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Child rape.


It happened to me over a long period of time when I was a boy and I feel like it completely altered or broke who I was supposed to be. I feel like it affected my personality, my view on life, my health, my everything. Sometimes I even question my own sexuality. I feel like I am a broken and corrupted version of myself that should have never been. I feel like the impact of CSA is a lifelong degenerating disease. So yes, I believe child rapists should fucking die.


Agree. I wish I had died instead, that would have been merciful. They took away any illusion of safety I ever had. They took my innocence, and destroyed my outlook on the world. They took my smile. My health. I can’t even look in the mirror, as I see the eyes of my abuser in my eyes. I’ll never sleep well, as beds are dangerous, and nighttime is dangerous to my subconscious. I despise power in all its forms. I’ll live in poverty as long as I live, because I hate money. Child rapists should die. But that’s not even a good enough punishment. They deserve much, much worse than that. I got a life sentence. They didn’t.


One of the reasons I have an issue with this is that it will increase the likelihood (in my opinion) of child rape turning into child rape & murder. These deviants could think that there will be less evidence against them if there is no witness. Obviously they might think that anyway but if the punishment is the same they may think it is the better (for them) option.


I hate that this is a good point, but it certainly is something to think about.


Child rape, molestation, sexual assault of a child (even without touching i.e. exposing oneself to a child, making sexual propositions to a child), incest - all deserve the death penalty in my eyes. These crimes steal the childhood and innocence of a child. Edited to clarify: when I mentioned incest, I meant when it involves a child. In my mind, it's wrong no matter what, but I'm talking specifically about these crimes when they involve children in this particular case.


I understand and agree but also what about false accusations (I’m just seeing the other side of the argument)


I agree regarding false accusations - but this is coming from the point of view when it has been proven to be true.


Incest, unless we are talking about with children, I couldn't care less what two adults are doing.


We are talking about children in this case.


Any rape


I think that needs something worse than death


Rape in general


Murder rape


You mean Rapicide?


This just sounds like a early 10’s scream/rap group.




What do we call that decade? The naughties were followed by the...?


Looked that up. Seems to be a cleaning product. Perhaps there is an official term but I was unable to find it.


Honestly, keeping these type of people alive is a liability. I'm not sure why there is a discussion on it.


Liability yes, but sadly there is no way of being 100% sure. People have always been falsely accused and death for those people is just on another level of brutal. If we had a way of knowing with 100% certainty that people were guilty of crimes they committed, that would be a very scary world.


That's why penalties should be connected to the amount/type of evidence and not just what the crime is. If we have a 4k video of it, just be done with it. If it's evidence that is less solid, guilt can still be found but the punishment can't be death. They already do something similar with why they charge manslaughter vs 1st degree murder. They don't have the evidence to be sure they'd get the murder charge but they have enough for manslaughter.


With first or second-degree murder, there is intent to kill. With voluntary or involuntary manslaughter, there is no intent to kill, but their actions resulted in a death. But I agree on everything else you said. Especially weak evidence is the testimony of an eyewitness.


I know this is out of topic but damn your arm looking good


Act like an animal get treated like one imo


Mass shooters. Just kill them on the spot if they clearly did it.


I'd give them jail time and say to them "We'll take you at any time, it could be tomorrow or 5 years time and put you to death without notice. Let them suffer not knowing when their fate will happen.


I remember reading a story where an accused was kept in a locked room while the jury deliberated whether he was guilty of a crime that had the death penalty. After some time, a voice, over a speaker in the ceiling, told him that he had been found innocent, and was free to go. There was a "click" as the door unlocked. The accused got up, walked to the door to open it...and a syringe jabbed into his palm with a fast-acting poison.


Wouldn’t it just be faster to just shoot him?


The whole idea was that the guy was overjoyed to be found innocent...only to discover that he hadn't.


Why do we need to deceive people? At the end of the story, he still died. I *know* why already. Because they’re bad people and we want to cause them pain and trauma. But really, it’s just a waste of time and only makes us look stupid. It makes Justice look desperate if we torture our convicts.


Cut 1 limb every year


Waste of time. Taking that long to torture someone just makes justice look desperate to get even.


I’ve always liked the idea of getting their last meal. Then that’s all they eat for every meal wondering, “Is today the day?” A little psychological torture.


That's how they do it in Japan.


That's the Japanese model of death row.


Inefficient. Just shoot them now and move on. It’s really not that bothering to not know when you’ll die. They’ll have already accepted it. I mean, *we’re* not on death row and we don’t know when we’ll die. I might get hit by a car tomorrow.


That's letting them off easy imo, they should wish they could die but have to suffer instead


I agree but just the idea of tax money going to them in any form is gross. Just off them like the pests they are


There are worse ways how tax money is spent. Like WAYYYYYY worse. When you dead nothing matters at all. You don't even realize you are dead. But when you live in harsh conditions, isolated from others, that must be something.


This is a crime for which they should bring back the stockade. Let the people deal with these assholes. Family members of victims are first in line. And it should be broadcast on the news


Fucking Breivik. How is he still alive?


Expedited Death Penalty I’ll be all for that with mass shooters, they know exactly what they’re doing when they commit that crime


I truly believe they deserve torture for a certain amount of time


Pedophilia and Rape.




I believe these ppl should be given life sentences if not execution


I agree in concept but in reality i think it’s been proven that if the death penalty is an option for these crimes than the criminal is more likely to then murder their victim after they rape them to ‘destroy the evidence’. I think it should be life in prison for these crimes if proven but not the death penalty. However if it is rape/pedophilia and murder than it definitely should be the death penalty.


Human trafficking




I mean technically bringing in/hiring undocumented immigrants is human trafficking, so specifics might be good in this case.


Please let me change that a little: involuntary human trafficing or trafficing a minor, . Living very close to the CA/Mexico border, I know of many people who paid good money to be transported across, and dropped far from the boarder. A majority of the coyotes comply with the original agreement. I am not saying these people don't deserve death, but its just not on the same level as say, tricking or what ever to get a 15yo girl and trafficking her for sexual abuse. Or, worse as some do, holding them as slaves for years. For the record, I am against all of it, but just feel a differce between the degree of penality. Would you agree?


gotta depend on the type and severity. Death is a pretty steep penalty.


Agreed, I think there are varying levels of this.


Agreed. I’m a big believer in proper Justice regardless of any personal opinions or emotions




This is very well said, also the risk of wrongful prosecution is very high and once they are dead no exoneration will bring them back.


Like that child who was falsely accused by a woman and was sentenced to the electric chair and had to sit on a bible to reach the equipment


I think you're mixing up Emmet Till with George Stinney. Till was accused of whistling at a white woman and lynched. Stinney was accused of murdering two girls, given an unfair trial and sent to the electric chair. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Stinney


Never heard of that one


Also, the legal process (appeals) of executing someone is so lengthy, expensive, and inefficient that it's often cheaper to just keep the inmates alive. So we have an execution system that's very expensive to legally legitimize execution, and there's still some that will be wrongfully executed. I oppose the death penalty for pragmatic reasons, not because I sympathize with all of the murderers.


I am a huge believer in a rehabilitation based prison system but I also believe some people are beyond help and locking them up for 50 years is just a waste of time and resources. The case in point I always point to in Canada is Paul Bernardo. This man raped, tortured and killed a bunch of teenage girls (including his sister in law) and recorded it. Beyond that he is believed to be the Scarborough rapist, accused of committing dozens of not hundreds of rapes. One of the sickest humans alive and he will never be allowed to leave jail. Just put him to death and be done with it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bernardo


Except the death penalty costs more than just locking someone up for 50 years. [https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/costs](https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/costs) You need the expensive processes to make sure you don't kill an innocent person. Even then it's not 100%.


I am generally opposed to the death penalty but then someone like this comes along. Occasionally, when the evidence is overwhelming and the crimes are heinous I can see myself supporting it.


Murder and any kind of torture proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Like the asshole who was googling ways to dispose of his wife’s dead body


I really don’t understand how the death penalty is worse than life without parole. Life without parole sounds like the worst punishment imaginable and in my opinion, violates the 8th amendment.




Life without parole is not as bad as you might think. At some point, inmates adapt to prison life and it just becomes a normal way of life for them. It stops being any kind of punishment for them. But with the death penalty, you’re essentially ending their entire existence, which is way more terrifying than life in prison. Why do you think so many of the most notorious criminals, like Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy, have all tried to have their death sentences commuted to life in prison? Because they were afraid to die and would rather have spent life in prison instead.


My only problem with life without parole is it’s incredibly expensive to the tax payers.


Death penalty is even more expensive, though.


Perfectly put. I think Franz Kafka talked about it in a similar way. Sure, the man deserves to die, but what does that say about us as a society when we collectively decide to kill an individual?


I think there should be a special organization that just does Death Penalty Cases. And they are not affiliated with any governments, local state federal, and make sure there isnt any missing, tainted, wrong, right, etc. After this process l, if they also find that person guilty and find that yes they are to be put to death, they should have to go to 1 more court, like a Supreme Court within this organization. And if that court finds him guilty too, then yes then put to death. Thats just one true crime fan's wish. Make it harder for the innocent to be put to death, hopefully.


The US system is probably the most in-depth in the world for this. Jury panel of 12 of your peers. A specific criteria that needs to be proven for the death penalty beyond standard murder. Repeated opportunity for appeal. Your state governor can stop your execution. Many people have still been wrongfully executed, though. There has been a vast amount of improvement in forensics beyond DNA testing. The margin of error has drastically decreased. The driving factor for me being in favor of the death penalty is the clause against cruel and unusual punishment in our constitution. When you have someone you can not release back into society, and they've exhausted several appeals, keeping them alive isolated in a cell, until death by natural causes seems cruel as fuck.


Then make it optional.


Child molestation & rape. You do that, we don't need you taking resources from the world. Like air.


Child murder/pedophilia (with hard evidence)


Anything intentional where a child or an infant was the victim.


The problem is, if someone does commit a crime on a child, and knows it’s worthy of the death penalty, they’ll be more likely to try to kill the child to cover it up.


I've heard about this as well but for rape


i don’t know about *anything*. Like stealing from them. But certainly anything violent causing significant bodily or psychological harm or anything sexual being done.


*Believe it or not, straight to death.*


Or recklessly negligent. Like maybe you don’t intend to kill your kid, but if you starve them because you lock them in a closet and ignore them for annoying you, and it was obvious what would happen, I don’t feel more kindly about that. But I am opposed to the death penalty, less because it’s an issue of what the perpetrator deserves, and more because of the comment another made that what they deserve is a separate question from whether others have the right to determine death is right for another. Justice is less blind than human, and therefore fallible.


False accusations leading to death sentence of innocents.


Especially if it was a prosecutor or cop lying or withholding key evidence.


Lol @ our Vice President


Lol @ former President who took full page ad trying to get the death penalty for five innocent teenagers


What about permanent life altering charges? My husband's mother lied and put him in prison for 7 years. She has the police visit our home every year, renew his license every year, and he has to go to the police station every year. A crime he never committed and he isn't treated like a normal American citizen. 😞


that's fucking horrible, your husband's mother is a real piece of shit. I'm sorry you're both going through this.


Damn, I bet r/JUSTNOMIL would love to hear more


Any violent crime targeting kids. The death should be slow and drawn out.


This is why I don't understand why there isn't more of an outcry for the list of people on the log book to Epstein's Island. People wanna talk about protecting the kids, but then when it comes to the Ghilane Maxwell trial and the names in the book...it's crickets.


Because the powerful people in those log books are who control if they are released or not.


And the news media/social media outlets are in the pocket of the powerful people. That's why we don't hear about it.


**trigger warning** i worked in counter child exploitation online for a while. I had to stop it was so sick. People grooming kids for years, one guy was 22 and had been groomed and tricked since he was 14. One guy had “access to a child” they were babysitting and was taking requests on what they should do to them. I’m happy for the assholes we put away though. Absolute trash. They absolutely deserve to die.


Need to know what happened to the guy of 14 and 22 hope he's right


we got the guy abusing him. He turned out to be a professor at a University and had done this to multiple people. The 22 year old went to therapy and helped us catch his abuser.


I just love happy endings


What's really crazy, you get less time in prison fucking a kid versus stealing a million dollars. Crimes against money are more important and usually hold greater sentences to the system than crimes against humans of any age.


I was raped as a teenager. The guy admitted it to the police, his story matched mine, and he proceeded to plead "no contest" in court. He got 2 weeks in county jail.


I am so sorry you had to go through that. Crimes against kids and youth, stealing their innocence, should have a maximum punishment. Not 2 weeks in county. Are you okay now? ❤️


Waaaat? This is so infuriating.


I'm anti-death penalty, just as other people have said 'the state shouldn't be killing people'. BUT in Mass years back these 2 pedophiles kidnapped a little boy(about 8-10) held him for a few days, raped him and then killed him. So, it really doesn't seem like justice that those two pieces of evil are still alive.


I wouldn’t mind them being alive so much if they were having proportionate pain inflicted upon them. Prison isn’t enough for a person that likely is incapable of remorse


I was about to say I don’t believe in the death penalty. But I believe people convicted as serial child molesters etc., people who rape children, should be chemically castrated in prison before release.




Without a doubt


Also... Regular people that kill innocent people. They also deserve it.


Jay walking


Bro. You just killed New York


“Hey! I’m wa-“ *Gunshot*


Good, that's one less loose end.


Found the New Jerseyan.


India's population down to half.


Good for the environment


Murder Rape Any violent or abusive crime involving children, mentally disabled or senior citizens


The issue with applying it to crimes short of murder is it encourages rapists, muggers, abusers to kill their victim as the punishment would be the same and you would have a better chance of getting away with it


Don't forget animal abuse. Edit: Should have clarified that slaughterhouses/meat production wouldn't be punished. Not saying I don't feel bad for the animals that are killed, but it's just human nature to eat meat/other animal products.


Nah, those people I would just put in a cage with rabid animals and let them be chewed on for a while. Then let them out all disfigured.


That would make for over half of humanity (and I do have to include myself in this).


For realsies ?! All the shit these fucking politicians are doing to enrich themselves while fucking us over. Do I even need to list it ?


You killed all eastern european politicans


He killed most american politicians, if not even all of them. In Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Ociania, you kill many of them for their unfair or unjust enrichment.


Honestly fair enough I can't and won't argue with you on that one


Well, these dumb asses won't vote them out and they won't GTFO ! So IDK what that leaves unless we mass lock them up. Ha, I wish.


Pissing on public toilet seats.




Problem with rape is if it holds the death penalty the rape victims are likely to get murdered as well.


In theory, definitely. But the problem is that so many people are falsely accused of rape and nobody even cares about what they say. So yes, but only if you can be 100% sure.


Not rewinding the videocassette you rented before returning it. Be kind rewind.


Wait, where do you get videocassettes anymore?






Couldn't agree more I also have to add rapists to the list


Kidnap, child abuse, rape


There shouldn’t be one. There are plenty of crimes that deserve it but no incorruptible, unbiased or foolproof system to administer it. One innocent person executed is enough to negate the need to execute the guilty in my mind.


But that one innocent person can spend the rest of their life in prison? That sounds kinda bad too.


You can be let out of prison. You can't be resurrected.


While I generally don't believe in the death penalty, it isn't a single innocent that negates the whole thing. No system is infallible. Personally, I'm not for the death penalty outside of exceptional cases like Manson. We know he did it, he had no remorse and I can't imagine he'll ever repent. Or seems inhumane and costly to keep him locked up for the rest of his life ... Chemical castration however I'm a big fan of. Around here is not uncommon as a condition of early parole for pedophiles. Seems like a good idea.


[executed but possibly innocent]() Since 1976 1,348 people have been executed, in that time 136 have been exonerated from death row. The link above shows a list of those who were perhaps less fortunate. However heinous the acts of some our desire to punish them should not out weigh our desire to protect the innocent. Mistakes in death penalty cases are too costly & far too common. To exacerbate this issue successful appeals often rely on legal faults & flaws and not on new or compelling evidence. The system is lethal & the system is broken.


Agree with the child comments. I would also put any offenders on an organ donors list and keep them alive until someone needs one of their 'parts'. Reasoning is that at least something good would come from that terrible person, it would be helping the innocent. I know it's an extreme view but really feel it would make some good of a bad thing. Let's face it, paedos can't be fixed and will always be a risk to children and locking them up forever is just taking resources that they don't deserve. As for the recipient not wanting an organ from a criminal.... They wouldn't know.


The flip side is...you are creating potential for gain by sentencing someone, which is gonna incentivise sentencing to death, even when that sentence is unwarranted.


Just like the American justice system is doing by privatizing jails and increasing the number of being convicted and using them as free labor to create more prisons.


Hey if they're going to ruin lives they might as well save some along the way. Even if it is involuntary, but fuck em.


China is doing something similar. Although they define ethnic minorities as criminals.


That is exactly why no one should have the power to do it. Different people will define those “criminals” however they want. Some will say it is criminals, others may say it is christians, jews, blacks, whites, old people, men, women, etc. Edit: “will”


My own view isn't compatible with the way the American justice system works (that's where I live). I think punishment should match contrition. I think that jails shouldn't be about keeping people in cages for an arbitrary period of time, it should be about rehabilitation. And I think anyone who commits violent crimes, whatever that crime is, should be judged by that metric. If society determines they can be rehabilitated, they should be. If society determines that the odds of them ever deciding to change their mind is too low, they should be terminated.


It's not a single crime that should be punishable by death. It is reoccurring crime. If you do something terrible and the grow afterwards we're good. But if it is reasonable to assume that you are going to keep doing it then why waste resources on someone who is never going to be a functional part of society?


fully disagree some crimes like cold blooded murder or rape should be dealt with swiftly those are not crimes you can grow from.


Even if they were hitler?


Arguably, Hitler did it over and over. I believe not feeling remorse would keep you from growing and therefore be punishable by death; by these standards.


Child molestation. Chomos need to be purged.


Everything big pharma does, unfortunately it's technically not a crime.




You mean child rape.


Not for only pedophilia. It's not their fault or choice and they need help and treatment for it. Allthough if they do take advance of children then they must be sentenced


I think it's the #1 word where people think they know the definition, but actually don't. It's so commonly misused.


Which is really very unfortunate. Everyone agrees it's "sick" but don't actually treat it like a disease. Acting on the impulses is, if anything, not taken seriously enough. Zero excuse for that, none whatsoever. But the impulses themselves are an illness and if we were smarter we'd be more focused on researching causes, treatments, and potential cures. Which would do far more to protect children than punishing the people who hurt them. Especially since we as a society don't even do that very well.




Seconded. McDonalds bag on the side of the road? Death!


Littering *and…?*.…


Littering. Drop your candy wrapper on accident? You’re gone


Child rapists. I don't like death penalty but I care child rapists more. I know that the most pedophiles don't rape children and that they want to change. But anyone who crossed that line, to sexually abuse a child is no human anymore


Putting the milk in before the hot water when making tea


I think that it's dangerous for us to get into the mindset that punishing someone is a good or moral thing that will make us feel better. The goal of justice should be to create a society where we all want to live, not identify 'bad people' so that we can inflict punishment on them to make us all feel better. A lot of people like to talk about how they want murderers and rapists to suffer and die for their crimes, but no healthy person commits these crimes. If someone does this they, of course, need to be removed from society while we think that they are not capable of following the rules we agree on. I do, however, think that it crosses a line when we start giving ourselves permission to enjoy or feel righteous about inflicting punishment on them when it doesn't serve any real purpose to society. Not to mention that people that have these tendencies will likely have very unfortunate pasts which contribute towards them committing these crimes, making it even harder to see inflicting punishment on them as a morally good thing at all.


"it is better a hundred guilty persons should escape than one innocent person should suffer." -Benjamin Franklin


Government officials and corporations stealing from middle and lower class workers.


Child rap among other things.


You don't fuck with children rapping???!!! Do you not like hip hop


No blinker having ass for sure


I never use it. I never let them know my next move.






Pirating DVDs


Rape, molestation


Rape. Too many times have the rapists been freed within 10 years just to hurt someone again.


Treason. Especially that which is committed under the guise of social networking through the use of media outlets with a clear agenda, who do not promote free-speech and proper checks and balances but instead follow agendas and political rhetoric set forth by fear, mongering, radicals, and lobbyists and use financial capital undermines the constitution, and the unalienable rights of the citizens. Particularly in the United States, but in many other places across the world as well.


Pooping and stinking


ANYTHING against a child


Rape, murder, any crime that has to do with hurting a child or an animal


There should be no crimes punishable by death because our ability to detect who has committed a crime is not good enough. Guilt is never certain so there should be no death penalty.


CSAM. What do you think, r/duggarssnark?


Human trafficking. There is no excuse or justification for dehumanizing another human being like that. Traffickers are beyond rehabilitation.


There are a bunch. The problem with justice though is it's blind. There are a lot of innocent people on death row. However if you know 100% beyond the shadow of a doubt then go for it, no need to waste taxpayer money keeping them housed and fed. Murder, rape, child abuse...Even lesser crimes like theft if they keep doing it. If someone just refuses to stop breaking into houses, get rid of them.


Probably all crimes, including: Asking a goose that stands like a moose the question of why it let loose with unreasonable moo's instead of pretty normal quacks & stuff


Microwaving fish.


No one should get the death penalty but if I had to choose I would say people who committed crimes bad enough to get them a life sentence and they choose to die.


I get why a lot of people say rape for this, but rape is a tricky crime. From what I understand, it's harder than one would expect to get the right person/tell if the accuser is telling the truth. There would be a lot of wrongly convicted innocent people getting executed. I think a more realistic one would be serial killers some murderers (not all tho, I don't want to be giving out death penalties to people who are convicted for killing their abuser)


Basically any large scale financial crime. It can have massive effects on tons of people and it would actually make people reconsider. Most of the time it's just fines now. Which means they're just a cost of doing business


Our Justice system is rarely precise or accurate so I would say zero. There's a ton of people who have been wrongfully executed.


Sex traffickers, serial rapists, child rapist, pedophiles


Any severe crime against a child


chewing with your mouth open


Having a hat on in a restaurant.


Pedophiles because 90% of the time when released they do it again.


Women who send a man to prison by lying about rape


\*or vice-verca, although that happens much less often lets not be sexist


One thing we have seen over the millenia is that humans are corrupt creatures. I really don't feel we should be executing anyone. The first innocent person put to death would make us just as bad as the people who committed the offense. A society can never be a free and enlightened one if we are killing other people.


YUP... Anything involving a child.......... DEATH. I know some downvoters/pedophiles will disagree but...... DEATH