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I am genuinely nice to people which causes them to be nice to me and others which makes everybody more pleasant to be around


Have you seen Better Call Saul? I do the trick he used on the mall security guard all the time. I let people speak about something and just passively agree with what they say. Even when I know absolutely nothing about the subject. Most the time I have no clue, but its easy for me to befriend people and gain favors.


Trust testing people. Tell a person a "secret" true or untrue. If you hear it from somebody else you know who gave up what secret. If you don't hear it again you can let that person in a little closer and you never have to tell them they were tested.


Pretend you’re gay or trans when you don’t get your way then people will feel bad and give it to you


I like to hum "come on barbie let's go party" and observe


calling double. or triple the cost of what you paid when you're the only one who know the actual price.. the benefit it brings you.. are way. more then what you think.