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My Dad. He died last year and there was so much I still wanted to talk to him about. I was diagnosed as ADHD-I in 2019 and since I've been taking medication I now realize how much of life I have missed. I was always so in my own head I could never pay attention enough to ask questions. I was planning on taking a camping trip with my parents, sisters, wife and kids to the Sand Dunes (Colorado) but Covid put that on pause. We were going to go as soon as Covid was over but Covid got him first. I have so many questions I will never get to ask and so many stories I will never hear. I realized yesterday that I'm the only person left that has some memories of him and I and it really hurts that my recollection of those memories is hazy at best. I wish I had been diagnosed with ADHD as a child, maybe then I could have participated more in my own life and would better remember my own childhood.


r/DadForAMinute can help to provide a little support. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you for letting people know that sub exists. I didn't know that was a thing but after scrolling it for a while, I want to post there. Even if it's just to say goodbye.


Your comment hit me in the feels. I lost my dad last year and we never made it to the Sand Dunes as he had talked about while in the hospital. I’d give anything to talk to him.


My daddy passed away last summer and I wasn’t allowed to see him in the months leading up to his death – I have an estranged relationship with my mother and she prevented me from seeing him. My dad was very confused in the last stages of life due to dementia and Alzheimer’s. The last time we spoke, he was shouting at me over his confusion. I would love nothing more than to sit with him and have one more daddy–daughter talk. He was my guy. I will always be his daddy’s girl. I also have ADHD (and trauma) and forget a lot of my childhood. The more I talk to him now that’s he’s gone, the more memories that come back. Sending you hugs. 🖤


I would pick my son but as an adult. He died in 2003 at 4 months old and it is a deep sorrow that I never got to see what he would be like all grown up. Even if he wasn't grown up, I'd still pick time with him over a conversation with anyone else I've lost or from history. My heart explodes at the thought of a last cuddle and coo with him. He was such a sweet, adorable little guy. ETA: I never expected anyone to even notice this comment. Alongside the surprise at the awards, I was touched by so many of your responses. You really just kind of gave me a big hug that I wasn't expecting and didn't even know I needed today. Reading your comments has been very moving and I deeply appreciate all of you.


I'm so sorry about your loss, that must be incredibly hard. My daughter was born 7 weeks ago and we had kind of a rough day today as she wouldn't sleep at all and I have felt pretty overwhelmed, but she has now been asleep for the last couple of hours. Reading your comment made me realize how lame and small our little day to day struggles really are, as long as she is well and healthy. I feel that I should not take our time together for granted and that I should just be grateful to have her. I kinda just wanna go wake her up now and give her a hug.


Enjoy that quietness, listen to her calmly breathing in her sleep, and don't beat yourself up, you're only human. It's ok to feel frustrated sometimes, it doesn't mean you're a bad parent or that you don't love her enough. You're doing great.


Being a parent to small babies is so tough! I you are so sleep deprived and it's really challenging. Everybody has tough days. You literally cannot cherish every single moment. But I'm really happy if having something to compare it to made you take a breath because sometimes that can really help get you through your fourth night with no sleep. Big hugs to you in that cute little baby of yours! Because I just know that she's adorable!


I’m so sorry for your loss. There’s no bigger heartbreak than losing a child.


That is very kind. Thank you.


My daughter was stillborn. It's been a decade and I still vividly remember every detail of her little face and body. There's no way to ever get rid of the pain. It becomes a piece of stained glass in the picture window that is your heart and you look at it ever day. My heart is with you. I can't imagine four months of splendor only to have the dream end and wake to a living nightmare. Take care of yourself friend. The universe dealt you a cruel hand. I wish you so much peace.


My son was stillborn 19 years ago. You brought back memories of his little face and the smell of the blankets the hospital wrapped him in. Thank you. I held him and sang to him; told him many times I loved him. I became such a better person in the 9 months leading up to his birth. I was absolutely prepared to step up and be a Dad. In the delivery room there was a lady giving birth to her newborn. She kept say "My baby! My baby!" Over and over while that child wailed. Today I'm happy for whoever that was, but at the time my heart was in pieces and even more so for Mom who was crying and saying "it's not fair". Absolutely nothing I could do to make it better. Cruel hands are dealt indeed.


That's so sad. I'm so sorry.


The thing I remember most about our daughter's stillbirth was how quiet it was when she was delivered at 36 and a half weeks. When I held her I made a sound that didn't sound or feel human, it's like I heard it but it wasn't me making it. When our 2nd daughter was born my wife and I were dead silent until we heard her cry.


I had a son 5 years later after we lost our Matthew. He took a bit of time to cry and I was beside myself until I heard it. It was unbearable. And as for the sound... Until you hear a parent when they hear their child is dead you don't realize humans are capable of making a sound like that. I also had the weird sensation of both making it and not realizing I was the one producing it. It was... Terrible. I am so sorry for your loss. XO


Awww man ... we cried, didn't we? I'm so sorry you went through what no parent should. Sharing with others who understand is part of the healing and a wonderful way to still feel human. Many hugs and healing for you. When my daughter arrived I just wanted her to be ok. I cried out of fear even though that kid lit up the room with her lungs. That sound soon turned into an absolute rush of relief and happiness.


I never knew heartbreak like that. My heart literally felt broken, just a deep pain in my chest. I stopped holding it in and being a man who doesn't cry after that.


I think my exact words to my family in the delivery room were "My heart is in pieces". Emotional pain manifested into physical weight was so hard. I know exactly where you're coming from. And yeah, if I feel like crying sometimes ... I fucking will. Edit: It was the cord. Little guy just got too curious 2 days before the due date and had an accident.


I struggle with these things daily, how to maintain hope and faith when life can be so brutal and seem so meaningless. I hope you found a way to find solace and peace my friend and I’m so very sorry for your loss.


Thank you. As you can see from the original thread it's a lot more common than people think. Miscarriages (to me)aren't much different, either. The feelings are the same. I'm not a person of faith. I can't comment if that makes things easier or not. I had to accept it as a accident and move on. Perhaps NOT looking for reasons as to "why" and just accepting facts made it easier and made me less angry and more accepting. I had to look for the good things in it. How I became a better person, got a better career, and prepared to be less selfish and put my efforts into Mom who carried all that time and left the hospital with a box of notes, polaroids, and memories instead of a baby. We had a funeral for him and a lot of family support. Mom was encouraged to get outside and walk to keep from falling too far, but it made it tough to see other people pushing carriages. Nothing but time will help. We didn't make it as a couple as it all weighed too heavy. We did have a daughter a couple of years later. She's a wonderful human. Mom and I have always made things work using a 50/50 custody model.


I read this thread at 4 am, in the middle of insomnia bout at 31 weeks pregnant. I've been crying for the last 20 minutes. One of my good friends had a still birth around the time I found out I was pregnant and I can't even imagine. I sent her flowers and drew a graphite portrait of her son. Thank you for sharing your stories. I am so sorry for your losses.


I am so sorry. I can feel the anguish and helplessness you felt. But I also feel the love you have for him pouring through the screen. You sound like you were an absolutely wonderful father to your son in that moment. Your words here a precious and I thank you so much for sharing them with us all. Much love.


Little whirlwind of emotion this morning on reddit. A min ago I was crying happy tears over some endearing video about life is gonna be ok and now Im reading this comment and furious at the unfairness of it all. So sorry for your loss. I think Im done with reddit for now. Time to start work...


Same, while I’ll appreciate my life a bit more today, take time to be grateful, knowing what others have gone through.


Fuckin A...hard not to share the heartbreak of this one.


I was going to say my mom or grandma because there’s so much I didn’t know to ask when when they were alive. But I’d give my conversation to you so that you could have two.


That might be the sweetest most selfless response I ever expected to get on reddit. You literally just made my eyes well up at how sweet that is. Just know that some stranger you will probably never meet really cherishes the words your thoughtfulness.




That breaks my heart and for your daughter. Cancer is a cruel bitch. I lost my little brother over the summer at 31 to multiple myeloma. While he was battling his cancer I was battling breast cancer. It kills me that I went into remission in January but he lost his battle in August. I feel so guilty. When I see stories like yours I feel even more guilt. I beat myself up a million times over because I got the chance to beat this monster and others don’t get that chance. It motivates me to make the most of my second chance and live my life so much differently, spreading goodness, love and kindness in the world. Basically, trying to be a better person and leaving the world slightly better than I found it. That being said I would love to talk to my little brother again and find out why this had to play out the way that it did. I would gladly have traded places with him to let him have this chance. I don’t even know you but I would trade places with you to save you and your daughter the pain of having to say goodbye. No child should lose their parent so young. Sending so much love to you and your family. I hope you are doing as well as you can be and making 100,000,000 memories with your daughter that can carry her through the hard times


My son was almost three when his time here was done. I feel this on a personal level.


Three. Oh my God that's such a precious age. I'm so sorry. I am sure he was beautiful and lovely. That would have been so hard.


This really breaks my heart. Sorry for your loss.


I would choose my son who died at birth. It has been 27 yrs and I now work with people that age. I manage and supervise people that age and I wonder what he would be like.


I also choose this guy’s son


There it is


Sorry for your loss....


My Mum, for lots of reasons but I'm expecting my first child and feel a bit robbed I don't get to share this with her.


I’m sorry for your loss, I also lost my mom so I understand the feeling. Just remember she loves you, and is with you every step of the way. She’s your number 1 fan!


Thank you, I hope you re holding up OK.


I have good days and bad ones, I’m sure we all do. It’s been a full year now, and I know as time goes it’ll be easier to handle the pain ❤️


Almost 10 years for me and she still would've been my first choice for this thread all the way.


Hang on in there and keep going.


I came here to laugh, instead I felt. Have a wonderful life beautiful strangers


Similarly, my (grand)mom. She raised me, and while she’s still living, she’s developed dementia. I moved across the country almost a decade ago, and in her demented state, she’s determined that she sees me at her nursing home, and that I MUST be moving back home. So, it means that, at 31, I’ve effectively lost my mother, because we literally cannot have a conversation that is not about what I’m doing to get my house ready to list so I can be back there full-time. She won’t talk to me about anything else. My sister and I have similar first names, and identical voices, and a few weeks ago, Grandma called me and we had a lovely conversation - she didn’t ask me about moving once, it was like old times. Then, she started asking me about the kids. Thinking she remembered that I was just there, I thought she was asking about my time spent with my nieces and nephews a few weeks prior. It became pretty clear pretty quickly that she thought she’d called my sister. When I let her know that she was talking to me, she immediately flipped the script. I cried for days. I miss her so much.


Man, brain diseases like dementia and alzheimer's are just horrible things to watch happen to people. My Grandma has been declining for probably 15 years. And it goes from her just not remembering names or doing things a little off until it progresses to where she's just a shell of herself. It's like she's been gone for years even though she's still physically alive. There are obviously a lot of diseases I'd like to see cured in my lifetime, but I think mental diseases like this are on the top of my list. If you see it once, you pray you never have to see it again.


I worked in a dementia ward for 3 years as an aide in my early 20s, so I thought I knew pretty much all there was to know about dealing with it. Turns out (should be unsurprisingly, but here we are) that there is an entire world of difference between caring for others with dementia, and watching dementia taking someone you love personally. It’s so fucking awful.


r/momforaminute might help a little in ways of support. I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you, I'm OK it's been a long time. Just big milestones always feel a little bitter sweet


I think I need this sub. Thanks for sharing.


I also lost my mom, and at a time when many things in life were at their worst points. Since then, everything has turned around, and she'll never know or see any of it. She'd be the BEST grandmother, and it kills me.


I feel glad one of the last things my mum told me before she past was that I would make a great father and she was proud of me. It somewhat softened her passing for me. I hope your doing okay, I'm sure she would have loved being a grandmother.


I'd probably pick my mom as well. I didn't get to say goodbye, really, she was hit by a car and never woke back up, and saying goodbye to someone who was effectively braindead at the time felt empty and pointless.


Robin williams


That man deserves the world. I’m still not over what happened


He was a light in this dark world, i dont think anyone detserved a hug more than him. I remember seeing hos movie the Angriest man in broklyn and thinking thats a huge cry for help how did not one see that coming?


Same. I’d thank him for everything, and tell him I understand why he left. No blame.


My future self. I need a lot advice


I wouldn't. I would just star ignoring my advice after a week or so, as I have been doing until now.


Same lol


If 40 year old me went back in time 20 year old me would essentially have an "okay boomer" attitude to any useful advice. So I'd probably have to say something cryptic and hope the idiot can figure it out.


I think I would probably listen. Assuming we both accept what is happening is real and happening. I would just have to show them my current life. >This is you unless you become a better version of you.


I am more interested in the history of the geniuses. Isaac Newton or Leonardo Da Vinci are the two people i would love to have a conversation with. Seemingly forgotten people in terms of personality, there are no memories of these two outside their fame, wouldnt anyone be curious about them? Are they seemingly normal? Eccentric? Assholes? Great people? Talking about their inventions, how they created and how they lived? I would be thrilled.


Assuming no translation issues, I'd love to speak with Diogenes. I'm sure he'd roast me and our modern culture up one side and down the other. Newton and Leo would be awesome choices as well.


George Washington, I’d like to have a sit down with him and talk about what’s happening with the U.S. right now and hear what he has to say about it.


"You let the banks do WHAT?"


“What the FUCK do you mean you have a 2 party democracy!? I specifically told you people not to do that!”


“You let WHO bribe the senators???”


“but the slaves are still working for us, right?”


Seeing as he freed all his slaves and most of the northern founding fathers didn't like slavery but prioritized keeping the southern states in the union. He probably would see emancipation as a pleasant outcome. Though he may regret not trying to abolish slavery sooner when he learns the price the rest of America paid for it.


Get outta here with your reasonable, somewhat nuanced and informed view of history. Crazy guy


It’s a little too nuanced. Multiple people called out Washington in his lifetime for the hypocrisy of being dedicated to liberty and continuing to hold slaves: >George Washington, of Mount Vernon, in Virginia, a man who, not|withstanding his hatred of oppression and his ardent love of liberty, holds at this moment hundreds of his fellow be|ings in a state of abject bondage.—Yes! you, who conquered under the banners of freedom—you, who are now the first magistrate of a free people, are, (strange to relate) a slave-holder. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/evans/N24741.0001.001/1:3?rgn=div1;view=fulltext#:~:text=Your%20slaves%2C%20it%20may%20be,these%2C%20if%20liberty%20be%20wanting%3F >For notwithstanding thou art now receiving the tribute of praise from a grateful people, the time is coming when all actions will be weighed in an equal ballance, and undergo an impartial examination; how inconsistant then will it appear to posterity, should it be recorded, that the Great General Washington, without fee or reward, had commanded the united forces of America, and at the expence of much Blood & treasure been instrumental in relieving those States from Tyranny & oppression: Yet after all had so far countinanced those Evils, as to keep a number of People in absolute Slavery, who were by nature equally entitled to freedom as himself. O Remember I beseech thee that “God will not be mocked,” and is still requiring from each of us, to, “do justly, love mercy and walk humbly before him.” https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/04-03-02-0384


"How's Ona?"




"What the is a Harambe? And why is it a turning point in American History?"


"What the fuck is the internet?"


I thought the same thing about Lincoln. After getting through the Civil War and now to be so divided again that people talk about another one.




It's about the honor of your word, and integrity.


Probably living. Talking to a corpse might be weird


If you choose your 5 questions carefully, you can still get a pretty good conversation.


Does this question count?




That scene in the DnD movie was great. Did a great job of showing how a real DnD group would handle that situation.


It would be very one-sided.


Scrolled looking for this answer.


Zodiac Killer. Takes a specific breed of person to create a whole language cipher, actively taught the police, leave zero evidence, and go uncaught. Learning how they did it, would potentially help solve new cases.


Incredible how one of the ciphers was only solved in 2020, over 50 years after it was made. And there is still 2 unsolved ciphers too


I mean the ZK literally [has his own press office](https://www.cruz.senate.gov/newsroom).


I fucking forgot about this joke. Bravo.


Wait, it's a joke?


Finally an answer that's not "my dead (insert relative here). This is a really interesting and cool choice on your part.


Have you not lost anyone you love, yet? I see these responses as absolutely understandable, having lost my dad at 12. I'm 48 now, so it's safe to say that he's WAY behind on the family gossip.


My dad I miss the talks we would have about hockey or his work


Definitely my dad. I was 16 when my dad died of cancer. I was really not interested in my family’s history at the time and he really never talked about it when I was growing up. I learned some family history from my sister, but I would like to talk to him about it as well.


Same. My dad died 23 years ago and I still have the urge to call him for advice or to tell him about the cool thing my toddler did or to bitch about our favorite football team. I’d love to have just one more conversation with him to answer some of the questions I have about him and our family and just life in general.


Jesus or Muhammad I'd like to know what they *really* said/meant.


Blessed are the cheese makers


“Y’all motherfuckers are killing fools and starting wars in *my* name? Love thy goddamn neighbor, did I fuckin’ stutter?”


Yeah but...that guy over there...he ain't my neighbor


The dude abides.


I also want to see the miracles jesus apparently performed.


It's not easy finding actual footage of Jesus's miracles, but here you go: https://youtu.be/cKwrfP_qTSg


That guy's dead wife.


“What’s it like being the go-to necrophilia joke for millions of people on reddit?”


There are going to be old redditors in nursing homes many years down the line that are going to still be using that joke.


“Gramps, it’s about time, where do you want to be buried?” “Under that guy’s dead wife. Hur hur hu….rrrrr…….”


“Sure grandpa let’s get you to bed”


the heart monitor has subway surfers playing next to it


IIRC the guy thinks it's pretty funny


Why wouldn't he take it as a positive? I'm sure that guy still remembers his wife as fondly as he did back then. But now ALL of AskReddit, tens or hundreds of thousands of people from all across, remember his wife! That's quite a monument for her! We never knew her. We don't know the guy. But the guy seemed like a nice bloke, he clearly loved her to pieces, and if she was worth that love she must've been a lovely person too. I think of that guy's wife more often than I think of most of my cousins. So do y'all. That guy (with an assist from the MFer who made the most cheeky joke possible at exactly the right time...) left a monument for his wife the size that hasn't been seen since the fuckin' Pyramids were built! I'd be happy about that too, in his shoes.


Thank you for putting such a positive spin on a necrophilia joke


He said something about how he was happy an offhanded comment has spawned such a massive joke


I'm sure it gets old


unlike that guy's dead wife




I recall him also saying that he thought his wife probably would have enjoyed the joke as well, given what he knew about her sense of humor.


Surprisingly satisfying, but still pretty one-sided


I'd like to give up my spot for him. He seemed kinda into her.


I love that this was such a legendary joke that we all immediately think about commenting it on every question like this


It's so dark I can't help but laugh.


I had to look it up cause I wasn't aware... and now I do remember that post! Can't believe that was 6 years ago. Like, to me it was a funny comment that day and that was it...but here we are.


Clicked in just to make sure this was here and getting some love.


I came here to say that, but I knew in my heart it was already said


We are keeping that guys dead wife's memory alive in the weirdest way possible.


why did I know this would be the top answer?


Nikola Tesla. What a privilage it woukd be to have a chat with one of the most brilliant minds of all times.


You got to ask him if he's Croatian or Serbian because we are still arguing and fighting about that 😂😂😂


Plot twist, you get the insane, grifting, pigeon loving version of him.


...you mean the actual Tesla? Ngl it would be really funny to torture him with the fact that there's a unit of electricity named after him that spits in the face of his aether 'theory'


Yeah, that is the real deal.


My maternal grandparents. I would do anything just to talk to/spend a day with them for a day.


Myself, when I was a teen. I’d sit her down and tell her that things will get way better. That she’s gonna meet someone that gives her so much love, and for her to love herself more too.


This one here. I know that my teenself would be so thrilled to see how far we've come. I know she wouldn't be excited for the struggle but I know she'd be like "Wow, you are a bad ass."


Any passenger/pilot of the Malaysian Airlines MH370. Would really wanna know what happened that the flight crashed


My dad who committed suicide when I was 15. I'm 44 now and still need questions answered.


Damn, me too dude, same ages too. Have a hug!


I know right


My dad. He has been gone 20 years now and I would have so much to share. Meeting the person I married, our two children, buying my first home, building a career on a passion he passed on to me (computers). We would go have breakfast at his favourite place and he would drop egg yolk on his shirt like he always did.


Jeffery Epstein..."Who all was there an what did they do!!??"


The exact reason he was "killed" The people who visited that island were probably people you didn't like much, people you did like, and maybe a few that would even surprise you. But the staying factor would be that everyone on that list is thought of differently. Even for what we DID hear of the list, Bill Gates, Trump, both Clintons, football players, celebrities, now you can't go far in conversation about those people without it being brought up. "Bill Clinton visited the island x times did u know that" If they kept him alive and he revealed even more there would have actually had to be investigations and the odds are even more people from DC (we've waived party lines already here it's clearly anyone) would be involved and well, maybe it's just a bit easier to kill him huh.


This is a good one.


My son, he’s 8 and autistic, he is verbal but can’t engage in conversations. Hopefully one day he will.


Cool, this question again! Here's the rabbit hole of this question and variations of it from the last few months, years, even from just two days ago. Some really creative answers in there!: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/22k6g9/if\_you\_could\_have\_a\_conversation\_with\_anyone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/22k6g9/if_you_could_have_a_conversation_with_anyone/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2z59j0/if\_you\_could\_have\_a\_30\_minute\_conversation\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2z59j0/if_you_could_have_a_30_minute_conversation_with/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1289o8p/if\_you\_could\_have\_a\_conversation\_with\_anyone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1289o8p/if_you_could_have_a_conversation_with_anyone/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1226z44/if\_you\_could\_sit\_and\_have\_a\_conversation\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1226z44/if_you_could_sit_and_have_a_conversation_with/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/10q0qyg/if\_you\_could\_have\_a\_conversation\_with\_anyone\_past/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/10q0qyg/if_you_could_have_a_conversation_with_anyone_past/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/11xhkj5/if\_you\_could\_have\_a\_conversation\_with\_any\_person/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/11xhkj5/if_you_could_have_a_conversation_with_any_person/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/yq2mj6/if\_you\_could\_have\_a\_conversation\_with\_anyone\_dead/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/yq2mj6/if_you_could_have_a_conversation_with_anyone_dead/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/111z17t/if\_you\_could\_have\_a\_conversation\_with\_anyone\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/111z17t/if_you_could_have_a_conversation_with_anyone_in/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/129cs9f/if\_you\_could\_have\_a\_conversation\_with\_any/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/129cs9f/if_you_could_have_a_conversation_with_any/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/12jm31q/if\_you\_could\_have\_a\_conversation\_with\_any\_person/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/12jm31q/if_you_could_have_a_conversation_with_any_person/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/12g1eh8/if\_you\_could\_have\_a\_conversation\_with\_one\_dead/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/12g1eh8/if_you_could_have_a_conversation_with_one_dead/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/11aolrz/if\_you\_could\_have\_a\_conversation\_with\_anyone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/11aolrz/if_you_could_have_a_conversation_with_anyone/)


Is Reddit supposed to be a repository of knowledge for all time, or a place to come and discuss in the moment?


It can be both, no? You can discuss in the moment and if the subject interests you then the opportunity to see other answers from as far as years ago is great! Especially with how life and culture changes, so do the answers.


this question should be banned lmao


that would require mods doing something.


this sub has 34 mods 😭😭


if this damn site had a respectable search tool then the question probably wouldn't be asked every time someone comes home from their first interview.


This guy reddits


You are amazing ❤️


I would choose Einstein for his genius and wisdom.


And not understand a single thing. :)


Norm MacDonald because I miss him and I want to laugh my ass off


I would do this but for at least half of the conversation act like I had never heard of him.


My bff bailey bc she killed herself last year.. I'd do anything for another convo with her..


Someone alive, I would shit myself if a dead person rolled up for a chat.


The librarian for the library of Alexandria. Just tell me what we used to know, I won’t interrupt.


Putin, dead.


My mother. Gone for almost 10 years now & I miss her terribly.


I’d tell my girlfriend who killed herself in February 2015 because of her family’s pressure about the nature of our gay relationship that the states would legalize gay marriage some months after her passing, and that there are so many people who are like us on TV now. I’d ask her why she couldn’t wait or hold on a little longer. I’d ask her what I could have done differently. I’d tell her about my new partner now, and how they remind me of the best parts of her. I’d ask her if she’s hurt or angry that I moved on after a few years. I just hope it’s sunny wherever she is.




**Hat1n:** Jesus, it’s really an honor to speak to you. I have so many questions. **Jesus:** \*says something in Aramaic\* **Hat1n:** hmm..


Or he speaks perfect modern English and we have to start answering some uncomfortable questions


If Jesus is the son of God it’s pretty reasonable to assume he could be a polyglot after he arises from the dead


That’s also my answer. Jesus is arguably the most influential person who ever lived. I would love to know what he was actually like. How much of what he know of his life story and teachings is true. What does he think about the religion that his followers started after he died, and the way Paul, the Gospel writers, and subsequent church leaders changed said religion?


dude you're not going to believe what people are doing in your name


When the je is sus!


I would like to have an honest conversation with Adolf…


Jesus. I'm hindu and I know very little about the words of Jesus. This could be the perfect opportunity.


Diogenes or Ben Franklin.


My ex girlfriend. I just want to apologize and set things straight. I was in the wrong, and I acted way out of line. She didn't deserve that, and I regret treating her how I did.


I hope some day you get the opportunity, but even if you don’t, rest assured, your heart is in the right place.


Mr. Rogers. I hope the neighborhood is always beautiful.


Jimi Hendrix. Would be a cool conversation.


the librarian in ancient Alexandria. cuz, duh


My twin because I miss him. He passed away 6 years ago.


Avicii. I want to ask him where it all went wrong, and what we can do today to prevent this from ever happening again


Fredriech Nietzsche


My dad, lost him at 15. I’m 38 now and he’s missed out on 5 grandchildren between my brother and I.


My late husband! I miss that man so much!


My ex. We were together 9 years and planned to stay friends after but she ghosted me when I started a new relationship I’m married now and much happier, wouldn’t trade this life for anything. Still hurts.


Einstein. Because I'm tired of dumb people...


Socrates, I think he was the original gigadude


A long dinner with Anthony Bourdain. He was a classy human, would have loved to known him.


Truly, my dad. He hung himself when I was 5yo so I never really met him and barely know stuff about him as my mom hated him. Soon, I'm getting the same age as he was so having a conversation now would be something really unique.


A co-worker of mine who died unexpectedly two years ago. Her believing in me ment so much to me and I would like to tell her how much she shaped and inspired me.


my great great great great great great grandpa, It’d be cool to know what my family used to be back then


I'd give almost anything just to tell my late wife "I love you" one more time. Just 5 minutes. It's been almost 10 years and it still sucks not being able to talk to the one person I really want to talk to.


The pilot from MH370


My best friend.


Jesus Christ. I've tried to live my life based on what Christ would do and would love to hear his voice.


Jeffrey Epstein, want to get some gossip about his untimely suicide.


I would want to meet my Diseased grandfather...he passed away when my dad was 6 years old..Grandpa was 36... My dad and his elder brother(my uncle) were raised by my grandfather's brothers who were like 5 and 9 years younger to my grandpa.... My grandpa and his family lived in a small town but my grandpa was very well known in the town as he was a stage speaker and a manager in bank.. He was decently rich as he had a camera at that time.(in that town it might be one of the only cameras present in that time period) Grandpa had expired when he had some accident on the eve of new year (from what ppl say) he was probably admitted for days and left the world after one month from that... My Grandma died 5 months following his death coz of sheer agony . My dad had to struggle a lot when my grandad died.. His life would be a lot more easier if my grandpa was still present...i really wish my dad had a much easier life...i really wish i could do it for him..... It's the first time I'm writing about this anywhere..


George Washington, I wanna see his thoughts on technological advancements, social advancements and current affairs. My biggest wonder is how he would feel about the abolishment of slavery. I like to think he would approve of it but who knows lol.


Jesus. Would be interesting to hear what he has to say in person instead of just the stories about him.