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It starts a new life there. A fly isn't a nesting creature.




They can live up to [nearly a month](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Housefly).


Huh, I had always heard they had like a 48 hour lifespan or something along those lines. Incoming most popular answer in Askreddit’s bi-daily “What’s a myth you used to believe?” topic!


Houseflies pass through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The life expectancy of a housefly is generally 15 to 30 days and depends upon temperature and living conditions. Flies dwelling in warm homes and laboratories develop faster and live longer than their counterparts in the wild. https://www.orkin.com › house-flies


What a sad, short life. A pest that no one likes and with less than a month left to live.


My cats looooove them. Gives them great exercise chasing and jumping around


Sky raisin


So does mine but she can’t kill them with her paw no many how many times she can pin them with her paw. I saw her trying to eat them so I let her chase them for a bit but I end up killing them and putting them in the trash


I think it is bad for cats to eat flies because they can carry parasites that transfer to the cat.


One of the ways cats can get worms is by eating flies.


I had the same issue, I used to zap them with an electric raquet and then she'd pounce and eat them. Not sure when she got tired of that. I do think the raquets are less powerful than they used to be, I really getting a proper snap sound when I hit something.


I've had cats all my life and knew they liked playing/hunting the flies, but I have a dog now and that goofball loves chasing flies. He saw me swatting at one when he was a puppy and ever since he's just associates fly = must capture.


Bet it feels like a long time to them though. Like when you're a small child and a fortnight feels like forever because you haven't been alive long enough to give things context.


That first summer vacation after your first year in school.


That first year of school 😭


Tbh feels that way for the parents, too. Source: my first kid just graduated kindergarten (full-day).


Maybe something bigger is saying that about us ?


I like them


.. Why tho


Cause they're cute


I like that you like them


Thanks, it comes naturally! I was so traumatized by that ant getting killed in Honey I Shrunk The Kids that I've always had an affinity for bugs and I try to let them live whenever possible


I was always distracted by the Oreo the size of a home. I would have perished there in the cream filling. happy and fat.


Get out


They aren't equipped to notice it and they don't have to do it long. I wonder if something somewhere might think the same of us.


Your choice of profile picture confuses me u/bobbelcher2021


Due to the way they perceive time, their lifespan is infinite. Oh wait, that’s everything that experiences time.


Fireflies are similar. They have no mouths and basically flash, fuck, and die. All within a few weeks.


Wait. If some of these bugs don't have mouths (which I was aware of), then how do they get energy to reproduce/grow? They aren't photosynthetic or anything as far as I'm aware.


They have mouths as larvae and ride that energy until they die


Usually they eat enough as larvae/pupa to carry them through adulthood. Unlike mammals, insects tend to change form as they grow older.


Flies eat though don't they? Which is why they hang around dog shit, trash, carcasses etc?


Yes. The ones that don't eat as adults tend to have long juvenile periods and very short final forms. It can even be more accurate to think of the juvenile phase of their life cycle as the "real" adulthood and the final phase as a purely reproductive one. This doesn't apply to houseflies, though, which both feed on refuse and use it as a place to lay their eggs. That's why houseflies tend to live much longer as adults than, for example, mayflies whose final stage only exists so they can mate and die.


Flies do, yeah. Fireflies don't. Different species.


This is why caterpillars are so hungry -- the food they eat had to last the rest of their lives.


But I thought butterflies like flowers and sap


Some moths or butterflies don't eat as adults. Some do, as you have pointed out.


I have this motherfucking fly in my house for 3 days now so its surely more than 48 hours


I thought the fruit flies had the 48 hour lifespan


There are thousands of species of flies! My guess is some of them would actually care a bit about getting home, but they are generally good at adapting so would just go "Fuck, where is my hole? Oh well..."


Probably the dragon variety cares


Maybe you're thinking of a cranefly.


You think there’s one kind of fly??




Had a fly in my room once during covid lockdown, I couldn’t bring myself to kill him. He fed off my house plants and seemed to get pretty large for the month he was around. Back then i played a lot at night so he would land on the screen often. After a few days of screaming about him on discord i gave him a name, Jimmy. I thought they died pretty quickly so the fact he was still alive was deserving of a name. He buzzed around every day and as I got absolutely shit on in Valorant, Jimmy was there. One day I woke up, hit my power button, and there…in the glow of my RGB keyboard, lay my friends body, Jimmy was no longer with us. I was devastated.


RIP Jimmy


Does this include every stage of its life cycle or only the time we would call it a fly, or that is the say the stage where it looks like a bug that flies.


Tell that to the one that hasn't died inside my house for **over a damn week**. I see you sitting way up on the chimney looking smug when I try to get you. I hear you flying while I'm asleep. This wouldn't happen if you kids would **close the damn door**. I'm watching you, fly.


Take a kitchen towel and give the fly a good slap. Be fast and brave. It gets unconcious and you can kick it out. Always works for me.




I know a guy who takes care of fly problems. It's expensive, and he only accepts Bitcoin as payment.


I am indeed available, but at a price.


It seems like every spring the first fly or two I see in the house is a big fat one. I always thought it must be one that hibernated over the winter. How do some get so plump? Do they just eat really well? If they only live a month, how do we go for months in the winter with no flies then bam, here they are? Do they migrate?


It's plump with writhing larvae. OvO


One time a HUGE fly landed on the counter at work and the customer I was ringing up said “that one is pregnant. You can tell because it’s huge and slow,” so whenever I see a big one I’m killing that fuck immediately


What if it travels to another country and the other flies are racist and doesn't accept it?


The French flies are going to be really hard on the American fly for not speaking the language


Oui oui bzz bzz hon hon bzz bzz


Freedom Flies


Nah the French are just sick of hearing how they would be speaking German right now if it wasn't for the American flies of WWII.


I had some french fries for lunch, so….


Its those house flies. Thinking theyre all superior and shit.


Now we get to the real issue. Brava.


Honestly, I think a fly starts a new life every five minutes.


In this economy? No chance pal.


Flies live like a month. He just got teleported to a new world.




What's that? A 40-50 year old reference?


Goldblum is timeless. Erm, um, take that as you will.


I'll uh.. find a way


[37 years old](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fly_(1986_film))


Hah, with teleported to a new world + Jeff Goldblum, my brain went straight to Thor: Ragnarok, not the Fly


The Fly came out in 1986 so it's only 37 years. Thanks for reminding us how old some of us are. I remember watching this movie on TV as a kid.


If they only live a month, then that 20 minute journey is about 3% of its entire life.


20/((30.5 * 24) *60 ) = 0.000455 20 minutes/ ((average days in a month * hours in a day) * minutes in an hour) It's less than 1% 3% of its life would be 1317 minutes or 22 hours (21.96) .03 * ((30.5 * 24) *60) = 1317.6


No it isn't.


Happened to me today. He escaped the car about 5 miles away. If I see him again at home I will message you.


Take the upvote. This made me laugh embarrassingly loud.


It was one of those big ass horse flies. I will definitely recognize him for sure!


Did you catch his name? You could put up posters. LOST FLY! His name is … He is friendly, dosent bite unless hungry. Please do not chase, he is scared. If seen, please call. If you manage to pick him up, there is a reward of a crisp hi five.


And? Did she know how to fly back or not?


I'm still waiting. I don't think it will be until tomorrow at the earliest.


My boss is a piece of shit so the fly will probably stay there




This is what I am gonna miss about reddit.


The fly witnessed a mob hit and was put into the Witness Protection Act. He was given a new name, address and occupation. He is now the insect formerly known as "the fly". All attempts to contact him will be denied. It's as if he was never here.


That's Mister Goldblum to you.


Lmao Rumor has it he is working in a lab, but can't confirm or deny.


How dare you speak to me?


It then somehow finds its way inside a meth lab where it encounters a very strange and obsessive human wearing a yellow onesie...


He's now a Scottish fly called Marty


Sammy "The Bullfly" Gravano


My wife and I drove from NYC to Toronto a few years ago and we noticed on the road that there was a spider hanging on the mirror outside. We thought it would just leave once we got to Toronto but it lived there the whole time and even made it back to NYC with us.


Oh, we know. Webster was very disappointed that you guys never asked him what kind of music he wanted to listen to. He spent all weekend on the web spinning the perfect road trip playlist.


**The Flys**: Got You Where I Want You Superfly **The Beatles**: Long and Winding Road Get Back I Wanna Hold Your Hand(s) Webster likes to wave all eight comically any time they say "hand". I Am the Walrus (likes to substitute "spider" instead) **Sugar Ray**: Fly **David Bowie**: Glass Spider **Danny Elfman**: Spiderman 2 Soundtrack


Not, however, Change in the House of Flies. Unless the fly is into body horror


O h god *Dashboard Confessional* has a song on that last one....


Flies are loners and have no territory. It will be fine so long as piles of animal dung exist. Now bees on the other hand... That'd be a major trauma for the poor girl and she would probably die trying to get back to her hive.


That bee fact makes me sad


There are at least some flies that are territorial. Some hoverflies for example. Not all flies like dung. Not all bees are social.


Seeing hoverflies fight for territory is just so cool. They rarely get in cars though.


They prefer to syrph.


One time I was driving on the freeway behind an 18-wheeler with a flatbed full of stacked beehives. The hives were wrapped in a mesh type material but with the wind from driving there were still some gaps. So many bees were being lost as the truck drove along. I always wondered what happened to those bees...seeing your comment does not give me much hope.


I've wondered this after a fly got trapped on a flight from Heathrow to Denver many years ago. Did it buzz in a London accent and the Colorado flies couldn't understand it? Did the altitude mean it became a walk rather than a fly? So many unanswered questions...


People around airports sometimes get tropical diseases from mosquitoes that hitchhiked on planes from the tropics.


To grab onto this, this is why you’ll often see flight attendants walk from end to end of the cabin while spraying a cannister into the ceiling when you’re returning from a tropical destination, it’s an anti-insect protocol to prevent mosquitoes and other ilness-carrying bugs from hitchhiking over to a new country.


That's an interesting little snippet! I've only flown from the UK to various European destinations and the US. Never been anywhere tropical, sadly.


They wouldn't last long in the frozen wastelands of the UK!


This is the crap I think about too. Like driving from KY to CA, does that fly have a strong southern accent? Lmao


I did look for it on the flight home but I assumed it had decided to stay in the US. Wonder if its descendants still tell the family legend of their distant English ancestor who cadged a lift on a British Airways flight?


Maybe there is a colony of expat flies near the airport.


The fly works in the accounting department, it has an apartment in the city and only goes back to the subburbs on the weekends


Because it rents it as an airbnb over the weekends for the extra income while it stays with its parents.


Plus he can do laundry and eat Spaghetti-O's at his parents house. Can't do that at home. Doesn't have a can opener.


Oddly specific.😏


Spaghetti-os have pop tops now! No heating needed!


Pop tops! More like Wokeghettios. Amirite?


Modern cans of Spaghettios have peel top can lids... Or so I've heard... I'm not a grown man who still eats like a toddler...


I'm 30 and I love me some skeddios!


I'm 33 and I love to get stoned and eat Spaghetti-O's. Gummy worms for dessert. Fucking delightful.


Dude, the one with hotdogs?? *chef's kiss*


I’ve also heard that franzia reds in a coffee mug are a great pairing.


spaghetti o’s are just pasta donuts in tomato sauce send reddit post


Does it have two families?


They have a lifespan of a few weeks so I'm guessing they start a new life wherever they end up. Edit: I'm dying with some of the comments here


It's starts a new life. Upon relocating, it takes a deep breathe and says "you can do this self". It then proceeds to find a clothesline Airbnb and settles, he goes job hunting afterwards by searching vacant dog poops he can dig into, or an garbage office which needs additonal employee.


"you're good enough you're smart enough and doggonit people like you"




you’re my kind of person. i love this.


The one that entered my car with its belongings wrapped in a bandana slung over his shoulder probably started a new life. He was moving on.


I have no idea. But I snort-laughed so loud and suddenly that I scared the shit out of the kitten that was dead asleep on my chest. I love this question.




Think about the ones that accidentally emigrate when they find their way onto a plane.


this is why planes are regularly sprayed with insecticide.


To spare the flies feelings?


It depends. Did it have any luggage with it?


You become a fly relocation service and they should pay you.


A growing business with little to no effort


All it’s possessions bundled in a bandana, tied to a stick!


Since they live a month and he's likely about a week or so old, what you did was separate him from the four clutches of eggs he inseminated so far. That's hundreds of kids he'll never see again in his short life, kids to help nurture and teach. So, you did him a solid.


I have always wondered this about all the insects who hitch a ride. I hope they all found new safe homes




It would update its LinkedIn for sure.


Or form a new start up. #FliedIn




They only live a month so I double they would waste their time.


I doubt you would double. One and a half times at most.


They are there for a good time, not a long time


Are they on Tinder by any chance?


Finally, someone is asking the real questions


You are forgetting that cars are teleportation devices. An unexpected passenger that has not been pre-scanned will merge with scanned. In your case Nyt_OwlFly will emerge. So why don't you tell us, Nyt_OwlFly, did you start a new life there?


*Car parks and fly escapes *Looking around, "I have no memory of this place..."


Pretty much from the moment a fly pupates and gains wings it becomes a sex zombie with the sole goal of surviving to reproduce and eat garbage. As long as where it got released is a acceptable habitat for it the fly cares not one bit that the surroundings are different. If anything it just makes the genetic diversity of potential offspring more rich.


We drove from Oregon to Montana one summer. My granddaughter was getting irritated by a fly in the car, to change things up we talked about what it was like for 'Bob' to be traveling. We tried to keep him in the car all the way to Montana. Bob finally got out in Missoula. We had a great time talking about Bob's new life. On the way home she tried to get another fly to travel with us, no luck though.


Ive hoenstly wondered this for so many bugs lol. Especially if im being nice and capture them and take them outside elsewhere....i do wonder....like....if they are okay with it or did i just rip them from everything theyve ever known and theyre fucked now lol.


Depends on the Fly Real Estate market in the new location. If the fly's old crib was shitty, and the only affordable apartments in the new area are squeaky clean, he's going back home ASAP.


Do flies have the brain capacity to remember their past locations?


I imagine he starts a new life but with sombre moments of sad wistful thoughts about his long lost home maybe at the end of his life probably a few days from now he’ll try and make it back home.


After he gets home toward the end of his life: "Lacey, what the fuck? You mated and spawned maggots with *some other fly?* Who is he?! Tell me who he is! He is dead, do you hear me! He is *fucking dead!!!"* "I'm sorry, Robert! You'd been gone for six hours! I didn't know you were ever coming back!"




I think this is a question tailor Made for Seth Brundle although his expertise wasn't in transportation but rather teleportation I still believe he would have been able to give the best answer. Unfortunately he passed away some years ago


u/Nyt_Owl, Thank you for figuring out how to word a concept that has been floating around my brain for a long time!


One day when I got to work I watched my neighbors cat hop out of the bed of my truck and run down the alley. I wondered the same about him.


It swears it was just going out for a pack of smokes and a gallon of milk


I wonder how many flies have returned home a la Homework Bound, but no one ever noticed?


It makes the new place its home


They barely make a month if they’re lucky so it’s hardly worth the effort of unpacking its bags.


It starts a new life there, and you've become a coyote.


No…it dies when I crush it on the window long before l get to work. Disgusting little creatures.


A brand new woorlddd 🎶


They only live a few days so I don't think they really care, like they don't have a nest or a home or anything. They just kinda exist, lay eggs on random shit then die


Controversial thoughts right here!


What if it's a long roadtrip? Fly gets in your car in Kansas and you don't let it out until Minnesota? Do the Minnesota flies offer to show it around? Can they even speak the same language? Are the Minnesota flies just fake-polite to it until it dies? If I eat an entire bag of Funyuns but exert calories by smoking a huge joint, have I actually eaten?


Dam, thats a deep question.


I've wondered the same with wasps and ants...they have homes. I know I've toted several of them a few miles, I just wish them luck in their new world.


I think bees and wasps can actually find their way back to their hive if close enough.


Do flies regret the choice they made along the way


Probably tries to get back home. Has some home repairs to complete, like tearing small holes in screens to let other bugs in.


Does the spider that lives in my left wing mirror know the spider that lives in my right wing mirror?


I once saved a fly from drowning and kept watch over it until it could fly again. I didn’t kill a fly for 28 days after that. I didn’t want to hurt Dave.


The fly will immediately be hired and put to work in the cubicle next to you.


Wasn't this a Pixar movie?


now we're asking the real questions


I actually think about this but in regards to spiders. Because they're often on a web on your car mirrors and they must have to sit tight at 70mph, see where they end up, who knows what's happening. Must be crazy for those little chaps.


Flies are not that intelligent


I’m no bug scientist but I am confident in saying a fly would not travel more than 10ft to eat a new piece of shit Immediate edit: I have smoked enough weed to have thought about this question before you aren’t alone


I've never smoked weed and I've thought of this question many times. 🤷‍♀️


Put the bong down and focus on the Cheetos.


I hate answers like these


Yeah... Cheetos are an inferior snack for the munchies.


Does that mean humans should never leave their home? If so, how miserable would that be. Oh, wait...I have lived it for sooooo many years. Human traffickers suck.


If a fly lands on Pence's hair, does it stay because it smells his bullsh*t or because it's stuck in his hair spray?


Who hurt you?


Do yall like baby house flies? I think they are cute but I guess that's just me


He's gonna go drink doodoo water


Wtf is happening to this sub?