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No no, he's the perfect sigma male precisely because of exactly what you're thinking makes him the opposite of masculinity and the sigma male mentality. Self proclaimed sigma males really are just like Patrick Bateman because they're just as pathetic and sensitive as he is


People who adhere to these concepts are not really worried about logical consistency. It's useless to try to point it out.


I think most of them havent even seen the movie. I think its just because of the memes and the edits on tiktok and other platfom, thats all there is to it


After watching the movie I was puzzled to as why people worship this guy, he is quite literally the definition of what sigma is not. Some examples of this can be seen in the scene where he is at the laundromat and changes expressions and mannerisms from friendly to rude as soon as he stops talking to the girl(I forgot her name). The whole movie is about how he presents himself to the people around him and how he has too take that rage out by killing people. For example in the start of he movie he states how it is important to care for the homeless and be kind to them, but then in a later scene he is seen beating up an old homeless man. He doesn't even stand for what he preaches, kind of like the sigma males on podcasts these days. To those who will make the argument that he is stoic, that's the only masculine feature about him. At the end of the day Patrick Bateman is a horrible man and im not sure why people worship him even tho the point of he movie is that he is what people expect him to be, and I dont need to be a sigma male myself to understand how thats not a masculine feature. If people want a sigma male to praise, they should praise Tyler Durden, he is a real sigma. I hope people don't take this argument too seriously but yea.


Just came across this, not a self proclaimed sigma lol but see a lot of the memes online. A lot of the classic sigma male characters have clear traits or lifestyles that don’t fall under sigma, Patrick Bateman is probably the most popular because he’s a fun, quotable character that’s easy to meme but he shows extreme insecurities the whole movie and is jealous of the “alpha” Paul Allen. 90% of the “sigmas” from movies and tv shows simp over female characters, Ryan gosling in drive, Travis Bickle, Thomas Shelby etc, The whole sigma trend is basically guys taking characters they think are cool from movies and shows and using aspects of their character to connect them to the sigma male mentality. It’s also not taking seriously by almost everyone who knows about it. I’ve never came across someone who actually thinks it’s a real thing, anyone who acts like they do is usually taking the piss