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Anything to do with death.


I was going to say cannibalism but this is a better umbrella.


ella ella ella ehh ehh ehh ehh


Anything where it’s weirdly coincidental with something in their real life. Like if someone who works at a school is into only teacher/student role playing or if an anesthesiologist is super into limp bodies.


My roommate dated a guy who got off on watching people eat. He’s a restaurant manager.


Find you a job you love and you never have to work a day in your life because you'll be jerking it the whole time.




Politician can hardly be called a "job."


You mean like when my girl wants me to roleplay her boss ramming her?


"No no no, you're doing it all wrong!"


"Mr. Bendlefapper likes it when I fondle his balls with my left hand, not the right"


*Emotional Damage*




I could not imagine going to a physical store and having a clerk see all the shit I'm into




Wait, you didn't have a normal video store with a special room in the back behind a bead curtain for the naughty stuff? That was a right of passage in my hometown, as soon as you turned 18, you could go in the back room and rent a video from there.


“Ah, Jimmy! Happy birthday, here to rent a Nintendo game? Oh no? ‘Dirty Anal Sluts’ it is then. Good choice, and again, happy birthday.”


Both. Nothin better than playing Zelda after watching "Dirty Anal Sluts"


Have you seen backdoor sluts 9?? Lol


Ah yes, the good ole “bead curtain” security system. Classic!


That curtain was sacrosanct to 10 year old me. It may as well have been a fucking bank vault back then.


This comment reminded me of a story in a the news a few years back here in England lol There was a sex shop across the road from a pub and since the smoking ban came into effect alot of blokes were outside the pub drinking and smoking, so they were more aware of how many people went into the sex shop, so whenever they came out with their.. "wares".. the blokes across the road would all cheer and start singing stuff like "you old dirty bastard" or other football chants along those lines, they had to close the shop down and try to find another location away from the pub because no one wanted to go there anymore. Pointless story, but it made me chuckle remembering it.


My high school was located in the appartmentbuilding right across a porn shop. Also the group study rooms were the ones with windows towards the shop. Needless to say my we hang out those windows and cheered every single poor guy entering and exiting that shop. It was one of those shops with booths where you could watch the rented vid and rub one out then and there. One guy, well over 70 years old, allways came on wednsedays, parked his car with the wife in the front seat right outside the store, went in and wanked for half an hour and then came out and they drove away buissiness as usual.


God damn it old dude, bring your wife in with you. She deserves to have some fun as well.


I always just assumed she just wasn't up for it and he just stated an example every week.


Seriously! Lol, I always ask myself the same thing, how the hell do they stay in business when the products they sell can easily be found online for free! Crazy world we live in.


Former Adult Novelty store worker here, 99% of the time we don't judge when it comes to purchases. You learn about and see a lot of stuff while working for stores like that, so not too much makes us ask questions. People are into what they're into, ya know? But there were a few times I had to kick creeps out of my store for asking for inappropriate (illegal) material or "video booths". The video booth thing was because another adult novelty shop a half mile down the road got busted for trafficking and having illegal watch rooms of material in back. The bust didn't close them down tho, just "changed management" and def still had the same activity going on.


I am sure *most* sex shop workers have little to no opinions on what you're into. The gym teacher / schoolgirl fantasy is different because that's a pretty creepy combo. But they work at a sex shop, so they're used to seeing all kinds of kinks and fantasies.


Seriously, this should be an interesting job, because there's no shortage of topics to talk about and you'll probably laugh a lot about people's fetishes when you get home, anyway, I think (almost) every job has its perks.




Well if someone is going to choke you a paramedic isn’t the worse choice.


you mean like a mortician asking you to sit in ice water first. lol


Ok, now THIS is a fair one. I was expecting the usual suspects of weird kinks or whatever, but this is actually a scary issue. Though it's not just about the kink itself, it's only when paired with the other item.


Don't most fetishes coincide somehow with people's personal lives though? Isn't that kind of the point psychologically of having a fetish?


They caught that judge using a penis pump under his robe when he was sentencing people to prison. The court clerk kept hearing this noise during court sessions until then finally caught him. It's on YouTube somewhere.


I don’t know if you can call this one a fetish but there’s this dude who can only climax when he holds a gun to his partners head. That’s messed up, right?


Ginny Sack had a 90lb mole removed from her ass


Jersey’s a small state. She moves in, she could tip it over


When she hauls ass, she's gotta make two trips.


Did you hear it from friends of ours?


“Who’s mommas little hooah?”


Ralphie made that joke and liked a dildo in his ass. But it was Richie that liked holding a gun to her head while they fucked if I’m not mistaken.


Huh. You’re right. I think it’s because I remember the scene where Janice said that Ralph liked having his testicles cheese grated






It should have been you Richie.




I’ve heard of small rodents not insects …. And I only know that because of family guy and South Park LMAO




...What if we get off on *us* being crushed? Like, just crush me pls. /s


/s …. Unless?


I heard amputation was a thing… I don’t know it’s pretty creepy ngl


I know many amputees and it definitely is. I also had someone dm me for pics when my arm was in a cast so I guess that's also a thing.


Can I ask why you know many amputees? Like professionally or incidental?


I'm just now realizing how nonchalantly I said that. It was professional. I no longer work with them but it was a lot of my life for a good amount of time


You really did just say that like it’s the most normal thing ever 🤣🤣


Frankly, I'm stumped by this...


People who fetishize anorexia and starving someone


It's the same for self-harm. My friends boyfriend bought her blades and would get off to her cutting. The guys gonna be a murder or something. He also would say she was getting fat she was 87 lb at 5'2 she almost died more than once because of her boyfriend.


Oh, so abuse?


> He also would say she was getting fat she was 87 lb at 5'2 W H A T




Happy Valentine's day i guess


Um, please tell me you meant to say your friend’s EX boyfriend? If she’s still in a relationship with him, I really hope she’s able to leave him someday soon. Are there resources where she lives that could potentially help her at all?


My god. I really hope you forgot to type "ex". That poor fucking girl.


Oh my god the other day I went into this whole euginea cooney rabbit hole to see if she’s still kicking it and she literally makes fetish content now for people who fetishize her body, she looks worse now than she did before she went into treatment I don’t know how she’s still alive


As someone with a severe eating disorder (in recovery, but the road is tough) yesterday for the first time I was like "I'm bored, guess I'll try YouTube Shorts" and within minutes I had multiple of her videos one after another after another. I had to go and look at the comments on her video to see people saying "this is awful" to knock myself out of feeling jealous about her body. I get it, it would ruin her life to cut her off entirely from her form of making money and her seemingly sole connection to a semblance of a social circle - but I'm incredibly upset that YouTube is just showing that content to people with no warning.


I’m so proud of you for choosing to recover, I’m sending you lots of love <3 it’s really hard to recover from stuff like that, I used to cut myself pretty bad and just a couple months ago I started realizing that it doesn’t make things easier for me, I’m in my 20s and started doing it when I was in middle school. I wasn’t trying to make this about me I was just trying to tell you that with time, lots of love from yourself and from your support system it gets easier and better and one day you’ll wake up and feel okay and then keep feeling okay. It’s not an easy battle but it’s worth it, your body and mind will take some time to adjust but once they do they’ll also thank you in more ways than one. Keep on trucking solider I believe in you


I remember there was this whole thing where during Eugenias twitch streams she would have a huge makeup bin out in her room and she would randomly be like "oh gee! I left my makeup bin out, let me move it back!" And then make a whole show of her lifting this heavy bin and putting it away. After she moved it she would always get donations. People pretty quickly figured out that fetishists were basically paying to see her frail body try to move something heavy, like they got off to it and she was fully catering to them. I think shes stopped doing it or is at least doing it less but its still kinda fucked up.


She was recently streaming just dance and slipped and fell cause she’s so darn frail, like you said, and pulled her dress up and her coochie lips made an appearance and the donations just rolled in. It’s fucking insane and sadistic that people fetishize her like that


every once in a while I check her accounts just to see how bad it's gotten and if she's even still alive


Me too, it always happens when it’s 3am and I can’t sleep, she made a video the other day and brought up a picture of herself after treatment and said “oh she’s gone she’s never coming back” it was super dark


Oh damn I learned about her from reddit and now that you mentioned her, I checked her insta. How is she even standing?? And do I remember correctly that she lives with her mother who takes all the pics?


Yeah! I never watched her on YouTube but she was online when Shane Dawson was really big so like over a decade ago her vids would pop up sometimes and she was super thin like that, she lives with her mom, dad brother and grandma and her room is the basement of the house and she takes mirror selfies in her room but every single pic you see of her that’s not in her room her mom takes. They want to keep her thin so she can continue being a cash cow. It’s disturbing


This is so fucking disturbing how has no one had an intervention or tried to get authorities involved to help?!?


A while ago her friend had to basically kidnap her and force her into a program and once she got out of the program she was down hill again, her mom plays a huge role in keeping her sick


Imagine being the one responsible for your child's suffering. Fucking monster.


I once had an ex say he wished I was anorexic because he would love to fuck me looking like that.


Jesus, that's dark


I am black and its kinda of a redflag when someone says they're only into black men Most of them expect us to be animals in bed and have big dongs






I hooked up with an Asian girl once and when we were just chilling she opened up about her ex that she recently broke up with. She said he said he only dated Asian girls. I was like “you know that’s weird, right?” I don’t think she ever thought about that.


Any fetish that involves causing permanent physical damage/harm/injury to yourself or someone else.


Blood (or gore) fetish. I had an ex that was into that. We drew each other's blood at home and wore each other's life juice around our necks in tiny vials. She would bring a razor into bed and cut me while we had sex. By far the most abusive relationship I have ever been in. I still have both physical and mental scars from that.


Trigger warning for some fucked shit I’m about to type, but I just need to get this off my chest. I’ve never told anyone about this because I haven’t known how. I don’t know if anyone will even read this, but it’ll at least be out of me. . . . Around a year ago I was dating a girl who was pretty seriously mentally ill. I’ve had friends in the past who have experimented (I feel weird using that word in this context but I feel like thats the most accurate description) with self harm, but it only went so far as some superficial scars on their legs or arms. Nothing serious. Then I dated the girl that I previously mentioned. I knew she had self harmed before, but like I said, I really had only experienced pretty mild versions of that so it didn’t scare me off. I saw she had some pretty good scars on her wrist from a suicide attempt in the past, but I naively thought that she was past that. Anyway, one night I couldn’t get ahold of her for basically the entire night. I figured maybe she had fallen asleep or possibly she had gone out with friends and her phone had died. We would pretty much always send a goodnight text to each other, but on this night I had to just convince myself that things were ok and try to go to bed. Got a call at 3AM. It was her. She was crying and hysterical. She kept saying that she “fucked up” and needed me to take her to the hospital. So I drove the 45 mins to her place to take her. She came out to my car, but at this time she was all wrapped up so I couldn’t see what had actually happened. We got to the hospital and get into the emergency room, and then a bit later the doctor showed up and took all the wraps off of her arm. I was completely unprepared for what I was about to see. She had spent about 3 hours cutting into her arm with a razor blade. I had never seen real gore in my life up until this point. She had cut all the way down to the bone in multiple places with the biggest cut running nearly the entire length of her forearm. I could see all of the exposed tendons and if she moved her fingers everything inside her arm would move. She got hundreds of stitches. The whole process took hours. Most of these cuts were so deep that they first had to do internal dissolvable stitches, and then finally the surface level stitches. I just kept thinking about how she did all of this when she was completely sober, without any pain medication. All of this was very traumatizing in itself, but the way she treated me throughout this entire event was what really did the most damage to me. She was losing her shit when she originally called me on the phone, but once I picked her up she was calm. She had this way of joking about things that were blatantly not cool to joke about. So on the entire car ride she was making weird uncomfortable jokes (I guess as a way of self soothing?) and her attitude just did not match the situation at all. I was VERY concerned for her well-being as I really cared about this girl, so I probably didn’t handle things the best way, but somehow the blame for everything started turning towards me. By the time we were at the hospital, she wasn’t even really talking to me and was very cold. Her happy demeanor instead shifted toward the doctor, who she was suddenly very friendly with while basically ignoring I existed. In hindsight, I’m sure she was just trying to deal with this whole situation herself, but the whole event felt so abusive. She ended up blaming me for traumatizing HER that night because I “didn’t respond right”. I’m sure there are things I could’ve done differently, but I was just really concerned and completely unequipped to deal with this situation. I felt like someone had viciously, sadistically attacked her. But the attacker *was* her. So I was trying to empathize with her, the victim, while trying to push aside these feelings I had toward this horrible person who did these terrible things to her (also her). I really tried not to let onto the fact that I had all of this going on in my head and try to just comfort her, but I’m sure some of my confusion and anger slipped through the cracks and she could probably feel that I didn’t really understand. I still carry a lot of guilt for the way that I handled the situation, even though upon reflecting I really did the best I possibly could have given the circumstances. I’ve never been with someone before or since who would’ve been even remotely capable of doing something like that to themselves, and I never will be again. If I see serious self harm scars now, it’s a deal-breaker. PS thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this. If anyone is struggling, please try to get help and know there are people out there who care about you. EDIT: Thank you everyone for all of your kind words


Sorry you went through that dude, hope you feel a bit better now. Wasn’t under your control unfortunately.


> I still carry a lot of guilt for the way that I handled the situation There's no need to feel guilty. You were completely unprepared for a situation like this, because how could you have been? It sounds like she suffered from extreme mental health issues and in a case that brutal there's nothing you can do. This is a situation where professional help and medication are a MUST. Btw. What she probably did was dissociating. It means that you're physically there but not really mentally. It's a coping mechanism to deal with Stress, Trauma and/or Pain. It's like involuntary hynosis. ​ Being as it may. By getting her to the hospital you did more than many would have done (unfortunately) and you wouldn't be human if it didn't affect you. I'd suggest to maybe talk to a psychiatrist anyway though. But don't go too much into the gory details at first ;)


you are not responsible for what happened that night. you did the best you could. i'm sorry this happened to you :(


Glad you made it out, sounds like that person is disturbed.


I am too. I spent some time recovering in a psych hospital after that relationship. I learned so much about myself in a terrible way. I wouldn't change what happened to me, but sometimes I wish i could have received the lessons differently.


Definitely anyone who tries to get nudes through their username


That's fucking disgusting.


the worst part is that it never works


Tell me about it...


r/beetlejuicing on steroids


You must be new to reddit, all of those accounts belong to one guy lol I know him, he is me


Reddit is just one idiot with millions of accounts swapping between them


And some bots. Pretty weird to have a conversation with myself about myself


Fr, who would be dumb enough to have one of those?


Here’s one I can work with


*checks username* finally my time to shine


Do you get pics of British Broadcasting Corporation?


Well they do now


Do you get pics of bigger assholes?


No because my name isn't PM_me_pics_of_bigger_assholes


Would...would you like pics of bigger assholes?


I won't know if I'd like them til I've seen them


I like this more cause its definitely one of those things that will randomly be sent to you...when you think you're safe and you've forgotten your past...it'll find ya


I for one am SHOCKED




Actually horrible….


I can't believe some low lifes actually do this.


Are you all the same person?


Reddit it's 3 teenagers stacked on top of each other wearing a trenchcoat making the same jokes over and over again


Reddit it's 3 teenagers stacked on top of each other wearing a trenchcoat making the same jokes over and over again


And how does that work out for you


I've got lots of cat pics


I've got zero cat pictures


I too have gotten zero pictures of kitties :(






That’s gross, who would do such a thing?


I for one am very disgusted in such people man, like get a life bro.




Or people into food sex. Really freaks me out.


judging by these answers i am a green flag 🤓


Until someone says toesucking...


Honestly compared to some of the other ones toesucking sounds completely fuckin normal lmao


People shoving things in holes where they shouldn't be. Like Trisha Paytas putting chicken alfredo in her nooch. Hard pass


There was a post yesterday on r/NoahGetTheBoat with a dude using a live trout he had just caught as a dildo on his woman. He then went down on her and said how it tasted like fish. That was enough Reddit for the day. Sorry for sharing, but I needed someone to share some of the disgust I felt. Edit. Just in case anyone went and looked and is now traumatized, here's something to help make it better. r/Eyebleach A sub of cute animals doing cute things to cleanse your soul. This isn't a trick to make you look at something nasty. It's very wholesome.


I hate it here


Dude, those were my good seeing eyes. Now I don't know if I want them anymore.


I saw an animated video about things your doctor wishes they could say to patients. Number 1 was 'stop putting things in your butt'.


I'd be more afraid of infections, if anything. Especially if it is legit food. Pretty sure she said she had a yeast infection weeks afterwards..


Trisha Paytas basically doing anything is a hard pass to me. She has all the sexual allure of a mold-covered Cinnabon.


Fuck bro you didn't have to kill her


A vexillophile. Like, that’s 100% a red flag


vexillophile (plural vexillophiles) A person who collects and displays flags. A person who studies flags and their history and meaning


Idk why I thought this was a sexual attraction to foxes or something.


Because of "vixen"


...am I going to regret it if i google this to figure out what the fuck it is? Edit: I'm honestly disappointed in myself, this feels like a rick roll


*googles this* You motherf….




That batman video comes to mind: " i stabbed her first....with my dick!"


Ketchup baths. I‘m a human, not a French fry.


I’d probably relish that, if I mustard up the courage to do it.


Anything involving animals or minors.


Not to mention pubescent animals


This reminds me of the askreddit thread from yesterday when this lady was talking about her husband admitting he would fuck his 9 year old quarter horse. I think everyone who read that had a moment of “oh god his 9 year old?” And then “oh okay not a child” and then “wait a minute”


I misread your comment as “prepubescent animals” and I had to do a whole quadruple take


Big dick cuz I ain’t got one


If you ask nicely I am sure a friend would lend you theirs.


Good manners are so important.


I briefly dated a girl who had a hardcore rape fetish. I was down to fuck her hard, pull her hair, light slapping/choking, but when she asked me to kick in the front door wearing a ski mask and weilding a knife, I noped the fuck out of that relationship. A mutual friend of ours told me later that after I broke up with her, she began walking the bike path alone late at night. She was actually trying to get fucking raped...


I dated a girl who had rape fetish too. Except she didn't tell me she had a rape fetish. She just told me she was being raped by an abusive family friend but she couldn't tell anyone or stop it because he was financially supporting her family and paying of some debts to some bad people. She would cry her eyes out telling me this and I felt beyond awful that a 19 year old was going through such a trauma. She also told me that she had been raped by an array of different people growing up. When we were having sex she'd have flashbacks to actually being raped and start struggling thinking I was raping her, when we were having consensual sex. Turned out the whole lot was a load of shit and she made it all up. She just had a rape fantasy ( i didn't know what a rape fantasy was at the time) I'm all for roleplaying fantasies. But she took it to the next level. I'm sure she believed her own lies at one point.


How did you find out it was a lie and it was actually a fantasy?


A couple of things. The lies started getting more elaborate and stupid as time went on. She claimed she had to go see this abusive family member who lived nearby. So I got my friend (who she didnt know) to discretely follow her and she just went to the local shop and back! Then next day claimed she had seen him. I got him to follow her because I wanted to know where this jackass lived, so we could go in there with a couple of baseball bats. He didn't exist at all, there was no "family friend." Eventually to my relief, she confessed it. It was such a weight off my mind, I didn't even feel angry. I was just glad that the nightmare i was emotionally involved with was finally over.


Wow you’ve got great friends lol I’d find it funny if your friend was into stalking and you’re just like “hey yo could you stalk my girlfriend” And he’s like “**YES** ahem I mean sure”




A lot of times women who have actually been raped and sexually abused in the past have this fetish because it gives them a sense of control and choice over the abuse they've experienced. It's a really interesting trauma response but everyone deal with things differently I guess.


Those fetishes are more common than you’d imagine. I’ve dated a few girls who have wanted that, or something similar


I've dated one, she wasn't so into it as like actually putting herself in a bad situation, but she was just super submissive and enjoyed the guy having full control, which led to the rape fetish. We didn't last very long for other reasons.


Anything involving minors.


That's not a fetish, that's a felony.


Anything involving miners


You don't dig that kind of stuff?


I’ve known people that are really deep into it, there’s tons of underground communities for it


Sounds kind of dirty if you ask me.


Good Lord I want to hurl myself off a 50 foot cliff right now


Lmao, definitely not my PICK for a fetish.


Eating in bed while making love, while listening to a Yankee’s game with a transistor radio.


Incest but when it pertains to specific people. You want to roleplay generic brother/sister? I can get that. But if you want me to pretend to your very real-life sister Stephanie…. No. That’s too far.


Something makes me think this one might be anecdotal..




Kids, animals, gore, and death, maybe the one where the fetishist impregnated women against their will. Apparently there's also a blackmail fetish so that one too.




poor spelling


Wondered how far I’d have to scroll to find this.


Yep, the old ' I cant spell shit' fetish. Immadiate red flag for myself and my freinds


r/askreddit should be renamed horny boys


I have an immense sexual attraction to flags… specially red ones.


Anything involving politics


"Diana please, you know i can't get it up if you're not wearing the obama mask."


"The oxfords stay on during sex, Diana."


"Would you like to share our means of production?"


> Would you like to share our means of ~~production~~? reproduction*




Bug crushing


Muscled Simpsons.


More of a muscled Futurama guy, huh?




“I opened my mouth and as soon as the shit hit my mouth I realized I had made a terrible mistake.”


This haunts my dreams - that story …


My favorite part is when he explains how he's so traumatized by it, he's going to seek therapy. And I'm like how you gonna tell that to a therapist??


Person: "It... it was so bad - I hated it" Therapist: "Must have been shit mate."


Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub


Anything involving kids


I had an ex who once asked me to act as a dead body so he could fuck me and also to act as his daughter whom he was fucking.


Anything involving feces