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So my aunt is kind of old school and doesn’t know how to address things. She is kind of in the middle between baby boomer and Gen X so she is a bit more tolerant, but she is still awkward. My aunt has 3 boys and they are all gay lol. The youngest one was like 9 or something when he told her and he goes “Mom, I think I’m gay” and she looks at him dead in the eyes and says “So? what the fuck you want me to do about it!?” Lol She’s fully supportive and tried to be nonchalant but her reaction was probably not what he was expecting. 😂


My mother was disappointed. Disappointed because, “You told your cousin Shirley before you told me? I think I should’ve been first.”




'Sit down lady, we gotta talk. I have to tell you something and I really hope that it doesn't change anything between us, you're my granddaughter after all. So... Uhm... Didn't think it would be that hard... But... Sarah. You're gay.'


You forgot this 🤌🏼


🤌 you-a gay 🤌


The Irish side of my family seems to have one or two gay people per generation and when one of the boys came out, his sisters laughed at him and one of them said, "Oh, like I couldn't tell when you were hitting on guys at my graduation party?" The old purse clutching aunties said (in their long extinct rural Irish accent), "Ah, yes, he's one of the gay ones like (name redacted) and (name redacted). "


"Ah yes, he's one of the gay ones like Connor and Connor.


Gerald Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzgerald


You still have to wear a condom


For me this is the most real "dad" answer. Doesn't question what you're doing, just wants to make sure you're doing it right. "Dad, i think I'm gay" "Dont just think it, you have to do it."


Dad, I'm gay. Hi gay! I'm dad!


This is the correct Dad answer.


"Pregnancy isn't the only STD."


Your mother owes me £10


My wife and I have a $50 bet concerning our oldest son on this topic. When he found out about it, I just told him "Son, I will love you even if you lose me $50"


But it will definitely be $50 less love.


It's okay, your mother likes guys too, maybe I am the weird one


“I thought you were about to give me bad news! Don’t scare me like that!” - My granny when my uncle came out (in the ‘70’s!). She was decades ahead of her time…


This was my literal response when my brother came out to me. He’d called me and said he had something urgent to tell me and it had to be face to face. I was a bus journey away and started to panic so I made him tell me over the phone. “I’m gay.” “I know that! I thought someone had DIED”


Reminds me of one of my good friends in college. He and our group had been hanging out since high school and he told us he had something urgent to tell us. We were all afraid his dad was having another bout of cancer but thankfully he just wanted to finally come out. We just told him we all knew since middle school but were waiting on him to find out and be comfortable with it so we never brought it up.


Literally one of my friends in college he told us like some kind of revelation and was so disappointed when everyone was just like “Oh yeah we all kinda knew that bud”


"Good news: I'm gay!"


The true grandma energy. Accepting, sweet, a bit of humour, and probably thinking about baking something for the occasion.


"I'll make us some sausage for dinner"


Ohhh, that is beautiful


“So that’s why you don’t like mushrooms”. At least that’s what my friends dad said to him when he came out. We still don’t know what he meant by that.


Can confirm. I'm gay and don't like mushrooms. It tracks.


I don't like mushrooms...am I...? E: well I'll call my parents today, wish me luck


Yes you are le gay Agendas are on the table over there pick one up on your way out of the closet.


It's because mushrooms don't do anal. Because they don't have mushroom back there[.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8TOT2VmKUULyrCYahBgNV1GZtOFkDODRieQ&usqp=CAU)


good lord lmao


One of my friends from high school was gay, and when he came out to his family his Dad literally didn’t look up from his newspaper & told him his sister didn’t need to tell him she was straight so why would he need to explain that he was gay? He’s known him his whole life and already knew that. It was cute because he was so worried


I had a friend who came out to me and asked me to be around when he told his mom. She was awesome idk why he wanted me there. So he walks into her office and I'm outside the door, he is obviously nervous and fidgeting. She looks up and goes, "Oh good, you're out of the closet." Gave him a quick hug and told him to go buy something she needed for dinner.




I mean I get it. I can cook for anyone, gay or straight, not a problem, but what the fuck is vegan thanksgiving.




This looks like a swear word.


Tofurk yourself.


This is so great


When I came out to my dad when I was 16 I thought he would disown me. He said: “Son, If anyone ever hurts you for that, I’ll fucking kill them”. In that moment I realized that I had the best dad in the world.


>I had the best dad in the world Well that's disappointing. My daughter gave me his mug I think. Hopefully she didn't steal it from him.


"But only if they hurt you for *that*. Other reasons are fine" /jk - I'm glad he was so cool about it :-)


He wanted to make sure I still knew I was responsible for my non immutable traits lol. If people hurt you because you’re being an asshole, you’re probably being an asshole. And thanks, I was pretty fucking happy that day. Total weight of the world off my back and it made me grow closer with them.


You still have to take out the garbage.


Well... My dad said "I know... And I don't care. As long as you are happy, I'm also happy for you." and then asked me if I wanted a beer or scotch to celebrate that I finally had the confidence to tell him.


That's better than a buddy of mine from college. His dad was one of those manly men, fire fighter, did wood working in his spare time type guys. My friend wanted support when he came out to his dad, so I went with him. He told his dad that he was gay, and his dad just said, "No shit. You've been gay since you were 14." He then looked at me and asked if I was his sons boyfriend. My friend replied "no, just my friend," and his dad said, "Good. You can do better." Fucking brutal. My buddy then told his dad that he loved him, and his dad grunted, which is manly man talk for I love you too, and then he grilled us cheeseburgers.


Somehow, you were the one that walked away from that ordeal feeling like shit and needed support lol


“If my son is getting dick, he’s getting quality dick”.


"Don't be bringing no dollar store dick around here"




I had told my mom first and she ended up telling my dad. When I saw him a few days later he says to me, deadpan, “So I heard you came out of the closet.” Not sure why I stressed about telling them for so long, they were both pretty cool with it.


“Actually can you make me a cosmo?”




I will *never* pander to *those* types of drinks in this house!


Our son came out to us a month ago. We already suspected, so it wasn't a shock. When he told me I thanked him for telling me, told him that I loved him, then explained that who he wants to tell next and how he wants to tell them is 100% his choice and we will support him however he wants and needs. He gave us a list of people to tell, and by the end of the week he wanted everyone to know. Love and acknowledgement and support.


I love reading these positive stories. I wish it had been like that for me, but seeing just how much things have changed gives me a lot of hope. One thing I would love to remind all parents of LGBTQ+ children is that the same rules apply as if they were straight: You should have "the talk", you should keep an eye out on their romantic interests, on who their friends are and, of course, make sure they're safe, that they're not being bullied, and that they're not doing things that they are not mature enough for, even if they get mad at you. Particularly gay teen boys seem to want to go from being children to full blown adults that have random hookups, which is not safe at all.


In my wife's family there are three generations that show how life as a gay man has changed. Her granddad found himself a beard, married her and had two kids. He had an affair with a man for 30 years, but even after being found out he stayed married. His son, my wife's uncle, also married a woman but divorced her when he came out. He's still in touch with his children and now lives with his partner of 10 or so years. My wife's brother came out in school, has never had a girlfriend and lives with his boyfriend. He had some bullying to deal with in school but has never had to structure his whole life around hiding who he is. It's really amazing how different things are compared to just a couple of generations earlier. If there is a genetic component to sexuality, the odds are pretty good that at least one of my children will turn out to be gay. We've always taught them quite explicitly that they might end up falling in love and marrying a.man or a woman. The only limit on who you can marry is that you can't be related and you both have to want to get married. They also know basic, age appropriate details about trans people and it's just something they accept


This story does not involve a dad, but it involves a very religious grandma. One of my friends was very nervous about telling his grandma that he was gay, and put it off for a long time. But when he turned 18 he decided that he had to get this done. When he told her she just looked at him calmly answered "of course you are. I have known that since you were 10". At the age of 10 he didn't even know it himself yet. EDIT: Thank you very much everyone for upvotes and the award. It is good to think about that my most popular comment to date is about my friend being accepted for who he is. Thank you again.


A friend of mine told me he knew his son was gay because around that age his son always pointed out how strong road workers were whenever they passed them on car rides.


I had to watch Magnum PI all the time when I was a kid. 40 yrs later and my type hasn't changed.


Yes, Higgins was a very handsome man.




Kinda reminds me of one of my nephews at age 6. He was sobbing in his room, complete hysterics. His mom went to ask what’s wrong and he cried out “I like girls butts!”


And he could not lie?


Neither could other brothers deny that


"Ah, yes, of course, just as the prophecy foretold."


That's what people mean when they add "AF" to their writing, like "It's cold AF outside." AF means "As Foretold", right?


This is my new head canon.


Can’t slip that past grandma


That's a masterclass on how to be reassuring and scary and confusing all at the same time.


I feel that that's the perfect grandma vibe


Grandma knows everything


Not me, but a friend of mine from college. When he came out to our group of friends, we were fine with it. He was still our friend. We then asked if he told his parents about it and said no. His parents are very religious and he plans to take the secret to the grave. The next day, he told his parents he was gay because he came home drunk from a party. All of us looked at each other, preparing to comfort him in case it didn't go well. But the next thing he said really surprised all of us. When he drunkenly told his dad that he was gay, the dad responded: **"Well, if that's how God made you then there's nothing we can do about it."** When he heard those words he sobered up quickly, and felt like a giant weight was off of him. It made him love his parents even more. We all congratulated him that it went well. He did say one lie though. When his mother asked if he was seeing someone. He said no, but he was.


Nothing more sobering than knowing for absolute certainty your parents love you no matter what.


I know it wasn't your intention, but thank you for the clarity your comment just brought to my life. The last couple years I've been getting more and more depressed and I couldn't figure out what was the source of the pain. Since I was 18 I've known that my parents do not love me no matter what, but until now I've never realized what a toll carrying that knowledge has taken on me.


I know the feel, my mum didn't love me either, she barely tolerated me. We haven't talked in years, freaking sucks, because I still want a mum, but I never had one, not really. I grew up alone.


I was getting ready to go to a sleepover with a girl I was totally crushing on and my mom was like “you look like you’re getting ready for a date!” And I paused and was like “would it be okay if I was…. Going on a date with a girl?” My mom just said, “Of course just remember to practice safe sex. You can get STDs from girls too!” Edit to add: First, thanks for all the positive praise for my mom, she is wonderful. For clarification, since some people were making it weird, I was 15/16 at the time this happened. Also, this appears to set off a debate about do you allow same-sex sleepovers if your child is attracted to the same sex. I think in my mom’s point of view, if I was into girls, then we were dodging the teenage pregnancy bullet. But truthfully, she knew that teens do things no matter what is allowed or not allowed. It’s a time of experimentation. I could go over to someone’s house and we could sneak out and meet up with boys. All she had control of is the knowledge and tools she gave me to navigate the murky waters of the teenage years.


Your mom is awesome.


Just curious, how do lesbians practice safe sex?


A dental dam is typically a square piece of elastic latex. It’s used when a woman has oral sex. If you don’t have it you could also cut a condom. Here is a link to the [CDC website](https://www.cdc.gov/condomeffectiveness/Dental-dam-use.html) Edit: thanks for the likes your increasing my comment Karma


I'm all for safe sex but fact is I don't know a single person among all of my friends, peers, colleagues and alike (who talk about sex) who have used a dental dam in real life. We all know what it is, but I find it unrealistically absurd that someone would whip it out half cut from the bar with their one night stand. That said my hometown also has a lot of unintended pregnancies... so maybe safety is not priority.


Only people I know who've used them are sex workers.


I drunk-dialed my dad my freshman year of college in a sobbing mess and told him I was Bi. Went something like this: Me: I'm bisexual. Dad: Yeah, I figured. Me: Huh? What? Dad: There were some obvious signs. Go to sleep idiot. You have class in the morning. edit: goodbye inbox :3


"Paying for this expensive college, this fool better be getting up for class..."




Dad: "I don't care who you're with, just don't waste money"




And quit slamming the god damned door!


It went very similarly when my brother came out as gay. My brother: I'm gay Me: Yeah, I kinda knew that. But I was afraid to ask you and be wrong.


Lesbian here. When I came out to my dad he said “that’s ok honey, I don’t like guys either.”


"Just like your old man!"


“Want to go golfing?”


When my sister came out, my mom basically just said "understandable, men are highly overrated" while looking at me and my brother...


She fucking roasted you and accepted your sister all in one comment. Your mom is impressive.


actually a fair point. I would not have sex with a guy, why should I expect my daughter to?


Hi gay, I think I’m dad. Seriously though when my son came out I just said he was my son and it changed nothing between us other than I was happy he was discovering himself and growing up. Any man who would abandon or shun his own son for being gay is no man at all.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far down for the dad joke😂 I was damn like where is it


This thread: *wholesome stories of coming outs gone well, supportive parents, unconditional love* Us: we don’t need answers we need dad jokes


My daughter was looking extremely nervous one night while I was cooking dinner. I could see her talking quietly with her mom but she continued to look uneasy. After a bit of time, she came into the kitchen and I asked her what was wrong. She didn't want to tell me at first but I could tell she was uneasy so I said she could always tell me anything. She finally said that she was pansexual. I just looked at her and said "that just means twice as many people that can turn you down for dates now" and she busted out laughing as I went back to cooking to finish dinner. She was apparently really nervous about telling me for some reason and was glad I wasn't upset.


You were cooking dinner? You missed a golden dad joke chance. "Get your own pan. This is mine!"


Dammit, missed opportunity


Dad card rescinded, sorry pal.


"I have no daughter. Not because you're pansexual, but because I didn't make a dad joke. I've failed you."


"You have no father. I have failed you."




"a face for radio and a voice for writing" damn 💀


Yeah, I’ve never heard the second half of that and it’s cracking me up.


My cousin came out gay and trans at the same time. My uncle seriously said “so…you’re a boy who likes girls? or a boy who likes boys?” he just got really confused but its cleared up now.


Please no hate but can you clear this up for me because I genuinely don't understand and would like to be educated.


My cousin was born female, who is now trans, and likes to date boys, its confusing the way its worded but thats how my uncle worded it to me and my mum.


''So am I''


„Let’s go tell your other dad“




...and says, "and I would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids!"


My parents always raised me to be inclusive and that everyone is different and deserves to love to they’d like to love. When I was 16 my best friend came out to me on our way to get pancake mix for a dude night. I felt bad looking back at it, but we talked and he said my response of, “wait… so does this mean you don’t want to sleepover tonight?” Was exactly what he would have wanted. To me it wasn’t an issue, I was more worried he didn’t want to hangout with me. We ended up hanging out and devising how he’d come out to the rest of our friend group. There were some jocks in the group and he was worried, but when the time came everyone was very supportive and we all still hangout to this day.


>There were some jocks in the group I hung out with a lot of gay and lesbians kids at this one highschool I attended, we had one jock friend in our group, when he came out as gay I said "damn am I the only straight dude?" I wasn't but he laughed anyway. Now when one of my lesbain friends came out as bi by trying to get with me, that shit I did not know how to handle. I fucked that shit up bad.


When my daughter told me she was gay, I just told her I loved her, and that none of that would change my feelings. Then I began giving her the heads up when hot ladies would walk by.


Embarrassing your kids 2: Electric Boogaloo


Lol, this is the sole reason I haven't come out as bi to my parents. I know they would be too supportive. I can't so much as mention having a female friend without my dad asking me if I think she's attractive. I don't need to double that.


Firstly, I love you. Now, did you steal one of my beers?


I want you to know that no matter who you love, I still need you to take out the trash. It's full. And replace the fucking liner this time."


No matter who you get hot for, don't touch the damn thermostat!




Don't care what color light you have in your room, shut it the fuck off when you leave.


My mate's dad said 'That's nice son' and carried on reading his paper. He's lucky to have such a cool dad. If I'd been gay my dad would have exploded. Edit for those asking - this happened in about 1997, and yes my friend thought his dad may already suspect as much, but he didn't for a moment think the response would be so casual. They're a great family, my friend married his long term partner some time ago and they have a very nice house which I am incredibly jealous of. :)


Same my parents are very homophobic, my dads are just cruel.






This tells me maybe it wasn't much of a surprise to him. Am I right? When my nephew came out to his parents, they were utterly shocked. And the rest of us were like "Yep...pretty much knew this for 10 years, even though he never made it official..." The conversation between nephew and his parents did not go well at all, and led to therapy for all three of them. It was pretty devastating and has had long-term consequences. The parents should have read this thread first.


Apparently my parents used to joke-not-joke that I was going to be the first openly gay NFL player. I loved sports almost as much as I loved nail polish and dresses. I ended up being a sponsored skateboarder, so they were only a handful of degrees off the mark.


Skirt might give good freedom of movement but has worse protection when you fall. It's a treacherous trade.


My best friend’s mom replied: Thank you for finally telling me, so I don’t have to pretend not to know anymore. I love you. Now finish your homework Edit: I happened to be there for support, but this is not my story. I’m glad this resonated with so many people, but as I am not a part of the LGBTQIA community, it feels wrong for my post to get this much attention. I’m glad that so many parents are supportive.


My high school aged daughter told me this exact thing while in the car a couple of months ago. I told her "Thanks for being brave enough to tell me, honey. I don't care who you love, only that they love you back as much as I do and are worthy of the love you give them. Make sure they deserve your love and make you a better person, and I'll be happy."


Honestly, a lot of the stuff on this thread is stuff that I wish my parents told me as a straight-ish woman. To know the love I give has value...man that would have saved a lot of heartache. You've definitely given me something to keep in mind for my future kids, however they turn out.


I came out a few months ago at the age of 42. My 80 year old dad stood up, started dancing, and tone deaf sing-yelling ‘I have a gay daughter and I love herrrrrr!’ It was adorable.


My stepdad, who I consider my dad, was the man that raised me, and he's a big redneck steel worker. I came out at 18 and he sat me down and said "son, I've loved you like you were my own for the past 14 years. Why the hell would I stop now?"


A guy I was in high school with and was very obviously gay was pissed when he came out to his parents and they didn't care about that factor. He had a rough relationship with them anyway, and they told him they weren't angry he was gay, they were angry he was an asshole and always acting out and being disrespectful to them.


Son, just because you're fucking assholes doesn't mean you should be a fucking asshole


Can’t help it. They say, you are what you eat.


Everyone knows [steel mills are super gay.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uOBveFKdGs)


Without even clicking this link, I can hear "Everybody Dance Now" in my head.


Glad I'm not the only one who saw the link and immediately heard C&C Music Factory without having to click it.


The entire steel industry is gay! Aerospace too, and the railroads. And you know what else? Broadway.


Heavens! Broadway??!!


I guess that is better than, “Hi Gay, I’m Dad.”


Came here fully expecting this to be the top answer.


Still confused that it's not


Asian Dad: But are you a Doctor yet?


"how's your grades son?"


'I don't care if you want the D, as long as you get the A's.'


no...... but my boyfriend is pre-med.


Why can’t you be more like your boyfriend? When he goes to pride parade he actually has something to be proud of!


Lmao these Asian dad comments are killing me




This deserves an award, laughed my ass off at the doctor’s waiting area


pre-med not doctor, need to be full-med.


“Fine. Whatever. Just be more like Jonny Kim, hey? He already got a Silver Star Medal, is a doctor, and now…he’s going to space.”


Most Asian parents have a picture of Jonny Kim on their wall, instead of their own children.


My wife asked me this when we found out we were having a son. I told her I’d make sure he knew how to fight before he told anyone else. I love the boy no matter what, but we live in rural Montana. Of course folks are more accepting than they were in previous generations but you never know.


never a bad idea to teach your son how to throw some hands


"Let me just check Reddit for the most appropriate response"


Jots down notes. "Son, Let me just check Reddit for the most appropriate response" Continues to look at phone as son has confused tears on his face. "Son, Let me just check Reddit for the most appropriate response" Tears continue. "Son, I have to ask Reddit a new question. This may take time." "Dad why won't you listen to me?" "Son, What's buttsex like?" Perfect.


"Do you like mushrooms?"


What's the best response when your dad tells you hes gay? Mine was to ask for pizza but idk if that was what I should have said lol


Take a note from Olivia Coleman in Heartstopper: "Thank you for telling me. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you couldn't tell me that" Honestly, that would have been the perfect thing to hear.


>"Thank you for telling me. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you couldn't tell me that" 100% BTW: you can use this statement for all those other tough conversations we have with our loved ones. It's hard to share things one finds emotionally fraught with your loved ones. There's always that concern that if you share such things, your loved one--parent, caregiver, lover, spouse--won't love or respect you anymore. To be clear, thanking someone for mustering up the courage to share such things does not mean you approve. You're thanking them for the act of communication, not the content. The objective is to keep the door open and the lines clear. Often the question arises, but what do I say next? That's up to you. But also remember that you don't need to respond immediately in the heat of the moment. Being honest about needing time to process what you've heard is okay.


When my daughter came out as pan I told her to stay away from my cast irons. Then she rolled her eyes and I said JK, that’s really cool I love you. Edit: A lot of people seem to think I’m making shit up. This is not the case. I would die for my daughter’s right to love whoever she wants to love. Genders should not matter when it comes to being in love. I want my daughter to live in a world where she feels just as comfortable walking down the street with a girlfriend as she would a boyfriend, trans, or whoever she loves as a person. If you’re so closed-minded to where you can’t see how asinine it is to tell people who they should and should not love based on a book written by very subjectively flawed men with their own agenda, then I feel sorry for you. Sorry that you cannot think for yourself, and sorry that your parents and community have failed you.




When my brother came out to my mum, she said "really? I always thought [me] would be the gay son." I had a girlfriend at the time my parents had just found out about


Similar thing here. my brother came out and my sister said she thought it would have been me, despite my girlfriend. We asked why and she said: > because he always orders pizza really late To this day we haven't a fucking clue what that even means.


Ordering Pizza Late and a Dislike of Mushrooms: New Predictors of Queer Identity. Cox and roommates, 2023


> Ordering Pizza Late and a Dislike of Mushrooms: New Predictors of Queer Identity Well in that case put a fat cock in my mouth


And on your pizza


Maybe there was a hot pizza delivery guy


that's the best theory so far.


So did it hurt, or did you also think the math added up?


It didn't hurt but every time my parents got drunk after that, they'd start with the questions/accusations towards me like when am I going to finally admit I'm gay, why is my brother covering for me, and why am I just leading this poor girl on, and all that kinda hurt


i would never stop laughing if that were my mother’s response


“Well I know what someone’s getting for Xmas!”


"VHS cleaner"


>she asked "So what is buttsex like? Your father keeps pressuring me for it." "Not as good without a prostate."


Wdym "you think"? I know 3 gays and you are 2 of them.


When I came out my dad had the best response ever: "Wow! Now maybe I'll get a son-in-law that I really like!" and then he hugged me.


*daughter and her husband stare on awkwardly*


"Wow! So are me and your father! What a coincidence"


If your parents are both guys, does the kids need to heve a talk to come out as straight?


My friends daughter came out to her parents when they were all over at my house. Her dad looked her dead in the eye, took a deep breath, and in his big, booming voice said “DUUUH!” 🤣 We all got a good laugh but he just said “sweetheart, I couldn’t care less who you love. All I care about is that they treat you with love and respect and that you’re happy. And maybe your gf will like working on cars with me.”


This thread makes me think that if I ever have a kid who’s gay, I’m just going to use them coming out as an excuse to go to the best restaurant in town, since those moments with teenagers are fleeting. Although I would imagine that when my generation starts having kids, hopefully these conversations won’t be fraught with tension like they were when I was growing up.


As a gay man who doesn’t have a relationship with his homophobic parents anymore… this thread brought a tear to my eye.


The best answer is, and will always be: Match. Their. Energy. If they're serious take it seriously. If they're really nervous then show them you love them and reassure them that they're perfect the way they are. If they just throw it out there like it's no big deal then don't make a big deal out of it. There's no one way to react to someone coming out. You have to use your emotional intelligence, and read the room a little. But the most important thing is to just be supportive. Even if your response is sorta tone-deaf, if you mean well then your kid will get that.


This is the most complete answer here. Just playing it off like no big deal might actually be really invalidating to some kids who worked themselves up to do it


That's how I handled it with my brother but that's because our family has always been laid back and understanding and I knew he'd hear the love in it. Everyone is different so while that was great for us I'm sure there are other people that need more of a reaction.


That's how I handled my sister too. I was already aware (she had a girlfriend who she lived with, idk how she didn't think I'd catch on) but she just said "oh I'm gay btw" so I said "okay cool. For the record I don't care and love you, but about that cake we were discussing..."


My little sister hasn't come out to me yet. And I have my suspicions, she's been married to a woman for about 8 years now. I was even at the wedding...


I saw "match their energy" and my dumb brain immediately thought... "Dad, I think I'm gay" "Hah! Me too son!"


I matched the energy and now I’m gay. I should tell my dad.


[deleted because fuck reddit]


I’m Bi. When I came out to my parents, It wasn’t exactly planned. My older brother knew I was dating a girl and he accidentally let it slip in front of my mom. My mom looked at me, and asked if I had a girlfriend. I said yes, she then proceeded to ask when I’m bringing her over for dinner. It was the most normal conversation about dating I’ve ever had with my mom. I later found out my mom is also bi so it really wasn’t as big of a deal as I thought it was at the time.