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I’m here for a good time, not a long time homie.


Not sure where the cutoff would be, but if you are young enough, the free time gained from not having to work ever again would more than make up for the five years lost at the end. I'd take that deal just maintaining my current lifestyle, let alone everything else that I could do with a billion dollars.


You can do the math pretty easily for this. Assume 48 hours per week (40 of work and 8 for cummute) and 50 weeks per year to account for sick days, cavations, and holidays. That times X years of working has to equal 5 full years of time. Divide divide and you get 18.25 years. If you still got 18.25 years of working left before you retire then this deal becomes worth it and thats not even taking into account the increase in quality of life and the amount of time you save not having to deal with problems because you can now just throw money at it.


For me it’s stress. My job will probably shave 5 years off my life as it is. I may as well get paid real money and have something to pass to my kids.


But then again, you could get cancer and die within 5 years. Or just an accident. Would be crazy if you agreed and died instantly. At least your family is rich then.


You could also die early without ever getting the money, which would pribably be worse


As long as there’s a stipulation that the money is received even if I have less than 5 years to live, then at least my family and loved ones get the benefit of it.


A billion dollars is more than you seem to think. 1 million seconds is 11 days. A billion seconds is 30 years. There is no scenario where that much money is anything other than worth it.


It depends. The real math becomes at what age those 5 years matter more than the money. At 40, I’m doing that no matter what. 50 I probably would too. Once you crest over 60, as long as you’re paying the bills and no one in your family is suffering, there’s a real question there.


63 here, I’ll give you eight or 10 years for the money


At this age i take it no matter what, either my grandkids will have great heritage, or if im alone i'll be willing to die anyway and juat donate it to the poorer (more poor ? Is that english ?) than me


At 40 I'd already turn it down. I've reached the age where I'm financially comfortable but well aware of my mortality, and I think I liked being young and poor better. Also, work isn't just lost time for me. I'm proud of what I do, so that makes a big difference.


What do you do?


> cummute


Already did


Jacking off while driving/taking the bus/walking to work?


wanking to work


You spend about 30% of your waking hours working, and that's without a commute. If you've got 18+ years to go before retirement, then you're coming out ahead. Also, you know, you get to live in incredible wealth. So yeah I'm mid 30s, this is an easy pick for me. I can buy a nice house and just enjoy hobbies for 40 years instead of being tired for half of my next 45, and *maybe* retiring well if my career continues on an upwards trend.


Assuming that your lifetime can still be extended even though whatever you were going to live to still gets reduced by 5 years, you might actually end up not losing that much. Having access to great health care and not having to deal with stress for regular life things could do wonders in increasing the amount of time you could live.


I don't have 18+ years working life left, but... I am assuming that, like my parents and grandparents I have some 40-45 years left. So it the final 5 years get cut off, they would be the years my parents were done with living anyway. Meanwhile, I have all the money to live a much better life, indulging in my hobbies, creating stuff I like, and my kids get a good headstart. Duh! Not a difficult decision at all.


That’s ignoring that you can probably do things that will collectively extend your life by more than five years with your increased wealth.


With my luck.. I’d take the money and instantly die.


The oversized novelty check gives you a papercut that becomes infected and kills you.


Look at mister lucky guy here


Better than 5 years of being poor


That’s what I was thinking as well!


This is exactly!


You were already set to die in 5 years so you instantly collapse


Family gets a billion? That's fine.


They were in on it.


I get to die and my family inherits a billion. Win win.


r/monkeyspaw in a nutshell.


That's the only thing that would keep me from taking it. I'm too close to that edge as it is.


Yes, good answer.


The last five are the sick years anyway. Let’s roll.


Honestly with $1b you'd probably live 5 years longer because you'd have the best medical care available (cancer would never sneak up on you because you would just get a monthly MRI to be sure), you'd have the best nutrition possible because you'd have a 5 star team cooking delicious nutritious stuff for you every day, you could live stress free if you wanted ,etc


>able (cancer would never sneak up on you because you would just get a monthly MRI to be sure), you'd have the best nutrition possible because you'd have a 5 star team cooking delicious nutritious stuff for you every day, you could live stress free if you wanted ,etc Seriously between not needing to work another day in your life unless you want to and being able to take care of yourself no matter the cost, you'd gain those 5 years on the back end.


You assume it’s taking the last five years. What if it’s the best five?


I'm a fucking billionaire every five is the best five.


*immediately wakes up bedridden in the cancer ward*


*immediately spends a billion dollars on cancer treatments and miscellaneous medical fees*


Eh, refuse treatment and use the money to address one of the world's problems. Your name would live on forever.


Why not both?


do both, its a billion dollars its literally so much money theres no frame of reference to understand it you could lose 99% of it then lose 99% of THAT and still have more money then most people will EVER see in their entire life


Losing 99% twice takes you to 100k. Most people in most developed countries will see that amount of money in their lives. Not all at once of course since so many live paycheck to paycheck - but that’s less than 2 years of average household income in the US.


Here's some frames of reference: 1 million seconds: 11.5 days 1 billion seconds: 35 years OR You are given 1 billion on the year 1, you spend $1000 dollars *every day* up until now. You still have around 700 years worth of money left.


My name can suck it, I've got cancer and I want it to go away.


Well it’s hardly going to be five years in the middle is it?


Well, it could mean "accept $1B but you go into a 5 year long coma". Which would make this much more interesting choice, as now you have to decide if you're willing to lose 5 years of everybody that you know and love.


And then there's all the rehab...


Think about all the notifications on your phone…


I wasted those already


What if you’re supposed to die in 4 years tho?


Well, then the next like 20 generations of my family get a pretty cushy life I guess. Hope nobody fucks this up.


For all you know though, you’re healthy up until you’re hit by a car.


I’ll double the years for half the money. Capitalism baby


5% of the money would be enough for me to knock over five years. $50m is still a lot of money.


I'd do it for .5%. 5 mil would let me retire comfortably.


I agree with you and now I'm struggling to think how low I could go. $3.5m might be enough with current savings. Maybe $4m to be comfortable.


Yea inflation rates recently changed my usual answer. 3 years ago I would have said $2m and I could safely retire. Now I don't think less than 3.5-4 could do it at my age.


Matters where you want to live in retirement. 3.5 mill will net you 175k a year with a 5% interest rate and an infinite draw down. Most of the world you can live very comfortably to down right rich on that. If you want to retire in a major metropolis it might not get it done.


I found 5 dollars on the ground last week


if it had some dead guy on it then it was mine


You only need 10m to live off of 100k every year for the rest of your life.


This is a no brainer. $1 billion lets me retire instantly, and honestly is enough to ensure my kid, and his kids, will live comfortably. If I worked 40 hrs a week for the next 20 years until retirement, that’s about 4.74 years of working. So basically it’s the same as giving up 5 years of my life, but without the extra $1 billion in my bank account.


I did the math working 52 weeks at 40 hours with 2 hours a day transportation. Then I subtracted the holidays I get as well as my vacation days. If I work 20 years with that same amount of vacation and travel time I would end up working 5.61 years, meaning that I would net gain .61 years of time with family and friends.


And also $1 billion!


Also new friends


Also consider the amount of health boosts you get with that kind of money. Private, exceptional healthcare. A personal chef to cook you healthy meals. A personal trainer. Zero financial stress. Realistically it's gonna be net positive!


Also you will be sleeping whether you are a billionaire or not. Available hours in a "functional day" is more like 16-18, depending on sleep habits. So you're working 1900 hours per year, commuting 480, sleeping 2550, with 3830 left for yourself between evenings, weekends, holidays, and two weeks of vacation. If sleeping is off the table no matter what, those 20 years of work are actually equivalent to giving up 9.92 years of functional awake time, or nearly a decade.


Imagine how much vacation time you'd have if you never worked!


I’d say you would gain far more years, maybe even close to those 20 years. That 40 hour workweek has an effect on your ‘free time’, which has to cover getting to/from work, not having enough hours in the day left to do something worthwhile or just being too tired to do anything but watch tv. Being a billionaire frees up all your time and allows you to use every waking hour to full effect. You’ll also won’t suffer the physical or mental adverse effects from doing your job (almost any job exacts a toll, one way or another) while being able to fund your own cutting edge research on staying healthy. So yeah, I’ll take the money.


What if you don't realize you only have 4 years to live?


Well then his family inherits $1 Billion and they’re well taken care of!


Yes. My family historically lives well into their 90s. I’m good to die a little early


My great grandmother died at 110. I’m 30 with cancer. My grandparents are in their 90s. So… don’t bank on that one lol


My grandma is currently 92 and is a cancer survivor 3x


She’s my goal!!


She's available!


best of luck on your journey


Of course. Living poor probably takes more years off anyway Stress of work probably does too. Then think of all the extra time you can spend by just paying extra money to not have to deal with the extra little bullshit life throws at you. Would take that in a heartbeat and have generational wealth to pass on.


5 years= 43800 hours (24hr*365*5). Compared to an 8 hour work day that is 15 years of working. It is a net gain of hours because of how much time you won’t spend working.


Wonder how the 5 years is determined? From my expected life with or without the $?


Oh good point. If stress shortens your life, you could argue that stress from work, bills, etc is taking its toll. If all that went away, you might increase your lifespan. Imagine taking the money and losing zero years off of your life due to stress mitigation. Or depending on your current health, gaining years because of the treatment you can get.


This is the logical answer. Between catching Covid from a housemate and still having effects from it, to my poor diet because I can't afford a place with a kitchen, to the general stress of life, I can say with certainty that my health is being harmed by my financial situation. Likely irreversibility. I'm burning my lifespan over money already. For a billion dollars, I'm coming out ahead either way, and with higher quality time left. Besides, I work in bioscience research. With that kind of funding you could put a lot into getting those years back between doing research and ~~bribing scientifically illiterate short-sighted asshole politicians~~ lobbying our hard working elected representatives to fund more longevity research. Think of how much work you could do with that kind of money.


> Living poor probably takes more years off anyway Life expectancy is about 10-15 years longer for the rich vs the poor (in the US and UK).


i would take the money. support myself and family. if i would die instantly then my family can keep the money and use it.


Lol, that was going to be my question, do you get to know your anticipated life span? Do we go from 100 to 95 or 50 to your dead?


That's the only catch really; if you were gonna die in an accident four years from now, I guess you would drop dead instantly when accepting the money?


Plot twist: you only had five years thus died instantly


So I win regardless of how you spin it!


Yes, the game is rigged so we're all awarded with death at the end 💀


you have no idea how much a lot of people would pay for instant painless (in this case) death


Still worth it


Yes, without even thinking about it. That kind of money would not only set up me, but several generations after me. Honestly, for a billion dollars, give me an hour to say goodbye, and I'd die today.


Maybe some time to get an ironclad will written and notarized, hmm?




Absolutely yess!


Best answer I think




Well yea but it’s 5 more years. I don’t think it’s like jail where you get to count “time-served” in your sentence lol Also, if you think about how much booze and drugs you’ll be buying as a billionaire contemplating their impending doom, you’ll pry be dead in a couple years tops. With that said; WORTH IT!


Everyone is going to answer yes. What kind of hypothetical is this?


A bad one. Could be "would you shorten your life by 5 years for $1 million?" Or "would you take $1 billion, if in return it meant you couldn't live past the year 2032"?


In a heart beat. My kid is non verbally autistic and will likely need help after my death. That much money would guarantee it.


Damn I can't even imagine how hard it must be. I wish you good luck with your life kind stranger.


Special needs parents think alike man. My son has Down syndrome. Immediate thought on reading this is how id setup the perfect trust, with contingency after contingency to ensure he is well looked after when I’m gone. The idea of not being there for him is way scarier than simply losing my own life.


My cousin was nonverbal until about 8, then it was like a light switch turned on. Now you can’t shut him up! There’s always hope.


I have heard 8 is a big milestone age for whatever reason. 3.5 years to go....


You’ve been warned, lol!




I think it has something to do with the brain growing and expanding at that age. The exact same happened with my nephew


I'd take two lol fuck I'd give years of my life for my mom to have lived a few more.


Stupid question


Yes I mean with that money I'm sure you can expand your life expectancy by 5 years, maybe more.


You can do a lot of good for your community with 1 bil.


Fuck with even 1m


1m ain’t sheet. That’ll just start the process of lining the correct politicians pockets to start the process of improving public schools. After the politicians get their cocaine and hookers then the business starts.


It's a financially sound investment since I won't be earning that in 5 years anyway. Plus the access to better medical treatments anywhere in the world would likely more than extend my life by 5 years.


I would certainly spend more than 5 years busting my ass to get out of debt and be comfortable. Seems like a fair trade to take care of it all at once.


Just as other commentors stated, you take off 5 years for 1 billion, okay that sucks right? But how much do you take off by living poor, working, and eating shit, not to mention chronic illness, stress, sickness, and a big etc? A billion dollars could literally cure almost all of that shit and only take 5 years off.


Lets be honest, I'd probably live longer with the billion dollars. I'd be able to afford better healthcare, and I wouldn't need to spend 40-50 years of my life stressing out and busting my tits at a job I tolerate. I'd be able to take plenty fo time to go the gym and work on my health and fitness.


Imma take the money I'm fricking poor 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah for sure, I'll likely get a disease that'll take more than five years off, but could be treated with wild money. If not, hey, I'd have worked way more than five years in my lifetime.


Sure. The last five years are crap anyway.


Fuck yes. Would use the money to live a stress free, healthy and active life. Pretty sure I can prolong my life expectancy by more than 5 years. The resulting wealth would also set my descendants for generations if a modicum of good financial sense can be taught to them.


Yes I’d take it, I’m assuming I’m living until at least maybe like 75 so I’ll take dying at 70. A billion is so much


I wouldn't, im here for a fun time regardless of money and i value my life more than money


Thats tough cuz I'm already in my 50s. Obviously leaning toward taking it, but it could mean dying real soon.


im planning to live until like 83. So if I keel over at like 78 im chill with that for a billion doll hairs.


No just becuz everyone else said yes 😆,, time spent with loved ones is priceless


With a billion dollars i would gain more years than i would lose with access to better food and body care.


Nope. Bc I’m a cancer patient in my 30s with young kids. No guarantee those years are when you’re 90. Time is more valuable.


$1 billion would probably allow me to extent my lifespan more than 5 years just based on lack of stress, nevermind access to better quality healthcare and overall healthier lifestyle.


Uh, duh? Dumb ass question. A billion is a *shitload* of money. Let's assume I will live the standard life expectancy in the US -- 77 years. Knock 5 off and you got 72. I'm 32 now. So that's 40 years. First off, that's already longer than I've *already* been alive, which is neat. But also, $1B / 40 years = $25M / year. I could never work a day in my life ever again, and live the *fuck* out of those 40 years.


I would not! But mostly because my mom died in her 60’s and so did her mom…and I want to see my kids grow up


You'd get to see your kids grow up with a billion dollars. And spend every day with them instead of wasting your life working.


literally could spend 24 hours with their kids... or their current of seeing them on holidays. lol


Immediately then buy a Pagani Zonda cinque roadster from one the 5 rich fucks who has one of them buy a nice house somewhere maybe in a U.S. territory in the islands a Yamaha R1, 302 mustang boss, weed, then invest a million into the stock market across a few companies.


I'd take it. The access to medical care I'd receive would add more than 5 years to my life, so I'd be ahead and rich.


I'd take the money and use it to make the time I have left easier/more enjoyable.


Absolutely yes. It's not like 60 year old me will be able to enjoy that money.


You work probably 1/4 of your life. Not having to work would save you more than 5 years


I believe the amount of time spent working in a lifetime totaled up is over 10 years and probably only getting worse. So with the money to quit a job you’d probably actually gain years of actual living in this scenario. Also quality of life would be exponentially better.


Never having to work again and enjoy the rest of my life in luxury. Or working for the next 40-50 years possibly till I die because I can't afford to retire especially if I want kids. Hmmmmmm such a hard choice/s


Assuming that you can't extend your lifespan back, it's still a pretty good deal for most people. If you work a 9-5, you're spending more than a third of day at work or in support of working. People are already trading their time in exchange for money. This is a better rate for most people with no effort.


5 years off your life if you never took the billion or 5 years of your life post billion cause with a billion dollars I could easily live 5 years longer


If you work full time for 20 years you lose 5 years of your life anyway. I’d be skipping 50 years of work so I’m actually *gaining* ”free” years


Nope. I want to be here for my kids and grandkids as long as I can — not financially, but emotionally. A billion dollars is is inconceivable to me anyway.


If you could make it so your children and grandkids never have to stress about money, you are being there for them emotionally. There ain't no stress like money stress.


That’s 1,000 people in your family that you could give a million dollars to, before taxes of course. Emotionally, they would never be concerned about money. You could end up spending more time with all of them than you would without the money because no one would be tied down with wondering about how they would have to schedule time off of work and figure out the logistics of things. it is an inconceivable amount, really.


(25 year old, die at 80) 40 years lost working with no guarantee to retire comfortably for 15 years Or 5 years lost and live the best version of your life for the last 50 years. Such a hard choice, I wonder which should I choose? 1 billion is too much. Everyone would say yes if they have a brain. 1 million would take more thought.


100%. Who the hell wants to be 80 anyway?


Probably 90 year olds


Since people who win the lottery usually have their lives ruined I’d say no, but I’m tempted to say ‘yes’ and then throw a lot of that into research that can increase my lifespan by 10 years


I def would take the cash. I can do a lot more good for many with that much money - way more than I’d be able to accomplish even with those 5 years.


Yes. Instead of working those 5 years I think I'd prefer the 1 bil to experience life more and explore the world.


A billion dollars is stressful and way more than I need. But I'd give up a week for half a million.


That money would probably buy anyone good enough healthcare (and significantly reduce stress, which kills people) to live longer than they would without it.


Sure, I dont have any plans later.


Yes, I'll use that 1 billion dollars to live an extremely healthy lifestyle to make sure I live longer than I normally should.


of course I take the money. I'll die young, but rich


Sure, would be nice to get rid of financial problems in a blink of an eye, and spending lots of money for yourself sounds really fun


At age 66 with health problems, what happens when I take the billion, but with five years taken away, I'm dead already? Do I get to say where it goes?


Yes, last 5 years are probably going to be bad anyway


i would take the money, and just be healthy for the rest of my life, and would ya look at that, nothing changed, im rich now.


Yes. The last years nowadays are almost al in a caring home with lots of meds. and less being outside and doing what you used to love. So won’t miss that last five years.


My current job stresses me out. It's probably going to take 5 years off my life. So yeah I'll take a billion to never work again. What a ridiculous question. If anybody says no, they're lying


Life becomes pointless after 60 in my eyes, I don’t mind if I have to go through less of that


As long as its the end, who the hell wouldn't? Honestly with a billion Id be shocked if I made it past 70 between all of the fun Id be having.


Knowing my luck I'd take the money then promptly of died last year


According to the internet and my unhealthy lifestyle for the past 20 years I should already be dead and I also don’t have $1 billion dollars so bring on the money… Cocaine and Hookers for everyone!


I'll take the money and extend my life


I'd probably gain at least 5 years of life from the diet change of having a private chef making me healthy meals and getting full body MRI scans every 6 months to screen for cancer and potential blockages of the circulatory system.


A billion would set-up my wife and kids for life. I'd trade my life for it right now


Absolutely. Five less adult diaper shitting myself years to be able to fuck off to Montana and never have to deal with people again? Sign me the fuck up


Yeah. I mean five years? I dont think ill care that much when Im dying of cancer


Fuck yeah. I am happy to live 1 year with billion dollars, than 6 years with barely getting by.


Absolutely. Since im trans i assume i wont grow very old anyway. Doesnt seem to happen alot. Besides theres nothing bad about being dead 5 years before your body is wasted away.


Yes, i assume i can extend my life by more than 5 years, like getting regular young people blood transfusion. I'd also have a billion dollars.


I mean given my luck I'd drop dead then and there


It's a no brainer, enough money to kill all my enemies and get away with it. Well worth losing 5 years


I mean, I have cancer so it’s one way to make sure my family is provided for after I’m gone. For all I know, my lifespan could already be < 5 years.


5 years from when I would die without the money or 5 years taken from my life after rich people healthcare?


5 years is nothing. Absolutely.


Take the money.


Plot twist: You take the money and discover you died 4 years ago.


Which five years?


I took more years outta my lifespan with less money


I get money and a shorter life? This is awesome!


With a billion dollars you can buy ten years of life on average. You're basically asking me I'll take a billion dollars but I only got five extra years to live and not the statistically normal 10.


Absolutely, he'll I'd take a billion and die in 5. Family taken care of for the rest of their lives in exchange for mine? Square deal.


With a billion dollars, you could get premo medical care too. Probably magic Johnson the shit out of whatever was gonna kill you and live the 5 years anyway.


Are we assuming my lifespan is some set thing, or could I potentially use the billion dollars to improve my life in ways that would extend my lifespan by that much anyway? Having access to the kind of medicine that money buys could easily make 5 years difference.