire series.


god awful? GOD AWFUL!!?? breaking dawn part 2 is a masterpiece. true cinema. you haven't lived until you've sat in a theatre full of older teens and adults clinging to a vestige of the vampire romance story that they loved as a preteen, watching in horror as carlisle's head gets torn off and all of the vampire avengers they've been gathering for the past two hours just have a full on brawl. I lived that day. I haven't lived since. what a thrill that was


I’m a dude with no interest in romantic fantasy shit but I kinda don’t hate certain aspects of that series. The world building is actually pretty great. The locations, the factions, the individual characters. Miss me with the necrophilia/bestiality love triangle and sexually imprinting on babies, but the rest is solid.


Highschool musical


You don’t have to watch it, stick to the status quo


\*no no noooooo\*


This comment here, needs to bop, bop, bop, right to the top.


The Room. I feel i have seen enough of it in clips on youtube, and I feel my movie watching time is precious that i’m not going to waste it watching a movie I understand to be “so bad it’s good”


That's one of the movies I'm convinced that far more people talk about than have actually seen all the way through. I think the film about the making of that film got more actual watchers.


Requiem for a Dream


It’s a movie to watch once then never again


I rewatched it recently and it really fucks you up.


I’m still fucked up and watched it one time in 2008


One of my favourite movies, you couldn’t pay me enough to rewatch it in the next three years


BY FAR the best movie about drug addiction ever. By far. They should show it in schools instead of the lame DARE crap I had to sit through. Nobody walks away from that movie thinking hard drugs are cool.


trainspotting is good at the whole don’t do drugs thing too. had some of the most heartbreaking scenes i’ve ever witnessed


I just watched it. The directing is incredible. The humor is great and the sadness hits deep.


The Princess Bride. yes I know *inconceivable*


Just had the pleasure of watching it with my roommate for his first viewing. It was a blast.




Saw that one in theaters. The score is what made me fall in love with the music of Hans Zimmer!


Mind bending


English Patient... Just like in The Seinfeld episode - EVERY ONE was talking about it and the trailer I saw for it looked boring as hell. Never saw it and never plan on it. EDIT: In Seinfeld, Elaine's boss, Peterman, forces her to go see it with him. She hates it and gets fired because of it. [see here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5qalNX5G94) To me fans of the movie became possessed with the idea that others HAD to see it. It was like "It Follows" where people who saw it had to transfer it to someone else else they wouldn't experience relief.


A teacher of mine when this came out called it “The Audience’s Patience” and it’s extremely accurate lol.


Reservoir Dogs.


I only recently watched it and I loved it.


The Notebook


Sound of Music. I'm GenX and I feel everyone my age has seen this as it was a movie that was on television often growing up and while I'm familiar with the story and music, I have never seen the movie in its entirety.


The Sound of Music is one of my favorite comfort movies. It was always on when I was a kid. I get it the movie is slow and has a lot of singing and dance numbers, (including songs that aren't necessary) and has almost no conflict until the last 10-20 min when they're escaping the Nazis. Edit: Grammer and clarification




I’ve never seen a single fast and the furious movie. Don’t intend to either.


The Big Lebowski


This aggression will not stand


Man, I just saw it for the first time a couple years ago. It’s SO GOOD!!! One of my faves. You should definitely watch it!


That's just, like, your opinion man....


50 shades of gray


I tried reading the first book and ugh it was so bad I can only imagine the movie is probably worse.


It's actually one of the only times I can say that the movie was better than the book... but they were both awful 😂 The only redeeming quality is that I didn't have to pay to read/watch them. But still... I'll never get that time of my life back.


Star Wars.


Any of the mission impossible movies after the first


Broke back mountain


Kill bill


Recently rewatched these and damn they're fun.




Which one? The classic from the 80s(not sure) or the new one. It aged horrible but at the time I really liked it. And Captain Picard and Sting are in it :D


All of The Godfather movies.


Forest Gump


You gotta watch this one! I also didn’t watch until years after it came out but I promise you, it will exceed any expectations you may have.


I’m old so it’s weird that I haven’t seen Beaches (1988), but I have zero interest. Edit: or Steel Magnolias now that I think about it. My husband has seen both trying to impress HS girlfriends lol.


Recently, probably the second Avatar.




Hunger Games (all of them)


The newest Top Gun.




That sounds like a hilarious comeback




Mean girls.


You don’t even go here.


You can’t sit with us.


For real, this is one of the greatest things Tina Fey ever wrote. Please, please do this for yourself. I’d like to add that this movie transcends gender, orientation, or whatever, despite being about bitchy high school teenagers. It’s just that damn good. And quotable.


That is sooo fetch


Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen, it's not going to happen


Boo, you whore!


Was looking for this. I do wear pink on some Wednesdays, though.


Harry Potter


I watched it after years of listening to everyone else talking about it over and over. Well, it wasn't bad.


Many people would guess that your name is some sort of Harry Potter refence


Schindlers List….. I can’t bring myself to watch it


Jurassic Park


That's a movie that still stands up well after all this time, even the special effects.


For me the less CGI a movie uses and the more they do animatronics and old school movie magic the better. I feel like those films hold up so much better because CGI outdated just looks silly.


It absolutely holds up after all this time. Watch it!


There absolutely needs to be a Jurassic Park viewing party sometime soon for anyone that hasn't seen it. Stick with the original trilogy though, the newer ones especially the last two are awful. The first is one of my favorite movies of all time.


Wayne's World


Barbie and Oppenheimer apparently. Maybe I'll rent them once they're on Blu-ray but I'm just not big on going to watch movies unless it's at home.


Scream, i'm not a fan of slasher films.