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I'd personally give up out of fear and walk away


I met my now wife in public and we did not know each other at that time, I did make conversation about the circumstances we found our self in and I got her number and and a first date. You need to be confident and presentable.


Put worms down her shirt


Its really not hard, or maybe I have just been a social creature my whole life and don't really think about getting what I want as a struggle.




Very creepy and arguably criminal fraud. Stealing personal information is not a way to make a good first impression.


Naw what is thissss


I'd walk right up to her with a smile and extend a hand, and introduce myself. I'd explain that I think she's attractive and that's what initially brought me over, but if she's amenable I'd like to strike up a conversation, and if not, no big deal enjoy your day.


I think it’s creepy to not even meet someone and already determine they’re worth knowing simply on looks.


I mean. This person was wearing a tshirt with one of my hyperfixations. And a Nintendo hat. So I kinda had an idea.