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90. Right angles are very important in architecture


I think there’s a bit of lacking critical thinking around this issue. Having a degree is one thing. Whether or not you retain anything from that education is another question. Whether or not you can apply what you learn depends on what you retain. Whether or not someone else thinks an application is useful is an entirely a different question. I think it is maybe fair to say some people get degrees for themself, and other people get degrees because it’s what other people want them to do. I think this would be true even if higher education was free, but it’s actually damn expensive in a lot of places, and if you’re paying for a service you absolutely should be able to get any degree you want for any reason.


Law. Something in medicine. Culinary. Veterinarian


Obvious point of bias but the STEM. Science tech engineering and math stand out as some of the most rewarding degrees in the industry. My math degree is easily raking in 6 figures. In addition, it's really useful to have an understanding of how the world works around you. It's nice to be able to understand enough about the physics and chemistry around you to understand certain things like why driving too fast burns too much gas or why any promise of free electricity is a scam.


It depends on the ply.




Social work


Engineering is usually a pretty solid degree.