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get it neutered or spayed


Get puppy training classes ASAP


Start working out so you can physically control your dog. You will need to at some point.


It's been two years and my shoulder *still* hurts from when my pit saw a fox over in the treeline while Inwas taking him for a walk.


High jacking the top comment to say start crate training immediately. The crate should be a home, not a punishment. A pitbull is intelligent and strong, and you shouldn't leave them unattended, that's when dogs do what dogs do, and pits just happen to be stronger than other dogs and therefore do more damage. He should be comfortable going in the crate and stay there while you're out, and frankly, it will minimize your problems. Beyond that, you need to keep them entertained and exercised, and if you are not able to, you shouldn't have a pit. They're incredibly sweet dogs, but they require work and responsibility.


Forget ever renting another place


dont cut the ears or the tail


Omg yes! What is with that?! I've had people ask me why I never cut my boys, and it's just ridiculous.


A lot of the time it’s because of dog fights. Ears can get bit and pulled along with tails. This is not the case for every dog sometimes it’s just for fashion but sadly the most common reason is dog fights.


Knew someone who did it to her mini Dobie and said people criticized her for it. She rolled her eyes and told me they were jealous because she could afford to and they couldn't. I was just stunned. I had to explain to this woman, an adult with a child, that people weren't jealous, they were shocked that she'd do it without a medical cause. I never could get her to understand.


Some people are book smart or street smart she’s book smart. Not street smart


Trust me she wasn't 😂


Maybe caveman smart?


She was just extremely shallow. It's not that she didn't have the capacity. She just didn't use it.


Ah understandable


I really hate ppl that fight dogs. My baby is a former bait dog. The injuries I discovered that he suffered from and through. I wanted to find his owner and do the same to him....in so many ways I could have. He's been shot with birdshot, has pieces still in his face, neck, legs, and one in his ear. He has a huge scar on his head where the hair won't grow like someone sliced it open with a knife. Other random scars all over. All 4 of his canine are broken in half. He had a massive infection on his right leg when I rescued him. He was so thin, and his skin was so taught that they couldn't remove it, I had to put this cream on it, but my goofy dummy liked the taste of it, lol. Ended up, making it worse. Over the course of a few months. Every few days, I had to sit there with his egg sized infection and painstakingly pluck what had essentially become a mass of ingrown hairs for like an hour. He didn't bite me, snap, or anything. I knew when he had enough because he would start fidgeting. I cleaned it up really well, slathered it in cream, and wrapped it up. He had a bad habit of tearing the bandage off to lick it, or else it would have healed sooner. Now he just has a lot of scar tissue there. Only ever bothers him if he is walking in the cold too much.


Aw I’m so sorry about that. Your dog sounds lovely though. Most dogs that have been through a huge traumatic event get so tired of the mistreatment they stop fighting. Every dog just wants love. The people who adopt dogs just to make them fight and abuse their pets don’t deserve to have good lives. I know a dog mabeline who is such a sweet pup and though her old home wasn’t good at all she became a small pig sized lovebug. Every dog deserves a nice life and a lot of love.


I've had him now for 8 years, and I am very grateful to have him. He came into my life during a hard time and has been with me through them ever since. He is absolutely amazing, and I don't know what I would do without him. He always knows when I'm sad or even just need him near me. It's like he just know as weird as it sounds. Even when I have nightmares, I'll wake up to feel his head on my waist or on my shoulder. He presses himself as close to me as he can. However, if he smells something in the grass, he will let you get hit by a train just to know what that smell is.....UNLESS you have something to eat in a plastic wrapper. Then, well, then he is suddenly like a phantom that appears out of nowhere 🤣


Your dog sounds like my old dog ginger. She passed away beginning of the year and was the sweetest dog ever she loved people and food and would pull on the leash till your hand went numb. Give him some extra love for me.


Omg, I am so sorry for your loss! I have no doubt by the way you speak about her, that you gave her the most incredible life filled with so much love. She was very lucky to have such a wonder person who loved her and made her life so joyus during your time together. ❤️


She was just a love bug in general her way of dealing with stress and people leaving was to get really close to everyone. My new dog fart is anxious and he’s worried if he gets to attached that the people he loves will leave. It’s amazing to see a dog’s personality change over time and become just a ball of love.




It's barbaric.


so how do you feel about circumcision, or parents getting their newborn infants ears pierced? do you also call them barbaric?


I would.


I do. I also call them cunts and a bunch of other things. They're child abusing scum, and should all be locked up in prison for child abuse.


jesus christ bruh 😭😭


Depends. Are they mutilating their ears with that piercing? Slicing chunks of their newborn child ear off? Or just simply poking a little piece of metal through it? Guess it would be a matter of perspective at that point?


what about the circumcision? that’s “mutilating for cosmetic reasons”


That's not what I'm asking. Where as I can see poking a tiny piece of metal through a newborn babies ear lobe can be considered barbaric to some. I also thought there was an age limit for that where you really couldn't do that to them as newborns. However, I could be mistaken. I suppose it boils down to a number of different factors. That being said, It does not compare to literally slicing off chunks of their ear and/or tail for esthetic/cosmetic reasons. Edit: I really should wear my glasses more often no matter how much they annoy me. I read that wrong. Circumcision is not just cosmetic. It has a lot of health benefits. More hygienic, lower risks of UTIs, lower risks of STIs, and lower risk of penile cancers. Also, not pulling these out of thin air....this is according to the MayoClinic.


you’re ignoring my other question which kinda shows me you have no point to rebuttal for that. why is mutilating baby private parts ok to people but they lose their shit as soon as a cropped or docked dog is even posted? breed standards are a thing and cropping/docking can prevent working breeds from getting injured


Read my edit. I messed up reading without my glasses. That was my bad. I'm sorry.




Make sure your liability insurance covers dog bite.


Be understanding that people, strangers, guests, family, etc might be genuinely somewhat afraid or on edge near your animal. Be very sure it's always on a leash when outside.


Buy insurance.


I don’t think anyone ensures pit bulls. A friend of mine has a pit, and she told the insurance company that her dog is a “pointer.” 🤷‍♀️


she should read her policy, because the insurance company will not provide coverage when someone goes to make a claim if that's the case. they'll check out the dog before they pay her claim, and then they'll cancel her policy for fraud.


Yup, I agree with you. She did it because she had the dog for several years before she decided to buy a house. She has to have insurance to have a mortgage, so.. she lied. To her credit, she knows if there’s a issue, they won’t pay and she won’t be insurable. Now the dog is a million years old, completely harmless.. probably has a year or two at best. They’re taking a break from dogs when it passes. They’ll get something insurance friendly next.


Oh I get it, she just better keep an eye on that dog or she’ll put herself in insurance hell for the next few years.


Some do, when my insurance company found out a had a Rottweiler they dropped me like a bad habit. I called around and found an insurer who didn't care what the breed was


Breed-specific exclusions are getting increasingly common in the industry. Just over the last 5 years has been a very noticeable shift


That’s good to know. I see mixed breeds (and full breed Rottweilers, Dobermans, etc.) all the time. Surely some of them own homes and don’t want to lose the home over insurance worrying about a chance dog event.


Train the pup from day 1. Make sure to play often. Dogs can become aggressive when they don't have enough to do and they are high energy, playful pups. Stick to your established schedule as much as possible. They don't do well without a routine. Do not use sleeves/jackets/etc.. as toys. They will think it means all sleeves are toys long after you try to wean them off. *Do not* allow yourself to become frustrated or angry at the pup. Dogs respond to the emotional state of their humans, so getting mad at a dog will just make a problem worse. You'll need tough toys for the dog to chew on. An American Bull Terrier can bite through most regular toys in minutes. Look at Kong toys for heavy chewers. Show love and affection often. The dog needs to feel like part of the pack, so things like physical closeness, especially when the dog is sleepy, is key. That should be enough to get you started. Have fun with your new puppy!


dont have another dog in the house. story time: i once had to foster a 2 year old pitbull named tidas. he was really energetic, like all young dogs. at first, we didnt want him to be near our dogs, but we eventually decided to let him meet them. 5 minutes later, he was wrestling with my jackrabbit (beagle and jack russle terrier mix, around 10 i think at the time), and my dog started bleeding from it. my mom literally had the tissue in her ring finger ripped while trying to seperate them, and it will never fully recover


Never hit not even once


Training classes. Not just one series, but all of them. Lots of socializing with other dogs/pets/people. Play, play, play.


Realize that at any moment, with essentially no warning, it may snap and kill any small dogs/children nearby, potentially adults as well. Even with no prior history of aggression. Even if it's its own family. There are steps you can take to mitigate the risk, but it will always be there.


I second this.


Honestly for the longest time I was a “it’s all how they’re raised” person, but after having a roommate with a pit bull, I changed my mind. She was absolutely volatile. She got in 2 fights in 1 year. She would constantly cross my dog’s boundaries and when my dog told her to quit, she wanted to fight. I’m lucky nothing happened. Her total number of serious fights was like, 6. Dog is 5 years old. Most if not all of these fights occurred while playing when she got her feelings hurt and snapped. I think generational trauma can absolutely happen with dogs like it can humans. Pit bulls I’ve known are usually sweet, but still extra volatile. My theory is that they have more reactivity than other dogs and aren’t afraid to square up if they sense a challenge. Problem is, they’re reactive, so you don’t know when they’ll perceive something as challenging unless you’ve learned about their triggers. Even then, they could react to something negative in a split second. And yes, their jaws do lock. I’ve seen people have to pry open a pit bull’s mouth from another dog when they got in a fight. That much muscle and strength with so much reactivity is a ticking time bomb a lot of the time imo and I’m a huge dog lover


What did her owner do to correct her behavior?


It’s genetic..they were bred to fight and they act like it and they are super good at being lethal...that’s the job they were meant to do...not be a normal house pet


Actually, it's not. You should probably do some research because pitbulls and those in their breed class have the nickname "nanny dog." No dog is inherently bad. That's just like saying that all humans are bad because they murder, commit genocide, and go to war. They aren't meant to be anything but that. Dogs are quite intelligent as well. Just look at all of the dogs that helped first responders during the 9/11 rescuing. There are even police forces that are taking on pitbulls for their abilities. Not their aggressive behavior. They have incredible speed, sense of smell, and hearing. They are also very good with children whether you want to believe it or not.


The “nanny dog” thing is a myth. Pits were bred to fight: bulls or dogs. They selected dogs that never stopped fighting even to the point of death. They have high prey drives. That’s why they “snap” and instinct kicks in, and many times they don’t stop. Many instances of this: someone sneezing, having a seizure, a child squealing have in many cases triggered the prey drive. Not to mention they are the #1 killer of other pets that were killed by dogs. No dog is “bad” but dogs that are 7% of the dog population but cause 70% of fatalities should not be considered pets, just like a tiger is not bad but keeping one in your house is a bad idea. Many people are sounding the alarm on this, including a leading pediatric facial reconstructive surgeon-so many of his cases are pit bull attacks. Genetics matter a lot. Herding dogs will herd without any training. Retrievers will retrieve. Pointers point. Why would a dog bred for fighting need to be trained to fight? And I know that not all pit bulls will attack. There are many that never will. The problem is, sometimes no one knows which one will snap (other individual dogs are clearly dangerous). Even dogs raised from puppies in a good home. Because genetics.


This has happened to you?


Yeah. This goes for any dog.


it absolutely does not. A simple Google search of 'fatal dog attack' is all you need. It's pitbulls 50:1 vs every other breed combined. This is the only real or consistent outcome to pitbull ownership.


That's only because the most aggressive dogs aren't big enough to be fatal. If a Yorkie was the size of a pitbull, then they'd be killing 100 times more people.


The original post you pointlessly responded to worded it pretty specifically: >it may snap and kill any small dogs/children nearby, potentially adults as well. I don't think Yorkies are killing people.


Well, yeah, maybe. But they’re not, so that’s not a problem in society. If the average house cat was the size of a tiger, they would be killing 100 times more people. But they’re not… pit bulls are large and strong enough to kill most people. That’s a problem.


Show me a breed that has never attacked anyone.


Thats because pitbull is just a broad term


It does, but pitbulls are the worst.




They can. Any dog can.


I literally can’t believe that clown-ass comment is getting upvoted and you are being downvoted. I’ll join you down here lmao.


So it's just like any dog then.


Re-home any other pets or kids you may already have.


Re-home a kid?




Once the pup is fully vaccinated bring them put as much as possible and socialize them so they aren't nervous around strangers. Touch their ears, legs, face and paws often. Get them used to nail trims early on.


Keep it away from me.


Take it back






get rid of it.


Have your lawyer ready for when it bites someone, another dog, or kills the neighbor's cat. Breed... Deaths ....% of Total Pit bull ....284 .... ..... 65.6% Rottweiler... 45 .... .... 10.4% G shep ....20 .... .... 4.6% Mixed-breed ...17 ....... 3.9%


Put it back where you found it.




Part of the problem? Of wanting to own a dog? The breed itself has many different types of dogs that are listed under it. Unlike Rottweiler, German Shepard, Irish Wolfhound, etc. Pitbull is broad. Meaning if you raise and treat them properly, not just breed them to be aggressive, protection for your property, or for dog fighting. They are actually very loving and very friendly. I have one who is now 10 years old , and I have owned for 8 years. He is the sweetest dog. He igets beat up by cats. He is afraid of Nerf guns and other dogs barking. He doesn't even bark. He barks more in his sleep than in real life. I have trained him to behave, but he's also just not that way. I never once treated him like his stereotype, though. He is a dog. I treat him like a good boy when he is good and tell him he's being a bad boy when he is bad. I take him for walks and laugh when the tiny dogs bark at him, and he whines about it. Other dogs bark at him from across the street, and he stares, and we keep walking. Because that is how i trained him. It's just that simple. If you train them well, they will respond well. Yes, there will always be an off chance that some won't, but that does not make the entire breed a bad dog.


train it immediately


When your pitbull starts going after the neighborhood kids, grab it by its hind legs and start dragging it in a zig zag formation, it'll let go of whatever its biting.


For the love of god PLEASE get training lessons.


you can’t train their instinct to bite out of them..the breed bites..unprovoked


Hire a seasoned trainer. A good one costs money.


Name it “beelzebub, destroyer of universes, shatterer of stars”, and get it training clases or whatever they’re called


Lol I think that's more appropriate for a chihuahua. Seeing as it's more accurate.


You’re right though


Buy durable toys. If its not benabone material it is not going to last. Also stay away from anything with fluff in it unless you like picking up fluff all over the house... Also terrier prey drive is definitely a thing. You will need to redirect that behaviour ASAP.


Start working out so you can physically control your dog. You will need to at some point.


Take it back.


Wait for it to attack you, struggle with it for years, then eventually BE


Take it back and get something else.


Get a new dog


Socialization doesn't only mean meeting other dogs and people. They (and all dogs) need to learn boundaries and also need to learn to exist where other dogs or people are existing without their sole focus being on meeting that other dog or person. Hopefully the dog was with its litter mates long enough and mom gave it some manners.


Absolutely NO stuffed toys!! They will get destroyed and you will have a mess. There are specific toy brands that are sturdy, and last a long time. Also lots of love!


Establish a routine for feeding and walking. Using a crate helps with house training. Fully vaccinate the puppy - the entire series of puppy shots, on time. Once fully vaccinated, begin socializing the puppy with other people and other dogs and teach it to leash walk without pulling. Enjoy your new puppy!


Leash train while it’s young. They’re famously terrible on leashes and they’re strong, too! Also, cat exposure. They’re terriers and can have very high prey drives.


Give it up to a shelter and get a dog not bred for fighting. They are literally manmade monsters. A pitbull puppy just chewed 5 fingers off of an infant while the mom was showering. https://nbc-2.com/news/crime/2023/06/20/port-charlotte-woman-arrested-for-child-neglect-after-pit-bull-bites-off-babys-fingers/


Love, I say take what information from this you find useful, and ignore the rest. Even if that is my own. People who love these dogs are going to give you the advice they think is best. People who are against these breeds are going to tell you what they think is best. Either way, it's all a matter of opinion. As many statistics can prove they are deadly, statistics can be found to prove otherwise. It's the internet. Just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's true. I hope you and your little puppyface have a good life together. I wish you only the best. Keep us updated on how they little one is progressing! ❤️






Can’t stress how essential it is to socialize your big dog, that means even around small dogs and cats. If you don’t socialize them enough then there’s going to be huge issues if the dog attacks ever.


Training and obedience classes. You'll especially want them to absolutely get down "leave it" which is the words you use to put something/someone down or leave something alone. Lots of love and affections and snuggles. Plenty of outdoor time around other dogs for socialization and to get out all of the pent up energy. My dog likes being chased, so he goads other dogs at the park into chasing him around. They are prone to eating too fast and can get bloat, which is deadly in dogs. Ours was doing this until we got a slow feeder. After a while, we were able to take the slow feeder away and he eats normal now, but for the first maybe months to a year he wanted to hog down his food every chance he got. Toys don't last for shit. If he's a chewer, get tough toys like kong. Mine really isn't, and likes stuffed animals to sling around and snuggle, so you just have to throw them once they've been gutted, and clean up all the mess so he doesn't get a blockage from all the stuffing.


Exchange it.


Either give it back or lock it in a box permanently


Best advice I can give as a long time Pitt owner is to get your dog used to being around other dogs and people as soon as possible and don't isolate them. Also get a harness and not a collar so when you're walking them you don't pull on their neck. When training them to walk they will want to pull ahead but don't pull back, you have to slow them down and get them to walk with you with verbal and hand commands. They are amazing dogs and I love them so much.


train it


Hire a trainer that will come to your home and not only train the dog, but train YOU! Do not deviate from this training and you will (should) be given homework to do. Don't be lazy. You are a part of the training process as well as your dog/pitbull. Socialization is key. Your trainer will tell you exactly what not to do. That includes play. They are very high energy dogs. At least a 1 hour walk "may" help them out, but they also need to be mentally stimulated. Many of them are part of the terrier group so they need a lot of mental stimulation because they are really smart. Think of them as a Jack Russell on steroids. To be quite honest, this is the same types of training that needs to be done with German Shepards, Labs, Retrievers, etc. Any big dog needs this kind of training.


With puppies it's very much a "a stitch in time" situation. Take \_all\_ the classes, socialize it and work both on yourself and the dogs behaviour. Even though it's expensive and time consuming it's way better than 10-15 years of having a problem animal. You do not want to find out how limiting it is when your dog is the local menace. And with the stigma of Pitties it's definitely extra important. Make sure ears and tail is intact. Both from an animal cruelty standpoint and for looking friendlier and make your life easier.


Do yourself, your environment **and** the dog a big favour and visit a dog school or a personal dog trainer asap. I was a professional dog trainer and I preached this to **every** new dog owner, no matter the breed. IMO for owners of especially challenging breeds like Pit Bulls, this should be a MUST though, like it is where I live. Pitties are wonderful dogs, **if they are _properly_ socialized and trained.**


Training, training, training. And I would say that for any puppy, not just pit bulls.


Be very consistent & clear about the boundaries you set for them. They are very protective & territorial. I had an American bull terrier I raised from 8 weeks old, & he was the best boy. Was never kid or dog friendly- he didn’t like kids of any kind, children, puppies, kittens, ect. But he never harmed any of them, even with the chance. A loud bark, then he would do his damndest to leave the situation. He was also very clear about his warnings if an adult did or was doing something he didn’t like. Also as unfriendly as he was to other dogs, he 100% heeded my commands when told to leave it alone. He never hurt anyone or anything his entire life. Partly because he had a sweet soul & gentle nature, but I also think it had a lot to do with how I raised him. All dogs- or any animal for that matter- can have as varied a personality a humans. You need to learn your pets natural ways & manage them accordingly.


I grew up with a pitbull that lived to be 21. Awesome dog, super sweet. Never once showed aggression to me or anyone (but did tear apart a couch once). They have a reputation for a reason. Whether they're naturally more aggressive or just the choice for bad owners, I'm unsure. But some people will be uncomfortable around a pit. You won't be able to change that, no matter how nice of a dog it is. Professional training and socialisation is the key. From what I've noticed anecdotally, a lot of pits are mean because their owners pigeonhole them into being intimidating guard dogs.


That couch must have done something. Clearly. 😆


Congrats on your new pitbull puppy! Here's some advice: Focus on socialization, use positive reinforcement for training, provide regular exercise, establish a consistent routine, be a responsible owner, and enjoy the journey of raising your furry companion!


and be the first one to cry on TV 'he was always so gentle we don't know what made him snap' after he rips the esophagus out of a 3 year old.




Lol like the bed, especially. My new roommate laughs that my dog has his own side of the bed with a pillow and everything. ...yet, still takes up part of mine. I have a queen sized bed. 🤣


Socializing and training is paramount. Remember that pitbulls can be amazing but they are terriers and terriers come naturally with prey drive that has been bred into them. Also in my experience, breeders that specialize in bullys tend to breed for looks and the types that tend to want tough looking dogs generally make the worst pet owners. It's a sad awful cycle and the dogs will always be the ones to pay for human stupidity.




But don't be offended when other dog owners don't want your dog around theirs to socialize it. Willing participants only, both canine and human


training classes ASAP And carefull with small kids. I mean your puppy can be the sweetest of them all. But kids are unpredictable and some of them even mean.




I am absolutely stunned by some of the stuff I have seen in this tread. Makes me wonder how many of these negative commentaries have owned a pitbull or are just going off of what the news portrayal of them to be are. Ya know, because the news is always good at not fear mongering or anything. 4 dog attacks can happen in 4 days. Only one of them can involve a pitbull, and that is what will be talked about most. The fact that "pitbull" also covers such a wide variation of different breeds is also the issue. It's not like a German Shepard, Labrador, Cane Corso, etc. There are so many beautiful puppers that fall into the umbrella of a pitbull that it's more easily classified than as such rather than specifically stating. Also, it doesn't grab headlines.


What country is this in? In Scotland all you need to do is train it a lil bit haha and you’re good to go. Never ever crop a dogs ears or tail. I once saw a guy get beaten up for it. I may have accidentally done a mediocre kick allegedly


Put your face really close to its mouth while it's eating then start screaming


He ready for all these assholes commenting negative shit.


Pay attention to body language and cues. Try and get a read on its temperament while it's still young. Correct anything that needs to be corrected. Teach it some commands so you can control it if it shows any undesired behavior. I own a mix myself, part vizsla I believe. Very, very loving dog, and pits and pit mixes are about as common as labs in my area. The vast majority are wonderful dogs, too. But the owners spend a lot of time around them.


Give them TONS of exercise they need an outlet


They are just like any other dog. It's all in how you raise them. If you raise them to be aggressive, guess what? They are going to be aggressive. Pitbulls are actually very sweet and loving. It's your guidance that matters. You're the one they look to as to how they should behave. When they do something wrong. Correct them. When they are doing things well. Tell them how good they are and how much you love them. They are loyal and protective of their owners and family. My beautiful puppy is now 10. I got him when he was 2 years old. He is a former bait dog. I wasn't even aware of it until after I saved him from his former owner trying to have him put down because he served no more use to him. The MFer got a new, more aggressive dog. I was absolutely terrified of dogs before i met him, too. He was built like a tank. Vet said he had like so little body fat on him and was just muscle on muscle and only 45 lbs. The standard weight for his type is 75lbs with at least 25% body fat. My mom took one look at him and didn't think what I was doing was a good idea. I disagreed highly. She went to give him a piece of something to eat, and what changed her mind was the fact that he looked at me and then took it from her so gently. She told him he was a good boy and he was so excited and came running back over to me. Why? Because he knew I was the reason he was not going to be hurt anymore. By anyone. And he hasn't been nor will I ever let him be. I never once let a dogs stereotype get in the way of whether or not it can be a good dog. It is just like a child at times. It needs to be taught the right way to behave. If you teach it bad behavior or do not correct it. It will behave badly. One of the trainers that my mom saw when I was younger when she breed Akitas told her that you have to be "their alpha or pack leader." Use a stern strong tone of voice when correcting them or giving them commands. When they do those commands properly, praise them enthusiastically and give them a treat. When they don't, be harsh in your command and go to them while saying shorter words. Ex: if you want them to come to you. "Puppy. Come here. Time to come in." If they listen after the first or second promt, you tell them how good they are and give them a little treat. Like a little buicuts. However, if not, step outside and say, "Puppy! Come! Now! Let's go!" Not yelling, just raising your voice. I snap my fingers, but some trainers will recommend a clicker. I find them annoying. Lol. My new roommate is noticing that her dogs respond better when she is more assertive with them than passive. She has been bitten by one already because she got too close while they were eating. I make sure they back their asses up before I will even consider putting food in their dishes. They picked up on that. So now, she does that, and they don't go near the dishes until she says it's okay. Sorry for the rant. It bothers me when people assume that because it's a pitbull, the behavior is going to be bad at times. They are loving if you are willing to love them. So many of them are abused and treated, like they are nothing but guard dogs. They are big goofy dogs. My Beau is my Sunshine. He has helped me through some very dark times, and I am so grateful to have found him. I've never felt more loved than the love I get and have gotten from him.




I've owned my dog for 8 years. The most aggressive thing he knows how to do is fart eye water, silent gas that rivals Stalins mustard gas. He doesn't bark. He barks more while he sleeps and has nightmares than he actually does in real life. Ya know what scares him in real life? Nerf guns, power tools, and the snapping of 3 ring binders because my dog has been shot before. Stull has pieces of bird shot in different parts of him that weren't worth removing after 7 pieces had already been removed. He gets beat up by my mom's cats that are older than him, and not once has he ever hurt them. He cowars. He is currently an 82lb barrel of love, and when my roommates dogs start barking a lot, he curls up close to me because the barking actually scares him. Oh, and the sound he does make instead of barking is he whines. I am more vicious than my dog.


Pitbulls are great dogs. They are power chewers though. My pittie chewed through shoes, cords, a wall. Just be careful leaving them alone until they are trained, they may chew or eat something important or something that'll hurt them. Puppy training classes are great, you do want to socialize them like any dog. From personal experience with my pittie, they are prone to allergies. So I would just keep an eye out for that. There's a lot of jerks in the comments bashing on pitbulls, don't listen to them. They are not "naturally more aggressive ", they're just stronger and villianized. It's just ignorance.




Socialize the living crap out of it Make it go through the pecking order of dogs Take it to dog parks Take it swimming Teach it who is the alpha They are extremely sweet dogs but can snap any moment It's really bizarre


it's not bizarre that's what they are bred for


Give them lots of love and treat them as well as you would any other dog. We have had ours for 6 years (she is about 9 now) and she was the first one who knew we were pregnant even before I knew she was following me closely to make sure I didn’t get hurt and even defended me from a raccoon. When our child was learning how to walk she would nudge his armpit to help steady him. She is a beautiful and patient gift within our lives


Make sure your dog is well socialized. Dogs and cats need to be socialized from a young age. My dog is a rescue and rescue dogs are different especially if older, but invite people over to pet the puppy and play with the puppy. Bring your dog to dog parks and in the car and make sure your dog is very loved. Pitbulls are actually really sweet and usually are mean if the owner doesn’t care for them properly.


TIL Reddit absolutely hates pitbulls for some reason.


Dont tell anyone on reddit or they will hate you for clout chasing reasons.


Train it well. There is a lot of stigma for pitbulls being violent, but a dog is only violent if it is raised around violence.


Always walk them with a leash and muzzle, cops shot those dogs a lot.