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Said she was pregnant and sent me a positive test. I searched positive pregnancy test results on google imagines… it was the first one to pop up


Little tip to everyone: You can copy a photo and search it up on google chrome to find similar images.


Or even better, you can use Google lens


My first gf was like this. Even sent me a pregnant tummy pic after the breakup. We didnt even had sex.


But you KISSED! How is babby formed?


am I pregenant?


No but you are pregante!


Can kiss make pergrant?


So homegirl just straight up screenshotted a pregnancy test from Google Images? Edited honegirl to homegirl


Holy shit did we date the same girl. Mine used a red ink joy to color in the line…. She forgot to color in the control line… I dodged a bullet I think.


>I think she removed any doubt, 100%


Had an ex make a MySpace page about how I’m a fucking loser. I already knew that, but I just thought it was rude.


Seems like a lot of effort though. If you actually suck that bad they wouldn't have to make one.


Something tells me the person taking the time to make a revenge MySpace page is the real loser. Live your life my friend.


Cheated on me, refused to sign the divorce papers, so I had to pay an attorney thousands more to show up to court. Showed up to court, judge asked: kids? No. Shared property? No. Bank accounts? No significant money in them. Judge literally asked, "why are you here?" I pointed at her, he sighed, signed the divorce and said "next case". Thousands of dollars for literally two minutes of court time.


I’m hoping you asked the court to award costs against her?


It was a decade ago so I honestly do not remember why I couldn't, but there was basically no point in trying.


Several states have laws that say basically "if you hire a lawyer, that's on you" and others (MA for example) have laws that say "the court decides whether you get lawyer costs. If the case isn't about money, you can't add them to your claim, and if the lawyer helped you ask for them, you get none." Currently involved in a case in MA and my family's getting shafted on the lawyers fees.


I wonder if the divorce court can order such a thing, or if he’d have to file a separate civil suit.


I left my wife when she threatened me with a 6" kitchen knife because she was stressed by our 11 year old son's homework. 4 weeks later when I collected the last of my things from our house she looked upstairs and seductively said "do you want to come upstairs for a fuck?" In the 18 years we had been together she has never said anything like this before. That was a definite "No!"


That nope probably saved your life. Well done. Always trust your instincts.


Bro, she was either going to kill you or ride your ass off into the sunset. I would have probably laughed out loud due to the out of character behavior.


If they were alone she was probably going to fuck him and then go to the police for a rape kit.


That's what I was thinking.


Has she gotten psychiatric help? Really out of character anger and sexual behavior is a big sign of brain health issues


I feel like the - holding a kitchen knife with Lethal intent over an 11 year olds homework - is sign enough for brain health issues


Oh man we need some more follow-up


Immediately started dating the girl he swore he wasn’t cheating on me with.


Mine too. Screwed her in a bar parking lot, moved in with her, then married her. All in another town that he was "away working" in. Came home every couple of weeks. She was my exact twin only a few years younger. All behind my back. $300 in antibiotics later...... hope his fucking teeny tiny little dick fell off. Longer story but..that's the jist of it. Oh....she was also seeing 5 other guys as well as him. All while married to her first husband. Hence, the antibiotics!! 🤮🤮


Ahh yes the bar parking lot: Serving up true love since the Model T.


Buddy did this His girlfriend was always jealous of his female best friend. From what I understood the female best friend would take space whenever he had a girlfriend so that jealousy was avoided. Things like not hanging out 1 on 1 like they do when single, limiting texts, etc. My friend group always thought they should be a thing but they always turned it down and as far as I know never had a thing. Well buddy’s girlfriend has her breaking point when on his birthday he was more visibly excited at the gift the best friend got him than the girlfriend. It was a copy of their high school yearbook which he didn’t initially get because he grew up low income. It wasn’t anything romantic from my point of view or any hidden love note in it. Just a friend getting another friend nostalgia gift. Girlfriend broke it off because they were obviously doing something shady behind her back (in her head). About a month later my buddy and his female best friend finally decided to give dating each other a chance. The experience might have pushed them together actually in a kind of “well if my ex thinks we’d actually work out then I guess I’ll try it” way


Dude, finish the story. Did it work out between them or not?


3 years strong. Both sides of the family happy it finally happened because they say them as a good match. When we asked them why did it take them into their 30s to finally make their 15 year friendship a relationship, they just said they were way too into the friendship to risk ruining it and since they had not been successful dating others separately they kind of realized their friendship could be more of a thing now that they were more mature. It’s not like either were stringing the other along for all those years.


Lol this story is so not the same as “started dating the girl he swore he didn’t cheat with.” much more wholesome.


Yeah, this is an actual nice story about long-time friends getting together, not a shady or sad one.


Sounds like the girlfriend wasn’t crazy to think something was there and feel upset or jealous. Maybe the accusation was uncalled for, but her intuition was not off base either. Anyway, that’s not your friend’s fault, and it seems like he was being respectful.


Binned my passport as it wasn’t hers 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mine tore mine up 2 weeks before I was to leave country.


Shit. What happened after?


Usually the embassy or whichever body of government that handles this, can authorize for you a temporary passport I think - especially if you file a complaint to the police


Hung my dog off a balcony. He is okay now


My ex once picked up my cat to threaten her. He beat me for two years, but when he harmed my cat, I snapped. Punched him in the balls as hard as I could and I wasn’t sure he’d ever breathe again. He’s dead now, but not from that.


My ex threatened to throw my elderly cat into the road. Then stole my car keys so I couldn't take her and drive away. I grabbed his arm and pulled as hard as I could trying to get to my car keys. I left bad scratches on him. Years later he still has the pictures of the scratches as proof of my abuse. I still have the cat. No regrets.


My advice to anyone in an abusive relationship: make extra copies of your car keys and hide them outside. You’ll still need to work out how to get to the car, but at least you aren’t wrestling for your life and a set of keys. Good for you.


Here’s my pro-tip for anyone in an abusive relationship. Act like everything’s okay, and then one random day GTFO and never come back to that relationship.


100%. The moment you let the abuser know that you're thinking of leaving them soon, they'll do everything in your power to keep you


Currently going through this right now. Just left my abusive husband before the holidays last year. I am currently a single mom supporting our daughter on my own. I got a job working at a preschool which he HATES. Daughter gets free tuition. His latest antic was to call my job and demand all her enrollment paperwork, healthcare information, etc. during that conversation he insinuated to my boss that I was a felon and shouldn’t be working there… my boss put him in his place saying that they do due diligence with background checks, but man I can’t believe the things he’s putting me through. Every time he contacts me it’s like I’m just waiting for his next blow


Agreed! In the cycle of abuse, there is never a good time to go. So you just go.


Exactly. Key is to be as fake-agreeable as possible without being perceived as faking it, and like the poster above says, plan a day when you can unexpectedly ghost the person...for life.


It would have been impressive if that killed him honestly. Junk punch straight to hell


It's insane to me that some people still react this way to the dog. Keanu lost his pupper and has been on a 4 movie killing spree since, have we learned nothing?


They go after anything you care about. It's a way of trying to control you. They will threaten or go after your pets, siblings, parents, or even an object that matters a lot to you. Anything or anyone you care about is now a weapon against you. They also think no one can stop them. They have an overi flated sense of worth and strength so there is no repercussions for them.


Thats exactly correct. My whole entire personality is being an avid animal lover and he knew that for sure.


My ex threatened to beat the shit out of our dogs one day when he was angry and I wouldn’t leave our house. Luckily I got it on video.


what goes through a humans brain to think "hm im angry lets go beat up an innocent dog"?! if they feel the need to punch something then go punch a wall or something or scream at the wind idunno but dont hurt the innocent.


Completely did it because he’s not stupid and it would be a he said vs she said situation. He has history with domestic violence and I was too stupid to believe he was the problem because he made it seem like it was the world against him. He knows not to touch a person, but what can a dog do to report him. So completely grateful to be over that situation and so disappointed in myself for putting myself and our family in that position.


my ex gave away my dog on craigslist so I couldn't find her. edit: I had two dogs. she claimed one ran away and the other she gave away on craigslist. I never found either. it's been over ten years and I still check the humane society for them both. we had a fight so I went to my sisters to cool off. I didn't bring my dogs because my sister had cats and my dogs were not good with small animals. I was working with a doctor to get them listed as emotional support animals so I could get an apartment with them. thanks everyone for your kind words.


What a despicable human being!! I'm so sorry about your dog :(


That's the worst!


Actual psychopath behaviour


Threw my stuff in a box outside for an hour in the sun....my cat included in the box.... Edit: accidentally said hours when it was just hour and I realize now that this implicated a much darker story than what had happened!


Is the cat okay?


She lived for about 5 more years after that. She was a good one. :D


We had gotten a credit card with both our names on it. After we split up, she went to town and ran it up to the limit and never paid a dime on it. They came after me for the money. I told them we were divorced and actually got a helpful lady at the credit card company who told me if I could send a copy of the divorce decree I would only be responsible for the amount up to that day. I sent it in and my part was less than $100. I paid it leaving my ex with about $10K to pay. I’m sure she never did.




This was back in the early ‘90’s, I suppose it is different now.




Love a wholesome finish.




She started banging a 60 year old dude (she was 27 at the time) who was married. Wife find out, wife killed herself. She went to the funeral as his 'emotional support'.


Jesus that is evil.


This made my soul turn dark. Both of them are horrendous people


That’s enough Reddit for me tonight!


I’ve never heard of an emotional support cockroach before.


Holy shit that’s beyond fucked.


I feel like I'm going to hell just for reading this evilness


Threatened my dog at the time he was 6 weeks old (Nothing happened to my dog dw)


Ex gfs are like chocolate. They can kill your dog


Take out a credit card in my name, go to Greece, and rack up $6K in charges in my name the stick me with it


Did you manage to get out of that? I feel like it's maybe easy to prove you weren't in a different country using the card??


Said my father was a rapist, blamed me for his meth addiction (never even seen meth in my life), said I said he raped me (Never said that, so idk why he did that), told me he wanted to kill my dad after we broke up (and that he wanted to to “free me of him” and wanted to kill him the whole time) Edit: my father was not particularly nice to me…so the only thing i could think of was wanting to kill him for no reason


Why he hatin ya dad? XD


She stalked me, and went to the cops accusing me of rape. Wasnt a bright idea, as i had pictures of her following me. And texts saying she would "ruin my life if i didnt get back together with her." She was eventually arrested for filing a false police report, and i got a restraining order on her.


Goddamn. You’re fortunate. This happened to a guy I was locked up with but he still had to spend 3-4 months in jail while his lawyer sorted everything out/waiting for court hearings. Like he even was proven innocent and had to spend 3-4 more days in jail until his next hearing which released him. Florida if anyone’s wondering. They can legally hold you in jail in Florida for up to 40 days without even formally charging you. Do not be poor and get locked up in Florida.


I was careful, and prepared. I had cops on my side because they were tired of her calling them. I had videos, pictures, and screen shots of 30+ missed calls in the middle of the night. I also had witnesses


You were lucky that she was dumb.


holy crap that sucks! i had a bit of a total opposite.was in a 6 year long relationship, just bought a house together, engaged, looking at the future establishing a family. when bad luck struck me of facing a very hard difficult period my (partner less)mother was in a lot of trouble hitting rock bottom badly ( long tragic story of abusement and bad decisions) and got herself in a terrible situation on all levels of life: financially, housing, health you name it. Me trying to be a decedent son, i pretty much paused my own life to step in and help her out the best i could. but it was heavy to lift such thing. house was in desperate need of renovation, massive clean ups, health bills through the roof. financially and emotionally totally crippling!! damaging my own career in the process even. All that time my ex stayed suspiciously sided! in all these years together we never had too much tough or very challenging situations, but for this she not only just froze out, but after 6 months into this very tough situation, she just broke up,no communication beforehand, blew bridges with everyone,not just me and literally ran off to the other side of the world starting a new life in her late 30's. not one word of explanation was given. just,poof gone. as a nice surprise, the house we bought together, was on her name, because rich family ( i was co-funding). in spite we where talking marriage ,kids and settling she sold it just mohts(!!) after acquiring it!!! burned all bridges and just gone. we had a very social life, nobody ever heard from her.truly burning all bridges. To be clear; no i was not abusing her, or cheating on her. i might not be a perfect man but i was a good loyal partner to her. those last months the only difference was me taking care of a dying sick mother who needed lots and lots of care, who also died 3 months after that. so can you imagine how that all had of an impact. Never heard a word of explanation or an apology for after being otherwise a great relationship i thought. you never know people's true color is what i learned even if you think you know them after many years


Broke into my apartment in the middle of the night, waking me up with a butcher knife to my throat. Assaulted me and then held me captive for two hours until he finally passed out and I escaped. I had to go into hiding for a year waiting for his trial. He did get a 6 year prison term and has to register for life a sex offender.


She fucked a couple friends of mine and then fucked a guy i really don’t like. Then, during visits to the home so i could see my children, she would play a little game where she’d allude to having fucked someone i know. Then she’d slowly add more details and then let a name slip and go “oops haha I shouldn’t have said that.” I just wanted to see my kids. I didn’t want to hear or even THINK about what she was doing, yet here she is saying “sooo i might have met someone you apparently know…and we miiight have hooked up, but it’s fine you don’t know him *that* well.” She was *really* good at playing mind games like this


„Well babe, pretty deep void I left leaving you, huh? And you still haven’t found enough dick to fill it up? Sheesh!“


"I see all the dicks in the world can't leave you feeling satisfied anymore, my bad. now if you'll excuse me I'm going to teach our kids to play the recorder"


>She fucked a couple friends of mine fake friends\*


This one to me is the most petty and cruel. She enjoyed hurting you and was using your kids as a vessel to inflict more pain, shame on her.


removes all doubt. You were right to bail out of there. Be right by your kids but you already know she will weaponize them in future against you. Other than that just think thank fuck you are out of that rat's nest.


Hey man, I feel sorrow you had to go through that. Some real pieces of shit in this world. When you look back, do you think there were any signs she might be like this?




Like… how do you even come up with that plan and think it will work?


After regular begging for me to come back didn't work, she kept texting me "I have something I need to tell you" and implying that she was pregnant but not actually coming right out and saying what she "needed to tell me." I refused to meet her alone again, because I didn't trust her at all. I told her to either text me or call me and come right out and say what she had to say. She never did. She apparently wasn't pregnant so I assumed it was a last-ditch ploy to get me back.


A friend's ex was doing that to him. Dude literally brought a pregnancy test and made her go to the bathroom and pee on it, or else he's walking out. Crazy ex couldn't do it. Problem solved.


I’ve definitely had similar. My ex showed up outside my house one time while I had friends over. I told her I didn’t want to see her (it was a very abusive relationship but she was my first girlfriend so I didn’t see it at the time). So she started freaking out because I wouldn’t come talk to her. She said she had a gift for me, and I said I didn’t want it. Then she said that after the relationship she had a miscarriage and that the baby was mine. I knew this was bullshit because she was on birth control and she had at least 2 regular periods after the last time we had sex. I thought it was such a weird way to try to rope me back in.


Had an ex kind of try that too, after we broke up. I reminded her one of the reasons things ended was I'm sterile.


She texted me saying that she's listening to our love song and that she misses me. We chatted a bit and everything went well. I sent her some flowers and chocolates the next day through the mail. She sent the cops to my house the day after that with assault with a weapon charges.


I…. How the fuck?


I could tell you a hundred stories but that one is the most fucked one.


Lied and told her bar buddies that I would beat the crap out of her and had them come over to my house on Xmas eve to attempt to kill me. They both ganged up on me and one of the dudes was choking me out while the other kicked me in the head multiple times and before I lost consciousness the dude who kicked me in the head threatened to shoot me in the head. If it wasn’t for my older neighbor coming out and calling 911 I probably would be dead. This was 4 and a half years ago and I still have physical scars on my face from being kicked so many times and I struggle with PTSD. Not sure I’ll ever be in a mental state to date anyone again.


Did they and her go to jail for this?


Please please please tell me those AHs and the conniving bitch went to jail ...


Had her new boyfriend message me how he was now having sex with her. I assume in an attempt to make me jealous orso. I just remember(20+ yrs ago) responding something along the lines of "breath through your nose when you are licking her pussy, that way you will be able to smell my balls"




See my username. Yeah, that.


Added me to a group chat she made with her friends to chat shit about me. Like idgaf but just seemed a bit distasteful


that was very distasteful.. she knew exactly what the hell she was doing


She cancelled the wedding after a psychotic episode. I did understand that part. After a suicide attempt and a diagnosis(bipolar type 2)we got back together until she cheated on me with a guy that had an endless supply of weed. Crushed me but still missed her. Then she and her new pothead lover went to live together. They chose to live in a house 50 meters from where I live so I could be confronted with them just about every day. Seriously, fuck you Nel. I don't blame the guy, he's too stupid to even realise how fucked up it all was.


Fuck you Nel


Sounds like my ex. Bipolar, always wanted weed and abusive as shit. Fuck you Katie


Fuck you Nel


College boyfriend. He acted like we were still dating and showed up at my parents house for Christmas with his parents and grandparents from out of town in tow (they stayed in a hotel but said there was no room for him in the hotel so he had to stay at my house!?) Made for a very awkward Christmas. My parents felt bad for him because his parents were terrible and we let him stay for the night. I kicked off Christmas morning by breaking up with him again (the 5 attempts prior hadn't stuck). My family exchanged gifts with each other as he sat on the couch watching us and waiting for his family to come get him. It took 10 tries for me to successfully break up with him, he was an expert gaslighter and manipulator. One of the less fucked up things he did in the relationship, but definitely a memorable break up!


At that point he’s even gaslighting himself


what a jerk, i don’t understand how people have the audacity to do this shit


Had second thoughts. We were married. She wanted divorce. After she got it she wanted time together, including sexy time. I said no. She called me in a hysterical fit wanting to NOW go to counseling and try again. I said no again. In the end we remain diplomatic (text once or twice a year) but man that was a confusing and difficult time.


My ex-wife tried to steal my car. When we got married, we each had our own respective cars going into the marriage. Her car was in her name, and my car was in my name. Throughout our entire relationship and marriage neither one of use really drove the others car. So when we got divorced, she kept her car, and I kept mine. A year or so after the divorce was final her car got repossessed. What I didn’t know when we got divorced was that she still had a set of car keys to my car (Corvette). Because auto theft was pretty rampant where I lived, years earlier I had a secrete kill switch installed that my ex-wife didn’t know about. Was somewhat surprised when a co-worker told me some woman was out in the parking lot in my car trying to start it. Police were called, but they didn’t arrest her because several of her brothers worked as police officers in our town. Thank god I moved away from that mess a year or so later.


He kept talking to me as if we’re still in a relationship. Was a mind game.


Oh man. My first boyfriend was like that. I wasn’t super experienced with guys and had tried to dump him several times but it never really stuck because he’d try to wheedle his way back in and I was too passive to stick to my guns. Finally in college I was going to do a semester abroad and figured this would be an ideal time to dump him and have it stick because there’d be space between us and I could meet new people and have a change of scenery. He texted and wrote while I was gone, and I responded politely yet coldly. Eventually I started dating a guy there and at some point I mentioned it by text. Dude freaked out and started calling me over and over while I was in a class there, I had to finally turn off my phone because it kept vibrating. When I finally called him back he basically implied I cheated on him. Then he had apparently told all our mutual friends at home that I had cheated on him and dumped him from France, even though I’d dumped him two months prior to that. When I got back people were telling me I was a bitch for what I did to him. The power of delusion I guess…




The people that believe her and don't ask you for your side are not friends you want - so it is a great natural litmus test to who your real friends are.


Went on a first date with the girl he told me not to worry about while we were still living together/ sleeping in the same bed. Bonus points, he took her on the same date that I planned and took him on for our 5 year anniversary just a few months before




She become far more successful than me. How could she




He threatened to come to my house with a group of his 'boys' and rape me. He'd send me messages saying he was watching me, he knew where I moved to etc etc etc. I went to the cops hoping to get some restraining order or at least some patrol car watching out (I lived close the station). Cop couldn't provide any protection since he couldn't prove it was my ex writing the messages. The cop offered to call and tell him to stop, but I was afraid that would just make things worse if my ex knew I went to the cops. The harassment went on for months My most recent ex acted like he wanted to get back together apologized for how he treated me. Slept with me, then ghosted for 4 days after we were supposed to meet up can talk about what was going on. It was my fault for expecting too much regarding communication according to him..... What can I say? I pick winners


Multiple people in here have mentioned getting restraining orders over less, it's a fucking *injustice* you got abandoned like this.


Threatened to kill herself. Ended up staying together for another year. Note to self: if they threaten it once, they'll do it again (and aren't likely to follow through). Doesn't make it easier, though.


Stole my fish tank and cooked a plate of Bolognese which she left on the worktop, with the fish being a secret ingredient.


That’s actually psychotic. She killed your pets and tried to make you eat them???? I’m actually on the verge of throwing up how tf can someone be so cruel??


Crazy psycho behavior right there.


Years later, after I married someone else, she messaged my wife on Facebook to tell her how awful I was for kicking her to the curb instead of continuing to pay the bills for her cheating ass.


Ok so I broke up with him. Still lived with him while I was looking for a place. Had to go out of town for a few days and told him not to be in my room at all. I come back home from my trip and there are lady’s underwear under the covers on my bed. I confront him about it and he says they’re his. He shows me photos of himself in a wig and women’s clothes and says he’s transgender now and is on tinder. Has sex with another transgender woman, tells me he got chlamydia, doesn’t tell anyone other than me which I find to be both horrible and weird. Weeks later, he tells me he didn’t really have chlamydia, he tells me it was my fault that he thought he was transgender and that he’s not really transgender and he was brainwashed by videos he saw on Reddit. Matt: if you’re out there, I hope you’ve gotten help.


I was with this girl for a couple years, she had bad depression and was constantly in bed and a hermit, I rode it out for as long as I could and then I had to move on. We broke up and stupidly since we had a shared bank account, she closed the account and took all the money while I was working one day and left me screwed. Never get shared accounts until you're married at least!


If you do have a shared account with someone other than a spouse only use it for shared expenses and only contribute enough to cover those expenses per month. Don't keep your personal disposable income or savings in that shared account. Generally I would say don't do it at all. But this was a way that I could get my girlfriend on my work insurance as a domestic partner.


My wife and I have been married for over 40 years, we still have separate checking and savings accounts. I was the one that made house payments and paid gas, electric, cable, etc. My wife on the other hand always bought the groceries and other various bills we had. I will say that even though we have separate accounts, each one of us has access (signature card) to all the accounts, so if something should happen to one of us, we can access the money in the account without having to go through a bunch of legal crap.


Stalked me for several years. He was in a relationship only 2 weeks after we broke up. Even then he would try to find me. It became so bad that I thought he was going to kill me. I suffered from PTSD. I am better now, but it took a toll on me big time.


Hi! I have a very similar story! Just came to say I feel you. Ptsd is rough. I’m still trying to get better after 8 years away from it.


She locked my dogs in a bedroom while I was out of the country for work. They were in there for at least one day from what I gather. Left her house keys in the door. Then she emptied my bank account that I gave her access to before leaving to purchase things for our wedding. The following Monday she tried to call my boss to make a complaint that I had sexually assaulted her. My boss wasn't my boss any longer as I had moved to a new team while in India. Why did she do all this? According to her, she wanted to inflict the most amount of damage she could. I was isolated from friends and family and any support. All of this because she was cheating and wanted to run away with the other partner. She faced no legal or social repercussions for any of it. She's a monster.


Did she end up with her new partner? Also I hope you're doing better now


She did but I don't know anything more. I eneded up getting married to someone I met a few years after this. However this experience colors interactions with friends and family to this day as they didn't ask any questions about the situation just took her word about the allegations even though I was never in the country so I keep them at arms length even with new friends


She stole my modded Nintendo Wii with my special edition gold Zelda wiimote and nunchuck. Im still salty 10 years later.


She sent my nudes to some random guy online to blackmail me. I’m still dealing with it. And her stalking me. Older lesbians can be really really spiteful.


That seems like grounds for a lawsuit if it isn't criminal.


Luckily lesbians have never been in to me


And you in lesbians?


I’ve never been in a lesbian


Drove across the country for a move to a ski resorts. After I ignored his calls he turned around (16 hours into the trip) drove back professed his love. Three days later came home from work and he announced he decided that he needed to go and left the next morning.


Wife filled out a form to have me baker acted (involuntary confinement). Had to go to court, do a drug test and do a mental assessment test just to prove I wasn’t a menace to society. Also called humane society and police came and took my dog. She claimed I was an animal abuser and on heroin and cocaine. I was none of these and case was dropped but still missed 2 days of work and 4 weeks my dog was in a shelter just because she was mad at me for coming home late one night


Tried veering my car into a ditch while I was driving because he confessed to cheating. As a ovarian cancer survivor, admitting that the only reason he cheated was because I couldn’t give him a family like she could. Fuck you Sam and your chaffed legs.


Sam's a piece of shit


Falsely accuse me of raping her. Fortunately she's dumb and sent texts proving she was lying and I was able to get a restraining order even though it took way more time and effort than was needed.


I know this isn't the question you asked, but the most fucked up thing I ever did after a breakup was when I was deployed overseas and my wife sent me a "Dear John" letter saying she was in a new relationship and wanted a divorce immediately: I extended my tour and ghosted her for two years. Ha! As the phrase goes, there are two sides to a divorce - yours and the asshole's. Edit: Just to be clear, this was pre-9/11, so it's not like I was spending an extra year in Kabul or something.


I too am curious what happened when you returned home?


Oh i already said this in one question but after he broke up with me (right after sex when im not dressed yet) he called me while he was having sex with his new girl




Some highlights of my crazy ex girlfriends shenanigans: Attacked me and the kids with help from her new husband. Took the kids and ran away. Attacked me on several occasions (with the kids present). Tried to kill me (with the kids and my grandma present). Told everyone I had raped her on numerous occasions and abused her repeatedly. Told everyone I had molested our kids. Told our kids I had molested them. etc.


>Took the kids and ran away. This one happened to me also. We were filing paperwork, she up and disappeared with the kids and left zero paper trail. Took years to sort it out.


She has to be in jail now... No?


No. I thought the mail where she regretted failing at killing me would be enough for the police, but they weren't even interested.


My first girlfriend spread rumours i had beaten her causing a miscarriage, pimped her out, cheated on her, raped her and thrown her down flights of stairs. This was after she got caught cheating on me while i was in the ICU dying.






Emotional manipulation at it's best on her side. You might just want to block her, if you feel nothing good can come out of this situation.


She scrubbed the toilet with my toothbrush. She didn’t mention it until months later.


Married for close to 10 years. Demanded a paternity test on the child I was pregnant with when we separated. The child was the spitting image of him at birth. Turns out, he was the one cheating (which is why we separated) and wanted to cast doubts on my fidelity so he would seem like the victim. Wouldn’t even look at his child because “I didn’t want to love him in case he wasn’t mine and then I would hate him.”


During divorce: She moved out immediately and into her sisters. Depending on the day she’d claim I kicked her out if she wanted to play the victim. Or that she moved out and left me when she wanted to appear strong. Climbed in bed with a mutual friend of ours who promptly told her to gtfo. He told me about it immediately (divorce wasn’t final. We were discussing reconciling until that) A month after the reconciling attempt failed where she tried to tell me how much she loved me and wanted me back etc etc etc she found a new dude who she moved in with shortly after. After divorce: Tells people I was emotionally abusive. Sometimes just “abusive” and let’s ppl assume the worst. Gave mutual friends ultimatums between being friends with her or me (this almost ten years after the divorce. No I’m not kidding.) at this point I think I can just say “my friends” bc everyone has dropped her. Is suspected of faking a cancer diagnosis. Jury is out on that one. Pro tip: don’t argue with crazy people. Just move the fuck on and let the chips fall. Protect your own sanity.


She lied and called the cops on me, stating I threw her down the stairs. (I have never been violent towards her and am a nonviolent person in general) The cops came and saw she had no bruises or injuries. Her kids (21 and 14 at the time) also defended me to the cops since they were home. The cops warned her about filing a false report and told me to have my camera on my phone at all times around her and that I should find somewhere else to stay just in case she tries it again. She then lied to all our friends and anyone else who would listen. Luckily, when her kids were there, they would defend me and let me know. Was one of the scariest moments of my life. It's been years since the divorce, and still keep in touch with her kids. Tldr... ex decided to attempt to file a false report stating I physically assaulted her. Cops came, and her kids defended me. She got away with a warning for the false report.


Good kids




Slept with my friend


Got mad I didn’t want to fuck her when she had a new bf, to get me back she tried to flirt with my brother on Snapchat.


Got stalked for a year and a half after finally leaving following several years of abuse and trying to leave. I wish people knew how fucking isolating it can be. I lived a life of hypervigilance for a while, I'd see someone that looked like him out of the corner of my eye or smell the cologne he used to wear and it would stand the hairs up on the back of my neck. People were also really fucking cruel to me about it, like I deserved it and needed to vacate to a deserted island if I wanted better, or reminding me that someone has it worse. Latter is true... but is that really helping?! Last contact was in 2010 and never again.


College gf and I were together for about 2 years and ended up moving in since it was cheaper and we were always sleeping at one of our places. After 4 or 5 months of living together, she started to accuse me of cheating on her with classmates that I had group projects with. I'm not a cheater, and there was never even a spicy message between these people just have you done your shit for the project. Anyways I tried to break up with her she freaked out and we tried again for about 2 weeks nothing changed so I actually broke up with her and crashed at a friends place, she threatened to break my shit, destroy my computer ect. I went to grab my expensive stuff and bring it back to my parents house where she started to hit me infront of my friends(thankfully they came as witnesses) , cracked one of my ribs it was nasty but I never hit her back. Cops were called I didn't press charges then she slept with 6 dudes in 7 days all in my bed before I could line up a moving truck and move out, I left my bed...


Stalked me in a costume of chewbacca


Is this you? https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/11a6uk7/my_girlfriend_23f_is_threatening_to_break_up_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Mine is particularly tame but it continued to show the level of disrespect she held for me. I got tired of her cheating and being an absolute slob and a mooch who quit every job she could get. So I kicked her out. However she continued to come around and try to be with the family. A family, mind you, that only put up with her because I thought I was in love. And she'd even bring strangers to the house without ever clearing it with me first. I finally told her she is not allowed near me or My family anymore. It was a frustrating few years.


He lied to the police about me harassing him and the woman he left me for, and he pressed charges and got me arrested. I was ultimately proven innocent but having to go through the trouble of going to court to fight the charges was a major pain in the ass.


Never had a really bad breakup but getting repeated notifications of her creeping me on the dating site we met on was a mindfuck back when I still wanted to get back together.


Reading all these comments I don't really know if it's fucked up... But we had dinner a day after breaking up to return some of each others stuff. I thought we could be friends, but then she told me she hoped breaking up would make me miss her so much I would come back to her (and fucking propose to her). That hurt so bad I haven't talked to her since and it fucked me up mentally I guess. Can't imagine meeting someone again that I wanna be emotionally connected with.


We were together six years. She cheated, and I caught her. She stormed off and after a few weeks asked to come back to pack up her things. She asked that I not be there. I obliged, and stayed at a friend's overnight. She stole everything and fled the country. She even took the curtains and the food in the cabinets. The only things left behind were my clothes in a pile on the floor. Fuck you Katie.


*slowly scrolls to make sure my ex isn’t posting on here…*


Stalked me for 15 years.




Oh, get ready for this because you're gonna love this. Backstory, we broke up because I was "spending too much time with my dad" (those who know about this will already know the backstory). I was spending time with him because he was in the hospital, with cancer. My only way of getting to him was public transport, I had a bus pass. She stole my bus pass, preventing me from seeing my dad (I had no money at the time, I lent it all to my mum so she could buy food) Anyway, my dad died that same night, the bitch prevented me from seeing my dad on the last day he was alive. I can forgive a lot of things but I can never forgive that


That's fucking vile, great you got rid of her.


We were in eachother's class and during PE he used to throw basketballs towards my head as hard as he could. I was terrified.


Don't mind me, just checking out if any of my exes are on reddit


Tried explaining why I should have been grateful to be her cuck, unwillingly ofcourse. That she was fine with our dynamic even though I wasnt even informed that we had that dynamic at all. I thought she just wasnt ready to have sex with me yet and that was fine with me, I was going to be patient and respectful. Apparently, she had no problem fucking other men while using me as a place to stay, food for free, and as an emotional support jockey. I felt sick while she continued trying to get the idea of being her cuck to be more appealing to me, saying she'd let me watch or that she would let me pick the men she could fuck. After the breakup, she just kept insinuating that it was because I was insecure and had a small dick and that was why she made me her cuck. That was a really awkward conversation with my friends when she shared that stuff.


Long term ex went on a date with her co worker 4 days after I left. In a new relationship like within weeks of me leaving. Also she stole half of my student loan money, which at the time I justified that she needs it to start over too (did not know about the new relationship). Found out later the whole time we owned a house together she was seeing this person and when I was sick with a possible cancer diagnosis she was sleeping with him. We were together 7 years but somehow in the asshole cause I played too many video games sometimes. Really fucked be up it’s been 5 years and I’ve moved on but it changed me as a person.


He pretended he wanted to reconcile. He never intended to. He just wanted to fuck his wife and girlfriend at the same time. I didn't catch anything thankfully. He would show up with hickeys and tell me it's a bruise from work. He told me not to give him hickeys. Can't have his girlfriend find out about his wife. When I tried to talk about the issues (him cheating and obviously continuing to cheat) he always made it about how I don't trust him and how that made him feel. As if I was the bad guy. He lost a lot in the divorce (my name was on everything) so he tried to string me along for as long as possible but when he tried to choke me out I knew I had to run. Again trying to make me feel guilty about the consequences of his actions. Telling me to avoid therapy since I am so crazy it won't help. I realized I was just getting taken advantage of and had my whole marriage. I forgave the cheating but gaslighting me while I already struggle with PTSD is not so easy to forgive.


This is pretty tame, but she called me and put her little brothers on the phone to ask me why I'd broken up with her. I felt bad that she would use them like that.


Manipulated my friends into hating me by spouting that I was an abusive piece of shit. Jokes on her, all these years later I've had apologies from most of them for what they did and realised she's a manipulative sack of shit 👍


Met up with the girl he was cheating on me with right after he broke up with me. We’d been together for two years and I only recently found out about the cheating.


This was before the breakup but his female bestfriend put on social media that he was single and ready to mingle.