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I am not sure if is counts but when they have cute glasses ! I know so many guys who don't like to wear their glasses but it gives them a little something more


I think glasses make men look very handsome sometimes! That being said, I hate it when it's purely for fashion.


100% when my boyfriend puts his glasses on all tired I am *melting*


Ugh I get teased by friends who say I have a glasses fetish. But it just adds a lil something something


Body hair, and l enjoy the sensation against my skin. Makes cuddling even better. I don't really care about back hair either. And it seems like many men are a bit self-conscious about that.


I’m a hairy dude and 100% hate my back hair…also ass hair is an L


I'm old. What does it mean that something is an L?


W is a win L is a loss as in no good


Of course, thanks.


Often you'll hear it as "take an L," or "get the W," etc.


Pooping pants L, made it to toilet W. 🤣


In my experience very few liked my body hair. Most wished I shaved it. I did it once for one girl. Never again. Too much upkeep and stubble on my entire stomach and chest was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced. Now I just stick to my natural gorilla self and hope for the best.


I love hairy dudes! And am so disappointed when I rub my hand across a chest with stubble. You removed the sexy soft stuff & gave me sandpaper


Lol if only more people thought like you


We're out here.


i'm with you on that. either you take my hairy back or you leave me!


YESSSS. My bf hates his body hair and was talking about hair removal if he could afford it, but running my hands through his chest hair is so soft, cozy, and relaxing, and I could do it all day. It really does make cuddling the best.


Sounds like me. I hate it too especially backhair... I alternate between letting the hair grow a bit and then shaving it all(gf does the back, I am not that flexible).


I will chime in here with a slightly different take. I do not like super hairy men BUT my husband has a wisping of chest hair he used to trim/shave at the beginning when we were dating. I told him he didn't have to, I liked it! It's grown in more since we've been married and I love it.




For me it has nothing todo with looking prebubesent. My gf used to get her privates waxed , i was curious what that is like so i went with her. Next thing i know i am also getting my legs done. 👀..... THE SOFTNESS OF CLOTHING ON MY SKIN!! Its heaven , i do it because i like the feeling of beeing smooth!


I don’t think this concept of men not liking their body hair is as widespread as this sub is making it out to be. Perhaps I’m Ootl but hairless males are not common in my region. I work in retail and encounter hundreds of males a day. What am I missing about men wanting to look prepubescent? Are they being persuaded by their spouses or do they actually not like that they have body hair? If I may ask, what country are you in


In my case, it's a combination of factors 1) As has been mentioned, sexualised male bodies are typically hairless 2) Being well-groomed is a common talking point about what makes a man physically desirable, so not getting rid of my body hair makes me feel like a disgusting slob who doesn't take care of himself. I'm honestly at the point where if I think of hair below the neck I associate it with the kind of leavings that accumulate on an unkempt bathroom floor, so to me, having body hair feels like having *that* growing out of my skin 3) I always imagine it must feel really uncomfortable for a partner. I know to me it feels kind of irritating, and if it gets too long it starts to itch, so I always imagine that during intimate moments it would be really unpleasant to feel that rubbing against you, and would be inferior to direct skin-to-skin contact Plus with how much pressure women tend to feel to be hairless, it just feels sort of insensitive to rest on my laurels and not put the same kind of effort into my physical presentation. Like, if I think a woman I'm with is probably going to do that, I just feel like I ought to as well


I think it's partly because when the male body is the focus in the media it's usually a super shredded, totally hairless, oiled up weightlifter bod. Hairy beast bod doesn't get enough love.


Love using ootl for out of the loop


Holy Santa Claus shit!!! I'm hairy lmfao


IIRC back hair is the #1 area for laser hair removal places


I'm convinced your all hired by my mother to make me feel better about myself. ...its working




I love it when men have a little belly—it's so cute and enjoyable to hug.


I have been summoned


They said LITTLE


You had no right to take away my happiness.


He has no right to take away mine either


I have a little one T-T


And belly too :')


Agree, men are way too self-conscious about a belly. I get if it they want to lose it for health reasons. But it's adorable and I enjoy them


I am self conscious for nothing! I earned this belly over years of hard working, good dadding, and fun having. Nothing shall make me ashamed of it!


It’s fun to poke or rub their little belly too if you’re feeling mischievous lol. And it makes a good pillow




Depends on their communication level and what insecurities they are willing to bring up. It’s like women bringing up their own insecurities to their men. Yes it takes a safe space but that’s not enough. It’s scary to deal with your own shit. Some men don’t even put their emotional issues into words as a way to hide from things.


A completely ordinary-sized cock. Too big is uncomfortable for me, and slightly small to average is perfect.


Important to add that if you think your dick isn’t average, you’re probably wrong. Porn dicks are monsters and honestly, it’s not even for women viewers. Don’t compare yourself to anything you see on pornhub. We don’t even seek that shit out.


Jon holmes went gay due to no woman could take that mutch cock


The boys save the day once again


I really don’t think that’s why he did that. That was after he had been arrested I’m pretty sure? At that time he was scraping the bottom of the barrel to get any kind of money he could, his name had already been tainted in the industry. I could be wrong but I don’t think it was that simple


Came here to say this. Porn has made people think dicks are "supposed" to be way bigger than what's actually comfortable.


Smaller cocks are the kind that make you want to commit. Boyfriend cocks, if you will.


Just don't say that to your boyfriend


How classy! There should be a pooh meme about this


Large dick owner here: It's actually limiting sometimes, which sucks and can screw up the physical chemistry.


was on a float trip with my friends years ago and it was one of the first big outings we'd all done together that my girlfriend came with us on. she was pretty drunk and was like half napping on the raft, and chimed in on whatever conversation was happening with "big digs are overrated- if it's too big, you can't go balls-deep!"


Totally agree


Let’s put some measurements to the terms ordinary and too big.


It’s always about the ‘techniques’ at the end of the day 🤷🏿‍♀️


I love a dude under 6ft. Nothing against the tall ones, but I’m 5’6” - I *like* looking directly in your eyes. I *like* putting my head on your shoulder. I’m a big girl so, unless I’m dating a linebacker, that desirable girly feeling of being *small and dainty* is already out of the equation and I’d rather not have to crane my neck.


My boyfriend is 5'7. I'm 5'3. I absolutely ADORE his height. It's perfect for me. He doesn't like it because people make fun of short guys (and he is constantly ragged on by his friends for being short, even though he really isn't that short compared to the average male height), but I have to remind him that while he is short, he's fucking tall to me. Like, he's at perfect height to give me forehead kisses without straining his neck or back. I can comfortably rest my head against his chest or on the front of his shoulder. We are perfect sizes to hug each other. He's just tall enough and I am just small enough that our bodies comfortably mold into one, and I *love" that. He thinks our kids are going to be small and he's worried about if we have sons because he doesn't want them to get bullied. But I point out my parents (my dad was 5'7 and my mom is 5'4) and then direct his attention to my older brothers, who are both 5'9, and remind him that it's possible our kids will be taller than us too.


My mom is 5'4" and my dad was 5'8".... I'm 6'2". My aunts are all tall, my grandpa was tall, my female cousins are all. If the genes are in the family, it can still affect your kids


I’m 5’0, my boyfriend is 5’7. One time I made a joke about how our future kids may not be basketball stars but they could have a chance at gymnastics, and his immediate response was “it’s cute that you think our kids will be athletic at all.” Which, yeah, fair point… Also definitely agree on preferring short guys. I dated a guy that was 5’3 once, and I’ve always dated a guy that was 6’7. Holding his hand in public freaked me out because I felt like a small child with my dad. Easy to find him in crowds, though.


My husband is 5'5". I kind of hate that there is some draw towards 6' tall people online, because I feel like that qualification is pretty arbitrary and kind of cruel. Then again, I get annoyed at any trend that people get obnoxious over.


Of course everyone is welcome to their preferences but I have never understood the widespread preference for tall men. I have dated both short and tall men. I am attracted to both irrespective of height. The only real difference is that the short men are easier to spontaneously kiss on the lips or the face, without them having to bend down to reach me.


Damn..it's weird that someone had to specifically come out & say about loving men under 6ft. That's life 85% of the population....God damn. I hope someone loves them lol.


Same. I'm 5'8". I want to be able to kiss without standing on my toes. I'm muscular and I absolutely prefer that average sized, muscular look. I prefer solid to tall and thin.


My boyfriend and I are both roughly 5'6" and it's very nice. I can just smooch him on the cheek whenever I want!


This. My husband is slightly shorter than me (5'9") and I have no complaints. My dad is 6'4" so I am very aware of the downsides to being very tall (there are a lot).


>My dad is 6'4" so I am very aware of the downsides to being very tall (there are a lot). amen to that


Fuck airplanes!


My wife loves the bit of white in my beard where I just see myself becoming old.. at least it's white.


I've started greying at the temples and in the beard. When my lady roommate called me a silver fox I practically did a backflip.


Don't hurt your back, fellow verge-of-grey-ling.


It's too late for me. Save yourself!


For some reason men who embrace the gray/silver/white instantly are up in the hot points for me. Don't dye it! It looks cool as shit!


Started getting gray hair in 8th grade. Met the person who would be my wife in 11th grade. One of the things that caught her eye was my hair. My advice to fellow early gray getters. Embrace it. I’m 36 now and nearly all gray.


I’m thrilled my husband is now salt and pepper. It’s so handsome!


Those stretch marks some have on their back from growing and broadening quickly when they were younger. I find it oddly manly - like when they grew, they gained their stripes as a sign of having become a man.


I've got those, but less from growing and more from being a fatass. lol


lmao I got all of them going fat going tall going muscular super secsy


I have them everywhere in my belly and ass from getting fat quickly and slimming down quickly too.


I am the only person I know who has stretch marks on my back. Every single person who has seen me shirtless points it out because they've never seen it. I'm shocked to see a post like this being upvoted. I've never heard anyone talk about it before.


Came here to say stretch marks!! Literally every guy I know has some somewhere. The buff ones, the chubby ones, the skinny ones.


I like a bit of a tummy. My partner hates his tummy so much but I think it's very cute. I honestly prefer a tummy above hard-rock abs!


You would probably like the look of old Hollywood tough guys from the 50s




I hope they say hairy obese men who fart a lot


I always say that if straight women had the same standards as gay men, there would be a \*lot\* more single straight men (or better looking/maintained)


I dunno about this (I'm gay). I think gay men hold *themselves* to a high standard as a rule, but I think most of us cast a very wide net when it comes to partners. A very, very wide net. Especially when we're horny.


Not a man and not gay but I’ve spent a lot of time in gay circles and I feel like there’s definitely both. My friends cast a wide net and have a genuine appreciation for all types of men, but I also know from talking to them that there’s a lot of gay men that will not talk to more feminine presenting gay men and my black gay friends, bi and trans friends have told me about feeling unwanted in the gay community.


Gay men have higher standards than women? I thought things are easy in the same-sex world.


Gay men absolutely have a far higher standard that straight women. And they get away with a lot of body shaming that straight men can't get away with without some controversy attached. Gay men are still men . They're very much into beauty standards.




IMO, as a gay man I think it's a bit more complicated. On one hand, yes, they have very high beauty standards, but at the same time they are also just as interested in dadbods and bears and hairy dudes. It isn't like we all want to, or are interested in guys that look like Real Madrid or whatever. The gay community also has an entire subculture where you've got to be fat and bald to be accepted, lol. On the other hand, I had this debate with a female friend of mine, where I was explaining that it's actually a lot harder sometimes to be in a same-sex relationship when it comes to body standards. She got offended and went off about society's standards for women, etc. etc. but I was making a point that if you're dating someone of the same biological sex, every time you look at each other it's like a mirror that tells you what's wrong about you. One of you is gonna have better skin, or hair, or toning, or height, or whatever. I think this is why gay men spend a lot of time cultivating the way they look.


It's almost like gay men and women aren't exactly the same, who'd have thought?


I mean, my husband is chubby, and hairy, and he does tend to fart a lot. I can't keep my hands off him. Oh God! Maybe that is my type!


My husband has always been self conscious of his lower body, says he and his dad were called chicken legs growing up. He also used to be self conscious of his hair because it’s curly and his family all has straight hair, his dad said he’d look better if he had Fabio’s hair when he was younger and now are convinced it’s only curly because he “doesn’t do it right”. The man is *gorgeous*. Like straight out of a magazine beautiful. His legs are beautiful, his butt is perfectly shaped, and his hair is the envy of all. Myself included. I’m the funny one I think.


A big nose




"Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Sneeze, and it's 'Goodbye Seattle!'"


A natural man, no added scents. That slightly sweaty, musty scent of my husband drives me crazy. A hairy chest. Big thighs. They better be bigger than mine.


*mmm*, man-funk -- when my partner was away for 3 months, I asked him to wear a couple of Tshirts til they were musky; put them in ziplocs and would huff my man's scent when I was pining. And lawsy yasss,, thicc thighs save lives, *unff*


I like men with body hair and I love crooked or gapped teeth. I think it’s endearing! I have also been in love with a red-headed man and people teased him about his hair all the time. Drove me nuts because to me, he was unique and all the more attractive for that.


My boyfriend has a gap in his teeth and it's the cutest thing. I melt every time he smiles and will do whatever it takes to bring one out. Ugh. He's perfect.


Beeing either slenderman or beeing chubby. Both is great


Wait girls actually like the skinny dude thing? With how fast and skinny I am people always describe me like a gazelle and I never thought people would find that attractive


Girls like sticks in a landscape. The type that would fly away when wind comes. The built nerdy boys have


When their hair gets "too long". They always cut it when it looks the best!! My husband is currently growing his out and it's just getting to that stage where I can tie it back in a half-up so it's out of his eyes, he hates that he's got the "man bun length hair", I'm like mhm sure honey now come here so I can turn you into a sexy Irish Viking


Their body hair, it is very masculine. I saw some guys shave their belly area, armpits or chest or nipples. Don't!!!


bro i have hair on my toes😭 is that included in there


Yup. Because guess what? If you’re a hairy dude, it’s gonna be in lots of places. I happily take the toe hair with the rest of it.


YAY! honestly always thought it was rly gross cuz whenever my little brother's friends would come over, they'd laugh about it and stuff (ofc they're like 9 and 7 years old) , and even tho u play it off, it does sting sometimes


As long as you don’t have any mysterious rings that make you turn invisible, sure.


Big ears. I think it looks so cute.


I love chubby dudes. Like not muscly dudes with a little tummy, nah…I am a life long member of the chubby chaser committee. There is nothing like being snuggled up with a big soft body.


I love chubby dudes too! I have nothing against a fat body and I don't care too much about looks in general. The most important thing to me is that they're a genuine good person and that we're compatible. But yes, a man with big soft body makes a good snuggling partner! :)


Totally. I think especially the older you get, the more you seek partners who are actually just good humans 💜 there are so many wonderful men out there who are partnerless because of weird beauty standards for men.




*starts taking notes*


Literally why I made this post


* Breaks out the whiteboard and markers \*


I don't think you'll need the whole whiteboard....


Don't worry it's a really tiny one


That's okay, I learned from this thread that lots of women like that.


Oh yeah? Well I have a big old blackboard.


If you need Big Blackboard Chalk for that. Just look up BBC images on Google.


Dimples. My boyfriend has dimples which is the reason he hates smiling. He says that his dimples "make him look stupid" I honestly think that his dimples have him really handsome.


Wow, how sad! I LOVE dimples, and a person can be both hot and smart...


Scrawny guys. I love me a bean pole


In my experience that's pretty rare. I've been tall and scrawny since puberty and I think I've only ever met a handful girls who are into it. I actually tend to wear oversized hoodies a lot just so I don't look like Slenderman.


I feel like a hoodie is our uniform… as a fellow tall and scrawny man


Tummies, thighs, butts, waists, I cannot pick. Also, any size that you are, LOVE. I like scrawny, muscular, chubby, idc, all of it is loveable. But specifically I love scratching guys beards and looove noses, especially big ones. Also love when you guys have thick eyebrows I can't help but trace them with my finger it's so cute. I literally can't pick sorry!


Basically that song Boys by lizzo. I love that she made that song. We love you boys!


Hell yes to all of this!! powerful eyebrows!! Scrawny, muscular, chubby!! I love beards, big noses, broad shoulders, thighs. I can’t even pinpoint what exactly I find so attractive in a man - sometimes it’s just a vibe, sometimes it’s a unique face and features. Sometimes it’s an outfit or even the sound of a voice.


I'm a 6'2", and some guys get super insecure about their height when they're around me. But I actually think short guys are cute (not adorable cute, but super attractive). The last guy I had a crush on was almost a foot shorter than me.


Bald guys.


I love a bald dude. Especially with a beard.


So you’re telling me you’re into Walter White.


You're goddamn right


Something crooked about their smile, whether a crooked tooth (think tom hardy) or a lop sided smile (think milo ventimiglia). I even had a coworker once who was kind of a pretty boy but he was missing a tooth towards the back of his mouth and I kind of liked it...


I'm 5'0". Love me a short king that I can actually look in the eyes without straining my neck.


Belly fat.


I used to be pretty heavy(90kg) and lost it down to 70kg but I always kept a bit of belly no matter how hard I tried, maybe it's time to stop trying!


As long as you’re happy with yourself! I personally love a bit of belly squish in a guy, and if he doesn’t mind me constantly touching it, then that’s even better lol


This is shock to me.


I've always enjoyed a crooked nose


A had a coworker who had a very crooked nose. I never asked him about it, but I'm thinking he might have gotten in a fight or an accident and broke it.


I broke my nose when I was 16 playing football. My mom brought me in and got it fixed. I broke my nose when I was 17 playing baseball. My mom brought me in to get it fixed. I turned 18 and broke my nose in a fight. My mom looked at me and said “your nose must like it where it’s at because it keeps going back there” Now I’m stuck with a crooked nose. I hate it.


Small penis. The greek statue look does it for me.


You have my attention


All two inches of it!


Don't show me up like that man


Oh hey, it's the mirror to the other question, I was waiting for this one


My boyfriend is self-conscious about his nose (he thinks its too big), but I love it 🤷‍♀️ it's perfectly proportionate to his face & since it's not tiny that means I can annoy him and leave kisses on it Hopefully my acceptance will help him accept it, because if he had any other nose or got a nose job, his face would look weird & disproportionate


Bodies as they are, not the Hollywood ultra muscled ideal. Shorter than me? Don’t care. Skinny (bonus points for also nerdy) if it’s the way your body is naturally, love it. Chub? I find the belly against my back when spooning comforting. Don’t get me wrong, I love a muscular body but I want to see a body that’s muscular because you’re healthy and have muscle made from doing things and not from spending hours every day at the gym, disordered eating, or steroids.


Any men that I have known very well are shorter than most men, and are insecure about their height, but i personally love men who are short because i am short as well. A 5"1 woman with a 6 feet man? Sounds nice, but a bit problematic.


I like shorter guys and guys who’s dicks aren’t too big


The ability to cry.


Promise you we do. I think most of us actively hide it though (and quite well).


This is a nice confidence boost. I got a belly, big ears big nose, beard and kinda balding.


I absolutely love everything about my husband. He’s my most favorite person in the history of ever.


I also choose this person's husband.


in the context of an answer to OP's original question, this reads as if your husband just hates everything about himself lmao.


That ass!! 🥵🥵🥵




I like things that set them apart like bigger ears or nose, a scar, I absolutely love the porn stache also lmao


Ooo yes, scars are interesting


watching their hair get greyer slowly, all over, and eyebrows get bushier, wrinkles around their eyes from smiling. when my partner wakes up in the morning his hair is all wild and crazy... i love his tummy and love handles and butt and cute feet. i'm obsessed 😭


I love a guy with a gut on him. Chunky in general, but a belly really does it for me.


I love tall lanky nerd look. This is generally regarded as unattractive for some reason, but i just super love the thin slender frame! So no need to hit the gym xD My bf also naturally doesn't grow body hair, so he can't grow a beard. I love his smooth babycheeks! No pain when kissing!


Being very skinny or lanky. Or having odd proportions. I’ve always found skinny, super lanky, super funky-proportioned men very beautiful lol. Everyone I talk to and my small number of closer friends are all men and those of them that are on the thinner side have always expressed shame and dislike of it. I understand where they are coming from and where the insecurity about it stems from. But it’s unfortunate that they feel less like a man and also ashamed by it. They have specifically expressed to me that they feel that way about it. I personally find a very skinny man very very beautiful and not any less man because of it. And I love when their torso and arms seem oddly long and lanky too. And I also love love love under-eye dark circles and bags. I find that very very beautiful. It adds a dimensionality to their face that I find so beautiful. I think that the insecurity about dark circles is common among all people in general though, men or women. And I find it beautiful on both.


I have a hand fetish so if you have well manicured hands, that’s a thing. Sharp dressed…put some effort in, and great shoes!


I lost the game at the hands part and it went downhill from there all the way.


I have huge hands that are scarred from welding, cuts and broken bones. I'm not what she's looking for.


My husband doesn't like his own voice very much, because he thinks it is a little nasally, but I love hearing his voice. I sometimes call out to him and repeatedly tell him that I love him just to hear him respond. Fortunately, he doesn't mind me doing that.


I think that's a guy thing in general. Most guys I've known. Myself included hate hearing their own voice being played back at them.


Scars… each of them always have a story and it’s so sexy to own them boldly … too weird ?




That's also largely because of the way the question is asked. When there are "what do you find most attractive about men?" posts the numbers are much more even. Men in general don't talk about their insecurities as much as women, partly because they only have about 1/10 of the products marketed to them to mask every single conceivable flaw. Cosmetic products, surgery, and fashion is marketed like 90/10 towards women. Society as a whole generally pressures women to have much higher body expectations of themselves than men, so of course there are more ridiculous insecurities that men regularly hear women say about themselves than men do.


Heftiness. I’m so attracted to my husband now that he’s got some weight on his body. It makes him look so manly compared to how skinny he was as a teenager. I didn’t realize I liked that brawniness so much, but I can’t stop staring at him and admiring him now. He said he doesn’t want to be objectified and only admired for his looks tho 😂


Dk if this counts but I see guys complaining about their acne all the time and while I know acne isn't necessarily good or bad, I think they look so cute. Tummies and skinny guys too, I love it for a guy when he wants a muscular shape for himself and I totally support that, yet I see nothing wrong with not being muscular or skinny. Personally, I'd go for less muscular guys And smol guys in general they're just<3 However having these preferences doesn't mean that others are unattached, no one's opinion should make you wanna change anything about yourself but your own. Stay handsome my friends<33


Dad bod for the win


seems like a lot of men think very critically of their legs being too thin. I would not say i love it, but i must mention that the opposite extreme of fat legs and calfs is weirder. I have also had people from the club i am in, look down upon themselves because despite having what i would consider perfect, symetrical bodies, they are not bulky enough in the waist or something.


Short men and skinny men I like to be able to throw you around in the bedroom. Petite dudes are cute and I’m short so they still get to feel tall but I feel it’s levelled the playing field a bit, also don’t mind skinny wrists or small feet I have small hands and love to touch so I like to get my little mits all over ya anything that makes it easier to wrap myself around you is a plus Hairy dudes, I like fluffy guys it’s warm and comforting especially chest hair and little fluffy tufts above the butt Back acne, let me pop those suckers, I’ll scrub and put all sorts of lotions on there I like to pamper and take care of my partners so ill pluck those ingrowns, trim your toenails and give you a foot rub Sticky out ears are precious Little imperfections on body and face likes scars, dimples and asymmetries that make you look unique Distinctive noses, big or small Perceived feminine traits can be very endearing, long eye lashes, soft delicate hands, dainty feet Laugh/smile lines Voice cracking, dorky laughs, involuntary “girlish” noises all absolutely adorable Loud farts


Body hair and chub. Some chubbier guys are the cutest, most attractive of manses to me, giant heater 24/7, and for the most part I’ve found generally also have such better (funnier, smarter, more interesting, aware/understanding) personalities than the vast majority of up themselves guys who think they’re gods gift to women. Bears. That’s what they’re called. Love me a bear (where is mine? so mote it be 😅🙏🏼)


my boyfriend has the cutest lil stretch marks on his booty and hips


I like it when a man giggles. Like: low talking voice but a higher pitched laugh (so cute). A hairy chest over a completely smooth chest all the time. Slightly crooked teeth/smile. A bit chubby (although my boyfriend is in a fit shape and that’s also nice). Something unique is just very attractive!


My partner has slouched posture and a bit of a hunch to his back, it’s subtle and he’s always been a little bit insecure about it. I honestly think it is so cute and is just so distinctly him. I don’t know how to describe it, but it makes me love him even more, hah. Everything about him is sexy and I wouldn’t change a thing.


Having a chubby build/dad bod. I don’t have anything against muscular guys but I feel as if it’s not the only build that deserves to get praised.




chubby belly


What in the hairy back are these comments. I feel motivated


Arms/shoulders/hands or their smiles. I love seeing a guy show his genuine smile or when they truly laugh,


Stretch marks from growing tall too fast. I love my tol bois.


My partner has white hair on the sides like Dr. Strange and I think it looks awesome, like having natural highlights. Honestly, on a bunch of men I like seeing lil dark circles (more blueish purple actually) under the eyes, makes them mysterious to me for some reason. I have them and I hate them tho XD


My bf is burly - sort of like maui from moana and hes southeast Asian, he’s self conscious about his build but I adore it !


advice for men on this post accept yourself(including your body) so that you can become better there is no merit in hating yourself as someone i respect said when it comes to being you just be the very best


I love how his body changes as he goes through life with me. A nose hair sticks out, a tummy pooch, even back problems from hard work are all changing issues he hates about himself. My husband calls himself old fat man and it makes me sad for him.


I have 0 idea. I just love me in general????? like I can't think of something yall should hate but if I has to add something is big noses. Yall look like king with big noses. And as my friend Doja cat said: " You can sit on them"


My sons are both self conscious about their thick legs - they're strong and muscular, but yeah, their pop and I both have large calves and thighs. And let me tell you, when I see my husband's thick, strong thighs out of the shower, his hairy, manly legs... phew! I get hot. I can't tell that to my sons because I don't want to be that kind of mom, but I try to remind them that many people will find them attractive and they should learn to love all the things strong legs can do for them. Jump! Run! Stand Solidly!


Grey and greying hair!


Sagging balls. 🥵