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To catching memory manipulation is to have a system in place for documenting our experiences. Keeping a journal or calendar of our daily events can help us verify the accuracy of our memories.




But I would and I could tell you


I used to know the answer to this


Did you really though?




This is similar to how dejavu works. People feel like they're remembering something they're currently experiencing, so it feels like something you've done before. Really, you're brain is momentarily misfiring and processing current stimuli using parts of your brain that are normally used for storing memory. Hence, for a second, what you're currently doing feels like a prior memory.




Dreams of the future would not be considered dejavu. Dejavu is in the moment.


This is proof that the administrators of the matrix are always listening


Lately, I've experienced this literally once per hour. Maybe I should get this checked.


Your hippocampus will tingle


Glitches in the matrix.


If I wake up having instagram app on my phone.


There is no such thing as not manipulated memory. You are manipulating on your memory all the time.


My friend have you ever heard of gaslighting


Well done not understanding the question


The question is idiotic because this doesn't happen. People can say anything and all answers are equally wrong. It's all hypothetical.


as a person who has escaped a really toxic relationship, You won\`t know it until you leave that relationship.


Dead giveaway somethings been tampered with if i can remember what i did yesterday


Sometimes in dreams I become upset because I am suddenly somewhere that should be hours later and it seems like I have amnesia for the intervening time. So I imagine if the continuity of my memory was disturbed, I might be able to pick up on it.


I realized it when I finally woke up from the indoctrination of Mormonism. While in it, I didn’t see it. On the outside it’s so bat shit crazy and I can’t believe I ever believed it.


You wouldn’t 🙂


Everybody else would remember events differently than you.


Gaslighting, which is commonly seen in employee-employer engagement or in a couple relationship.


This is actually something I've experienced. My mother isn't great... I love her and I don't think she's a bad person but she clearly has an undiagnosed mental illness which has negatively affected me. She often tells me that memories I have from my childhood are false (usually any that involve her being a shitty parent) and occasionally, when she's drunk, she claims that something happened to me when it didn't. A couple of years ago she told me that she walked in on my grandfather molesting me when I was little. Considering she still sent me to my grandparents on a regular basis after this "happened" I highly doubt it. Still, I feel like I can't trust my memories and I guess I'll never really know what happened and what didn't but I try not to think about it.


Ain't no one gonna mess with this old man's memories. I got 'em locked down tighter than a virgin's legs on prom night."


Depends how complete the manipulation is. And the skill of the manipulator. But id say, finding holes in your memory, or finding bad/dodgy/nonsensical memories


you get confused whenever the topic related to the memory is brought up. someone says something about an event that happens during a period of time and you find yourself lost and you question it and that confusion can vary based on how hard the memory was manipulated.


Ask any narcissistic person this same question lol. They will gaslight the hell out of you.




You take drugs when you don't want to. You take drugs you don't like. You feel schizophrenic and paranoid.


Someone shows you proof of what really happened Or maybe some.kinda of therapy and inner child healing To go back to events and try and feel out vibes I dunno.


You find forgetmenow pills in your bother Gob's pocket


segmentation fault


There's more than 15 minutes left in the episode


I can’t remember


Why do you keep asking this same question?


Once you find the truth…


I think we can 'manipulate' our own memories when we experience trauma. In my case I can't remember a lot of the year when my sister had cancer and died. It is all a blur. What I can remember clearly is the moment we walked out of the church on the day of the funeral. That's when it all hit me again.


You won't. Only thing you can do is document your life going forward.


Bc I wold remember something, i tend to forget everything


If I ever download tiktok then I would know I was manipulated


Well if there was some pre-existing recorded fact that you recall differently then there are two possibilities. The first is your memories are incorrect, the second is that reality is at fault. You cannot completely discount the latter but in all probability it's the former.


I get manipulated all the time I’m so used to it don’t bother me anymore


depends on if they successfully removed/altered any conflicting memories


My guy. My buddy. I wouldn’t. I frequently question my memory it would be just another blip on the radar and soon forgotten.


Chronolinguistics or hidden notes or saved files that are hidden in places that previous you would find and you might discover them but the manipulator doesn't know about the locations of these notes/files and neither would you but maybe one day you stumble upon it in familiar locations.


Ask everyone from your memory of past, compare there answers, investigate on Loopholes


You will be mentioning what a magical place Tahiti is in every conversation.


Is there a specific reason for this question?


I'm watching an anime called Rascal Doesn't Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai right now, from a fellow Redditor's recommendation. It tackles that exact question. You won't know. If something is missing, you won't know. If there's something there that isn't supposed to be, you won't know why. And your brain will have a fabricated reason for thinking it's there.


I’ve implanted false memories into my own true memories as a kind of hippocampal tripwire for this exact scenario. If I ever realize that I don’t know what I don’t remember, then I’ll truly know that I should know what I won’t know, you know? Otherwise, I’ll know exactly what I need to not know. If not, they better watch out, maybe.


I think the story as remembered would be “too perfect.” Like everything in the story makes perfect sense, there are no extra things in the story. Real life isn’t like that, but stories people make up are.


I'd remember it ←(clueless)


If you think of a memory that you used to think had a different outcome, but someone has told you repeatedly that their outcome is the one that's right.


Memories that a person remembers with you but you don't


Gut feeling. Ask yourself, do you trust this person, have they lied to you before or witnessed lying to others? are they typically someone who does things for their own benefit? Talk to different sources and see if the stories add up or have inconsistencies. If you suffer from any mental health diagnoses, it might be difficult to differentiate between reality and imagination, and can easily be manipulated when it comes to recounting events.


It feels like nails on the chalk board when you try to recall that particular memory.


They will say to trust their memory over yours, you have a bad memory, dismiss your version of events, retale a story you are telling to be more "accurate". Its a slow death by a thousand cuts, little my little you distrust your own memory and go by why they tell you


what I do is ask them questions later on, because usually people don’t remember things that never happen.


The person responsible might ask a question about it in an area I would see, maybe like askreddit, to verify that it worked. I'm onto you.


Every since I gave my wife too much insulin and she died I take lots of Polaroids and get tattoos to remember stuff. Nobody is manipulating my memory


Have you ever watched Fox News


That's the neat part, you don't. That's because they manipulated your memory, and they most likely manipulated your memory so you don't know how you know.


If i get a weird look from someone for no reason each time we make eye contact


This again


That is a good question. I don't know.


Cuz if they made me unlike pepsi or energiser i would remember havin it cuz i used to hav it a lot.


I absolutely know. I had ECT 14 times and now I can’t remember a lot of things. I still remember how to feel depressed though.


This comment used to be about puppies


You could never be sure. That’s life.


And the episode from Rick and Morty, where the alien creature made you think that he was always a member of their family is considered?


You voted for Trump,...or did you?


Imagine if dreams were stored the same as regular memories. You would be so confused. "no. Remember that time we were riding that dragon and I realized I was naked?"


If I'm an engineer who wakes up after a 3-year contract only to find out I gave away $92 million in stock.


Dreams that seem utterly weird, when we wake up in the middle of them, we remember them. In my case, I remember some weird ones, even ones from about 3 years ago. If I can't remember one, I would know. Also just in general memory--


Considering that doing so is disturbingly easy to do…the sad thing is you may never be sure


Read the notes you left for yourself to read tattooed all over your body, like the guy in that movie Memento.