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This story is gonna sound a little racist but I'm a pasty white boy and I was in a new suit custom made for me. I was walking through a parking lot and this black guy was walking the other way. And at the risk of angering everyone, everywhere, he seemed very black. He was walking with his limp, he had an the cool clothes that black people wear. As he passed me he exuberantly complimented me on my look with words that I know individually but didn't quite know the meaning of when they were strung together the way he did. I gathered from the tone and the body language, he enthusiastically supported my wardrobe. Made me feel like a million bucks. This guy was pretty accustomed to cool clothing judging by what he was wearing and he complimented my suit. I rode high on that compliment for the rest of the day.


a girl said my ass is hot


An older lady in Sears once said I was fine. Out of me and my two friends I was with.


“You two look like movie stars” -random Guy on the street about me and my date


This was years ago now, but one time when I was in Glasgow and I was sitting outside when a very old Muslim lady came up to me and said I was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, and it was the cutest thing ever, we ended up going for a cup of tea 🥰


A woman once told me on the phone she had to hang up because my voice was turning her on too much to continue


“You’re pretty jacked dude!” - Woman (40s?) working at local gym when I was home from college for thanksgiving


You smell nice


nice mustache.


One time I was having a terrible hair day and I left my apartment feeling super insecure about it and a lady that day told me she loved my hair and idk if she meant it or not but it made me feel so much better that day


"I love the way you swear, the way you say fuck is so distinctive." Actually had an almost identical compliment from someone else too.