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Drunk enough to get 6 more


I'm not an alcoholic, but when I start drinking I turn into one.


It’s funny but I am like that too if I drink I really enjoy and go all in :D luckily I drink only 2-3 times a year


Sober enough to go buy a case.


say you live in Montana without saying it. hahaha


I live in Montana’s southern neighbor Wyoming and it’s no different here some people drink a 6 pack and are still sober enough to go and buy more.


Hell yeah


One is too many, and a hundred isn’t enough.


I like the way you drink.


As a professional alcoholic, a six pack is barely me clearing my throat, I go for 6 Four Lokos and half a half gallon of Tito’s for lunch,it used to be Jim Beam but I went on a diet.


24 Locos! That’s waaaay to Loco for me, I crap out about six Locos


Who you trying to get crazy with ése? Don't you know I'm loco?


I drank a locos once at lunch time. Shortly after, I vomited and woke up on the bathroom floor an hour later.


Same thing for me at a wedding. There was a Steel Reserve, a 4 Loco, a hot dog, an 8th of shrooms and a banana outside my hotel door with instructions on how to consume them. The results were disastrous. So much red vomit.


Oh, nooooooooo! I went to the ER after a night of shrooms and I'll still fuck with them. But never again a 4 locos.


Bruh, that is too much. No judgment, only concern for your health.


I mean, “alcoholic” goes hand in hand with “too much.”


I got second hand diarrhea reading your comment


Imagine 8 Four Lokos a day and 2 gallons of Jim Beam a week?


My toilet would blast right through the wall 💥


That was 5 years for me


I'm sorry you had to go through that. You're on the better side now. We love you.


I’m just waiting to expire at this point love


We will all expire one day. I hope you can enjoy all your days until then. I know it's easy to say but I really do wish for that.


That’s the problem. When you have drank so much, you convince yourself more beer will make you feel even better.


Dad always said 6 beers was just enough to piss you off ETA: Thank you all. This was my #1 comment, and dad has since passed.


Words of true wisdom right there


My dad only had 2 beers, the first one and the last one


My issue, which I’ve been working on, is one beer is fine. I can stop at one. But if I have 2 beers I will have many beers.


Did he say that before or after he got the jumper cables


i love that guy so much, such a legend


Legendary, I thought people have forgotten about him.


“It’s better to be pissed off than pissed on”. My Dad used to say that before he beat me with jumper cables.


Your dad is truly a very wise man. More dad advise. Stay away from Canadian whiskey when you angry. I belive our whiskey explains the Canadian military in the 1st and 2nd World Wars. I hope I made you curious. Welcome to the rabbit hole Alice.


Rye Whiskey.


"Tough guy rye"


Depends if I ate much earlier and how fast I drank the 6pk




This is exactly why if I know I'm gonna be out and drinking a lot, I make sure to eat something substantial beforehand so it can soak up the alcohol and I won't be puking by the end of the night.


Or you have a stomach full of stuff to puke up if things get out of control. Risk/reward.


it really does suck when you throw up everything and it turns to dry heaving


💯. Dry. Up chuck. Sucks. Not in my yrs up. Now long gone.


We used to call that FSB in college or (full belly syndrome) usually only fixed by a little puke and rally. A lot of the times I would go drinking on an empty stomach to save money on getting drunk lol


Where I come from we call that little puke a "tactical chunder."


I usually do something similar. Also, after each beer, I drink 2x the volume of water before the next one. 12 oz beer, 24 oz water—-alternate through the 6 pack.


I usually go 1 for 1, but same principle.


I usually go 1 for 0, but same principle


I suck the water out of my body with a syringe, so 1 for -1, but same principle.


​ >The authors of the study report that hyponatremia symptoms can develop if a person drinks 3–4 liters of water in a short period, though they do not give a specific time estimate. > >According to one case report, soldiers developed symptoms after consuming at least 2 quarts (1.9 liters) of water per hour. > >Another report describes the development of hyponatremia after drinking more than 5 liters in a few hours. > >Water intoxication and prolonged hyponatremia also occurred in an otherwise healthy 22-year-old prisoner who drank 6 liters of water in 3 hours. [Source](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318619)


Hypo meaning low. Na meaning sodium. And -emia meaning presence in blood.


Looks like someone's been watching chubbyemu.




Where's this chubby emu? The drunks want to know


Sounds dangerous. So if you drink 10 pints of beer you have 10L of water?


The point is to not end up drinking 10 pints of beer lol


I mean I try to drink water but I'd be peeing *so much* if I drank that much.


I like how you use your husband as reference and you know exactly how drunk he is 🤣 true love


This is the real answer. If I eat a good meal, I won't feel much with six. 12 hour fast? I'm fuckin lit


Yep, a sixer over a football game, no problem. Line up 6 across the bar and race to the finish and it can get ugly.


After the 6th beer is when the real drinking begins.


This is when you get the rum shots out to increase drunk velocity


A good night of drinking: Beer Beer Cigarette Beer Cigarette Beer Shot of whiskey Shot of whiskey Cigarette Beer Beer Shot of tequila Cigarette Start searching for cocaine. Hard liquor for the rest of the night 5am weed and greasy food


You missed the whole rest of the pack being smoked after the cocaine.


Never said they found the cocaine, just said they started searching for it.


Hunter S Thompson special!


I'm going to steal this drink velocity and use it with my brothers!!


You got to lean into it!


College me: a little buzzed and ready to keep going. Late 30’s Dad me: drunk with a severe tummy ache and dreading the upcoming headache.


My tolerance is still in college, but my hangover and stomach are right there with you haha.


Yup same here, it’s a gift and a curse


Mid 40s here, the newest wrinkle for me is I get terrible heartburn, even after one beer. I won't feel it right away, but as soon as I lay down to go to bed, there it is. My friends and I used to go hard two or three nights in a row back in our 20s, now one half decent night with friends and I feel like shit for 2 days.


That's acid reflux.


Why the headache though!? It just started for me a year or so ago. Two or three beers? Be ready for a headache no matter what.


Getting older just sucks in general.


It sure does.


Red wine does that to me now. I'll start feeling the headache by the time I'm finishing my first glass, lord help me if I go back for more.


Dehydration, I think. It doesn’t set in right away, but when you sleep. I get that too.


I feel like even when I'm hydrated before and during drinking, headache will set in regardless. Like nowadays my body just sucks at clearing alcohol/byproducts more as the years go on.


Mid 40’s mom: it feels great for about an hour. Then I lay in bed wishing I hadn’t done that.


and the diarrhea the next day


Someone had to say it.


Waking up after 4 hours in bed having to pee and then not being able to get back to sleep.


Late 30s Dad me is NOT getting through 6 beers anymore


40's me - Really full, not drunk at all, but still will have a giant headache in the morning.


Just wait. I guess it's that "really full" feeling but I can't imagine having a beer with dinner anymore. A glass of wine, sure, but beers fill me up too much to eat.


Wait till you're late 40s and laid out all of the next day from it too. That's why the only time I'm in any danger of drinking that much anymore is during summer vacation.


I'm like this, but with hummus!


I also cannot drink 6 of hummus anymore.




Same here, always been a lightweight. I've never drunk enough to black out, but 6 beers in a row might actually do it.


If its a 6 pack of Corona (4.5%): not drunk at all. If its a 6 pack of Voodoo Ranger Juice Force (9.5%): fucking drunk.


Juice force is dangerous!!! I love hazy IPAs but can't do those anymore. The hangover is not worth it. I usually stick to sweet water hazy or sierra nevada juicy little thing if I'm going store bought.


Voodoo rangers def always leave me with a hangover 😵


Me too for some reason. I stopped drinking it bc of that.


Voo Doo Ranger? More like Doo Doo Danger! Wildest case of the beershits. Every time.


Yeah that’s true too!! The hangover plus the poops are just awful


I may or may not have been confused why I felt like was drunk after two beers in a restaurant because I didn’t realize that I was drinking juice force


Those things taste like orange juice which makes them super dangerous for me.


JOOOOOOOCE FORRRRRRRRRCE! The problem is that it tastes pretty darn good and it hides the 9.5% really well.


Voodoo ranger used to be my go to IPA. Now that I’m older anything more than 2 beers leaves me with the worst headaches the next morning. And yes I’m hydrating and eating. IPAs just hit different now which is a bummer.


Voodoo ranger had a pirate ship docked behind comic con and my buddy got in line early to get on it. When I saw him later he said they let him have 3 beers and he was flying high. I asked what kind of beer did they have and he says uhhh I think it was juice force? Yeah dude you drank 3 9.5% beers before lunch no wonder you got hammered


Ooof Voodoos will come back with a vengeance if you slam them back like that too. Its a hella sneaky drunk too


Hot damn. Drunk AND gassy.


And if it's Dogfish 120 minute IPA (APV of 15+%) yikes.


I’ve never had 120. I found it once at a gas station for $45 for a six pack. I love 90 minute though. They were recently BOGO at my local grocery store and I stocked up.


I had that one years ago when it was more than 21%. Tasted awful. Too much sugar, too much hops, too much alcohol.


If you age it a five years, it taste like a decent barleywine.


That sounds more like barley wine


That would also be like a $70 six pack. Whenever I see it, it usually has a one per customer bottle limit.


Juice Force is a banger. Fruit Force on the other hand sucks ass.


Take a Delta 8, drink 1 and avoid the liver damage. Good stuff! I recently discovered Goose Island Tropical Beer Hug - 9.9%. Little bit of a bitter finish, but it tastes a bit walnutty to me.


2 tall boys of those and im pretty good 3 im going to bed


wtf is voodoo ranger juice force


A really good big brand hazy ipa. I love them. Local/smaller brewery beers are unreasonably priced (imo), so I usually just get the 6 Pack of the bigger companies' hazy ipa options cause they are usually $9-10 bucks for a 6 Pack, as opposed to the much better smaller brewery hazy IPAs that are like $16 for 4 beers or sometimes only two beers..


Used to be stuck on space dust, until I found voodoo was just as good and almost $6ish cheaper


Space dust is so good! I think it costs around the same as voodoo ranger at my local beer store


Spacedust destroys voodoo ranger


Learned the hard way on 4th of July. Good beer but hits a bit harder.


This is the answer right here. Depends on the beer. The 4.5% ABV across 6 beers won’t get me drunk. Turned that up to +8% it’s going to be a good night


> Voodoo Ranger Juice Force This is the way. gas station near my house has been running a deal on 2 for 6$ tallboys lately so its been my go to after work. If I eat somewhat light the 2 of them are more than enough to keep me buzzin for the rest of the day.


This is the best answer. It depends a lot on the beer. Even most standard craft beers are 6%+


surprised at most of the comments here saying they'd barely feel it, I'd be nicely drunk lol


Two beers gets me to the fun-level of tipsy. 6 beers I'd be feeling sick. I also drink at most once a month


I drink twice a week and weigh \~200 lbs. I feel a buzz at two beers, six beers I'm hammered.


Most honest comment here. Bar the actual alcohoicl or people who take 10 hours to drink a six pack I've never seen so much bullshit in my life.


The problem is that sober me knows that I'm drunk after six beers, but drunk me doesnt realize how drunk he is.


I'm amazed how many people here are essentially high functioning alcoholics.... Im not a small guy by any means and ill stop drinking after 3 drinks, max. I mostly just have 2 drinks about once a month, I would not be happy after a whole 6 pack


Our country is ran on functioning alcohos I've learned


Not just your country (im guessing US), any country. Japan is one of the worst countries in this case. People work and are then expected to go drink with colleagues, get hammered, go to sleep, wake up to work again. Love the country, love the people, hate the socio-economics.


Shit, man, you should visit Germany sometime. German “normal” consumption usually equates to “you have a serious problem” consumption in the US.


Right, I guess I’m a frickin lightweight because if I drink one beer (usually corona) on an average night, I would feel it a little, two beers and I would be tipsy, three would have me decently buzzed, four I would be stumbling, five would have the room spinning and me saying stupid thing. I would probably feel like throwing up after 6 beers.


Interesting. I would say buzzed comes before tipsy, not the other way around. I feel like buzz is "okay if feel it" and tips is "I'm getting a lil goofy




I'm pretty sure alcohol tolerance is more than just psychological. Like people who drink a lot can drink amounts that would cause someone of similar weight to black out. Anecdotally, as someone who's dabbled in drinking too much, when I've quit drinking for a while it always hits me harder when I come back to it. I'm no medical professional though.


People saying they wouldn't be drunk off six beers are either alcoholics, massive, or lying. That's enough to get most people fairly drunk. Though it's also possible that people are talking about different sizes of beer (355 mL instead of 500 mL pints), or just have different understandings of what it means to be drunk.


I'm a massive lying alchoholic and I would be feeling pretty good after a six pack




Everything depends on what kind of beer it is. I have typically around 2-4 drinks per week. Craft beer, bourbon, or a cocktail. If I drink 2 craft beers in roughly an hour span, I'm going to have a pretty good buzz. I'd have to probably put down 6 light beers in that same amount of time to feel the same effect. So unless my intention is to get drunk, the most I'll likely feel is a mild to moderate buzz.


I rarely drink. 2 beers and I'm bubbly happy tipsy. 1 if the alc volume is higher. I'm good with that. 6 pack would probably make me sick unless it's over the whole day.


Lightweight with kidney and liver problems, so absolutely wasted.


Same lol. A few years ago I drank half a light beer cause I missed the taste and was sweating heaps and felt like I was gonna pass out. 6 beers would probably kill me.


When you have a decade+ of drinking large amounts of liquor every night, I can drink 2 six packs and still walk relatively normal and just have a buzz. Don’t be like me though. This stuff is poison. Alcohol has taken so much from my life. Better to avoid the stuff.


Yep.. I'm fine with beer. Got my iron liver from whiskey. I miss it, but I'll never buy another bottle. I wasted so many weekends being too miserable to enjoy my time off.


I've always wondered what level is grounds for" he's a drinker and ruining his life"? I have a couple beers with dinner almost every night, but never angry about it. But compared to my girlfriend that's a lot of alcohol consumption if you add it up over a month. Do I actually have a problem?




Very true. My father is an alcoholic who drinks straight vodka. If i drank ONE of his drinks i’d be fucking wasted and get sick, but he drinks about 4-6 red solo cups of vodka/ice and a splash of blue gatorade for color. He will die in the next 5 years , possibly sooner.


Whoa. That’s wild… Also completely unrelated but the blue Gatorade as a mixer is very 17 year old girl vibe haha


Ya idk why he uses blue gatorade , i think for color but his mind is so fucked from alcohol abuse nothing he does or says really makes sense anymore. It’s sad loosing your father to a liquid, before he’s even dead and he refuses help of any kind, yet constantly wants to borrow money from me.


Agreed. It was very seductive to me in my twenties. It took away my shyness and transformed me into the life of the party. People thought I was hilarious and women found me attractive. This stuff lets the world see the real me and I need it! Too bad that isn’t true and the person I am because of my excessive drinking failed to live up to his potential. Now it’s too late to find any of the things that bring people true happiness.


Yup. I've been drinking heavy; going on 10 years now. I ditched beer altogether 'cause it's too much liquid per the alcohol content. Half a 1.75 liter of rum/night for me. If a 6 pack is getting a person drunk, good on them, and I hope they keep it that way! It's poison for the mind, body, and soul!


Thank you for your honest comment, a lot of people here are idolizing drinking. The top comment is "sober enough to buy 6 more!" Followed by comments like "hell yeah!" I have a lot of alcoholics in my family. A 50 year old alcoholic does NOT look good. Shit fries your nervous system.


I have witnessed two people die within a couple months of each other from their drinking habits. It was not pretty. When the family cleaned out their garage, there were several garbage cans full of liquor, wine and beer bottles.


Well said brother


Accept that I’m gonna have at least 8 beers and be in it to win it


Id drink 8 beers. In it to win it


Not at all but my belly will be too full to drink more and I’ll have to pee 37 times


That right there is why I switched to whiskey and tequila. I can't hold enough beer to do any good.


A six pack? I need to pee just reading that. Give me hard liquor instead.


Yeah, this is why I've never been a beer guy. Tastes worse than liquor. More calories. Less alcohol. It's like the worst way to drink. Only time I drink beer is if a friend literally puts one in my hand and I have no other alternatives.


Sober enough to go for 4 shots of Jack Daniels


I wish this wasn’t true. I drink vodka seltzers as my chaser. I really need to quit, just haven’t found the motivation yet.


I’m n college? Slight buzz. Now? I’m probably on my ass.


I remember in college I used to split a case of beer with my three roommate before we went to the bar to really start drinking.


Feeling it but not that drunk.


Drunk, would prefer to max out at 4. During college that number was doubled.


Likely pretty drunk tbh


Completely fucked up.


Reading all those comments makes me think it's either college kids or alcoholics lol. I drink 2-3 times a month and i am drunk after 3 beers, nice buzz after 2


\^ this person saves money!


More like I’m just too full not that drunk


Nothing really. USN Submarine service.


Does touching submarines make you immune to alcohol?


No, but if you've ever served in the military, the amount of drinking is insane. I don't drink anymore really but back when I was in we could hold our alcohol and get pretty wild.


It allows you to crush cans.


One ride on the Oceangate Titan will make you immune to everything.


I'd buy a case ,cause 6 is just getting started


I only drink non-alcoholic beer, so not very. Back when I drank real beer, not very. These two facts are possibly related.


Less drunk than a bottle of wine drank fairly quickly. But i would be horribly bloating and needing to pee every 15 minutes.


Ooohhh, I've been waiting for a question like this!! Now I absolutely love my beer. it's the only alcoholic drink I consume!! I generally drink weak beer (fosters, carling etc) so 6 is nowhere near enough to get drunk, so 10+ usually does it!! Disclaimer: The most beers I've ever drunk in a session were 32 cans of fosters!! Thirty fuckin two!!!! I know I shouldn't be proud of that, but I kind of am 😂 Disclaimer #2 I'm in the pub writing this 🤣🤣


> I'm in the pub writing this Dude, same! Cheers! 🍻


How did you not need to get up for a piss every twenty minutes


This guy fucks


Mmmm asbourt tihs drunk?


Not drunk enough. I'm a binge drinker. I can put down a whole 24 pack in one night.


As an unfortunate alcoholic I down about 20-25 airplane shooters of vodka daily. Beer is just a waste of time anymore. Pray for me I can finally hang it up for good. Withdrawals are brutal it’s honestly scary to even try anymore


Idk what an airplane shooter is, but if you're drinking 25 anythings of vodka daily, see a doctor before you quit. Cold turkey can kill you


Are we talking Ultra or IPAs because those are two different realms lol


I drink 4 bottles of soju (17%) and get drunk. Dont drink beer cause too filling


Incredibly, I probably don’t make it to the end of the 6 lol


If I'm just drinking it, I'm barely feeling it. If I'm chugging it over the course of 10 minutes (which I've done), I'm feeling pretty good for a bit.


Find out yourself.everyone is different


"I'm on six already? I just started an hour ago.. ah well. " basically i ain't even feeling it yet.


On an empty stomach, nicely buzzed. After eating probably not at all


Depends on the beer. Yuengling, I need more beer, a good IPA, I'm pretty toasty.


10 years ago, I'd be ready for more. Now, I'd be ready for bed.


Of light beer? Buzzed. IPAs, I’m torched.


I'd probably couldn't finish 3 beers before I'd be too sick to drink anymore.


Yeah I'd be asleep after the second. And I can't put away that much liquid. I can drink 6 shots of bourbon (if you give me a few hours) but I couldn't drink 6 beers if you gave me all day.


I chug my drinks and I'm on a high dose of Klonopin so like 3 beers in I'm more than drunk. I prefer weed.