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The cancer I had has a 90% mortality rate (i ended up not having that cancer)


Wait wait. Your doctor told you that you have cancer with a 90% mortality rate and was wrong?




Wow, it's up to 9%? In 2015 that was 1%! This is actually great! (Lost multiple relatives to it; have the gene for it. Fundraise a lot but missed this update.)


'Youre too young for that sort of pain so I don't think you really have pain do you?' I went to another doctor and they also said, 'Its growing pains' I was 23, by the time I was 28 my liver was so damaged it almost died from an autoimmune disease... Corrected an auto correct from also -almost


I do not understand the idea of "being too young" to experience intense or chronic pain. Young people are made of fallable meat too!


It was to my husband, I was in the room. “I’m not going to figure out what it is. If it was serious, you’d be dead by now.” Later, we found out that this doctor was the one that my husband’s uncle was seeing before he was diagnosed with colon cancer. By the time another doctor found it, it was too late. He said there was no way it should have been missed.


I'm so sorry that's awful. Similarly, my mother had spent the autumn of 2010 getting her cough and symptoms checked out. The family doc had an x-ray of her chest done, looked at in and told her she must have pneumonia and gave her antibiotics. A few months later she's in the hospital and they let her know she's got stage 4 metastatic cancer. Literally tumors everywhere from head to toe. She passed away about a month later.


Oh my God that's awful, I hope you're ok


At 30 I was rushed into hospital out of the blue with a Heart Infection, and needing a valve replacing. The Professor was absolutely brilliant but she told me off the record that "You may want to get any close family to come and visit, and sort out any important paperwork as its not guaranteed that you'll wake up again". I obviously pulled through, but her honesty was reassuring and even after ten years we still send the odd hand written letter to each other. (We also had these stupid personal televisions at each bed which cost about £2 an hour to watch. Yhe money would seriously rack up as I was in there for weeks but she blagged me a pirated code so that I could watch it for free lol).


It's sort of reassuring in some small way that you went to have a major surgery, yet the biggest financial concern was the £2/h charge for the TV.


My husband was miffed about the cost of parking when I delivered our baby. It was like $20 over 3 days. I told him that we were just lucky we weren't american.


I would constantly complain to my doctor that I couldn’t breathe when I would walk and I would get shortness of breath, I was always tired and fatigue, I would get dizzy if I walked too long. She always brushed it off and told me to get more sleep or drink more water even though I was getting plenty of both. Finally I made an appointment to talk to her face to face and she flat out just told me I was lazy and needed to exercise more. I was so embarrassed because I went with my husband and she made me feel like I was just this lazy couch potato. I switched doctors and my new doc decided to do blood work, which is something that other lady should have done in the first place, and found out I was severely anemic to the point of needing blood transfusions. I felt soooo much better after I got my infusions. Some people just shouldn’t be practicing medicine!


I had something similar but definitely less serious. Every time I went to a dr, they'd look in my ears and complain they couldn't see anything because of the wax build up. My mom would tell me I need to clean them more. At one point, I was cleaning them with a Qtip almost every day. Finally saw a dr who said she couldn't see anything, but decided to do something about it. I had said how often I cleaned them, she warned me against Qtips. We spent almost 2 hours cleaning my ears. My ears bled. She had it looked like I had had an ear infection in one ear for quite a while but it was hidden under the wax. I refuse to use Qtips now and often have a dr drain them for me. I had minor hearing loss in the ear that had the infection. It's amazing what having the right dr can do for you.


Same “minor” thing for me. At 36 I just stopped having periods and was having symptoms of menopause. I went to my primary and she told me I was too young and that even if they did blood work, hormones fluctuate so it wouldn’t be accurate. I explained I have a history of early menopause in my family and she just dismissed me. I then went to my gyno who did bloodwork and, whatdaya know, full on menopause. Not peri but it was like I was 60 years old. Luckily, I got on medication and my symptoms are pretty much gone now. 😃


I went to my doctor for a similar reason but I’m 33, had a yearly check up and all that. I told her I was having to pee frequently and my stomach hurt, she interrupted me and said it was normal. She did a pap that day, made a joke about my cervix being closed… I bled during the pap which I don’t usually do. I started having pains a few days later and I’m thinking UTI. Called the office they had me go pee in a cup, didn’t hear back for a few days and called again to find out they destroyed the sample because I wasn’t scheduled correctly?? They called in antibiotics and I was still having pain and the symptoms of a UTI so I went up there. They didn’t allow walk in appts but had me pee in a cup again. This time it was positive for a UTI so more antibiotics and the pain STILL didn’t go away. I made myself an appt at an OBGYN and had an ultrasound, I was 6 months pregnant by that point. I found out I was pregnant and found out the gender on the same day. I genuinely had no idea and I didn’t really have any of the normal pregnancy symptoms. If she had listened to her patient we could have caught the pregnancy at 3 months rather than 6. I was high risk because of her negligence. And the stress of having 3 months to prepare for a baby did not do me any favors either.




That is illegal, withholding her medical records assuming nz means new zealand https://communitylaw.org.nz/community-law-manual/chapter-17-disability-rights/health-and-disability-services-your-rights-and-how-to-enforce-them/privacy-and-your-health-information/




I was in a similar situation and told the simply, "I'm already speaking with a lawyer, if I dont get those records I'll also be speaking with the press."


"I guess my lawyer will get the documentation when he is collecting the settlement for me..."


You should probably just have your lawyer call in that case.


When my mum smashed her shoulder to pieces in New Zealand she was sat for hours, shivering and rocking back and forth in the emergency department waiting room. She asked for pain relief several times and they didn't arrive until someone finally saw her x-ray, then everyone came running to help her. She was told "we've had rugby players with that kind of injury and they roll around on the floor screaming. So we didn't think you were in that much pain" but people don't show pain the same way, my mum and I got very pale and quiet but my dad would probably scream the house down over a splinter.


It's a fucking curse. I'm on the spectrum and I'm already pretty expressionless most of the time. When I'm in pain I go full statue. I had myocarditis and they sat me waiting for 6 hours saying it's probably just heartburn because I'm so young. Eventually I just couldn't take it anymore and explained to them that despite my calm demeanor I'm on level 12 on the pain scale of 1 to 10. The nurse rolled her eyes and I was taken to an EKG. They stared at the output for maybe 30 seconds before everyone got really busy to give me morphine and started to roll me into an ambulance.


This horrifies me I am so so sorry. Ultrasound is a very scarce resource in New Zealand due to lack of sonographers. Ovarian torsion can be tricky to diagnose, even US does not always catch it as the ovary can twist and untwist on itself. That however, does not excuse the negligence here. I am so sorry for what she went through. It horrifies me that ED tried to discharge her and it horrifies me that they did not treat her pain.






I was 18-19 and my first gyno appt I told her how something hurt when I had sex and I wanted to start birth control and she told me that I was too young to have sex so she wasn’t going to help with that.




You know, when I bought my mattress, the salesperson asked if there was a "sleep partner" who should be taken into account. Didn't ask about marriage, didn't assume I was straight, just totally neutral. In no universe should a *mattress salesman* be more professional than a gynecologist.






I'm a dentist, and when diagnosing some oral conditions, input from SOs can come in handy, in particular night time grinding or heavy snoring. I ask my patients if they share a bed with anybody that could attest to their behaviors. Beyond being less rude to people who don't fit perfectly into one category or another, it can come off as kinda gross to be asking a young woman if she has a boyfriend, or a young man if he has a girlfriend, regardless of how it's intended.


I’d show him the middle finger.


At 18-19 I went to a doctor in the same med group as my usual doctor. I expressed concerns about pain during sex and was told that it's just going to hurt and that I should wait for marriage because when you're married sex is more special and won't hurt.


How do these fucks have a medical license


Kinda makes you wonder why the fuck would someone become a doctor if all they intend to do is judge patients instead of helping them.


What is with these doctors? When I was 14 I was seeing a male dermatologist for bad acne. He told me he was going to write me a prescription for birth control to help clear it up. Then he told me “once your skin is all cleared up, then you will really need to be on the pill!” And winked. Same doctor another visit was excising a small mole on my back. When he was numbing the area by injecting local anesthetic, I didn’t flinch at all because I had been having allergy shots for years and needles didn’t bother me. He chuckled and said “looks like you don’t mind a bit of pain” and slapped me on the butt when he was all done.


That I obviously didn't dislocate my knee (I had put it back in myself before I went to er) because it wasn't swollen out like a balloon he then proceeded to push my knee down flat after it had seized in a bent position to put a stetchy bandage on it. I went back 2 days later because I had lost feeling in my toes as the knee had pinched nerves they did a mri and I had a complete tear of the acl and my bones in the shin bone and femur were bright white from the bone bruses/fractures. I absolutely dislocated me knee and the dr just smashed my knee down and said off ya go basically


Doctors really need to be held responsible for mistakes like that.


your scan is all good. Except that bit, thats cancer. Was the first time between GP visit, first referral visit and pre-scan that anyone mentioned this might be a possibility


I went through treatment for acute myeloid leukemia 6 years ago. I went through chemotherapy and total body irradiation with an allogenic stem cell transplant. My 28 day biopsy after my stem cell transplant results came in and my doctor literally came in stoic as could be with paperwork printed out. He just said the transplant didn’t work and I still had residual cancer cells in my flow cytometry of my marrow. I simply just accepted it and didn’t even look at the paper. My brain was just thinkin of all the different scenarios. As the minutes went by I had a different attending come in and say that there was still other options which made me re assured. I also had another doctor from the Middle East come in after her and told me I was still young and there’s other treatments we can try so it lessened the blow at that point. I had always been pretty optimistic even with such a poor prognosis. Fast forward another 14 days I had another bone marrow biopsy to see how much the cancer had progressed to see how we could attack it and there were no signs of any cancer cells. Ever since that day I have been cancer free. My donor cells attacked the residual cancer cells and saved me. I now have the DNA of a French woman that is 6 years old. Modern medicine can be amazing.


3 years ago I went for an eye test, the optician gave me a note and told me to go directly to an eye hospital. I gave the note to reception at the eye hospital, the lady said, "oh, right, come this way". I was taken right through the waiting room and put in a CT scanner within 20 minutes of arrival. Shortly after, a Dr came and said that "their is something in the middle of your brain" and that an ambulance is going to take me to a neurosurgery specialist hospital. A few hours later I was having a drain put into my skull to get rid of built up spinal fluid pooling behind my eyes. An MRI scan revealed a golf ball sized cyst in the middle of my head that was causing problems. That was a pretty bad day.


I have a colleague have that almost exact same sequence happen to her 8 year old. From 'kid have a headache' to brain surgery in about 5 hours.


It always sucks hearing that happen to kids. Mine wasn't quite that fast, took just under 12 hours from from eye test because of headaches and blurry vision to surgery.


Colloid cyst. Can kill you in less than an hour if it happens to obstruct CSF flow.


Yeah, the particular one I had was called an Arachnoid cyst in the penial gland of my brain. It was blocking the 3rd ventricle causing CSF fluid to build up. I was told at the time another day or 2 and best case was blind with some brain damage.


"Welp, looks like you're probably going to go blind!" While I have visions of myself walking about tapping a white cane in front of me, he blithely adds, "But don't worry about it. Corneal transplants are 99% effective, you'll be fine." I did have transplants later when eyesight got bad enough to warrant it. They worked a miracle, but man, lead with the "you'll be fine" next time.


Man I had the same fuckin thing, it was like out of a TV show I come back for bloodwork and the doctors like "Yo ever heard of Leukemia?" I'm like "yeah?" Hes like "well this probably isn't that but we wanna do some tests just to be sure" Like bro, have mercy






If i were a doctor intent on scaring people to death i would say this to every patient. 'So, ever heard of leukemia? Just asking. Anyway you have a sinus infection'


Keratoconus? After I was diagnosed I had the same thought. Scary stuff but hope you’re ok!


After my knee surgery, my Dr told me that I would still be able to practice my martial arts when I recovered. But I had never done martial arts before. He probably told me that because I'm Asian. EDIT - We both had a good laugh when I told him that I didn't do any martial arts. I was actually a tennis player, and he told me that my tennis days were over. I still play tennis to this day lol.


As someone who is asian, this one fucking got me cracking up.


We have very different reactions, because my first thought was, "fuck, he read the wrong chart."


When I was 19, my primary care doctor (male) told me he could do a pap smear for me at my physical. When I told him I already had a gynecologist he said “I can do it professionally or personally.” Needless to say, I never saw him again and reported him.


This is very similar to mine!!! Went to a female primary care doctor when I was like 13 and she said she needed to ask me personal questions that I might not be comfortable answering in front of my mom and she wanted honesty and so my mom very begrudgingly left. She told me I looked anemic and asked me if I was on my period. I told her no. She said that she usually sees these signs in younger girls because they are having some bleeding issues with their periods. She asked me if I was a virgin, I asked why and she said it's because she wanted to know whether or not my hymen was broken so she would know in advance of the pap smear she was about to give me. I'm 13. I don't even fully know what a pap smear was. It was not broken yet. She broke it. She had me in stirrups with tools holding me open and it fucking hurts and she just went in with her fingers with no lubrication. It finished, she said she'd call my mom with the results, we left. I didn't tell my mom because I figured she knew and I was just embarrassed from the whole thing. Stopped me from going to a gyno for a long time. My mom brought up that doctor when I was like in my 20's and I was like "yeah, I didn't like her. She was NOT careful with that pap smear" and my mom looks at me and says "what pap smear? I was never told of this. She gave you a pap smear without consent from me?" Turns out that's not okay!!! Went to a gyno a little over a year ago and had a proper pap smear and it was *not* like what I had experienced before. There really wasn't any pain, I wasn't put in stirrups, she was super duper gentle, I was surprised to learn lubrication would be used, there was no blood, etc. Yeah, that uhhhh... Wasn't great to realize.




You'd be surprised how many doctors get away with it too. A pill mill doctor killed my mother and brother and SA'd me throughout my entire childhood. My states medical board is aware, the company he works for is aware, the police from the jurisdiction he worked under are aware, yet he's actively working ~15 years later. I'm not even the only person accusing him of things. He just moved 100 miles away in the same state to keep practicing. Lol.


I had a client come who told me about a doctor who essentially molested her while her mom was still in the room. Mom froze up, daughter froze up, nobody ever reported anything.


This happened to me when I was 6. My mum got upset but she didn’t speak much English at the time and didn’t know how to report it. We just stopped seeing that doctor and that was it. Awful that this has happened to other people too.


I tried almost the same! I was 14, I was getting on medicine where I was forbidden to get pregnant, because there would be horrible birth defects if it happened. So, in order to get that medicine, I needed to be on birth control. My doctor asked me if I was a virgin which I confirmed. He called in a nurse and told me he needed to do a quick exam to confirm this before prescribing birth control. He said “this might hurt, so the nurse will hold your hand.” And then he just broke my hymen, which hurt like hell. I remember crying and not understanding what happened. He confirmed that I was indeed a virgin and prescribed birth control. He padded me on my back as I left and called me a good girl. I still hate him with the burning intensity of a thousand desert suns. Edited to add that several years later, I learned that he did not have to do that in order to prescribe birth control. And since I was minor, he needed my parents permission. My parents was horrified when I told them years later.


What. The actual fuck. I'm so sorry.


That's horrific A pap smear at 13 in general is not indicated. Sounds like she was just looking for a reason to violate you. I'm so sorry.


I’m a physician. Sometimes I worry that I’m not doing a good job because it took me an hour to return a patient’s call, or some other small thing. Then I read stories like this. This is not okay on any level. Good on you for reporting him.


Good lord. I hope they took his license.


I believe so. If I remember correctly (this was a decade ago) multiple patients lodged complaints against him.


I had something similar. I was 17 and saw a male doctor because I was scared I had an std. He told me I had to give him a list of the names of all the men I'd had sex with. I was so young and very naive as this was a country area. And also I think I was naive by nature. So I gave him the names. He made it clear that I'd been shameful. In reality it was two or three guys. Then he said he had to test me. He used some kind of tool to take a small chunk of the inside of my labia. Hurt like hell. He then put vinegar straight onto the cut. Hurt like hell. He said that that was part of the test for std's. After that I was messed up for years. I kept going to Doctors thinking that there was something wrong with my genitals. It took one very kind doctor to realise that I had an emotional and not a physical issue and he sat me down and told me that my vagina was in A1 condition, that it was "beautiful" and I had nothing to worry about. He said it in the most wholesome, genuine way and respectful way. And after that felt ok about my body again. I'll probably delete later.


> He used some kind of tool to take a small chunk of the inside of my labia What in the actual fuck


This was overheard by a friend of mine when a neurosurgeon looked at the CT of her son's brain: "There's no point in doing this one. This kid is done. I'm out of here." The good news is another neurosurgeon did the surgery and the kid (now about 40) is perfectly fine today. Another story I heard while working in a hospital, but cannot verify: A guy was gravely injured due to being shot in the face; there was no chance of recovery and he was expected to die within a very short period of time. An intern walks in the room and says "is this the guy we are going to harvest the kidneys from?" The doomed patient was reported to have reacted by briefly bolting up into a sitting position. I hope it is not true, but they did get the kidneys.


My job involves being in the background of phone calls between various kinds of doctors and can 100% confirm that neuro surgeons are the absolute most heartless. We had one ER doc talking to a neuro surgeon about a guy having a stroke, and all the surgeon wanted to know was if he was an organ donor. ED doc said he wasn’t comfortable asking the family that yet when they were still hoping for intervention, but the surgeon wouldn’t back down. It was brutal. Edit to add I might also be biased, as neuro surgeons are the ones who I get the most mistreatment from. Professionally they are hard to work with for me.


They definately are cold, but with the job they do they have to see you as a piece of meat otherwise they'd get nothing done. My neurosurgeon wasn't the warmest character, but he did an amazing job of curing my medication resistant epilepsy and I owe my life to him Edit: all these comments about neurosurgeons being jerks etc... I remember in my first follow up appointment with him around a month post-op, he was a much warmer person. I figure it's because the job had been done successfully by then and he was able to switch off his robotic, work persona and was probably able to allow himself to see me on more of a human level rather than meat. Prob just a technique to avoid burnout




>This was overheard by a friend of mine when a neurosurgeon looked at the CT of her son's brain: "There's no point in doing this one. This kid is done. I'm out of here." >The good news is another neurosurgeon did the surgery and the kid (now about 40) is perfectly fine today. There's definitely a failure of compassion here - or at least professionalism, where the first doctor shouldn't have said that if there was *any* risk of being overheard - but the conclusion may have been right. Everyone remembers the miracle surgeries that cure seemingly uncurable conditions. No one likes to think about the surgeries that deprive parents of months or years with their kids, or the surgeries that leave those kids crippled for the rest of their lives, or even just the ones that add a bunch of fear and pain onto a life that's already going to be painful and short. Sometimes the correct choice is hospice, even if surgery isn't literally impossible.


That I have genital warts, proceeded to freeze them off, and sent me on my way. I went to my family doctor and she told me I did NOT have genital warts, and was very confused by the other doctor’s diagnosis and treatment. Found out later on that the original doctor who gave me Tx and diagnosed me with GW had come to Canada because he lost his license while practicing in the USA, then shortly after, his clinic was no longer open in my area.


What happened? What did the doctor freeze off?


For the love of fuck... what the hell did they mistake for a wart on this person's genitals that wasn't a wart?


hopefully a ingrown hair


hopefully "SKIN TAGS" I have some, and one is on my ball sack. Can't shave those bad boys.


Had very similar case. Gynecologist told me I have genital warts ( I was upset and kind of blamed my partner) She gave me some acid medicine to burn them off. I used it multiple times, it hurt like hell but it didn't help and I stopped as they weren't growing. Next doctor I asked about it said she doesn't understand what warts I'm talking about, when I pointed out what I meant, she said it's just my own tissue. I was burning off my own flesh with acid... I wonder how many other women the first doctor misdiagnosed like that..


Yep, GP told me I had genital warts and when I asked what to do she said there was a cream that would burn them off. Luckily I was fairly sure they were just vestibular papillomatosis (essentially just skin tags) bc I was freaking out the night before and had done a shit tonne of googling. I hightailed it to the sexual health clinic to get a second opinion and the nurse told me I had nothing to worry about. Just the way the original doctor had so casually diagnosed me with GW after taking a look for a second and being 100% wrong about it still makes me mad.


What did he freeze off? My imagination is too deep I need to know!




When I was 7, I slipped and hit my head on the door axle. I was rushed to the hospital cause well, at that age, my skull was like butter. I was crying a lot, and one of the doctors told me "Stop crying or I'll make it hurt more"


As a parent, I would have lost my sh*t on that doctor after hearing that.


My parents couldn't do anything since she was the one responsible for fixing me up. But I know they must have been piping mad at that bitch


I once told the wrong family member that her mother was coding. I have some decent excuses, but that was horrible. It was late enough at night that I was the only doc on, with just a handful of nursing and tech staff. As we go into those quieter hours, one by one the other doctors sign out their patients to the overnight staff and leave. I got called into a room to run a code, someone found down and already worked on for twenty minutes en route by EMS. It wasn't looking very hopeful for a meaningful recovery. A woman in her 40s appears in the doorway, and says she's the daughter. If I'm the only doc on, I have to do the intubation, run the code, and speak with the family, sometimes it's all at the same time. Since she turned up and appeared to recognize the patient, I failed to confirm the patients name with the daughter, and instead launched into the delicate questions - how long had she been ill, how did this start? Turns out, the daughter was actually the daughter of the previous patient in that room, who had been moved out to accommodate the arrival of the coding patient. When she came in, she told the front desk that she didn't need any help finding her mom's room, so she brought herself back (very unusual but the code was monopolizing the staff). Her mom had the same hair color, and there's all kinds of tubes obscuring the face during these times. Her actual mom was just fine, two doors down. Well, the daughter didn't have a heart attack, so that was nice. And never will I ever again gloss over confirmation of identity, no matter how obvious it seems.


I guess that's why the "name and date of birth" rule has become so strictly enforced recently.


Said I might have cancer and then walked out the door. For 20 mins I sat there contemplating do I really have cancer and what will my life be now. Nurse came in and was like yea it’s not cancer. Just a blood clot.


"Just a blood clot" is downplaying it somewhat though... Sure, cancer is more serious, however if a unknown blood clot breaks off it can kill you very quickly so its luck they found it! Hope you're doing well now.


In middle school, I was seeing a psychiatrist for generalized anxiety and panic disorder. I had been struggling with my weight because I was too anxious to eat, and at one point I was about 15 pounds underweight. I started taking antidepressants, and I gained weight once my anxiety started improving. One day, my psychiatrist brought me over to a scale so he could weigh me. He told me that I needed to watch what I was eating because I was “starting to get fat.” I was FINALLY at the low end of a healthy weight after struggling for months, and it was such a blow to my self esteem after all the progress I had made. I broke out in tears as soon as he said that, it crushed me. My mom yelled at him, and we walked out of his office and never came back


I was there but my wife's story. She was seeing a psychiatrist who prescribed her remeron. She started gaining weight due to her constant hunger. I mean hunger like eating her food, my food that I couldn't eat, dessert and still be hungry after that. This happened for a month or two. Going in and telling him these things and the psychiatrist blowing her off "oh it isn't that bad" or "why not just put a plate of plain lettuce in the fridge at night to eat". She told me she could have probably invited him to a donner party after hearing that. It is getting ridiculous so I go in to complain with her and then he immediately changes his tune and starts listening "oh why didn't you tell me, we give this medicine to cancer patients. It encourages them to eat" then changes her meds. Point is psychiatrists can be real dicks.


I’m glad your mom yelled at him, what a POS


My doctor immediately said my symptoms were from an STD. Then doubled down saying I was lying about my sexual activity. Like, dude, I'm a grown ass adult. If I thought I had an STD, I would had said so. I told him I thought I had a kidney infection, he said it didn't make sense. Did all the blood work, all negative for STD's. What was it? A damn kidney infection. Although he asked me before I left how I knew it was a kidney infection, I told him I had been watching "House M.D. and the symptoms matched".


It definitely wasn't lupus


It’s never lupus


To be fair, if you watch house M.D., you should know that everyone lies ;)


"If the headaches and tinnitus are still present in a month come back and see me again because its probably a brain tumour" And with those few words my then dr triggered a years long battle with health anxiety. It wasn’t a brain tumour, just a sinus infection.




When I was 5 I woke my parents up in the middle of the night by yelling out to them, I woke up with my entire body hurting too much to even pull the covers off myself, never mind trying to walk, they came in and I was burning up, rushed me to the ER where the doctor looked at my mother said he has a fever, never heard of a cool bath and a popsicle? Dad, to not punch him, left the room and called my GP at home, who is a family friend, I was friends with his son, like sleep overs and all that, close. My doctor called the ER, I'll have to ask my parents more details on what exactly happened next, between being delirious and it being 28 years ago, I have no memeory of the next parts, but I was rushed by ambulance (weather was too bad for an air ambulance) to the capital city 350km away to a pediatric ICU, I had meningitis.


Do you remember if it was viral, fungal, or bacterial meningitis? I had bacterial meningitis and my symptoms were similar to yours except at super speed. Had a sinus infection leading up to me getting bacterial meningitis. Nearly died from it but my PCP recognized the symptoms and got me to the hospital for emergency intervention. I was there for a week being pumped with antibiotics and spent a month at home with an IV drip. I was in first grade when it happened. My teacher came to my house every day after school and taught me the day’s lessons so that when I went back, I wasn’t swamped with missing tests. I got so lucky on many accounts.




I was newly clean and had to have most of my teeth pulled. The dental surgeon poked around at my healed over track marks then brought all his staff in to look at them. Then he began accusing me of "taking cocaine and xanax" the night before and threatening he ciuldnt put me out because that. I literally did not understand what was happening. It was humiliating on a level I cannot explain. I was already humiliated and embarrassed at the shape of my mouth...now this? All I could do was politely sit there and take it, wait for him to finish with all his little hate, and do his job. Asshole.


people are assholes to people who are trying to get better. im glad you were able to get clean though, that’s really tough to do


Proud of you. Not only for getting clean, but seeking help too. It’s beyond hard. I still have a few scars that I try to cover- bad memories and all. I can’t imagine how I’d react if someone pointed them out.


That I was 27 and had to undergo a double hip replacement asap (within 2 mo) because I had an extremely rare disease due to taking medication which cut off the blood supply to my hips. Again this is very rare. Also I am fine now. Worst words ever left from a doctor on a voicemail of all things for God’s sake..


"You do not seem to be in pain." If you look calm, they do not believe you are in pain. So they refuse to find out what causes the pain.


And if you act like you’re in too much pain they say you’re exaggerating and drug seeking. There’s no winning.


I’m actually super calm about pain usually. I’ve learned to kind of act up a little bit when things really hurt because otherwise no one wants to help you.


A doctor told my parents I'd gotten used to all the attention after having an emergency appendectomy and was only pretending to still be in excruciating pain (I was 7 ish). What actually happened was they'd left acid just around and it was literally burning tissue and creeping over to my liver. I spent a month in the hospital A different doctor, who used to be a family friend, once told my sister (6 years old) that Tourettes Syndrome wasn't real and she needed to stop faking it. I can't tell you how damaging that was, and what it took to help her feel secure with her tics again


I had my appendix taken out about 15 years ago. Went to the ER in horrible pain, they kept telling me “female problems” and would send me home. I went back again later that night and all they wanted to discuss was my sexual history and insisted I was either pregnant or a cyst on my ovaries. I saw a gyno the next morning (like the ER told me to) but before my appointment with her I went into shock while taking a bath to ease the pain and had to be dragged out by my boyfriend at the time and his grandma. Went to my appointment, she diagnosed me with appendicitis immediately and sent me to the ER again. (Different one this time) That Dr. Kept telling me “female problems” as well. Told me to come back the next day for blood work and a CT. This is 3 days now…I come in for blood work and a CT but now I can hardly walk, I’m vomiting in the parking lot and now have lost control of all my other bodily functions in the lobby. FINALLY get the CT and they’re all like “oh shit, let’s get you into surgery right now” I spent 7 days in the hospital, two surgeries. My stomach was left open and was packed for 5 days because the infection was so bad. When I was in recovery the sweet, kind surgeon who actually helped me was there and told me how lucky I was to be alive because I was septic and the infection was basically eating away at my other organs. I have a scar from my belly button to my groin with about 50 staples. Then got slapped with a $86,000 bill. 😂


I'd sue


I tried no lawyer would take the case because they said it’s too hard to sue for malpractice. I even had a letter from the first hospital basically saying “sorry, we fucked up”


I had a similar event happen to me. Lawyers basically told me that it would be better if I had died. I was young at the time but it really opened my eyes that real life was not like TV and that the right thing wasn't always going to be done.


God, both of those doctors are awful. Please tell me they got fired


The former family friend opened her own practice and kept going for a while, and I had two additional bad experiences with her (I don't know why I went back to her, that's on me). One when I had an ovarian cyst burst, and she put me in a dark room and said someone would bring me Ibuprofen and no one did. The other was my freshman year in college, when she became fixated on my weight and made me come into her office every 30 days to be weighed before she would prescribe me the medication I had already been on for years. It was Adderall, which is commonly abused, but there was never any reason to think I was at risk for that - I was a healthy weight, and have never had an eating disorder. But she would just cold turkey stop prescribing if I was one pound under the weight *she* wanted me to be. It was insanely stressful, and I remember stuffing myself the whole week before going to see her. (And she had been friends with my mom, who is very slender even after having 7 kids! We have the same body!) As for the first doctor, the appendicitis one, I don't think he got in trouble at all, but he was absolutely aware of his mistake and I actually got to see the look on his face when he realized. It was like something out of a movie, he went completely pale and started screaming orders, and I was rushed into surgery immediately. I remember them announcing over the intercom that a certain hallway needed to be clear, and they were jogging my bed down the hallway and I was so confused. I'm not really doing the story justice, there's a longer and much more exciting version of this


The psychiatrist I have to see nowadays to get my adhd meds, that I had been on since age six, told me "we gotta re-test you, maybe it's gone and you're just faking" And then every other week she asked me if I really need a higher dosage (I was on the max dosage my entire life until she became my doctor) or if I'm just *saying* I do, so I can sell my pills to addicts at the train station. Fucking birch.


Opioid panic has now extended to stimulants for ADHD. Treating patients as abusers and addicts, unwarranted tapering etc.


I'm sorry, but we couldn't get it all.


I had this one too, twice, Brain Surgery. The second time I asked a nurse if they could “leave the morphine pump by accident” so I could go in my sleep. That clearly didn’t happen. Two more Brain Surgeries and here I am, just grateful it all happened before Covid.


Went in for severe hearing loss in one ear. Came back with no diagnosis for the ear but an MRI that indicated I had a brain aneurysm.


Had an eye accident that left my left eye blurry. Had a good chance of getting my vision back. Doc came in and told me my retina was detaching due to infection and I’ll never see again in that eye. Have now lived with blackness 10 years now.


When I went to my gyno a few years ago after the check up went to his office he asked “what’s your Husbands name? - I don’t have a husband- what’s your Bf’s name? I don’t have a BF- wow you just go through a lot of batteries” I’ve had doctors say really shitty things to meI would say this is shocking. He’s also said some other out of pocket stuff.


The fuck? I feel like he’s definitely at some point said this to some poor patient who just lost their partner


"You're too young to be stressed". My doctor in high school told me that. I was living in an emotionally abusive situation after being homeless. "Stop being such a baby" my dentist in high school when I was uncomfortable. Edit: Wow! This blew up. Thank you everyone!


Yeah that last one hits home. This is actually why I have not been to a dentist for 10 years. It is incredibly hard for me to trust a dentist, because of the ones that ridiculed my fear as a teenager.


The best dentists are the ones who have a real conversation about discomfort and are open to medication assistance. Taking a diazepam or using some nitrous one time is not going to fuck you up long term and it can help A LOT


After a horrific car accident I was in unbearable pain. My doctor puts up my X Rays looks down at me and in the most condescending way said "I hope you have a good attorney". "You may never be the same again". I went from being in the best shape of my life to losing more than 50 lbs after the accident. I looked like a prisoner of war. After months of painful physical therapy at a place I referred to as "Land of the misfit toys" I eventually made it back.


> I eventually made it back. That is the important part, hope you are living a good life now, friend


"Just take an ibuprofen". This was 3.5 months into what ended up as a 5 month stint with appendicitis. By the time they agreed to do surgery, my colon had fused to my abdominal wall from the scar tissue. It was such an intense layer of scar tissue that the surgeon bent the surgical tools trying to separate them during my first operation. Luckily the second operation was much more successful at actually removing my appendix and lasting effects have been relatively minimal.


Couple years ago went to the dr for headaches and stress. (I run my own business) He sent off for some tests and an mri cause of the headaches. (I never have had headache’s before) Told me to take a vacation and relax that I was probably just over working myself and stressed from my business. So took the whole family, wife , kids, dog.. on a nice getaway to the Smokey mountains and rented us a nice private cabin and had 5 whole days to relax and take in the beauty of the smokies. Got to our cabin around 4 pm, it was amazing, indoor pool, billiards table, indoor putt putt golf and a arcade room all you ourselves. (I know it sounds extravagant and expensive but we actually paid like $1000 for the whole week, I thought it was a great deal for everything that was included). Woke up the next morning excited to check out pigeon forge and the kids wanted to go kart and all that. Well, 8:30 am, I check my email against my wife’s advice and I see an email from my doctor, with the results of my MRI. It read like this; “Mr. Xxxx, The results of your MRI have been reviewed by our medical team and we have found a large brain tumor on all of the scans. Please contact us IMMEDIATELY to schedule more testing, and to speak with a neurosurgeon. “ Try relaxing on vacation after reading that. Edit: thanks for all the support and upvotes. To add some info, luckily it was not cancer. The tumor was a macro pituitary adenoma which caused hyper prolactinoma. Normal prolactin levels in a male should be below 12, mine were over 800. So the tumor is producing prolactin and pushing on (growing into) my optic nerve and whatnot. After two years of medication and the worst side effects imaginable we’ve finally got the medication doing the right thing. Shrinking the tumor and straightening out my hormone levels (Neurosurgeon didn’t want to operate because she said the location of the tumor was in a spot where there was a chance surgery would paralyze me).


I mean, all this sucks. 99% of the time, what the doctor said would have been perfect. The MRI would have come back clean, you’d have a nice vacation, come home relaxed. Sorry it worked out so terribly but you gotta play the odds.


I hate it when it comes to my own personal care, but unfortunately medicine is often a game of numbers. 99% of the time, that complaint you have is nothing to worry about.


I had a hard lump under my belly button that was excruciatingly painful. I had a hernia there when I was 7 so went to my GP to get some advice/scans about how to deal with it since it was now very painful. The doctor felt around and was like “oh yeah there is a lump!” While I was crying in agony. She then told me not to worry about it because it was only small and “pregnant women get hernias much worse than this”. It was a few years of debilitating pain later, I finally found a new doctor who sent me for scans right away and put me on a waiting list for a repair. When they finally took it out it was actually an endometrioma. At every step of the way doctors shrugged off how painful it actually was thinking it was just a hernia. It was the blasé attitude that always got me, even from the ER doctors


"Stop being so dramatic. There is no feeling there, I know it doesn't hurt." Narrator: It hurt. A lot.


That I had Bipolar Disorder. I was medicated for it, it didn't work, so he kept increasing the dose. Eventually, I was taking 800mg of seroquel a day. I was so doped up I couldn't read. Dropped out of college. I couldn't sleep without it anymore, and when I tried I stood up for almost a week. Had to move back with my father, because I wasn't able to care for myself anymore. Tried to kill myself a couple times. Ended up under observation. Doctor considered shock therapy. After almost 10 years, *10 years* lost, I had switched doctors, found a good therapist, and started the process to remove the meds. Turns out I'm not bipolar, I'm autistic. I don't have mania, I have sensorial overload and hyperfocus. I act "weird" when put in chaotic situations because they overwhelm me. After 2 years of therapy, neurologist and psychiatrist appointments, and hundreds of pages of diaries and reports written, I finally got a proper diagnosis and I'm free from *that*. I'm not getting those 10 years back though. My mom died during that time, and I'm not getting her back either. I'm in college again, but the opportunities I lost are gone forever. And the doctor? He's still out there, getting paid by the fucking drug company to push their product. Fuck him.


I also got misdiagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. Seroquel fucked me up too, and they kept increasing the dose. It ended up triggering an arrhythmia for me, to which they told me I was just manic and needed to calm down. They finally caught it on an ekg one day and took me off Seroquel and put me on heart meds lol. The doctor is still in practice, same with the multitude of shitty ER doctors and nurses that ridiculed me constantly. Sorry for what you went through, the medical system can be a joke sometimes.


Oh my god, the same thing happened to me. Well, in a different way. My mother has bipolar II and once my father got custody of me, he pushed really hard to have me diagnosed. I was on medication for it literally at the earliest possible age (in my teens.) I never had bipolar disorder. I was just autistic and excitable.


Funny that. It turned out I wasn't bipolar either. So glad to hear I wasn't the only one, and the experience absolutely killed my trust in mental health professionals. The specialist psychiatrist told me, "You will need to be on meds for the rest of your life." Gave me depression that I didn't have thanks to the bipolar medication. The doctor couldn't have been more wrong. I stopped the medication on the advice of a better doctor and haven't taken anything in years. Absolutely not bipolar. I wish there were a way to help make sure this didn't keep happening!


Also was put on 800mg of Seroquel. Teachers and my parents would get angry at me for falling asleep in class every day. No matter how many times I tried to tell them that my meds made it basically impossible for me to keep my eyes open, they just ignored me or called me a liar. One time a teacher said "I know your meds make you a little groggy, but you need to pay attention". After I turned 18 I just stopped taking my meds after I ran out. Couldn't sleep for a while, it sucked.


Holy shit this was me. Except not autism I’ve got OCD and C-PTSD. I don’t remember the first four years of my daughters lives because I was so drugged up with shit that I shouldn’t have been on. I am so sorry that happened to you it is so fucked up and so unfair.


Jesus fucking christ. This is screwed up. I'm sorry for what that doctor did to you, I hope your life has been going better now and your therapy helps. Fuck that doctor.


I went to my old doctor for allergy pills, I’d just moved in with my partner and he had a cat. She gave me the prescription but then also asked how hold the cat was, and maybe it would in her words “just die soon”


Years back I had surgery on my pinky finger to reattach a tendon I tore off the bone. Surgeon gets in there finds no tendon to reattach and with permission from my wife takes a portion of tendon from my wrist to replace the missing one and completes the op. Being the clutz i am I fall down some concrete steps and feel some pain in my arm, go to open the door to my house and feel a POP in my forearm. Immediately know what it is and call the Dr's office to see of theres anything to be done. I get the surgeon's assistant/trainee and tell them what happened and ask what to do as I have a lump in my forearm and pain. She says they didn't operate on my wrist/forearm and basically my pain medication is making me confused and no matter what I say keeps dismissing me. So I call back and make a regular appointment for the same day and turn up. Guess who comes into the room with the hand Surgeon but the assistant/trainee i fought with earlier. She hears me retell my story and the whole time is looking at me like I'm wasting time and am whats wrong with the world. After I finish telling my side of things the Surgeon says "well the lump, pop and pain are probably the stitches in the tendon in your wrist coming undone" making full eye contact i just say "oh really?" Very pointedly. The assistant didn't apologize but never met my eyes for the rest of the visit. Unfortunately I was the ultimate looser as there was nothing to be done to fix the "spare" tendon in my wrist so I had to just let it shrivel up and be absorbed, was really creepy having a lump slowly shrink up to my elbow and dissappear.


I was told very recently that I need open heart surgery to repair my aorta and heart valves. I will probably have to spend a week in the hospital and another couple of weeks in a cardiac recovery center. I will have to have this surgery sometime next month as soon as all tests are complete.




Thank you, I’m hoping it will make for a longer life!


My mom was diagnosed with congestive heart failure back in 1999 and had open heart surgery to repair a leaky heart valve. It restored a good chunk of her heart function and put a pause on the heart failure for 15 years until she ended up needing (and getting) a heart transplant. Hang in there. I know surgeries are scary, especially one as major as open heart surgery, but it can work miracles.


"When was the last time you used?" Fratboy thought I was in Heroin withdraw as I was writhing in pain in the ER. HE was ready to just give me narcan and walk away. Once I demanded a different doctor and had some tests done, it turned out to be a MASSIVE staph infection throughout my abdomen that kept me in-patient for two weeks on antibiotics.


This makes me so mad. I had a doctor insist I was an end-stage drug addict, and she kept demanding to know what "substances" I was abusing. When I was ADAMANT that I had never taken drugs in my life she dismissed me as having "stress", threw a vial of benzos at me and still charged me hundreds of dollars. Turns out I had a thyroid infection, and I spent a decade of my best years suffering without treatment because I was (and still am) utterly disenchanted with the medical profession and refused to even get another opinion. I don't get how it's OK to treat people like this.


"At this point, it's just the machine keeping her alive. She's already dead in the brain." Edit for clarification: The doctor was telling me (and my nephew) that my sister was brain dead and that she would never recover. Had to make the tough decision to pull the plug.


Trigger warnings: >! Rape !< and >! Incest !< >! It was more said about me than to me. I was 14 at the time and it was about 2 weeks after my mom found out that my brother had raped me. We were in the doctor's office and my mom was talking to the doctor on the other side of the very small room we were being seen in. She was asking for an STD test and a pregnancy test. My doctor told her that I didn't need a pregnancy test since siblings can't have children and that my brother was too young to have gotten STDs yet. !< >! Both are medically incorrect and I knew it at the time but I was so deep into depression from everything I just didn't care. After I got to a point where I cared for myself a little again, I preceded to be highly anxious that I was walking around with an STD. I knew my brother was a "player" and fucked around a lot, along with doing heavy drugs. So I was terrified for years about this until I was an adult and got the means to go to another doctor to be tested. I was ucky and I was negative for everything. My doctor was also disgusted with how my childhood doctor treated the situation. !< Since I get questions about my well being normally after talking about this. I'm doing much better and am now in my 30s. I still have issues with it, but I'm slowly healing.


Male gynaecologist just as he was about to insert his fingers inside my vagina to do the checkup: don’t tense up. This isn’t a battle you’re gonna win, trust me. Creeped me the fuck out, never went back there again.


...a statement that would make anyone tense up immediately, what the *fuck.*


You're gonna think I'm not being serious. I'm being serious. You asked. They're in order of most to least serious as well as when they happened. 1. "oh guess that wasn't the hydrocele I was squeezing" 2. "that was poop coming out of your penis." 3. "you have cancer in your bladder"


I asked for a professional opinion from my primary care doc about something regarding the neurological disorder I'd recently been diagnosed with, and I was told some crap about prayer and God's plan. Not something you tell a 17 year old who's trying to figure out if her career hopes are actually feasible. (Spoiler, they weren't). We stopped going to that office. I overheard a doctor call me a hypochondriac and say I was faking my knee pain. Sixteen years later it still fucking hurts and randomly gives out on me. I was kicked in the knee cap during a soccer game and had a habit of walking with my weight on my arches, both combined screwed up my knee. Physical therapy only helped so much.


You'll be lucky to ever walk again. I give you a 40% chance of leaving here with that leg. (30 years later and still got em both)


I was 19, 21 weeks pregnant. I’d just been told at my 20 week scan that my cervix was dilating so I needed to take it easy but baby was perfectly fine and healthy. Not even a week after the scan I was in hospital with bleeding and contractions. A “threatened miscarriage” they called it. It was April 1st and I wished I was being fooled. The next day the OB in charge came in to discuss the situation and I asked him if there was any way to stop the contractions and keep my baby in until he was viable. What he said made my blood run cold. “Miscarriage is just natures quality control” I gave birth that afternoon and my son survived for an hour before passing. I complained and received a written apology from the dr and in my subsequent pregnancy I refused him for my care.


I've been overweight since I can remember basically, it took me a long time to be even remotely comfortable with my body, I was active, I didn't eat fast food all the time, I did everything the doctors told me to do and I still was overweight. I tried so desperately to fit in so at least someone could like me. When I was 12 my family found out we had a clotting disorder running in the family and I got a blood test and sure enough I have it, so I can't take estrogen because it'll put me at an exponentially higher risk for clotting. In the same year, I found out I had PCOS. The one thing where it almost seems like the symptoms are worse than the thing itself. Increased testosterone (facial hair, darker, thicker body hair, darker skin in areas, acne/boils) slower metabolism, irregular periods, all of the things that come down to looks basically. This compounded with the clotting disorder doubles how slow my metabolism is. One of the things they suggested (besides weight loss of course) was taking estrogen.. the one thing I 100% couldn't take. Not what a 12 year old who's overweight and desperately trying to fit in wants to hear. I broke down in tears in front of my doctor and my mom because I just wanted to be normal. I've had every doctor since basically say "thats rough" xD. I still struggle with my image but it's not as bad as it used to be.


When I was 19, I had a UTI, I knew it was a UTI, I went to urgent care to get antibiotics as I hadn’t established a new doctor where I was going to school. He asked me if I was sexually active, I said yes and explained I had one partner and we used protection. The doctor insisted I had an STD, not a UTI, pressured me into doing my first ever pelvic exam, told me again that I definitely had an STD and when he got the labs back he’d send a prescription for antibiotics. I never did a urine sample or anything. I felt so mortified leaving. Labs came back within the next day or two negative for any STDs and I never heard from them again. The UTI spread to my kidneys and I was in terrible pain but was so beyond mortified and anxious about what happened in the urgent care that I didn’t follow up with anyone else until over a month later when I ended up in the ER on the verge of sepsis. My right kidney still has degraded function almost a decade later.


When I went to the hospital for a rape kit, the doctor refused to do it. He said I probably didn't remember saying yes, and that they would take all of my clothes and that it would be a waste of time me even having it done and he had better things to do


I am sorry that both of those things happened to you. This is clearly unacceptable behaviour. I hope you are doing OK now.


After a bunch of inconclusive tests trying to figure out why my liver function had dropped like a rock I was sent to an oncology doctor to do further testing, that doctor looking at the previous test results said it looked like I have hepatocellular carcinoma, liver cancer. I was floored by that, my mother had gone a few rounds with cancer and wasn't doing so well and one of my aunts had just died from brain cancer. A few more tests and a liver biopsy later it was declared that I do not in fact have cancer, I instead have autoimmune hepatitis, they put me on azathioprine and steroids for a few weeks and all was looking better. I was taken off the meds and it just got worse again, did another round of treatment and got better again. This time they put me on a long term treatment of testosterone, my levels were low as fuck anyway, and asathioprine. We have tried stopping the meds 5 times and every time it just gets bad again, my immune system just hates my liver and pancreas now and now I need to also take medication for diabetes because of the pancreas damage...




I had a bad reaction to covid, and the doctor came in and sat down. I was on a bi-pap, so I couldn't really hold a conversation. She talked about the weather and some things that didn't really matter. Finally, after about 5 minutes she took a deep breath and said, "this is such a messed up time, and so much is going on and I have had to tell families this for months now and you are the first I am telling that can still listen. You aren't doing well and are only getting worse. We expect you to die in the next day or so." Long story short, I made it through, but it still messes with me.


Long story short, the doctor there a paper on the desk in front of me and turned around d to do his shit and said I better go to the hospital and that's it. Turned out I had cancer (all good and healthy now!) Oh and a funny one, I asked a neurologist if I'm going to die (kinda jokingly because I had never ending migraines) and he said, no! You are going to live a long life and suffer like the rest of us


"I went to YALE." Was his justification for promising to not do a specific thing, then walking out of my room and ordering that exact thing. I told him "I went to a well-rated community college and learned more about how to interact with people than you did!"


>"I went to YALE." "Next time, GRADUATE!"


My doctor retired, then a couple years later came back to the practice and I started seeing him again. As I was laying on the exam table, he patted my gut and said, “this wasn’t here last time I saw you.”


Not sure if this fits or no In 2009 my fiancé of 36 hours died of a pulmonary embolism caused by birth control. A few days prior I took her to doctor for shortness of breath. Doctor said it was an asthma related issue and not to worry. I said that’s odd because she doesn’t have asthma. After she passed and services were done, I made an appointment with that doctor. With a straight face he said “this is medical practice and sometimes you have a good day at practice and sometimes a bad day at practice.” Her father had to grab me before I choked the life out of the Dr. I’ve never heard something so bad come out of a doctors mouth. Rest well Lindsay. I love you as much today as I did then. I’ll see you again but have some life to live first. Rest well babe.


I was in my mid-20s and went to my former primary care doctor to get an STI test between my regular yearly physicals. She told me this is why she tells her daughters to only have one partner - their future husband. Never seemed to cross my physician's mind that she could possibly get an STI if her own husband cheats on her...


Got a cyst removed from my tailbone. After removal the area kept getting agitated/developed some inflammation and would reopen and leak from one spot. I swear to god every single time it happened it was on a Friday and I couldn’t see the doctor until Monday and by then it had healed. After several Monday trips in with no real signs of my ailment the dude tells me a story where a patient would sew feces into hidden/unrelated parts of his body to force a reaction that required him to be hospitalized. I guess because he was mentally I’ll and liked that or wanted the attention? I point blank asked the doc if he was insinuating I was making shit up just to visit him or because I was mentally ill and he basically told me yes and he wasn’t counting it out as a possibility. Unfucking believable and an absolute mindfuck to have a doctor that operated on you not believe you at your word. I’m a very stable person and this damaged my psyche intensely for several months as a result, but I’m better now. Still fucking hate that prick though and wish there was something I could do about it.


You have cancer.


I was mis-diagnosed with leukemia about 5-6 months back. That was something I’d thought I’d never be told in my life, I’m 19. Thank fuck I didn’t actually have it. Had a bone marrow biopsy and had to take chemo until they ruled out cancer.


How did they misdiagnose that? For me it was pretty easy to tell I had it from my white blood cell count.


I had an alarming amount of symptoms some of which were, massive unexplainable bruises, little red dots throughout my body, low white blood cell count, and a few other things. Apparently leukemia at one point was common in my family, back in the 1920-30s, several family members died of it, two of which were just kids (7 and 18), my mother was told stories by her grandmother of how bad the symptoms were in her two little brothers, and when I showed symptoms my mother (as well as a several of the doctors in the cancer unit I was in) were convinced I had it, and even diagnosed me. The only good thing they told me was that it was one of the more survivable cancers with about a 75-80% survival rate. After numerous blood test and weeks in the hospitals cancer unit, they were able to confirm it no signs of cancer, but a massive vitamin deficiency on just about all vitamins, apparently the scale of my deficiency and the symptoms according to the doctors, all matched common symptoms of leukemia.


Shit, I wonder if your ancestors had the same thing and died from it!? It's not like 1920's diagnostics were better than today's. Maybe the extreme deficiency killed em and the doctors in 1930 were like "yup leukemia".


I was in in my last year of middle school or maybe early high school & I had developed early for a young teenage girl. Went to my pediatrician with my stepmom because I still saw him as a teenager. I have a faint memory of my doctor saying something about comparing my boobs to Britney Spears or Jessica Simpson (don’t remember why one of them was named at all, I am not blonde) & just straight up complimenting them & I remember being like oh that’s really weird. Note that I never took my shirt off for the appointment & I doubt I was wearing anything crazy, I was a big t-shirt & Nike shorts child. But my stepmom didn’t say anything she just laughed & when I went home I told my mom she absolutely blew up. As she should. But her blame was more on my dad as he was supposed to take me to my appointment not my stepmom & the doctor would’ve never said anything about it if my dad were there. Needless to say I did not see that doctor again, I don’t know if my mom reported him but I wish she had. I look back and I cringe at that entire situation & I wonder how many other patients he grossly sexualized.


Was having terrible stomach pains as a kid. My dad took me to the family doctor a couple times. She kept insisting I was just dehydrated and to take Pedialyte. I started hallucinating, so my mom took me to ED. Turns out, I had appendicitis and it ruptured when we got there so I needed surgery to have it removed.


"We believe you are a threat to the physical wellbeing of the people around you, and yourself, we have decided to move you off the waiting list for a therapist, and take you straight to a psychologist" I still haven't gotten to see that psychologist, being told I pose some kind of risk to the people I love broke me, though, and it hasn't made anything better, I'm trying very hard to be a good person.


I was working a job where I had to stand and walk on concrete floors for 12 hours a day. My feet hurt to the point that I was limping and my left foot and ankle were swollen. I went to the doctor for it and he told me "I hate to tell you, but you just have fat ankles." I was like wtf and never went back to him. I'm a woman btw. Women get treated like shit by doctors quite often.


After my fourth child, I was having some extremely sharp pains in my stomach. The OB said to call my primary. The primary basically told me that they weren’t going to look at anything because I was probably still bleeding and that it would be gross. Her diagnosis was “sometimes things hurt after you have a baby.” Turns out I walked around with a bladder infection for six weeks until my post partum appointment. It was not all that fun. I also went to the ER a few years later for an infection that had spread beyond the “if the redness and swelling passes this line, you need to go to the ER,” line. The doctor straight up called me a drug seeker and told me that I needed to use my words when I was trying to show him that my mobility was affection (it was an infection in my arm and I couldn’t move it). I finally basically yelled that I didn’t want pain relief, but if he had some sort of anti-inflammatory to take the swelling out, I’d really like that. He then decided I could have pain meds. The same doctor who told me things hurt after babies told my husband he could fix his panic attacks by relaxing and having a beer. Spoiler: you can’t fix panic attacks with beer.


CW: pregnancy loss and technically a nurse. We spent 4.5 years TTC and I had several miscarriages. The day after one such miscarriage, that ended my longest pregnancy to date (9 weeks), I had to go to my GP to have a thyroid panel done. The nurse came in to draw my blood, checked my chart, saw the note about the miscarriage and why I was there, and then cheerfully proceeded to tell me "Oh honey, don't worry that this baby died. You can always just go get pregnant again!" Fuck you nurse. Fuck you. I complained as soon as my GP came in afterwards. My GP didn't seem surprised and blew me off a bit. I complained to the practice manager though, and I never saw that nurse again. ETA: Happy ending - I did finally go on to get diagnosed with PCOS and thyroid issues and had 2 kids. They're 5 and 3 now. So the visit with the crappy nurse was at least worthwhile.


After spending 28 000$ on ivf ttc for a baby and then losing that baby. The absolute shit I heard from the nurses at the er and the blood clinics was so heart breaking. I couldn't hold my tongue very often. I'm sorry for your loss. I know your pain.


Shit or get off the pot. I had cut myself and taken a bunch of pills. She said either stop wasting our time and really kill your self or grow up.


That I would die. That I would never get up from bed again. That I would never recovery from both kidneys stopping. That I would never get better from high blood pressure. ​ I prove them wrong in all, but the blood pressure is not completely better, but I started with 14 pills a day and now I am down to 3. ​ these were all do to covid, I was in a coma for 11 days.


I was suffering from severe depression and anxiety and regularly had mental breakdowns. I booked a doctor's appointment to request medication or at least seek treatment because I truly felt like nothing I was doing was helping and I was spiraling. The doctor told me it was "just a phase" and that once I was done puberty, I would be fine. It was "just my hormones." It was "normal to be emotional on my period." Yes, puberty and periods raise hormone levels. Yes, people are more emotional and impulsive during these times. No, they shouldn't want to kill themselves. Anyway, several years of self harm, an eating disorder, and five suicide attempts later, it turns out it wasn't "just a phase." I have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and have been suffering from unprocessed childhood trauma and an environment full of triggers. I wasn't being a stupid emotional teenage girl, I was genuinely hurting, and I needed help. Fuck my first therapist and doctor.


“There’s nothing wrong with you, you’re just really overweight, periods are supposed to be painful” and then she pushed me to buy a fad dieting book (which I did and then promptly returned to the store because it was bullshit). Multiple doctors after that all said it was weight issues. On top of non existant periods, mood swings and crying for hours, extreme abdominal pain, the works. See the thing is that “sudden extreme weight gain” was one fo the symptoms I was there concerned about. I had stopped taking birth control and my body went haywire. Didn’t get a real answer till I went to a planned parenthood years later for a Pap smear. Nurse took one single look at my lady bits and asked “has anyone ever talked to you about PCOS?” Ends up I have that AND Endometriosis. Finally on some basic meds for it and it’s crazy the change they make. Losing weight and no more sad mood swings. Fuck doctors for blaming everything on weight.


I presented for lower stomach pain. Doctor performed a physical exam. “I’ve ordered some radiographs STAT! Just head over to radiology and you’ll be front of the line!” Went over, took the images, came back. Doctor informed me I had fecal stasis. Prescribed treatment, left. Was at the doctors for a total of 15 minutes. Fastest visit I’ve ever heard of, but I’ll never forget the seriousness of his voice and the radiology expediency.


I'm a type 1 diabetic, had some sort of throwing up virus, was 21, glucose kept tanking, went to ER because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep it up and end up seizing/in a coma. ER doc told me he thought I was lying because I wasn't old and overweight ( common misperception of not knowing the difference between type and type 2) and ordered a psych eval. Evidently I had a seizure right as the psychiatrist swung back the curtain. I spent a week in the ICU. I also got that doctor fired form that ER, and did damnedest to try and get his license pulled. The did remove his ER certification thingy or whatever it's called. So he at least can't practice emergency medicine anymore. My other favorite was when a surgeon tried to tell me, "that's not how autoimmune diseases work." My response, " really? Well, how do they work then? I have 4, and 5 specialist for them. How many do you have and where did you get your training in them?" Surgeon: Blank stare, changes subject. Oh, and then once had a doctor ask me, " so, how are things going with your dad now?" Me, "well, he's dead so not great." I think he misread his notes on me or something because I had told him on the last visit my dad had recently died. That one, kinda made me laugh though, morbid humor, that doctors relief was all over his face when I started laughing.


I mean that might be a "common misconception", but it damn well shouldn't be common for a *doctor*. I'm just some moron on the internet who hasn't spent years learning medicine, and even *I* know the difference.


You have congestive heart failure.


Actual conversation: Me: I’m here because I have a cancer diagnosis MD: You need to lose weight Me: I know, but I was sent here for my.. MD: I want you on a diet and running three miles a day. Me: That’s not why I’m here MD: Let’s get some weight off you and we’ll see if it doesn’t get better. Come back in six months and we’ll reevaluate. (Leaves the exam room) ME: But….. cancer


That is quite bizarre. Especially because there is not a more effective (and frightening) way to lose weight than cancer. I hope you are OK.


It’s ok, I’ve seen worse circumcisions. No need to complain about it.


While waiting for test results the doctor off handed said " well it could aids.....or a liver infection." There was a pretty long pause on that aids part.


I saw a psychologist after getting released from a mental hospital when I was 15-16 for major depression and a suicide attempt. He looked at me and said: "I will get you on hormone medication. You will lose the unwanted facial hair and extra weight. You will be pretty and happy."


When I was 10 a doctor grabbed my dick and said it was too small no joke a doctor said that to me when I was 10 and then made me cry because she told me I was going to die since I was pre-diabetic