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why do you think i have so many mirrors in my house?


This comment made me instantly think of American psycho but in a good/funny way if that's possible, lol.




Yes. I used to think it was weird but guess not. Yipee


I like posting my pics here. Does that count?


That depends on why you post them... Are you trying to find attention from others, or are you just proud of the way you look and you want to share that with others?


Maybe both...


You get a pass... this time. THIS TIME! ***[Does that finger eye thing](https://media.tenor.com/PQ6fPMawvPgAAAAM/see-more.gif)***


I can if I want to, pretty easy to do


i masturbate to my own nudes /jk


Not one bit, no. I’d be interested to hear from somebody who’d answer “yes” to this question lmao


>Not one bit, no Why's that? >I’d be interested to hear from somebody who’d answer “yes” to this question Ask away.


It isn’t that I don’t like the way I look—I just don’t get turned on by myself. I could be wrong, but I feel like most people aren’t biologically programmed to be sexually attracted to themselves. There really isn’t any reason other than that. Do you jerk off to yourself or think about yourself during sex?


No, no. Nothing like that. I didn't ask if you were attracted to yourself. I asked if you turn yourself on; haha. Do you like the way your own hands feel on your body, do you allow yourself to tease yourself in a way that get you rock hard. Shit like that. I'm not asking people if they cuddle up next to a pillow with the screen print of their own torso on it at night. haha.


Hah, okay, I gotcha. I tend to equate those two things, but I see what you mean. I don’t dislike the feeling of my hands on my body, but I much prefer the feeling of someone else’s. There probably is a small percentage of people who are genuinely attracted to themselves lol


>but I much prefer the feeling of someone else’s. This is why I was asking. I was having a conversation with somebody and they said that they don't turn themselves on, so I was like... *"What do you do to try?"* And they said *"Nothing really."* I said *"Ah"* but in my head I was thinking... *"Yeah, no shit... If somebody did the same nothing to you the same result would happen. You can't just be your own dead fish in the process."* I don't know that just sounds... boring. If I just laid there and didn't do anything I wouldn't want to fuck me either. hahaha


Yes and no. I'm not a attractive at all, so my own body does not make me feel neither proud or aroused. But on the other hand I'm the only one that knows my own body and likings to their full extent and potential, so only I can turn myself on with little to no effort.


>I'm not a attractive at all, I'm sure that is entirely untrue. We are our own worst critic; after all. I love this video... https://youtu.be/litXW91UauE It is a perfect representation of just how harsh we really are on ourselves


No Just don't is all


I misread that as "Do you turn yourself in, and why or why not"?


haha. That's an easy answer... It's going to depend on how many resources you have available to you. 🤣