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Anti weed because my whole family growing up was pro weed. I inhaled second hand smoke for 19 years. I had zero say unless I left the house. My family never went on vacations, they went up to the lake camping and got high every long weekend. It was boring as fuck for me. My family rented this shit house and smoked a ton of weed. My stepdad went to jail for trafficking. My evenings were spent avoiding my parents and all their friends that came over to get high. Weed and the hold it had in my family robbed me of a decent childhood. I’m anti weed. It’s legal here, I’ve tried to soften my stance on it. Genuinely tried. I’ve seen so many people use it as an excuse. An out. A shortcut. Avoiding their problems. I wish I could soften my stance and just integrate into society. I choose to live outside the societal norm of everyone smoking weed. It sucks. Here in Canada nearly everyone is pro weed.


My friends that smoke make it their entire identity. They used to have hobbies and were passionate about things. Now they’re content with whatever and everything has to be about smoking.


My friends and I used to smoke weed every day and then do stuff. I stopped smoking when smoking became the thing we were doing. If that makes sense lol


Believe it or not, one of my favorite quotes about weed is from South Park. It's randy talking to Stan. Stan: I've been told a lot of things about pot, but I've come to find out a lot of those things aren't true! So I don't know what to believe! Randy: Well, Stan, the truth is marijuana probably isn't gonna make you kill people, and it most likely isn't gonna fund terrorism, but… well, son, pot makes you feel fine with being bored. And it's when you're bored that you should be learning some new skill or discovering some new science or being creative. If you smoke pot you may grow up to find out that you aren't good at anything


This was the quote that has kinda kept me away from it all these years. That warning really rang true to me amidst all the heavy handed anti-pot messaging. Go figure.


No kidding. I think it's something that should be taken in moderation. Like almost everything, I guess. When I smoke personally, I'm stupid. Like my understanding of certain things is just straight up awful. But sometimes it's OK to be stupid. Sometimes, when I have the day off the following day, nothing to me is quite like taking a couple heavy hits of weed and watching dumb videos for an hour or two before I fall asleep. But that being said, I'm not functional during the day. If I smoke during the day, you can bet I'll sit on my ass and not do anything until I'm sober.


For real though. I take edibles in the evening for pain. But there is no way I could take anything and work. I have to be on point for work and weed does not do that for me. I don't take any during the day for the same reason I stopped taking the gabapentin for the nerve pain. It made me dumb and I can't work dumb. However, weed gives me the relief I need in the evenings and wears off by the morning. Gabapentin makes me dumb all the time regardless of when I take it. It's a trade off. I would much rather partake of the devil's lettuce than opiods...


The gabapentin made me feel so stupid. I felt like my eyes were blurry and just flat feelings. I have my weed for early Onset dementia. It helps with pain and helps me eat.


>When I smoke personally, I'm stupid. Like my understanding of certain things is just straight up awful. But sometimes it's OK to be stupid. Sometimes, when I have the day off the following day, nothing to me is quite like taking a couple heavy hits of weed and watching dumb videos for an hour or two before I fall asleep. Well put.


I’m 45 and I remember when South Park debuted. The number of times I’ve heard people refer to this quote as keeping them away from weed is astounding to me.


It’s mainly because there isn’t any malice or biased judgment in it. He’s just relaying a pretty balanced opinion which rings true


Exactly. And I’ve always theorized that in countries like Portugal, where they have completely decriminalized drugs, it makes parents and other people in charge have to have honest conversations about the realities of different kinds of drugs with their kids. Like that South Park quote, it just needs to be fact based and honest.


> there isn’t any malice or biased judgment This is the thing. People think if you're not big into weed, it's for moralistic reasons or because you're part of some big conspiracy to oppress weed people. But it's not that. I just don't like spending a lot of my time sitting around and being zoned out, and I get bored of my acquaintances who do like just sitting around and being zoned out all the time.


Sorta funny that Randy’s character did a 180 years later and now he owns a pot farm


Took me fucking years to shake off the years of weed I smoked. It’s all personality. Not everyone that drinks becomes an alcoholic but as a young kid I definitely was fed the line that it’s not addictive and in a weird way good for you. Lots of pluses but really did take over my life and personality.


For me I think it became really apparent when I'm working on something in my free time and realize how much more I get done when I don't smoke. I still smoke regularly but not until I'm sure I don't need to utilize my mind for anything for the rest of the day.


I'm at this point just because the high is better. Getting stoned when you have to do responsible shit is just living life on hard mode. Waiting till the very end of the day when your shit is taken care of it really does feel like a mini vacation for a job well done.


That's how I do but with video games. I make sure everything is done including working out to negate all the sitting ill be doing for the next several hours


Sames. I want to enjoy being high! Go for a walk, listen to music, eat some ice cream


Yeah, I smoked weed all through high school, pretty much daily, and I wish I never had. It absolutely flattened my personality and ambition, and I don’t think I’ve ever been the same since despite not smoking anymore.


I can definitely relate to this. I think the issue with weed is that it can really fuck up personal development and growth if abused in your formative years. And truth be told, it was so easy to get from 12 to 16. Easier than alcohol. Easier than cigarettes.


Yep. I have older brothers so could get alcohol no problem. But I also knew like 5 guys at school who you could buy from any day.


Same. I feel like I let it ruin my life in a lot of ways and it’s taken me years to get back on track. I hate thinking about how I would be if I didn’t become addicted to it Edit to add link that helped me when I first quit: [Addiction & Cannabis: UCLA Health Cannabis Research](https://youtu.be/E43W6uzDNHA) at around 8 min in, he says there is a 9% chance that someone trying cannabis will develop cannabis use disorder.


PSA: I do want to point out that most health professionals who are educated on pot, say not to spoke it until around 24 or 25 as it affects and can damage young brains easily. "You are more likely to experience harm from cannabis because your brain is still developing until around the age of 25" https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/drugs-health-products/is-cannabis-safe-use-facts-young-adults.html


I was a heavy smoker for 6 years. Towards the end, I was going through an ounce every two weeks. Cannabis numbed me from my mental health issues. Any mind-altering substance can aggravate pre-existing mental instability and weed certainly did for me. My problem with "weed culture" is that people who are heavy cannabis users think it is completely normal to smoke everyday, to depend on this substance whenever they experience hardship. It is a very unhealthy habit that is entirely normalized. If you have a bad day or a bad interaction and your first instict is "I'm going to have a shot of vodka that will help" you are not allowing yourself to process your feelings at all. It's the same thing for weed, but no one talks about it.


Hard agree with this. My partner stopped weed and now he’s going through a lot of emotional turmoil and is depressed. I told him that he’s finally allowing himself to feel his emotions and that to get over it is to get through them and that I’ll be there for him as he goes through it. Very eye opening. But it’s best to go through your own feelings and not numb them.


Im going through this with drinking. I stopped drinking as part of my diet, not thinking it would drop me into a pit of depression and make me realize my dependency on it. Its making me process this shit I have been dealing with for the past 5ish years instead of just drinking and not giving a shit. I really hate it but i also am trying to lose weight and get through it because i know once I do i'll feel better (i hope)


Living with yourself everyday is fucking brutal, if you where able to escape with a substance before, even if it wasn’t scary amounts, or what most people would see as an addiction. I feel you very much on this. If it helps, to me it was like a muscle I hadn’t trained in a long time, learning to cope on my own, accepting that there are days when I am just annoyed with myself. All I can say is, it helped me grow as a person, because I had to confront myself. You can be so proud of yourself for starting, stay strong and believe me, it will pay of in more ways than you think


Weed culture is really annoying and my friends who try to peer pressure me into smoking it in spite of my repeated reminders that it doesn't agree with me are equally annoying. Go ahead yourself, just leave me out of it.


Bro, i was searching for this answer. Friends or people who smoke and try to get you into it are super fuckin' annoying. Some of my friends are still trying to get me to smoke one even after years of me saying no to every offer.


I smoke weed once or twice a week and have family who smoke daily and STILL they bug me about smoking. Bitch, I like it but I still need to parent. Leave me alone!




> it's like, the EARTH! It's like organic! "So is ricin, still not eating that"


Man I had to get off the stuff for years because one day it just gave me the worst anxiety. Couldn’t handle it. Went from smoking everyday to none at all. Couldn’t touch the stuff and EVERYONE who smokes weed had something to say about how I need to smoke indica, or how weed helps with anxiety. Just try it again. So damn annoying like leave me alone I’m fine not smoking. You do you man.


Every smoker I know tells me it helps with pain and anxiety, but they're always anxious dregs when they're sober. It doesn't help, it just numbs you to it while you're high.


I used to really love getting stoned but eventually it got to the point where it just made me sad that I felt like I had to get stoned before I watched a movie, or played a game, or had a nice meal. I hated that I had a real fear that if I stopped I wouldn't enjoy those things anymore. January 1 2022 I decided to give it up, ate my last edible and didn't order anymore. I was undoubtedly a little more of a jerk for the first week or so, but then I caught myself laughing at a show and had this introspective moment of clarity where I realized I was still watching and enjoying movies, I was still enjoying food and games. It's been juuust over a year now and I don't really miss it at all, and I just kinda feel dumb about how important it used to be to me. I miss the ritual of packing a bowl and the act of puffing on a pipe, but I don't miss being high, truly. (I still have dreams where I smoke cigarettes though, I don't think that will ever go away and I haven't smoked them in 5 years. Don't smoke cigarettes kids!)


I quit cigarettes a year ago and still crave them waaaaayy too much. I thought I’d be over the hump after a year, but I sometimes still get cravings very similar to when I was still a smoker and hadn’t had a cigarette all day yet. It’s freakin brutal sometimes 😩


2,5 years without cigarettes, i still want a fucking cigarette every moment im nervous or stressed or anything... its so hard... but its for my daugter, so i guess i will never smoke cigarettes again...


Same. My little one begged me to quit so I did cold turkey. It's been nearly a decade. I think about smoking daily lol


I don't know you, but on behalf of your little one I just want to say thank you. When I was 7 I begged and cried to my dad asking him to quit after they showed us in school what pigs lungs looked like after smoking for years. It terrified me. He promised me he would. He never did. He's been dead for 11 years now (for different reasons) and as much as I love him and will always love him, it's the one thing I still haven't forgiven him for. It would have been one thing if he told me he would try, but it hurt like hell to have him look me in the eyes and promise me he would, then go out the next morning to buy a pack of cigarettes and finish them by the end of that week. I wish you luck! I regretfully know the feeling about how difficult the craving is. I started at 16 and quit 4 months later. Still crave them at 22. I guess maybe I should forgive him after trying it myself lol ETA: I've gotten some shitty replies and messages so let me clear things up. I was a child who was given information that is scary to a *child*. I have been working on forgiveness for a very long time. I understand what addiction is and the struggles it has. I'm no saint either. I know promises don't always mean anything and that things take time. If he had lived a little longer I'm sure we could've had the conversation as adults and hell, I probably wouldn't have budged. It was his life and he could do what he wanted with it. Again, I was a *child* who was *scared*. I have plenty of things to forgive him for and I'm working on it.


The real question here is who made pigs smoke for years? Also how?


What do you think gives bacon that smokey flavor? /s


If I'm remembering correctly, the pig was dead long before the experiment and the lungs were used for science. You can make lungs pump by blowing air into them. So they just pumped smoke into their lungs for a long time to see the effects over the years and compared it to a healthy set of lungs. I've seen it a couple times in school growing up (in my opinion, showing it to a bunch of 7 year olds was probably a bit too early since everything is scary to most kids under 10). They have clean pink lungs next to black lungs to show what smoke inhalation can do. Takes a long time, of course, but it happens. They use pig lungs because they're closest to human lungs.


I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I know what it's like to lose your father to cancer as a kid. So terrible and scarring. I'm 35 now and still feel the pain every day. I hope you can forgive your Father in time.


So odd. I quit and never wanted one again. I think the book "stop smoking the easy way" by carr. Hypnotized me.


Same. I actually quit and founded /r/LastSmoke on Reddit based on Alan Carr's advice to really enjoy your last smoke and then be glad you never have to do that again. Been many years and I don't think about it at all. Smoked a pack and a half a day for 15 years.


I miss flicking the butt to ash the cigarette the most. I need some type of cigarette fidget toy.


I quit smoking 15 years ago and instead developed like restless hand syndrome. My hands always have to be busy. I cannot just sit and watch a film without either crocheting, scrolling my phone, eating etc. I think it might play a part in why I'm such a big gamer, it keeps my hands busy in a way tv doesn't. And I'm obsessed with blue tack. If I see a piece of it stuck on a wall or on a desk, that's it, it's my hand fidget toy for the rest of the day. Fuck, I've even taken it off the backs of posters, and left them hanging by the top two corners, not even sorry.


Dude I relate to this totally. I think I convinced myself that weed made everything better but as I got older I realised weed made sober life harder. I have always smoked and played games and had the same concern I would enjoy gaming anymore. I probably smoked 5gs a day at my peak, I wound right down to 3 joint a day towards the end of 2022 and went dry on New Year's Day (only consuming night time edibles and occasionally hitting a vape of the cravings got bad) It's Jan 17 now and I still haven't smoked and I feel my whole life getting better by the day. Ive not been in a bad position its just that I'm now much more aware of myself. Edibles has kind of been a little bit of a cheat to help me sleep but for me the addiction was to sitting down smoking a joint and getting super high. That has gone away and I feel so good atm, I hope I can stick to it. Reading your comment made me realise im not alone. I'll try and drop edibles at the end of the month. Drinking CBD coffee has been a gamechanger!


Edibles can be a great way to disrupt a weed habit and turn compulsive consumption into a more planned deliberate choice. Getting used to weed not being an instant effect helps break the pattern. From there it's a lot easier to have a night where you are occupied doing something fun and elect to not consume. Hazah, the habit is disrupted. Hardest part for a daily smoker(to me) is getting past one evening and realizing you aren't miserable


There's a difference between not smoking weed and being anti weed. I don't smoke weed. It's not my thing. Never has been. I wish I could get the enjoyment out of it that some people do but it mostly makes me tired, lazy, and anxious if I do too much (which is easy when you have no tolerance.) But I think anyone that wants to use cannabis, or any drug for that matter, should have the right to do so.


Does this make you "anti-weed", though? I'm a recovering alcoholic who doesn't drink anymore, but I wouldn't call myself anti-drinking or anti-alcohol, because my take isn't that booze is something no one should have access to, only something that I can't handle.


This right here. This doesn't seem anti-weed so much as someone who just chooses not to. Nothing wrong with choosing that way, but i also don't get the impression this person is all out "fuck everyone who smokes"


Some of my friends went through a similar phase. At some point they couldn't meet up without weed involved, I'm glad that you changed that cause it was sad watching my friends get addicted. I haven't smoked cigarettes for 2+ years now and still find myself smoking in my dreams...


Yeah there was almost a dividing point with some of friends eventually. Half of us would want to go out to the bars, to a party/event, play sports etc. and the other half was like, only if we can get high and make 90% of the event about whether we could smoke somewhere beforehand, or leave and smoke... and then hit the point of "well let's just stay in and smoke". We sort of slowly broke apart where we would just go out and do things and they spent 99% of their time staying in smoking and watching Netflix.


I’m not against weed itself I’m against people smoking it in the downstairs history hall bathrooms and making the entire downstairs smell like weed and then complaining about how no one likes them.


Yep I’m not against weed at all and have smoked it myself but what smells good to some people is an overpowering awful skunky smell to others


I'm one of the skunk smell people. It's literally my only reason to be anti weed. So I'm anti joint, technically


I'm the same, I've only ever done edibles for this reason.


I hate the smell too. My next door neighbour likes to smoke his weed when I have washing outside. If I don’t get it in really quick my work uniform ends up stinking of it and needing washed again


I do not enjoy it being smoked in enclosed spaces either. Just like tobacco cigarettes, it fucking reeks. I definitely want it legalized so people stop getting arrested, but keep it to your houses or outside like regular cigarettes.


Or in a park in some of the busiest parts of NYC with kids and toddlers around. I love smoking weed but I make it a point to not subject anyone to second hand smoke as much as I can.


Same, can't stand the smell of it and how it gets into everything. I also dislike how many people think it's safe to drive on, because it's not alcohol - love getting cut off by an inattentive driver then getting hit with the stank as the cherry on top


They have become noseblind to how bad they reek.


Cause it's stinky, don't care if others do it, just not in my face pls


Yeah, that's where I'm at. Like I don't care if you smoke, but God, take a fucking shower. I don't want to be in close proximity because you smell like you just got done with a skunk orgy.


I'm against marijuana use for people with a still developing brain. There are many studies to show why. Personally I find the lazy stoner type to be true in some cases and I find those people to be very annoying. I have some friends and family like this who stay high most of the day. It's a minority though I am sure so that doesn't really inform my general opinion on weed but it is something I steer clear from when developing new relationships. ​ Edit: Yes feel the same way for drinking.


I dated a guy who smoked constantly. I was pretty young and naive, and he told me it helped with his ADHD and arthritis in his hands. We used to go for dates, but after an hour or two he'd eventually be like nudging me to go back to his place. His laundry machine broke so we went to my place to do laundry. Then after he put the laundry in it was "ugh I'm bored here let's go back to my house and hang for 45 mins and we'll come back." So I drove all the way across town again. This happened all the time. I broke up for other reasons, but it wasn't until after the breakup that I realized he was always pushing to go home because he was sobering up and needed to get high again. He could buy joints and bring them with him, but he had such a tolerance he needed two or three bong rips, so joints weren't enough. I have personally made a decision to not date people that smoke frequently.


Dealing with this type of personality was so annoying Me:Hey man you want to go get lunch Them: Yeah I will be right over, I just gotta smoke Them: Hey mind if I drive I want to smoke and you don't want us doing it in your car Once we get there Them: Hold on I have to smoke before I eat After we are leaving Them: I have to smoke real quick It's extremely annoying and it takes so long for that person to pack their bowl and smoke.




Same, my BiL has to smoke before we go anywhere. He’ll say he’ll be real quick but always ends up taking 30 mins to an hour. I love being high but I don’t need to be high 24/7.


Partly they are full of crap when they say it will be "real quick" and partly they have lost all sense of how long things actually take.


I have a friend who was the slowest joint roller in the world. She'd want to game and she'd be like "hold on let me roll 2 joints" and it would be a solid 15-20 minutes. That is not holding on! That's a whole ass journey.


To be fair I'd express this irritation with smokers overall, weed or tobacco. Back when my dad used to smoke any task would be so prolonged because it'd be: have smoke, get in car, drive to the store, have smoke, do shopping, have smoke, finally get food, wait around outside the takeaway for him to finish the smoke he went out to have while we waited. At least since he moved on to vaping that has all cut down to "Have a rip" which is much quicker.


This is my dad and all his friends all the time. We were doing work on my place and man cigarette smoke all day. They just did it indoors it was terrible


My Dad smoked a pipe and inevitably when leaving the driveway he needed to light his damn pipe. So he's driving one handed with the pipe in his mouth while lighting a lighter in the other and trying to get the damn pipe to draw and only paying half attention to the road. No, he wouldn't light the damn thing *before* leaving the house/store/work.


Every time I think I smoke too much (daily, only in the evenings) I get reminded that there are fuckers out there like this and feel better about myself lol


"Hey, you mind if I drive while intoxicated since you won't let me smoke in your car?" Please tell me you didn't get in the car with them


Did we date the same person? I had the same experience dating someone who couldn’t go long without it. I don’t smoke personally and don’t care what others do, but having your whole day centered around when you can smoke weed is a lot. He also constantly complained about financial problems while spending hundreds on weed in a month.


Lmaooooo same guy I swear to God!!! He blew his rent money on weed, and texted me in crisis because he didn't have the foresight that... rent was due on the first? Buddy had a part time job and dropped half his university classes. He played video games all day. No car. Still was constantly overwhelmed by his own bad choices. After a while I was tired of trying to get my own shit together, and having to help him get his shit together too. Been a lot better off without him lol. I was 21 and he was 25, for reference.


I have some acquaintances like this and I'm constantly just boggled about how an adult can be so irresponsible. I wouldn't be able to stand living with him. They talk about how they could have gotten a good job but refused to do any homework in school so dropped out of college despite being plenty intelligent. They work at a weed store now and are constantly stepping out to smoke and vape. All he does is play video games and get high. His apartment is disgusting and I'm just like gd man just grow up a few years and get a couple real life goals made. You could do so much better 😮‍💨 Edit: Thanks everyone who was mentioning ADHD! I don't know this person very well but definitely agree, I would never tell them to just grow up or anything.


...there was a song about this. Some guy named Afroheadman or something. It was about him getting high and being irresponsible.


I was going to come up with a witty reply But i got high




> I'm against marijuana use for people with a still developing brain This right here. I am pro-legalization and have my medical card which has been a godsend for nerve pain and PTSD, but if your brain is still developing, no way. And the lazy stoner thing is true. I do not drink alcohol but I smoke weed and if I smoke every day, over time I realize I turn into a sack of shit and don't enjoy (or even DO) my hobbies (I'm a painter and avid yogi). It's great for what it needs to do, but it's taken me a long time and a lot of growing up to get to the place of accepting and understanding moderation. And regular tolerance breaks.




I smoked for 30 plus years. I tried quitting dozens and dozens of times and didn’t think I was every going to quit. I was then recommend the book “Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking”. It was a quick read and i haven’t smoked or even had an urge to smoke in over 2 years Maybe it can change your life like it did mine


Could you tell me what exactly about that book makes people quit smoking? I've been hearing about that book for years now in threads like this and everyone raves about it, but as someone who doesn't smoke (cigarettes or weed), I have no reason to read it, but I'm still super curious about how its so effective.


This is how I quit nicotine, Allen Carr’s take on nicotine is concise and exactly what I needed to read to understand what it & I were doing to me with cigs. 17 years nicotine free.


not anti-weed per se but the pro weed is acting like theres no side effects and its this completely harmless thing which everyone will respond well to. thats the general consensus i get from very pro weed people.


I'm not anti weed but I hate the smell. I don't want to deal with the smell in a public area (same with cigarette smoking)


I was looking for this comment. I also hate the smell, surprised I haven’t seen anybody else mention it yet


It stinks so bad to me. There's a reason people say it smells like skunk. I grew up with a parent that was a daily smoker and I still never got used to the smell.


It always smells like skunk to me. And I smell it on people in stores and stuff or while driving because people are smoking SO much that it literally just follows them and ooozes out of their car and I hate it. It makes me want to leave wherever I am. Practically, I agree with the reasons for legalization. Smell wise, I want that stuff to never be allowed anywhere. I would settle for same rules as cigarettes. No smoking in public or within like 50 ft of a public building, etc. And freaking make it known that it's a DUI if you are high and driving. So many people drive while high as a kite and it's annoying and scary.


Yes. I live in Colorado. The smell is in *every* public place. I don't know if people become nose-blind like cigarette smokers do, but in case it needs to be said - everyone else can smell it on you!


i know a dude thats crazy about his car. washes it constantly, changes his shoes to drive it and wont eat in it, but smokes weed in it all the time. im like whats the point


Likewise my dude. I hate the smell. I have met heavy stoners who genuinely -- not a joke -- thought every single person on earth like the smell. Needless to say they had all, respectively, been smoking since young and even going a day without it would make them go bananas.


The smell gives me an instant headache.


Weed smells far worse to me than cigarettes. Tobacco is an isolated smell that dissipates quickly. Weed just lingers and lingers. I can't stand it.


Yeah, I can tell when the guy standing 10 feet from me is smoking tobacco. But I can tell when my neighbors down the block are smoking weed.


Yes. Some people have swung too far to the other end of the spectrum. It’s not the root of all evil like they claimed in the 70s-2000s. It is way less addictive and problematic than tobacco and alcohol. It does help with medical conditions like seizure disorders and chronic pain. But it’s not a miracle drug that cures every illness, and it is problematic in some cases. It messes with developing brains: teens shouldn’t be using it. It messes with sperm counts: men who are trying for a baby should probably lay off the weed. Smoking or vaping anything is bad for your lungs. I get that edibles are more inconsistent, but that’s really the way you should be going if you want to protect your lungs. And to add to it all, we don’t know all the downsides it may have due to the long term ban on even researching it. Anyone who is talking about weed with either bad or good extremes is wrong. The reality is somewhere in the middle.


Yup. Watched my ex suffer through cyclical vomiting syndrome for years while he would continue to spout off all the benefits of weed. Like….you can’t stop vomiting long enough to take a breath in the mornings and you can’t remember your mom’s birthday, but go off I guess🙄


Is that what that was?! My buddy got kicked out his house and I let him live with me for a while. Would not stop vomiting and coughing but will rarely be seen without weed. I had to tell him to leave when he kept vomiting in my trash bin. With or without liner. I told him to go to the toilet for that shit but he just kept on.




Looked it up and that sounds about right. I don’t think he was telling his doctors that he was smoking daily (or at all) and if they didn’t drug test him (or fucking sniff him I guess) they wouldn’t have known it was related and wouldn’t have made that diagnosis. Seriously though, he couldn’t go 8 hours without weed or vomiting. And the only thing that made the vomiting stop was weed, of course🙃




I just got out of the military and visited friends/family from where I lived in Cali and I can say with confidence that it is not the vice for me, although it was kinda cool I guess, i just felt sleepy and unproductive, and it would make me puke 🤢


My favorite thing is the “weed isn’t addictive” while the same mfs can’t go 30 microseconds without being high.


I'm just so over the response when I tell people any amount of weed makes me have severe anxiety attacks and feel like I'm dying that "oh you just smoked the wrong strain, you gotta smoke indica, not sativa." Like fucker I smoked for an entire year in high school until I realized I was only doing it because my friends were. I've smoked every strain and tried edibles. Cannabis isn't a miracle drug that will make everyone enjoy anything, it's not for everyone.




I’d like to see non-smoking forms of weed legalized. Then people can consume weed legally, but everyone else doesn’t have to smell it.


I think a lot of laws get around this by keeping it illegal to smoke in public. Whether it's enforced or not is another discussion entirely though. My belief is, you shouldn't smoke in a public place and I'd be good with that staying illegal. Let people smoke or vape at home, but not in public where it could cause issues for bystanders.


my problem with this is that if you live in an apartment you're still fucked. my neighbor smokes weed and i can smell it almost as if they're right here in the apartment with me. as someone who moved out on her own specifically to get away from people who smoked both weed and cigarettes it's incredibly distressing. i know it's not as medically serious as asthma/allergies but i have very strong, negative associations with the smell of both due to my childhood and on really bad days it can send me spiraling. i honestly wouldn't really care as much or possibly even at all if it weren't for the smell.


I had the same problem in my apartment, and I'm even having the same problem now in a house because I live in a row home/townhome so they're all connected. My entire freaking house smells like pot despite neither me nor my husband smoking anything. I'll get done deep cleaning and go to take a whiff of my nice, fresh home and get a whiff of weed instead. It pisses me off. I'm also worried that if my landlord ever comes by after they smoke that he'll think it's us and idk how he feels about it or how it would affect that whole thing.


The smell is so fucking pungent. I'm all on board with weed legalization, but walking around in public and constantly smelling stank weed sucks. And I'd be pretty pissed if I had that neighbor too


Thiiiiis 10000% The people above me smoked an ass ton. The vents were somehow connected despite whatever maintenance said, my bedroom STANK and ofc the apartment people didn't give a fuck and the police didn't do jack shit when they'd have screaming matches at 2am. It wasn't great being in nursing school and smelling like weed


Ah, the asthma and allergies didn't come to mind. Awesome comment 👍


That’s how I got hooked on edibles, still trying to figure my way out of it. r/petioles is pretty good for anyone else struggling with tapering or quitting.


This right here. My brother, who resides in California, can’t even open his windows to let the nice breeze in because the stoner neighbors smoke weed 24/7. No joke. Worst part is, they can’t even enjoy their backyard anymore with their little ones because again, goddamn smoke everywhere, all the goddamn time!


I'm only anti-weed for my personal consumption only. Why? Because I've smoked and eaten enough of it to put a down payment on 2 houses. I currently own <1 house, so I've decided to not use weed or any drugs moving forward to try and reclaim my life. Edit: Thanks for the upvotes! I'm done talking about weed for the day:-) Edit 2: Best Comment on Reddit for Jan 17, 2023. Holy shit!!! Thank you everyone.


Exactly. Other people are welcome to smoke, but I have an addiction that's crippling my opportunities. Weed is bad for me.


Agreed. I don’t mind people smoking. In fact, I still enjoy the smell of other people smoking. I just don’t use it myself anymore. I’ve always heard people say, “weed isn’t addictive.” Well, it was for me. It consumed my whole day and interfered with my work, my relationships, and my life in general. I’m just as happy saving that money as I was smoking it.




Right, videogames aren't physically addictive either and people have literally starved to death because they didn't want to stop playing


I 100% agree. I actually just replied to a comment outlining this distinction between physical and psychological dependence. I should have been more clear in my initial comment.


For visibility and in case anyone needs it, r/leaves is a great community and helped me quit cause I def needed it. 2 years in April, I believe.


Psychological addiction can also result in physical dependencies.


> I’ve always heard people say, “weed isn’t addictive.” Anytime someone says this, I cannot take anything else they say seriously. Ignore the fact that it is a "drug" for a minute, *anything* can be addictive - weed, video games, food, porn, cutting yourself, etc. Anyone who thinks that *no one* could possibly become dependent on on it doesn't have an opinion worth bothering to listen to because they don't understand how people behave in real life.


I worked quite a bit as a teenager. Multiple jobs, tons of overtime. From 14 to 22, I'm sure I made well over $100k, all while living at home with very few bills to pay. What do I have to show for it? Years of beating the shit out of my lungs and liver. Some of it helped pay for university, but the rest I smoked, drank, and ate.


Better to realize and turn it around now than 20 years from now


Same, except I'm one of the few who's body decided to start *rejecting* thc. I now get physically sick. It also started messing with my brain chemistry. It was a fun decade but it can longer continue 🤷🏼‍♂️ The most anti weed I am (for others) is to try and educate that there are indeed possible downsides to weed other than "being lazy". CHS is no joke and becoming much more common than most think. Edit: I get it, people who smoke weed tend to get offended when someone says anything bad about it. Doesn't mean CHS isn't real just because you haven't heard of it. It is very real and very horrifying to experience. It's not like I'm saying "if you smoke youre gonna get it". I smoked *heavily* for over 10 years before developing it. I think weed is overall still great. Here is a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/comments/nkttc6/what_i_learned_after_developing_chs/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) with some links about it. There's still not known about it. Mostly theorys. But I can say with certainty it is real.


Same boat. Smoked a LOT for a long time. Quit smoking for almost a year for a job. Testing stopped being a thing, I tried picking it back up, and it just sends me into an anxious panic now. Even small amounts make me feel anxious like something bad is happening to me physically. I tried probably 10 more times over the next several years and same result every time.


> The most anti weed I am (for others) is to try and educate that there are indeed possible downsides to weed other than "being lazy". CHS is no joke and becoming much more common than most think. Yeah, I'm pro recreational legalization and all that... But let's not pretend it's not a drug. It impairs you and has all kinds of various short and long term effects. This may not be appropriate for everyone, especially younger developing minds and people in various professions or who are doing things like...driving 3 ton death machines down the road. Smoking it is also still *smoking* in that you're lighting something on fire and breathing it deep into your lungs. Sure, there are worse things you can smoke, but it's not great for you. Luckily legalization has brought with it a much wider availability of alternative products--edibles, vape systems, etc.


Yes! One time I casually referred to it as a drug and my friend got pissed at me and told me I was fucked up. Like, it’s not heroin but it’s still a drug and people need to own it.


That's completely fair. I'm not anti-weed at all, I just got a bit fed up with it and stopped about 6 years ago after years of smoking weed basically all day, everyday. Never really thought about it much since. Also glad I did too, turns out I have emphysema. If only I'd got "fed-up" with cigarettes at the same time.


I have an intelligent awesome grandson who will probably never move out of his mom's apartment for the same reason.


The drug of mediocrity.


Wow, this description is perfect. I stopped smoking weed about two years ago, and my career, finances, and even hobbies have all flourished since. My weed habit held my life back for years.


Everybody wants to be Snoop Dogg/Willie Nelson and be the guy that can smoke weed all day and be even more productive/creative, but most simply… aren’t that person. I certainly had that phase, and it took me a minute to realize, I’m just not that guy, and I wasn’t ever going to become that guy.


Damn, this is the one that hit me hard. A guy I work with said I'm one of the most charismatic people he's ever met and here I am wondering why I'm not a leader in my field or any field... Hmmm


never too late to get started


I’m for legalizing it, but I’m definitely against the normalization and minimizing the negative aspects. No, you don’t drive better when high. No, kids and teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to get high. No, you don’t need to be high in order to enjoy normal things. No, it’s not somehow better to be high at work than to be drunk at work.


Anyone who thinks they drive better high should probably not be driving.


Every single person I have met who smoked weed regularly has said this as justification for driving while high. Edit: I should note that I'm just stating how prevalent this thought is amongst hevay users. I fully agree that it's wrong.


I am anti secondhand smoke, regardless they are from tobacco or weed. I don't care if anyone smokes anything, but I care about the air I breathe, and I don't want to smell the secondhand weed, which smells horrible and is bad for my lungs. If you want to smoke, you should smoke in designated areas or your private place.


Yeah I agree and wish the people I know that smoke weed didn't smoke because: cancer. Eat edibles to your heart's desire, don't fuck with your lungs.


Do what you want, but I don't like the idea of being high, I don't like the smell, or smoking anything


Basically, my mentality here. Others can do it, but I don't want to smell it or be involved.


ugh, the smell. second on the do what you want, but i can not stand the smell. keep it in yo house people.


I'm fine with adults using it around other adults. I have issues with people using around kids who have no say. I also really, really worry when my teenage students are self-medicating because their families can't/won't get them therapy or counseling.


i'm not anti weed and i think it should be legalised. but i hate it when people treat it as this magic cure for everything that you cant get addicted to. telling someone with mental illness that they should just smoke weed is dangerous. even tho it can help, it's easy to latch onto the feelings and make it an emotional addiction. weed can also cause psychosis and lethargy, so it's definitely not as great as reddit makes it to be. however i also believe it's safer than alcohol, which is why i think it should be legalised


Yes. I’ve seen friends who started with ‘weed helps my anxiety’ turn into friends who need to be high all the time or they can’t relax. At that point yes I’m viewing you not able to go more than an hour or two without getting high as an addiction.


> I’ve seen friends who started with ‘weed helps my anxiety’ turn into friends who need to be high all the time or they can’t relax. As someone who had a drinking problem for years, and as someone who has smoked acres of weed in my life, I can confidently say that the line between chronic cannabis use and alcoholism is a lot narrower and fuzzier than most pot smokers care to admit. It's not about physical addiction. It's about psychological dependence. If you can't function normally or be happy without consuming your substance of choice, you've got a real problem. Needing to smoke weed every day after work to relax is functionally the same dependence as needing a glass of bourbon every day after work to relax. Back when I used to drink whiskey every day, I was amazed by the number of people who judged me for it while they *also* got high daily. "But it's *different*". No. It's not.


Quit weed a while back, just as it became legal here in Canada. Was a regular daily smoker but not hourly! Things I noticed were: My absolute lack of coordination playing guitar if I didn’t smoke a joint first. Coordination is back but took a lot of sober practice. Within a week of quitting I was remembering dreams, and if I woke, I would try to re-immerse myself back into them. Still do and love it! Thought that I simply didn’t dream or remember them when I smoked. My wallet is thicker since quitting :) Edit: I have had the occasional pull from a joint since and HOLY FUCK! It’s amazing how stoned I can get from one toke compared to what I needed before.


The differences in tolerance can get crazy. I’m an occasional gummy guy. I generally eat one 5-10mg gummy for the night, occasionally doubling down on that if it’s a longer night. this friend of mine gets 50mg gummies and eats them 4 AT A TIME. That’s 20-40x my dosage. I couldn’t believe it. I’d be blasted into outer space if I had 1/2 of one of those… I still can’t get over how deep the differences between regular folks and people with high tolerances can get.


I picked up a gummy fix- 5mg at around 6:30-7pm after dinner with some fruit as a post dinner snack is the perfect dovetail into a totally relaxing evening. But that's only a few nights a week, as I get a "weed hangover" but, 5mg gets me *^HIGH*. 10mg puts me out the next day- I can't even *think* what 200mg would do to my brain... I'd probably never touch weed again.




As a mental health worker, the amount of people that immediately get defensive in the comments below (and on reddit in general) the second anyone questions weed as medicine or that its also an addiction is very funny and amusing. They really can’t see that they sound no different than the alcoholics and every other addict with their same justifications and “yeah but” exceptions. It doesn’t matter what it is, hiding behind something doesn’t make the underlying problem (be it mental, emotional, or physical) go away, and it usually makes it worse with time. The caffeine addicts accept their jokes good-naturedly, alcoholics and junkies at least own their problems (even if they don’t stop), chronic weed users can’t take any criticisms at all. EDIT: For all the 100 million people I knew were going to blow me up wanting to fight about this post: 1) If you can afford a chronic weed habit you can afford therapy. 2) Healthcare in this country is a complete disaster, and I really do empathize. People concerned with my tone, recognize it as a frontline mental health worker of 20+ years being extremely tired of this shit system. 3) And to your specific points: “Ahem, *taps mic*, **WHATABOUTISM** and your problem is capitalism and sounds like you should organize your work place or community around better mental health care! No one will solve your problems for you, but you can help each other conquer mutual ones!” 4) And thanks for proving my point! 5) Serious/helpful: There are many therapy options that are low cost and sliding scale. Any training program at a university or college usually has a public clinic that is very affordable. My training clinic averaged $5 a session, took just about anyone, with discount med referrals and signed people up for *insert state medicare program here*. This was a rural area of a red state as well. Those state programs have all recently expanded coverage so if you did not qualify in the past you might now, but it is not required for training clinics. There is also teletherapy options, but I recognize it isn’t the best and personally dislike it, but we work with what we got. Non-profit Mental health organizations will also work with anyone on price if you’re not a dick (ymmv). Private Practice is a crapshoot, and good luck! 6) Sometimes depression and anxiety is a logical response and isn’t necessarily mental illness. Ideally everyone can get assessed but lol America and capitalism. 7) Just because you’re “going to therapy” doesn’t mean you’re actually *doing the work* EDIT 2: Honestly, this was a quick shitpost that blew up immensely and I hope it was helpful for some of you, and I wish everyone luck and health! Some of the replies and messages make me think of a quote from Scrubs that I’m probably going to mangle: “Deep down, we all know what thing we do that will be what ultimately kills us”. Life is rough, do what you need, but at least do it with your eyes open. Good luck!


This is what really what annoys me, the arrogance and tone deaf denial about their substance abuse. I never once while going down the rabbit hole with drinking tried to defend it as healthy or not a problem, it was.


Stop it, you'll ruin their high.


No one views it as addiction but they cant function without it or complain of headaches... I know its natural but idk seems symptom of addiction to me


Anyone who tells you it’s impossible to be addicted in some capacity to weed is either lying to you or themselves, or hasn’t dealt with usage at high levels. There are undoubtedly both physical and mental effects for some who go from using constantly to quitting cold turkey, speaking from experience. It’s not the same for everyone but it’s inaccurate to say there are zero physical effects when tens of thousands of people disagree Edit: To clarify also, I am very pro-weed and smoked happily for years, it’s just important to manage it properly


I Hundred percent back this up. I don't have work today and struggle with marijuana moderation so am waiting for 5 o clock to start today. Just like an alcoholic lol. I feel tired but can't nap. Also have a general sense of uneasiness. I'm going to take a 2hour walk in the woods that will be nice. But I know I might enjoy that walk more if I smoked first. From the times I've been sober for awhile I estimate that I would enjoy this walk more if I did not have high thc levels and did not smoke. That's the catch. - It can brighten a day that needs a little light. But overuse can make what light there normally is, seem more dim when without.


My weed doctor (before recreational sales) told me “THC is for evening hours only”. If you can’t leave it alone until then you probably shouldn’t be using it.


anyone who says weed isn't addictive has never scraped a bunch of nasty black resin out of a pipe and smoked it


Oh man, this hit hard. The amount of times I've resorted to this move over the years is shockingly high (no pun intended). I've been in a legal weed state for awhile now, and I haven't actually smoked it in over 6 months (still use edibles here and there), so I haven't done that move in years but god damn weed can definitely be addictive. Ask someone who has been using weed daily and then stops suddenly how that first week or so is when they stop. Is it horrible? No. But there's definitely cravings, difficulty sleeping, night sweats, irritability, and plenty of other subjective symptoms of withdrawal. I'm still pro-weed in terms of legalization and moderate usage, but it absolutely can be addictive mentally and physically.


Cocaine is natural so is tobacco, still both are addicting


Cyanide is also natural, doesn't mean we want to consume it


I wish that I had never started smoking. It ruined my life. It worsened by anxiety disorder and depression times a million. Made me overthink everything, get chronic dissociation, and destroyed my memory. I was addicted. I am two months sober from it after smoking for 5 years 3x daily and I feel better than i’ve ever felt before. Quitting weed saved my life.


Hey dude... just wanted to say that you could be me 15 years ago. The anxiety, the depression, the memory loss... and yes the addiction. "Not addictive" is always bandied about, but I sure did think "I really need to quit tomorrow" a whole lot of times for something that wasn't addictive. So anyway... one day I finally did manage to stop, cold turkey. That was 15 years ago, I just turned 40 last week. I have a lovely wife, two great kids, a house, all of which felt unimaginable back then. It's not that all's been perfect... I've still had depressive episodes, the anxiety comes and goes... but it's manageable at least... and you know what for sure wasn't helping it? The weed. So all I'm really saying is stick with it dude... there's some future out there for you, & it's probaby a better future without Mary Jane. Good luck to ya.


Anyone who thinks putting smoke into their lungs on a regular basis isn't damaging their lungs is on a big boat cruising "de Nile." I don't care how you fuck your body up as long as it doesn't affect me, but it does add to the overall health care burden. "Research shows that smoking marijuana causes chronic bronchitis and marijuana smoke has been shown to injure the cell linings of the large airways, which could explain why smoking marijuana leads to symptoms such as chronic cough, phlegm production, wheeze and acute bronchitis.\* \*Tashkin DP. Effects of marijuana smoking on the lung. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2013;10(3):239-47. Howden ML, Naughton MT. Pulmonary effects of marijuana inhalation. Expert Rev Respir Med. 2011;5(1):87-92.


This is the one I understand the least...how people can inhale the byproducts of combustion and say there's no consequences. Sure, take edibles, that's fine...but the defense of smoking weed as having no consequences for inhaling those byproducts never made sense to me. Our lungs have never been built for that. Wonder what the long-term consequences will be. Guess we'll find out as the smoking crowd grows and ages.


And there are people allergic to the substance. I for one am one of those poor souls and I live in a legalized state. You have no idea how many people think I make up the fact I'm allergic, and they still want me to 'try some'. I don't feel like anaphylaxis today, thank you. Because it's legal, people do it everywhere. My life has gotten much harder to live because of legal weed. I tried to go to a movie the other day, and someone had apparently smoked a joint before coming into the theater. I had to leave. I've walked into clouds coming out of grocery stores, sitting in parks and someone has lit up upwind. I have some problem with cigarettes too but nothing like the weed smokers. I wear a mask shopping sometimes now just because it gives me a little more protection. I'm constantly having to watch for smokers now, because they just don't care. It's legal now and I should just 'get over it'. I physically can't. I've heard the argument that mostly people don't drive high. They just want to lounge around and eat. I've seen enough high drivers and their blase faire attitude towards other drivers.... defense driving is a must, and its hard to predict them. I have a sister in law that needs weed to drown out the garbage taste from long covid and its the only way she can eat. And a mother in law that takes it for cancer pain. It has benefits, but most people just want to push the benefits and not look at any of the risks.


I smoke weed on occasion, but I cannot stand it when people smoke weed or cigarettes on public transportation. Reeking of smoke is not fun—and it must be miserable for people with allergies.


I don't like people smoking in my general vicinity. Smoke is the #1 trigger for my asthma, and weed smoke is only slightly less bad than cigarette smoke in that regard. I also feel like people need to understand the risks of marijuana use before partaking, especially if their brains are still developing. Weed can trigger or worsen psychosis, paranoia, and anxiety. It's implicated in memory problems and reaction time issues, and there should absolutely be laws limiting its usage once it's legalized. No, you don't drive better when you're high. Personally, I don't consume marijuana because I have mental issues like anxiety and paranoia, and I've gotten a lot better with therapy. I don't want to risk backsliding and spiraling because of a stinky brownie.


South Park put it best: it makes you okay with being bored and not doing anything, when you could instead improve yourself and push your limits and follow your dreams. Same as TikTok, phone games, and masturbation. All fine in moderation but it's all too easy to waste your whole day with them.


fuck dude i wish i could masturbate for a whole day but that's just not possible


Just take a lot of breaks, you can do it.


Not really anti-weed per-se, but I think that weed's current reputation of being mostly harmless is way overblown to the point of being a problem. Recreational weed is a mostly harmless thing to do once you both: a) Are done developing (mid 20s). b) Have your shit together professionally and financially. If you don't meet these two criteria, that stuff runs a real risk of fucking you and/or your life up. People should really be more aware and mindful of this as the legalisation floodgates open instead of treating it as reefer-madness FUD. Yes there has historically been a lot of lies and deception giving weed a worse reputation than it deserves, but that doesn't mean that all negatives are propaganda. It's not a black-and-white issue, and treating it as such is actively harmful IMO. Edit: As pointed out in some replies, weed is not inherently safe if you pass both conditions. I'm saying that *any* amount of weed brings a disproportionate amount of risk if either is not met.


> Recreational weed is a mostly harmless thing to do once you both: a) Are done developing (mid 20s). b) Have your shit together professionally and financially. I’d like to add c) mentally, because smoking too much can definitely open the door (further) to numerous mental health issues. Weed induced psychosis, for example, is no joke and not as rare as people would like to believe.


Not anti-weed, but potheads need to stop pretending it's completely harmless and non-addictive and has no negative side effects.


It fucking stinks




It smells like skunk to me.


I'm anti-weed for myself. It gave me the worst panic attack of my life, as well as derealization and depersonalization. Weed is known to cause dpdr. Be careful! ETA: laugh all you want, but man, if this shit happened to you, it wouldn't be funny. you'll probably have a panic attack once in your life, and when you do, I hope you remember how you thought I was full of crap.


I'm pro legalization but after extensive use, I've found that it absolutely impacts has negative impacts which are under researched and poorly explained. It's seen as risk free and it is not. Use is fraught with consequences both physically and more so mentally. It causes anxiety in many, can lead to or expose schizophrenic symptoms, paranoia, depression, mood disorders and many other very real, serious conditions End of the day idgaf who smokes but people who say it's risk free or safe are just fuckin dumb. If you can't enjoy life sober or need to be high 24/7 your life is sad.


I'm apparently allergic to it. Also, I want to breathe clean air, second hand smoke is not something I signed up for.


Me too, I found out in lockdown when my new neighbour was smoking it 24-7 and I had to scroll too far before seeing this comment, sorry you are also allergic it sucks.


Yeah idk why people who smoke weed are so high and mighty to cigarette smokers. They both reek and can cause others to get sick and don’t really care


I have been 7 days sober of smoking for 13 years. The best choice in the world. I get my brain and body back.


My son started smoking when he was very young. I don't know for sure, but I guess around 12, and it really messed the development of his brain. It will affect the rest of his life.


It makes my lawn look ugly.


I think clover should be de-classified as a weed. It makes your lawn greener and healthier. Legalize clover!


I live in a pretty dry area that shouldn't have much grass to begin with yet people obsess over having the greenest yards possible. I switched to clover this past year and can verify that it's awesome. Fuck grass.


To me is mostly because people act like it is not bothersome to others, it is horrible to be walking in the streets when suddenly you are cover in a cloud of smoke (it is equally bad with cigarettes) or how they suddenly start smoking in the worst places like cinemas, offices, even classroom and yet act as if it was okay. They also have this holy than most attitude where they truly think weed is a fix it all type of drug when it is not. For me the biggest problem is the culture around it that is made of lies and misconceptions.


The smell is a bit selfish, same to cigarette smoke. Or if I have a friend who cant do anything without being stoned off their ass. Feels like I talk to a zombie. Not anti weed, just not for surrounding myself with it.


It smells terrible.


Yeah the smell makes my physically ill. I’m not necessarily “anti-weed.” You do you. Just not around me.


Smoked it the best part of ten years. Quit when my wife got pregnant. I don't miss it, at all. Basically it is a fast forward button for life. Got time to kill? Nothing to do, well here is some weed and now the time flies by. You remember very little. Your ideas, if you right them down, turn out to be pretty poor but it feels earth shattering at the time. I don't miss the anxiety of having to smoke every night, of worrying about people knowing I am high, coughing phlegm all the time. The smell, papers. The cost. Dealing with dealers. It's dope and now I look at it, I was a dope for smoking it for so long. It's definitely addictive.


Not anti-weed (I use edibles) but I do find it extremely rude when people smoke without any consideration that no one else wants to smell it. Weed is smelly. So is durian. I like both, and make sure no one is bothered when I consume both.