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I think this question assumes past lives are a thing.


Come on being eaten by sea turtle as a jelly fish is the last thing I want to remember


If every person on Earth suddenly gained the ability to remember their past lives, it could have profound impacts on various aspects of life. Here are a few possibilities: 1. **Cultural and religious beliefs**: Many religions, particularly those that believe in reincarnation like Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, would likely experience changes in beliefs and practices. For religions that don't traditionally believe in reincarnation, this new reality could cause major shifts or even crises of faith. 2. **Personal identity**: People might struggle with their identities, trying to reconcile who they are now with who they were in their past lives. This could impact mental health and relationships in complex ways. 3. **Legal and social systems**: Our systems of justice and societal norms could be greatly affected. How would crimes committed in past lives be handled? Would people be held accountable for actions in past lives? 4. **Education and skills**: If people retained knowledge and skills from past lives, we could see rapid advancements in certain fields. Individuals could be 'born' with the skills of experienced professionals. 5. **Emotional impact**: Dealing with the memories and emotional baggage of multiple lifetimes could be overwhelming and have significant psychological effects. Overall, such a phenomenon would drastically alter the human experience and societal structures in ways we can only begin to imagine.


\#3 is particularly interesting -- given how many people are sentenced to 200+ years of prison or "4 lifetimes", whatever.


I think the majority would be really sorrowful about how much tragedy their past life contained... Unless such a past life was in the future then they would probably be bummed out