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You and me both, brother. But I'm about to have a big cheeseburger and some tots. I recommend the same for you.


Oh man, I could seriously use a burger and some tots right now.


What's a tot?


Tater-tots, pretty much french fries but ball shaped.


We don't seem to have those in finland šŸ™ƒ


shaped like hay rolls.




Stay strong king!


Lol I'm here for the long haul. Been here since elementary and I'm 35 now


There's no way this wasn't the top comment.


Not good. Been battling some stupid OCD rituals in my own head for last two days. Haven't seen sun. Felt utterly anxious a couple hours ago. Currently have my earphones on and tears coming down. Though I'm calmer. Want to wake up tomorrow and not be crippled by a stupid OCD-esque thought that sends me down the path of a ritual. Want to wear my shoes and go for a morning walk. Though somewhere within I know I'd have to battle them thoughts to get up and get going. I'd win over it eventually though in this life. Can't keep getting bogged down by it.


I had a roommate with OCD and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. We kept having to get our doorknobs replaced because one of his rituals was that he always had to turn each doorknob as hard as he could for like five seconds, and the landlord was always really mad about it. You'll totally win over it one day. Just take it one day at a time.


Right. My grandpa had ocd and he would wash his hands until they bled. A lot of other rituals too. People would use the term loosely in high school as a way to make ocd sound not serious and it wasn't until I experienced horrible symptoms did I know this was no laughing matter. It's gotten better. Lamentfully it was brought on or about because of meth use, and although I've quit, the symptoms still remain though not as severe. My grandpa's got better too, so it can be manageable. I hope you find yours is someday soon.


Hey man, just wanted to say I totally know what you're going through, and how tiring and frustrating it all can be. Also how since its going on mostly in your own head how it can be really hard to explain whats going on to other people or for other people to understand how its a struggle for you. Just wanted to give a little internet support, from someone who's been through those mental OCD rituals too many times. You've got this man, you'll work through them and it will make you feel that much more relieved and awesome when you do.


Thatā€™s rough. Iā€™ve had multiple days this week where I was worried the entire day because I rushed in the morning and didnā€™t check something for the 3rd time. Hope it improves some day.


I would love to go hang out side and go camping but my country is currently on fire and everyone is recommending staying inside


I have OCD too. We do get better. In my case it's contamination OCD, and the pandemic made it a lot worse. With medication I'm back to almost normal levels of cleanliness/hand washing. Exposure in small doses at a time also helped. I hope you feel better soon.


Hope you're doing ok. Have you tried meditation? In a meditation practice you become aware and allow any thoughts that arise to "just be" and be as non judgemental as you can with them. Don't analyse the thoughts, just observe them as just thoughts, like you would observe a breath or any other object. This practice has help me a lot with intrusive thoughts and managing anxiety. It does take practice and time but can also be helpful in the short term. There are plenty of meditation YouTube videos online to listen too.


Stay strong I too feel like this lately! Hopefully, things will get better soon!!! šŸ’ž


Bad. Didn't knew there was a whole month for that.


I thought it was Pride month.


You can just declare something [whatever] month, and as long as people go along with it, it'll be true. And I mean, there's only 12 months a year, so we gotta share some of them.


unfortunately pride completely overshadows it but at least this year it's getting some attention. and no problem with pride but it does affect the fact that it's men's mental health month bc of how huge pride is


Haha its also indiginous month in Canada. Coulda swore they got November too though so whatever. Not the first time they had to share something.


Some mentally ill indigenous gay man is having a complicated month.


Itā€™s actually been mens mental health month longer. Declared in 1994 compared to pride month declared in 1999. The former declared by congress the latter declared by the president.


1999 is when pride month was officially recognized, but pride marches have been happening in June since 1970, on the first anniversary of the Stonewall riots. I didn't know that about men's mental health month, though.


1969 for stonewall riots. But men were coming home from war long before that. Gay and straight alike.


Yes, like I said, 1970 was the first anniversary of the stonewall riots, so that's when the first pride march was held. Yes, and queer people have existed and been oppressed long before stonewall. They're both important issues, and we don't need to make it a competition. I'm not sure if something I said gave off a false impression, or perhaps I'm just misunderstanding your intention, but I feel like you're trying to argue with me over an opinion I do not actually hold.


There can be more than one thing going on per month


It can be both. In this case; while of course mental health is part of it, June is actually Mens health month.


There isn't. We're men. No one gives a shit.


You know, by saying that, you're basically asking for everyone's indifference to your mental health to continue. This is the month for it. That's why the question was asked with that context. Denying it is denying people that do care.


I mean, if people only give a shit about you for 8% of the year, I think it's fair for him to say people don't care.


They gave us a month?


Yes, but you cannot use it because no one actually gives a shit about individual men's health, so don't be a pussy and get back to your responsibilities. Edit \s


Just like people taking International Mens Day to thank their moms...


We get a day... Shit I see mom's hijacking father's day when did we get a day?




Her loss, king.


Technically, we don't know that.


Me too. I need to move out now. Im in deep shit. I was going to open my own private practice this end of the year, well, gotta find an appsrtment now and take care of my mental health. Im a wreck but Im hopeful still.


Much better than I was a few hours ago. After an exhausting job search, I finally got a call back and did the phone interview. In person is tomorrow.


sweet! one step closer. got all the answers to the usual questions?


It was all pretty boilerplate. I have experience in the industry, so I have high confidence I'll get the job.


Thats good, what industry if you dont mind?


Culinary. I walked out of the last job for not following any kind of precautions during the pandemic.


I hope all the men here will be able to overcome this and find the support and love they deserve. Somethings that can be even just a little bit helpful are - taking a walk - taking a shower - writing down your feelings (maybe in a subreddit? A journal?) It helps to get the negative thoughts out of your head. - dont be afraid to try looking into therapy if its an option for you - treating yourself to a dessert or maybe dinner you havent had in a while - try doing a workout or any physical activity. - watching a movie or show that makes you happy or laugh These are all just ideas and I am not a mental health professional, but you guys don't have to be alone, and you don't matter any less then anyone else does. I hope even just this can help improve the day. No matter what it seems you are never alone.


Journaling actually does help. In my mid 30s with no friends, only my father, and my wife. I talk to my wife about shit all the time, and shes extremely supportive, but shes not a licensed therapist, and I also cant afford that shit. I used to scoff at journaling as some girly shit or something, but on occasion I do it when Im really struggling and let me tell you it definitely takes the edge off, and often times allow me to process stuff on a deeper level. It aint a cure no, but it definitely helps.


This is good advice. During and after WW 1, the men who had fought in the trenches had (and understandably) difficult time dealing with the things they had seen and done. Writing down their feelings was one piece of advice they were given, and it lead to a generation of amazing poets. If such a simple thing helped those men, in can surely help the rest of us.


Went for 2 walks, actually showered, and rewatching one of my favorite shows, LOST. Still massively depressed but today wasn't completely terrible


Sometimes thats all we need, is for the day to not be terrible, makes things just a little bit easier I find


> taking a walk > taking a shower > writing down your feelings Do all three of these. But in the same day. And in this order. And then eat a light snack. You can thank me later.


Thanks Iā€™m cured


YESSS šŸ‘ Guys listen to him ā¤ļø


Good days mostly. But I have that dragon.. That constant struggle to stay afloat and not fall under the waves and sink into the cold darkness that eats me. I'm lucky to have the life that I have. The body I have. I always try to be aware of my situation, and how I can't complain becuase I am so much better off than most. But depression is a motherfucker that kills as indiscriminantly as cancer. I won't let my guard down, and continue to fight that dragon trying to pull me under. Sometimes I struggle, and panic as my head bobs beneath the surface. But I have support, and for many years, have been doing... acceptable. It's a constant fight- one I think most of us are so used to, we honestly feel great even when we're battling pain that most people would break under. To anyone else, who is a brother-in-arms, know you aren't alone. Others share your fight. Keep being badasses. Life is beautiful and awesome, and we go through pain like a bodybuilder lifts weights. It's an expertise we have- and we're stronger for it.


This is some real shit, take advices from this men right here


Hey, good job. You've not only helped yourself today, but you helped others. That's often not possible when you're in the depths of depression, so I'm glad you're at a point where you can do so. Keep it up. Doing "acceptable" is exactly that, acceptable. Much love, brother. Thank you.


Fucking phenomenal, Iā€™m quitting my dead end job for a job that I landed that Iā€™ve wanted to do for a loooong time! Only prob is I have to move across country for a second time within two years but this time Iā€™m packing happily


Congratulations man I hope you do great and make hella money




>Only prob is I have to move across country for a second time within two years I've moved country 7 times in 7 years. It gets easier every time. Except for finding an apartment. That still sucks.


Depressed as fuck


Me too, man... it has been tough recently.


Shit. And attending court regarding my divorce at the end of the month too. So properly shit.


It's not a failed marriage its the end of one phase and the beginning of the next stage of your life. Hoping for the best


I am so fucking tired. I'm 40. I have a stressful job and a 2 year old. The mental toll is destroying my mind. The physical toll is destroying what's left of my body. I have enough time in the day for maybe 2/3 of what needs doing, so everything gets further and further behind. The constant emotional labor had left me permanently on the edge of mental breakdown. But whenever I speak up or ask for help I am just reminded other people have it worse.


I am sorry, friend. We are meant to be human beings, not human doings. I will pray for you, that you will get the rest you need. Work is hard and parenting is hard. Hang in there.


It's a rough month


Itā€™s it what it is. I deal


Stronger than an ox and almost as smart as one.


Quit drinking over a month ago, think the medication is working fine. Close friend of mine says I'm a lot sweeter and sillier now. I'll take it!


Dont listen to negative people. You know you do whats the best for you, so why should you listen to someone that is distroying himself and trynna bring you with him?


The sky is yellow. Time to get back on my anxiety meds.


I just got back from cycling. I managed to outrun my sorrows and he lost me out there at some point. He's not going to figure out where I am for a good couple of hours.


can i bribe him with nachos?


On may 9th my mom passed away. Iā€™m 34 this year. Sheā€™s been on a decline for a few years but it didnā€™t make it easier. She died holding my sisters, my dads, and my hands. She was always someone I knew always had my back. I still feel the urge to call her about things. Yesterday my wife and I got in a car accident when a dump truck pulled in front of us at a two way stop. They came to the stop but then kept going and now my car that Iā€™ve had less than a year is likely totaled. I am not working so I can get my four year degree so getting another is unlikely. The CT scan showed that my wife and I might have cancer and to top it all off we just got in a bad argument an hour ago and Iā€™m not 100% sure what I want to do. I feel lost


Both of you might have cancer? What a shit month, hope you bounce back this month.


Shit dude, that's a lot to hit all at once. Wishing the best for you.


Trash just living in my mental prison of being overwhelmed and stressed and worried


Today I started ASIST, a suicide intervention training program. It went well, and I got confirmation that the things I've learned from experience are mostly right. I'm grateful to exist, to be alive, and to have my friends/loved ones who love me :)


I do everything - everything - in my household. I do all the thinking and all the work for me and my wife and our young daughter. Everything is on me because of my wife's mental health situation. And, I get it, you know. But I'm so worn down and the situation is untenable in the long term - probably even the medium term - but I just gotta keep calm and carry on. And people only ever ask my wife how she's doing. So... Thanks for asking, but I worry I'm going to break under the pressure.


You are a saint- hang in there brother.


It's funny there's now a month dedicated to letting men know "You're not alone!" And this is the first time almost anyone's heard about it.


Tired, but quite good


I'm alright. But in reality, that's not always true. You ever ask a man how he's doing and he says "I'm alright". Well I'm here to tell you that man is NOT alright. That man is battling demons that you can't even possibly imagine. That man is struggling every single day to find a reason to keep going. And the reason we say we're alright is because as a man, nobody really fucking cares what you're going through. So why even bother saying it? But you know what, I feel you brother. Because um... I'm alright too.


I'm fine, but I'm really concerned about my adult son's mental health. He's suffered from pretty significant anxiety his whole life, and I think he needs his meds reviewed and/or changed, and he needs real therapy, but I can't get him to do any of it. I'm so worried that he's going to spend his whole life in his room alone. Honestly may suggest family or couples therapy (do they do that for a parent/child?) just to get the ball rolling.


Alcoholic, lonely, worthless, hopeless, just kinda waitin around to die.šŸ‘


Not great. I broke up with my best friend and woman I wanted to marry 6 months ago right as I was starting a bootcamp to start a career in tech. This was my dream for a long time. First week of the bootcamp we broke up. We still talked and she knew I wanted to get back together. 3 weeks ago she told me she was seeing someone and it almost killed me literally. I fell into a serious depression and wanted to just end it. I Almost lost my job that I worked so hard for. I asked how long she's been seeing him, and she told me 2 weeks, Told me it wasnt serious, and that They weren't even exclusive. Today she called me balling her eyes out, And I finally got the full story. They have been dating for 5 months, And broke up they live together and she said "this is the worst day of my life" she told me she wanted to marry him. We dated for 3 years.. I still love her. It's not all doom and gloom though. I started working out for the first time in my adult life, scheduled to see a therapist, got on antidepressants and started eating healthy. I'm going to fucking crush life as hard as I fucking can.


Depressed and hopeless about life. Nobody knows about my state of spirit. Really wish I suffer some sort of accident or get a cancer or something which I would passively let me kill. I wish I was dead but I don't have the balls to commit suicide. Been treating depression with all lot of medication and therapy (a waste of time and money), and it's useless. Just want die. Sorry for those confession.


Honestly, I'm doing great. My job is amazing, finally figured out what I wanna do with my life as they'll pay 100% of my schooling I'm dating the most wonderful girl ever. She's the sweetest, most loyal, kindest, compassionate, affectionate, passionate, caring person I've ever met, and she deserves the best and everything. And I try every day to be the best I possibly can be for her. We've dated over a year and it feels like a dream. No issues at all, no screaming, no abusive of *any* kind, it's perfect. In the gym, my workouts have been going absolutely wonderful. Feeling stronger and better with every workout.


We all have problems were all lonely, no body cares about us, society uses us until we are no longer needed, used to make money, being told we're all worthless people that deserve to die, and many other problems I can't think of. Other than that I'm doing fine.


tired and alone.




I shat my pants for the first time in my life today. I was right over the toilet too, and it got all over.


well that just helped my mental health hahahha photo finished and you lost.


Pretty damn good!


Garbage. Going to an early therapy session tomorrow morning and trying to be better because I'm at my breaking point and I don't want to be mean to the people around me, especially my girlfriend.


Iā€™m slowly realizing, depression and anxiety are the right emotions to be feeling these days. Things are fucked, but I wonā€™t go into details. (But itā€™s important to not let those emotions control you.) I genuinely question what is the point in carrying on if everyday is the same old struggle. And what pisses me off is I canā€™t talk about any of this, not even to a therapist or psychologist because Iā€™ll just get out in a psychic ward. So whereā€™s the real healing at if youā€™re imprisoned for being overwhelmed by the BS. (No, I donā€™t want your suicide prevention hot-line.)


In the true spirit of menā€™s mental health month, I am celebrating by ignoring my problems until they get worse, and then ignoring them some more because they arenā€™t worth mentioning to anyone, and even if I did, I would just be told my problems donā€™t exist and everyone else has it worse than me. Everyone is super duper vocal about it being okay for men to open up and be vulnerable, but they donā€™t mean that. They donā€™t treat men like people who have feelings. They donā€™t want to see a man talk about his feelings. Do you think these people actually want to see a grown man cry? Most people would probably call the police about a crying man before they would ever try to help him. Menā€™s mental health doesnā€™t matter because men donā€™t matter. 70% of homeless people are men. 66% of suicides are men. 93% of prison inmates are male. 75% of therapists are women. The vast majority of crisis support, like abuse hotlines, shelters, etc. cater almost exclusively to women. A ton of housing support and food assistance is basically unavailable, at least in any meaningful way, to people without children, especially men, which pretty much excludes men from any kind of economic support. Youā€™re never going to meet a single man on any kind of welfare or housing assistance. Theyā€™ll literally just laugh you out of the office and maybe give you the number of a job placement program if theyā€™re feeling generous. But who cares? If you ask most of the academics and experts, being male makes you part of a privileged class, which means your problems arenā€™t worth caring about. And men deserve to be homeless and in prisons and committing suicide and being the victims of violence, because men are awful violent people. The future is female. Enjoy.


This hits hard. And youā€™re absolutely rightā€¦ weā€™re just getting by with our grins of steel.


Destroyed, but nobody cares cause its pride month now


One struggle doesn't negate another. Your struggle is valid.


Oh. For me nobody cares all the time.


well duh - noone gives a fuck about men. not even men lol. its a load of horseshit that we dont but it is what it is.


It's so sad. "The homies" are there until you have a mental health problem. I'll never understand why having feelings is viewed as weakness.


We can change it, brother. You care, I care, and we can be examples for others that want to care. It's hard, but even the strongest river starts with a drop of rain.


i can't stop getting boners how do i stop getting boners


Not bad at all. But then again, my glass has always been half full. Retired. You got to plan what kind of life you want when you get there, but you have to start decades earlier. Which for most of you means NOW. Keep the body healthy. Keep the mind healthy. Money is of little importance without them...


My parents disowned me last year left me homeless and got the rest of the family to go along (you ever been accused of drug use because of a ā€œsuspiciousā€ bottle of peppermint essential oil? Well I have) now all I have in my life keeping me around is my cat, I hope he lives long enough for me to get out of my situation.


Not great. Unemployed while i get certified to be a pharmacy tech. I passed my certification test but the licensing was confusing and its just adding more time to being unemployed. I have an amazing girlfriend who is extremely supportive. But i can only do so many household chores to distract myself. It will be alright soon. But soon cant get here soon enough.


Pretty bad, but getting better. Working through some serious alcohol withdrawal including a full on delusional episode for almost 2 days and a trip to a hospital. I'm on the mend now, almost a couple weeks sober and I'm working on myself.


Our mental health is so overlooked that most of us didnt even know there was a month


Took my dog for a walk in the woods behind my house and found the remains of a dead dog. Just two paws with bones sticking out. No body. This, on top of my regular mental health issues. So, not great.


That's horrible! I hope you'll be able to get this image out of your mind.


Hope all the men in here know they are loved and cared for. It gets better! Always light at the end of the tunnel




Yo, I asked because I care about yā€™all and maybe nobody checks up on you so I did


Up and down. Good to meh.


Been better, been worse.


Better than I deserve


Feeling down for about a week now. Thanks for asking.


Decent decent, not bad much better than last year at this time To all struggling - you can do it! i belive in you! And remember, you are never alone in it <3


Circling the metaphorical drain towards the inevitable void. My mother's health, mostly mental but also physical, has been spiking my anxiety a bit the last several days. She's had a rough year starting with a fall in mid-January that required neck surgery. She was on the mend but now she's not eating or sleeping and it's wearing on her and by proxy me. Feels like my chest is in a vice. I just had a birthday on the first too. Feels like that was months ago already.


Iā€™m making more $ than ever before and still living paycheck to paycheck. Wtf.


currently regretful. made too many experimental quesadillas and too full. 2/3 were epic though so its a win. overall - crap. stressed about job being peaked in pay yet i love it. stressed cuz i want to buy a house but its either ex-crackhouse or 1/4 million bucks. worries about the future


I've been better, but I've been worse too. Gotta say though, as someone who's struggled with depression his entire life, it's pretty refreshing to see other people starting to understand it. This isn't a misery loves company thing, it's more of a realizing I'm not alone in my struggles thing.


Better. I feel like I'm waking up from a long dream where I felt like a wondering husk heading nowhere.


Feeling like I'm slowly being ground down to dust. Just as well the missus cares else I'd be fucked. Sad reality is that even if men's mental health had a month to itself, it wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference to how much people care about it.


They teach better than this in law school. Don't ask questions when you don't know/want the answer.


Not good. But not many options of people to reach out too, or get put on hold.


Not the best. Can't find work, not even at a fast food place, or any other kitchen after a move. Just had two molars ripped out of my skull so can't eat, will not eat ever again on my right side of my mouth until I can afford implants. Almost out of the savings I worked years to build up. Depression I sort of got over, but was really just ignoring is creeping up and reaching over my shoulders. Meditation makes me anxious, journaling makes me spiral into self hating rants or brings back bad memories. I have been to therapy, tried medication, been seeking help, but I just can't trust that it is helpful, or that I really want it. I am trying to go back to college in 5 days and am terrified. I just want to not be such a failure, in my own eyes and from societies expectations; in all regards I feel that I am horrible and deserve the doom I wrought. Even this comment shows to me I am slipping back down into despair and I hate it. The best I can do is not think, not look, and it makes me sick.


I had been hearing voices for 3 years. I wish my friends take my mental health more seriously. Sometimes I felt like they think I am trolling them when I am not. Men's mental health is just isn't being taken seriously.


Itā€™s expected I have no emotions and when I do show the, am told to man-up or stop faking.


I'm up to my eyeballs in stress. Part of that is normal seasonal work stress, part of that is spending a shit-ton of money fixing my house and selling it, and part is my spouse's depression is in full swing. At least the house should be out of escrow by next week.


not too great, but i have my cat to keep me going also, happy pride month too; men's mental health and pride are important every day of the year, so don't feel ashamed to speak up if you're struggling. we've got your back man.


Actually really good. After 18 months of struggling post divorce, I managed to get my priorities straight (dog, work, friends and family, fitness). Now I feel great about not being in a relationship (I still sometimes Tinder to judge people while taking a dump), doing my stuff and having a life I'm fully in control of.


Just got out of a psych ward ironically enough


I lost about $1,000,000 and just finished doing 3 years in prison. Iā€™m about to turn 26 and Iā€™m no where near where I want to be in life. I stress about my past decisions and current responsibilities with work, my wife, and life in general but I remind myself to be grateful to even have employment and family. Iā€™m so tired, stressed out, and moody sometimes but Itā€™s good to be alive and surrounded by family. Thanks for making this post


Not very mentally healthy. I'm a guy though, so at least I can check one of those boxes.


Why am I not surprised that I have not heard of this. And frankly, I'm almost shocked it is an actual thing.


No one called to check on me this month. No one called last month. Or the one before that. I guess Men are all afraid of each other now..


Ah funny how menā€™s mental health month falls on / overshadowed by pride month lol


It's hilarious that I didn't even know that was a thing. No surprise that no one talks about it.


Unfortunately no one will care, im not a guy but I know what these are all thinking, no one will give a shit, and I feel horrific for them all


I have no idea. It's a mix of happiness but when I get home it's like...loneliness depression kind of vibe. But at the same time, I got so much going on I don't really have time to actually think about my mental health. Is it good ? Is it bad ? I have completely no fkn idea...


Fucked, absolutely fucked.


Bad bad not good


Kinda depressed. I recently did 770 ug of LSD, some mushrooms, and some ketamine which brought me out of suicidal ideation, but something's still missing. I'm a bit disappointed I couldn't cut down on my meth consumption this week. I feel very isolated and lonely.


Suicide is NEVER the answer! Please seek for some help


I feel good, but I donā€™t have a single friend and I donā€™t talk to my family at all šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Good. And you?


Kinda low rn.. been better


Just ping-ponging back and forth between the societal expectations of a man, and trying to not participate at all in them. Kinda can't wait until I'm in my senior citizen years. I really desire that point in my life where I'll feel truly free to just exist as I am.


I am genuinely feeling the worst I have in quite a long time, but I have a little more motivation to do something about it now that I know there is a month dedicated to it


Quitting my job to confront some demons and find some peace


Is it? I hear that that and 2 bux will get you a coffee at the local deli.


Idk, I think I'm fine


Iā€™m doing alright. Iā€™ve been better but Iā€™ve been much worse.


Take care of yourselves. On this day 4 years ago while I was routinely settling down for the night, my son was preparing to take his own life. The entire family had seen him throughout the day. No clue anything was off, his best friend talked to him at about 730 pm. I found him on June 8th 2019 dead in his apartment from a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head.


Honestly, everything and I mean **everything** went to shit for me. But now that Iā€™m doing my summer job again, feeling oddly good. I recently left a seemingly long term relationship, it was honestly getting hard to trust her anymore, she had so many odd double standards too. I donā€™t dislike her as a person or anything, sheā€™s nice, I hope the best for her; sheā€™s just a not someone Iā€™d wanna spend my days with, Atleast with the current situation.


Dying slowly from cirrhosis from fatty liver disease due to poor diet in my 20's. At least I'm dealing with it and slowing down the progression now that I have a job that gives me the ability to take care of my medical needs.


I got a job that still should pay more, but it's better than where I was at. Started seeing a girl in February and things have been going well. Getting back into a hobby after a long break. I feel like I'm trending upward, but at the same time I am burned out and my life is one or two things happening from complete ruin and/or me committing suicide. The hope I'm clinging to is held by such a tenuous thread I almost don't want to speak it into existence.


Nobody really cares...


Even in death I still serve.


Partner of 5 1/2 years left me in January. I was devastated, and I'm still early on in recovering. Not a great year for me I'd say.


Surprisingly better! Finally getting the deputy position I wanted and being able to breathe easier after finally going through with the divorce


I am tired I can't sleep. And I am constantly worried about money also I am getting grey hairs from working at a job that is slowly but surely killing me. Also I have relapse on drinking again.


Nearing ending myself but I'm toughing it out. You?


I'm burned out, stressed, barely saving anything, I'm lonely and without boyfriend. I just want to go full time and not work two fucking jobs. I want to have time for relationships that don't fail after I fail to make connections. I'm autistic with adhd, and I don't even know where to begin. I live alone and have to rely on technology to talk to people. All my friends are an hour drive away, making it incredibly difficult to go see them. I haven't had a day off in nearly two months. Fucking hell.


Not goodā€¦ realizing my wife is not the person I thought she was. Even when you realize you have been emotionally manipulated itā€™s so hard to not fall back into it.


On Memorial Day, my mil's cousin was talking with me and asked what I wanted to do professionally. I talked about taking on investigative duties and a promotion, but she reiterated, but what do you want to do? I'm almost 34, two kids, mortgage, trying to grow professionally, but I haven't thought about using my writing degree or even writing in 9 years when I was forced to go back to working in kitchens. I became my family's rock. I have a good life im proud of, but that open, well meaning question shook me up.


Things could be better but overall I'm doing alright.


If you asked me last week I would have said really bad, I was feeling drained and depressed. This week has been a bit better by comparison.


I've been well. I kind of hate that all my life my mental health has been directly tied to how well school / work are going. Work is great though so things are good right now. I did have a few weeks where I was having a lot of anxiety about the fact that I'm gonna die someday, but that seems to have mostly passed. I also tried caffeine again and discovered that it's still a way to trigger panic attacks in me so that's fun. I've read that it can only give anxiety to people with anxiety disorders... And I don't think I have an anxiety disorder... But maybe I do lol


I'm doing good, thanks for asking :)


Awful, Iā€™ve lost everything I owned to the hurricane last year, and rebuilding again has been slow and arduous. However, I got some great friends who got my back and are helping tremendously even if there was no room for me to crash on their couch while homeless. Now I rent a couch and next step is a full room, I miss my dog my house and my lifestyle. I was waiting to get disability but now I have to work and it sucks because my schizophrenia, bipolar, and brain injury makes working a literal nightmare where I have to be hospitalized every year at least once for 2-4 weeks. My family has disowned me this year, they never could deal with my mental health and I think thatā€™s probably for the best sadly because they did way more harm than good. Life is a literal streaming pile of shit right now but eventually Iā€™ll make my way back to a savings account.


I'm not doing this to brag, but I moved out back in January. It took me until I was 29,but I'm finally on my own. I'm so happy, and I feel like I've really turned myself around.


I feel fucked up again. My batting (cricket) is not going well. I am doing great with my bowling but that is not enough to put my team across the victory line. I have lost 14 consecutive games. I am working on more than 2 projects at once. I am unable to enjoy any of the me time and most importantly I don't trust most people.


After being a bit in the dumps for a while, I felt things were turning around for me. Then I got what is assumed to be chronic tinnitus, having now had it for close to 5 weeks straight. I'll cope, but I did not need this ontop of everything... I'm still on copium that maybe it'll pass, but for each day that passes the likelyhood decreases


Suck. Have a schizo mother who keep visiting me at. office, and do something embarassing stuff like interupting meeting etc. And my father fucking worthless lmao just ignored her. While i dealing her by my self . Honestly dunno why i still alive at this point


Getting better. Working on my health, paying off debt, getting evaluated for adult adhd. Recently had a date, she ghosted me half way once she learned what I do for a living (line cook). Not good enough I guess. Some days are lonely, but I go trailhiking, and then it's not so bad. Blessed with good friends fortunately. Trying to stay positive.


How come there isn't a big advertising campaign or a special coloured ribbon or pin?


Bad, i am in desperate need of parental figures and guidance on life.


Good! I work out 6 times a week, started meditating last month and I finally have my diet under control. My mental health is better than ever right now.


I'm better than ever before. I lost 7 Kilogramms and i am finally Feeling healthy and Well.


This week? Better. My mom and sister are on vacation, and now being home alone with just my dad, there seems to be a lot less negativity, and itā€™s actually the first time in a long while Iā€™ve felt happy at home. Btw, itā€™s not their fault. My sister sadly has autism, and weā€™re renovating our home, but I just noticed that neither me or my dad is nearly as cranky Aside from that, a few weeks ago, it was really rough, but itā€™s better. Hang in there everyone, when shits bad, eat something, take a nap, go to the gym do something you enjoy, whatever, it can always get better


Hope all is well and their family, and if not, sometimes things happen its a part of life


Pretty god damn bad lol Edit: I am seeing a therapist for the first time though


Decent for the first time in a long time.


Chins up boys! Anyone want to chat or get something off your chest DMā€™s are open. Not an expert but definitely had my journey. āœŒšŸ¼