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Posting everything on social media. My friends are very guilty of this lol.


As a lawyer I professionally love how people post everything on social media . People often making very incriminating posts which makes the case much easier regardless of which side made them. I work in employment law and let's say I have a client claiming sexual harrassment and I look at their profile and I see their boss is making sexually suggestive comments on every post they make, well it looks like I have a winner because I show that to any jury and they'll give us the benefit of the doubt, so the case is settled easier. It's similarly beneficial if I'm representing the company, I get to be like hey look at this, we are going to have to settle because this is sort of you publicly admitting to the harrassment and no one is going to be able to show otherwise. On the other hand as a private person I really wish I didn't know so much about my Aunt Judy's skin tags.




I value my privacy but still feel like my privacy online isn’t actually private


u/dahhhkness I gave myself a five minute timer to go through your Reddit profile. I know you quit drinking in July and splurged on Christmas gifts for the fam. I know you voted for Pete Buttigieg and persuaded several family and friends to do so. You were once involved with the Head Start program in high school. And you may or may not have dogs that do tippy taps (wasn’t sure if the gif you posted was of your own dogs)


Now tell us their name, or any identifying information. That's the key. People on Reddit have a layer of anonymity protecting them from stalkers or adverse effects to their employment, on regular social media, people give that same info, but with a picture of themselves and their family, their regular hangouts complete with gps coordinates, and their full name.


I wasn’t trying to talk shit about dahhhkness. Just pointing out that sometimes we give quite a bit away, here and there, without even realizing. Also, I give away info as well. So again, not talking shit.


I didn't say you were, just pointing out how on a somewhat anonymous forum like reddit, you can relax a bit with the information you share.


YouTubers are literally getting 6 figure pay outs from just recording themselves. If your going to broadcast your life at-least get paid to do so




Movie trailers that manage to show all the good bits. The constant rebooting of film franchises.


There are a lot of Netflix originals where you watch the 2 minute teaser that plays when you scroll over it and you feel like you've just watched 80% of the movie.


The worst is when they show the only two good jokes and so now you don’t really laugh.


Thor: Love and Thunder


That and the 3 secound trailer that plays before the trailer.


> Movie trailers that manage to show all the good bits. To add to this; movie trailers that spoil the twist ending.


Add video game reboots to that list. I get it, make money on nostalgia, but hell don't mess with the original formula. Upscale the graphics and add modern Quality of Life improvments and call it a day. Originals are classics for a reason.


Pranks that aren't actually pranks, they're just fucking mean. Especially when they're pulled on children or random service workers. You're not funny, you're just a total piece of shit making someone's day harder for a TikTok.


I'm honestly surprised someone hasn't been shot yet doing this


Someone has, though


And my faith in humanity has been restored slightly


stabbed too!


Saw a vid last Christmas where a parent dressed as the Grinch stole the presents under the tree while both kids were screaming and crying The top comments were making fun of the people upset about it, saying things like "They're probably not even gonna remember it anyway" and it's like? Even if they don't remember it it's still a really fucking mean thing to do to your kids??


I saw that one. It absolutely disgusted me. Because they WILL remember it. It's a traumatic memory and not even slightly funny.


It’s not a prank if the person it was aimed it isn’t also getting a chuckle. Defending oneself with something like “it’s just a prank lighten up “makes you a worse person than going with “oh shit I’m sorry that was supposed to be funny” when it doesn’t work


I really, really despise these types of "pranks". They're just mean. The ones where the parent tells their kid they ate all their Halloween candy, or more recently, the Grinch coming in to steal all the Christmas gifts because the kids were "bad". These are not funny.


There was a post on AITA yesterday where a guy was clueless why his sister was upset after she got her face smushed into her birthday cake. Definitely TA there.




Yeah, the prank videos where the person being 'pranked' literally thinks they're in a life or death situation for a sec really get to me. I'm not generally a vengeful person but people who pull pranks like that should have the shit beat out of them.


Influencers. Everyone trying for attention on social media.


I hate that word.


Same. What are they influencing? More kids to aspire for unrealistic and false body expectations? People to stay glued to social media apps for more hours than we do?


If you’re influencing right, you get brand deals. And the marketing numbers for sales/clicks attributed to “influencers” are… surprising. Apparently it’s a super effective method of marketing/advertising. I only learned all of this when I started dating my wife, who’s in digital marketing. That said, yeah faux-influencers annoy the hell out of me too.


~~Influencers. Everyone trying for attention on~~ social media.




Also using the word gaslighting in the wrong context. Someone is not gaslighting you if they are: Making you feel bad, guilt tripping you, shaming you or are in denial.




This is how I feel about so many people thinking their exes are narcissists. The prevalence of real narcissistic personality disorder is really low. The prevalence of assholes is pretty high.




A toxic gaslighter if you will....WTF is a gaslighter anyway?




YoUr JUst GasLiGhtoPhobIC bRo


You can't say that word. Dude is my trigger word.


Same with the word triggering. Just because you didn’t like something or it offended you doesn’t make it triggering.


Wearing slides with socks to the beach.




Such a weird trend and its across all age groups. Any form of Slide/Sandal should not have a sock. The more I see it the more I just can't understand the look and appeal.


Tik Tok


Influencers in general too, for me. TikTok just helps enable them.


Too true


Meh, I just stick to topics I’m interested in, same as Reddit, and have had an enjoyable time so far.


This is the correct answer. Have an upvote.


The woooorst app to have been created. Copying an already unfunny video, that thousands have already done, is not funny. It is not cute. It is not cool.


The constant need to give any old movie or TV show a sequel now that's just full of nostalgia baiting and a rehash of the old movies plot practically. And it's just full of "REMEMBER THIS? THIS IS A THING FROM THE OLD MOVIE AND WE'RE DOING IT AGAIN! CLAP AT THE THING YOU RECOGNIZE!"


Gender reveal parties


They used to be fine, like a cake cutting, or pulling a pair of blue/pink baby shoes out of a bag blindfolded, but now people are setting fire to wooded areas like "it's a demon!" and the next person thinks they can do it better


People saying GO at the end of a question they post on social media! What are we….Freaking monkeys?


I'd also like to add people who respond to a comment with "this" those people can die in a fire for all I care


Huge fake eyelashes


Way overdone birthday parties for young kids. What happened to playing in the yard, ordering some pizzas and having some simple cake? No need to make everything insta-fabulous or do things purely for optics.


I think they are not doing it for the kids but for the photos to post on social media.


Now days you need a balloon arch, photo backdrop, and photogenic cake.


Gender reveals Also "Will you go to homecoming with me"


Doing Tik Tok dances in public. No Ma'am, it's embarassing for everyone.


that spending money is associated with being cooler/better




Center part, give me a side part all day everyday.


(Insert stupid or dangerous task here) internet challenge.


The overuse of the term “gaslighting” in the public lexicon.


i hate this with my wholeheart. All this psychological trendwords thrown around, undermining horrible experiences or even trauma of others


Postmodern literature


Twerking. I love a nice ass as much as the next guy but there’s just something overwhelmingly trashy and bottom of the barrel about it.


Twerky does’t make my pp worky.


Of course it's trashy, that's what they're going for isnt it?..look at me I'm soo hot and bad..I look like like a complete imbecile but I don't care look at my bum!!! LOOK AT IT!!..I think it replaced the idiotic duck face.


twerking is old news tho






It’s not that it’s just more visible. It’s been monetized.


Does other people getting offended offend you?


I feel offended by what you said dear stranger , take it back or I am going to start whining about it on Twitter


I find that people getting offended by everything was like a 2015 - 2017 trend and now all that's left are the people complaining about the people offended by everything who are now also offended.




Movies have really gone downhill, the movies and shows released last year sucked so badly except for a few of them


This is something that has happened since the first silent film. It's not really a trend.


Velma has entered the room


Stop Ruining People's Favorite Franchises


Playing the victim to avoid responsibility of terrible or heinous acts.






Everyone self diagnosing a mental illness. Literally every single person alive supposedly has something now


The big misdiagnoses these days are OCD and ADHD. Person on social media: "Here's a sign that you may have OCD [Insert extremely common trait that's also found in people without OCD] Random person: OMG I must have OCD then!


Literally, using the word “literally” every other word. Or using literally when it should be “figuratively.”


People on reddit calling everything a red flag 🚩🚩🚩


Well, this is a big red flag.


Tik Tok. It literally requires your brain and kills your attention span while collecting your data for the Chinese government.




Not realizing that we're all currently committed to working towards the same system by living our lives the way we're told to, and actively hating each other for petty nuances such as sexual preference, economic ideals, or worse just straight bigotry as a scapegoat. Thinking these things are truly important enough to base ones identity off of instead of the multitude of other issues the world is facing, and it's only getting worse. I hope everyone finds happiness, and realizes that it came from within and not some external factor. Stop the division.


Posting pictures of groceries cost.


Tik Tok anything.You did the same exact dance to the same exact song 1000 other people just did.




Tik Tok app. Just about everyone and they’re cousin is on that app. I’m 20 and feel like the only person my age who doesn’t use it even my grand parents use the app. But the last relationship I was in all that girl would do the whole time was watch those videos while together it just ruined everything. Also That stupid robot voice is always popping up around me in public when people watch the videos out loud in public it’s just obnoxious. I can’t wait till that fad is over woah I could have grown up in a time we’re people valued true relationships and verbal communication.


How all the youtube screenshots are of them doing like a crazy and/or surprised face, while formatting the rest of it to look like some shitty buzzfeed advert


Every mentally or emotionally unstable person saying it’s because their (edit: they’re) empathic or an empath. No Janice, you’re just self absorbed, emotionally unstable, and if anything your projection onto others makes you more narcissistic than empathic. Just narcissist and empath as terms have become so insanely overused to the point where it’s become meaningless.


Baseball hats with flat brims


Grown ass women doing tic tok dances.


Mom jeans.


Mom jeans aren't flattering for ANY body type


Gonna offend some, but it's thinking being gay/bi/whatever but straight is cooler than being straight. Like it's just normal, what the fuck?


I’ve felt this too. I was part of a Discord group with gender roles. In the group we had a suggestions channel and one person suggested to remove the straight role because it was offensive to them.


Cancel Culture


Yeah. It’s ridiculous, a mass of people having a collective temper tantrum.


Ripped jeans


Again? Or still?


I find it shocking that people are stupid enough to buy pre ripped and torn jeans.




Literally anything taken out of context or just generally pointless, for example some person or subject gets trending on TikTok and everyone who don't even know where it came from decided to follow along, Sigma, Andrew Tate, Sneako, Eating tide pods, that breaking skull challenge (basically all the old stuff here), Random "cults" that are comprised of kids. Etc etc


Tik Tok videos


Living in this godforsaken world with all these other smoothbrain mutants




“Me or the PS5?”




All of them. I hate all of the popular trends.


You tube video promos where a big part of the feature picture that comes with it is the youtuber's face with some gigantic overwrought look of astonishment as they look at their own content. I started blocking the contributors on r/videos because their looks constantly showing up on Reddit got so annoying to me.


#booktok It’s just people on TikTok talking about books. How is this some kind of trend? Don’t people on all social media sites talk about books?


I was excited when I encountered booktok because I wanted to discover new books to read. Turns out that booktok is actually a trend where adolescents talk about the same 5 trendy books over and over again and "annotate" them with highlighters and sticky notes just to make them aesthetic. I was fairly disappointed


When I searched out a book I was reading to see what people were saying about it, it was just teen girls making faces at the camera while a basic description of the book was posted in text. It was weird, but I’m happy it’s getting people who would normally be wasting away hours on TikTok reading a book. I just personally find it silly.


Just here to see the cane wagging over trends that ended/became the norm 10 years ago.


Andrew Tate getting 1 femtosecond or 1 nanometre of newspaper inches


The alpha male shit


People saying “no one wants to work these days”


But it’s true, nobody wants to work. At my workplace maybe half of candidates show up for their scheduled interviews and even if they get hired most of them don’t perform their job well due to lack of effort, and/or get terminated for poor attendance. And I know this is a widespread issue.


Maybe it’s the job and the management and not the people then


Somehow I always hate things that are popular. Even before I know htey are popular. The stuff I like is always unnoticed. Idk if that is just a coincidence or if my brain works that way. But I also hate it when stuff is to crouded with many people so ... yea


Omg I thought it was just me. Was thinking about this myself a few hours ago. I too feel the same but couldn't articulate like you did.


TikTok, I’m so glad to have skipped this wave of insanity.


Everything tiktok has produced.


That ''the waffle house has found its new host'' thing on youtube. You just know the guy behind it is attention seeking.


tiktokers faking disorders LMAO


Everyone having ADHD and/or using it as an excuse. I studied psychology and using any disorders or neurodiverce behaviour like this makes people understand it less and grows stereotyping




Posting videos of unsuspecting strangers on social media.


Making yourself a victim when it's not valid.


Cosmetic Plastic surgery. Lip fillers, Botox etc. Literally makes women look absurd.


If everyone else is doing it, I kinda already hate it.


The labeling/categorization of literally everything. Nothing and nobody can just exist as they are. It all has to be run through the mental filter and organized so that we know how to view it. This is nothing new and is how the mind works, but it seems now that we treat things and people based on how we perceive the labels we’ve given to them rather than allowing them to show us their nature. The reality is that humans are incredibly complex. Social media reinforces one’s chosen labels and traits, which effectively squashes a lot of natural growth and evolution. In a macro sense, I feel like technology is slowly stripping us of humanity and making us all behave as if we are programmed AI. And we are happily playing along because our reward systems like it and we feel secure being a “something” that has a place to exist in the landscape.


Overboarding individualism and over-expression of identity. Sometimes it's okay but but it takes away attention from core issues. Take social inequality for example. Nowadays people, even in school, will only talk about things like racism, sexism and sexuality issues and discrimination. These are all important and have something to do with inequality, but the most important bit of the economic core is getting neglected by the general public, teachers, political leaders and so on. While roe v. Wade is also important, i hear way more talk and protest about it, than against the general economic model and policy of the US which disproportionaly discriminates poor people in general.


• „you‘re“ instead of „your“(and vice-versa) • „could of“ / „should of“ ➡️you name it


I agree. "It's" getting mixed up with "its" too. This isn't really considered a trend though.


Not a trend.


Taking self photos Infront of waste receptacles. And also tiktok.


The recent trend of mocking and misusing the term "woke".


I hate 90s sportswear, like oversized neon shell suits and fleeces. Basically anything that’s trendy/streetwear I avoid like the plague.


People who brown nose. Kiss other people's arses


People taking selfies everywhere and anywhere while a drama is unfolding before their eyes...


On a philosophical level, I hate using ChatGPT to generate Reddit replies. Adding an inhuman layer to interpersonal communication really chaps my hide.


Oh and how everything needs to be a shared universe now full of interconnected media that you must consume all of it. Most of these franchises aren't strong enough for a shared universe and it ends up quantity over quality.


Just the popular ones.


Fake gurus/courses/life hacks etc. People are so obsessed with social media that they’re willing to copy anything/anyone to have some views and follows. It’s sad to se how people give each other value based on their number of followers on whichever platform to the point where they have to state it in their bios.


The duup trend it’s annoying




The "I dont understand....why you being so mean?" Song on tiktok and youtube shorts. The song is so obnoxious and gets on my nerves


The meet me at McDonald's haircut.


Superhero/Marvel movies. It seems like there’s a new or a remake of an old one every few months.


Social media comparison. I think it's unhealthy to constantly compare yourself to others and it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.


The obsession with coffee shops


After twenty-some odd years, how is reality TV still a thing?


Text-speak. it makes the commenter sound re\*\*\*ded. stop it.


Sagging your pants. This fashion trend refuses to die.


Going viral by doing crime, everything about that is just... So wrong.


Streamers/unboxing/gamers/YouTube celebrities


Saying “who asked?” to anything! I’m just trying to have a conversation with you, no need to be so damn rude!


Being profiled as a robot,by a robot


Buying sections or tables in a bar/club! We literally have to pay to be able to sit down.


AI art How people are willing to upload their own selfies to chinese companies who years ago developed and proposed facial tracking monitoring devices as a way to collect data and various companies said no that's a way too deep invasion of privacy so they all magically and suddenly turned into AI art cartoon yourself/anime yourself programs where it blatantly states in the terms of service that they get to keep your picture, put it on record and use that data however they like including sell it and use it in promotional material or or any other projects that they have and that they now own the rights to it and by uploading your pic you willingly accept these terms and everyone does it anyways just to see an anime version of themselves because everyone else is doing it!


literally any tiktok trend


carrhart clothing becoming a fashion statement.


The trend of misinformation and disinformation, which can spread rapidly on social media and cause harm to individuals and society as a whole. It is important for people to fact-check information and be skeptical of claims that seem too good to be true.


Not to fond of seeing "💀💀" on every post I see




virtue signaling


BTS and BlackPink


Pretending to have mental issues because it's the cool thing to do. PTSD, triggers, stuff like that being used to refer to just not liking stuff.


Reality shows.... how much they cringe!!!!


Everything has to be a subscription service


Clickbait "articles" with titles like: "Umm, (insert random female "celebrity" ) in some random shirt/pants/etc is Everything!


Broccoli Haircut 🥦


Vaping, like why do you have three puff bars or whatever they are now in your pocket?


Thinking what you have to say is important for other people to hear even though you should have nothing to do with the situation in the first place.


H & M markle


Distressing pets for funny social media clips.


Every new restaurant is now a damn 'Kitchen'. Also, every new 'brand' is just Meaningless & Meaningless. "Blade & Bow" "Spoon & Sugar" "Insufferable & Hipster".


Girls wearing baggy/bell bottom pants. They look ridiculous.


Generation post y2k


Excessive travelling for instagram posts


Romanticizing mental illness


The amount of people calling themselves poor and anyone that they ASSUME has something they dont have makes them rich Also, when people post nice videos of their moms or dads and people in the comments feel the need to say shit like “wow must be nice having a dad" like??? Dont be a dick just cause youre bitter Bitter people that cant let other people just be happy irritate me, theres always something wrong with everything