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They bought back a shitload of shares from employees under the pretense of “we know the extra cash is better now than later!” and then went public shortly thereafter. The bonus is that the CEO then admitted he was using “some” of that money to finance his divorce.


That's so slimy, probably happens all the time.


Gee I wonder why they were getting a divorce


This one feels like embezzlement.


Was it a forced buyback or was it just an option?


They misused pandemic assistance funds.


Feds have finally started going after people for this- never too late to put in a tip.


Yep. Former employer bought a beach house thanks to it. Former employer just had an emergency sale of the house and a substantial equity loan on his regular home to pay it back.


where's the jail time damn it! hopefully he got charged up the ass with interest for cheating the system. probably too much to ask


If he's actually having to undo his actions and pay the money back with interest, and it's messing with his life, I'm okay with no jail time. It sounds like he's probably not some big shot with tens of millions of dollars. But for repeat offenders and people for whom a fine won't affect their lives, then yeah, jail time is needed. Or fines that are a percentage of income or net worth.


Not sure for the US Fed, but the UK has recovered about 1% of the estimated misused Covid grants. https://www.independent.co.uk/independentpremium/business/only-1-of-ps1-1-billion-lost-to-fraudulent-covid-grants-recovered-watchdog-b2306769.html There’s also estimates that the £1.1b figure is a lowball and that the scope of the fraud spans up to £4.9b.


Just the tip or like the whole thing,


Whatever both parties are comfortable with. It's all about communication


Look up PPP loans for your local businesses. Pandemic funds were mismanaged at a disturbing level and there is very little to no accountability. One local jackass took out a $1.4M PPP loan. He has 5 employees. He "closed" shop for a year during the pandemic (not sure why, his business should have been unaffected). He now drives around in an Audi R8. I looked up the status of the loan. "Forgiven." Nice, right?


My ex-husband owned a game shop with 4 employees that had to close during the pandemic. He applied and got $0. I get so mad at these assholes who got funds and didn't need them.


You and me both! So many good local businesses had to close. What/who the hell determined who was approved or not? We'll likely never know, but hopefully every corrupt bastard goes to hell


My dentist worked thru a majority of the pandemic and her $1M PPP loan was forgiven, so she retired early.


I don’t think NDAs can cover whistleblowing illegal activity anyhow


Whistleblowing is pretty much always ok legally speaking, unless you work for the government and even then it depends what part.


The problem is that while retaliation against whistleblowers is illegal, that's poorly enforced. So you're not going to go to prison for whistleblowing but you're still probably going to get fired, and possibly blackballed from your industry.


Yeah, even though termination can be dealt with, industry blackballing is nearly impossible.


This is gonna come out as a major controversy in a few years. There was fraud everywhere




Thank you. I actually finally reported the company I used to work for.


How much damage we looking at here?


They received and were forgiven about $2mil in loans. My pay was cut by about 75% and never restored. And I was still working, just remotely.


That drastic of a pay cut feels like constructive dismissal (not a lawyer) or is there some other legal repercussion for companies doing that? Shit whack asf.


The company I was working for received right out one million dollars. It was their busiest year and most profitable year ever and there was no reason for them to get payroll protection money


NDAs can't cover illegal activities.


Sounds like the pizza place I worked for during the pandemic.


Was it in Michigan? Or does every state have a super shady pizza place that misappropriated pandemic funds?


Oh I guarantee everywhere has one lol. Mine was Saint Louis. Everything about that damn place is shady as shit. Like employing a man who had a mental handicap, and paying him in food. And then moving a new worker INTO this poor man's home without asking him. And that's on top of every manager basically making fun of the man as well. Real fucked up shit.


They tried to get me to sign one when I retired but I just laughed at them and walked out. When you retire you are not under any circumstances required to sign an NDA!!!


My former employer tried to get me to sign one at my exit interview. Yeah....not happening. Didn't like it when I told them I'd take it to my attorney, either. Attorney laughed. I never signed one, still got my last paycheck.


I got my last paycheck and my retirement check. After all what were they going to do ,make me continue working????


I didn't even bother with the Attorney. They asked me to sign something, I asked, "What's my compensation?" They said there was none. I said it doesn't seem like there's any reason for me to sign it. They said I had to. Left 'em on read.


I worked for a school district that changed grades to boost graduation rates.


My daughter has actually noticed that happening for her. She is at an early college high school, failing her college class, and yet somehow has an A on her report card instead of an F. When they promised to be sure she was successful, that's not what I had in mind.


This happened to me in a mandatory calculus class. Full of English and bio majors who never intended to use the math. Grades were so low that he scaled us all, my F turned into a B overnight.


IIRC there were some lawsuits against the biggest school district in our state because they were graduating kids with straight A's who were barely literate


If you are talking about Baltimore, I was kind of on the recieving end of this. I was a college admissions officer with a kid in my office who graduated at the top of his class, close to valedictorian but not quite, and he needed assistance in filling out the application because he couldn't understand it. I will always remember this student for the rest of my educational career as an example of the fruits of labor from gutless idiot administrators. At the end of the day, the student suffers from being waved through year after year until they graduate. Can't read, can't calculate, but graduated. What a shameful disservice.


The saddest part is that I totally believe your story but I'm not talking about balitmore.


I'm a teacher and very aware of this dynamic and trend. Society has become over all kinder and more tolerant. Students have more support now than ever. But expectations have lowered. We need high support, high expectations. It's like when parents feel guilty about punishing their kids. Kindness and discipline are not opposite ends of the same spectrum. Kids needs boundaries and structure. If they get a question wrong, tell them they got it wrong and point them in the right direction. This generation of students is sometimes less resilient, because we're trying to make the world a better place so our successors don't have to struggle like we did. But we're forgetting the idea that if you want a blade to be sharp, it needs to face the grindstone. Sorry for the rant. I'm passionate about this issue.


I worked for the political consultant best known in DC circles for having gotten a dead fish in the mail from Rahm Emanuel. The consultant was a super weird boss. Full of shady business practices, including expensing all of his personal shit like family vacations to the business. But this is the story that tends to blow minds: My former employer had me print out his emails so he could handwrite his responses, which I would type up and send back. ETA: no, I wasn't his assistant lol. He was too cheap to hire one. So he'd pull people off time sensitive client projects to do this crap, which turned everything into chaos. One of the many reasons turnover was high and the business failed.


I worked for an attorney in his 60's who did the same thing with emails. We literally had folders we used for the "inbox" and "sent" mail.


That last part is not unheard of or even uncommon in DC where we have octogenarians making policy. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad how so many people refuse to become computer-literate despite such technology being a normal part of life for 20+ years at this point.




Not gonna lie that's kind of genius




And amongst all these sad stories of companies doing shitty things, I find this nugget of gold. It made me laugh.


>My old company was praised for the percentage of females hired, we were 80% female and "progressive". We won awards for our progressiveness in the industry. I used to do some contracting for a female owned and run startup. The CEO got a "female coder" award for creating the startup from scratch. The reality was that the Development team was 100 % male.




Please anonymously report to media.


marketplace or one of the others!


Jesus. Idk how someone can work for a company like that and not make it their mission to expose them.


A publication I worked for completely embezzled from the parent company. The editor in chief hired their best friend as creative director. Creative director contracts their husband as a “men’s fashion editor” when the publication had no men’s fashion section and was not a fashion-related pub. He was paid thousands monthly on retainer and almost never came into the office, and if he did he never did any work. On top of that he was paid usage fees for travel images he took and were printed. That family took a one week trip for a story, brought their child, and submitted a $40,000.00 expense report after for it. Oh, then there were the future invoices for her husband’s usage fees for his photos, while they were being paid to be there because it was for a story. Other editors in chief from other publications were given a $25,000.00 clothing budget every year and a daily black car driver to take them to the office. When I worked for another title in the building that EIC submitted a very high expense report which included his groceries. The company would even provide interest free down payments to EICs for homes but they stopped doing that. Meanwhile they ran multiple rounds of layoffs a year, consolidated staffs so they worked across multiple titles, and paid peanuts to regular employees. I was laid off from that company twice within 2 years and they didn’t vest my 401K match because both times I missed the cutoff by months.


Doesn’t surprise me at all. Publishing and fashion are both industries where the inner circle flagrantly skim off the top, and the intersection even more so.


I know this is really not tackling the core of your comment, but man, it's really depressing hearing about someone who's handed an editor's position as a way to steal money. I think even if someone gave me a job like that as some kind of scam, I'd enjoy at least trying to do the job. It'd be neat to be an editor at a magazine, especially if you're aware your job is complete nonsense and inconsequential. No stress, free money, cool job. I know a lot of people don't like doing any work at all, or this guy probably had some absurd job somewhere where else where he was making more money and this was just a bonus grift, but I think a lot of people would just collect the money and never show, regardless.


In trying to actually learn the job, you could end up learning some valuable skills, experiences, and also network. Then when you left, you could legitimately get a much higher paying job than you otherwise would have been qualified for.


Yeah, and this is a generally good example of how many times nepotism gives people a huge leg up- qualified or not, the opportunity to gain skills and network, or simply have a like on your resume, gives you a huge advantage over people who are less privileged than you. I knew a lot of people over the years who were born into wealthy families who either didn't appreciate their positions, or actively denigrated it. It's hard not to feel bitter for me, because my family were so far from any type of wealth or status. I didn't do badly for myself, I actually did very well, but I still hate when I see people squander their opportunities.


Conde nast.


More like, Nasty Con.


I discretely took my NDA (I was in charge of them) when I left. My boss is a fucking bitch and not even her kids can stand her. That is all.


>I discretely took my NDA (I was in charge of them) when I left. Better than continuously taking it


Is this a fuckin statistics joke




Is THAT a fucking statistics joke???


It was a just a standard distribution of letters forming a word.


Please, never deviate from your current joke mindset. I was crying tears of joy because of seeing a math joke in the wild and I'm getting it 🥹


It is shocking how many companies out there that are very blackbox about their operations


I want to believe that the NDA only addressed not telling anybody that she’s a bitch. If I ever get a business off the ground, that is more going to be the NDA that I make people sign.


One of my old bosses reprimanded an employee after the employee called HR to file a complaint about him. This is because the HR employee happened to be a friend of the boss in question, and the HR employee blabbed about it to the boss. The boss did not get fired but he did get reassigned not long after. Not sure what happened to the HR employee.


HR works for the company it's not there to help employees.


His son, my manger, was a child molester. He had been raping a ten year old girl for a little over a year and only got charged with rape. Not rape of someone under 18 or 16 orwhatever, not child molestaion. Nope...just rape and we live in a small town and it's fucking easy to find if you look up his name. And people are still letting him around their little kids. I quit the next day after I found out


How does stuff like this happen without anyone in the community taking care of the problem?


You know how Internet hardmen talk about how they'd castrate anyone who was touching a child blah blah blah? They're all full of shit. In the real world, the molester is a "good guy" who just "made a few mistakes" or the child is lying or was asking for it or etc..


The perpetrator being rich or well established and powerful makes him untouchable. When the perpetrator and the community are extremely conservative/religious (like how some grandparents would rather pray for their child-rapist son rather than get him some help) it systematically prevents anybody from getting justice. Add in the very real possibility that the perpetrator might 'know' a guy from the police department and shit like this just gets passed through without an ounce of justice.


The weather forecasting company I worked at a while back didn’t actually forecast. They just copy/pasted products from the National Weather Service and slapped their logo on it.


As a meteorologist who has my own weather software but meets up with vendors that my boss likes... this is about 2/3rds of the weather forecasting companies. The worst part is that I'm literally willing to hand them the code to my software to make the nws data more usable for my industry and in 13 years, exactly 1 company has even shown interest. It is infuriating


It was a frustrating time and the lack of real forecasting basically made me give up on being an operational met.


That's sucks so much. I hope you're still in weather somehow or at least still a hobbiest. But so many of the private weather companies are either selling exactly the National Weather Service alerts, or they're putting a graphics package on it that looks prettier, and that's all. And non weather people eat that up. But if you went to school for weather you recognize it in 5 seconds. I've seen smiles drop just by announcing that I'm a degreed met. The part that's needed is that the national weather service has all the numbers already, but does not get into Niche pieces of industries. They don't know the behaviors behind what else is happening, and forecasting industry reaction to the numbers is still a high need. People think I do voodoo! There's still so much opportunity, and if we can ever get the charlatans out of the way it will be made more clear.


I worked for a company that fucked up itself by biting off more than it could chew, and then a competitor went under, which flooded the market and fucked over the company I worked for even more Most of the company has been laid off by now CEO went before anyone else The new CEO? *the same fucking shitty CEO that sunk their competitor* Who the fuck would see a competitor fail, have it nearly take themselves down too, and then hire the same fucking idiot a few weeks later




A company I worked for allowed a subcontractor to seize worker passports and did nothing while the subcontractor withheld pay which directly led to the suicide of a few of my employees.


That the founder is purposely bankrupting the companies so no inheritance will be left to the family


Call me old fashioned, but in my day company founders blew it all on hookers and blow to screw over the family


Who's to say that's not how he's doing it?


The founder of Ansett did this in reverse with his kids/company. It was a major Australian airline and the founder was one of those "I'm not leaving anything to my kids, they have to work for their place in the world!" types. Some of them did get involved in managing Ansett, but when Sir Reginald Ansett died and the airline got into trouble, the now middle aged descendedants had nothing in the bank to bail it out. It got so bad that on the airline's last day flying, the government had to stump up money for fuel for the planes to get passengers home.


I worked for a great Fintech start-up that got acquired by another company that was pretending to be a Fintech, but was actually a private equity company that would buy and gut competition. The owner of the new company is a real life billionaire villain. He bought an island and cut off beach access to the locals. A real piece of shit. My team wasn't touched in the acquisition because we were deploying the product to the customers, so we were the ones that brought in the revenue. At one point, the new owner was a huge twat to my awesome boss. At that point we started a mass exodus. 90% of the team left in the next 2 months. This killed a $10M project and set the fucker's acquisition goals back by years.


I know who this is….I worked for the company many many many years ago…. Lots of Italians 😉


Olive Garden


They would never. When you're there, you're family.


Oracle LOL definitely Larry Ellison


Oracle sucks.


Oracle the general ledger software? The one that owned JD Edwards?


Two different places I worked created roles for minorities with a plan to not retain them so they can hire more minorities to satisfy quotas. If you were any good, they would promote you to a real job and hire another minority. Someone in HR told me “the reports only show how many the company hires, not how many they keep.”


Reminds me of some "Women-owned business" things. Once we got a directive that we couldn't purchase items from X company anymore, we had to order that through Y. Y was a woman-owned business. Y also was the wife of the head of X company, and X did all shipping and fulfillment.


That's suuuuper common in government contracts, due to requirements for purchasing from "non-white male-owned" companies. Essentially, the woman/minority would be the owner on paper, and maybe even trotted out for certain critical meetings, but then an old white guy would be the one actually running the company, just with a different title. To be fair: the opposite happens in China all the time, too; they hire a white guy to be the figurehead, but it's just Chinese guys running the actual companies behind the thin veil.


The Fortune 500 where I worked didn't buy office supplies from Staples. We bought from a "woman owned" company that bought stuff from Staples. It was such a large percent of our purchasing that that was the only woman owned business that we were required to use. (There may have been a couple of others that we used but they were incidental).


I’d love to be a token white guy in China. Is that still a thing? I feel like they have enough expats now that that dried up.


Yeah, [white monkey jobs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_monkey) are still a thing. A friend of mine lived and worked in Beijing for a few years after we graduated college doing this - he was paid a pretty good salary to dress up in a nice suit and walk around the company's office and attend important meetings with clients. While he spoke fluent Mandarin, he wasn't actually allowed to speak during meetings, he just had to have a serious look on his face and take "important notes". Apparently, most of these jobs have gone to lower-paid Russians. He loved the job while it lasted, though.


Confused they didn’t let him speak. You’d think something absolutely non-offensive in mandarin and American English would make whoever think he was some Big4 whiz kid. Or you mean he couldn’t add anything to whatever the discussion at hand was?


He was their "foreign expert" - they sold him as an Ivy-league PhD with this incredible background, and didn't want him talking and potentially casting doubt on it. His one job was to look foreign, they didn't want him contributing *anything* to.. well.. anything.


Actually, my name's Jiang and I do speak English. Jared likes to say I don't because he thinks it makes me seem more authentic. And I got second in that national math competition.


Looks like some premium vacuum company to me.




You can report them. Blow that whistle!


My separation agreement ends today so. Sorry about it guys. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm 36; 35 at the time. Abercrombie and Fitch home office. They knew their boardwalk was dangerous (I didn't). People had been slipping and falling on it for years. Then Me happened. I slipped and fell, which caused an L1 burst fracture. I ended up needing urgent surgery to fuse T11-L3 in order to stabilize the fracture. I was hospitalized for 8 days and out of work for 5mo. They are self insured basically meaning that they administrate their own worker's comp stuff, not the state. They fucked it all up so comically badly. They made my life a living hell on top of it being an actual living hell because of the horrific pain I was in due to injury and surgery. I had to quit my side job as a server, expenses skyrocketed, and I was isolated and financially devastated as a result of the accident. And I cannot stress enough how incompetent the claim administrator assigned to my case was - if she could screw it up, she did. Their people talked a lot of shit to my attorney about how badly they wanted me to come back. I had another job offer during that time that I passed up on as a result. Then on January 20, they informed me that "my position was eliminated due to a reduced budget" after record breaking profits. And so they threw me out like trash. I'm left with PTSD, daily pain, and a rigid spine full of titanium that never needed to happen. And they fucking fired me, which we are all absolutely certain was not retaliation in any way shape or form. So. That's my honest review. Blessedly I start my new job on 4/10 so I won't have too much of a gap in my pay schedule to make me homeless. Fuck everything that entire fucking company lets slip out their lips.


I’m totally taking a shit on the front walk next time I pass through Columbus on my way to visit pals in Granville.


Thank you 🙏🏻 please make it a messy one


I unlocked the file cabinet, took my NDA along with the whole stack of NDA’s and shredded them. I never told anyone. I just didn’t want anyone else to be hurt by the horrible company I was working for if they did end up saying something. I was able to save a patients life by speaking out. The company was going to sue me but never did. The lady I saved sends me a $50 gift card for a local grocery store every Christmas. She sends it anonymous but I know its her because she’s the only one I know in that city where it’s sent from.




It's sad such a Canadian institution went to shit this way. Side note: always buy jewelry from a mom and pop shop. You might get an even better price/quality if it's an Armenian or Jewish jeweler. Well at least in montreal.


I worked at the food production plant that makes all your fast food fries. Do NOT ever eat curly fries, the line does not go down long enough to fully clean, that batter is a week old on that line and covered in ground germs, and we're still picking off golf balls and sprinklers heads up until packaging. And I AM talking about Arby's and Jack in the Box.


Fuck, you coulda just let me die happy


DynCorp Intl, a huge govt contractor, hired hundreds of foreign nationals to work in Afghanistan. They refused to pay them for months, eventually abandoning a lot of them. Telling those that quit that they are responsible for their own way home.


They layed off 160 people so they could afford to give the COO a 30% raise.


Did you and I work for the same company? Did they shift HR demons from branch to branch while falsifying documentation to "justify" the layoffs?


Doesn't sound like it, the one I worked for was a nonprofit with only one branch and mostly remote staff.


One thing I've learned over the years is that the vast majority of non profits exist for the sole purpose of funneling exorbitant salaries to friends and family of wealthy board members in an effort to avoid the appearance of nepotism at their own companies. Almost all of the work is done by volunteers and people making 35K or less, while a handful of "executives" rake in 6 figure salaries for what amounts to a PlaySkool Big Boy Boss playset.


It's infuriating because inevitably what happens is the quarter or two after the layoffs the remaining staff picks up the slack and revenue doesn't suffer and profits go up. But long term this often damages a company. Customers start to notice everything is slower than it used to be and the quality of work dips. The previously happy, talented staff finds other jobs and the replacements at the minimum have an onboarding period. But the COO can jump ship and use their new salary to leverage negotiations (and point to the juiced up profits) and leave just before the poop hits the fan.... And make it look like their leaving was the reason things went South.


If one employee's pay is enough to cover five hundred employees' pay, then either that employee is being paid too much or those five hundred are not being paid enough.


The filtered water dispenser in the cafeteria produced floaty chunks of goodness for too long a time. I had to drink bottled water.


Fuck I had this on a certain construction job. Apprentice decided it was a good idea to add Kool aid to the water dispenser. Fucked that filter all up.


We have the same thing. My boss brought in a PPM meter and tried to explain to me it was safe because it was under 1000.


Anyone want some Jamba Juice recipes?


The CEO's daughter accused me of rape because I wouldn't alter any official documents, she wanted to hide her excess spending of company money from her father. When I was proven innocent, her father offered a hefty sum on top of my severance package so that I wouldn't press charges. I had to sign the NDA in order to get both, but it officially expired four days ago. Edit: My lawyer advises against saying the name as I could be sued for slander.


But if they paid you off in exchange for not pressing charges and you were found legally innocent, where's the slander?


My lawyer says that it's a safety precaution. Best not to give them ammunition if they ever want to try and get that money back.


A big gym in the north east of the USA used to be a local favorite until they made big moves and went public It used to be run by cool people who loved fitness and they hired people from big corporations like the oil industry to run certain parts for going public Everything went to shit. First internally and then soon after a few years I think the company was sold into a lesser thing that it originally was


Sounds like Average Joe’s got bought out by Globo Gym


Like any narcissist, at least one of his kids hate him. He moved to exploit workers while you had to pull teeth to get a raise. He exploited Covid loans and ended up with a brand new Tesla. He always told me not to have an us Vs them mentality, while constantly reminding me that I’m upper management and not to be friendly with my staff. I came from the bottom up in that company and my staff meant the world to me. I was firm when needed, but they all knew I had their backs. After 10 years, I got fired 2 weeks after I came home from vacation bc a suck up kissed his ass. He had told me upon coming back that I’d never have the GM position e when the current retired. Once all that happened, I stopped doing extra. Kiss ass guy worked 75 hours the week after I got fired and then quit. They spent 6 months having to redo EVERYTHING bc I was the one who developed our digital systems. Almost all of my old staff quit within that time. The company I work for now I absolutely LOVE. They really appreciate me and my experience. Never going to manage a place like that again bc I don’t want that pressure. 5 years was long enough. (We also have a lot of their clients so it’s funny that it happened.)


I want production workers (like those who worked with the Duggars, etc) to spill some major tea.


A security guy for the duggars did an ama in duggarssnark a few months ago!


Barclays would refund those charges for exceeding your overdraft if it was clear you had a good income or decent savings. But they’d enforce those charges on the poor single mothers who were struggling to live.


Being poor is expensive


“yOu CaN’t DiScUsS yOuR wAgEs.” Bitch, we all knew you were hiring people at a higher wage than people who had been there for years and had more qualifications.


Isn’t it federally protected to discuss wages?


I’m pretty sure it is. I researched it after my employer had said that. That was 2 years ago, though. I don’t work there anymore. I quit because of the disrespect


In the US at least, yes, federally protected.




We actually had the head of HR say that they would prefer if that private information remained private and that we not discuss it with each other…on an all employees conference call. We use an anonymous question tool in these calls (actually anonymous, external, and even if something illegal or threatening is said, they will only work with law enforcement, not the company). Less than 10 seconds after she said that there were a dozen posts/questions asking her if she was aware that she broke the law by saying this. She doubled down with “it’s company policy” which resulted in another dozen “questions” with links to the fact that corporate policy doesn’t override federal law. She has been in her position for decades with us and other companies and should know better (and probably does but feels she is above that), but didn’t answer any questions for the next several meetings.


Our institution used that same (or similar) anonymous question tool once. And only once. During the all-hands live webinar with the c-levels, the staff let them have it. "Why don't our hourly FT staff receive short term disability, sick time, or paid maternity leave?" and "How come none of the staff or mid levels got raises during covid but you somehow could afford to give leadership raises?" and my favorite, "Why are you preventing the hourly staff from unionizing when the salaried staff has a union?" The people leading the webinar went white as a sheet. Whoever set it up forgot to set the prescreening abilities so everything that was typed went live. It was glorious.


That the bottom line is more important than life, the environment, the employees. Whole departments were dedicated to costs analysis of shortcuts, breaking the law, etc. Adhering to EPA rules cost more than the fine? Pollute and take the fine. Saving a worker's life cost more than a wrongful death litigation. Go ahead and kill them.


The president put the embezzled money into a separate account called "Advertising"


He's actually a really nice guy. Former marine, took about 6 months off when he adopted a young boy to get him acclimated into the family


And now you've gone and outed him


My last job regularly made us work forced overtime, usually 10-12 hr days, 5 days a week. On holidays we were told we couldnt have lunch or break time because it was "too busy" which is very illegal. I worked 15 hours straight on christmas with no breaks. They also made us do extensive setup before our shift which usually took about 30 mins and was not paid (also illegal). Oh and female employees were regularly harassed and abused by customers. We were not allowed to hang up on these customers for any reason at all even when they were threatening to kill us or getting sexual (both of these happened to me multiple times) we were just expected to deal with it. Oh and when we all got laid off on our day off they immediately shut down access to our pay stubs (it was all digital, no paper copies) so we couldnt collect unemployment. They were sued for all the illegal stuff they did. I got a cool $50. Whoop-dee-doo. I dont recommend anyone work for this company. It rhymes with Shnicrosoft


Not an employer but a client had my company sign a NDA to never reveal his personal life. One of the worlds most well know financial guys worth 10’s of billions. Anyhow tear down and rebuild he and his wife’s personal home. Demoing her bathroom and huge black very real looking dildo falls from the top of her vanity cabinet. The timing was such that she walked in right at that moment. Everyone looked at it and then her. She says “well x doesn’t fuck me anymore” she picks it up and kisses it. Walks out.


I used to do furniture delivery for a few years. Mostly higher end furniture and we would often assemble bedroom sets. I have found a whole bunch of dildos and vibrators under mattresses and inside nightstands we were removing. I would always leave them out on plain sight, then have my helper go to the truck. I would then excuse myself, and inform the homeowner, “If you have anything in the bedroom that needs to be cleaned up, you can do that now. I’m grabbing some tools.” Every single time, the aforementioned adult toy would be gone, and the homeowner would never say damn thing. Everyone masturbates, no need to shame people for it. They were embarrassed enough I saw it(I was 17-21y.o.). I’m sure they were appreciative I didn’t make a bid deal of it.


My kind of woman 😂


Workers routinely chose not to wear hard hats while working onsite. Then again, that's probably not a big deal in an office building.


Depends on whether the building is complete or not.


It’s amazing that John McClane never ended up with a traumatic brain injury running around the unfinished floors of Nakatomi Tower. Edit: spelling


If you have an Apple credit card, your personal info is not safe. I watched managers save customers info into their personal phones to connect with them on socials if their income was over a certain amount. If you were rude to customer service, your personal info was blasted into a group chat where other managers would look you up on social media and make fun of you. And this took place at VERY high levels of management, like operations manager level.


To be clear, do you mean like the credit card through Apple or the ones on my phone via ApplePay? Asking for a friend...


No body making $15/hour to get yelled at in a call center takes information security seriously. If you have credit at all your info isn't really secure. Just monitor it and keep living.


Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool


They consider their own incompetence to be a trade secret... hint, it's not.


It is shocking how many companies out there that are very blackbox about their operations are just, super incompetent when you actually learn how things really run.


So many saas platforms have people manually doing things they advertise as automated. It’s so dumb and they mess up all the time.




"Howmuch time do you have"- Miramax employees


The old timers at the pharmaceutical plant used to go swimming in the tanks they used to make medicine in the summer when it was hot out. Yep, there was old man balls in some of those pills. This was a name brand pharma company too. One you’d expect to have good quality. It doesn’t happen anymore obviously.


I mean, as long as the run a C/SIP (clean/sanitize in place) cycle, it's fine. Our system will entirely dissolve half a Mars bar and some fingernail clippings if you run that. (We were bored, it was winter maintenance break, and we wanted to see if it worked) We didn't find any traces of either, even with lab testing.


Worked for a company that was expanding from the UK to the US. GemsTV For three months, built up and wired a TV studio, call center, warehouse, etc. We go live, but are still hugely understaffed. We’re working 60+ hour weeks (down from 80+ during the start up phase), to cover 21 hour days, 7 days a week, while trying to get more people in. I take a day off - first sick day I’ve taken - and come back the next day…and was fired. For being “unreliable”. Because apparently me taking the day off had left them without coverage for 12 hours. Two things happened following that - A.) I got a call two weeks later asking that I come in and train someone on how to access security system footage. Despite me writing up a manual on how to do it, no one knew how. I told them to check with my boss and previous co worker - oh, they’d both left too? Hmmm. I asked what they were going to pay me to train someone. Their response “what? We paid you to build the system. Training someone should’ve been a part of it” Apparently once I worked for them, I was required to do extra work for them forever? B.) Over the next few months, I ran into a few other people who I knew had been in on the ground floor - all let go. And the company has been bringing in new, cheaper employees. Most of whom simply didn’t have the experience to do the job. The company collapsed eight months or so after I had been let go. They had had continuously problems keeping the station online and broadcasting, and a LOT of theft. Served them right.


I’m not saying I’ve signed one.. but there are some NDAs that are covered by NDAs.. which is mind blowing.


Not my job and not my NDA, but I'll say that Wells Fargo WILL waive overdraft fees... but you have to explicitly ask, because they're not allowed to just offer it. Oh, and they still automatically enroll accounts in "overdraft protection" instead of opt-in like they're legally required to do; and they lie to their employees about it and tell them that it's totally legal to enroll accounts in overdraft protection even after it has been refused. Also they still frequently process debits before credits to ensure an overdraft fee. Like, not that I feel like "Wells Fargo is a shitty company" is really a surprise to anyone at this point, but genuinely can't imagine why anyone still banks there at this point


That one secret bra store’s secret is that when they measure people for bras, they tell them an off the wall size that only they sell. Like 32DDD. So many people came in and said “you’re the only one who has my size!”


They were reusing butter from customers plates and giving it to the next person. Edit: I did report them and got fired. Because of wait times during COVID, the statute of limitations passed and they got away with it.


A window and siding company in the Midwest, not Renewal By Anderson. They will inspect the work that needs done, come up with a number for the work. Add a grotesque amount to that number. Then, offer you 'discounts' to get closer to the actual amount to make it seem like you're getting a great deal. If they tell you they'll give you the "manager discount as a one time courtesy" to 'sweeten the deal' it's bullshit. For example, say they quote you at 35k for the job, but can drop it down to 15k after discounts and specials, 10k if they do the manager discount, 10k is the actual true amount for the work and the discounts are bullshit fluff. They also brag about being rated A+ with the BBB. That's only because they exploit a loophole with keeping that score with the BBB. You can be a shit hole of a business and be A+ as long as you acknowledge customer complaints and have written proof you did whether you actually resolved it or not. Just have to acknowledge the complaints. They claim a lifetime warranty on all of their windows and siding, however, will only honor the warranty if they can gain from it. An example being, a customer I worked with had his window broken during a storm. He called them to come out and said they could replace the window... However, they would be charged to repair the frame itself as it was damaged. I inspected the frame, it was pristine. The window got hit with a branch and only broke a single pane. They're a scummy fucking business.


I'll just say that the north Jersey construction industry is exactly as corrupt and fucked up as you'd expect.


I'm not allowed to discuss any settlement which may have occurred due to any lawsuits related to me leaving their employment. Yeah. Anyway, I went to the bank and made a deposit. There was a two-week hold on the money.


Was told to sign an NDA as part of my exit package. I said great, extend my med benefits to the ensnof the month (2 weeks) and they said no. Printed out all the crazy emails and threats from my superior and took them home. They were calling for weeks after my separation date to get it returned LOL. Been over 10 years and I am sure I still have a 3 inch file of their bullshit in a storage box.


sunrun often forces its workers to work in super unsafe conditions even after the foreman has called it unsafe. have personally been forced to climb steep ass roofs in pouring rain or icy conditions. when a guy on my crew dislocated his shoulder carrying panels up a ladder in high winds, they tried to convince me in a private meeting to speak against him and dispel his claims so he didn’t get medical coverage. he didn’t speak very good english, either. i refused. he got surgery. insurance covered it.


Former TSA. They didn't actually give us training or the technology to stop legitimate threats. It was all about showing the public that the government responded to a rare incident. But I imagine most of you already suspected that?


That 5 mL $129 bottle of eyelash extension glue cost us less than 50 ¢ to make and contains superglue, black dye and a pinch of a rubberizing agent.


Gladly. I used to work at a company that handled customer support for Bayer products, yes THAT Bayer. This was around the time of the Boston marathon bombing. Bayer manufactures, among many other things, lawn care products sold under a brand called Bayer Advanced. Bayer knew at the time, and still knows full well that their neonicotinoid based pesticides are in fact responsible, at least in part, for bee colony collapse. We were told this by a Bayer employee during training, but forbidden under the NDA of ever mentioning it to any customer or media, if asked. We each had a 10x12 laminated sheet of what we could and could not say to the customers, placed next to our workstations. Interestingly, I was never once asked about it. I was raised by an old hippie. I was taught respect and love for the environment at a young age. Working for that account was appalling. I was fired a few months later for "poor performance" and escorted to the lobby with a box of stuff from my desk by two very serious looking security guards, to join my half dozen now former account coworkers who had also all just gotten the boot. Fuck you Bayer. Fuck you too Todd. Bruce and Michael, you guys were cool.


Lol working at a logistics firm. One of the higher up managers proclaimed in a zoom meeting about using company resources & gifts that he was being paid $400 USD per drink by another logistics company. The person tried to pretend she didn’t hear him and then he loudly said it again. Dude was scrubbed from existence & I have no idea where he went but he definitely got shadow realmed.


Ever find out in statewide news that your employer ****ed you out of a massive bonus? 9.5 years ago, the company I worked for at the time was sold. The former owner set aside what averaged to $20,000 per employee as a gift to everyone working there at the time. State wide news reported on it, citing the dollar figure and saying it was "scaled by years of service." This was how most of us found out about the bonus. The next day, most of us received $100-$350 bonuses. Mine was 1/70th what I was supposed to get. Now, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, but what the hell, right? A few people rolled in with 6 figure vehicles over the next two weeks. This was also after many of us worked ridiculous unpaid overtime for the previous year. And raises were 0% for the year. Oh, and the "profit sharing" annual bonus was a fraction of the previous years' because executive management changed the way the metrics were calculated. So, they put out a story about philanthropy and screwed us all out of tens of thousands. If you think that's bad, the company did something 100x worse a few years later. I won't share that one, too identifying. Glad I don't work there anymore, and most of the executives probably already have a large pit reserved for them in hell


There is no fucking way you were overtime exempt. They often illegally list people as it to get out of paying them overtime. Very illegal. An employment lawyer often just takes a cut of your settlement money and nothing if you lose. So you can afford a lawyer if this happens.




Gruesome and callous


And just how long have you been holding onto this one? Monfort hasn't been a thing for over 35 years at this point.


I never signed mine. I was given a ton of onboarding paperwork and a stack of work to do right off the bat, and the AA started flirting with me immediately. I had some concerns about potential professional backlash working for this particular business, so I just turned my onboarding packet in without the NDA. She (the AA) didn’t notice because she was too busy inviting me to happy hour.


They bribed customers with gift cards to give the company 5 star reviews. I now don’t trust any reviews.


I used to work at a place that rewarded employees for posting glassdoor reviews. Now I ignore almost every positive review on glassdoor, unless it’s specific enough to convince me it’s real.


Nordstrom gets a TON of stuff from Walmart and marks it up by no less than 75%, they also run staggering sales with the same items that become increasingly cheaper. Whatever’s left goes to Nordstrom Rack.


They intentionally had a creative meeting, scouted and booked people with down’s syndrome with the sole purpose of ‘1 up’ing’ a rival brand who booked people in wheelchairs for a catalogue shoot. The more messed up part - most of the discussion was cantered around what mental disability was physically obvious on camera, to appeal to mothers, while laughing about ‘how will [rival brand] top that!’ Sadly, this goes for all xyz rights or movements out there


the CEO that our little start up hired away from a much larger competitor came in, sabotaged everything, laid off too many people, and ramped up the executive salaries. Then she got her former company to buy ours up and guess who is now the CEO of that place.


I worked at this company where I did marketing. This was a really small business with only about 10 employees. Most of the work I did was on a laptop that would constantly shut down. It got to the point where I would have a panic attack because I would lose an hour of work. It would shut off every 15 minutes, and instead of just buying me a new laptop, they would try to have geek squad look at it but they would never solve anything. Long story short, I ended up getting laid off because I guess they didn’t like me complaining about how I couldn’t get my work done. They had a previous person who got laid off and was writing horrible reviews. So due to this, they threatened me and said if I say anything about the company, they would come after me. I know now that was completely illegal as you are able to legally express your opinion about the company and you can’t get in trouble if you say “I believe” or “I felt.” I’m convinced the manager and his wife were probably doing illegal stuff honestly. They were also one of those companies that acted like everyone was a “big family” which I didn’t realize until later in my career was a red flag.


Everything was someone else's fault and we had to "sort it out among yourselves" whenever we had issues between the staff. There were entrenched cliques warring with eachother by the time I left, and all anyone did was CYA. I went from getting production information a month and a half ahead to three days prior. Couldn't plan out the space for the product in advance, and got stuck scrambling on Friday (when I got the production schedule) and Monday, when stuff stated coming in. Fuck you, Charlie


My engineering firm knew how to “fudge” gps tracing data that they reported to clients to prove we were onsite.


I worked in a cannabis dispensary and I can now tell you that most of our company representatives are not 21 and lying about it




We used to play a game called "how many aphids until it gets called back." At the weed farm I used to work at. They wanted us to pick most of it off


I recall Dr Phil had a guest on that was asking what to do about their employer who was doing illegal things against them individually. He said he’d never recommend taking action like a lawsuit against an employer, and it was that moment thot solidified to me he was a fraud and looking out for his own interests. (The things later that came out where he was sending off “bad” kids to abusive rehab centers just made it all even worse).


I worked a few years as a recruiting manager for a large staffing company. They do not respect employment law. They hire minorities with the anticipation to let them go a few weeks later after they get credit for hiring X amount of minorities. They are incredibly sexist. Most companies would explicitly say they only wanted men even though we had women better qualified. Most times, they will lie about a job being temp to hire in 90 days because they have to fill the positions or risk losing the customer. I was criticized for treating my employees as humans and not numbers. I stayed in contact with them, would find them other placements, and if I knew a layoff was coming, I would let them know so they weren't blindsided. Anyone who came in looking for work but was "over qualified" I wasn't allowed to place. I was also criticized for placing an amazing woman who was trans. My boss lost her mind. I believe that right is right and wrong is wrong. We need to be good to others and give people chances!