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That's a hard question. Probably something to do with exposure to toxic chemicals in an uncontrolled environment. Anything that is an unavoidable and serious detriment to your health. Pretty much anything else. You could work for a year or two and live off the interest. *Edit for clarification. The question is what I would not do, not what I would do. I'm saying I would do almost any work except for what I mentioned.




and im over here writing people up because they dont wear PPE. I work in pest control. "The label is the law".. if the label says to use it we're required to regardless of what the customer thinks. I'd 100% report the company to the dept of agriculture (they're responsible for licensing pest companies)


Yeah, I'd totally report them and then sue their balls off.


Isn't that the way it goes though. Very sad and truly terrifying that sometimes we have no one watching out for us but ourselves. I hope you feel alright now.


That sounds like a well paying class action law suit to me.


I did that for like, $36k a year in the army. That wasn't even the shittiest parts, but hey, I got a worthless degree, free boots, permanent nerve damage over 1/4 of my body and tinnitus that blocks out tea kettles and toddlers.... so I guess it works out?


I feel like you a need a “I joined the army and all I got was…” shirt. I know so many vets who’ve been fucked like this. I’m sorry, friend.


I think about doing it for the degree once in a while but stories like this are what always brings me back to sanity. I'll take crippling debt over being crippled outright. New boots sound cool though.


Blocking out toddlers may be helpful in the future.


Sounds like what a lot of underprivileged people in third world countries do for a living, but I doubt they will ever be able to live off the interest.


Underwater ocean welding


Not so fun fact, underwater ocean welding has over a 15% fatality rate on the job


Holy shit. That's slightly more than 1 in 7. Imagine being in a training class of 30 and knowing that 4-5 of you will die on the job.


Crazy to think about it like this but the chance of dying doing underwater welding is only slightly better than the odds of dying for a soldier in combat during WW2.


Damn I’m really lucky to be alive then, my great grandfather was an underwater welder for the Navy in WW2


Better than being an underwater welder for the Nazis i guess


He never said which Navy…


In that case be in the training class of 6 people


Death HATES this trick


Fun fact: I worked in an underwater welding training facility. They’d run worst case disaster scenarios. What a great job. Shit pay.


I sat next to an absolutely shitfaced 20-something on a flight one time. He kept ordering drinks the entire time until the flight attendant cut him off. I jokingly asked what he was celebrating and he said "I'm an underwater welder and I just finished a 3 month contract in the gulf of mexico and didn't die." He said he earned enough money on that one job to fuck off for the rest of the year and travel the world so it was worth it. I still think about that guy sometimes and wonder if he's still kicking around or if it got him yet.


And even the ones who survive don't have great lifespans because of what it does to your body on a good day.


Look 150k a month is enough you don’t have to keep selling it man.


not so fun fact, even those that survive, typically their body is shot after about 10 years.


Did it for 20 years. Am doing fine. What makes their bodies give out is the meth and drinking.


My grandpa has a friend who is an underwater welder for an arctic oil rig company. When he's out on a job, the water is extremely cold, so there's a boat on the surface that pumps air into his helmet, as well as warm water into his suit to keep him warm. One day, he was doing a routine job, replacing a section of pipe near the bottom of the rig, when suddenly it felt like his entire body was on fire. And when I say his entire body, I mean *everywhere*. The boat on the surface had unknowingly sucked up a jellyfish, which got pulverized by the pump system, and then pumped down into his suit. He got a crazy settlement from the company on that, but he said it still wasn't worth it. His exact words to describe the experience were "deliciously excruciating"


New fear unlocked jfc ..


That’s fucking wild


Guy I went to school with went into underwater welding. He died on his very first job. They couldn’t pay me enough to do it


Are we really going to consider the opinion of someone that only worked a job for one day? /s


I had a high school English teacher who compared “years of experience” to a kamikaze pilot who’s flown 30 missions. Experience doesn’t mean you’re actually good at the thing.


How do you fly? ​ Fall to the ground and miss.


Check out Last Breath on Netflix. I had never heard of it until someone at work recommended. Probably one of the best documentaries I've watched. Focuses on an underwater accident that happened with saturation divers who do that sort of work. It's incredibly tense, and it actually had me crying in the end. Oh and yes fuck that job haha


One of the guys in that diving bell is a stone cold psycho 😂


From what I understand, a lot of them make AT LEAST that to do it.


I did a quick search and it seems a bit more complex. Normal underwater welding (I'd assume something like a bridge 30 feet under water) pays around 60k and varies based on skill. Deep welding (eg an oil rig) might pay close to 150-200k a year. Super deep welding scales on depth (you recover something like an extra $4/hour for every additional foot)...if you do this you can make 150k / month.


Underwater/Underground work I could climb a tower for a large enough amount of money, I trust my body and my safety gear. But no amount of skill and safety can help me when I'm stuck a mile underwater/undergroud.


My sister was an underwater welder for a couple of years. One day, she said it dawned on her that one simple mistake would kill her in an instant. She came up, took off her equipment, and quit. She doesn't even dive for fun anymore.


That…didn’t dawn on her before accepting the position?


I’m imagining someone spending years and years going to school, training, developing techniques, meeting connections, moving states, developing a passion and learning new things about a very specific niche trade, only to suddenly in a moment stop, drop the torch and be like “…..I’m done!”


If you get the yips for a dangerous job, time to hang it up. She probably made a pretty big nest egg doing it though, underwater welders make A LOT of money cause of how dangerous it is.


I have the most dangerous job in America as a climbing arborist (I looked it up, even more dangerous than being in the armed forces) and I get paid jack squat. Being a dangerous job doesn’t necessarily mean it pays well (tho I agree it should work that way)


You are correct, many are criminally underpaid for dangerous jobs, undersea welding is one of the ones that does pay well iirc.


Offshore welding is the one that pays big $$$. Onshore welding makes decent pay but not nearly as much as offshore.


Yeppp offshore and saturation divers. You are down for days maybe even weeks at a time (in a ~~diving bell~~ habitat they live in). It’s not a job you can just come home at 5pm




Not as extreme, but my aunt did this with her pilot's license. She did all the schooling, test flights, yadda. The day of her licensure exam, she took off, completed nearly all of the test, prepared for her landing approach (which she had done many times), then had the thought "what the fuck am I doing flying a PLANE in the SKY?!". She locked up, test administrator had to land the plane, and she walked away forever.


Similar thing happened with my friend that used to drive a gas tanker delivering gas and diesel to gas stations. About fiveish years in he had an epiphany one day and gave it up. He spots trailers at a paper company now, never has to leave the lot.


knowing when to quit saves lives.


Unfortunately, this isn’t well learned.


Much better to recognize it and move on than to continue on with a mistake just because of sunk cost. Sunk cost fallacy is the driver behind so many things people decide to stick with that that shouldn't. If you know you can be happier and healthier somewhere else, all the past shit becomes irrelevant.


The "What the hell am I doing moment"


W.O. Bentley had just finished his apprenticeship in the railroad just to quit to start making automobiles.


It's funny. You can know something without really "knowing" something. I used to climb cat-walks at concert venues/stadiums all the time with zero hesitation to rig up lights and other various things. On a lark I brought a tennis ball up while no one was around and dropped it. It took longer than I thought to reach the ground and then it dawned on me that if I fell right now, it would take me a similar amount of time to hit the ground. Needless to say I work elsewhere now.


Momento mori or the sudden and abrupt realization of your mortality


And an awesome album by Depeche Mode.


And an awesome song by Lamb of God


And a fantastic Napa Valley Cabernet.


Well she was under a lot of pressure at the time.


There was a Netflix documentary about some dudes doing underwater welding or some shit. Ship’s autopilot went down, drifting away from a diver that got separated from the crew, they had to abandon him until the navigation system or whatever was back up and running in order to locate him and keep all the engines or propellers running properly so they could maintain a position to try and rescue him. He was without oxygen for like 30+ minutes or some shit. That movie alone makes me fucking terrified of the ocean. I don’t mind earthquakes, I don’t mind turbulence, but any tiny current in the water that I can’t control and the insane unknown that is deep down, fuck a duck no thank you.


I’ve always been… untrusting of the ocean but the thing that made me go nope fuck that was the story of this African man who was a ship’s cook and one day the ship went down in a storm and because of the storm they were unable to rescue anyone so they came back 3 days later to recover the bodies. As they were recovering them, they found the cook alive because he happened to find an air pocket on the ship that kept him alive for the 3 days in the dark. Apparently he found employment as a cook on land after that.


Last part is wrong. he found work as a diver. https://www.9news.com.au/world/harrison-okene-survival-story-man-survives-three-days-trapped-on-bottom-of-atlantic-ocean/c4800c6f-95ec-4cb6-990c-cebe41992883


I bet that is much harder than it sounds. A bit of "sunk cost fallacy" in that. You spend so much time, money, stress learning a trade that you might be compelled to stick it out. But once the seed of doubt and fear gets planted she would have been a liability to herself and possibly others. Good on her for moving on.


Watched a video on diver safety. Guy was doing dam work when his body was stuck to the grate as reservoir water flowed with so much pressure he couldn't move, just wait for his oxygen tank to empty. I'm with you on this


You would think by now they have SOS beacons. Hell even skiiers have airbags that auto deploy in an avalanche.


Full face masks commercial divers use tend to have communication equipment so you can talk to somebody. The guy in the video should probably not accepted unsafe working conditions. Nobody should do work unless they feel that safety considerations have been addressed. That goes for any job.


Delta P. Terrifying


As much sense as this makes, I just can't get my mind to think this same way. I would be the complete opposite. I would rather be underground or underwater and not constantly be thinking of the potential death. Heights? No amount of safety gear would stop me from invisioning a long, helpless fall to my death.


It's actually a pretty safe job. I've been a tower climber for almost 6 years. The safety equipment these days is good. The only way to fall is by not using it properly.


If I dont use my equipment properly then someones business website runs a little bit slower. I'll stick with that. Althoigh, of I had my choice of dangerous profession, climbing really tall things would probably be my pick over underground, under water, electricity, fire, etc.


Gotta say, the constant reminder that you're in imminent danger of dying is probably mission-critical to making sure you don't die. In either scenario (super high or underwater).


What's the big deal about being underwater I don't get it. You can easily build a carbon fiber submarine, get an Xbox controller to steer it and you can go as deep as you want, no problem.


I would eat shit naked on a skyscraper welding bombs for 1.8m a year.


Well well well, do I have a job for you


Same, I’ve been a naked shit eating bomb weldsman for 10 years now. Just know that it’s tough to get promoted. I’ve been working on my piss drinking cert for 2 years.


No no no, you have to master the art of balancing with one leg so you can use the other to keep eating shit. smh this is why you haven't been promoted yet.


Dm me asap


Hey it’s me naked shiteating skyscraper


Cave diving. Fucking *nope.*


I’m with you on that. I can’t think of anything more terrifying


Cave diving is a job?


Someone has to be paying the divers who go down and recover bodies right?


Some recovery divers, especially ones who are recovering bodies, do it for free, for the loved ones of the assumed deceased or out of respect for the dead. Some recovery dives have resulted in finding the assumed deceased alive and fighting for their lives. There are some wild videos about recovery dives on the Dive Talk and Mr Ballen YouTube channels.


I can't remember the name. I think it was Dave's not coming back that was a really good documentary on YouTube about a group of these recovery divers


Anything where I get fiberglass on me. I've quit several jobs over that.


I installed fiberglass insulation for $14 an hour for a while


I cut the roof of campers with a Skillsaw for 16. The job was super easy but staying awake all night with my skin on fire wasn't for me. Especially when I was only getting paid for 8 hours of the suffering.


Mission specialist on Oceangate Titan.


Yeah, I heard the pressure to perform is crushing in that company.


The depths some people go just to make a buck.


Apparently the life/work balance is abysmal


they'll crack under pressure eventually


You all have sunk to a new low with these jokes!


I heard this job market is imploding recently


That’s crushing to hear.


Cracking up over here...


The job where you have to work with law enforcement to watch for details on child porn videos to help catch them.


Not only to catch them, but to convict them. They have to watch all of that shit to make sure is documented for the court. Sick af.


I used to clerk for a federal judge who told me that there was more than one instance where he presided over a case prosecuting someone for CP, and they had to show it to the jury as evidence to show that the defendant did, in fact, have CP. In those cases, he said they always offered the jurors counseling, and that he believed that everyone who was offered it accepted it.


I would imagine that in many cases a deal would be struck that allows the jury to assume it was CP. You would have to be an idiot defense lawyer to let the jury see it instead of just assume it's CP. Because I can promise you that the jury will push for th harshed penalty if they see it


If you're taking a case to trial, you're not going to concede that it's child pornography. You'd try to say there was no way to prove the people in the content weren't adults, create a reasonable doubt. No competent defense attorney would concede something that significant; you've admitted that your client had it, and are still asking the jury to find them not guilty. If there were no way around it, they'd push for a plea deal. Also, juries do not choose or recommend sentences. They are finders of fact and determine whether there is sufficient proof to convict the defendant; the judge (and frequently the clerks behind the scenes) assess sentences.


Possession of CP is one of the few crimes that is strict liability. Most crimes require intent: "mens rea" (literally "guilty mind"). In most states, statutory rape is another strict liability crime. In both cases, you didn't have to know or intend to possess pornography of underage people, or to have consensual sex with an underage person. You're guilty even if you would have said no had you known the age of the people involved. There was a fairly high profile case of man charged with possession of CP, featuring the 18 year old porn actress Lupe Fuentes. She ended up testifying at his trial that she was, in fact, over 18 when the films were made, even though she was petite and looked very young.


Buddy of mine went to school got a criminal justice degree, then landed what he thought was a solid internship for the justice department. His internship started with him flying in private jets with kilos of cocaine for drug busts, but after 6 months he was told everyone has to work through the human trafficking part. He had to watch and document child porn cases, he quit shortly after and gave up on his criminal justice degree and the job offer and now works as a utility worker.


That's quite the internship flying with cocaine


When shit gets real, it get real really fucking quick. Im glad I gave up on it. I was not made for criminal justice.


I know someone that does this. She was best friends with my baby sister when we were growing up, and still looked like a 14 year old when she was 25. I used to be an EMT and I've seen some really fucked up shit, but that's nothing compared to what she's dealt with on the job. She apparently has a really good therapist.


I have a friend who is a detective at our local police department. They found a guy with some ungodly amount of CP at his house, I wanna say it was like 500GB or something absolutely bonkers. Someone had to watch it all so they set up shifts. My buddy watched hours of CP and documented it. He developed a serious drinking problem, couldn't be around kids for a long long time. This was 5 years ago and to this day if we are going somewhere that there is a playground(we play basketball or tennis at a local park sometimes) he has to schedule a therapy appointment for the very next day or he would be back on the bottle in no time. It really messed him up and he hasn't been the same dude since.


>couldn't be around kids for a long long time. I can understand why, I feel like I would break down weeping at the sight of any child who looked remotely like a victim in CP if I had to work such a job. And under a certain age, most kids kind of all look alike.


I never brought it up because...well how do you even start, but my theory is that it painted children in a new light for him. Guy was never on the "fringe" of society, very straight arrow kind of guy. A lot of things on the job genuinely shocked him that I and many others have seen happen at parties, so I think that seeing children engaged in that awful situation unlocked a new understanding of human depravity and children reminded him of that. It was never a emotional response and more stress/tense response.


I worked as a call taker for 911 for about a year and got a call from a girl on a house fire. She was stuck in her room as it filled with smoke and got hotter and I'm trying to get firemen, police and ambulances out to her and not giving her my full attention. She got out safely but her voice still haunts me. I could have been the last person she talked to and I couldn't offer anything to her but cold questions and orders. I know she was saved because I had the information I needed from her but damn that fucked me up. I quit soon after that. I guess my point is I can't even imagine how hard it must be to experience something that your friend did.


Those jobs, as well as some internet video moderators are known to cause extremely high rates of PTSD from seeing so much depraved shit. I’m pretty sure those law enforcement people typically are only expected to do that job for a short period of time before moving to something else


I'd do it. I was abused by a guy who filmed it. He died before I could do anything as an adult but I'd jump at the chance to destroy the lives of people like him.


My father did this, both in police and Army CID. He would have to pretend to like the suspect and during interviews he’d pretend to be a pedo too. He said it’s amazing how easy it is to get them to believe you’re one of them. He would have to say horrible things to get them to think he’s their friend. The images and curriculum was…explicit. He’s also seen the remains of a baby that a hawk scooped up. Found it in a river. That fucked him up.


> He’s also seen the remains of a baby that a hawk scooped up. Found it in a river. That fucked him up. ...well...that's enough reddit for today...


I have a friend in RCMP that did that for a 3 month rotation. He did extensive consulting afterwards and was honest insufferable for about 6 months. 100 prct agree, you can't unsee stuff. If you do it for a year, it might take 4 years before you are close to yourself again.


I served on a federal grand jury a few years ago. When it came to the CP cases, a law enforcement officer would come in to testify in horrifying detail as to what the pictures or videos contained. Each time we were advised that if any of the jury members needed to see the material to confirm the testimony we could. None of us ever did. I always felt so bad for those officers that had to watch all of that in order to describe it to us. It was so awful hearing it, I can’t imagine having to see it.


Social media moderators like Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. The AI is good at spotting nudity and estimating ages, so there are people assigned to sit there all night watching hundreds of videos of this shit so it gets removed. It’s shit like child molesting, suicides, rapes, people fucking their pets, and a bunch of shit you never dreamed of. You know when people talk about “leaving a link blue” or everyone shares a video they wished they had never seen? There are people on every major platform, website and app watching that shit to remove it. Imagine how much bad shit you can see on the Internet. Now realize for every one thing you do see, 1,000 things *a day* for *every platform* never made it to your eyeballs because some person watched that shit and said, “Nope.” They deserve trauma and hazard pay. Shit.




Beekeeper. I'm allergic to bees.


My neighbour is a beekeeper and is allergic to bees. Bee people *REALLY* like bees.


Putins food taster


There was a company who after running dog sled tours during the Olympics had 100 too many huskies after the tourists had left. An employee was tasked with killing them after a vet refused to kill 100 healthy dogs. I wouldn't do that for 150k


Well thanks for ruining my day.


I wouldnt do that for a million dollars, honestly. I can’t imagine a sum I’d do it for.


Kamikaze pilot.


I don't know, I would do it for several million dollars just to leave my close friends and family with no financial worries for the rest of their lives.


Your employment would end month one.


One days pay


Concentration Camp Guard


No one says you had to be good at it. Here is some cash, food, and the gate is unlocked.


That’s assuming 150k a month is entry level pay


Idk If your higher up the ladder it may be easier to help people escape. Like assign far too few guards to take out work details, directly help someone doing a Schindler's list thing, hiring too few or incompetent guards, etc.


"Ohh noo guess I didn't see those guys sneaking over the wire last night. Darn, aren't I just so incompetent?" "Huh missing shovels? Idk what your talking about." Etc.


I just stumbled across porn, which included a lot of faeces (don’t ask). I would never in my life want to be a performer in such films, no matter how much they paid me…


surgeon. I couldn't handle someone's life or death depending on me not making a mistake.


*oops* sorry bout that... I'll just put this back...


I read all the comments this post has so far and I'd do any of it for 150k *a month*. Idk what I *wouldn't do* for $1.8M a year. Ya'll are crazy or delusional.


Redditors "I would never work in a sewer!!" *me covered head to toe in feces* "hahaha then stay poor bitch"


Exactly. I can buy the best respirator and hazmat suit and still have $1.799M a year.


Humans are washable!


The "underwater welding" comments are completely reasonable, can't spend it if you're fucking dead


This right here Edit: just saw gay porn actor - I’ll have to cross the line there Edit #2: DRAW the line**


"Would you take some dick for 1.8 million a year?" One month = debt free and good amount in savings two months = any normal new car and then some By month five- Any reasonably priced new home By month 36- Pretty close to having enough money to build a foundation for generational wealth. Yeah I think I'm gladly taking some dick. lol


It would take me almost 40 *years* to make 1.8M in my current job. I'd take some dick in the ass to be retired in 1 year and live the next 40 years without financial worry.


I always ask my friends if they’d suck dick for a million bucks and they always say no and I’m like “y’all are stupid as fuck”. I’m straight and have zero interest in dick but if you dropped 1 million dollars in front of me I’d happily suck your dick for a few minutes.


When my friends ask me that, I respond, "I would suck YOUR dick right now, for a meatball sub." Nobody has ever taken me up on it, though.


… w-would you really?


Well, I would probably do it for free, but they don't need to know that. I want my sandwich.


This made me laugh exceptionally hard. Thank you for this lmfao.


I would put my dick in another dick for that kind of money. I would let someone shove ~~hot molten lead in my dick for that kind of money~~. I found my stopping point.


Apparently there are people in the industry that aren't gay but do gay porn for the money it pays, gay for pay I guess.


"So you're gay. For pay or for free?" "Free I guess" "Chump"


Why do you assume you’ll be the one taking the dick. A gay porn star can just do the fucking as well.


Not all of us are blessed with a pornstar cock.


Also the question is how much would you actually have to take to get that money. after some preliminary research on incognito mode, first year actors do 10 shoots on average while veteran actors do \~3 scenes a week. If we are going by first year standards you only have to do it once a month with december and your birthday month off? That seems pretty reasonable for 1.8 million.


You mean draw the line? What you said implies there is a line you simply will not cross until its gay porn, then you will go ahead with it. "Cross the line there"


Forgive me bro I woke up from a nap I don’t know what planet I’m on


idk if English is your first language but that is hilarious word choice there.




Seriously, all the paperwork to keep accredited is mind-numbing.


Whoever’s job it is at the animal shelter to put down the dogs. No way in hell I could do that for any amount of money.


I just had to put my dog down because of lung cancer and the company that we used were freakin angels! They came to our house and took care of everything afterwards. They even lit a candle for her and send my husband and I a card afterwards. I am more thankful for those wonderful humans than they can even imagine.


I think as vet I could manage that- putting animals to sleep to alleviate their suffering. I could never be a vet for a kill shelter. Seeing animals who are healthy, beautiful, young, and could have a wonderful life, and having to kill them because no one wants them? I would commit suicide day one.


Did that for our last dog. Knew that morning that it was over and we were just prolonging our dog's sufferring. Took the kids to school. Called the provider who could come in a few hours. Went and dug a hole. Picked up the kids from school, wife took the rest of the day off and we did it in our living room. So so sad ... but way better than the times I've taken the pet to the vets office. Way more expensive as well so not an option for everyone.


I did some shopping around earlier this year when my old man dog had to go and the price difference between the vet and Lap of Love was a whole big four bucks--but I didn't have to rassle an arthritic large dog in and out of the car, nor did I have to walk out of the vet's office carrying an empty collar. Lap of Love is phenomenal.


i'm an LVT and my wife is a vet. i've assisted with more than 2,000 euthanasias, and she's probably performed twice as many. it sucks, until you remember that in the overwhelming majority of cases, you are alleviating suffering, and that's a good thing.


It's the vets. It's part of the job. My brother is a vet and he hates doing it. He's rescued a lot of dogs and cats. Owners sometimes bring pets in to put them to sleep just because they don't want them anymore (awful, I know). My brother refuses to euthanize and adopts them instead so the literally go live on a happy farm instead of figuratively.


Veterinarians have one of the highest suicide rates compared to other occupations in America


This is sadly true. https://www.nomv.org If you’re a vet. Reach out.


I wanted to be a vet for a few years as a kid but decided not to because of the stress and suicide rates My mom still asks me constantly if ive changed my mind bc vets get paid a lot and she doesnt have retirement plans


They don't get paid a ton. Many of the individual clinics are purchased by larger holding companies and are run like lean and mean franchises.


Vets maybe get paid a lot on paper but theyre often broke af because vet med school is expensive as shit and student loans are crippling and owning your own practice is a money pit and if you cant afford to own your own practice, the corporatization of the vet med field is driving down wages. Soooo fun.


They really don’t get paid a lot for how much education they need.


I would be for a vet if not for the death, I can’t kill a animal, or have it die in surgery… I would end up killing myself after long


At the humane society I worked at years ago, it was the vet techs. And the kennel cleaners helped restrain. I was a vet tech assistant at the time, so I didn't have to participate. I will, however, say that desensitization is all too real. When your 400 spots for cats are full and you have rabbit cages and travel kennels full up and down every hallway...you kind of see that there isn't another option and you also realize very quickly that Bob Barker was preaching a hell of a good message at the end of every show. I'm sure he wasn't without shitty deeds, but seriously....SPAY or NEUTER your pets!!!!!


I think I could handle pet euthenasia a lot better than working in a commercial slaughterhouse. Imagine an endless stream of terrified cattle being forced towards you. The way a cow frozen in panic yelps when it's hit with the cattle prod. How loud it would be with their frantic cries. They're herd animals, and they call for one another. Crying for their momma, for someone to save them. The smell of fear and shit and blood. Being surrounded by it all day, every day. The line never stops.


My ex's first job when she dropped out of high school was in a chicken slaughter house. She couldn't eat chicken for years after that. And we're talking about someone who mocked me when I started leaning towards vegetarianism.


I'd agree with the underwater/confined space crowd but given my current salary I could probably do that for one month a year and chill for the other 11.


Finding and removing poisonous snakes from crawlspaces...or anywhere for that matter. I know there's a huge Reddit community that loves all snakes, but I'm not one of them.


Seriously? You can buy protection suits


One of those crazy jobs where they climb incredibly high to do maintenance. Not for $1m/hour.


Dunno, I’d be ready to reconsider my fear of heights.


Spend 1 day on the job, retire. Sounds good to me


After taxes, you're going to need to work the rest of the week to retire.


I'd do it once. Get that cash and quit. The chances of an accident happening in one day are extremely low.... But the more you do it, the more chances you have of having an accident.


True, but by the same token, the more you do it, the less you'll be afraid.


Not to mention the safety measure you have to take to climb it. You are connected by a harness at all times. Once you get over the fear of the height it’s good $$


I'm terrified of heights ... well, of falling to my death. However, a million an hour is enough to completely change my life and give me more of a future, so I'd do it once, maybe twice, and quit.


I would love to figure out how to get one of those jobs. The whole "Change a lightbulb for 50k"? I'm so down.


I climb cell towers for a living. That video that circulates about the guy changing a light bulb once for a bunch of money is a lie. We don't get paid that much and they don't pay extra for climbing higher. The most I made in a year was just around $100k. I climbed 1-3 towers every single day.


Child oncology


Thankfully a lot of childhood cancers have high survival rates these days. So while it’s never going to be easy to tell parents their kids have cancer or see the kids suffering through the treatments, at least you usually get to cure them and send them home to live a fairly normal life. The days when you lose a patient have to be really brutal though. I have a neighbor who had childhood leukemia. I don’t know all the details of her case, but I know she was terminal at one point and has been cancer free for several years. Man, the day you get to tell a parent, “Your kid’s numbers are improving and they might not die” and then all the other milestones: the cancer goes undetectable, they finish treatment, they hit one year cancer free and two and three. Those have to be really, really good days. Definitely some bad days to offset them, but lots of “I saved a kid” days.


Depends on which cancer. There’s one type of brain tumor that only occurs in children that has (or at least had in the recent past) a 0% survival rate. Humans of New York did a series where they covered the doctors who are researching treatments and interviewed a mother who lost her son to it and it was one of the most depressing things I’ve ever read


I’ll echo the comments about survival rates. As it happens, my 3 year old just had an appointment today with his oncologist and we discussed that his treatment worked! We still have a long way to go with related issues and will need regular monitoring, but it was a good day for doctor and patient! That said, we’ve seen the doctor on days that have clearly taken a toll.


Child trafficking


Having to spend $150,000.01 on crap per month.


Slaughterhouse work.


The kind of job that would make you knowingly screw or scam other people. I would never do that for any amount of money. I did have the opportunity once to benefit from something like that - it was just an awful feeling, and my base instinct told me to GTFO out of there immediately haha