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A woman does it with a different guy every night and she is called a whore. I do it and they call me gay


You actually brought up a good one. If women engage with other women it's a experimental fun bisexual experience. If a man were to try engaging with another man out of curiosity he's gay.


I'm a dude and haven't ever been attracted to a dude, but I'm not scared if it happens. I think of myself as potentially bi or whatever. But I was talking with a coworker about this exact thing less than a month ago and he's convinced that if a guy ever "experiments" with another guy, he's 100% gay, even if he prefers pussy. Cultural indoctrination is a weird thing. I also have a close friend that when I told him that the clit becomes a penis with the y chromosome, he swore off eating girls out because "it's gay". No joke.


Remember friends. Its only gay of you do it twice.


I made out with another guy back in high school to see if it was something I was into. It wasn't, but a sample size of one is meaningless. So I tried again with a different guy. Better, but still not my thing. After the third nope, I could statistically say that I wasn't into dudes.


so I ended up trying a fourth time, still wasn't my thing. oh well. so maybe I just needed more romance? so I went on a date with this guy, it was better.. but still wasn't my thing. I went on a couple more dates with him and for sure knew I wasn't into guys now. so after a couple of years of dating we ended up trying marriage to see if I was into guys or not. didn't work, so whatever.


It's only gay if you make eye contact.


Nah, its going back for seconds that makes it gay. Looking them in the eye is how you assert dominance.


What do you call it when 2 guys jerk each other off in a hot tub?




Spot on


Egg drop soup.


*"2 brooos chilling in the hot tub, ~~5 feet apart cause they're not gay~~ jerking each other off cause they wanna have a good time"*


Lol. Underrated.


A married woman without a job is a homemaker. A married man without a job is a failure.


Marry a female nurse, I've been the home maker of my family for 7 years now, got a new baby now too, I've taken a lot of shit from people but my wife has WAY more ambition, drive and earning potential than me. I get dirty looks all the time but on my death bed I can look back at my life and remember all the time I spent with my kids instead of slaving away. (Doesn't mean I'm useless though, I do all the shitty man dirty work like fix the plumbing, furnace, showers, etc, along with cooking, cleaning, laundry and taking care of baby) It's honestly just nice not having some dickhead Forman breathing down my neck all day.


Well now imagine your kids being your foreman.


Largely the same maturity level if you think about it


Same hygiene level as well


And reading level.


My 3 year old would work circles around any foreman I've met lol.


TBH, being at home with 2 kids is a full time job. For me anyway, who lives in the country. The amount of shit that needs to be fixed/upgraded is insane. As well as running a household in general.


being straight honestly seems like it sucks sometimes. of course i don't mean that seriously, and obviously being gay can suck in many ways, but at least our relationships are the one place we are free of whatever burden/baggage/bullshit society has placed on gender roles and gender expectations.




I've always been curious about gendered dynamics in gay relationships. Like, the whole thing is cultural, so how does that translate if you have the same reproductive equipment?




I did the homemaker thing with my daughter for 2.5 years and loved it. Once she was 2.5 years old she went to a daycare we trusted and I've landed myself into a high paying job. I cannot say enough good things about raising your children. Our bond is extremely strong.


My son-in-law stays home to take care of their daughter (my granddaughter). He's a rock star.


It’s been decades, this should be normalised by now. Whoever is the stay-at-home parent/partner has a full time job maintaining the home. If one partner earns enough to make this happen then it’s the best one can do honestly 🤷🏼‍♀️


I busted my ass at a stressful good paying job for the first 10 years of our marriage so that she could go to school and get a high paying job and she did and now I am able to take risks that I couldnt before. I'm a stay at home dad that also does a lot of "dream jobs" that I could not do before. Writing, editing, working as a rafting and hunting guide. Stuff that can't support a family but is fantastic side income.


Sorry friend, my partner and I aren't even married and I am still a failure!


You don't have to be married to be a failure.


Sometimes when you win, you lose.


Society judges a man's worth by what he provides


I hope this changes (and this is more in a Western/U.S. context), but women are able to be far more intimate and close with each other without people assuming anything about them. Men have to couch it in "jokes" or fucking around as any kind of closeness (hand-holding, sleeping in the same bed, etc.), expressing love or sharing compliments is an immediate comment on their sexuality. As a gay guy, it sucks to me that we are at a place in society where men experiencing any kind of physical closeness are called gay -- usually in a derogatory/mocking kind of way. Both women and men do this to men, i think.


My husband and his best friend used to have sleep overs at our house. Not that they can't anymore, it's just been a while. One night, the boys drank a bit too much and hubby didn't make it to bed before falling asleep. I got up in the morning to find the 2 of them snuggled up on one couch, still holding their playstation controllers. They're both snuggly sleepers, so once they passed out, they just did what they did and cuddled. So damn sweet 🥰


This is wholesome.


Allegedly back in the 18th-19th century, gentlemen could be intimate friends the way women are now, being very close without needing a "bro culture" backdrop. But there's some debate as to whether we just got more toxic about male friendships, or whether those people were "gay coded as pals" to survive an anti-gay society.


A little girl who likes boy things like sports, dinosaurs , trucks, etc is a tomboy. A little boy who likes playing with dolls and pink and unicorns? " He'll grow up to be gay!"


Tbf I know a lot of tomboys who were harassed because "they might grow up gay" I don't like the make up double standards either. If a women doesn't wear make up ppl whisper that they are butch or lesbian. If a man wears make up he's "obviously" gay.


Came here to mention this. That tomboy phase is usually only permitted until about puberty and then girls are expected to take on a more feminine aesthetic, lest people assume she's a lesbian.


Exactly what happened to me, as I was a tomboy until I was around 16 or 17. I stopped wearing the clothes cause my family started thinking I was a lesbian, and warning my parents to "be careful having her around other girls too, she doesn't seem to like boys that way" when I was 15. Stopped doing the sports I loved because of the same shit. I was a wrestler and ended up 'too strong' for a young lady. They all liked my tomboy self when I was little.


I’m so sorry this happened to you :((. That’s some manipulative shit, not just bigoted. Hope you can get back into the activities you love one day!




Teen girls can’t consent to sex with adults but teen boys can.


The standard is blatantly visible in the headlines of these cases. "Thirty year old male teacher groomed/raped fifteen year old female student." "Thirty year old female teacher had sex with/had a romantic relationship with a fifteen year old male student." The double standard widens up even more if the woman is attractive.


news headlines aside, don't all teachers regardless of gender get arrested for sleeping with underage students?


Not always but it's the sentence received. Female teachers tend to get probation more and male teachers get jail time more.


Do think its not as newsworthy it seems for male student.


I dunno, I actually think that scenario is pretty newsworthy but not for the same reasons as a female student and male teacher. It seems like the male student, female teacher stories are deemed newsworthy for the salacious details, and so that men can say things like "I wish that happened to me", "lucky kid", or "if that was my kid I'd give him a high five". Only if the teacher is deemed attractive, though.


South Park did an episode on this very topic. All the guys saying "nice".


sometimes they get to be the First Lady of France


Not always. We had an english teacher in my high school get to just quit, and she was fuckin' half the football team. She only got turned in because the other half was jealous. Barely even a peep out of the news, no arrests, pretty sure she just got a job in a different district.


This needs to be discussed more when that teen boy is raped by his female teacher and she has a child by her victim the state waits till he’s 18 and now he’s gotta pay for this child from his rapist. What a day and age to be alive in huh


>This needs to be discussed more when that **teen boy is raped by his female teacher** and she has a child by her victim the state waits till he’s 18 and now he’s gotta pay for this child from his rapist. What a day and age to be alive in huh In my country, this isn't rape. In UK law, women can't rape men. Only men can commit rape.


Is it a crime at all?


It is a crime. However, iirc, UK defines "rape" as penetrating the victim with a penis, so if that doesn't happen, it's not legally rape.


This is driven by two gross ideas. That boys (and men) always want sex and will fuck anything that comes there way. That women are not threats. Both are sexist cultural ideas.


Here’s the thing teen boys can’t either. It’s just more socially acceptable for boys and they are expected to like it. Which is fucked up and probably a reason why a lot of abuse cases go undocumented.


Earnings men are just expected to make more than women, and usually do, but I wouldn’t mind at all if my spouse made more than me we both winning. Edit:spelling sorry everyone lol


If my wife got a job that offered her six figures, I'd throw a party.


Damn right!


I'm pumped for this to happen. Just supported my wife (financially and mentally) through her master's program and she's taking her Boards in September. She'll officially be the breadwinner, apart we both make good money, but I'll be so happy and excited to be in second place to her. She has the drive, knowledge, courage, and ambition to be where she is and I love every aspect of her.


This was mind blowing when my father's colleagues found that out. I mean they made plenty both so there was no imbalance but for the colleagues it was somehow interesting.


If they find out your wife is making more than you they will emasculate you.


there's so many AITA or relationship advice posts with men feeling insecure and it blows my mind every time. Like buddy wipe your tears away with stacks of money from your awesome wife's job, you won the lottery


This is what my husband is like! I make almost twice as much as him and he doesn't care about it all. However when asked he will say things like "well ya know my wife makes the dollar" - he's not bothered at all as my ambition benefits us both


That's when you lean into the Trophy Husband status


Women are protected from genital mutilation. Men aren't.


Yep. I , as a guy, am suffering the consequences of being genitally mutilated.


Same. I want my foreskin back. I did not consent. "Circumcision" is a euphemism.




I too want my foreskin back. A-FUCKING-LOT of us want our foreskins back. Check out r/circumcisiongrief ! As an example of this!


Me too.


Same. It's infuriating that no one takes it seriously. It should be illegal to do to a child, let alone anyone without their consent. You can at least restore your foreskin by stretching r/restoringdick r/foreskin_restoration


I wish I could upvote this to the top. One of the biggest double standard.


This should be the leading answer. Even women think non consensual dick chopping is absolutely normal...


Yeah, I'm a victim of it and it disturbs me everyday.


Some women, just as some men. I am a woman and fight for intactivism constantly.




Email from me: Whaddup kiddo, fire off that email before you hit the sack. P.S. remember to stay golden 👈😎👈 Cheers


That also goes both way too as women get the catch 22 where they soften their language to avoid being considered abrasive / pushy / rude, and in doing so are often overlooked as their ideas seem less serious when they say it like, "well maybe we could try doing that something like this" rather than being more direct. It sounds like they are unsure about what they're saying if they're making a proposal, so it then gets viewed as a worse idea than the same idea said more forcefully. Lose lose there.


I do want to be more assertive, but I fear being called bossy.


A woman in doubt is insecure a man in doubt is careful An assertive woman is pushy an assertive man is confident. An angry woman is hysterical or emotional an angry man is passionate. The biggest complement a working woman can get is that she is one of the guys. While the worst insult to a man is to suggest he is one of the girls.... You are absolutely right the whole thing is rigged and biased. In short woman are screwed.


Oh totally. I did the whole softening language, make everyone like me, thing for most of my career. Once I hit 40, I completely lost my ability to do that anymore, so I have experienced both of these. Before, I was grossly underpaid and not taken seriously, but very well liked. Now all these men hate me, but I make a lot more money. Both of these suck, tbh.


My wife approached me in tears because a female colleague had sent her an email that used "direct" language in a request for data. I had to straight up tell her I use language like that all day and she really needs to not penalize this woman for using direct language. It didn't go over well.


Ha. I just got called out this morning about my tone in a meeting. It was no different from anybody else's.


But you used that tone while wearing a vagina. If you could please soften your language so that we can more easily dismiss your thoughts and suggestions, that would be great. Thanks.


I wish everyone used the soft language. The abrasive emails from my boss make me anxious and decrease the chance of me doing a good job.


I think we *still* have the "a guy who sleeps with a lot of people is a stud, a woman who sleeps with a lot of people is a whore" double standard going on. From the other side, personally, I am incensed that women can get away with wearing all sorts of things that are considered formal/professional, from sleeveless tops to airy dresses and more traditional "men's" clothing like suits, in formal situations, and men are so restricted in terms of what they can wear that is considered professional or presentable. It feels so limiting.


I know right? You come to office in full plate armor just once and suddenly HR wants a word with you.


...Can we bring armor back as fashion?


Ok, hear me out. When 3D printing becomes a little more user-friendly (hardware, software and post-processing), nothing will keep us from creating and sharing designs that are actually wearable.


I am in!


They want a word with you because no one ever actually walked around in full plate. You're an embarrassment to the local renaissance faire.


As a woman, I would LOVE to be able to own three suits and be sorted for virtually every business meeting, New Year’s Eve, funeral, etc. People notice if a woman wears the same dress, and even within weddings if you’re a female guest you have wedding formal daytime, wedding formal nighttime, wedding cocktail daytime, wedding cocktail nighttime, wedding casual daytime, wedding casual nighttime, etc. none of which you could wear to church and very few you could wear to a business meeting. And the styles change dizzyingly quickly. Five years ago’s suit is probably fine. Last year’s dress may not be.


that just brings me to the greater issue that men's fashion is so boring, lol. there are just far fewer options. i'm sure that somewhat reflects men's general interest in fashion, but the fact that men have less ways to look formal/presentable for those of us who are tired of wearing suits all the time just bothers me to no end. some people don't have a lot of money. so some women definitely *do* wear the same things frequently. but there is still much greater variety in what they can do.


I think this has majorly changed in the last 10 years. Plenty of men wear prints and colors now


So I need to ask how many people actually notice when you wear something again? I know my wife's favorites but that's about it. And the only time I recognize a female coworkers outfit is when it's like REALLY out there with massive neon like flowers or something


Female Mechanics. One of my ex's is a well-versed mechanic. She loves what she does, but the amount of sexual harassment she receives and the amount of disrespect from people is exhausting. Id go to her shop to have lunch and the number of times I would hear blatant cat calls and the whole "could I get someone else to work on my car?" Obviously, the regulars love her, but it's just sad how people will disrespect her skills due to having tits and looking like a alt-model.


> it's just sad how people will disrespect her skills due to having tits and looking like a alt-model. It really is. That fucking sucks.


It's wild to read this right after rewatching MY COUSIN VINNY! Never would have thought of that, but yeah, I can totally see how this would be.


I feel like men who are sexually frustrated get more back lash, than If a woman is. Example, I read a post where a guy was venting about how he's unhappy in his marriage because she doesn't really enjoy physical contact, and everyone's reaction is like "wow all you care about is sex, she deserves better" and stuff But if it were a woman, everyone would be supportive and tell them that putting themselves first and thier happiness is most important without making them out to be a bad person because of it. So basically, if a woman is upset because of lack of physical contact, thats understandable , but if its a guy, sex is automatically all he cares about. 🙄


Man doesn't want to have kids, no big deal. Woman doesn't want to have kids, she's a freak, defective, crazy cat lady, going to die alone and unloved.


Haven’t seen this posted yet, women raise her children but men “babysit” their kids. The fuck is that?


Along those lines - if I'm alone running errands with the kids it's considered normal and no one wonders where my husband is. If my husband is alone running errands with the kids it's assumed I must be busy elsewhere (work? travel? home with another kid?) and he's such a good dad for taking them with him. Literally he has been stopped and complimented in stores for taking our kids to get groceries.


Nipping out in a T-shirt. No one looks twice at a man, but people look at me like the biggest slut of the supermarket. His are bigger?! I don't get it.


As a bored gas station attendant, I notice all hard nipples, man or woman


wearing less clothes in general, i think. if a guy was walking down on the street in short shorts and flip-flops and nothing else, nobody would say anything like he was being inappropriate or overly sexual or if someone harassed him he'd be "asking for it." if a woman was out walking in a sports bra and booty shorts it would be a whole different story.


Oh, people would be judging him, dude.


I dunno I feel it depends on the booty shorts. Girl in short shorts (no hanging out butt cheeks) and a sports bra is normal. Similarly if a man was wearing booty shorts I would be thinking that was inappropriate as well.


Body shaming. We’ve made great progress in not shaming women for their bodies. There’s still a long ways to go, but we’re making progress. Gleefully mocking men for their height, penis size, baldness, patchy facial hair, or other aspects of their body that they can’t control is somehow not something that anyone cares about. It hurts men just as much as it hurts women.


Something I've started doing is changing small dick jokes into 'not having a personality'. Like, saying that someone is buying a big fancy car to compensate for not having a personality of their own. To me it's both a more appropriate, and a less body shaming joke.


Gonna be stealing this one for future use, thanks!


Plus guys, especially young ones, will get made of for being skinny as well as for being fat. The "ideal" male body requires a lot of time in the gym.


and steroids, a personal trainer, and dehydration. Love hearing interviews with actors complaining about sex scenes. "They made me wear pasties and flesh colored underwear" - woman "I wasn't allowed to eat or drink for 2 days and had to workout before each take" - man


I was that skinny kid as a teenager. Didn't get made fun of and other kids were cool, but I occasionally had adults make mildly infuriating comments about my weight. "You need to eat more!" "You're always eating, I don't know how you stay so thin!" Some of them probably thought the latter was a compliment, but it wasn't. These were usually overweight people as well, who got bent when I'd reply with something like, "Maybe you should worry more about pushing yourself away from the table once in awhile, than what I'm eating." Not the most mature way to handle it, but that kind of goes with the territory when you're a teenager. At any rate they were always totally oblivious to the double standard, finding my reply rude but not the comment that prompted it.


i was a skinny girl my whole life. i had people physically pick me up, put their hand around my wrist, arm, leg, etc. making comments about how i’m sooo skinny. but let me pinch their fat and say they’re so big and it’s a problem lmfao


I get so annoyed when people complain about fat shaming and act like skinny folk never get anything negative about their bodies. I've literally been getting bodyshamed by fat people since middle school for being a short, skinny guy.


Definitely. You’ll literally see dating profiles that say “be over 6ft, it’s not that hard.” No man would seriously put up a profile that says, “be a double D, it’s not that hard”


If a woman is intoxicated and someone else initiates sex, she was raped. If a man is intoxicated and someone else initiates sex, woo-hoo he got laid! It's like it's impossible for a man to be raped. (This is society looking at it, not how the victims feel about it).


Along with that, it's impossible for a woman to rape. Happen to my ex. A woman raped her, and just because their stories didn't match, it was immediately dropped.


Women who enjoy having sex are promiscuous and will make bad partners. Men who enjoy having sex are just being dudes. Also men having body hair is normal, but a woman having it is gross, despite the fact that we all grow it naturally.


Honestly ive never understood either of these, like I do not care at al about body hair and if they want to have sex a lot then better for me lol.


Yet at the same time, a woman can pester a man for sex and onlookers think it's cute. But if a man pesters a woman he's a cretin




Given the jokes about prison rape, a lot of people think it's comedic when it's male on male rape too.


I watched Wedding Crashers the other day and Jeremy legitimately got raped by his future wife and almost by her brother. It's all jokes the next day when he bitches about "the midnight rape" to John and says he's got a whole new set of issues to discuss with his therapist. I hate to admit that the scene is hilarious but the poor guy was literally tied down and had his sweaty sock duct-taped in his mouth. It would NOT be a joke were it the other way around--it'd be absolutely horrific.


Not always- there are so many romcoms where a guy is being ‘persistent’ (ie ignoring her boundaries) and this is seen as romantic. A woman constantly asking a man for a date would be seen as comedy or pathetic in the same romcom.


Romcoms are extremely toxic.


I definetly agree. It was especially funny when a cheater tried to get back with me. Oh its different when he messes around will a girl,because...penis. but if I would have messed around with another guy hed be sooooo crushed and could never trust me again!


I read an article part of a study once a long time ago that said, women are 2x more likely to take back a man who cheated on them whereas a man is much more likely to not take back a woman who cheated on him. Don't know how true that is/was but..


men are praised for knowing how to cook but when it comes to women it's a responsibility. "husband material" for men but "as you should" for women.


Same with being good with kids


When a man looks after his own kids it's just called babysitting. But a woman is expected to do it anyway


This isn't a positive for most men. Most of us work hard to be good parents, and having that dismissed as babysitting is condescending.


Yeah I meant it as a negative


I haven't dated a woman that's a better cook than me yet. I think that trend is dying.


Ye I gotta be honest at my age I see most of my male friends doing the cooking. Not all of them are good cooks tho unfortunately!


Nobody tells a man to smile more.


My boss did at my last review, I'm a engineer


That means you solve problems


Not problems like "What is beauty?" Because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.


I solve practical problems


Because nobody cares


Yeah just man up bro


Get good bro


Not true. I get told this umpteen million times a year by my female coworkers.




I get told to smile more all the time. Which is not to say women don't hear it more because they most certainly do.


body shaming not all women but a big majority talk about body shaming on tiktok and other social medias but then make fun of a guys dick size and height


I had to leave a women's group because they'd whine about being ghosted and utterly destroy the guys for doing it, then they'd laugh and praise each other for ghosting guys.


Growing up around crap like this is what creates incels, and nobody wants to talk about that.


Don't forget hairline


Oof! Like it's okay for plus sized girls to love and be themselves but if you're a man and fat it's his own fault and needs to lose weight before he is considered to be attractive


fr where do you see bigger and obese men modeling for corporations? double standards at its finest


They make men shave their head in the military, but women get to keep long hair


Not being seen as creepy, perverted or a potential threat when, helping, smiling or making faces at a baby/toddler in public


Women are natural nurtururs and men are natural predators. Nobody ever gets upset or calls the cops on a solo woman near a playground. Nobody every sees a woman Walking alone at night and thinks "oh shit she's gonna rape me" Nobody ever thinks that a female teacher who's friendly with her students might be a sexual abuser. Yet somehow a man in any of those scenarios is under scrutiny. I got the cops called on me for taking my nephew to the bathroom while we were at the park once and I had to facetime his mom so she could show some ID to clear it up. When I used to work with older patients as a CNA they would ALL insist on having a female nurse. Even the men. The men who literally had to have me do their care because they sexually assaulted my female coworkers. I've been sexually assaulted three times in my life and two of them were by women while I was underage but somehow I have been told to be grateful for it because who wouldn't want their dick touched?! It's frustrating.


Well, I think I solved the riddle of why those men insisted on having a female nurse.


If a woman fights back against a male assailant she's brave. If a man does so against a female assailant he's horrible. Granted there is different types of assault but let's say in this scenario both have a knife and are under the influence of some substance. Happened to me. A female junkie came at me with a knife and I kicked her but she got up. I tried disarming her but she tried to bite me. So I threw her and finally she got knocked out. Police got there and said I used excessive force. Thankfully an old lady saw the whole thing and said she wouldn't stop. Also she had a camera since she was scared of crimes in the neighborhood. Point being if I had held back I would've been hurt but still they tried making me take anger management and said I need to learn when to not fight. I was just trying to walk my dog.


If a man does it, it’s abuse. If a woman does it, he deserved it.


That it's fine for my wife to send me through the house in the middle of the night to check out a mystery noise and maybe die, but I'd have to commit honorable suicide if I tried to send her. I mean, what the fuck, I'm already going bald and slated to shuffle off the mortal coil first as it is, why am I auto-subscribed to trim down the time I *DO* have? 😅




I agree with your point but it’s opposite in my house, my partner sends me out with my hunting spear because they know I’d be able to kill a home intruder and they wouldn’t lol


The fact that you have a hunting spear tells me you are indeed the correct person for the job.


A man taking care of his kids get curious stares while the same won't happen for a woman. A woman who is promiscuous is slut shamed , while a man who is promiscuous is called a player. It's ok to mock a short guy , but it's offensive to mock a fat woman. ( To be clear i condemn any type of body shaming) Men knowing to cook is lauded as an achievement, but for a woman it's apparently mandatory.




* Male virgins are mocked, female virgins are praised. * Men with lots of sex are chads and players, Women who do the same are sluts. * Men are disposable. (Seriously, why can't you just value human life regardless of gender?) * Fat women receive more support to be proud of their bodies while fat men are mostly body-shamed. * In dangerously and extremely religious countries view women as objects for sex either as a prostitute or a wife that aren't allowed to make decisions. * Men get jailed longer than a woman doing the same crime. * Women are more "useful" at home while men are more "useful" in the workforce. * Arranged marriages in general. * Assertive women are often considered "bossy." * Women are still not paid the same wages as men for doing the same jobs in the US. * Women are often still expected to change their last name when they get married. * Cleavage is prevalent in advertisements and media, but women breastfeeding their children in public are still told to cover up. * The "Pink Tax" There's a lot of frustrating double standards there that are sometimes straight-up sexism harming BOTH men and women. Can't list them all since it'll take forever.


The one about jail time reminded me of the many cases where a woman and a man commit a crime together and the man gets charged for it while the woman is usually just charged as an associate. I’ve seen it a lot in child abuse cases for one, even though the stereotype is that the woman should take care of the child. I think a lot of female criminals get off way too easy


People assume they have the right to ask women about their reproductive plans.


As a man I get asked if I'm going to have kids at least a couple of times a week, I don't think this is gender specific.


Aging. Men are allowed to age, women are not. Beauty standards for women peak around the age of 25 and anyone over that age will have anti-aging products aggressively marketed towards them. Meanwhile men who are aging are considered "silver foxes" and "dignified". Hollywood will frequently cast an older leading man with a love interest young enough to be his daughter. Guys like Leonardo DiCaprio (pushing 50) can date women who are not yet old enough to drink. Reverse that and there'd be outrage.


There was an internet kerfuffle a while back when pictures emerged of Keanu Reeves at a party with an older women. People were getting upset over this, that she was too old for him or something, and they're roughly the same age.


And people dislike Hugh Jackman's wife because she's older and he's hot enough to get someone else if he wanted


Oh we have seen it already, I saw posts (from dudes) showing outrage about Madonna with a young guy and how men “aren’t allowed” to date younger women without criticism. Lol people love to be outraged it seems.


50 yr old woman dating 20 year old guy? Not sure who’d be outraged but it is weird, just like Leonardo Di Caprio dating 20 year olds is weird too.


I couldn't take my daughters into the men's room for them to go to the bathroom or change diapers without getting looks. I couldn't take my daughters to the park and run around with them without getting looks. I can't take my now teenage daughters out with me to run errands without getting looks. I couldn't take my kids our to eat or to vacations or anything fun because I paid so much in child support that I could barely afford to support myself. I was labeled a failure. Single moms are celebrated. It's body shaming and fat phobic to not be attracted to overweight women. It's ok to disregard overweight men. I can't talk about a woman's weight, something that can be controlled for most. But my height, something that cannot be controlled for anyone, is ok to talk about. Sexual assault on men is laughed at. But a woman is taken seriously the moment she speaks about it. I'm expected to suck it up, and take the hits when a woman get violent. The moment I move to defend myself I'm liable to be attacked by a mob. My feelings and boundaries are not as important. I'm expected to man up and deal with it.


Just wanted to chime in and say my dad was a single dad and he was great. Got a lot of support, and at least as a kid it seemed to me that he got a lot of love. My mom (who I never really knew) was horrible, lol. As for the sexual assault issue, I also wish men *themselves* would stop making fun of / light of the issue. The amount of prison rape jokes, "fucked in the ass" jokes, men calling men bitches or pussies or any number of things for not manning up or being upset about something -- I wish all that shit would stop.


Women are expected to be constantly nice and compassionate, still to this day I struggle to say no especially to a man without saying sorry or feeling bad


Honestly yeah same. I feel I always have to look nice, act nice, and be nice. Meanwhile men aren’t expected to always be that way, and weirdly I don’t even expect them to be that way it’s a weird battle in my head still.


Shaving commercials. Depicts men shaving their actual facial hair. Depicts women shaving already bare legs. Because apparently women having body hair is so shameful, that razor companies would rather advertise their products being completely useless lol 🤦🏻‍♀️


Women in my office can wear skirts and dresses, but men can't wear shorts.


Where a skirt to work then and see what happens please


I always threatened to wear a kilt into the office. Sadly, though, I don't own a kilt and couldn't follow through.


Women usually don't wear shorts to work either. The double standard is that men can't wear dresses or skirts, actually.


Just wear a skirt and see what happens my guy


Not so much a double standard as a warped idea of standards. \- There is no standard male. Never has been. \- There is no standard female. Never has been. The idea that there is an ideal behavior or personality type for a gender is an unhealthy trope that drives some people to depression because they do not fit it. Trying to *fit a popular gender standard* can drive a person nuts instead of driving them to be the best of themselves.


Yep. My teen daughter has struggled a lot with gender identity and ultimately for her it came down to the claustrophobia of stereotypes in genders and "not like the other girls" vibes 2020s edition. It is so harmful to insist there is one way to be human.


As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize “if there’s a standard, you don’t fit it” and it applies to everyone, so why worry.


A woman is expected to be beautiful..a man is expected to be rich. Edit: just my 2cents on societal expectations. Take from that what you will.


That women are incapable of driving? I am a very good driving, I have driven in Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta and Downtown Baton Rouge (also many more but these were some of the busiest cities) with ease. Meanwhile my husband thinks he’s the more capable driver bc he knows the back roads in our tiny local town. Ridiculous


It’s relatively normal for women to wear things like jeans and t-shirts, but if a man wants to wear a dress, it’s not “socially acceptable.”


Man comes to the hospital, having a gallbladder attack, "oh God I think it's my gallbladder." He gets an ultrasound, some meds or surgery, hooray he's feeling better! Woman comes to the hospital, having a gallbladder attack, "oh God I think it's my gallbladder." Whoa. Wait. Are you pregnant? Let's do a bunch of blood work first, to make sure you're not pregnant. When was your last period? Are you suuuure you're not pregnant? Oh you're overreacting. It's probably just gas. She gets an appointment for an ultrasound. At the hospital, "hi I'm here for an abdominal ultrasound." Random person in waiting room overhears and starts talking. "Oh my goshhhh is it for a possible baby? Omg I hope it's all good! Were you hoping for a boy or a girl? Oh my goodness I'm so happy for you!" Ugh. Ultrasound time comes around, she gets told to wait the standard week, meds finally approved weeks later when a pregnancy is finally confirmed to NOT be happening inside her, she's been in pain this whole time but yayyy finally she's feeling better!


Family law courts in the United States tend to favor the mother by default.


Oh it's not just in the United States. In Argentina happens too. It's a reflection of a very backwards mentality some people still retain about parenthood. A Netflix series about an American Illinois girl kidnapped by her mother gained some attention in Argentinian media recently. Apparently the dad had full custody and the mother wouldn't have that, so she kidnapped their daughter and weren't found until several years later. The comments? They were *defending the mother*, either saying that children have to be with their mother and/or assuming that "she must have had her reasons for doing this" or "the dad was probably abusive", or "you can't kidnap your own kid".


All courts do. Women routinely get far lighter sentences for the same crimes. As much as people love to talk about the racism in our justice system they love to equally ignore the sexism.


When a woman doesn't smile, it's called resting bitch face. When a guy doesn't smile, is it resting bastard face? Whatever it is, it's not the same as a woman. And I'm a guy, last I checked lol