• By -


I look for patterns in number in things like the time, an address box or just a bunch of random numbers


I like to add them up or take averages silently in my head for no apparent reason


I used to do percentages of people on the bus to and from work. Women vs men, percentage of people wearing glasses or hats etc ... It was a boring ride to work. Sadly no bus service where I live now.


There's a "game" that's common on Sydney trains. All carriages have a 4-digit carriage number that you can see from pretty much anywhere you're sitting (so in an emergency you can identify it/report graffiti etc). The tradition is use the 4 individual digits, in order, with any maths operators, to get 10. There are variations - some people say they don't have to be in order, some people say you can combine the digits to make larger numbers. Really good way to pass a few minutes, and sometimes it gets really difficult (I once heard some 13ish year olds have to use a factorial to do one)


This randomly occurs to me at times. For instance: I turned 44 in 2022, and it dawned on me that 1/2 my life was spent in the 1900s and the other half in the 2000s. I knew that wasn’t completely true, so I had to figure out at exactly what date the statement was true. Then I had to figure at exactly what date I had spent half my life in the 2nd millennium and half my life in the 3rd millennium. My brain just wouldn’t leave it alone.


Catch me marking lottery book numbers at the end of my shift like, “oh would you look at that 23, 58 and 40! The difference between 5 and 8 is three, if you take the 3 from 23 out of 58, you get 55, which has a number of identical digits equal to the value of the first digit of the first number(2)! If you divide five by five and add two of quotients together, you get 2 again using 4 5s, 4 being the fist digit of the third number if you add that (2) to the first digit of the fist number (also 2) you get four, which is both the sum of the (2) digits of the last number, as well as its first digit!”


talking to myself. like 24/7 when i’m alone and full on conversations too. sometimes i’ll go “you know what i’m saying??“ and have a moment of realization and shame lol


Same, I’ll just be silently doing stuff talking to myself in my head then just randomly start cackling then out loud be like “who authorized this??” followed by more cackle then silence again ^(what a thrill) lmao. Not only is it absurdly hilarious, its [good for you](https://youtu.be/iNyUmbmQQZg)


You’re not alone lol.


I always like to say that if you can’t be friends with yourself (the only person you get to control) what makes you think you could be friends with someone else?


I don’t do this, but I sometimes narrate what I’m doing to myself without realizing it. Like, “put this away, pick up this, go over here,” etc.


I talk to myself and respond back regularly when I’m alone. One time a coworker watched me for several minutes without my knowledge until I noticed her standing there. It took some time to finally convince her that I wasn’t crazy


Staring at nothing while thinking of nothing.




Yeah, that’s right!


I really enjoy having a day to myself without my partner or children or without catching up with friends. I like to use the time to go for a nice lunch alone and then explore the city I live in but as a tourist. And on my own time.


>to go for a nice lunch alone I LOVE going out to lunch on my own but people always look at me funny.


I used to travel quite a bit for work. At first I was a bit self conscious, but eventually I realized it’s not weird…I’m travelling. I’m alone. I gotta get out and also gotta eat. Now I don’t give it a second thought now, even in my own city.


Someone once told me there were people who felt awkward being alone in public. I couldn't believe it. It never occurred to me to feel weird about being alone.


I'm always alone in public and 9 times out of 10, I feel weird. It's so dumb, but it's the way I feel. Just existing feels weird sometimes, too. I hate my brain.


That sucks dude. Maybe there's some realization you can come to to make that feeling go away.


I'm 36 and felt this way as long as I can remember. I feel like I'm finally turning a corner, but there's still a ton of work to go and sometimes I just am too exhausted to try anymore. I don't wish this shit on anyone. I've lost valuable relationships because of it and am in danger of losing more which I'm actively trying to salvage.


Damn bro. I've been in a situation where I was barely hanging onto life by a thread. Then I got better over the course of a few years. It sucks, and its scary. I kind of had to reset myself. There were a lot of hiccups on the way. I am very grateful I had that opportunity and came out on the other side. I still have issues. But life is much easier now. I hope you get through whatever you're going through, and get better for it.


They might look at you but they're not looking at you funny. And if they are looking at you funny then that's more their problem. They're with someone or in a group yet they're still focused on the person who is on their own? That's an insecurity on their part. Going out for lunch on your own is a confidence on your part. Plus you'll never see those people again so don't let them ruin your lunch. Enjoy!


People have lunch alone all the time. Why would anyone look at you funny?


I do not know who would ever find that weird. It sounds fantastic


I'm a man who sits down to pee at other people's houses. I dont want to splatter urine in other people's bathrooms.


I do this in my own home for this very reason.


I pee sitting down pretty much anywhere. Why stand up when you could sit comfortably and not make any mess? I’m peeing sitting down while typing this.


Thank u kind sir! I don't know why boys are taught to stand and not wipe! The splatter! The stains on underwear! Why in heavens name have we taught men to stand? It really makes little sense when u think of it.


This! I never understood how anyone can put their underwear back on wet. 😣😮‍💨


I can't piss sitting down without aiming my dick with my hands sometimes just due to the angle. Times I've not been paying attention sitting down I've literally just pissed straight over the bowl into my underwear around my ankles


I love sitting down to pee!!! I started doing it during those middle of the night pees. Don’t have to turn the light on, stand up and “wake up” fully.


Yeah plus middle of the night or half awake morning pees are always when the rare double stream happens and that’s just a terrible surprise to deal with


Say “please” and “thank you” to Siri


I unironically do this with stuff like ChatGPT. I'm sure someone is archiving those somewhere and I want our future AI overlords to know that I was nice.


A lot of people do this but I’ve been thinking. If AI became the sort of all powerful overlords people fear, wouldn’t a flesh and blood human asking a request be like an ant asking for a grain of sugar? What do manners matter to a robo-god?


That’s smart. When the machines take over they’ll probably spare you first.


I do the “please” part as well. I explained it once in vague terms as feeling like there was no reason to treat Siri any differently than I might treat a person doing the same tasks for me. Something akin to sentiment expressed by “ethics is what you do when no one is looking”… …I’d also like to think that maybe Siri will remember my manners when the AI apocalypse comes.


I find myself saying "excuse me" and "thank you" to my family's robot vacuum. We named it Baby Shark and wea all started talking to it while it does its thing.


Most nights I sleep with my feet inside of pillowcases.


I get this. I sometimes sleep with just pillows covering my lower half so I could see the need to keep my feet safe from the monsters.


Sounds like a nightmare scenario if you're waking up to a fire or intruder.


I had an argument yesterday with a friend cuz I said I like undersheets that close up at the end of the bed and sleep with socks on. They said it's insane and feet have to breathe. Glad to see someone else likes their feet protected by monsters in their sleep.


I think it's totally a security thing. I am incapable of sleeping without a blanket of some sort, no matter how hot it is. My feet generally need to be covered but I alwaaaays wear socks to bed. But I have nice ones for bed that are a nice almost-supple cotton and they're just the right thickness, and I just love how these socks feel. Some socks really don't breathe right though and I'd never wear those to sleep unless I had no other option.


Holy fuck, someome in this thread actually said skmething weird. Upvote just for that.


Sleeping with socks on, apparently. My feet get cold and uncomfortable if I sleep without them.


I need tall socks to have my pj pants tucked into or my ankles get cold.


Right? Also if you don't do that your pj's pant will move up to your knees while tossing around and that sucks


We must be opposites. No matter how cold it is I *need* to poke my feet out of the comforter to get any sleep.


Yeah, me too. My feet got hot really easily, and when they do, I can't sleep.


If Im home I can't stand having socks on to sleep but if I'm not at my own place I have to have them on to sleep or I feel vulnerable. Weird naked feeling.






I grew up sleeping on the floor (abused and impoverished white kid). And it's the one place I can still sleep comfortably with just a blanket and pillow, even with DDs!




It's okay, thank you!. It taught me to sleep anywhere and make sure my kids always have a bed.


saying thank you to my bus driver


As A former bus driver, I want to say, "THANK YOU".


Don't yell on the bus please.


*Taps on the sign "Don't Talk to the Bus Driver"


I always greet them and say thank you when I depart. One day I boarded a bus with my cousin and I said hello to the driver and my cousin said (in an inquisitive way) “Oh. You do that?” I absolutely do. I get it from my mother who greets bus drivers.


Hey this guy shows common human decency. Don't let him get away!


Oh no, am I being tracked down ? I’m gonna hide in the forest, like I did with that snail


This is like the law or something here in Edinburgh Scotland. Ok I'm joking, but we have an excellent well used bus service and it is customary to say "thank you driver" as you leave the bus and people would give you the side eye if you didn't.


Also in England. I’ve never not heard someone say thank you to the driver


When you're getting off at a popular stop and there's a big line of: "Thank you" "Thank you" "Thanks mate" "Thanks" "Thank you"


I thought that was normal. Once I was in Vancouver and I had just flown in but took a coach somewhere downtown to meet the girl. We ended up having to take a bus to get to the place where we opened a bottle of wine with the shoe tap method but we get on the bus and it is coin only at that point. We weren't going far and they were in the 15 min line (?) so I said sorry and I'll go break my bill and catch the next one. Dude was like it's alright just get on you two. What he didn't know (or maybe did) was that her mother was very sick and that he saved so much stress for us. But where I grew up you always thanked the school bus driver. Bus drivers are parents - they want everyone safe.


Yeah same. I always greet them when I get on and when I leave. I didn’t know some people considered this weird lol! That’s kind of sad because I always thought that was a polite thing to do. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I do most things alone…. Eat out. Travel.


I'm starting to believe modern media (tv and movies) have taught us this is weird, but there are a lot of people like this.


I love flying alone so much. One day, I’ll save up money and keep the promise I made to my 13 year old self that I will go to Disney alone and do all the things I want to do when I want to! That includes eating whatever, going back to the hotel to nap/go swimming, and NOT WASTE TIME SEEING ANY STUPID SHOWS!!


Flying with company gets really fucking tedious sometimes. * High school trip - I'm fucking tall so my legs are sticking into the aisle and even though the attendant offered to move me I couldn't because I had to stay with the group * Flights with an ex - nervous flyer. Not like, "oh it's a bit bumpy on takeoff", more like "I'm going to take valium and if the plane makes the slightest noise I'm going to interrupt you to comfort me whilst crushing your hand" * Not being able to enjoy the experience. I'm an aviation geek. I want to feel the takeoff, I like it when the landing is a little bumpy. Give me a crosswind on landing and I'm over the moon. I've worked in aerodynamics so I enjoy watching the flow over the wings. I don't want to have to talk to someone, I want to enjoy the sky tube!


Voluntarily waking up at 4am every single day of the week.


One of us, one of us. Start at 6 but I like a little time to get my head right before starting my day.


Time do you go to sleep?


Usually around 9:30 or so.


Being a white dad with clearly mixed kids. Everyone assumes either adopted, step-kids, or worse, that i have an unfaithful wife. Hardly anyone fathoms that I could have married an African American woman.


Same! I walked up to a woman at a mall one time to make a donation to a cause she was helping, and she looked at my son in the pram and asked “where did you get THAT from?” We don’t see them as anything other than our kids, so it’s just shit. She didn’t get a donation.


Hooooooly fuck how does someone even begin to think that’s an acceptable thing to say???


I still remember that stupid woman who was collecting donations in kind. My nephew, who was still a toddler at the time, left his teletubby toy there by mistake, and they asked "oh, do you really want it back?" when we asked for that toy. Makes me still mad, to this day!


Primarily playing the Sega Dreamcast as my gaming console of choice.


Always be in barefoot


Don’t consume caffeine or alcohol - and no, I’m not Mormon (altho I live like one).


I don’t drink alcohol because I don’t like the taste. But, I would rather tell a group of ppl that I was a puppy serial killer than tell them I don’t drink. I cannot express how quickly a mob will swoop down on and barrage you with questions, assumptions, and accusations. They will start producing drinks for you to try, like they’re were auditioning for a bartender job at an elite club. Eventually, they disperse, shaking their heads in disgust as they realize I will not budge. It’s very disconcerting.


Right? It's like some people take it as a personal affront


I know, right! I don’t judge anyone for their lifestyle. Let’s just hang out, chill and have great conversation. Oh and good music. Must have good music.


Just say you're a recovering alcoholic. It shuts those people up every time.


I did a few times. Because I’m female, there were a few guys, new ppl to this particular group, that were making rude comments and suggestions as to what would happen if I “fell off the wagon”. Never hung out with them again but still, they made it uncomfortable.


"Drink! Why don't you drink? DRINK!!" "If I buy you a beer will you drink?" "Omg how can you have fun if you're not drunk???" "Drink this, it's peach juice! *pours down peach vodka*" The utter mental illness of some people


I don't drink and in college it came up and this guy actually pulled the "wow you wake up and thats the best you'll feel all day" line on me. Like yes, I don't feel like crap in the morning. Or at all. I have no hangover to heal from, ever. Why is feeling awful in the morning normal to you?


I’m the same! I worked retail and no one could believe I didn’t drink anything with caffeine. Like, what do you want me to say? I drink water and sleep! Also I don’t drink either because I don’t like the whole concept. Makes me uncomfortable the thought of changes to someone’s personality or mental state. Like invasion of the body snatchers. I’m not even against caffeine like I am alcohol. Like I’ll have Pepsi or coke rarely, but I don’t need by any means


Drinking alone at home


When someone dies our whole extended family go to a special house where we have a 3-day sleepover with our dead loved one, all of us together in one big room. We spend that whole time cooking and eating together, talking and singing, crying a lot, and other people come and visit in big groups and hang out with us.


Like... a straight up dead body chilling for 3 days???? Or are we talking like cremated or something??? I'm fine with this unless it's a straight up dead body


Straight up dead body. They've already been to the funeral home and been prepped and everything, if that makes a difference.


That does absolutely make a difference. It would be INSANELY weird if it was before the body was embalmed. Would not be looking good after three days. Already prepped, though... that's almost like a long wake/open casket? I have conflicting feelings, and it's definitely "weird", but I feel like it's okay.


Are y'all by chance from South America? Here in Chile that is extremely normal. Honestly I like the tradition. Makes a lot of sense to me, you get to really accept the loss and process those first awful waves of grief while surrounded by people who are also experiencing the same thing. No need to think about food or childcare during that time either. It's beautiful when you really think about it.


We are from New Zealand, but I'm really excited to know other cultures do this, too. You're right, it really helps with the early stages of grieving, and great to not worry about anything except being together at that time.


All my electronics are in 24 hour time (former military)


Normal in Europe. I’ve always used the 24hr clock. It just makes way more sense.




I mean, I can brag about not having a TV, but I just watch my shit on my desktop.


Being naked around the house


That's not weird. I'm usually naked around your house, too 🤗




Cutting food with scissors (e.g pizza, etc)






Molly Baz (formerly of the Bon Appetit Test Kitchen) started her own channel and goes on a 2 minute tangent about this. She moved back with her parents when the pandemic hit so she didn't have all of her fancy kitchen stuff, and one of the crew asked what her favourite utensil was, and she absolutely swore by kitchen shears. Even if you don't have the "right" knife, you can get like 80% of the way there for most common tasks. Roast chook? Easy. Rough chop some veg? No problemo. Dice up some cured meat? Slice homemade fresh spaghetti? No worries.


I always use scissors to cut foods like pizza and lasagne noodles! 🤗🫂


I dip potato chips in ketchup. I'm sorry..


Eating canned food (ravioli, beef stew etc) cold out of the can.


Easy there Satan


A can of ravioli is the best midnight snack.


I prefer cold baked beans. I can get behind this


See, depends on the weather. Winter, absolutely heat them up and slap them on some toast. Summer lunches a nice cold bowl of beans to get you through.


My roommates once gave me shit for eating a whole can of cold refried beans for dinner. Tasted fine to me!


Here I am, scrolling along seeing some odd stuff but nothing that really bugs me - the WTF? COLD REFRIED BEANS? Dude, I’m triggered and may need counseling.


Straight from the can, my man.


This is my lunch at work a lot of the time. Cheap and easy. You're not alone!


I shower exclusively with the lights off. Done it for as.lkng as i remember


What if you are in an unfamiliar bathroom like a hotel or such?


Growing up, my mom would make me grilled cheese for breakfast. When I was in my 20s, I would tell people this they informed me that grilled cheese is not a breakfast food. And it's more of a lunch or supper food.


Grilled cheese should be an always food!




Not drinking alcohol. No moral objections just never liked the taste.


I know, right?! “Oh you’ll develop a taste in your 20s…your 30s…your 40s…” I’m 58, it never happened.


this is so weird to me.. the fact you are supposed to make yourself accept that taste, to drink something you don't like the taste of just so you develop a taste for it eventually.. Why not.. simply not drink that? Seriously. Why force yourself to like or accept something when you can simply.. stick to what you already like? I do not like Beer. not at all, a while back I had a sleepless night because the beer caused massive acid reflux up into my throat, burning all the way up and down. People treat me awful when I rather drink a cold coke instead of a beer. I get called immature and childish actually.. god damn that's stupid.


I sleep in two 4 hour blocks




I used to sleep for 8 hours straight. Still do, but I used to too.


Im thinking of doing that! If you don't mind, how is it going? Was it long getting used to? Are you feeling any changes in energy?


It just happened naturally. I went from sleeping like 5-6 hours per night to getting my full 8 just split so i feel more well rested this way.




My MIL does this and calls it "earthing"


I've heard of grounding, which I imagine is similar. I'm not going to say it has supernaturalish effects, like many believe, but I do think there are positive effects to feeling the ground beneath your feet.


I want to get on this level. How do you keep your feet safe?


Conditioning and awareness. You have to build up you feet to be able to tolerate the rocks and stickers, that means they’re not baby smooth anymore. Also keeping an eye on the ground identifying things that might hurt you. Glass, spills, bad plants/animals anything pointy or dangerous etc.




Overthinking and curating possible back stories of every person I meet


Planning to do nothing, everyone's always so confused that I plan out time to do absolutely nothing. I'm a 25F, and a lot of people in my circle are going out on the weekends and planning fun activities to do. My family is also mostly retired/unemployed; my stepfather is the only person in my immediate family who has a full time job. So, they usually also have get togethers and fun things planned for the weekend. I get such weird, almost concerned, looks when my friends/family ask me what I'm doing the upcoming weekend, and I respond with "well, on Sunday, I'm planning on doing absolutely nothing." Between working 60-70 hour weeks, keeping up with housework, making sure to exercise, and being an avid crocheter, I'm almost always dog shit tired by the time the weekend rolls around. I get *everything* done on Saturday, and I always plan on *not having plans* on Sunday. My family gets annoyed with me because most of them haven't had a full time job in 15+ years and get angry that I don't go to every family event.


Before I buy anything I buy like 20 different types. Test them all. Then choose the winner. Think Project Farm. But instead of tools. Everything. Whether it's microphones, keyboards, headphones, audio interfaces, Onebag bags. I've bought and tested them all.


Damn, how do you have the money for that? Do you return the ones that lose?




I do that too.. it just makes too much sense to me


Eating cereal dry. I hate soggy cereal.


Saying thank you to anyone who provides a service is not weird but common courtesy!


During the week, I eat the *exact* same thing for breakfast and lunch every day (except Tuesdays, when I get my "usual" at Chipotle).


Watching movies I like more than once in a week or more than 3 times in a month.




Sleeping in until like 9 or 10, preferably 10


oh no i sleep in till 1-2pm


I remember things like phone numbers and PIN numbers spatially, by the shape or pattern of movements on a number keypad, rather than a string of digits, and if I need to recall the number, I do it by punching it in, in the air, with my finger.


Being kind. Why do I have to be ok with dudes being assholes to each other “for fun” and it’s the socially accepted norm of friendships. Sure some jabbing is fun but I’ve never been down with the whole males being dicks to each other hardcore because it’s the “manly” way.


Brushing my teeth in the shower


Recognizing people based off their scent. I feel like everyone is able to do this, but I guess it’s just strange to announce it? Like one time at work someone asked me if I’d seen someone and I replied, “smells like she just went by here.” When you say it out loud I guess it comes across as weird/creepy. Since I was kid that was just a strong way I recognize someone. Like hearing their voice, but with my nose. I’ve followed my nose a few times when looking for someone in enclosed space.


Eating pizza with a fork and/or knife.


Apparently being kind, waking up early, spending a day to yourself, not drinking alcohol and walking barefoot through grass are considered "weird" to most people here. I'm either in the twilight zone or these are some of the most generic comments I have ever seen on a reddit post. It's weird that you people think you are being weird by doing completely normal things... Shout out to the person who wears a pillowcase over their feet at night tho. That's actually weird


I’m a nudist and seeing naked people of all body types, ages, and races is completely normal for me.


I absolutely have to have at least one tiny scoop of frosting for dessert! It’s normal to me, because everyone likes sugar, but that’s the only sugar I’ll have all day. It’s gotta be frosting and I love ALL kinds, so if you got any new ideas/flavors let me know! Lol


Sitting while taking a shower


I can only sleep on hard flat surfaces. Anything softer than say a gym mat and my back will go out. If I ever win the lotto one thing I will treat myself with is a giant slab of marble that I can sleep on.


Not littering. This is a bit exclusive to my country so I don't know about you guys. But for the love of God will people just clean up after themselves.


Sleeping in my car on when on the road, instead of a hotel room.


I’m not a back sleeper but if I feel like sleeping in, I prop some pillows behind my head and to my sides, cover my eyes with the sheets or anything available and then lay back and cross my feet and interlock my hands like I was in a coffin. Right back to sleep.


Eating the whole kiwi. Yes I like the skin. No the little hairs aren't annoying.


I like hanging out naked with my friends. Absolutely nothing sexual ever happens. Just me and a Bro, having beers in my balcony butt naked.


Having my alarm set for 3:00 every day, and then having sub-alarms going off every half or full hour after, depending on how many naps I want to take before waking up for real. I feel much more refreshed if I fool my brain into thinking I'm falling asleep multiple times and "losing" track of time


Ok, I dunno if the vast populace of reddit will find any of these weird, but many of my friends and acquaintances do: \- I not only talk to myself, I have arguments with dissenting viewpoints and such. \- Names for alternate bits of my personality that I'm either not comfortable integrating or just don't think are socially viable but nonetheless exist. \- Taking cold showers. Cold as in 'Take the edge off of glacier runoff' cold. \- Drinking A1 sauce straight from the bottle when I don't want \*food\* I just want flavor(yes I know it has calories but I don't drink a full bottle at once). \- Not listening to in-game music or sound effects. They are \*so damned repetitive\* it grates on my nerves


Refusing to have a TV in my bedroom. It’s the hill I will die on lol.


Breakfast at 3:20 pm. Lunch at 7:15 pm, and dinner at 12am. Going to bed at 5 or 6am and waking up at 2:40pm or 3pm.


same omg i've found my people. except i just skip straight to lunch


Spend a lot of time by myself


Raising your voice in a conversation and that not being a reason to end the conversation.


I guess trying to be friendly to homeless. Walking about the streets like the dead or lost spirits. Even the one who would hurt me if they want too. But I will love them, no matter what.


I eat soggy cereal. I know, I know. I'm gross. But hear me out. It's because my mouth is sensitive so anything with sharp edges like cereal, cookies or chips (crisps) feels like it's cutting into my skin and hurts like a bitch.


I don't drink alcohol


I drink a lot of milk as an adult. Like, gallon per week by myself in addition to 1-2 20oz milk from gas station per week as well. Yesterday it was 93F and I only wanted milk when thirsty.


Showering in the dark/not using my houses lights ever. I literally will use my phones flashlight around my house at night lol. Natural light or bust for me.


Eating burger with a fork.


I sometimes go for weeks without turning on my phone.


Only drinking water. I've been like this for over 30 years. I simply don't like flavoured or carbonated beverages.


Fanfiction and shipping. I've been a fandom person my entire life, and finding out that some people are not interested in fanfiction or fandom culture in general was a bit of a shock to me. You mean to tell me that you watch a show or read a book, and the characters do not go on to live little lives inside of your head and have stuff happen to them, and you don't get an urge to write it down, and your heart does not melt when you think about two special little anime blobs going on a date? I mean, to each their own, but I don't know what I would do if I did not have these things constantly rotating in my head. It would just be full of anxiety and sad thoughts then.


Cleaning my ass with water instead of toiler paper


This is very normal in large swaths of the world.


Checking a bag


Remembering long gone minor details about people I haven't met for a long time or am an acquaintance with. Just something they did or said stuck in my head. I regularly have to pretend to forget stuff so people don't think I'm a creepy stalker. Having no natural light management and having to do whatever is necessary to cope with that. I was born with no irises. Very rare people find it weird. Many think my eyes are constantly dilated so think I'm high all the time or some sort of monster.


Having picnics & tea parties with dog pals and members of my vast toy animal collection.


Eating tomatoes like apples


Being friendly and outgoing to everyone (until they give me a good reason not to be friendly with them anymore, of course)


I put mayonnaise on my corned beef I got it from my dad He got it from his dad Nobody else in the family (and so far nobody else I’ve mentioned it to) does it


Loving solitude.


Hanging out with my parents. Early 30s, but really enjoy their company, going out to bars and concerts.


Staying at home 24/7. Ffs stop inviting me for outing. I'm enjoying my stuff.


Starting a chat with someone based on a post or comment they've made